Proceedings of the Mathematics and Science Education International Seminar 2021 (MASEIS 2021)
154 authors
- Purwanto, Andik
- Student’s Written Communication Skills in Learning Physics Using Virtual Lab-Based Video Tutorials
- Purwianingsih, Widi
- Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
- Putri, Desy Hanisa
- Electronic Module Development Based Scaffolding on Static Electricity
- Putri, Desy Hanisa
- Students’ Responses About Using E-Module for Physics Practicum in Pandemic Era
- Putri, Desy Hanisa
- Student’s Written Communication Skills in Learning Physics Using Virtual Lab-Based Video Tutorials
- Rahmi, Ayu
- Science Process Skills of Pre-service Teacher Through Inorganic Chemistry Practicum Activities
- Risdianto, Eko
- The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Models to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators
- Rochintaniawati, Diana
- Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
- Romundza, Febby
- Analysis of Mathematic Literacy Ability of Junior High School Student Using Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in the Time Covid-19 Pandemic
- Ruyani, Aceng
- The Study of Behavior Heosemys Spinosa on the Ex-Situ Conservation Area of Bengkulu University
- Ruyani, Aceng
- Project-Based Learning: Animal Diversity Survey in Turtle Conservation Area at Bengkulu University
- Sakti, Indra
- Implementation of PCT (Paper Chromatography Techniques) Practicum Media on Student Learning Outcomes on Mixed Separation Materials
- Samitra, Dian
- Project-Based Learning: Animal Diversity Survey in Turtle Conservation Area at Bengkulu University
- Santoso, Santoso
- Development of Student Critical Thinking Skills Through Inquiry Learning in Cell Metabolism Material (Study of Literature Study Analysis)
- Sardjono, Ratnaningsih Eko
- Connecting Students’ Critical Thinking Skills with Conceptual Knowledge in Learning the Organic Compounds Stability by Using Marvin Sketch as a Tools to Adjust the Era of Society 5.0
- Setiadi, Tri Irama
- Study on the Use of Plants in Balinese Ethnicity in Bengkulu as an Alternative Source of Learning Plant Taxonomy Based on Local Wisdom
- Siska, Jumiati
- Mathematics Learning with MMP Development
- Sospolita, Nadya
- The Results of Using the Zoom Application on Mathematical Representation Ability of Junior High School Students
- Sucipto, Hadi
- Electronic Module Development Based Scaffolding on Static Electricity
- Suharno, Ayu Sekarsari
- Validation and Reliability of Strategy Instrument Test the Firing Line with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Modified (POGIL) on Problem Solving Abilities and Mathematical Representation of Junior High School Students
- Sukarso, A. A.
- Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
- Sumardi, Hari
- Prediction Farmer Exchange Rate Comparative Method of Analysis Holth-Winters Smoothing and Seasonal ARIMA
- Sumardi, Hari
- The Results of Using the Zoom Application on Mathematical Representation Ability of Junior High School Students
- Sundaryono, Agus
- The Study of Behavior Heosemys Spinosa on the Ex-Situ Conservation Area of Bengkulu University
- Susanta, Agus
- Validation and Reliability of Strategy Instrument Test the Firing Line with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Modified (POGIL) on Problem Solving Abilities and Mathematical Representation of Junior High School Students
- Susanta, Agus
- Increasing the Students’ Understanding of Analyzing Data Through Project-Based Learning
- Sutarno
- Electronic Module Development Based Scaffolding on Static Electricity
- Sutarno, Sutarno
- Student’s Written Communication Skills in Learning Physics Using Virtual Lab-Based Video Tutorials
- Sutrisno, Sutrisno
- Rapid Artificial Diagnostic Test in Intelligent Teacher Assistant System (ITAS) to Identify Misconceptions on Kinematics
- Syafmen, Wardi
- Analysis of Mathematic Literacy Ability of Junior High School Student Using Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in the Time Covid-19 Pandemic
- Syafri, Fatrima Santri
- The Effectiveness of Using Mathematics Books in Islamic Studies for Students of Tadris Mathematics Study Program
- Uliyandari, Mellyta
- Implementation of PCT (Paper Chromatography Techniques) Practicum Media on Student Learning Outcomes on Mixed Separation Materials
- Umaro, Septika A.
- Development of Integrated Blog-Based Teaching Materials of Dyestuffs Adsorption to Improve Students’ Literacy in Chemistry
- Unaida, Ratna
- Examining Junior High School Student’s Self-efficacy of Literacy and Numeracy
- Unaida, Ratna
- Perception of Prospective Teachers to the Needs of ICT in Chemical Learning in the Age of Digital Transformation
- Utari, Tria
- Student Problem Solving Skill in Linear Algebra Subjects Based on Polya Solving Steps
- Vatresia, Arie
- Fuzzy Subtractive C-Means for Teacher Distribution Analysis
- Wibowo, Tri Haryanto
- Analysis of Student Responses to the Application of the Project Based Learning (PJBL) Model in the Introduction to Solid State Physics Course
- Widiarti, Yetti
- The Effect of Blended Learning Model with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Concept Understanding and Mathematics Problem Solving Ability of Students of Junior High School 11 Bengkulu City
- Widiasih
- Analysis of Giving Quizzes on Mechanics Lectures Through E-Learning
- Widiasih
- Design of Basic Physics Practicum Module Using Augmented Reality
- Widodo, Ari
- Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
- Wiwit
- Implementing the Powerpoint 2010 and Phet Simulation Media with Modification of Reciprocal Teaching Approach in Inorganic Chemistry Materials
- Yani, Ariefa Primair
- Project-Based Learning: Animal Diversity Survey in Turtle Conservation Area at Bengkulu University
- Yennita, Yennita
- Analysis of the Questioning Ability of Biology Education Students Based on Cognitive Level in Plant Morphology Course
- Yensy, Nurul Astuty
- Increasing the Students’ Understanding of Analyzing Data Through Project-Based Learning
- Yolika, Winda
- The Study of Behavior Heosemys Spinosa on the Ex-Situ Conservation Area of Bengkulu University
- Yunidar
- Study on the Use of Plants in Balinese Ethnicity in Bengkulu as an Alternative Source of Learning Plant Taxonomy Based on Local Wisdom
- Yunita, Widia
- The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Models to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators
- Yustisia, Nova
- The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Models to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators
- Zakirman
- Analysis of Giving Quizzes on Mechanics Lectures Through E-Learning
- Zakirman
- Design of Basic Physics Practicum Module Using Augmented Reality
- Zamzaili, Zamzaili
- The Influence of Anxiety and Perception on Mathematics Learning on Understanding the Concepts of Students of Class VIII Junior High School 16 Bengkulu City
- Zukmadini, Alif Yanuar
- Study on the Use of Plants in Balinese Ethnicity in Bengkulu as an Alternative Source of Learning Plant Taxonomy Based on Local Wisdom