Advances in Biological Sciences Research
2390 articles
Proceedings Article
Paddy Farm Income in Relation to Experience and Geographical Regions in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Karmini Karmini, Karyati Karyati
The low level of paddy farm income is serious problem in the development of paddy farming in East Kalimantan. The results of some previous studies showed experience has ability to influence farmer income, however, limited studies discussed about geographical regions. The objectives of this study were...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Different Combinations of Rice Straw, Cassava Powder, and Palm Kernel Cake on Intake and Digestibility by Ongole Crossbred Bulls
Cuk Tri Noviandi, M. Shihabudin Muzaki, Andriyani Astuti, Dimas Hand Vidya Paradhipta, Ali Agus, Simon Quigley, Dennis Poppi
The present study investigated the effects of different combinations of cassava powder and palm kernel cake on intake and digestibility of Ongole Crossbred bulls fed a fixed amount of rice straw. Ongole bulls (n=24) were assigned to five dietary treatments (n=5 bulls/treatment for all treatments, except...
Proceedings Article
Sleep Spindle Detection Based on Complex Demodulation
Jiabin Li, Bei Wang, Yu Zhang
In this paper, we investigated the characteristic waveform of sleep spindle by using complex demodulation method (CDM). The ultimate purpose is to develop the automatic sleep spindle detection algorithm for overnight sleep data inspection. The main method includes four procedures. Firstly, the influences...
Proceedings Article
Preparation of Diuridine and Dicytidine Pentaphosphates
Yue-Hai You, Shan-Shan Gong, Qi Sun
Two symmetrical dinucleoside pentaphosphates, Up5U and Cp5C, were synthesized via the activation of the P (V)–N bond. The key nucleoside phosphoropiperidates intermediate were obtained by a redox condensation method. The reaction of the phosphoropiperidate with uridine and cytidine tetraphosphate in...
Proceedings Article
Safety Evaluation of Diethyl Citrate and Its Impact on Vascular Calcification
Chao-Yang Duan, Ling-Hong Huang, Da Guo, Jian-Ming Ouyang, Jin Han, Bao-Song Gui
To investigate the inhibitory effects of diethyl citrate (Et2Cit) on calcification, Et2Cit was given to animals (SD rats) of the vascular calcification model. The results showed that Et2Cit is safety and non-toxic by intraperitoneal administration. Compared with control group, Et2Cit can reduce tail...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Robusta Coffee Brewing and Type of Backsound Music on Consumer Sensory Profiles in Suroloyo Coffee
Dinar Rafika Puspitasari, Bamban Widan Purwoko, Hanny Marlinda, Irmaziza Citraningrum, Muhammad Kusnan Abadi, Annie Mufyda Rahmatika, Iman Sabarisman, Satria Bhirawa Anoraga
Suroloyo coffee is a type of coffee originating from the top of Suroloyo, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. One of the coffee products that has a distinctive taste in Suroloyo is Robusta. Processing coffee as a beverage depends on the brewing technique used. Coffee brewing is usually done using manual techniques,...
Proceedings Article
Design and Development of California Papaya Murability Detection Based on Learning Vector Quantization Method Using LDR Sensor and Camera
Masjudin, Alimuddin Alimuddin, Oktavia Widia Ningrum, Romi Wiryadinata
Sorting the ripeness of papaya fruit is generally done manually. Technological developments can simplify and speed up the work of farmers in sorting papaya fruit, such as using the TCS3200 series LDR sensor, which produces red, green, and blue color frequency values. This sensor can distinguish ripe...
Proceedings Article
Android Based Application for Atherosclerosis Early Detection System Using Artificial Neural Networks
Agus Muliantara, Dewa Ayu Swastini, A. A. Deva Agung Wijaya
Nowadays, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is one of the leading health issues in the world. Every year, this disease is the leading cause of death in the world. The number of people who have died from cardiovascular diseases has increased by 17.3 million since 2008. More than three million of these deaths...
Proceedings Article
A Novel Feature Selection Method for Gene Expression Data Based on Samples Localization
Mingyue SHENG, Wei DU, Yuan TIAN, Yanchun LIANG
It is an important and hot topic for researchers to develop an efficient and robust feature selection method from gene expression profile data with thousands of genes and small sample size. At present, most of feature selection methods are constructed models to use all samples of gene expression data,...
Proceedings Article
Community Empowerment and Social Media Models as Marketing Communication Innovations for Local Culinary Products in Serang, Indonesia
Nurprapti Wahyu Widyastuti, Abdelrahman Ali, Rahmi Winangsih, Hidayatullah Haila
Indonesia is predicted to experience demographic bonuses during the period 2025-2030. Consequently, the Indonesian government is required to provide employment opportunities, food sufficiency, and other basic needs. At the same time, Indonesia has been facing the challenges and problems resulted from...
Proceedings Article
Fortification of Dayak Onion Extract (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr.) to Jelly Drink as a Functional Food
Yayon Pamula Mukti, Berliana Yusup, Ardhia Deasy Rosita Dewi, Se Chan Kang
Indonesia is a nation characterized by a diverse array of plant species that possess notable health benefits. Among these botanical resources is the Dayak onion, scientifically known as Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr. The Dayak Tribe – an indigenous people of Borneo’s island has historically utilized...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of Eco-Friendly Agriculture and Marketing Innovation on Shallot Farming
Case Study: Lestari Mulyo Farmer Group, Selopamioro Village, Imogiri Subdistrict, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region
Tri Martini, Kurnianita Triwidyastuti, Hano Hanafi, Joko Pramono, Soeharsono Soeharsono
The habit of farmers selling crops with a slash system is a practice of buying and selling carried out by wholesalers by buying agricultural products before entering the harvest period. The practice of buying and selling without perfect use sometimes causes the unclear amount of the goods sold, to cause...
Proceedings Article
Reducing Fat-Uptake in Fried Chicken Using Edible Coating and Sweet Potato Starch Batter
Lovie Matthews, Daniel Ananey-Obiri, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Reza Tahergorabi
Protein-based edible coatings with various concentrations (5, 10, and 15%) of chicken protein were prepared from chicken protein isolates using isoelectric solubilization/precipitation. Two batters were used in this study. A new batter containing sweet potato starch (SPS) was prepared and a commercial...
Proceedings Article
Design for Application of Solar Power Plant in the Faculty of Engineering Mulawarman University
Indra Nusantara, Nur Rani Alham, Happy Nugroho, Muslimin, Restu Mukti Utomo
This research will discuss regarding the design of implementing Solar Power Plants (PLTS) through technical analysis with two systems, namely, the On-Grid system and the Off-Grid system. In addition, it will discuss economic analysis using the Net Present Value (NPV), Profitability Index/Benefit Cost...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Application of UV Irradiated Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae on Larval Weight and Mortality of Spodoptera litura
Siti Herlinda, Sangkut Sri Oktareni, Suparman, Erise Anggraini, Elfita, Arum Setiawan, Marieska Verawaty, Hasbi, Benyamin Lakitan
Entomopathogenic fungi have been widely used to control insect pests. The objective of this experiment was to find out the insecticidal activity of filtrate of entomopathogenic fungal cultures exposed to ultra violet (UV) C against the larvae of Spodoptera litura. The fungi used were Beauveria bassiana...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Implementation of the Example Non-Example Method on VII Grade Students’ Natural Science Psychomotor Competence in the Living System Organization Subject
Lufri Lufri, Amrianto Amrianto, Azwir Anhar
Instruction in the 2013 Curriculum emphasizes more in students’ activeness in looking for information and knowledge. However, based on the questionnaire spread in one school which has been implemented the 2013 Curriculum, it is known that students tend to be passive in learning, especially in asking...
Proceedings Article
Circan: A Database of Circular RNAs Exploring Chromosomal Linkages in Human Cancers
Gaurav Kumar Bhagat
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) represent a milieu of non-coding RNAs that play a major role in gene regulation, development, and carcinogenesis. Circan is a database of cancer associated circular RNAs. As the interest in circRNA increases, Circan provides a systematic annotation of circRNA dysregulation in...
Proceedings Article
Pfmdr1 Gene Polymorphism in Plasmodium falciparum Towards First-Line Treatment Resistance of Malaria Patients of Marthen Indey Jayapura Hospital
Indah Genesya Callin Makienggung, Aditya Rahman Ernanto, Aprilia Indra Kartika
Malaria is caused by a parasitic infection of the genus Plasmodium. Plasmodium falciparum is the cause of almost all deaths caused by malaria. Malaria problem has been exacerbated in recent years by the development and rapid spread of P. falciparum resistance to antimalarial drugs. Resistance to antimalarial...
Proceedings Article
Excretion of Endogenous Purine Derivatives in Male and Female Garut sheep
Mutiara Mustika Putri Mahanani, Chusnul Hanim, Lies Mira Yusiati
The aim of this study was to determine the value of endogenous purine derivatives (PD) excreted in the urine Garut sheep. The endogenous PD excretion of male and female Garut sheep was compared using an independent student t-test. In this experiment, six males and six females Garut sheep of similar age...
Proceedings Article
Researches on the Progress of Antiallergic Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Mechanism
Xuan WU
With the study of anti-allergy medicine, it proves traditional Chinese medicine has anti-allergic effects and several other functions, such as protecting and stabilizing the target cell membrane (reduce or prevent degranulation, release the allergy mediators, increase the intracellular cAMP levels),...
Proceedings Article
Application Research of Small Molecule Peptide Screening Based on Cancer Cells
Yani Hou, Min Shi, Hui Wang, Jia Liu, Rongli Liu
With the rapid development of biology, more and more attention has been paid to the research, which is very valuable, about small molecule peptide of which the structure is relatively simple and the molecular weight is small. This paper summarizes the characteristics of small molecular peptide, the screening...
Proceedings Article
Clarification of the irritating and toxic effects of bentonite-like clays
Alexander Vezentsev, Vladimir Bukhanov, Alexander Lopanov, Nikolay Zuev, Ulyana Krut, Galina Shaidorova
This article studies the action and biocompatibility of the developed montmorillonite-containing preparation “Sorbent” on experimental animals with its long-term use. The local irritating effect of the “Sorbent” preparation was evaluated by its effect on the gastric mucosa of animals with experimental...
Proceedings Article
Community-Based Forest Management in Indonesia as a Forest Fire Mitigation Strategy in the Threat of Climate Change
Ardiyanto W Nugroho
Forest fire in Indonesia is complicated, influenced by social conflicts between the government and local people or forest landholder companies. In an extreme drought resulting from global warming, forest fires result in severe forest degradation, threatening forest biodiversity. This paper will discuss;...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Veitchia merrillii Extract on Mortality and Tegument Structure of Fasciola gigantica
Henni Vanda, Reza Aulia Anwar, M. Daud AK, Farida Athaillah, Ummu Balqis, Siti Rani Ayuti, Frengki Frengki
This study was conducted to explore the effect of methanolic extract of Veithcia merrillii on mortality time and histopathological changes of Fasciola gigantica in vitro. This study used 25 adult flukes of F. gigantica, divided into five groups: C0 as negative control (0.9% PBS), C1 as positive control...
Proceedings Article
Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] Yield Variance and Supported Character
Pratanti Haksiwi Putri, Novita Nugrahaeni
Cowpea is an underutilized legume that has been cultivating in Indonesia. But, the availability of cowpea variety is limited. Cowpea breeding program is started with gene source characterization of germplasm. This research aims to study the yield and its supported component variability of cowpea germplasm....
Proceedings Article
Physical and Chemical Properties of Corn-Almond Cookies Affected by Mung Bean Supplementation and Source of Fat
Nur Aini, Budi Sustriawan, Ervina Mela, Lisna Fuji Lestari
Cookies generally contain gluten because they are made from wheat flour obtained from wheat, while there are groups that are intolerant of gluten. Patients with gluten intolerance also tend not to be able to consume casein and lactose intolerance. So, one of the innovations that can be done to make cookies...
Proceedings Article
Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) of Chocolate Beverage in Nglanggeran, Patuk District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province
Felix David Aritonang, Mochammad Maksum, Wahyu Supartono
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) is one of agricultural commodities in Indonesia and mostly consumed as instant beverages. Some problems in the chocolate beverage production chain existed, such as the low quality of cocoa beans, the lack of knowledge of production technology and the absence of the basic price...
Proceedings Article
Paddy Supply Response to Climate Change and Prices Dynamics in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Wanti Fitrianti
Climate change and land conversion adversely affected paddy productivity. On the other hand, paddy price has asymmetrically responded to changes in input costs. The price adjustment more slowly when input costs increase. The study investigated the impact of climate change and prices dynamics on the supply...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom of Horticultural Farmers in Adapting and Facing the Obstacles in Climate Change
Yuli Hariyati, Susan Barbara Patricia SM, Ayu Puspita Arum, Bakhroini Habriantono, Sukron Romadhona
The effect of climate change on the productivity of horticultural commodities is very large. So that the formulation of the problem taken in this study is: What are the known and experienced climate change phenomena and the obstacles faced by farmers in the horticulture subsector in Probolinggo. What...
Proceedings Article
Land Cover Change of Kawatuna Sub-Watershed in Central Sulawesi
Hasriani Muis, Abdul Rahman, Golar, Arman Maiwa, Ramdhani Fitrah, Hendra Pribadi, Stephen Paulus
The management of watersheds around Palu City is very complex, both in activities and land cover changes, reducing watersheds’ performance. The phenomenon of land cover change continues to develop, and spatial modeling of land cover change is needed to minimize interventions in the impact of growth and...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Kiapu (Pistia Stratiotel L) in Fermented Diet on Feed Consumption, Final Body Weight, Feed Conversion, Feed Efficiency and Cholesterol Content of Breast and Leg Muscle on Selected Local Chicken
Sri Jeksi, Muhammad Daud, M. Aman Yaman
The purpose of present study was to examine the effect of Kiapu (Pistia stratiotes L) in fermented diet on feed consumption, final body weight, feed conversion, feed efficiency and cholesterol content of breast and leg muscle on selected local chicken (SLC). Fermented diet containing different levels...
Proceedings Article
Metabolite Profiling of Davallia in The Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Mildawati Mildawati, Sobir Sobir, Sulistijorini Sulistijorini, Tatik Chikmawati
This study revealed the metabolite compounds of the Davallia species in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, through metabolite profiling. This study aimed to determine the chemical compounds in the leaves of the Davallia species. Leaf samples of three species, D. denticulata (Burm. f.) Kuhn var. denticulata,...
Proceedings Article
Immunoassays of Methionine Adenosyltransferase Activity, S-adenosylmethione and Their Applications
Xiu-Juan Hao, Hui-Jun Li, Min Zhou
To understand how S-adenosylmethione (SAM) fluctuates in normal and cancerous liver cells, we developed novel methods for measuring methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) activity and SAM. This method integrated MAT-catalyzed reaction and immunoassay that specifically and quantifies product SAM. IHC, IF...
Proceedings Article
Seed Biopriming Using Rhizobacterial Isolated Mixture on Increasing Growth and Yield of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.)
G. A. K. Sutariati, T. C. Rakian, Muhidin, A. Madiki, C. K. Aji, La Mudi, Andi Khaeruni, Gusti Ngurah Adhi Wibawa, Musadia Afa
Shallot is very potential to be developed in Southeast Sulawesi, but its productivity is very low, so it needs technological innovation, including the use of microbes as a promoter of plant growth. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of shallots seed biopriming using a mixture of rhizobacterial...
Proceedings Article
The Dynamics of Indonesia’s Pepper Exports in International Market: A Case Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dita Rosyita, Jangkung H. Mulyo, Irham
Indonesia ranks fourth in the global list of pepper exporters. This commodity contributes the largest foreign exchange from spices, and thus, the sustainability of Indonesia’s pepper exports is crucial. However, the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic poses several constraints, such as the decline in the...
Proceedings Article
Specific Thermophilic Bacterial Xylanase Enzyme Activity Using Rice Straw as Substrate and Its Possibility as an Eco-friendly Fabric Bleach
Irdawati Irdawati, Zul Hidayati, Linda Advinda, Mades Fifendy, Salvia Salvia
Extracellular enzyme xylanase has a wide range of industrial uses. The xylanase enzymes made by thermophilic bacteria can hydrolyze xylan into xylose and xylooligosaccharides. Rice straw, for example, is a natural carbon source that can be utilized to create xylan carbon sources. One of xylanase’s uses...
Proceedings Article
Correlation of Multiple Intelligences With Science Learning Attitude in Junior High School
Ardi, Narada Hana Nurfadhilah
Multiple intelligences is one of the theories of intelligences got a lot of recognition lately. This theory was created by Howard Gardner, a psychologist from Harvard. At first Gardner found seven types of intelligence but then develop it into eight, and discuss the possibility of intelligence ninth....
Proceedings Article
Isolation and Identification of Mold in Banana Bunches and Their Potential as Bioinoculants to Accelerate Decomposition of Household Organic Waste
L Prihastini, A H Ramelan, P Setyono, Pranoto, A Supriyanto
Large populations and final storage areas cause an increase in organic waste. Efforts are needed to improve waste decomposition. Mold is one of the microorganisms that can break down organic waste. This study aims to 1) isolate and identify molds from 8 banana bunches, 2) calculate mold populations....
Proceedings Article
Antibiofilm Properties of Bacteria Isolates from the Oral Microbiome
Nurul Hasanah Dawis, Nik Airin Syazlin Azhan, Mohd Shafiq Aazmi, Aziyah Abd Aziz, Mohammad Faiz Foong Abdullah
The oral microbiome consists of diverse microorganisms inhabiting the mouth cavity. An imbalanced oral microbiome may lead to periodontitis and other oral diseases. Certain species in the oral microbiome may be able to produce antibiofilm compounds and play a protective role. Bacterial cultures were...
Proceedings Article
Synthesis and Detecting Cancer Studies of Up-Conversion Luminescent Materials
Tao Luan, Deming Han, Baitao Zeng, Lihui Zhao
In this article, designed and preparated rare earth luminescence nanoparticle through different core-shell and doping ratio, improving synthetic conditions, it has uniform size and good crystallinity. Modified nanoparticles with DTT , surface of the nanoparticles with sulphur and combine with oral cancer...
Proceedings Article
Anticoagulant Properties of a New Anticoagulant Diethyl Citrate in Rabbit Model
Jin Han, Zeng-Ying Liu, Chen-Ying Rao, Jian-Ming Ouyang, Da Guo, Bao-Song Gui
A novel anticoagulant, diethyl citrate (Et2Cit) was synthesized and characterized by carbon nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR), mass spectrometry and UV-visible spectroscopy. There were two isomers with different chemical environments, that is, 1, 3-diethyl citrate and 1,5-diethyl citrate. Through...
Proceedings Article
Sensitivity Analysis of Swiftlet Farming in Kota Bangun, District Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Indonesia
Mursidah Mursidah, Abubakar M. Lahjie, Masjaya Masjaya, Yaya Rayadin
farming is a high-risk business. However, given the level of income (as measured by financial viability), most swiftlet farmers take the risk. Swiftlet farming is a business that lasts for a long time. During this period there are several changes that occur, which will affect the viability of the business....
Proceedings Article
Genetic Diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates circulating in North Central Nigeria
Stella S. Makpu, Kome Otokunefor, Tosanwumi Vincent Otokunefor
With the higher risk of tuberculosis associated with developing countries, it has increasingly become imperative to determine the genetic diversity of strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). This is essential for establishing control programs as it provides information on possible sources...
Proceedings Article
Optimization, Production, and Partial Purification of Protease from Halotolerant Actinomycetes Nocardiopsis dassonvillei
S. Sugitha, M. Suganthi, K. Ashok Kumar, M. Jayanthi, C. Ramprasath, G. Abirami
The exploration of halotolerant actinomycetes for industrial enzyme production, particularly proteases, presents significant potential due to their resilience in extreme environments. The primary aim of this study was to screen for protease-producing halotolerant actinomycetes, optimize the conditions...
Proceedings Article
Body Condition Score Data of Holstein Dairy Cattle: Reproducibility and Trend across Measurements
Agus Susanto, Datta Dewi Purwantini, Setya Agus Santosa, Dewi Puspita Candrasari
Body condition score (BCS) data is generally scored by more than rater and the data is recorded several times after calving. The objective of the study was to quantify the reproducibility measurements among raters and its trend across time of measurements. The body condition score data of Holstein Cows...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fermented Completed Feed and Silage as a Forage Replacement in the Production and Milk Quality of Friesian Holstein Crossbred
M. Mirza Legawa, Ristianto Utomo, Cuk Tri Noviandi, Andriyani Astuti
This research was intended to identify the effect of fermented completed feed and silage as a forage replacement in the production and milk quality of Friesian Holstein crossbred. This research was used 6 of 3rd-6th month lactating dairy cows on average weight 386.2±30.3 kg. The study consisted of 3...
Proceedings Article
Manipulative Reduction Splint External Fixation for the Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures
Yongming Tao
Objective: To analyze the clinical effect of manual reduction splint external fixation in the treatment of distal radius fractures. Methods: From February 2014 to June 2017, 100 patients with distal radius fractures treated in our hospital were selected and divided into two groups according to the treatment...
Proceedings Article
Extracellular Potential Recording of Patterned Rat Olfactory Bulb Neuronal Network Using Planar Microelectrode Arrays
Jian TIAN, Chunlong TU, Bobo HUANG, Xuesong YE
The olfactory bulb is an important structure in olfactory information processing. Exploring electrophysiological characteristics of dissected olfactory bulb neuron in vitro is helpful to improving the understanding of the mechanism of the olfactory information processing. In this work, a novel neural...
Proceedings Article
Land Suitability Modelling of Agricultural Geographical Indication Products under Climate Change Scenarios
Rizky Brisha Nuary, Rahmat Setiyono, Anggoro Cahyo Sukartiko
As a response to the geographical environment, agricultural land suitability is one of the determining factors for the distinctive quality of agricultural geographical indication products, including coffee sector. The sustainability toward its land suitability is required, considering that the status...
Proceedings Article
Microbial Enzymes: A Summary Focusing on Biotechnology Prospective for Combating Industrial Pollutants
Debosmita Sikdar, Ivy Kanungo, Dipanwita Das
Environmental issues are growing at an alarming rate and addressing the same is the need of the hour. Hazardous industrial pollutants and discharges are adding to the misery. Therefore, new ideas and technologies are being created and adopted to deal with ever increasing conservational troubles. Due...
Proceedings Article
Physiological Response of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) to Inoculation of Diazotrophic Bacteria
Dwi Okti Lestari, Eny Rokhminarsi, Purwanto
This research was aimed to study the effect of diazotrophic bacteria application on nitrogen uptake, chlorophyll content and rate of assimilation in shallot. The research was carried out in a screen house Experimental Farm and the Laboratory of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal...
Proceedings Article
The Significance of Restoring the Traditional Diet of Chinese People from the High Incidence of Modern Diseases
Bao-song LIU, Meng-fan PENG, Yan-yan MIAO, Ming BAI, Ming-San MIAO
From the reform and opening up in 1979 to the year of twenty-first Century, China's economy has been growing rapidly,and great changes have taken place in people's traditional eating habits. Gradually westernized modern diet has become one of the main reasons ,which leading the incidence of many chronic...
Proceedings Article
How Impact Exchange Rate to Processed Food Industry in Indonesia
Indra Suhendra, Navik Istikomah
This Paper employs a series method to measure exchange rate to the price of food industries. We use Purchasing Power Parity as our theoretical basis to demonstrate exchange rate fluctuation. The regression model, derived from the theoretical model, gives the statistically robust result to show that years...
Proceedings Article
Descriptive Assessment of Coordination Between Veterinary and Public Health Centers in Responding Report of Potential Rabies Animal Bites at Bener Meriah, Aceh
Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Al Azhar, Erwin Erwin, Awaluddin Awaluddin, Rezky Ramadhan, Agus Nurza
A high case of potential rabid animal bites human is reported in Bener Meriah Regency of Aceh, Indonesia. The application of one health concept in controlling rabies is important at least by providing identical data of potential rabid animal bites in the veterinary (VHC) and public health (PHC) centers....
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Fruit Wine from Several Types of Banana with Various Types of Yeast
Melanie Cornelia, Vanessa, Titri S. Mastuti, Reynaldi Kurniawan
Banana is a fruit that is ranked the highest of production in Indonesia with complete nutritional value. However, they can undergo rapid deterioration in quality with a relatively short shelf life. Fermentation is considered as an interesting and simple method of reducing post-harvest loss of highly...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Different Levels of Cassava Flour and Cassava Wastes on Dry Matter and Organic Matter Degradation and Rumen Fermentation Products in Vitro of Cassava-Based Concentrates
Miftahul Hasanah, Kusmartono Kusmartono, Mashudi Mashudi, Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of using different levels of cassava flour and cassava wastes on dry matter and organic matter degradation, efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) and ammonia (NH3). The seven treatments from this study are P1 = maize stover 20% + cassava flour...
Proceedings Article
Brightness of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Juveniles Reared in Tanks with Different Coloured Backgrounds
Samliok Ndobe, Madinawati, Abdul Gani, Indah Surya Luvi Sangkota, Desiana Trisnawati Tobigo, Jusri Nilawati, Septina Fifi Mangitung
Colour is an important indicator of ornamental fish beauty and value. The koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a valuable ornamental fish commodity and is in high demand because of its beauty, colour, and attractive body shape. Colour is an important factor in koi carp which are commonly red, white, yellow,...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Mycorrhizal Provision at Different Watering Levels and Frequency on Nutrient production of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)
Yustus Serani No Mbeong, Nafiatul Umami, Chusnul Hanim, Andriyani Astuti, Muhlisin Muhlisin
Sorghum is a cereal crop that has the potential to be developed as an animal feed crop. This study aimed to determine the effect of giving mycorrhizal fungi at different levels (0, 10 grams, and 20 grams/plant) and different watering frequencies (every day, 4 days, 8 days) on the morphology and the production...
Proceedings Article
Obtaining and Characterization of Volatile Oils from Aromatic Plants
Lidia-Ioana Virchea, Cecilia Georgescu, Monica Mironescu
The aim of this study was to extract the volatile oils from some aromatic plants and to investigate their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. The volatile oils were isolated from dried parts of plants by hydro distillation using a neo-Clevenger apparatus. The volatile oils of basil (Ocimum basilicum),...
Proceedings Article
Parasitoids of Gall Inducers on Eucalyptus Clones in Mount Mutis, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Betari Safitri, Lindung Tri Puspasari, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat
Insect gall inducers are important pests on eucalyptus that formed galls on leaves, twigs, and roots. Many eucalyptus clones have been cultivated and planted for timber production in Sumatera. A study of eucalyptus clone resistance to leaf galls was done in Mt. Mutis, East Nusa Tenggara Province. One...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacterium Which are Isolated From Pineapple Pickles, Cucumber and Carrots
Indra Hartanto, Resti Fevria, Vauzia
Pickles are made from a mixture of chunks of pineapple, cucumber and carrot with addition of 2.5 percent salt, 2.5% sugar and 2.5% cayenne papper. Pickles are served as a side dish at restaurants, which serve fried foods or meats such as mutton, soto and fried rice. Besides the unique taste of pickles,...
Proceedings Article
Production of Bacillibactin Siderophore from Soil Bacteria, Bacillus subtilis: A Bioinoculant Enhances Plant Growth in Arachis hypogaea L. Through Elevated Uptake of Nutrients
S Lalitha, S Nithyapriya
Siderophores are iron chelator low molecular weight secondary metabolite produced by microorganisms found in limited iron environment. In this study, a bacterium capable of secreting siderophores was isolated from the iron deficiency rhizosphere agriculture soil from Salem district, Tamil Nadu, India....
Proceedings Article
Lipid Production from Zygosaccharomyces siamensis AP1 Using Glycerol as a Carbon Source
M. Ilmi, M. Siswontoro
Yeasts are considered as potential lipid producer because they are easy to cultivate, able to grow in high cell densities and can produce high concentrations of lipids. Previously we had isolated a promising lipid producing yeast, Zygosaccharomyces siamensis AP1, from wild honey of Central Sulawesi,...
Proceedings Article
The Diversity of Indigenous Mushrooms Grow on Decomposed Oil Palm Empty Fruits Bunch at Palm Oil Plantation in Paser Regency, Indonesia
Masitah, Krishna Purnawan Candra, Muhammad Amir Masruhim, Pintaka Kusumaningtyas
The community nearby palm oil plantations have benefited from the indigenous mushroom growing on decomposed oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB). Some mushrooms are edible, but others are known as non-edible due to their toxicity. There is limited scientific information about the biodiversity of indigenous...
Proceedings Article
Application of Bokashi, Vermicompost, and Residue of Coffee Testa Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) on the Production of Japanese Cucumber (Luffa acutangula)
Ramadhani Eka Putra, Rilvi Abilia Tesa, Mia Rosmiati, Angga Dwiartama
Japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is one of the high-value crops cultivated by farmers at small farms in Sumedang, West Java. The preferences of the customer to health and organic cucumber encourage the development of an organic cultivation system for this crop. One of the most important components...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of Bali Cattle Population Dynamics in the South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi
Ahmat Endang Two Sulfiar, Alek Ibrahim, Bayu Andri Atmoko, Budi Guntoro, I Gede Suparta Budisatria
The central government determined South Konawe Regency as a national beef cattle development area and a source area for national Bali cattle breeds. This study aims to estimate the population dynamics of Bali cattle in South Konawe Regency in the coming year. This research was conducted in July-August...
Proceedings Article
In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Limonia acidissima, L. Leaves Aqueous Extract on Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1803)
Muh. Andhi Hardianto, Slamet Widiyanto
Mortality, loss of production, slowed growth, poor weight gain, and even death are all common economic losses caused by haemonchosis. Due to the emergence of anthelmintic resistance and the expensive expense of chemical anthelmintic treatments, medicinal plants have been investigated as potential anthelmintics....
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Modelling in Agricultural Systems in Indonesia: A Case Study of Modelling in Predicting Production and Consumption Corn to Reach Corn Self-Sufficiency
Romli Ardie, Mukhtar, Cecep Anwar Hadi Firdos Santosa, Sholih, Nana Hendracipta
The study forecasting has been undertaken to fit different trend equations like time series models for corn and also made the future forecasts. The study was carried out in Indonesia using time series data from 1986 to 2017. Forecasting time series is a need in the agriculture sector or other fields....
Proceedings Article
SWOT Analysis in Determining the Management Strategy of Rendani River Catchment Area in Manokwari District
Bernadetta M.G. Sadsoeitoeboen, Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Muhammad Sumaryono, Yohanes Budi Sulistioadi
The establishment of a new status for the Wosi Rendani forest area, which was previously a protected forest, has become an area for other uses, causing the area to become more open, as evidenced by changes in the land cover and the land use. On the one hand, the Rendani River is a source of clean water...
Proceedings Article
Performance of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) Post Harvest and Marketing in East Halmahera Regency
Asmanur Jannah, Sari Anggarawati, Sunardi Sunardi, Isnain Turuy
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is an evergreen tree indigenous to Banda Island of Indonesia. In 2018 nutmeg production in Indonesia was 36,242 tons from 202,325 ha land, whereas the biggest production from the center production i.e. North Maluku Province. The aim of the study was to determine the performance...
Proceedings Article
Response Germination of Kuranji Acid Seed (Dialium Indum L.) to Scarification and Concentration of Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)
A. M. Kartina, Fitria Riany Eris, Puput Harjanti
Kuranji acid is a plant that naturally grows in the mountains of tropical forests. It has tough seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to break seed dormancy. This research was aimed to know the response Germination of kuranji acid seed (Dialium indum L.) to scarification and concentration of potassium nitrate...
Proceedings Article
Seed Coating Application on the Quality of Rice Seeds, Shallot TSS Seeds, Red Chili Seeds, and Cucumber Seeds
Ida Retno Moeljani, Rossyda Priyadarshini, Yenny Wuryandari
Low production of rice and horticultural crops can be caused by the limited supply of high quality seeds. The quality can be seen from the moisture content, viability value and seed vigor. One of the efforts that can be made to maintain or improve seed quality is seed coating technology. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Farmers’ Motivation in Controlling White Tip Disease (Phytoptora porri) of Shallot (Allium cepa) in Onanrunggu District, Samosir Regency, Indonesia
Mahmudah Mahmudah, M. Jufri, Yuliana Kansriri, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, Jhon Rizki Oktomi Purba
The shallot is the beneficial plantation for future in our community. This extension study aims to find out; (1) the motivation of farmers in controlling white tip disease (Phytoptora porri) of shallot (Allium cepa); (2) to examine the factors that influence farmers’ motivation in controlling white tip...
Proceedings Article
A Novel Approach to Reduce Fat-Uptake in Fried Chicken Using Edible Coating
Lovie Matthews, Daniel Ananey-Obiri, Seyed Vali Hosseini, Reza Tahergorabi
In this study, edible coatings of various concentrations (5, 10, and 15%) were prepared from chicken protein isolate using isoelectric solubilization/precipitation (ISP). A commercial batter (Louisiana Chicken Fry Batter Mix) and a cornstarch-based batter were used. Chicken breast samples coated, battered...
Proceedings Article
PLS-DA Infrared Spectra Model of Citrus Leaves for the Characterization of Citrus Huanglongbing
Dongmei Chen, Xuejuan Lv, Huatang Wang, Jiali Liu, Xinnian Zeng
Citrus huanglongbing disease is an important disease of citrus species, which leads to the change of chemical composition in leaves. The infrared technique may be advantageous to characterize the chemical differences between Huanglongbing infected and healthy leaves rapidly and nondestructively. In this...
Proceedings Article
Clinical Effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Tang Combined with Atorvastatin on Hypertension Complicated with Coronary Heart Disease
Kaihua Long, Xiaojia Hu, Chunliu Wang, Ye Li
Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of Rueful Zhou decoction combined with atorvastatin in the treatment of hypertension complicated by coronary heart disease. Method: Randomly January 2017 - December 2017 96 cases of coronary heart disease in patients with hypertension complicated hospital...
Proceedings Article
MRS and DTI Study in Cognitive Deficit in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Lan-Mei Chen, Yuan Xu, Hai-Du Zhang, Wen-Bin Zheng
To investigate the cognitive function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). We studied forty-one patients with T2DM and the other group of thirty-five healthy control subjects by MRS and DTI. A region of interest...
Proceedings Article
Isolation and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus sp.) From Sauerkraut
Resti Fevria, Indra Hartanto
Sauerkraut is fermented product based on cabbage with the addition of 2.5 percent salt. Sauerkraut can last a long time and has a pretty acidic taste, this is caused by lactic acid bacteria that form during fermentation. Fermentation is a part of biotechnology that uses microorganisms as the main actors...
Proceedings Article
Histopathological Changes in the Gills of Oreochromis mossambicus Exposed to Mercury Chloride (HgCl2)
Dwinna Aliza, Amalia Sutriana, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin, Teuku Armansyah, Etriwati Etriwati, Muhammad Hanafiah, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin, Denny Irmawati Hasan, Awaluddin Awaluddin, Binti Ulfa
Most of the fish deaths caused by pollutants demonstrate gills damage, since it located outside the body that directly exposed to water as a medium of life, thus this organ is the first to be affected if pollutants contaminated water environment. The objective of this research was to find out histopathological...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Ethyl Acetate Extract of the Roots of Avicennia marina as Potential Anticancer Drug
Immanuel B. Tanjung, Norma N. Azizah, Ade Arsianti, Amalda S Anisa, Kholis A Audah
In this modern age cancer is still a prevalent disease. Even with advancements of technology, current treatments for cancer still have various side-effects that sometimes create more harm to the patient. A complete solution for cancer is still not found yet. Recently, mangroves were shown to be promising...
Proceedings Article
Protein Profile of Pangasius (Pangasius hypophthalmus) with Variations Before and After Wet Salting Based on SDS-PAGE
Meutia Srikandi Fitria, Roma Dhona Beauty Zakiya, Aprilia Indra Kartika, Aditya Rahman Ernanto
Pangasius (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is a source of high animal protein and a freshwater commodity that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. One of the disadvantages of pangasius as a food ingredient is that it rots easily. To avoid spoilage, the fish is preserved using wet salting. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Bajakah Tampala Stem (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk) Extract on Clotting Time in Vitro
Noza N. Moyananda, Rachmad P. Armanto, Mariana Wahjudi
Wounds that are not treated immediately will have a risk for the patient; the risk is infection. The risk of this infection can be reduced by stopping the bleeding as soon as possible. One way to accelerate the bleeding to stop is by giving haemostatic agents. One source of this haemostatic agent can...
Proceedings Article
Natural Enemy of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Palu Valley, Central Sulawesi
Alam Anshary, Nur Edy, Flora Pasaru
In order to identify Spodoptera frugiperda Smith & Abbot (Lepidoptera: Noctuidaenatural)'s enemies and quantify the prevalence and percentage of parasitism, all instars of this insect were collected in maize (corn) fields throughout six locales in the Palu Valley, Central Sulawesi, in 2021....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Total Mixture Concentrate Based on Tofu Waste Silage as Feed on Performance of Lambs
Yafri Hazbi, Zaenal Bachruddin, Nafiatul Umami, Lies Mira Yusiati
This study to identify the benefits of total mixture concentrate based on tofu waste silage (TMC-TWS) as ratio containing lactic acid bacteria on the performance. Fifteen weaning lambs (2-3 months old) randomly divided into two treatment groups, treatment group I (TI) fed with TMC-TWS as ration and treatment...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) Inclusion and Multi-Enzyme Supplementation on Layer Performances
Agustin Herliatika, Arnold Parlindungan Sinurat, Tuti Haryati, Ivone Subeni
Palm kernel cake (PKC) has been used in poultry diets with limited amounts to decrease the feed cost. An experiment was designed to study the effect of PKC inclusion and the addition of a commercial multi-enzyme (DGDP) into diets of laying hens. A control diet without PKC and a diet with 10% PKC was...
Proceedings Article
Plasmapheresis for Comprehensive Treatment of Surgical Sepsis in Dogs
Ilya Volodin, Aleksandr Bezin, Alevtin Miftakhutdinov, Tatyana Shnyakina, Aleksandr Shudrik, Svetlana Kontsevaya, Viktor Bezin
The paper dwells upon treatment of surgical sepsis in dogs by extracorporeal detoxification. Data were sampled from 32 dogs of various breeds, aged 4 to 12, weighing 20 to 68 kilogram, treated against surgical sepsis at the Panacea Veterinary Hospital, Chelyabinsk; the dogs were divided into the experimental...
Proceedings Article
ITS and Trnl-F Sequences Analysis of Pulsatilla.Dahurica (Fisch.) Spr.
Tiantian WANG, Guanzhun LIN, Shaoxuan ZHANG, Yarong LI
To provide scientific data of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and trnL-F sequences for the authentication of Pulsatilla chinesis (Bge.) Regel., we extracted the genome DNA from the leaves of Pulsatilla.dahurica (Fisch.) Spr., collected in Jilin Province, amplified the ITS and trnL-F region using...
Proceedings Article
Pattern of Hymenopteran Parasitoid Community in Oil Palm Plantations: Effects of Age Gradient or Sampling Methods?
Bandung Sahari, Ali Nurmansyah, Syafrida Manuwoto, Damayanti Buchori
In oil palm plantations, there is age gradient that is expected to affect pattern of Hymenopteran parasitoid community. The aim of the research is to evaluate effects of age gradient of oil palm plantations on community of hymenopteran parasitoid. Approximately, six blocks representing three different...
Proceedings Article
Yield Results Evaluation of Local Coffee Clones Tanggamus – Lampung
Rr. Ernawati, Nila Wardani, Agung Lasmono, Meidaliyantisyah, Dian Meithasari
Superior varieties are one of the components that play an important role in increasing agricultural products. One of the efforts to increase the production of coffee plants, among others, is introducing several local coffee clones that can be used as options in the development of coffee cultivation....
Proceedings Article
Students’ Metacognitive Skill Level of Biology Education Study Program
Helendra Helendra, Lufri Lufri, Elizar Elizar
Students require metacognitive skills to be able to learn autonomously and deliberately plan, monitor, and assess their learning process in order to get the most out of their learning experiences. For lectures to design effective learning tactics, it is critical to understand the level of students'...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) Leaves Tannin on in Vitro Fermentation Parameters and Methane Mitigation
M Canadianti, L M Yusiati, C Hanim
This research aimed to find out the effect of addition nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) leaves tannin on in vitro microbial protein, total protozoa, ammonia concentration (NH3), and methane (CH4) production. Materials used in this research were nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) leaves as a source of...
Proceedings Article
The Development Product of Cascara Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Tea
Sony Suwasono, Nita Kuswardhani, Irfan Arfa’i
Cascara is a herbal drink made from dried coffee husks. Cascara has a strong sour taste and a brownish red color similar to tea. Cascara contains polyphenol and antioxidant compounds. One effort to improve the quality of cascara products is to combine them with Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera L.). Compounds...
Proceedings Article
Nanozymes for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Divyansh Yadav, Seema Nara
Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable diseases that get worse as time passes. These diseases are very heterogeneous in nature but have common characteristics like abnormal deposition of protein, glycation, inflammation in particular areas of the brain, and progressive neuronal loss due to oxidative...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Storage Time on Physical Quality of Vegetable Tanned Goat Leather
Yoga Nurichsanto, Ambar Pertiwiningrum, Nanung Agus Fitriyanto, Viagian Pastawan
The study aimed to investigate the effect of storage time on the physical properties of vegetable-tanned goat leather. We divided the storage time into three treatments, namely P0 (0 months), P1 (3 months), and P3 (12 months). The observation parameters for investigation included tensile strength, elongation,...
Proceedings Article
Thinking of Toxicology in Chinese Medicine
Xu ZHANG, Yan-yan MIAO, Ming-san MIAO, Tian-yuan LIU, Tao ZHANG, Cai-ling FENG
This paper summarizes the research achievements of predecessors in the field of toxicology of Chinese medicine, discusses the new understanding of the toxicity of Chinese medicine from the aspects of the toxicity of Chinese medicine, the application of the toxicity of Chinese medicine and the trend of...
Proceedings Article
Seed Independence Efforts in Mojokerto District, East Java, to Support the Soybean Self-Sufficiency Program
Rohmad Budiono, Handoko, Gatut Wahyu Anggoro Susanto, Kartika Noerwijati
Soybean is an important food commodity that has very large market potential and its needs continue to increase. For the sake of achieving self-sufficiency in soybeans, one important factor is the availability of scatter seeds. Provision of appropriate soybean seeds has a strategic role as a means of...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Physical Activity on Hand Grip Strength in Tangerang Society
Dyan Puspita Hanung Pratiwi, Winati Nurhayu, Iffa Afiqa Khairani, Andy Darmawan, Gres Maretta, Jeane Siswitasari Mulyana
Humans require good physical support to ensure the smooth running of heir activity. Lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain and increase in Body Mass Index (BMI). Increasing weight on the body can affect motor performance, including postural balance and muscle strength. Therefore, BMI can affect...
Proceedings Article
The Digestive Tract of Lohman Chicken
Effects of Given Drinking Uronic Acid Extraction from Sargassum crassifolium
Veybe G. Kereh, Ivonne M. Untu, Cherly Y. Pontoh
The use of antibiotic in poultry is not allowed due to its potential of bacterial resistance and its potential of residue in the poultry products. Brown seaweed (Sargassum crassifolium) contains sugar, sulphate, and uronic vitriol which display antibacterial and antiviral activities. This research aims...
Proceedings Article
Developing RAPD-derived SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) Marker for Flowering Time in Chili Pepper
Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Bunga Rizky Elfa Agustina, Joni Kusnadi
The selection step of plant breeding is a crucial stage in the process of developing new varieties which usually take a considerable long time in a conventional breeding. The development of molecular markers for selection has been carried out to reduce the time required. A Sequence Characterized Amplified...
Proceedings Article
Karyotype Analysis of Brassica Napus CV. Huayou No.2
Bo Sun, Xue Xia, Yuxiao Tian, Fen Zhang, Haoru Tang
Brassica napus is one of the important oil crops in the world and has important economic value, B. napus cv. Huayou No.2 has excellent characteristics of resistance to lodging and disease, and has been widely cultivated in all provinces of the Yangtze River Basin and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in China....