Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Education and Technology 2018 (ISET 2018)

447 authors
Prasetyo, AP Budi
Blended Learning Analysis in Nature Basic Concept in Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program
Pratiwi, Resi
Implementation of Practical Worksheet based on Multiple Representations with Basic Science Process Skills Indicators
Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
Learning Biotechnology Constructively and Meaningfully to Improve Personal Religious Beliefs (PRB)
Prihandono, Dorojatun
Unravel Entrepreneurial Mindset in Indonesian Higher Education Institutions
Prihatin, Titi
The Implementation of Benchmarking in the Preparation of School Work Plan in Vocational High School
Prihatin, Titi
The Utilization of Whatsapp Application on Scientific-Based Learning Management in Higher Education Institutions
Prihatin, Titi
The Development Model Of School Culture On The Strengthening Of Students' Character In Sma Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
Pristiwati, Rahayu
Learning Model for Exposition Text Writing on Learners in Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning styles
Priyadi, Sapto
Effect of Nicotiana tabacum Extract Concentration as Biopesticide on protein content of Robusta coffee beans and skin
Priyanto, Agustinus Sugeng
Social Studies Learning Based on Ethnopedagogic through Social Relations of Dayak and Chinese Ethnics in Making Integration: A Study in Pontianak West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Priyatmojo, Achmadi
Phosphorus Dosage and Cow Urine to Chlorophyll and proline Content on Binucleate Rhizoctonia by induced resistance of vanilla
Priyatmojo, Achmadi
Effect of Nicotiana tabacum Extract Concentration as Biopesticide on protein content of Robusta coffee beans and skin
Pujiyanto, Pujiyanto
The Entrepreneurship Teaching of Sunan Kudus
Purwaningtyas, Susi Agung
Development of Diagnostic Tests to Identify Deaf Student’s Multiple Representations Ability of Physics in SMPLB
Purwaningtyas, Susi Agung
Development of Inquiry Assisted Educational Video to Increase Students' Learning Independence in SMPLB Ungaran
Purwanto, E.
Application of Android-Based Stress Meter as Stress Academic Indicator on College Student with Low Achievement Motivation
Purwanto, Edi
Sustainability of Organic Agriculture System by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)
Purwanto, Edy
The Effectiveness of Cyber Counseling Service to Enhance Student Performance in Statistics
Purwinarko, Aji
Model Development of Management Information System of Internship
Putra, N M D
The Development of Simple Harmonic Vibration Student Learning Worksheet (LKPD) based on Curious Note Program (CNP) Learning Model in Improving Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
Putra, N M D
Students’ Critical Thinking Performance through Problem-Based Learning by Using Metacognitive Strategy
Putra, N M D
The Relevance of Physics Learning on the Vocational High School Students of Automotive Study Program
Qomarrullah, Rifiy
Dominant Factors of Physical Ability Determining the Achievement of Artistic Gymnastic Techniques
R, Hari Amirullah
Game Model To Increase Fundamental Movement Skills in Children With Mild Intellectual Disability
R, Khoirur
Science Analysis of “Nginang “ Culture In Context of Science Technology Engineering And Mathematics (Stem) Integration of Ethnoscience
RW, M Burhan
The Analysis of Collaboration Needs between Vocational Schools and Industry in Internship Based on the Alignment of Graduates' Competence
Rachman, Hari A.
Increasing Technical Performance through Style Improvement Exercise on Swimming Athlete
Rachman, HariAmirullah
Model of Motor Skills to Improve Life Skill of Elementary School Children in Palembang, Indonesia
Rachman, Maman
The Implementation of Benchmarking in the Preparation of School Work Plan in Vocational High School
Rachman, Maman
The Effectiveness of Management Model for Multicultural-Based Sociology Training to Enhance Teachers’ Professional Competence
Rachmawati, Lysa Amorita
Digital Technology on Millenial Generation : Potere Mobile Devices on Primary Students for Supporting Learning
Raharjo, Tri Joko
The Implementation of Management Information System of Planning School Infrastructure Development Based on Priority Scale (SIMPPIS) to Improve Students’ Achievement
Raharjo, Tri Joko
Strategic Factors of Teacher’s Commitment in Salatiga
Rahayu, Setya
Revitalization of Left Hands by Using Drill Method to Improve The Accuracy of Frisbee Throw Through to The Target
Rahayu, Setya
Impact of smartphones on the achievement of sepak takraw learners
Rahayu, Setya
Biomechanics Analysis of Passing Accuracy by Using Foot and Kick Distance at the Student Football Player
Rahayu, Setya
Model of Motor Skills to Improve Life Skill of Elementary School Children in Palembang, Indonesia
Rahayu, Setya
Game Model To Increase Fundamental Movement Skills in Children With Mild Intellectual Disability
Rahayu, Setya
Model of Physical Activity Based on Perceptual Motor for Kindergarten Learner: Study Analysis of Energy System and Neurology
Rahayu, Setyo
Effectiveness of Free Weight Exercise And Super Set Machine System on Strength and Muscle Hypertrophy
Rahayu, Tandiyo
Revitalization of Left Hands by Using Drill Method to Improve The Accuracy of Frisbee Throw Through to The Target
Rahayu, Tandiyo
Increasing Technical Performance through Style Improvement Exercise on Swimming Athlete
Rahayu, Tandiyo
Model of Motor Skills to Improve Life Skill of Elementary School Children in Palembang, Indonesia
Rahayu, Tandiyo
Sport Development Index as a Parameter of Sport Achievement Developmental Program
Rahayu, Tandiyo
Game Model To Increase Fundamental Movement Skills in Children With Mild Intellectual Disability
Rahayu, Tandiyo
The Development of Physical Potential Instrument of Taekwondo Ages 14-17
Rahmania, Sofi Aulia
Economic and Political Diplomacy in Disruption Era Through Indonesian for Speakers of Other Language (BIPA) Teacher Assignment Overseas
Rahmawati, A. I. N.
Application of Android-Based Stress Meter as Stress Academic Indicator on College Student with Low Achievement Motivation
Rahmawati, Atik
Environment-Based Education Integrated Islamic Values to Cultivate Environmental Literacy and Attitudes
Reffiane, Fine
Blended Learning Analysis in Nature Basic Concept in Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program
Rejeki, Herwinta Inggil
Improving The Quality of Science Learning Through Mind Mapping Model with Flashcard
Ridlo, Saeful
The Competence of Teaching Training Program Students in Devising Integrated Lesson Plan and Islamic Value in Biology Lesson
Rifai, Achmad
The Strategy of Improving Principal’s Managerial Performance through the Adaptability of New Technologies
Rifai, Achmad
The Effectiveness of Management Model for Multicultural-Based Sociology Training to Enhance Teachers’ Professional Competence
Ristiyani, Ms
The Use of Utterance Politeness by Nursemaid in Creating Character of Homeless Children
Rochana, Totok
The Effectiveness of Management Model for Multicultural-Based Sociology Training to Enhance Teachers’ Professional Competence
Rohindi, Tjetjep
The Strengthening Of Humanity Value in The Generation of Digital Natives in the Era Of Digital Technology Through Nawung Sekar Dance
Rokhman, F
Storytelling Learning with Character Content Using Stimulus-Response Method
Rokhman, Fathur
The Characteristic of Rhetoric Discourse in Pilkada Political Advertisement
Rokhman, Fathur
Blended Learning in Short Story Appreciation in High Schools of Surakarta-Indonesia
Rokhman, Fathur
Folklore Local Wisdom Values of Rembang Society
Rokhman, Fathur
Implementation of Good School Governance through "PADI ASI" Movement towards Effective Schooling
Rokhman, Fatur
Implementation and Educational Innovation of Structural Presumption Theory of Ika Valensia on Police Investigator’s Speech Act
Roysa, Mila
The Use of Utterance Politeness by Nursemaid in Creating Character of Homeless Children
Rukmini, Dwi
The Learners Perceive of Written Corrective Feedback in Writing Multicultural class
Rusdarti, Rusdarti
The Dimensions of Soft Skills and CBT (Competency Based Training) on the Entrepreneurship Education in Agribusiness Vocational High School
Rusilowati, Ani
Development of Diagnostic Tests to Identify Deaf Student’s Multiple Representations Ability of Physics in SMPLB
Rusilowati, Ani
The Development of Integrated Science Learning Instrument Based on Project-Based Learning to Measure Critical Thinking Skills
Rusilowati, Ani
Development of Inquiry Assisted Educational Video to Increase Students' Learning Independence in SMPLB Ungaran
Rustono, Mr
Empowering School Committees Through Local Wisdom-Based Training Model At Jepara, Indonesia
Rustono, Mr
Structure and Contextual Meaning Analysis of Anecdote Text with Character and Local Wisdom as an Alternative to Selection of Teaching Materials for Indonesian in Senior High School
Rustono, Mr
The Need of Analysis on the Assessment Model of Speaking Ability Based on Information Technology
Rustono, Mr
Learning Pattern of Speaking Subject in Higher Education: A Constructiveness Review as Educational Innovation
Rustono, Mr
The Violations of Cooperative Principle as The Creativity Of Humour In Banjar Madihin Art
Safi’i, Mr
The Development of Physical Potential Instrument of Taekwondo Ages 14-17
Sajidan, Sajidan
Learning Biotechnology Constructively and Meaningfully to Improve Personal Religious Beliefs (PRB)
Samsudi, Mr
The Analysis of Collaboration Needs between Vocational Schools and Industry in Internship Based on the Alignment of Graduates' Competence
Samsudi, Samsudi
The Development Model Of School Culture On The Strengthening Of Students' Character In Sma Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
Santosa, Slamet
Sustainability of Organic Agriculture System by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)
Saptono, Sigit
Scientific Creativity Profile of Mathematics and Science Students
Saptono, Sigit
The Development of Integrated Science Learning Instrument Based on Project-Based Learning to Measure Critical Thinking Skills
Sarwi, Mr
The Profile of Concept Mastery and Scientific Literacy Skills for Senior High School Students in Force Theme
Satyawati, S T
The Strategy of Improving Principal’s Managerial Performance through the Adaptability of New Technologies
Sayuti, Suminto A.
Local Literature in Coastal Pesantren as an Alternative on Literary Reading Subject for Students of PBSI Unissula
Sayuti, Suminto A.
Folklore Local Wisdom Values of Rembang Society
Semarayasa, I Ketut
Impact of smartphones on the achievement of sepak takraw learners
Setianingsih, Eka Sari
Development of Comic Based on Local Wisdom as Learning Media for Primary School
Setijono, Hari
Increasing Technical Performance through Style Improvement Exercise on Swimming Athlete
Setijono, Hari
Analysis of Physical Ability, Technique and Mental Condition of Indonesian National Karateka
Setijono, Hari
Biomechanics Analysis of Passing Accuracy by Using Foot and Kick Distance at the Student Football Player
Setijono, Hari
Sport Development Index as a Parameter of Sport Achievement Developmental Program
Setijono, Hari
Analysis on Players’ Playing Skills During the National Volleyball League (Proliga) 2016
Setiono, Hari
Effectiveness of Free Weight Exercise And Super Set Machine System on Strength and Muscle Hypertrophy
Setiyadi, Desi
The Traditional Games As A Means of Learning Resources Two Dimensional Figures In Primary School
Setya, Sumaryanto
A Factual Analysis of Teacher Working Group (Twg) Physical Education Health and Sport In North Indralaya South Sumatera, Indonesia
Setyowati, D L
Characteristic Analysis of Essay Test Instruments for Measuring Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Setyowati, Dew Liesnoor
Reducing Java's Transmigrant Conflict With Indigenous People through Multicultural Education
Siswoyo, R E
The Strategy of Improving Principal’s Managerial Performance through the Adaptability of New Technologies
Sjamsuddin, Helius
The Shifting Cultivation of Bauma Tahutn Tradition in the Dayak Kanayatn People in West Kalimantan
Slamet, Achmad
The Utilization of Whatsapp Application on Scientific-Based Learning Management in Higher Education Institutions