Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021)
222 articles
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Dimensions in Community Response to the Free Vaccination Programs in Suppressing the Spread of Covid-19 in Sidoarjo Regency
Trenda Aktiva Oktariyanda, Meirinawati, Eva Hany Fanida, Fitrotun Niswah, Ngukup Cahyo Achmadja
Based on data on the positive cases of the Indonesian Covid-19 pandemic in the period March 2020 to March 2021, there were 1,290,790 people. Meanwhile, the distribution of positive cases in Sidoarjo Regency until March 2021 is 10,787 people. In order to suppress the increase in new positive cases and...
Proceedings Article
Local Government Strategies in Health Protocol Education for People with Mental Disabilities in Ponorogo Regency by Strengthening Social Non- Governmental Organizations
Muhammad Farid Ma’ruf, Galih Wahyu Pradana, Deby Febrian Eprlianto, Suci Megawati
Disabled people with different disabilities are one of the categories that are sensitive to COVID-19 infection. In dealing with COVID-19 and for people with disabilities, prevention policies have been issued by the government. Because of its limits, the regulation must be properly implemented, since...
Proceedings Article
Government Disaster Policy: Dealing Between Political Will and Political Demands
Maya Mustika Kartika Sari, Agus Satmoko
The corona pandemic disaster is a social context that makes policy makers decide various policies to deal with the pandemic. Government policies are the main hope in solving the pandemic problem. Through the functions of regulation, distribution, and control, the government has comprehensive and integrative...
Proceedings Article
Awareness of Religious Tolerance for Millennial Youth in Surabaya in the Dynamics of Diversity
Siti Maizul Habibah, Rr. Nanik Setyowati
Indonesia in its development as a nation, all the uniqueness inherent in the multicultural Indonesian nation gets its ideological and philosophical umbrella from Pancasila. The millennial generation as citizens who have a strategic position, because of their intellectual capacity. For this reason, it...
Proceedings Article
The Victory of the Taliban and Its Influence on the Jamaah Islamiyah Group in Indonesia
Agus Satmoko Adi, Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba
The Taliban group has succeeded in occupying the Afghan government since August 2021. Some observers say that the Taliban’s victory could trigger the spirit of radical groups to establish an Islamic state. When Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union, many Indonesian members of Jamaah Islamiyah went...
Proceedings Article
Global Citizenship Education; A Framework of Civic Literacy in Indonesia
Siti Maizul Habibah, Sapriyah
The purpose of this paper is to describe why there is a need for global citizenship education and also to describe global citizenship education on civic literacy in any aspect. The method used in writing this scientific article is descriptive qualitative and literature review data collection which produces...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Use of the Sidoarjo Peoples’s Service System (SIPRAJA) in Improving Public Services in Tambakrejo Village, Waru District, Sidoarjo Regency
Aprilia Devi Rekasari, Eva Hany Fanida
The Sidoarjo People’s Service System (SIPRAJA) is an innovation created by the Sidoarjo Regency Government in improving the quality of public services. This is done by the Tambakrejo Village Government in using the Sidoarjo People’s Service System (Sipraja) which is expected to be able to provide effective...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening New Product and SOPs for Blitar Pangi Beach Tourism Villages as an Effort for Sustainable Tourism Development
Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji, Eko Satriya Hermawan, Riyadi, Ahmad Bashri, Mukhzamilah
Pangi Beach Tourism Village products are tourist boats, diving spots, and several culinary delights that offer food and drinks. The problems faced by Pangi Beach Tourism Village are strengthening the economic potential of tourism villages and making SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) facilitate and...
Proceedings Article
Marketing Communication Based Local Wisdom on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises During Pandemic Covid 19
Mutiah, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, Anam Miftakhul Huda
The condition of COVID-19 pandemic has changed the pattern of human life from various aspects, one of them is the most affected by the economic aspect of the community. The wheels of the community’s economy are hampered due to the policy of implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in...
Proceedings Article
Parent’s Humanic Communication with Down Syndrome Children in Online Learning During Pandemic
May Kurniawaty Sugiarto, Mutiah
Communication is an important need in human life in establishing relationships with other people. In communicating, a communicator must be able to convey the content of the message well and can be understood by the communicant. As is the case when communicating with children with special needs, one of...
Proceedings Article
Role Model for Student’s as Health Literacy Agent Covid 19 Vaccine
Anam Miftakhul Huda, Tsuroyya, Awang Dharmawan, Faadihilah Alodia Orlin
The purpose of the study was to find out the actions taken by students as agents of change in health literacy behavior to invite public to take part in the Covid-19 vaccination. The method used in this study was to use a qualitative approach by digging up information data from students who are members...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Marketing Communications for Haircos Cosmetics
Biyan Yessi Wilujeng, Mutiah, Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari
Haircos Cosmetics is a type of hairtonic developed by universities. The product has been through laboratory tests and in collaboration with the cosmetic industry. Haircos that have been produced in large quantities must be marketed to meet the people’s need for natural products. As a new product, of...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Empowering the City of Surabaya as a Disability-Friendly and Elderly Friendly City
Mochamad Purnomo, Sapto Wibowo, Kunjung Ashadi, Hijrin Fithroni
As citizens, persons with disabilities and the elderly have the same rights to live independently. This right can only be fulfilled if public facilities that support their accessibility are well available. Realizing this need, the Surabaya City government then launched a program to make Surabaya a disability...
Proceedings Article
Policy Coordination of Aluminum Industrial Waste Management in Jombang Regency
Badrudin Kurniawan, Tjitjik Rahaju, Indah Prabawati, Tauran, Nabilah Ivana
Environmental problems are complex and interlinked. It is necessary to adopt an integrative approach to understand it. Furthermore, it requires an integrated multi-sectoral approach to be overcome. Environmental policy integration (EPI) is needed to address the issue through inserting environmental aspects...
Proceedings Article
Lifestyle Identity Construction of Celebgram on Instagram (Case Study of @AmeliaElle)
Dwitriani Ulfi Rifqiningsih, Puspita Sari Sukardani
This study aims to find out how the process of forming the identity of the celebrity lifestyle is carried out by the celebrity @ameliaelle through their daily activities. The theory used in this study is the theory of identity construction from J.M. Baldwin and the theory of lifestyle according to Kotler...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Level of Students About Traffic at Public Junior High School (SMP Negeri) 3 Candi Sidoarjo
Rinda Listya Antari, Listyaningsih
Traffic education is very important for students since elementary school and junior high school (SMP) because traffic accidents involving students are getting higher every year. One of the causes of traffic accidents is the lack of knowledge that drivers have about traffic. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics and Water Usage Pattern of Karst groundwater User Communities of “Spamdus Genjahan” in Wonosari Basin
Eko Budiyanto, Bambang Sigit Widodo, Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Aida Kurniawati, Muzayanah
“Spamdus Genjahan” is a karst groundwater management system in Genjahan village which include in Ledok Wonosari basin. Smart water quality monitoring and management system based on the internet of think (IOT) is a new innovation that will be applied to the operation of “Spamdus Genjahan”. The application...
Proceedings Article
Flooding Hazard Assessment Considering Climate Change in the Coastal Areas of Java / Indonesia Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Data
Data Mining Based on of Free Available Data and Software as Contribution to Hazard Preparedness in Affected Communities
Barbara Theilen-Willige, Eko Budiyanto
Evaluations of different satellite data and meteorologic data as well as digital elevation data, help to identify critical areas in Java, Indonesia exposed to flooding due to flash floods, storm surge, cyclones, meteo-tsunamis or tsunami waves. Data mining and map creation is the prerequisite for flooding...
Proceedings Article
Potential of Natural Resources in Renewable Energy Development in Ngawi District, Ngawi Regency
Ita Mardiani Zain, Wiwik Sri Utami
The new alternative renewable energy that emerges is highly expected to be a new source of energy for the people in Ngawi Regency, so that it can grow all existing potential both in terms of the community’s economy and other aspects of life. The purpose of this study is to explore and map the Potential...
Proceedings Article
The Fake Vaccine and in Terms of Civil Law Theory (Commercial Law) That Related to Consumer Protection and Organized Crime
Nomensen Freddy Siahaan
The International Police Organization (Interpol) responds to a criminal network producing the fake Vaccine Covid-19. Interpol is an intergovernmental organization of 194 member states. On December 2nd, 2020, Interpol has issued an orange notice, to be aware of criminal acts related to the Covid-19 vaccine....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Snare of Law for “Pay Day Loan” Providers According to Indonesian Criminal Law
Pudji Astuti
Financial Services Managers have been regulated in Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority (OJK Law). The goal is to grow the country’s economy by providing opportunities for financial service managers who are able to carry out activities to grow the national economy in a sustainable...
Proceedings Article
Legal Understanding of Persons with Disabilities Regarding Easy Accessibility in Performing Worship in the Mosque
Pudji Astuti, M Turhan Yani, Eny Sulistyowati, Muh. Ali Masnun
The rights of persons with disabilities related to the fulfillment of ease of accessibility in carrying out worship in mosques have not been fulfilled by mosque managers as well as the government which has the obligation to fulfill these obligations. Various laws and regulations have guaranteed this...
Proceedings Article
Social Media as a Communication Strategy in Voter Education By KPU Surabaya City During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Rahmanu Wijaya, Puspita Sari Sukardani, Trenda Aktiva Oktariyanda
The District/ City Election Commission based on the provisions of Article 16 paragraph (3) of PKPU No. 8 of 2017 has the authority to organize voter education, the goal is to form dignified voters so as to produce regional leaders with integrity in managing the government. But in the implementation of...
Proceedings Article
Map of Mineral Regulation Problems Related to the Miss Procedure and Violations of the Constitution in the Middle of The Covid 19 Pandemic
Shanen Burgundy, Putri Lestari, Senia Putri
The Republic of Indonesia is a country that is rich in natural resources, from living natural resources to non-living natural resources. The potential of natural wealth starts from the sea, land, and other natural resources contained in the earth of Indonesia. Right on May 14, 2020, the mineral and coal...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Sharia Banking Law Politics Through Mergers and Digitalization of Sharia Banking
Nur Azizah
This study aims to determine the legal politics of mergers and digitalization of Islamic banking in Indonesia, namely the basic policy of sharia banking regulations that cannot be separated from the national legal system, national and global economic system. The merger (merger) of Bank Syariah Mandiri...
Proceedings Article
The Origins of Padang Cuisine and an Economic Impact of Minangkabau Peoples in Surabaya (1960’s -owadays)
Corry Liana, Wisnu, Eko S. Hermawan
Minang society is one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia that has a tradition called merantau (migrating). They migrated to foreign countries, which are specifically based on Malay culture. One of them is Malaysia (and Singapore), also known as Melaka. Meanwhile, Surabaya is not the wandering destination...
Proceedings Article
Muhammadyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia Case Study of The Al-Azhar Tulungagung Foundation
Diana Puji Lestari
As one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, Muhammadyah strives to contribute to Indonesian education. The Muhammadyah Foundation has made many contributions to education in Indonesia, from kindergarten to university level. And has been known throughout the community for its contribution...
Proceedings Article
Staging Local Art: Transnational History of Ketoprak Rukun Karya in Outer Island Madura in The Age of Globalization
Joko Sayono, Ronal Ridhoi, Lutfiah Ayundasari, Muhammad Wahyu Prahardana
Traditional performing arts are currently lack on interast in urban region, especially in Semenep City, Madura. However, for a long time, the traditional art like Ketoprak Rukun Karya more famous in outer islands of Madura and even in Java. This paper aims to trace the transnationalization of Ketoprak...
Proceedings Article
Parents Communication to Down Syndrome in Online Learning During Pandemic
Kurniawaty May Sugiarto, Mutiah
Communication is an important need in human life in establishing relationships with other people. In communicating, a communicator must be able to convey the content of the message well and can be understood by the communicant. As is the case when communicating with children with special needs, one of...
Proceedings Article
A Preliminary Study and Validation of Characters as the Basis for Merdeka Belajar Program in University Level
Miftakhul Jannah, Aris Rudi Purnomo, Prima Vidya Asteria, Ricky Eka Putra
This research aims at generating and validating items of characters relevant to Curriculum Merdeka Belajar. This research used focus group discussion and content validity ratio to determine the validity of the items. Fifty participants were involved to give their response in the questionnaire using g-form...
Proceedings Article
Development of Disaster Geography Teaching Materials Due to Microorganisms for Geography Education Undergraduate Students
Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Muzayanah, Wiwik Sri Utami, Bambang Sigit Widodo, Eko Budiyanto
From the perspective of geography, the concept of biological disaster, especially concerning human health, can be viewed from the distribution and environmental conditions. Distribution is caused by the dynamics of the mobility of humans or certain animals. While the environment plays a role in conditions...
Proceedings Article
Development of Course Teaching Materials Geography of Disaster Through the 4-D Model
Dian Ayu Larasati, Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Ketut Prasetya
There are no specific teaching materials that accommodate student learning needs, and learning materials are still scattered in various sources. This condition occurs in the Geography of Disaster course, which so far there is no teaching material. Therefore, it is necessary to study textbooks for the...
Proceedings Article
Potential of Social Science Outdoor Learning Laboratory in Singgahan District, Tuban
Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Sarmini, Ita Mardiani Zain, Artono, FX. Sri Sadewo, Hanifah Mahat
The purpose of this study is to (1) identify the strengths and weaknesses of the locations that become “Karst Geoparks” as IPS outdoor learning laboratories (2) identify opportunities and obstacles from locations that become “Karst Geoparks” as IPS outdoor learning laboratories. This research is descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Development of Three-Dimensional Media for Bindly Students in Social Sciences
Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Ali Imron, Riyadi
This research focuses on developing learning media in the form of three-dimensional media regarding the shape of the earth’s surface. The media developed is guided by the material in Social Sciences in Junior High School. For students with special needs, especially for blind students, this three-dimensional...
Proceedings Article
Rationality Application of “Wisata Barokah” as a Religious Education Strategy in Pandemic
(SDIT Al-Ikhlas Mantren Case Study)
Yusril Indra Wardana, Agus Machfud Fauzi
The covid-19 pandemic has affected various sectors including education and religion. Learning in formal schools that is carried out face-to-face must now change to distance learning. Many parties are pro and contra with this policy because in practice many things have happened. This obstacle is trying...
Proceedings Article
Refusal of Ratification of Omnibus Law According to Sociology of Law
Yudita Nuriyah An-Nisa’, Agus Machfud Fauzi
This article describes the passing of the omnibus law of the work copyright bill. The purpose of this article is to determine the effect of the ratification of the omnibus law. The process of ratifying the law is carried out at night when the position of the majority of citizens is relaxing. Besides,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Religious Leaders and the Regional Government of East Java in Tackling Hoax Chain Message
Salma Qotrunada S, Agus Machfud Fauzi
The research is set off from the problem of the pandemic COVID-19, which from the beginning happened in Indonesia already reaped a lot of debate, where it is penetrated on the many issues, controversies to hoax related to COVID-19, including about the hoax COVID-19 in “Jatim Meledak” as well as the controversy...
Proceedings Article
Public Perceptions of the Blasphemy Case of Muhammad Kace on Social Media
Nur Jannah, Agus Machfud Fauzi
Case of blasphemy that recently occurred started when a YouTuber with the channel name Muhammad Kace streamed with words that insulted the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Thus making Muhammad Kace a defendant in the matter of blasphemy against religion and society. The purpose of this study was to look at the...
Proceedings Article
Community Social Construction on Islamic Holidays in Ponorogo Regency During the Pandemic
Nufikha Dwi Pertiwi, Agus Machfud Fauzi
At the moment the world is being hit by the covid-19 pandemic virus. It affects all aspects of life such as economic, social and cultural. The impact was also experienced during the Islamic Holiday in Ponorogo Regency. With the increase in the pandemic virus that occurred, the commemorations of Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Conflict Analysis of Sudimoro Village Pilkades in 2020 Regarding Money Politics
Mohammad Fajrul Falah, Agus Machfud Fauzi
The existence of a village head election which is a 5-year agenda in a village other than as a form of a democratic party is also a new hope and motivation for the village community. Therefore, the enthusiasm of the community to participate in the democratic party performance is expected to be large...
Proceedings Article
The Rationality of the Community of Tawangrejo Village in the Election of the Regent and Deputy Regent in Lamongan Regency in 2020
Mizharotul Fu’adiyah, Agus Machfud Fauzi
The election of the regent and deputy regent in Lamongan Regency in 2020 resulted in pros and cons between individuals and other individuals, especially in the Tawangrejo Village community. In its implementation, in Tawangrejo Village there were conflicts caused by differences in the interests of the...
Proceedings Article
Modernization in the Christian Worship of Surabaya City in the Pandemic
Jessica Kristinova, Agus Machfud Fauzi
Currently, modern technology is a necessity for people to carry out activities. In the current pandemic era, people depend on technology to communicate. In addition to communicating, technology also helps people to carry out worship according to their respective beliefs. One of them is for Christians....
Proceedings Article
Blater Power Relation as a Symbol in the Political Seat Battle in Bangkalan
Eni Syafitri, Agus Machfud Fauzi
Madura is famous for the dominance of a very popular religion, the position of religion is divided into several clusters that are members of the socio-economic community. These classes include the kyai and the blater who often have an important and major role in all aspects including political activities,...
Proceedings Article
Muhammadiyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia and Its Influence on People’s Social Life
Diana Puji Lestari, Agus Machfud Fauzi
As one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, Muhammadyah strives to contribute to Indonesian education. The Muhammadyah Foundation has made many contributions to education in Indonesia, from kindergarten to university. And has been known throughout the community for its contribution to the...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Scout Extracurricular Activities at SMPN 10 Surabaya During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Dhiyaul Auliyah, Agus Machfud Fauzi
This study discusses scout extracurricular activities that are still ongoing during the Covid-19 pandemic, departing from the implementation of scout extracurricular activities at State Junior High School 10 Surabaya. Scout extracurriculars are identical with the implementation of outdoor activities,...
Proceedings Article
Integrity of Political Policy in Village Government During the Implementation of the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster Mitigation
Ayu Febriani, Agus Mahfud Fauzi
Integrity is consistency in certain actions. The strength or weakness of integrity is determined by the perpetrator of the action. In this case, the Banyukambang Village Government, Wonoasri District, Madiun Regency is given the authority to have good integrity in mitigating the COVID-19 disaster. This...
Proceedings Article
Voters with Disabilities in the 2020 Regional Head Elections in Media Coverage and the Covid-19 Pandemic*
Agus Machfud Fauzi, Martinus Legowo, Moh Mudzakir, Novi Fitia Maliha, Ardhie Raditya
Reporting on voters with disabilities in the Pilkada is a concern because of the importance of them exercising their right to vote sometimes not in accordance with the existence of their aspirations for the future of a region. Their reporting in the range of the Covid-19 Pandemic Pilkada is relatively...
Proceedings Article
Media Consumption Patterns to Get English Learning Information in Tiktok
Herma Retno Prabayanti, Yahya Romadoni, Yanuarita Kusuma
Social media has a significant role in the life of an individual, because it can create two-way or more interaction and communication in different places. The social media that are often used and also follow the development of trends in social media applications. TikTok is one of the most popular social...
Proceedings Article
Legal Consequences for Nominee Deed Notaries
Dita Perwitasari, Maydinah Syandra Fairina
The Nominee Agreement in Indonesian civil law which is based on the Civil Code does not have any rules in it. An agreement that has no rules in the Civil Code can be called an anonymous agreement (Innominant Contract). Where this unnamed agreement is an agreement which rules are not yet contained in...
Proceedings Article
Policy Evaluation of the Imposition of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities (PPKM) in East Java
Dicky Eko Prasetyo, Hananto Widodo, Denial Ikram, Azzahra Ayu Sabilla, Raraniken Ayuning Bintari
Policy Evaluation of the Imposition of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities (PPKM) as a policy aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. This policy is based on the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs. This research is a socio-legal legal research with primary data in the form of...
Proceedings Article
Juridical Review of CC License as Protection Copyright for Author That Provides Justice
Budi Hermono, Suharningsih, Dhiana Puspitawati, Yuliati
The existence of justice in the law is an aspiration to be achieved. Every people have a different value about Justice and it makes justice relative. However, justice is the goal of law enforcement in society. The CC license tries to provide justice for the author (creator) and the use of his work that...
Proceedings Article
The Integration of Character Education and Intercultural Competence in German Learning Process
Ajeng Dianing Kartika, Muhammad Nur Ashar Asnur, Piet Sumoukil
Learning foreign languages in the 4.0 era is currently a demand in education, especially higher education level. By mastering foreign languages, students are expected to be able to develop knowledge and build international communication. Language and culture are two inseparable entities. When a person...
Proceedings Article
Quality of Environmental Resources for Eduwisata Lontar Sewu as a Sustainable Tourism Village
Sri Murtini, Agus Sutedjo, Sabrina Azharia Sabitah, Rivanda Dewi Kusuma Putri
Sustainable tourism village is one of the government’s programs in an effort to explore the potential of the village, empower the local community’s economy and preserve the village environment. Eduwisata Lontar Sewu is a relatively new tourist attraction but attracts many visitors so it needs to be evaluated....
Proceedings Article
An Electronic Court in the Perspective Criminal Law Reform
Vita Mahardhika
The Corona Virus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) pandemic that hit Indonesia and the world demands changes in behavior and habits in life. The education, economic, social, and even legal sectors are affected to immediately implement new patterns in carrying out their activities. Including in the court process...
Proceedings Article
A Literature Review of Labor Absorption Level of Vocational High School Graduate In Indonesia
Anitiyo Soelistiyono, Chen Feijuan
Employment is an essential issue in business and economic activities in Indonesia. A labour force, working population, and unemployment rate, which is the capital for the driving wheel of development. With have the knowledge and skills, vocational high school (VHS) graduates to enter the workforce after...
Proceedings Article
“Batik Ciprat” Branding Development by Rumah Kinasih Difable
Muh Ariffudin Islam, Anam Miftakhul Huda, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, Puspita Sari Sukardani, Gilang Gusti Aji
The Bhakti Kinasih Mandiri Foundation better known as Batik Ciprat Rumah Kinasih invites different abilities communities to create batik with splashing technique. As a small industry Batik Kinasih have produced various kind of batik, as well as the high demand from the domestic and international market....
Proceedings Article
Street Children Survival Strategy Against Violence: Case Study on the Surabaya Ketintang Railway
Rr Nanik Setyowati, R.N. Bayu Aji, Sarmini, Ali Imron, Nasihatul Mahmudah
Development in the economic sector, as well as science and technology in Surabaya, resulted in very rapid progress. However, development also has an adverse impact on the community, including the emergence of social inequality, both at the national and regional levels. This social gap often raises social...
Proceedings Article
Opportunities and Challenges of Universitas Negeri Surabaya in Fulfillment of the Rights of Education for People with Mentally Retardation
Pudji Astuti, Anam Miftakhul Huda, Rr Nanik Setyowati
The advantages of this study are to identify the problems accomplished by universities in fulfilling the educational rights of people with mental retardation in obtaining services in the teaching and learning process, and describe the efforts to solve the problems experienced by Universitas Negeri Surabaya...
Proceedings Article
The Management of Inclusive Schools’ Curriculum in Indonesia
Endang Pudjiastuti Sartinah, Murtadlo
The 1945 Constitution and the International Call for Education (“EFA”), reiterated by UNESCO as a worldwide consensus arising from the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal in 2000, promoted the government’s policy of providing services for all people in education. This study aims to develop a model...
Proceedings Article
Training Development of Teaching Factory Based on Local Wisdom in Vocational High School
Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Ratna Suhartini, Ekohariadi, Munoto, Asto Buditjahjanto, Ismet Basuki
The teaching factory (TEFA) and techno-park programs are an effort to improve learning in schools. Therefore, they can be commensurate with the situation in the industry, both in terms of study time, product standards, and work environment. The production-based learning process to produce products that...
Proceedings Article
Pre-Posttest: Diagnosis of the Achievement Level on Sustainable Business Workshop
Jun Surjanti, Rahayu Dewi Soeyono, Tony Seno Aji
There are various ways to measure an achievement level on the activity to develop a sustainable business. This study is used to serve as a reference in designing appropriate developmental programs for small business actors. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the pre-posttest technique in...
Proceedings Article
Employability Tracer Study of Cosmetology Education Graduates at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Dindy Megasari, Arita Puspitorini, Dewi Lutfiati
This research aims to define the employability of cosmetology education graduates at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The researchers used the survey method. A total of 87.37% or 173 of the 198 graduates in the cosmetology education study program from 2018-2020 participated in this research. The instrument...
Proceedings Article
The Favorite Vocabulary in Elementary School Student Writing of 750 words
Kisyani Laksono, Endah Budi Rahaju, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, Agusniar Dian Savitri, Zulaikah Abdullah, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo
Writing is one manifestation of literacy competencies. The frequently used vocabulary in writing/reading is called favorite vocabulary. This research aims to produce (1) identification of favorite vocabulary of elementary-school students, (2) comparison of vocabulary between early grade elementary-school...
Proceedings Article
Upgrading Counselor’s Critical Thinking Skills for High School Counselors in Surabaya to Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness during The Pandemic
Ajeng Dianing Kartika, Arif Hidajad, Ririe Rengganis, Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, Cindy Asli Pravesti
The optimization of counselors in high school during the pandemic must be carried out properly based on the fact that students experience many problems both academic and non-academic during online learning. the transition process from face-to-face learning to online learning requires students to adapt...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Date Water Toner to Brighten Dry Facial Skin
Novia Restu Windayani, Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari
There are various kinds of facial skin, one of which is a problem for mothers with dry skin due to hyperpigmentation that appears and wrinkles on the face. Dates used in making toners are ajwa dates because they have less sugar content than other types of dates, making them easier in the manufacturing...
Proceedings Article
The Partnership Model for The Diploma of Fashion Designer and The Fashion Industry
Ratna Suhartini, Ekohariadi, Urip Wahyuningsih, Yulistiana, Yuhri Inang Prihatina, Muchlas Samani
This study aims to describe the partnership model for the diploma of fashion design and fashion industry, which has already been implemented, and describe the partnership model needed. Data is collected by interview, observation, and documentation. The results show that the partnership between the diploma...
Proceedings Article
The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out By Ex-Lepers
Ali Imron, Siti Maizul Habibah, Putri Indatus
Negative stigma on ex-lepers appears along with the constructed stigma in a society that considers leprosy as a contagious, incurable, hereditary disease, the curse of God, unclean, and causes disability. This constructed stigma affects ex-lepers to gain access to public services, such as health, education,...
Proceedings Article
Improving EFL Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Using Reading Strategies
Arik Susanti, Sarah Lailiyah
In the 21st century, learners must master higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) to solve problems in their life easily. This study aims to investigate whether reading strategies can increase students’ higher-order thinking skills for students. It was an experimental study that was held in MAN 1 Mojokerto,...
Proceedings Article
Building Creative Industries by Bringing Local Potential to Develop Village Community of Economic Independence
Cindy Veronica, Nina Nur Alfi Aulia, Dinda Suci Al Aluf, Amar Khan Ijtihad Mudhaffar, Arik Susanti
Currently, rural communities need economic independence. By having economic independence, rural communities can improve their standard of living to create a prosperous society. With the potential of natural resources as a catfish center village that has not been maximized, the creative industry is an...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Financial Performance and Bank Size on Banking Stock Prices
Eni Wuryani, Susi Handayani, Mariana
Banking is the primary economic sector that serves as an intermediary. The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of financial performance and bank size on the stock price of banking institutions in 2019-2020. The variables to be analyzed in financial performance including profitability, liquidity,...
Proceedings Article
Music Scoring Training in the Pare String Ensemble Music Community in Kediri - East Java
Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro, Harpang Yudha Karyawanto, Heri Murbiyantoro, Autar Abdillah, Noordiana
Sendratasik Department, Language and Art Faculty, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, to carry out the Tri Dharma of University and efforts to grow with the character, it will carry out various activities that are manifested in the form of “Music Scoring Training in the Pare String Ensemble Music Community...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of a Gender-Residential Location and Education Level in Response to Regulation of Corona Virus Disease-19 Distribution and Prevention in Social Studies Student
Ketut Prasetyo, Nasution, Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Dian Ayu Larasati
Efforts to reduce the spread of Corona Virus Disease-19 have been heavily regulated by the government. Likewise, the campus has also made various regulations to prevent the transmission of Corona Virus Disease-19. In connection with the Corona Virus Disease-19 pandemic which has lasted for approximately...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Student (Santri) Problems on Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren)
Ari Khusumadewi
This research is motivated by the various problems experienced by students on Pondok Pesantren. With the number of students reaching thousands with an unbalanced number of caregivers, the problem is not handled optimally. The policy of the Islamic boarding school regarding the curriculum used makes each...
Proceedings Article
Women Leadership Based on Local Wisdom
Yuni Lestari, Agus Prastyawan, Prasetyo Isbandono
The struggle of women to occupy the position of women is not as easy as men. The totality of domestic and public roles that are carried out simultaneously by women leads to a dual role that must be played. The perpetuation of the wrong perception of the division of roles between men and women further...
Proceedings Article
Financial Literacy Versus Digital Literacy as a Predictor of Student Entrepreneurs Behavior in The Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic
Susanti, Renny Dwijayanti, Han Tantri Hardini, Moh. Danang Bahtia
This study aims to analyze the entrepreneurial behavior of students who are influenced by financial literacy and digital literacy. The population used in this study were young entrepreneurs at the Faculty of Economics, Unesa, amounting to 400 students. Sampling using purposive sampling by determining...
Proceedings Article
Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education
Darni, Yuni Lestari, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi
There is a lot of research on gender understanding in schools which shows that there are still teachers who show discriminatory values, attitudes, and behaviors towards their students. The teacher’s lack of awareness and understanding of the correct gender concept is one of the causes of this bias condition....
Proceedings Article
Pilgrims’ Spiritual Practices at The Tomb of Sunan Giri During the Covid Pandemic
Mutimmatul Faidah
Sunan Giri is one of Walisongo in Java who was buried in the hills of Giri. Walisongo is the name of the nine ulama’ who spread Islam in Indonesia in the 7th century AD. Walisongo is believed to have spiritual virtues so that it becomes an attraction for spiritual pilgrimages for Indonesian Muslims to...
Proceedings Article
Building Family Resilience Through Phylantrophy and Populist Policies to Cope The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Sjafiatul Mardliyah, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, Awang Dharmawan, Agus Prasetyawan, Yuni Lestari
Family resilience is an essential factor to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to identify various efforts, from the state to the family, as the smallest unit in society, to build their strength during the crisis. This research was carried out through two methods, survey, and discourse...
Proceedings Article
Short Story Materials through Explanation, Space, Time of Writing Techniques in Elementary School
Ridha Shafa Aulia, Wahyu Sukartiningsih
This study aims to train students’ writing skills with short story material through the URW technique of writing. Thus, it can make it easier for students to find events according to stages. In this research with a development approach, when viewed in terms of writing skills, the ADDIE method uses. The...
Proceedings Article
Self Efication in Interpreting as a Teacher in Indonesia
Agung Listiadi, Rochmawati
The purpose of this study is to see how perceptions of teaching, self-efficacy, and learning management programs affect people’s desire to become teachers. The goal of this study is to look into the impact of teacher perceptions, self-efficacy, and other factors. and learning management towards the interest...
Proceedings Article
Ethno-pedagogy of Parents in Enforcement of Health Protocols to Change Students’ Social Behavior
Sarmini, Faridatul Lailiyah, Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Nuansa Bayu Segara
Implementation of various laws and regulations regarding enforcement of the protocols of health to be an important dimension. Enforcement protocol health contains several values that are internalized into the binding value of social behavior. The substance of this research is how the parents of the status...
Proceedings Article
Hoerbuch–Deutsch: Maerchen on Youtube as Additional Material for Listening Skills for Students of the German Literature Study Program
Rr. Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Lutfi Saksono
As is known, the Covid–19 pandemic has changed the way of teaching and learning. In learning listening skills, many teachers or lecturers use social media such as YouTube. This study discusses the exercises that can develop listening skills teaching materials obtained from audiobooks (Hoerbuch–Deutsch)...
Proceedings Article
Performance of Community Services in Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Lutfi Saksono, Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji, Muamar Zainul Arif
Community service is a concrete manifestation of the application of science, so the result will not only empower the community and strengthen the nation’s competitiveness but will further build and strengthen education and research. Community service can be applied and implemented in various spaces and...
Proceedings Article
An Influence of Work Motivation in Archival Management on Performance With Variable Intervening Commitment LPPM UNESA
Jody Suryanto
Archival management is an activity to manage all existing documents in the organization at LPPM to support organizational activities. Superior HR will help in achieving success. This study aims to provide empirical evidence about the effect of work motivation on employee performance with employee commitment...
Proceedings Article
An Analytical Survey on the Learning Performance of the Lecturers at the Faculty of Education
Titin I. Pratiwi, Evi Winingsih, Kartika Rinakit Adhe
Learning Evaluation and monitoring are the soul of a learning process. They are vehicles used to improve the learning process. Institution Performance Education personnel are required to have international standards. One of the weapons that are used to compete is by applying the ISO 9001: 2015 standard....
Proceedings Article
Developing Nutrition Leaflets and Pocketbook
Improving Mother’s Knowledge about Stunting
Choirul A. N. Afifah, Siti Sulandjari, Veni Indrawati, Amalia Ruhana
This study intended to increase the nutritional knowledge of mothers of children under five years of age through socialization media in leaflets and pocketbooks. This study was development research with Plomp’s educational development model. The respondents were 40 mothers of children under five years...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation of Online Learning in Accounting Study Program for Continuous Improvement
Mariana, Ambar Kusumaningsih, Merlyana D. Yanthi, Rohmawati Kusumaningtias
The Covid-19 pandemic is still happening in the world. However, learning activities must continue. One solution from the government is to implement a policy of learning from home or online learning. Even though learning is online, educational institutions are still trying to meet learning objectives,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Exchange Audible Ball Towards Football Gameplay for Children with Visual Impairment in Surabaya
Saif A. A. Sadewo, Sri J. Andajani, Murtadlo
Children with visual impairment have extremely complicated developmental issues that affect their vision, social interaction, emotions, and movement. They require unique tools and approaches for improving communication and football abilities, particularly in-game skills. One technique is to test and...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Adversity Quotient on Fresh Graduates During Covid-19
Damajanti K. Dewi, Priskilla N. Wijaya, Adhita P. Puteri
Psychological well-being can be realized by the presence of happiness in the individual. The happiness of individuals who have become fresh graduates can be achieved by having a job. The current situation which is pandemic Covid-19 situation makes it difficult to get a job, so fresh graduates need the...
Proceedings Article
Traumatic Counseling
Counseling Approach for Counselee Who Experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Evi Winingsih, Putri Rachmadyanti
Traumatic events can be experienced by anyone who is still alive. The role of counselors in schools is certainly very helpful in solving students’ traumatic problems. Traumatic counseling is one type of counseling for clients with special needs. Counselors need to master this type of counseling because...
Proceedings Article
How Are Student’s Perceptions of Online Learning Evaluation During the Covid – 19 Pandemic?
Vivi Pratiwi, Susanti, Irin Widayati, Agung Listiadi, Dianita P. Agustin
This study aims to determine student perceptions of online lecture evaluations, such as convenience to obstacles faced by students. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research, taking a purposive sample, namely students of Accounting Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The data collection...
Proceedings Article
Designing Educational Research Roadmap
Mochamad Nursalim, Wagino, Febrita Ardianingsih, Irena Y. Maureen, Supriyanto
The research aims to roadmap educational science research that meets the criteria of acceptability to guide, direct and enhance research on educational science. This research is development research with procedures referring to the ADDIE approach (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluation). The...
Proceedings Article
Online Digital Book as Learning Material in University
Hirnanda D. Pradana, Andi Kristanto, Utari Dewi
This development research aims to create online digital books that students can use at the university level. Development is carried out following the ADDIE development model, consisting of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Validation is carried out with the assistance...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Parents in Monitoring the Negative Impacts of Gadget Usage for Early Childhood during Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Arini Cahyani, Ketut Atmaja, Widodo
The use of gadgets without parental assistance has a negative impact on children. This study aims to describe the role of parents in the negative impact of using gadgets for early childhood during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a descriptive approach with the research subject of Kuncup Harapan...
Proceedings Article
Fashion Entrepreneurship and On-The-Job Training for Bachelor Students of Fashion Design Education in the Merdeka Belajar Era
Marniati, Mein Kharnolis, Inty Nahari, Deny Arifiana
On-the-job training is now an independent learning form for students. This study aimed to design “Merdeka Belajar” implementation for students, especially in the fashion field, in absorbing activities in the work world, both in the fashion entrepreneurship field and for the wider business. Data were...
Proceedings Article
Group Guidance Based on Local Strength to Improve the Competence of Counselors
Denok Setiawati, Hadi W. Wiryosutomo, Najlatun Naqiyah
The measurement of counselor competency improvement through group guidance training is the aim of this study. Types of qualitative research with data collection techniques are interviews, open questionnaires, and literature studies. The research sample was 67 school counselors who were obtained using...
Proceedings Article
Parent and Child Communication Patterns in Early Childhood Emotional Social Development
Nuzulul Hidayah, G.D. Lestari, I.K.A.J. Artha
This study aims to analyze the communication patterns of parents and children in social-emotional formation, especially for early childhood. The method used in this research is a literature study, which begins with problem identification to analysis and discussion. As for the results of this study which...
Proceedings Article
Development of Interest Recommendation Analysis Application
Ericha Sholeha, Endang P. Sartinah, Najlatun Naqiyah
Until this time, counsellors in junior high school had used Microsoft excel to help make interest recommendations. Thus, counsellors needed eight weeks to analyze some data to produce interest recommendations. This research aims to produce an application that can assist counsellors in saving data, analyzing...
Proceedings Article
Internet Fancy of Children Has Escalated Parents’ Anxiety
Wulan P. Saroinsong, Brwa A. Sidiq, Maya H. Maulida, Asti Rahmayanti, Fadhila D. N. Aini
During a pandemic, mobility constraints policies, limiting children’s physical activity, physical games, and educational activities to the digital space. They prefer to play using the gadget of the play together with a friend - a friend environment neighborhood. Children who spend their time with gadgets...
Proceedings Article
The Preliminary Study of the Student Faith
Study on the Counseling and Islam
Najlatun Naqiyah, Muhammad Syafiq, Farid Ilhamuddin
This article examines the problems of daily living of Islamic boarding school students. Santri is a term for students who attend boarding school, in which they live therein for 24 hours along with teachers called Kiai and Bu Nyai. This research took place in East Java, at Islamic boarding schools in...