Proceedings of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS 2023)

105 authors
Aladdin, Ashinida
Rasch Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Learning Arabic Instrument (I-SMA) for Malaysian Universities
Aminah, Siti
Assessing of career adaptability for students and their preference work in digital era Via Rasch Model
Anandi, Rizki Parahita
Using Rasch Model to Assess the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) Among University Students in Salatiga, Indonesia
Ariyanto, Restu Dwi
Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis
Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis
Asbulah, Lily Hanefarezan
Rasch Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Learning Arabic Instrument (I-SMA) for Malaysian Universities
Atmoko, Adi
The Indonesian Version of Triangular Hate Scale: A Validation and Current Mapping on Young Adults via Rasch Analysis
Baek, Sun-Geun
Development and Validation of a Leadership Competency Scale for High School Students Using the Partial Credit Model and the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Bakar, Kaseh Abu
Rasch Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Learning Arabic Instrument (I-SMA) for Malaysian Universities
Chen, Chen
The Validation of the Inventory of Peer Attachment (IPA) among Chinese Migrant and Urban Adolescents
Decker, Phillip J.
Identifying Student Goal Orientations for the Improvement of Business Education: Results from Classical Test Theory and the Rasch Model
Dewanti, Septinda Rima
The Indonesian Version of Triangular Hate Scale: A Validation and Current Mapping on Young Adults via Rasch Analysis
Durand, Jeffrey
Identifying Student Goal Orientations for the Improvement of Business Education: Results from Classical Test Theory and the Rasch Model
Durand, Roger
Identifying Student Goal Orientations for the Improvement of Business Education: Results from Classical Test Theory and the Rasch Model
Engelhard Jr., George
Invariance and the Three Traditions of Measurement in the Human Sciences
Eva, Nur
Assessing of Parental Feeding Practice for Childhood in Indonesia: A Rasch Insight
Fong, Chieng Zouh
Examining the Qualities of Anchor Items in Rasch Model Test Linking
Hambali, I M.
Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis
Hamid, Zulfadhli Al Fahmi Bin Abdul
Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning
Hanurawan, Fattah
Assessing of career adaptability for students and their preference work in digital era Via Rasch Model
Hanurawan, Fattah
Assessing of Parental Feeding Practice for Childhood in Indonesia: A Rasch Insight
Hidayah, Nur
Assessing of career adaptability for students and their preference work in digital era Via Rasch Model
Hidayah, Nur
Assessing of Parental Feeding Practice for Childhood in Indonesia: A Rasch Insight
Hidayah, Nur
Validation of the Supervision Outcome Scale in Counselor Professional Education in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach
Hidayah, Nur
Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis
Ibrahim, Syakima Ilyana
Development and Validation of Students’ Competency Instrument on Science Process Skills
Indreswari, Henny
Assessing of career adaptability for students and their preference work in digital era Via Rasch Model
Indreswari, Henny
Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis
Ishar, Nor Irvoni Mohd
The Effects of Co-Creation Efforts on Unfavourable Experience and Response Behaviour: A Hybrid of Rasch Measurement and PLS-SEM Analysis
Ismail, Siti Noor
Content Analysis of Gender Differential Item Functioning of Mathematics Items among Secondary Students in an Eastern Chinese Culture
Jesa, Brelyantika Indra
Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis
Jiaying, Cao
Application of Rasch Model for Cloze Test Quality Analysis in Language Teaching Situation
Kang, Yunah
Development and Validation of a Leadership Competency Scale for High School Students Using the Partial Credit Model and the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Karim, Ellyza
Development and Validation of Students’ Competency Instrument on Science Process Skills
Khairani, Ahmad Zamri
A Rasch-based Analysis of Malaysian Students’ Hierarchical Understanding of Rational Numbers
Kim, Seojin
Development and Validation of a Leadership Competency Scale for High School Students Using the Partial Credit Model and the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Kui, Wong Kung
Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning
Law, Seng Ai
Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning
Law, Sie Siek
Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning
Lei, Li
Assessing of career adaptability for students and their preference work in digital era Via Rasch Model
Li, Zhiyao
Learners’ Acceptance of Chat GPT in Higher Education: A Comparison among Overseas and Chinese Undergraduates
Lim, Lyndon
Interpretating Rasch Ability and Difficulty Estimates to Inform Mathematics Learning through an Adaptive Learning System
Ling, Mei-Teng
Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning
Loong, Chue Kah
Aligning the Attitude towards Math Inventory
Lubis, Firuz-Akhtar
Rasch Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Learning Arabic Instrument (I-SMA) for Malaysian Universities
Luo, Guanzhong
The JML estimation in the equi-distant unfolding model for polytomous responses
Lye, Che Yee
Interpretating Rasch Ability and Difficulty Estimates to Inform Mathematics Learning through an Adaptive Learning System
Mitchell, Jordan P.
Identifying Student Goal Orientations for the Improvement of Business Education: Results from Classical Test Theory and the Rasch Model
Mo, Wenjing
The Validation of the Inventory of Peer Attachment (IPA) among Chinese Migrant and Urban Adolescents
Muhayani, Ulfah
Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis
The Indonesian Version of Triangular Hate Scale: A Validation and Current Mapping on Young Adults via Rasch Analysis
Nimehchisalem, Vahid
Evaluating the Accuracy of Peer Assessment of ESL Argumentative Writing Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
Nizam, Mohd Shaharul
Selecting the Top Artisan Woodcraft Projects Using Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) Model
Nor, Mohd Zali Mohd
Selecting the Top Artisan Woodcraft Projects Using Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) Model
Ramli, M.
Validation of the Supervision Outcome Scale in Counselor Professional Education in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach
Rangka, Itsar Bolo
Assessing of Parental Feeding Practice for Childhood in Indonesia: A Rasch Insight
Rasit, Hanani Harun
Development and Validation of Students’ Competency Instrument on Science Process Skills
Rong, Yu-die
The Impact of ChatGPT on Chinese Postgraduates’ English Learning Interest and Proficiency: An Experience of IELTS Speaking Project
Rushdi, Nur Afiqah Athirah Mohd
Rasch Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Learning Arabic Instrument (I-SMA) for Malaysian Universities
Sani, Zulkifle
Selecting the Top Artisan Woodcraft Projects Using Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) Model
Septiana, Nila Zaimatus
The Indonesian Version of Triangular Hate Scale: A Validation and Current Mapping on Young Adults via Rasch Analysis
Shamsuddin, Hasni
A Rasch-based Analysis of Malaysian Students’ Hierarchical Understanding of Rational Numbers
Shanmugam, S. Kanageswari Suppiah
Content Analysis of Gender Differential Item Functioning of Mathematics Items among Secondary Students in an Eastern Chinese Culture
Sinaga, Juster Donal
Assessing of career adaptability for students and their preference work in digital era Via Rasch Model
Sofyan, Afriyadi
Validation of the Supervision Outcome Scale in Counselor Professional Education in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach
Song, Woori
Development and Validation of a Leadership Competency Scale for High School Students Using the Partial Credit Model and the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Sumintono, Bambang
Using Rasch Model to Assess the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) Among University Students in Salatiga, Indonesia
Sumintono, Bambang
Selecting the Top Artisan Woodcraft Projects Using Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) Model
Sumintono, Bambang
Development and Validation of Students’ Competency Instrument on Science Process Skills
Syafitri, Resa
Using Rasch Model to Assess the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) Among University Students in Salatiga, Indonesia
Teo, Fung Yong
Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning
Tsong, Yuying
Validation of the Supervision Outcome Scale in Counselor Professional Education in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach
Veloo, Arsaythamby
Content Analysis of Gender Differential Item Functioning of Mathematics Items among Secondary Students in an Eastern Chinese Culture
Wan, Jiangbo
Assessing Scaffolding Tools Adopted in Emergency Remote Teaching for English Public Speaking
Wang, Jue
Measuring Scientific Creativity with Subjective Creativity Assessments: Psychometric Challenges and Suggestions
Wang, Ruohao
Learners’ Acceptance of Chat GPT in Higher Education: A Comparison among Overseas and Chinese Undergraduates
Wei, Jinggang
Item Analyses and Test Equating Using Rasch-GZ
Wiyono, Bambang Budi
Validation of the Supervision Outcome Scale in Counselor Professional Education in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach
Wong, Huang Yew
Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning
Wu, Jinyu
Item Analyses and Test Equating Using Rasch-GZ
Xiao, Huiqing
The Most Updated Development of PROMS in China
Xiao, Jian Fang
The Most Updated Development of PROMS in China
Xiao, Jianfang
A Study on Strategies to Remotivate Chinese Vocational Students in English Learning in the Era of Informatization
Xiao, Wan-yang
The Impact of ChatGPT on Chinese Postgraduates’ English Learning Interest and Proficiency: An Experience of IELTS Speaking Project
Xie, Xiao
Evaluating the Accuracy of Peer Assessment of ESL Argumentative Writing Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
Xie, Yutong
A Study on Strategies to Remotivate Chinese Vocational Students in English Learning in the Era of Informatization
Xinping, Chang
Application of Rasch Model for Cloze Test Quality Analysis in Language Teaching Situation
Xu, Xiao-shu
The Impact of ChatGPT on Chinese Postgraduates’ English Learning Interest and Proficiency: An Experience of IELTS Speaking Project
Xu, Xiaoshu
An Investigation of Four Types of Conjunctions in Argumentative Writings among Non-English Major Students
Yang, Hyun-Gyung
Development and Validation of a Leadership Competency Scale for High School Students Using the Partial Credit Model and the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Yang, Sujie
Measuring Scientific Creativity with Subjective Creativity Assessments: Psychometric Challenges and Suggestions
Yang, Xue
Item Analyses and Test Equating Using Rasch-GZ
Yao, Qinglan
The Most Updated Development of PROMS in China
Yap, Ngee Thai
Evaluating the Accuracy of Peer Assessment of ESL Argumentative Writing Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
Yong, Mei Fung
Evaluating the Accuracy of Peer Assessment of ESL Argumentative Writing Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
Zailaini, Muhammad Azhar
Using Rasch Model to Assess the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) Among University Students in Salatiga, Indonesia
Zhang, Ci
An Investigation of Four Types of Conjunctions in Argumentative Writings among Non-English Major Students
Zhang, Quan
Peer-Review Statements
Zhang, Quan
RASCH-GZ: The Most Updated Rasch-Based Research Development in China
Zhang, Quan
Item Analyses and Test Equating Using Rasch-GZ