Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference of Psychology, Health, and Social Science (ICPHS 2021)
158 authors
- Afandi, Ichlas Nanang
- Role Conflict on Working Students
- Al-Fitra, Nur Fajar
- Optimization of Learning During Pandemic: The Correlation Analysis of Character Strengths and Self-regulated Learning
- Al-Kraity, Wijdan Rajh Hamza
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- Albar, Muh.
- Employee Job Satisfaction
- Alfitra, Nur Fajar
- Employee Job Satisfaction
- Alfitra, Nur Fajar
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- Alfitra, Nur Fajar
- Teacher’s Job Crafting During Work From Home
- Alya, Andi
- The Mediating Role of Internet Addiction Tendencies on the Relationship Between Loneliness and Emergence of Insomnia Tendencies Among Adolescents in Makassar During the Pandemic Period
- Amal, Andi Juwita
- Disability Play Therapy: Implementation of Traditional Japanese Game to Improve Creativity and Education in Public Special Needs Inclusive School (SLB) 1 Makassar
- Amal, Juwita
- Relationship Between Perception of Father Involvement and the Tendency to Become Victims of Dating Violence Among Adolescent Girls
- Amalia, Nova
- Teacher’s Job Crafting During Work From Home
- Amri, Andi
- Students Diversity and the Implementation of Adaptive Learning and Assessment
- Anas, Zulfikri
- Students Diversity and the Implementation of Adaptive Learning and Assessment
- Anggraeni, Ayu
- Teacher’s Job Crafting During Work From Home
- Aras, Febryana Utami
- Employee Job Satisfaction
- Aras, Rezky Ariany
- Contribution of Social Support to Work-life Balance on Working Women During Work From Home
- Aras, Rezky Ariany
- Does Work-Life Balance Predict the Nurses’ Organizational Commitment?
- Aras, Rezky Ariany
- Psychological Well-Being of Contract Employees at PT. Bank X: The Roles of Job Insecurity
- Aras, Rezky Ariany
- Subjective Well-Being of Employees During COVID-19 Pandemic in Terms of Self-Leadership
- Aras, Rezky Ariany
- The Contribution of Peer Social Support to Academic Resilience among Adolescents in Online Learning
- Aras, Rezky Ariany
- The Effects of Leadership Style on Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Across Hierarchical Levels
- Aras, Rezky Ariany
- The Effects of Work-Life Balance Towards Work Stress Among Nurses
- Arfah, Triani
- Contribution of Peer Conformity to Student’s Academic Procrastination
- Arfah, Triani
- What Basic Human Values Contribute to Attitude Toward Gratification
- Arifin, Mayenrisari
- Being Compassionate in Early Adulthood
- Arifin, Mayenrisari
- The Contribution of Fear of Missing Out to Self-Regulation Among K-Pop Fans in Makassar
- Arifin, Mayenrisari
- The Description of Illness Representation Occurred in Hypertension and Diabetes Patients in Makassar City
- Arifin, Mayenrisari
- The Effect of Illness Representations on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in Obesity: The Role of Coping Strategies as Mediator
- Arifin, Mayenrisari
- The Mediating Role of Internet Addiction Tendencies on the Relationship Between Loneliness and Emergence of Insomnia Tendencies Among Adolescents in Makassar During the Pandemic Period
- Asdalifa
- Role Conflict on Working Students
- Astiti, Dewi Puri
- Goal Setting for Students Participating in Student Exchange Programs Between Universities in Indonesia
- Azizah, S. Nurul
- Optimization of Learning During Pandemic: The Correlation Analysis of Character Strengths and Self-regulated Learning
- Bandaso, Teguh Daniel
- Disability Play Therapy: Implementation of Traditional Japanese Game to Improve Creativity and Education in Public Special Needs Inclusive School (SLB) 1 Makassar
- Bassey, Ekomobong I
- Relativism and Rationality in The Social Sciences
- Bassey, Samuel Akpan
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- Bassey, Samuel Akpan
- Relativism and Rationality in The Social Sciences
- Bellani, Elvita
- Subjective Well-Being of Employees During COVID-19 Pandemic in Terms of Self-Leadership
- Bellani, Elvita
- The Contributing Role of Organizational-Based Self-Esteem to Organizational Commitment
- Bellani, Elvita
- Understanding the Link Between Self-Esteem and Work-Family Enrichment
- Blegur, Jusuf
- Goal Setting for Students Participating in Student Exchange Programs Between Universities in Indonesia
- Chairunnisa, Jihan
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- Cholisha, Fidya Ainun
- Empathic Communication Skill Optimization for Minimizing Children’s Excessive Use of Gadgets
- Christie, Nicola
- Perceived Safety and Driving Confidence on UK Motorways
- Christopher, Stenly
- Relationship Between Mindfulness and Grit Among Final Year Students in Makassar City
- Chusairi, Achmad
- Role of Family on Work-Life Balance of Active Workers
- Elgeka, Honey Wahyuni Sugiharto
- The Extent of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Undergraduate Students
- Fachrurrozi, Ahmad
- The Relationship of Sleep Deprivation with the Poor Academic Performance and Adolescents’ Mental Health
- Fadillah, Andi Rezka
- The Effects of Work-Life Balance Towards Work Stress Among Nurses
- Fahmi, Gema Lara
- Goal Setting for Students Participating in Student Exchange Programs Between Universities in Indonesia
- Farid, Andi Ariqah Hanafiah
- Optimization of Learning During Pandemic: The Correlation Analysis of Character Strengths and Self-regulated Learning
- Fatihah, Nurul
- Employee Job Satisfaction
- Fernando, Mario
- Teacher’s Job Crafting During Work From Home
- Fitria, Annisa Zaenab Nur
- Family and Community as Protective Factors for Psychological Well-Being of Adolescents Survivors of Dating Violence
- Fitriani
- Employee Job Satisfaction
- Ghandi, Puspa
- Goal Setting for Students Participating in Student Exchange Programs Between Universities in Indonesia
- Gizly, Mochammad Afiq
- Disability Play Therapy: Implementation of Traditional Japanese Game to Improve Creativity and Education in Public Special Needs Inclusive School (SLB) 1 Makassar
- Gracella, Esther Ananta
- The Contribution of Fear of Missing Out to Self-Regulation Among K-Pop Fans in Makassar
- Gusti, Willy Hanugrah
- Perceived Safety and Driving Confidence on UK Motorways
- Hadiana, Deni
- Students Diversity and the Implementation of Adaptive Learning and Assessment
- Halim, Indri Alviolita
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- Handayani, Yunita Sri
- Teacher Resilience Facing Technostress in the Implementation of Synchronous Hybrid Learning in Elementary School
- Haq, Aniq Hudiyah Bil
- Goal Setting for Students Participating in Student Exchange Programs Between Universities in Indonesia
- Hartono, Markus
- Millennial’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
- Herdiana
- Understanding the Link Between Self-Esteem and Work-Family Enrichment
- Hidayah, Nurul
- Disability Play Therapy: Implementation of Traditional Japanese Game to Improve Creativity and Education in Public Special Needs Inclusive School (SLB) 1 Makassar
- Ibrahim, Arny
- The Relationship Between the Intensity of Using Tik Tok Social Media and Stress Level Among Teenagers in Makassar City During the Pandemic
- Ismail, Gina Khalizah
- Relationship Between Perception of Father Involvement and the Tendency to Become Victims of Dating Violence Among Adolescent Girls
- Ismail, Nur Syamsu
- Role Conflict on Working Students
- Ismail, Nur Syamsu
- The Relationship Between the Intensity of Using Tik Tok Social Media and Stress Level Among Teenagers in Makassar City During the Pandemic
- Jasmal, Nurul Amaliah
- Subjective Well-Being of Employees During COVID-19 Pandemic in Terms of Self-Leadership
- Jubhari, Ria Rosdiana
- Disability Play Therapy: Implementation of Traditional Japanese Game to Improve Creativity and Education in Public Special Needs Inclusive School (SLB) 1 Makassar
- Jufri, Muhammad
- The Effects of Leadership Style on Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Across Hierarchical Levels
- Khatimah, Khusnul
- Goal Setting for Students Participating in Student Exchange Programs Between Universities in Indonesia
- Kristanti, Ailani
- Empathic Communication Skill Optimization for Minimizing Children’s Excessive Use of Gadgets
- Kusuma, Rahti Dwi
- Being Compassionate in Early Adulthood
- Leonardi, Felicia
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- M, Miskah Ramdhani
- Optimization of Learning During Pandemic: The Correlation Analysis of Character Strengths and Self-regulated Learning
- Marfu’ah
- The Effect of Illness Representations on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in Obesity: The Role of Coping Strategies as Mediator
- Ma’rufi, Haiqal Aliftiansyah
- Optimization of Learning During Pandemic: The Correlation Analysis of Character Strengths and Self-regulated Learning
- Megarezky, Annisa Yurna
- The Description of Illness Representation Occurred in Hypertension and Diabetes Patients in Makassar City
- Mokoginta, Dayana Melati
- Psychological Well-Being of Contract Employees at PT. Bank X: The Roles of Job Insecurity
- Muhiddin, Syurawasti
- Does Work-Life Balance Predict the Nurses’ Organizational Commitment?
- Muhiddin, Syurawasti
- Psychological Well-Being of Contract Employees at PT. Bank X: The Roles of Job Insecurity
- Munna, Afzal Sayed
- Teacher’s Job Crafting During Work From Home
- Munsi, Yulfita
- The Contribution of Peer Social Support to Academic Resilience among Adolescents in Online Learning
- Musa, Nurmuliasneny
- Readiness for Change: The Influence of MIL on Hospital Workers During Pandemic
- Musa, Nurmuliasneny
- Role of Family on Work-Life Balance of Active Workers
- Mutmainnah
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- Norhafizah
- Contribution of Peer Conformity to Student’s Academic Procrastination
- Nurdin, St Aisyah
- The Relationship Between Married Couple’s Emotional Expressivity and Marital Satisfaction During COVID-19 Pandemic in Makassar
- Nurfida
- Optimization of Learning During Pandemic: The Correlation Analysis of Character Strengths and Self-regulated Learning
- Okoi, Ibiang O.
- Relativism and Rationality in The Social Sciences
- Permatasari, Nirwana
- Analysis of Academic Stress Levels Among Migrant Students
- Permatasari, Nirwana
- Overview of College Adjustment on Migrant Students
- Permatasari, Nirwana
- Overview of Self-Regulated Learning in College Students Participating in Online Learning
- Poernomo, Natalia
- The Extent of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Undergraduate Students
- Pudjibudojo, Jatie K.
- The Extent of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Undergraduate Students
- Rahmadani, Aulia Rezky
- Female Employees’ Work-Family Balance
- Rahmah, Tenriwali Rida
- Overview of College Adjustment on Migrant Students
- Rahmah, Tenriwali Ridha
- Overview of Self-Regulated Learning in College Students Participating in Online Learning