Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

The Applying of K-W-L (Know-What-Learned) Strategy Through the Campus Active Bowling Models to Improve Student’S Activities and Achievement in Class VII.C Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 8 Padang

Syafniwati, Yuni Ahda, Ghery Priscylio
This study aims to describe the increase in activities and student learning outcomes with the implementation of KWL (Know-Want-Learned) strategy through the campus active bowling models. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 stages, namely planning, action,...
Proceedings Article

Combination of NPK fertilization and Foliar Application for Increasing the Yield of Citrus Fruit

Sakhidin Sakhidin
The research aimed to obtain the best combination of NPK fertilizer dose and foliar application frequency for increasing the yield of citrus. The research was conducted from June 2019 to April 2020 at the Ex-farm belongs to Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University. The research used Randomized...
Proceedings Article

Macroscopic and Microscopic Isolation and Identification of Cellulolytic Bacteria from Mixtures of Coal and Beef Cattle

Y. A. Hidayati, M. R. Yusra, G. C. K. Puteri, E. T. Marlina, D. Z. Badruzzaman, E. Harlia
Cellulolytic bacteria are bacteria that can hydrolyze cellulose into smaller polysaccharides glucose units. Glucose is used as a source of energy and carbon for bacterial growth. This study aimed to determine the ability of isolates bacteria from feces of beef cattle and coal (bituminous, sub-bituminous,...
Proceedings Article

Study of Chemical Compositions of Trembesi (Samanea saman): Potential as Ruminant Feed

Ahimsa Kandi Sariri, Kustantinah Kustantinah
The purpose of this study was to examine the chemical compositions of the Trembesi (Samanea saman) plant so that its potential as ruminant feed could be found. This research is a descriptive study, The materials used in this study are young leaves, old leaves, young petioles, old petioles, fruit, seeds,...
Proceedings Article

Forecast on Total Water Demand in China

Xiuli LIU
The total water consumption in China increased year by year since 2003.To forecast total water demand in advance is practically important for water supply planning. The paper first made impacting factors analysis of the total water demand in China. Then established three models for the total water demand...
Proceedings Article

Antifungal Activity of Bacteria Associated Aplysina sp. Sponge Collected from Enggano Island, North Bengkulu, Indonesia Against Candida albicans

Risky Hadi Wibowo, Sipriyadi, Welly Darwis, Sal Prima Yudha, Hizkia Puspa Pertiwi, Reza Pertiwi
Sponges are the subject of interesting antibiotic development studies because the sponges form associations with various microbes and are rich in bioactive compounds. Bacteria associated with sponges are able to produce bioactive compounds, which have the potential to be antimicrobial such as, antibacterial,...
Proceedings Article

Potential Development of Sorghum Plants (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) as Alternative Animal Feed in South Konawe Regency

Fanny Yulia Irawan, Wa Ode Al’Jumiati, Caturina Pasau, Nur Santy Asminaya, Nurlaha
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a cereal crop that has potential to be cultivated and can be relied upon as a source of ruminant animal feed, especially in marginal and dry areas in Indonesia. This study aims to find out the potential of sorghum plants as alternative feed ruminant cattle in South...
Proceedings Article

A Forest Disease and Insect Pests Model which has a Forest Age Structure with Disease Rate Change Functions

Qiao-Qi Xu, Ding-Jiang Wang
This communication mainly covers investigations on the dynamic characteristics of forest diseases and insect pests' model which has a forest age structure with disease rate change functions. Firstly, the age structure model with partial differential equation with the function of the course is established....
Proceedings Article

Anticancer Effect of Red Fruit Fractions Toward Breast Cancer in T47D Cell and Oral Squamous Cancer in KB Cell

Hana Ratnawati, Yoki Chandra, Endry Kho
Indonesia is one of the mega-biodiversity countries, with many plant species that are useful as medicine. Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam), found in Jayawijaya, Papua, is empirically believed to have numerous health benefits due to having a huge amount of bioactive compounds, especially carotenoids....
Proceedings Article

Relation Between Application of Shallot Cultivation Components by Alumni of SL UPSUS and Their Productivity in Kretek District, Bantul Regency

Ananti Yekti, Dyah Kartika Mayang Sekar, Asih Farmia
Sekolah Lapang Upaya Khusus (SL-UPSUS) shallot is one of the activities designed by the Ministry of Agriculture in order to oversee and assist farming in shallot production centers. This study aims to 1) analyze the level of application of shallot technology components of SL-UPSUS alumni farmers 2) determine...
Proceedings Article

Internet of Things Based Intelligent Water Management System for Plants

Isbat Uzzin Nadhori, M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, Ahmad Syauqi Ahsan, Bintang Refani Mauludi
Water has an important role for crops. Every crop needs water to survive. The amount of water that crops need, in different regions and seasons, is different. To calculate the amount of water needed by the crop precisely require careful analysis of the available supporting data. In practice, the fulfilment...
Proceedings Article

Combination Activity of Lactic Acid Bacterial Culture to Improve Quality of Honey Pineapple Yoghurt Enriched with Seaweed Eucheuma spinosum

Tri Isti Rahayu, Baiq Rien Handayani, Mutia Devi Ariana, Moegiratul Amaro, Yesica Marcelina Romauli Sinaga
Yogurt, substituting other ingredients, such as honey pineapple, will affect the quality of the final quality produced. Yogurt quality will be determined by organoleptic parameters, product acidity, and the number of probiotics contained in yogurt. This study aimed to determine the effect of using a...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation of Environmental Temperature with Feed and Water Intake of Friesian Holstein Cattle in Dry Land

Theresia Ika Purwantiningsih, Remigius Binsasi, Damasus C. Da Cruz
This research aims to determine the correlation of environmental temperature with feed and water intake of Friesian Holstein (FH) Cattle in the dry land. This study used three FH Cattle aged 5 to 8 years and was conducted at SKKP Suluh Obor Dairy Farm, Mandeu, Raimanuk, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

CO2 Mitochondrial Gene Identification of Nisaetus cirrhatus as a Part of Indonesian Elang Brontok Genetic Conservation

Reni Krisdayana, Rizqi Layli Khusufi, Dwita Novitasari, Annasa Sabatia, Delia Wahyu Pangesti, Salsabila Kasta Hygiea Iswara, Dwi Listyorini
The Elang Brontok, scientifically named as Nisaetus cirrhatus is included in the least Concern in appendix II. The use of the COI gene for taxonomic in our previous study put our samples in a complex species taxonomical position. Further research needs to be done using other mitochondrial genes such...
Proceedings Article

Certification of Collections of Syringa L. Varieties and It’s Significance for their Identification

Irina Okuneva, Julia Khokhlacheva
Authentication of Syringa varieties is required in all major collections. The initial information left by the originators does not make it possible to uniquely identify the varietal affiliation of the samples. In most existing descriptions of varieties, even detailed ones, subjective categories are largely...
Proceedings Article

Review on Rainfed Agriculture and Rainwater Harvesting Techniques

Ziye LIU, Junying JIN
This paper summarizes the importance of water resource and more and more serious situations facing agricultural water use. Rainfed agriculture is a necessary way for crop production and food security. As one of the most efficient tool, rainwater harvesting can supplement rainfed agricultural and hence...
Proceedings Article

The Physicochemistry of Stingless Bees Honey (Heterotrigona itama) from Different Meliponiculure Areas in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Suroto Hadi Saputra, Bernatal Saragih, IrawanWijaya Kusuma, Enos Tangke Arung
Almost all of the stingless honey bees in East Kalimantan are in the district/city. Various types of plants as sources of nectar in each region for stingless bees honey are interesting for research. This study’s purpose was the physicochemical analysis of H. itama honey from different meliponiculture...
Proceedings Article

Morphology and Anatomy of Stomata of Plagiobryoides cellularis in Galunggung Mount Tourist Area Tasikmalaya

Zihan Ayu Anggraeni, Diana Hernawati, Rinaldi Rizal Putra
Plagiobryoides cellularis is a part of mosses that has stomata. Furthermore, P. cellularis has different characteristics compared to the other mosses. These facts prove that some Bryophytes have stomata. But unlike other land plants, Bryophyte stomata are located in a capsule. To understand the characteristic...
Proceedings Article

Feed, Animal and Human Health: Designing Functional Egg

Ali Agus, Chusnul Hanim, Muhsin Al Anas, Agussalim Agussalim
In currently decades, the demand of functional foods is increasing and would increase continuously in the future. Since their roles can decrease of several diseases risk and can increasing the life expectancy. In addition, the consumers expect more and more food especially from animal products that are...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Seed Source Variation on Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. Seedlings Growth in Ciamis District, West Java Province

Aris Sudomo, Levina A.G. Pieter
Syzygium cumini included in the family Myrtaceae is one type of plant that is hard to find. The benefits of S. cumini plants include seeds as a cure for diabetes, fruit as an antioxidant and anticancer, fruit skin as a medicine for dysentery and leaves as a reinforcement of teeth and gums. This research...
Proceedings Article

Concentrations of Trace Elements in Different Types of Gallstones and Their Effects on Gallstone Formation

Yue Zhang, Chongyu Zhang, Da Guo, Xiaojun Huang, Junfa Xue, Jianming Ouyang
Purpose: To study the concentrations of trace metals and nonmetals elements in different types of gallstones (cholesterol-, pigment-, mixed- and calcium carbonate type) and to explore the formation mechanisms of gallstones. Method: Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) was used to...
Proceedings Article

Direct Electrochemistry of Glucose Oxidase Immobilized on a Hydroxyl Fullerenes- Tio2 Nanocomposite Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode

Di LI, Xiao-Yu ZHANG, Bao-Lin XIAO, Jun HONG, Moosavi-Movahedi Ali Akbar
By immobilizing glucose oxidase (GOD) on a nanocomposite containing hydroxyl fullerenes (C60-OH) and TiO2 nanoparticles, a new type biosensor was prepared for glucose detection. The cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of GOD on the nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was quasi-reversible. The...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Oxalic Acid on Physiological-biochemical Traits of Cold Temperate Larix gmelinii Seedlings under Soil Nutrient Deficiency

Fu-Xing Cui, Jin-Feng Song, Dao-Guang Zhu, Jin-Bo Li, Zhen-Yang Qi, Lin Shan, Hong-Wei Ni
Organic acids obviously affect plant survival and growth under soil nutrient deficiency condition. Variable proportion A1 and C horizon mixed cold temperate brown coniferous forest soils was applied to make soil nutrient deficiency condition, and then Larix gmelinii seedlings were planted in these soils....
Proceedings Article

Developing Web Based Modules of Animal Development Course

Fitri Hanifah Afnas, Ramadhan Sumarmin
As many as 78% of students, the subject of animal development is one of the complicated subjects to understand and requires a more detailed explanation in their understanding. However, biology students on 2019 at Padang University there are who still do not have a handbook in learning animal development,...
Proceedings Article

Anaerobic Bacteria and Biogas Volume in POME and PPF Mixed Media with Starter from Buffalo Feces

Gina Chynthia Kamarudin Puteri, Fariz Ramadhani, Eulis Tanti Marlina, Ellin Harlia
The buffalo population until 2018 was recorded at 1,356,390 heads throughout Indonesia. If buffalo feces are not appropriately managed, it will cause problems in the form of environmental pollution. Buffalo feces has the potential because it contains microorganisms that can be used to produce biogas....
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Palm Oil Governance

A Case Study Of Sustainable Palm Oil Certification In Indonesia

Shulby Yozar Ariadhy, Darol Arkum
In response to the unsustainable practice of palm oil plantation, several NGOs, palm oil companies and investors established the Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2004. This organization introduced a voluntary Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) brand through a series of auditing processes...
Proceedings Article

The Reproductive Performance of Ongole Grade Cows at Smallholder Farmer with Different Housing Systems

Bryan Wisnu Prabowo, Endang Baliarti, Sigit Bintara, Hamdani Maulana, Bayu Andri Atmoko
Ongole grade (OG) cows are mostly kept at the smallholder farmer level, carried out traditionally - for instance, on the cow’s housing system, using individual tie-stall (ITS), or communal tie-stall (CTS) system. The housing system can affect the reproductive performance of the cows. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Different Composition of Indigofera zolingeriana and Corn Stover Mix on Silage Quality and Fermentation Characteristic

Widhi Kurniawan, Nina Ayu Lestari, Purnaning Dhian Isnaeni, Natsir Sandiah
Agricultural by-products utilization is one of the solutions for feed shortage problem. Agricultural by-products have high potential to be used for feed, but its utilization is limited by the low nutrient quality. Silage is a type of by-product utilization that can increase the nutrient quality. Adding...
Proceedings Article

Applications and Future Development of Sewage Source Heat Pump

Yu YU, Hui LI, Lin WANG
The sewage source with widely distributed is a kind of low grade energy. The sewage source heat pump technology can achieve the energy conversion that the sewage source from low grade energy to high grade energy of sewage. The system sewage source heat pump supplies heat energy and cold energy to meet...
Proceedings Article

Research Progress of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Regulation from Purple Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.)

Bo-Ya Lu, Zhen-Hui Gong
Anthocyanin is a water-soluble pigment, is a class of secondary metabolites, and it belongs to the flavonoid polyphenols. The peel is purple, which caused by the anthocyanin accumulation, so the purple pepper is loved by more and more consumers by high nutritional value and health effects. With the deepening...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Manure Types in Improving the Performances of New Maize Hybrids in Coastal Land

Rustikawati, E. Suprijono, B.G. Murcitro, B.A.Y. Manulang, C. Herison
Coastal land has great potential for the expansion of agricultural land. However, its productivity is generally low due to its highly sandy texture, resulting in low nutrient status and limited water absorption capacity. Maize yield is relatively sensitive to low nutrient and water availability. The...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Characteristics of Phalaenopsis spp. by Colchicine Application Based on Qualitative

Samanhudi, Sri Hartati, Ongko Cahyono, Agung Wibowo, Ferina Ardiani
Indonesia has very diverse biodiversity, such as Phalaenopsis. Phalaenopsis have the potential to be cultivated in plant breeding as parents for new hybrids. One of the attempts to improve the potential of Phalaenopsis spp. is polyploidization using colchicine. Polyploidization using colchicine can change...
Proceedings Article

Short Perspective on Membrane Integration in Microalgae Bioreactor for CO2 Capture

Soen Steven
The global warming issue has reached an alarming level due to the continuous increase of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. They are released into the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities and contributions from many industries that employ coal, fuel oil, and natural gas. To achieve environmentally...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Anthocyanins of Purple Carrot Two Cultivars

Elena Oleinits, Mansi Ahmad Hatem, Victor Deineka, Andrey Chulkov, Irina Blinova, Mikhail Tretiakov
Two cultivars of purple carrot ‘Pupur’ and ‘Mayami shokoladnaya” were investigated. Anthocyanins of both cultivars was qualitatively the same – main compound was cyanidin-3-feruloylhexosyl-pentosyl-hexodide, mole fraction of the anthocyanin was approximately 72 % of the overall anthocyanin content of...
Proceedings Article

Fusion Strategy of Influenza A-H5N1 Virus M2e Epitope DNA Sequence to Hepatitis B Virus HBsAg-S Gene

Afifatul Achyar, Tati Kristianti, Sony Suhandono
In order to make a broad vaccine for influenza-A virus, a conserve epitope must be considered. M2 is a conserve transmembran protein in all strain of influenza-A virus. Therefore, in this experiment we used 69 bp synthetic nucleotides from extracellular domain of M2 from H5N1 as an epitope (M2e) for...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Seed Physiological Maturity of Ipomoea reptans Poir. Based on Phenology, Seed Quality, and Heat Unit Accumulation

Neny Priska Yuliandira, Okti Syah Isyani Permatasari, Satriyas Ilyas
Kangkong (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) seeds have different colors at harvest due to differences in the seed maturity level, hence, differences in seed quality. Therefore, this study aimed to obtain information about the phenology of flowers, fruits, seeds, and to determine the appropriate heat unit accumulation...
Proceedings Article

Soil Moisture Monitoring to Determine Irrigation Water Supply

Yulian Kusuma Ari Setiadi, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, Rizki Maftukhah
Irrigation is important in the agricultural production system to support the growth of plants, hence it can improve the crop. Rice as a staple food in Indonesia commonly requires more water than other plants. It is not only to support the plant growth but also to support soil cultivation and to reduce...
Proceedings Article

Postharvest Handling of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) in Indonesia: A Review

Dian R. T. W. Nanda, Luari G. Pramelini, Raden R. H. A. Budiyanto, Anjar R. Sari
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a horticulture product containing a carbohydrate complex. This review aims to understand the potatoes characteristics, quality measurement, postharvest handling, and extended shelf life Potatoes contain carbohydrate content that reaches about 18%, 2.4% protein, and 0.1%...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Influence of Stevia and Fructose to the Physicochemical Characteristics of Mocaf-pedada Biscuits

Jariyah, Sri Winarti, Ulya Sarofa, Maya Regina Subagio
Stevia was known to have potential as a sugar substitute sweetener that can be used in various processed foods, including biscuits. The problem in making biscuits was the use of granulated sugar which can increase human blood glucose and was dangerous for people with diabetes mellitus, so we needed a...
Proceedings Article

Study on Treatment of High Chromium Industrial Wastewater by Pulsed Field-Coprecipitation Method

Jianming LIU, Juan WANG, Shu ZHANG
Chromium pollution poses a serious threat to the safety of human beings and animals. The traditional method of treating Chromium-containing wastewater is difficult to achieve the purpose of removing chromium depth, In this paper, the removal of chromium in high-chromium industrial wastewater was studied...
Proceedings Article

Growth Rate, Feed Efficiency and Methane Production of Six Different Breeds of Sheep

D Yulistiani, Y Widiawati, W puastuti, E. Handiwirawani
Breed selection toward sustainable ruminant production should consider the breed that have high feed efficiency in the same time produce low methane emission. The study was conducted to evaluate the productivity and estimated methane production of six different breed of sheep fed on total mixed ration...
Proceedings Article

Pollen Diversity and Propolis’s Bioactive Compounds of Stingless Bees (Tetragonula laeviceps, Smith 1857) From Kedungpoh Meliponiculture, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.

Fiola Oktaweni, Sutikno Sutikno, Ignatius Sudaryadi
The progression of many diseases due to viruses and bacteria makes for an increase in natural alternative medicine. One source of natural medicine is honey and propolis of stingless bees. Efficacy physical and chemical properties of honey are influenced by the type of pollen and the environment, while...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Study on Waste Engine Oil Processing by Means of Flocculation-absorption

Ming-Yuan Liu, Lin Zhou, Yun-Ying Sha, Zhong-Hua Wang
Re-cleansing and purification of waste engine oil by flocculation-absorption can be used as a pretreatment for further refined processing due to its features of low pollution, low cost and easy operability. This paper has sifted through various absorbents to locate the most appropriate one based on previous...
Proceedings Article

Detection Contaminant DNA of a Pig on a Sample Meat Mills in Some City Markets Bengkulu, Using a Genetic Marker DNA Mitochondria Cytochrome B

Choirul Muslim, Iin Isnaini, Sipriyadi
The purpose of the study was to find out if there was a mixture of pork in ground beef samples in some Bengkulu city markets using the molecular Genetic DNA mitochondrial cytochrome b. The research was conducted from December 2019 to May 2020. Sampling was conducted at 10 meat mills in Bengkulu City...
Proceedings Article

Feed Fermentability and Physiological Index of Sheep Supplemented with Garlic and Seaweed Powder in Organic Chromium Basal Feed

Caribu Hadi Prayitno, Agustinah Setyaningrum, Fajar Daya Winasis Azwar, Imam Sutrisno
This study aimed to identify the effect of supplementing garlic and seaweed powder into basal feed with organic chromium on the consumption and digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude fiber (CF), and crude protein (CP), ruminal fluid pH, and blood glucose level of the sheep. Three...
Proceedings Article

Availability and Potential of Forage Production for Dairy Cattle in Ambopi Village, North Tongauna District, Konawe Regency

Nur Santy Asminaya, Syamsuddin, Nurliana
The availability of forage feeds greatly determines the productivity of ruminants. This study aims to determine the availability and potential of forage production for dairy cows in Ambopi village North Tongauna District, Konawe District. The method used in this study was survey carried out by purposive...
Proceedings Article

The Mechanism of Carthamin Yellow Injection Promote Acute Myocardial Infarction Infarct Border Zone Angiogenesis

Xiaomin Wang, Zhiyu Zhou, Yaokun Xiong, Jiangtao Wei, Yanting Wan, Fei Li, Zhiyong Liu
We observed the impact of carthamin yellow injection on revascularization in rats with acute myocardial infarction and discuss its mechanism. The left anterior descending branches of the coronary arteries of Wistar rats were ligatured, and the animal model with acute myocardial infarction was duplicated....
Proceedings Article

Cloning, Expression and Enzymatic Characterization of Chitin Deacetylase 4 from Hyphantria Cunea (Drury)

Xiao-ping YAN, Dan ZHAO, Ya-kun ZHANG, Wei GUO, Kun-li ZHAO, Wei WANG, Yu-jie GAO
A novel chitin deacetylase (CDA), HcCDA4, was identified from the American white moth, Hyphantria cunea. The full-length cDNA sequence of HcCDA4 was identified,and the cDNA is 1494bp in length. The HcCDA4 was shown as a 56 kDa protein in E. coli BL21 by SDS-PAGE analysis and the specific antibodies reacting...
Proceedings Article

PCV Measurement for Biomass Assessment in Suspension Culture of Insect Cells

Dong-Chen Liu, Qiu-Ling Xie
In this study, we present a new approach for biomass assessment in insect cell culture using a disposable microcentrifuge tube, which is composed with an upper chamber for sample loading and a lower 5 L capillary for cell collection during centrifugation. The height of the cell pellet within the capillary...
Proceedings Article

Use of biologically active substances in feeding young animals

Natalia Ordina, Svetlana Kontsevaya, Nadezhda Sorokina, Kristina Mezinova
An important problem of cattle breeding in Russia is the creation of a solid fodder base. Due to its absence, the genetic potential of dairy and beef cattle in our country is realized only by 30-50%. This work is devoted to the study of the influence of the belotine feed additive on the productivity...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Medicinal Plants in Kwau Village and Silau Villlage, Warmare District, Manokwari District, West Papua

Susilo Budi Husodo, Enos Tangke Arung, Edy Budiarso, Irawan Wijaya Kusuma
The purpose of this study was to evaluate antimicrobial and antioxidant of medicinal plants in the villages of Kwau and Siau (Phytochemical, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, antifungal, and toxicity). The bark, roots, and leaves are extracted with methanol to get the extract. Antimicrobial activity against...
Proceedings Article

Development of Functional Sausage Based on Corn Starch and Moringa Flour with The Addition of Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) and Porang Flour

Satrijo Saloko, Siska Cicilia, Lara Mahya Adila
This study aims to determine the best formulation of corn starch: moringa flour with the addition of mocaf and porang flour to produce the best quality sausage. The method used was an experimental method carried out in the laboratory using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, namely...
Proceedings Article

Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode Fabrication Method for Electrochemical Biosensor Application

Eduardus Ariasena, Ivandy Arifin Putra Noerrizky, Raih Rona Althof, Isa Anshori
Screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) is one type of electrode commonly used for electrochemical biosensor application. It is fabricated using a screen-printing method, a method in which conductive ink is piled up layer-by-layer using some screen frames. SPCE combines three main electrodes used in the...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Maternal Cytoplasmic on Agronomic Characters of the Result of Crossing Black × White Rice

Siti Nurhidayah, Efrin Firmansyah, Totok Agung D Haryanto, Prita Sari Dewi
The quality of rice is one of the performances preferred by consumers in choosing rice. Determination of female parents is important in assembling rice with the desired quality. This study aims to determine the effect of maternal cytoplasmic on the agronomic characters of crossbreeding black×white rice....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Various Additive with Different Level on pH, Total Lactic Acid and Total Lactic Acid Bacteria Maize Stover (Zea Mays L.) Silage

Hartutik, Rey Nando Dewangga
This research aimed to evaluate the effect of addition different additives and level on pH, lactic acid content and total lactic acid bacteria maize stover (Zea mays L.) silage. The research was carried of the Plant Disease Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. The material consists...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning Research Trends in Biology Education: A Systematic Review of Literature from 2016 to 2022

Heru Setiawan, Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti, Riandi
The problems of face-to-face meetings in Biology classrooms are the lack of flexibility and materials that cannot be accessed anytime and anywhere. Therefore, it needs to be combined with online learning or called blended learning. The purpose of this review is to describe the implementation of online...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Bacteriocin Produced by Pediococcus pentosaceus Strain 2397 as Natural Preservative for Fish Meatballs Stored at Room Temperature

Usman Pato, Yusmarini Yusuf, Shanti Fitriani, Diky Arma Fauzi, Ghina Ismadiah, Miftahul Hidayah, Windy Sabiliani
Meatballs are one of the most popular processed meats in various countries. The meats commonly used to make meatballs are beef, chicken, and fish. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of fish meatballs preserved with bacteriocin from Pediococcus pentosaceus strain 2397 during room temperature...
Proceedings Article

The Interactions of Daily Microclimate and Rice Plant Growth by System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Method in Dry-climate Land

Tobyas S Santosa, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, Rose Tirtalistyani
Indonesia is quite blessed to have a proper climate condition to cultivate rice plants as the demand for rice is becoming one of the highest among the other foodstuffs. Even so, the climate condition in Indonesia quite varies, where some regions are classified as dry climate area and one of them is East...
Proceedings Article

Ammonia Nitrogen Speciation Analysis in Aquatic Environments

Xia LIU, Qing XU, Yafei GUO, Xiaoping YU, Tianlong DENG
The accurate measurement of different species of ammonia nitrogen is essential to understanding of the self - purification and pollution status of water system as well as revealing the aquatic ecological environment. In the paper, the analytical methods for ammonia nitrogen species in aquatic environments...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Constructivism-Based Biology Learning Modules Equipped With Mind Maps on the Material of Excretion and Coordination System for the 11TH Grade Semester 2

R Anggraini, A Razak, D H Putri
Referring to the data in the preparation stage, students find it difficult to understand the concept of subject matter. The concept can be understood by constructing initial knowledge with newly acquired knowledge. The stages of constructing the concept are in the integrated constructivism approach in...
Proceedings Article

Post Partum Estrus of Brahman Cross Cows Inseminated with Limousine Straw in Smallholder Farm

Rahmat Anwar, Sigit Bintara, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Diah Tri Widayati, Endang Baliarti
This study aimed to examine the postpartum estrous of Brahman Cross (BX) cows inseminated with a Limousine straw on smallholder farms. Ten BX cows were about five years old with a bodyweight between 365-430 kg in the last month of pregnancy was used in this study. Observations started from nine months...
Proceedings Article

Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Escherichia coli Isolates from Urine and Stool of Apparently Healthy Individuals in Port Harcourt Nigeria

S. Adewuyi-Oseni, E. O. Agbagwa, K. Otokunefor, N. Frank-Peterside
Antibiotic-resistant strains of once-controllable pathogens are emerging and spreading beyond the healthcare system. It places an immense economic strain on the healthcare system and raises serious concerns about infection management and prevention. This research aims to identify any trends in antibiotic...
Proceedings Article

Preserving the Quality of Trimmed Young Coconut (Cocos nucifera (L.)) Using Sodium Metabisulfite and Citric Acid

Fahri Muhajirin, Satria Primatama, Bayu Nugraha
Trimmed Young Coconut (TYC) is one of the most Indonesia’s favourite tropical fruit. High demand of TYC brings to the development of TYC preservation in Indonesia. However, postharvest handling that have not been optimally operated impede the development of TYC agroindustry due to its damage. In addition,...
Proceedings Article

Development Strategies for Chopped Tobacco Agribusiness in the Anjang Kencono 13 Farmer Group in Klaten Regency

Sandra Surya Saputri, Mohamad Harisudin, Erlyna Wida Riptanti
This study aims to determine the condition of internal and external factors, and the priority of the chopped tobacco agribusiness development strategies. This research applies descriptive and analytical method. The research location determined purposively. Key informants in this study were determined...
Proceedings Article

Observation of the Effect of Salmon Calcitonin on Curing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) with Osteoporosis

Ping Gui, Xiao-Tao Wang
Observe the application of salmon calcitonin to the curing of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with osteoporosis and evaluate its clinical effect. Method: take the 90 patients suffering COPD with osteoporosis who were admitted by this hospital from March, 2015 to June, 2017 as the research...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Variation of Black Capped White Eye Zosterops atricapilla (Aves: Zosteropidae) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome B Gene

Deby Permana, Jarulis, Sipriyadi, Santi Nurul Kamilah
The purpose of this research was to explore the genetic variation of Black Capped White eye Zosterops articapilla using the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene. The blood sample was collected via pectoral vein of bird from Panorama markets, Bengkulu city. DNA genome were isolated and purified from the...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Frequency of Leaf Fertilizer Application and use of Shade on Growth of Porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus Prain.) in Artificial Tin Mining Tailings

I Inonu, D Pratama, D Prayoga
Tailings land has the potential to utilize as agricultural land. Tailings land requires improvements such as proper fertilization and has potential to be planted with cultivated plants, such as porang. Porang have potential to be cultivated, because porang have a high import value. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Water Availability on Physiological Factors of Cayenne Pepper Plant Capsicum frutescens L.

Fiana Lathifah, Dwi Umi Siswanti
Chili pepper is a vegetable plant that is consumed by many people and has high economic value. Chili peppers contain secondary metabolite compounds, capsaicin which is synthesized in the epidermis cells. Capsaicin acts as a spicy taste in chili peppers, so chili peppers are favored by the public. Environmental...
Proceedings Article

Growth Evaluation of Mutant Lines Sorghum as Forage with Different Fertilizer Levels on Podzolic Soil

Apdila Safitri, Taufan P. Daru, Teguh Wahyono, Sihono, Ardiansyah
Two mutant lines G5 and G8 are sorghum lines from mutation breeding techniques by gamma-ray irradiation, especially sorghum varieties for forage in Indonesia. The objective of this research is to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of sorghum mutant lines at different fertilizer levels on podzolic...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Models of Study and Prevention of Stress in Birds in Industrial Poultry Farming

Tatyana Pogrebnyak, Elena Khorolskaya, Svetlana Chernyavskikh, Irina Sagalaeva
In birds, acute stress (a three-day 12-hour inversion of the photomode) is associated with the dominant activity of the sympathetic hypothalamus and hippocampus, which suppress the tone of the parasympathetic section and the reticular formation of the midbrain. The effect of hyperglycemia on the background...
Proceedings Article

Degradation of Oxytetracycline by the Iron Wire/H2O2 System

Jian ZHOU, Meifang HOU, Dongyu PAN
The degradation of oxytetracycline (OTC) by the iron wire/H2O2 system was investigated. The effects of initial concentration of OTC, H2O2 dosage, initial pH value, iron wire dose and reused times of iron wire on the degradation of OTC were examined. The results showed that iron wire exhibited high catalytic...
Proceedings Article

Risk Analysis and Determination of Aluminum Concentration in Jellyfish (Rhopilema Esculentum)

Yong-Fu Shi, Qian-Yun Zhan, Liang-Liang Tian, Run-Run Gu, Dong-Mei Huang, Feng Han, Yuan Wang, Xuan-Yun Huang, You-Qiong Cai
The concentration of aluminum in salted jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum) was determined and samples were collected from market located in Shanghai. Risk of aluminum in salted jellyfish was analyzed in the present study. 16 samples were collected from markets in Shanghai, including instant jellyfish and...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Understanding Towards Teachers’ Competency Standards in the Implementation of Science and Character Education of Junior High School Student in Pekanbaru

Iranita Agmanda, Ramadhan Sumarmin
The objective of education is essentially delivering learners to a change of conduct of both moral intellectual, and social to live independently. Successfull education have depend on the learning process. To achieve educational objectives necessary active role teachers who understand and implementing...
Proceedings Article

Adaptation of 13 Sweet Corn Genotypes in Coastal Lands Under Drought Conditions

Umi Salamah, Eny Rolenti Togatorop, Dia Novita Sari, Fahrurrozi, Mohammad Chozin, Nanik Setyowati, Zainal Muktamar, Sigit Sudjatmiko
Sweet corn is a horticultural plant that lives in the highlands. In less than optimum conditions, sensitive genotypes can thrive, especially in coastal areas with drought conditions. There were 13 genotypes of sweet maize tested in coastal areas with drought conditions. The research was conducted in...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Fermented Corncob Feed on Daily Weight Gains and Body Condition Score on Donggala Cattle in Central Sulawesi

Fery Fahruddin Munier, Wardi Wardi, Mohammad Takdir
The research was conducted at the Mosampora farmer group, Toaya Village, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The study aimed to determine the effect of fermented corncob feed on body weight gain and BCS in Donggala cattle raised in smallholder farms in Central Sulawesi. Environmental conditions...
Proceedings Article

Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group) Affected by Transplanting Age and Varieties of TSS

Baaqiy Amri Annisa, Endang Sulistyaningsih, Retno Pangestuti
Shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum group) is an important commodity for spices, traditional medicines, and healthy diet components. Growth and yield shallot plants from TSS affected by different transplanting ages were determined in the research in RCBD with two factors and three replications. The first...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation between the Treatment Time and Efficacy of Suspended Moxibustion on the Guanyuan Point for the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea

Yongchun Hou, Zi Yan, Yaokun Xiong, Yanting Wan, Zhiyong Liu
Primary dysmenorrhea refers to lower abdominal pain, mild lumbago and discomfort in the lower abdomen during or before the menstrual period. Moxibustion has shown efficacy in the treatment of dysmenorrhea by removing blood stasis and relieving pain. The objective of the current study was to compare the...
Proceedings Article

Improved Camptothecin Production of Camptotheca Acuminata on Hydroponic Medium Supplemented with Various Chemicals

Qing-qian ZENG, Lin JIANG, Long-ping ZHU, Hai ZHENG, De-po YANG
A Hydroponic culture was conducted to determine the effect of organic acids and metal ions on plant growth, camptothecin concentrations and yield of Camptotheca acuminata, in an effort to increase the camptothecin yield by artificial cultivation. For maximal camptothecin production, increase of maleic...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Application Value of Doctor-nurse Integrated Mode to the Nursing in the Cardiothoracic Surgery

Ling Zhu, Ying-Ying Zhang
Observe the application of doctor-nurse integrated mode to the nursing in the cardiothoracic surgery. Method: take the 130 patients accepting operative treatment in this department from April, 2015 to June, 2017 as the research objects, and divide them into two groups, analysis group and control group...
Proceedings Article

Product Development of Fried Shallot from Dairi Potentiates as Souvenir

Hadassah Elisabeth, Tabligh Permana, Elisabeth K. Prabawati
Dairi regency is rich with their horticultural plants, especially shallots. But shallots are seasonal plants which affect the price fluctuation even though it has a big potential. The importance of this research is developing a product from Dairi shallot in order to stabilize the market price of shallot,...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Chicken Meatballs by Substitution of Tapioca Flour with Purple Sweet Potato

H Hajrawati, R Malaka, Fatma Fatma, M R Hakim, N Novita, S Suharyanto
Purple sweet potatoes are widely used as a source of antioxidants and natural dyes in food products. This study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of substitution of tapioca flour with purple sweet potato flour. The treatments employed were the substitution of tapioca...
Proceedings Article

Production of Crude Bacteriocin and Bacteriocin Activity from Fermented Chicken Egg

Azmi Mangalisu, Irma Isnafia Arief, Andi Kurnia Armayanti, Zakiah Wulandari
Produce bacteriocin which also has antibacterial properties. Different incubation times affect the amount of L. plantarum that can be identified as containing bacteriocins. Chicken eggs were pasteurized at 60 °C for 3.5 min and cracked then sterilized for 15 min and fermented with an incubation temperature...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis of Module in Material of Virus and Bacteria Based on Problem Based Learning Model for Students of Senior High School 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Grade X

Dita Wardani, Ramadhan Sumarmin
Biology topics must develop thoughts, skills, and understanding of students towards concept. In learning the implementation independent concept needed a teaching materials designed specifically that can be studied by learners independently. One way is to improve student ability to solve problems in accordance...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activities of Staphylococcus sciuri APD7 Isolate Sponge-Associated Aplysina sp. Against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus

Delfiani Anggias Putri, Risky Hadi Wibowo, Sipriyadi, Welly Darwis, Choirul Muslim, Salprima Yudha, Hizkia Puspa Pertiwi
Sponges including multicellular animals, do not have actual tissues and organs, and are the simplest animals structurally. Sponges are also a group of marine life that is symbiotic with the microbial community. Microbes that have formed a symbiotic relationship with a sponge will produce secondary metabolites...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Diversity of the Prolactin Gene in Three Indonesian Ducks

Aprilianna Putri Zahara Nafsina Luvita Sari, Akhmad Fathoni, Heru Sasongko, Dwi Nur Happy Hariyono, Dewi Sari Kumalawati, Dyah Maharani
The Prolactin gene is a candidate gene associated with egg production due to its crucial role in the production and reproduction of poultry. This study aimed to identify the polymorphisms of the prolactin gene in Indonesian local duck breeds. For that purpose, three duck breeds, namely Bayang (n= 25),...
Proceedings Article

Miocene Giraffids (Giraffidae; Mammalia) from the Lower Siwalik of Pakistan

Kiran Aftab, Muhammad Akbar Khan, Sumera Afsheen, Mubashar Hussain, Areej Arif
New dental material of Giraffidae is recorded from the Lower Siwalik, Punjab, Pakistan. The specimens are assigned to two genera, Giraffokeryx and Giraffa. The new material comprises isolated teeth, maxilla, and mandible fragments. The material was recovered from Lower Siwalik localities, Chabbar Sayadan...
Proceedings Article

Sensory Properties Characterization of Freeze-Dried Strawberries

W. Yuliani, R. M. Putri, D. Ismoyowati, M. A. F. Falah
Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa var. Mencir) are sub-tropical herbaceous fruits that are in great demand by the world community and have promising business opportunities, including perishable commodities, which are quickly damaged so they have a short shelf life. Therefore, it is necessary to use post-harvest...
Proceedings Article

Simulation of the Use of Solar and Wind Energy as a Hybrid Power Plant in Malahing Village Using Software Homer

Bima Sakti, Restu Mukti Utomo, Aji Ery Burhandenny, Ira Riyana Sari Siregar, Akmal Ridho
The need for electricity is increasingly becoming a problem because of limited energy sources so that there are several villages that have not received electricity supply from PLN, one of which is Mallahing Village. The geographical location of the village supports the use of Solar and Bayu Hybrid Power...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of the Heritability for Growth Traits at 3 Months and 5 Months of Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus Vannamei

Ru-Wei Xu, Pham Xuan Chinh, Rasha Mahmoud Faisal, Xiao-Lin Liu
To provide the necessary genetic parameters for Litopenaeus vannamei breeding program, the heritabilities were estimated in the breeding process. Heritabilities were estimated for the body weight (BW), total length (TL), the body length (BL), first abdominal segment depth (FASD), third abdominal segment...
Proceedings Article

Efficiency of Growing Pigs with Introduction of the Feed Additive "Elevit" into their Ration

Grigorii Pokhodnya, Tatyana Malakhova, Nina Zhernakova, Aleksandr Sergienko
The aim of this study was to study the reserves of increasing the productivity of pigs by introducing the feed additive "Elevit" into their ration during the growing period from 1 to 3 months. The studies were conducted on the Collective Farm named after Gorin of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod...
Proceedings Article

Direct activation of Constitutive Androstane Receptor by Phthalates

Haishan LI, Guolin SHEN, Wenchao AI, Wenping XIE, Hui HAN, Huiming CHEN
Phthalates are esters of phthalic acid and are mainly used as plasticizers. It was reported that some phthalates activated constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), the major xenobiotic sensor and metabolism regulating nuclear receptor. Here, we compared the effects of CAR activation induced by 15 common...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Katuk Hutan (Phylanthus reticulus) as a Medicinal Plant

Susilo Budi Husodo, Edy Budiarso, Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, Enos Tangke Arung
Katuk Hutan (Phylanthus reticulus) is a pioneer plant that grows in Papua. This plant belongs to the Phylantaceae family, which is commonly used as a medicinal plant. This study aimed to determine the potential of katuk hutan (P. reticulus) as a medicinal plant. The method used in phytochemical testing....
Proceedings Article

Growth and Development of Shoot on Lime (Citrus hystrix)

Yulian, Yunitasari, A. Romeida, Marlin, Supanjani, U. K. Joko
Citrus hystrixis a famous horticutural crops product today. Fresh fruits of Citrus hystrix from Indonesia are mainly exported to European countries by PT Nusantara Segar Global under the trademark of Java Fresh. Futhermore, the seedlings of Citrus hystrix were also used to be a rootstock for RGL citrus...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of Body Weight Using Linear Body Measurements in Two Crossbred Beef Cattle

D Budianto, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi, Panjono Panjono, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Tety Hartatik
In rural areas where weighing scales are not easily accessible in the farms to monitor cattle performance, live weight is often predicted by using less accurate visual approaches which is highly subjective. This research was conducted to provide an easy method to estimate life weight using body measurements...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of the 2015 and 2019 Droughts in the Rice Agriculture Sector in Java

Endita Prima Ari Pratiwi, Candra Kusumasari Wisnu Murti, Elyana Inggrid Widiastuti
Drought is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to low rainfall. Drought has a slow onset character, but its effects are far-reaching. With climate change, drought events are increasing in frequency and intensity. Drought in Indonesia is related to the natural phenomena of El Niño-Southern Oscillation...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Learning Science Through Problem Solving

Heffi Alberida
Learning is a scientific process, therefore learning should be carried out in accordance with scientific methods, in the curriculum of 2013 known as a scientific approach. In learning, a scientific approach consists of five activities, namely: observing, asking questions, gathering information, associating...
Proceedings Article

Rice Noodle (Vermicelli) Characteristics Made from Local Cultivar Red Rice and Corn Starch

Dody Handito, I Wayan Sweca Yasa, Satrijo Saloko, Desy Wulandari
The objectives of this research was investigated a proper proportion of red rice flour and corn starch in the formulation of vermicelli as a functional food. The experiment was arranged with Randomized Completely Block Designs (RCBD) of a single factor with three replications. The proportion of red rice...
Proceedings Article

Three Effective Ways of Eliminating the Methanol in the Air

Jin-Long Li, Shi-Hao Zhou, Yu-Xi Li, Tan-Yao Li, Dajeet Kumar
Objective: The purpose of this lab is to investigate and compare three ways to eliminate the methanol in the air which is commonly produced by the refurbishment of furniture, they are respectively by pineapple slices, distilled water and formaldehyde cleaner. Methods: The main methods used in this lab...
Proceedings Article

Immunogenic Proteins from Salivary Gland of Potential Malaria Vector An. vagus and An. sundaicus

Ika Wahyuni, Rike Oktarianti, Syubbanul Wathon, Lailly Nur Uswatul Hasanah, Kartika Senjarini
The salivary gland proteins of the Anopheles (An.) female mosquito play vital roles in the transmission of Plasmodium into the human host. A comprehensive understanding of Anopheles identity and its related salivary proteins is a key for vector-based malaria control. This research aims to analyse the...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Mercury and Cyanide Degrading Bacteria in Sekotong People’s Mining

Suhadi, S. Zubaidah, Sueb, R. Farahilda, M. Syamsussabri, A. N. Rochmah
The people’s gold mining in West Lombok district, especially in the Sekotong sub-district, reached 1497 glondong units and 570 (38%) was disposed into the river. If the situation continued, problems would arise in the environment. This study aimed to determine the microorganisms found in gold mining...