Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Educational Science (ICTES 2020)
205 authors
- Nirwansyah
- Educated Spoken Arabic (ESA) in the Teaching of Arabic in Indonesia
- Nugraha, Supriyadi Hasta
- Classical Javanese Dance Learning with Blended Learning
- Padmawati, Ni Kadek Arum
- Development of Problem-Oriented Mathematics Learning Videos on Scale Material for the Fifth-Grade Elementary School Students
- Paramartha, A. A. Gede Yudha
- How Integrated is the 2013 Primary School Curriculum?
- Paramartha, A.A. Gede Yudha
- Authentic Assessment Practice
- Paramita, Made Vina Arie
- Level of the Child’s Motor Ability of Group B at the Kindergarten in Buleleng District Bali
- Parmiti, Desak Putu
- Development of E-Content Using Segmentation Principles with E-Assessment in the Development of Teaching Materials Course
- Parmiti, Desak Putu
- Improving Student Arithmetic Ability Through Interactive Multimedia Development on Mathematics Competencies of Third Grade Elementary School Students
- Pawitra, Gusti Ayu Dewi Anggunita
- The Contribution of Parental Assistance and Learning Interest to Mathematic Learning Outcomes of Grade V in Elementary School Students
- Prabawa, Dewa Gede Agus Putra
- The Development of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Thematic Multimedia in Elementary Schools
- Pradnyaswari, Ni Putu Dian
- Supporting and Inhibiting Factors for Online Learning in the Covid-19 Period in Elementary School Teachers
- Pratiwi, Rossy
- Development of Cheerful Interactive Multimedia on the Content of Class 5 Social Studies Materials in Elementary Schools
- Pudjawan, Ketut
- Development of Learning Materials in E-Learning Courses with the Principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)
- Pudjawan, Ketut
- The Effect of Guest Lecturers and Online Discussion Forum Towards Students’ Communication Competencies on English for Educational Technologist Course
- Pudjawan, Ketut
- Improving Student Arithmetic Ability Through Interactive Multimedia Development on Mathematics Competencies of Third Grade Elementary School Students
- Purwanta, Edi
- Analysis of Career Information Knowledge for Mild Intellectual Disability in Transition Class (Grade 6 SDLB)
- Puspawati, Luh Putu
- The Play of Cupak Gerantang in Wayang Kulit and Traditional Dramas and Values in Balinese and Sasak Society in Lombok
- Puspitasari, Putu Indah
- Boomers’ Perception Towards the Implementation of Online Learning Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak
- Putra, D. B. Kt. Ngr. Semara
- Developing Learning Video with Addie Model on Science Class For 4th Grade Elementary School Students
- Putra, I Nyoman Adi Jaya
- Student-Teacher’s Reflective Thinking and Teaching Practice
- Putra, I Nyoman Tri Anindia
- Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Putra, I Putu Agus Ari Satria
- Validity of Biographical Text Learning Kit in E-Learning
- Ramly, Umithayyibah
- Parental Involvement in Speech Activities of Speech Delayed Child at Home
- Rasna, Wayan
- Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Rati, Ni Wayan
- The Effect of the Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model Assisted with the Sociodrama Method on IPS Learning Outcomes
- Rati, Ni Wayan
- Take and Give Learning Model Assisted by Non Projection Media Affecting Positive Towards Civics Learning Results
- Ratnasari, Dwi Ayu
- Development of Mathematics Interactive Multimedia on Third Grade Elementary School Students
- Relin, Raden Ayu
- Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Renda, Ndara Tanggu
- The Relationship of Strengthening Character Education (PPK) Towards Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class IV
- Rismawan, Kade Sathya Gita
- The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling to Improve Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy of Senior High School Students
- Roeminingsih, Erny
- Implementation of Curriculum 2013 Through the Department Development Program at SDIT Daarul Muttaqien
- Rusnalasari, Zulidyana Dwi
- Patriarchal Binary Oppositions in Narrative Texts Included in English Textbook for Senior High School in Indonesia
- Sadyana, I Wayan
- The Development of Educational Videos to Deliver Topics in Japanese Sociolinguistics Course
- Sandra, Lidia
- Ki Hajar Dewantara’s Educational Philosophy: Among and Student’s Academic Performance
- Sandra, Lidia
- Prepared Environment as the Key Success Factor in Building Clean and Healthy Habit in Early Childhood Education
- Sandra, Lidia
- Resilience Models for Children and Teenagers in Learning During the Pandemic
- Sapitri, Desak Ketut Eni
- The Effect of the Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model Assisted with the Sociodrama Method on IPS Learning Outcomes
- Saputi, Viga
- Analysis of Career Information Knowledge for Mild Intellectual Disability in Transition Class (Grade 6 SDLB)
- Sariyasa
- Level of the Child’s Motor Ability of Group B at the Kindergarten in Buleleng District Bali
- Senmay, Ketut
- Effectiveness Quantum Teaching Model in Elementary School Students’ Civics Learning
- Septyarini, Yassinta Dwi Ayu
- Validity and Reliability: Early Childhood’s Locomotor Capability Assessment Instruments
- Simamora, Alexander
- Development of E-Content Using Segmentation Principles with E-Assessment in the Development of Teaching Materials Course
- Simamora, Alexander H.
- Development of Learning Materials in E-Learning Courses with the Principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)
- Suandi, I Nengah
- Balinesse Language Elucidation as an Attempt to Preserve Balineese Language in Bali Province
- Suandi, I Nengah
- Teacher Evaluation on Students’ Knowledge of Writing and the Texts Produced
- Suarjana, I Made
- The Exploration of Kolok Students’ of Mathematics Ability in Inclusive Education at SD Negeri 2 Bengkala Kubutambahan District
- Suarjana, I Made
- The Relationship of Strengthening Character Education (PPK) Towards Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class IV
- Suastika, I Made
- The Play of Cupak Gerantang in Wayang Kulit and Traditional Dramas and Values in Balinese and Sasak Society in Lombok
- Sudarma, I Komang
- The Development of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Thematic Multimedia in Elementary Schools
- Sudarma, I Komang
- Optimizing Student Photography Skills Through Development of Project Based E-Learning in Photography Courses
- Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
- Development of Learning Materials in E-Learning Courses with the Principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)
- Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
- Reading Literation Strategies Applied by Lecturers in Learning at the Faculty of Education Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
- Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
- The Effect of E-Learning Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Student Characters in Inferential Statistics Course
- Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
- Development of Mathematics Interactive Multimedia on Third Grade Elementary School Students
- Sudiana, I Gusti Ngurah
- Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Sugihartini, Nyoman
- The Core Competencies of Vocational High School Teachers In 21st Century Learning
- Sukmana, A. I W. Ilia Yuda
- Development of TSTS Cooperative Model Learning Devices in the Science Study Content, Theme 7, Class IV SD
- Sukmana, Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda
- Improving Student Arithmetic Ability Through Interactive Multimedia Development on Mathematics Competencies of Third Grade Elementary School Students
- Sukmana, Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda
- Optimizing Student Photography Skills Through Development of Project Based E-Learning in Photography Courses
- Sumantri, Made
- The Effect of the Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model Assisted with the Sociodrama Method on IPS Learning Outcomes
- Sumantri, Made
- Effectiveness Quantum Teaching Model in Elementary School Students’ Civics Learning
- Suniasih, Ni Wayan
- The Effectiveness of Discovery Learning Model and Problem-Based Learning Using Animated Media to Improve Science Learning Outcomes
- Suniasih, Ni Wayan
- Development of Learning Videos Based Discovery Learning for Class V Elementary School Temperma Material
- Suprianti, G.A.P
- Powtoon as the Implementation of Edutainment for Young Learners
- Sutama, I Made
- Balinesse Language Elucidation as an Attempt to Preserve Balineese Language in Bali Province
- Sutama, I Made
- Teacher Evaluation on Students’ Knowledge of Writing and the Texts Produced
- Suwastini, Ni Komang Arie
- Boomers’ Perception Towards the Implementation of Online Learning Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak
- Suwastini, Ni Komang Arie
- Patriarchal Binary Oppositions in Narrative Texts Included in English Textbook for Senior High School in Indonesia
- Suwastini, Ni Komang Arie
- YouTube as Digital Learning Resources for Teaching Bilingual Young Learners
- Suwatra, I Wayan
- The Effectiveness of the Word Square Learning Model on the Social Studies Learning Results of Elementary School Students
- Suwatra, Ign. Wayan
- The Development of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Thematic Multimedia in Elementary Schools
- Suwatra, Ignatius I Wayan
- The Effect of Tri Hita Karana Oriented Blended Learning Model on Students Character and Learning Outcomes at the Faculty of Education, Undiksha
- Suyadnya, I Wayan
- Reaffirmation of Identity Through Ritual Practices in Tenganan Balinese Old Village, Bali
- Tantra, Dewa Komang
- Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Tegeh, I Made
- Reading Literation Strategies Applied by Lecturers in Learning at the Faculty of Education Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
- Tegeh, I Made
- The Effect of Tri Hita Karana Oriented Blended Learning Model on Students Character and Learning Outcomes at the Faculty of Education, Undiksha
- Tegeh, I Made
- Social Skills Training Influence of Children’s Cooperation Group B
- Tirtayani, Luh Ayu
- Fatherhood & Children’s Remote Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic:
- Tirtayani, Luh Ayu
- Panca Pramana Cycle-Based Science Learning Model for Promoting 21st Century Skills Learning
- Tirtayani, Luh Ayu
- The Correlation of Social Support and Self-Efficacy on Early Childhood Inclusive Teachers’ Performances
- Tohamba, Citra Prasiska Puspita
- The Challenges That Indonesian Students Faced in Academic Writing: A Cross-Disciplinary Study of Academic Literacies
- Tuerah, Ignatius Javier Couturier
- Boomers’ Perception Towards the Implementation of Online Learning Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak
- Ujianti, Putu Rahayu
- The Implementation of Inclusive Education Program for Early Childhood
- Ujianti, Putu Rahayu
- Developing Instrument for Speaking Ability of Children in the Age Group of 5-6 (Group B)
- Ujianti, Putu Rahayu
- The Appropriateness of the Instrument in Assessing Children’s Early Mathematical Abilities
- Veriani, Ni Luh
- The Effectiveness of the Word Square Learning Model on the Social Studies Learning Results of Elementary School Students
- Wahyuni, Dessy Seri
- The Core Competencies of Vocational High School Teachers In 21st Century Learning
- Wahyuni, Luh Gede Eka
- Student-Teacher’s Reflective Thinking and Teaching Practice
- Wahyuni, Luh Gede Eka
- Authentic Assessment Practice
- Wahyuni, Ni Wayan Intan
- The Appropriateness of the Instrument in Assessing Children’s Early Mathematical Abilities
- Wardani, Made Kusuma
- The Relationship of Strengthening Character Education (PPK) Towards Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class IV
- Wedhanti, Nyoman Karina
- Science-Based Individual Competitive Research: Analysis of Jargon Used in the Hotel
- Wiarta, I Wayan
- The Contribution of Adversity Quotient dan Working Motivation to Teachers’ Performance
- Wibawa, I Made Citra
- The Development of E-Learning in the Philosophy of Tri Hita Karana Concept on the Natural Science Course in PGSD Study Program, FIP UNDIKSHA
- Widiana, I Wayan
- The Educational Animation as the Instructional Material Gives Positive Effects Towards the Early Childhood Development
- Wirabrata, Dewa Gede Firstia
- Adversity Quotients Towards Achievement Motivation of Early Childhood Teacher Education (PG PAUD) Students in Bali
- Wirabrata, Dewa Gede Firstia
- Accept, Respect, or Appreciate Diversity?
- Wiradika, I Nyoman Indhi
- Level of the Child’s Motor Ability of Group B at the Kindergarten in Buleleng District Bali
- Wisudariani, Ni Made Rai
- Validity of Biographical Text Learning Kit in E-Learning
- Witari, I. A. Kt. Yuni Brahmi
- Correlation Between Pedagogical Competence and Personality to Teacher Performance