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186832 articles

The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness and Tax Sanctions on Compliance in Paying Land and Building Taxes

Muhammad Husni Mubarok, Faridah, Nelly Masnila
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of taxpayer awareness and tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance in paying land and building taxes in Bukit Kecil sub-district of Palembang. The population in this study is the land and building tax (PBB) that have been registered in Bukit Kecil...

The Effect of FCF and Firm Size to Firm Value and IOS as Mediation Variable

Yusna Yusna, Sugeng Sulistiono
This study aims to examine and analyze (1) the indirect effect of iFree Cash Flow on firm value through the investment Opportunity Set mediation. (2) the indirect effect of Company Size on firm value through the mediation of Investment Opportunity Set. This research was conducted on manufacturing companies...

The Use of Internet By Ambonese Women

Suzy Azeharie
The network of internet technology has been active in Indonesia since 1990, and its use has grown rapidly to the present time. However the use of the internet is still unevenly distributed due to difficulty of access, with preference given to urban areas with good resources and where the inhabitants...

Multimedia Design Based on Mobile Learning “Smart Fun English” for Early Childhood.

Sumiyati, Herman Dwi Surjono
A person’s ability to use English is needed. English education as an international language must be introduced as early as possible to early childhood. This research aims to design and build multimedia “smart fun English” based on mobile learning for early childhood. This research uses the waterfall...

The Effect of Gender, Financial Experience, and Money Attitude on Financial Literacy

Chairil Afandy, Ridwan Nurazi, Fitri Santi, Intan Zoraya, Sri Adji Prabawa, Wulan Widarni
This study aims to investigate the effect of gender, financial experience, and money attitude on financial literacy. The sample for this study was 483 students at the University of Bengkulu which consist of 281 male students and 202 female students. The sampling method was convenience sampling. This...

Mathematical Approach to Calculating the Intellectual Rent of an Industrial Enterprise for Achieving Innovative Leadership

Andrey Zaytsev, Viktoriia Degtereva, Nikolay Dmitriev
Economic development trends lead to a significant expansion of the boundaries of scientific ideas about such economic category as rental relations. Globalization and international integration of labour have a direct impact on the transformation of national economies, forcing them to follow the innovative...

Protection of Environment Rights Through the Rebus Sic Stantibus Principle in Natural Resources Management Contract in Indonesia

Hengki Firmanda
The study aims at analyzing the protection of environmental rights through the rebus sic stantibus principle in the natural resources management contract. The data of this study are qualitative ones using normative legal research and used literature research. The rebus sic stantibus principle an agreement...

Positioning Travel Sites Online Traveloka According to Student Perception in Gresik using Method Multidimensional Scaling

Abdurrahman Faris Indirya Himawan, Moch. Erick Faisal
This study aims to analyze and determine the map positioning of Traveloka’s online site on the attributes among sites online travel based on the perceptions of students at Gresik. This research uses a quantitative approach, with a total sample of 100 students. Sampling using method non-probability sampling,...

The Arts Learning through Straw Media in Early Childhood

Azwarna, Farida Mayar
Writing aims to outline the theoretical learning through the arts of natural materials in early childhood. Based on the theory of residual materials and theory of art education in early childhood. The media serve as a natural ingredient in learning to stimulate and excite aspects of child development,...

Social Relations of Working Mothers in The WorkFamily Conflict Within Indigenous Psychology Approaches

Triana Noor Edwina Dewayani Soeharto, Muhammad Wahyu Kuncoro, Sowanya Ardi Prahara
This study aims to explore social relations in the family from the perspective of working mothers who experience work-family conflict based on an indigenous psychology approach. This research was conducted in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The characteristics of the research subjects are wives who...

Javanese Noble and the Misuse of Mosque Cash, 1890–1942

Endi Aulia Garadian, Susanto Zuhdi
To avoid misuse and corruption spreading even more contagiously among government officials, the Dutch East Indies administration issued several circulars from 1890–1931. The circulars regulated Javanese nobles (priyayi) in accessing mosque funds (mosque cash, Dutch: moskeekas) unreservedly. However,...

Improving Students’ Writing Skill Using Online Feedback

Musfera Nara Vadia, Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum
Writing is a complex process, which requires several stages to produce a good writing product. Improving students’ writing skill can be done in many ways, including providing them with teacher’s feedback as well as peers’ feedback through online learning platform. This study aims to improve students’...

Effect of Energy Drink Consumption of Aerobic Endurance

Sefri Hardiansyah, Fella Maifitri, Ade Zalindro
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the consumption of energy drinks on the ability of aerobic endurance. This type of research is quasi-experimental research design, one group pretest-posttest design. Samples numbered 24 people. The instrument used to measure the ability of aerobic...
Proceedings Article

Improvement of Critical Thinking Skills of Students of Class X Natural Science in Senior High School (MAN 3) Kota Padang Panjang Using Animalia Guided Inquiry Learning Model

Yuni Ahda, Refma Dewita
The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of knowledge competencies, attitude competencies and skills competencies of students by using a guided inquiry model. The research subjects were class X MIA MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang. The data analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis...

The Intervention-Task Model Based on the Miscrosystem Layer of Families as the Effort in Developing Late Adolescent’s Dating Identity Status

Asri Dewi Arifianti, Sigit Sanyata
To late adolescents, dating is an initial step to marriage. Those who date will experience explorations and commitments in their relationships. These are the criteria of an identity status, especially for dating. Basically, the beginning of adulthood is an identity crisis stage, including dating identity....

A Review of the Basic Teaching Thoughts of Legal School in Sculpture Teaching in Chinese Academy

Bo Qin
In the last century, sculptors returning from studying France combined the French academic sculpture teaching mode with their respective artistic ideas, and gradually formed the French teaching tradition in the sculpture teaching of the Chinese Academy in teaching practice. French sculpture teaching...

Implementation of Military Emergency in Indonesia to Handle Corona Virus Disease (Covid -19) in the Perspective of Human Rights

Yoan Barbara Runtunuwu, Stince Sidayang
Indonesia as a big country in the early 2020s has experienced various disasters, include those the most serious attention from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to handle the spreading of Corona Virus disease or COVID -19. If no immediate steps taken are supposed to be feared threats political...
Proceedings Article

Multi-Stage Filtering of Numerical Solutions With an Application to the Hele-Shaw Problem

Vladimir Zhitnikov, Nataliya Sherykhalina, Aleksandra Sokolova, Sergey Porechny
This work is devoted to improving the accuracy and reliability of computer-generated information in mathematical modeling of physical and technological processes. A method of filtering numerical results for the solutions of different problems is presented for estimating the errors and increasing the...

Investigation and Countermeasures of Mild Social Phobia of College Students

Lu Wang, Yihan Yu, Yujia Zhai
At present, the slight social fear of college students in interpersonal communication is more common, which affects and restricts the health and social interaction of college students to a certain extent. This article takes the mild social phobia in college students’ interpersonal communication as the...

The Tradition of Bejamu Saman as New Kinship Media in Gayo Lues, Aceh

Sabri Gusmail, Fifie Febryanti Sukman, Prasika Dewi Nugra
This research aims to describe the new kinship system that exists in Bejamu Saman Tradition in Gayo Lues, Aceh province. A tradition held to celebrate post-harvest, Eid al-Fitr, or Eid Hajj. Saman is the main presentation in these activities and carried out to forge ties between the two villages. Making...

Limitations of Thailand’s Participation in the Regional Cooperation of ASEAN Community

Zhiyuan Ren, Zhaoyang Duan, Shanshan Bao
This paper makes an in-depth analysis of Thailand’s participation in ASEAN political, security and economic community. This paper argues that Thailand’s political unrest has an impact on its cooperation with the ASEAN Political Community, some problems such as border and territorial disputes left over...

Growing Imaginative Creativity of Students Through Video Making with The Brainstorming Method in History Learning

Kharista Setyo Nur Utami, Nana Supriatna, Leli Yulifar
This study aims to look specifically at the brainstorming method and project based learning as historical learning methods to increase students imaginative creativity. This research uses the literature study method, namely by tracing reading sources in the form of books and journals, which later on the...

Public Health and Fiscal Perspective

Indonesia Response Towards COVID19

Kartika Putri Kumalasari, Aurick Yudha Nagara, Ayunda Dewi Jayanti Jilan Putri
The pandemic has been affected in human’s life and changed the way people life. The COVID-19 19 cases are still arising in all over the world. Every country put their best efforts to tackle the pandemic for health recovering. However, the pandemic has been engulfed for about six months, so the issues...

Linguistic and Cultural Problems in Translation

Tiara Ridha Imami, Fatchul Mu’in, Nasrullah
Cultural problems in translation arise due to differences between the two languages in expressing identity and lifestyle. Translators will find it difficult to translate abstract or concrete concepts in the source language/culture (SL/C), completely unknown in the target language/culture (TL/C). This...

Research on the Golden Seal of Zhang Dageng of Ming Dynasty Unearthed in Fuyang, Anhui and Related Imprints

Qi Zhu
A tortoise gold seal was unearthed in Fuyang, Anhui in the 1980s, which enjoys high value of cultural relics. This paper makes emendation of the annotations in the original brief, and conducts a comprehensive study on the material, shape, characteristics, production method and artistic style of the gold...

Marketing Sharia, Customer Satisfaction, Religiosity, Financing, and Customer Loyalty

Evi Rahmawati, Aleti N. Pratiwi
This research aims to analyze the effect of sharia marketing, customer satisfaction, cooperative image, religiosity, service quality, and financing cost on customer loyalty. The sample of this study is Sharia Cooperatives in Sleman District. This study sample comprises of 44 respondents. The results...
Proceedings Article

Improving Children’s Motor Skills with Experiential Learning-Based Games

Anton Komaini, Yanuar Kiram, Nadia Daniati
The purpose of this study was to see the effect of experiential learning-based play activities to improve children’s motor skills. The choice of play activities based on experiential learning is because through this activity children experience direct experience and benefit from these activities. This...

Methods of Legal Regulation of Digital Relations in the Field of Industrial Safety and Labor Protection

Natalya Danilina, Elena Chertakova
The article analyses the problems of the modern system of legal regulation of digital relations in the field of industrial safety and labor protection in the Russian Federation and on a global level. Procedures regulatory digital interactions, such as regulatory authorities among themselves and their...

Enlightenment Training of Children’s Perceptual Rhythm

Qingnan Wang
Rhythm training is a very important part of music education, and the perception of rhythm is an instinct of human beings. Children can swing their bodies with the rhythm of music, fully reflecting this innate rhythm ability. Early childhood is the key period to feel and experience rhythm learning. In...

Analysis on the Practicalities of Economic Strategies Government Implemented During and After the Coronavirus Pandemic

Hanning Cao
This analysis was promoted during the global devastation of coronavirus. Since official administration was launching a variety of economic strategies because of the existence and destructiveness of COVID-19, it’s compulsory and emergent for citizens to understand whether these policies are absolutely...

Impact of Population Emigration from Wuhan and Medical Support on COVID-19 Infection in China

Yang Yao, Yao Tian, Jing Zhou, Xin Diao, Ligai Di, Shengyu Wang
Pages: 178 - 185
Background: The novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection broken out in Wuhan. We aimed to analyse the impact of medical support and population emigration from Wuhan on the cure rate and mortality of COVID-19 infection in China and to provide early warning on the developmental trend of the...
Proceedings Article

Reliability and Life Data Analysis on the Components of Pump

Dewi Pitaloka, Fachri Koeshardono
The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of analyzing the reliability and data analysis in the industry. This analysis makes it possible to determine the pattern of damage that has occurred in order to determine the right treatment strategy. This study was conducted in a state-owned company...

Modeling an Enterprise Architecture of Final Project Management Based on National Research Standards for Higher Education in Indonesia

Lila Setiyani, Karya Suhada, Yahya Suherman
In the era of industry 4.0, colleges and universities which are higher education institutions that can produce the intellectual assets, are required to innovate in researches. However, many higher education institutions have not yet properly managed the student research projects, while the government...

Analysis of Decision, Plans, and Actions for the Containment of COVID-19 in Indonesia

Saut Sagala, Danang Azhari, Arief Rosyidie, Salma N. Annisa, Amesta K. Ramadhani, Rufaida N. Vicri, Ichsan Hafiz Loeksmanto, Muhammad Dimas Mahardika
The emergence and spread of the novel Coronavirus have placed a spotlight on the critical role of effective governance in managing a health crisis. In Indonesia, policymakers are continuously creating new ways to respond to the pandemic in order to manage its wide-ranging impacts. Similar to the rest...

Time Management and Building Strategy on Learning Process in Polytechnic

Iis Mariam, Endah Wartiningsih, Nidia Sofa, Nining Latianingsih
The impact of the current digital transformation is the change in work and type of work, innovation in the economy and individual empowerment also felt by students in higher education to become masters of technology in the learning process into new problems. This condition also has an impact on time...

Financial Ratio and Company Characteristics Effect on Earnings Management

Vienna Marchellina, Friska Firnanti
This research aimed to acquire an empirical evidence regarding the effect of growth, financial leverage, fixed-asset turnover, profitability, firm size, firm age, audit quality, board independence, and managerial ownership as independent variables, on earnings management as a dependent variable. This...

Social Characteristics and Local Wisdom in Sasak Folklore: Reconstruction of the Development of Digital Story Books in Elementary Schools

Syaiful Musaddat, Ni Ketut Suarni, Nyomen Dantes, Ida Bagus Putrayasa
This study aims to describe the various social characters and local wisdom found in Sasak folklore as basic material for the development of local wisdom-based digital storybooks in elementary schools. The study investigated: (1) The developing forms of Sasak folklore, (2) The forms of social character...

Hyperreality in Dance Learning in Grade XI Computer and Network Engineering at Vocational High School Diponegoro 1 Jakarta

Michelia Champaca N. Setyoputri, Dra. Rumiwiharsi, Prayogi Wijaksono
This study investigated a phenomenon of dance learning at Vocational High School (VHS) Diponegoro 1 Jakarta in Grade XI Computer and Network Engineering with 24 male and 1 female student. In general, boys tend to be tough and assertive; therefore, they lack the abilities to process their bodies, particularly...

Research on Guangxi Gaoshan Han Folk Songs from the Perspective of Ethnic Identity

Zhang Chengjia
Han folk songs in Gaoshan in northwestern Guangxi are mainly popular among the Han people in Leye County, Tianlin County, Longlin County and Lingyun County under the jurisdiction of Baise City, Guangxi. It also attracts the love of many other ethnic minorities. The Han people of Gaoshan come from different...

Identification of Sports Talent (Using Sport Search) in Students of State Middle School

Herman Afrian, Didik Daniyantara, Karno Dinata, Mahfuz
Knowing the talents of school students has an important role in creating sports achievements, especially in Aikmel District and Indonesia in general. To find out the talents of school students, it takes a way to identify good and effective sports talents. At this time a good and effective talent scouting...

Brain-Based Learning Teaching Materials to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Literacy Skills of Students

Lalu Muhamad Ali Zakaria, Agus Abhi Purwoko, Saprizal Hadisaputra
The optimal learning process is able to facilitate learning activities that are in harmony with the workings of the brain. In order for the learning process to take place optimally it is necessary to prepare adequate learning materials; one example is what is known as Brain-Based Learning teaching materials....

Explaining the Soil Pollution in China: Industrialization, Government Regulations and Realism

Xiaoyue Wang
The essay is to explore the reasons for soil pollution in China. In recent years, this phenomenon has been observed after the reform of the opening-up policy with the development of manufacturing and heavy industry. The essay uses the case study method. Through the case study of China, the essay hopes...

The Application of Digital Teaching Platform Moodle in Transnational Teaching and Management

Jingyao Su, Jing Jiang
Moodle platform has been more and more widely used in transnational education. Taking the Sino-Finnish cooperative education program of Nanjing Institute of Technology as an example, this paper analyzes the use of Moodle platform in teaching and teaching management during the process of program implementation....

Financial and Economic Viability of Pumped Storage to Strengthen the VRE Development in Indonesia

Kahhar Hawari, Phaik Nie Chin, Ahmad Danu Prasetyo
Pumped Storage Power Plant (PSP) is a new technology in Indonesia and will be installed to provide peak power to the grid. The existing power plant used by Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) to provide this peaking power in Java-Bali Grid system is Gas Fired Power Plant (GFP) that uses Compressed Natural...
Proceedings Article

Methane (CH4) Emission Produced from Utilization of Trichocompost Bio Urine and Bio Slurry on Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. Sacharata) Field

Sri Arnita Abu Tani, Faisal Fadli, Suhessy Syarief, Abdul Latief
The increase in greenhouse gases emissions (CH4) in the atmosphere will contribute to an increase in global warming. The increase in methane gas (CH4) is related to the solid and liquid waste of beef cattle which is not used optimally by some farmers, so it tends to contribute to the increase in methane...

The Influence of Affective Commitment, Continuous Commitment and Normative Commitment to Employee Performance at Sotis Hotel Kupang during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lorens Riwu S, Merlin Luisa Malelak, Imelda R.Pellokila
This study aims to determine the effect of affective commitment, normative commitment and commitment to employee performance during the Covid-19 pandemic and the object used in this study is a hotel. Handling hotels in situations like this must be supported by human resources who have a serious commitment...

Theory and Practice of Ideological and Political Teaching Methods of Professional Courses for Postgraduates

Based on the Course of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics and Mass Transfer

Ping Wang, Bo Dong, Xi Wu, Luyuan Gong, Ying Li
Guided by the integration of the teaching content system of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics and Mass Transfer, a basic course for postgraduates, and the ideological and political content of the course, and for the purpose of solving the practical problems of ideological and political teaching and...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Problems in the Implementation of Online Physical Education Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Lokananta Teguuh Hari Wiguno, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan
The objectives of this study are as follows: to examine the problems of implementing Physical Education online learning, (a) obstacles to implementing Physical Education online learning, (b), the advantages of implementing Physical Education online learning and (c) best practice implementing Physical...

Scientific Approach in Learning History for the Internalization of Character Values

Yudi Hartono
This research aimed to design a historical learning model with a scientific approach to internalize character values. The method used was Research and Development. The research was conducted in the Senior High School of Surakarta, Central Java. The data were collected through interviews, observation,...