Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Neuroscience, Neurology, and Psychiatry Universitas Sumatera Utara (ICONAP 2024)

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8 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Mustafa M. Amin, Elmeida Effendy, Inke Nadia Diniyanti Lubis, Fasihah Irfani Fitri, Roger Ho Chun Man, Hatta Sidi, Nerdy Nerdy, Sibylle G. Schwab
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 7th ICoNap USU during 06-07 July 2024 in Medan Indonesia These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewer Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Adult Vaccination: Focusing on Pneumococcal Meningitis

Fandy Ong Jaya, Restuti Hidayani Saragih, Kiking Ritarwan
The shift of the population to older ages will impact health conditions and quality of life. Older adults are more fragile, with multiple comorbidities and waning immunity. These risk factors will lead to a higher infection rate, mainly if the population lacks herd immunity against vaccine-preventable...
Proceedings Article

Amputation: does it treat body integrity dysphoria?

Rini Yunia Andalia, M. Surya Husada
This case report illustrates Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID). The patient, A 25-year-old right-handed male, experienced profound distress over his left foot’s third and fourth fingers. Despite unsuccessful non-invasive treatments, he sought elective amputation of these fingers. The decision for surgery...
Proceedings Article

Eisoptrophobia and its impact on daily life: A Case Report

Zainul Arifin Sipahutar, M. Surya Husada
Eisoptrophobia, or the excessive fear of mirrors and self-images, is a specific phobia that can significantly affect daily life. People with eisoptrophobia may experience anxiety, panic, and even panic attacks when looking at a mirror. This case report discusses the experience of an individual with eisoptrophobia,...
Proceedings Article

Tardive Dyskinesia: Challenges in Screening, Diagnose and Treatment

Elmeida Effendy
The American Psychiatric Association defines Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) as involuntary athetoid or choreiform movements generally of the tongue, lower face, jaw and extremities (may involve the pharyngeal, diaphragmatic, or trunk muscles). Tardive dyskinesia is an iatrogenic condition that arises following...
Proceedings Article

Mood Stabilizer Induced Steven Johnson Syndrome

A Case Report

Cindy Chias Arthy, Rini Adriany Lubis
Mood stabilizers are psychiatric medications used to help control mood swings commonly used to treat people with bipolar disorder. Mood stabilizers consist of several drugs, such as lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, aripiprazole, risperidone, and lamotrigine. Some...
Proceedings Article

Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder Triggered by Childhood Trauma: A Case Report

Dewi Gita Maharani, Vita Camellia
Extensive research has established a strong association between adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse and neglect, and the onset of schizophrenia. Childhood trauma significantly impacts psychological development, increasing the risk for various mental health disorders later in life. This case...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Beliefs Of The Minangkabau People, Between Sijundai And Schizophrenia: A Case Report

Rian Permana Rifyandi, Cindy Chias Arthy
Schizophrenia is one of the most common of the severe mental disorders, but its essential nature remains to be clarified. The characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia involve a range of cognitive, behavioural, and emotional dysfunctions, but no single symptom is pathognomonic of the disorder. ...