Proceedings of the International Conference of Mathematics and Mathematics Education (I-CMME 2021)
44 articles
Proceedings Article
NHT-TPS: Experimental Model Based on Scientific Approach Viewed from Learning Activeness
Agung Rosidi, Riyadi, Diari Indriati
The application of certain learning Models should be adapted to the characteristics of students and the environment. This quasi-experimental study aims to identify the effect of the NHT and TPS learning Models using the scientific approach on mathematics learning outcomes viewed from the student’s activeness....
Proceedings Article
The Level of Junior High School Students’ Thinking in Solving TIMSS Mathematical Problem in Bengkulu
Agus Susanta, Edi Susanto, Syafdi Maizora
The purpose of this study is to describe the thinking level of junior high school students in Bengkulu in solving TIMSS mathematics problems based on the Bengkulu context. The thinking level is focused on three levels, namely: (1) knowing, (2) applying, and (3) reasoning. The research is a qualitative...
Proceedings Article
Creative Thinking Based on Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Solving Geometry Problems in High School
Ainun Rahma Firdausy, Triyanto, Diari Indriati
This study aims to describe mathematical creative thinking based on categories of mathematical reasoning at high, moderate, and low levels, in geometry problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The test was given to 30 twelfth graders at SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta. Based on the results,...
Proceedings Article
Gender Difference: Students’ Mathematical Literacy in Problem Solving
Alse Ona Sabat, Mardiyana, Ikrar Pramudya
Having a good mathematical literacy is expected to help the students in learning. Mathematical literacy is an individual’s ability to understand the role of mathematics and to interpret it in his everyday life. Mathematical literacy focuses on thinking mathematically, mathematical arguments, mathematical...
Proceedings Article
Visual Students: How Their Representation in Problem Solving?
Arinka Putri Utami, Mardiyana, Ikrar Pramudya
Mathematics is abstract because mathematical objects or symbols do not exist in reality, it is almost impossible to access them without employing representations. Representations may aid in the transformation of physical models into abstract ideas or symbols. Students require representation to be able...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Reflective Thinking Ability Based on Their Prior Knowledge in Solving Geometry Problems
Ayun Siwi Damastuti, Triyanto, Farida Nurhasanah
Mathematics is an important subject in education. Mathematics learning in schools focused on problem-solving ability. One of thinking skills necessary for solving the math problem is reflective thinking. Reflective thinking is one component of higher-order thinking skills. The purpose of this study was...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Network-Based Learning Discipline as Learning Outcomes Indicators for Mathematics Students in UNMUH Ponorogo
Azzahrotul Jannah, Imam Sujadi, Siswanto
Problems in measuring online-based learning. in higher education, for example, the limitations of material explanations and internet signal barriers, so that the material presented by lecturers is not clear, making students have serious learning discipline. Therefore, learning discipline is very important...
Proceedings Article
Diagnose Junior High School Students’ Learning Difficulties in Solving of System of Two Variable Linear Equations Problems
Study on Students with Field-Dependent Learning Style
Buchari, Imam Sujadi, Sri Subanti
Every student has opportunity to have learning difficulties. To diagnose accurately what factors that cause learning difficulties on students with certain learning style, it is necessary to apply diagnostic tests to groups of students with same learning style on subject they will study together. The...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Problem-solving: Students’ Cognitive Level for Solving HOTS Problem in Terms of Mathematical Ability
Chairul Anami, Budi Usodo, Sri Subanti
Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) have an essential role for students, especially in the 21st century. HOTS is seen as a basic ability that must be developed, especially in learning mathematics. Problem-solving ability is one of the basic abilities that students must have. Problem-solving ability is...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Student’s Creative Thinking in Solving Inquiry Problems
Chandra Kirana, Budiyono, Diari Indriati
Creative thinking is an authentic and reflective way of thinking and produces a complex product. This study aimed to describe the characteristics of students’ creative thinking in solving inquiry problems. This research method used descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques in this study were...
Proceedings Article
The Advantages of Pemalang Area-Based SPLDV Questions Development
Dian Aulia Citra Kusuma, Imam Sujadi, Isnandar Slamet
One of the obstacles faced by students in Two Variable Linear Equations System (SPLDV) is solving problems in the narrative form. The integration of local culture is used to stimulate students to solve mathematicals problems in narrative questions that are quite familiar in daily life. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Mathematical Problems in the Form of Animated Stories to Measure Students’ Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Dinar Aven Niaputri, Budiyono, Diari Indriati
The intelligence needed by students in solving mathematical problems is logical-mathematical intelligence. Logical-mathematical intelligence has six characteristics: classification, comparing, mathematical arithmetic operations, inductive reasoning, making hypotheses, and re-checking the hypotheses that...
Proceedings Article
The Development of the Valid Test Instruments to Measure Metacognition Problem Solvers
Evita Kusumawati, Budiyono, Diari Indriati
This study aims to determine the validity of developing tests to measure students’ metacognitive abilities in problem-solving. This research is motivated by the test questions that less varied teachers usually give. With metacognition skills in problem-solving, students can recognize a problem, know...
Proceedings Article
Mathematics Problem Solving Ability: An Analysis Based on IDEAL Problem Solving Viewed from Learning Style
Gita Pratiwi, Imam Sujadi, Isnandar Slamet
IDEAL problem solving is model that able to improve skills in the problem-solving process and improve the ability to think. This study aims to describe the problem-solving ability student of Junior High School 8th grades on IDEAL problem solving viewed from the learning style. This type of research is...
Proceedings Article
Fragmentation of Thinking Structure’s High School Students to Solve the Problem in System of Linear Equation in Two-Variables
Hanifah Indi Aziz, Budi Usodo, Hasih Pratiwi
Fragmentation of students’ thinking structure is a student’s thinking error. In this study, we want to know how students think in solving problems in everyday applications. This study aims to describe the fragmentation of the thinking structure of high school students in solving problems of a two-variable...
Proceedings Article
How Students’ Difficulty in Implementing Mathematical Representations in Solving Problem of Statistical Content is?
Hatija Lohi, Mardiyana, Ikrar Pramudya
Students’ mathematical representation is one of the fundamental skills that must be had by the student in the 21st century. Mathematical representation skill is the ability to represent notations, symbols, tables, pictures, graphs, diagrams, equations, or other mathematical expressions into other forms....
Proceedings Article
Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm (RPP) as an Alternative for Online Mathematics Learning to Improve Students’ Competence, Conscience and Compassion
Hilda Hakim
The innovation and creativity in learning become the main demands of education zaman now, because there are many cases that shift along with the current development, especially in the digital era. Learning by using Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm (RPP) as an alternative for online mathematics learning during...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of 7th Grade Student’s Mathematical Understanding in Solving Sets Problem: A Perspective of Skemp Understanding Theory
Intan Rachmawati, Budi Usodo, Sri Subanti
The key word to success in learning mathematics is mathematical understanding. Mathematical understanding is very important because it can train students’ ability to relate one concept to another. Skemp states that understanding was divided into two types, there were instrumental understanding and relational...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Formative Assessment of Mathematics Subjects During Learning from Home
Intan Rofi’ah, Imam Sujadi, Isnandar Slamet
Learning in the 2013 curriculum is based on competency achievement and build student character. To accomplish these purposes, the learning process must accompany by perfect assessment. The assessment involved assignments and feedback from teacher so students can improve their critical thinking. Formative...
Proceedings Article
E-Book Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Students’ Numeracy Skill: Is It Effective?
Irma Rachmah Hidayah, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana
21st-century technology in education makes it straightforward for teachers to support students for independent learning. Technology facilitates students to access information, create innovations, and increase student interest in learning. Previous studies proffered that better learning outcomes were...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Connection Analysis of High School Students with Accommodator and Diverger Learning Style
Kusnul Itasari, Ikrar Pramudya, Isnandar Slamet
The objectives of this paper is to look at how high school students with accommodator and diverger learning styles solve math problems. This type of research is exploratory descriptive research. The research subjects were students of SMA N Kebakkramat with accommodator and diverger learning styles. Data...
Proceedings Article
How Is the Thinking Process of Students in Solving Math Problems Based on the Adversity Quotient in High School?
Luthfi Nur Pamungkas, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana
Mathematics is always related to simple problems to complex problems. The problems given affect the thinking process of students. The problem-solving process also requires hard work to overcome the existing difficulties or what is called the adversity quotient. This study aims to determine the thought...
Proceedings Article
Need Analysis of Mathematics E-module for Student and Teachers During Covid-19 Pandemic
M. Irwansyah, Imam Sujadi, Isnandar Slamet
E-module is a form of presenting the module in digital or electronic format. E-modules are systematically designed with an electronic format to achieve the learning objectives. Thus, to produce an effective e-module, it is necessary to conduct preliminary research on the needs of teachers and students....
Proceedings Article
Hass’s Theory: How Is the Students’ Spatial Intelligence in Solving Problems?
Miftakhul Rohmah, Budiyono, Diari Indriati
Spatial intelligence is one of the eight crucial human bits of intelligence possessed by students in learning. Spatial intelligence can be defined as the ability to understand the visual-spatial world accurately and make changes to that perception. Based on Hass’s theory, there are four spatial intelligence...
Proceedings Article
How is the PISA-Like Problem-solving Skills Level 1 to Level 3 of Junior High School Students?
Analysis Based on SOLO Taxonomy and Gender Difference
Muhammad Wildan Fadilah, Budi Usodo, Sri Subanti
Problem-solving ability is one of the important competencies for every individual. However, PISA results show that Indonesian students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities are still low. The mathematical literacy contest which was expected to improve the problem-solving ability of Indonesian students...
Proceedings Article
Fragmentation of Students’ Thinking Structure in Constructing the Concept of Linear Inequality of Two Variables
Mutia Sari Widyaningrum, Budi Usodo, Hasih Pratiwi
Learning mathematics has a clear, ordered and complete structure or pattern of thinking. Fragmentation of the thinking structure occurs at a time which is a factor inhibiting students’ thinking processes to construct the material concepts they get and in solving mathematical problems. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Mathematical Communication Skills in Solving STEM Problems
Nita Ardianti, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana
STEM is seen as an essential means of realizing informed citizens who benefit from national, regional, and local policies decisions. This study reveals how the categories of students’ mathematical communication in solving STEM problems on the material of the two-variable system of linear equations (SPLDV)....
Proceedings Article
Developing Mathematical Literacy Task in Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Expression
Novita Sari, Novika Sukmaningthias, Zuli Nuraeni, Ruth Helen Simarmata, Uswatun Hasanah, Khairani Nasya Anggraini
This study aims to produce mathematical literacy tasks in multiplication and division of algebra expression which is valid and practical for grade 7. This product was developed through development research with formative evaluation from Tessmer. The formative evaluation involves two stages, preliminary...
Proceedings Article
HOTS Problem-Solving Ability and Its Relation to Spatial Ability
Nurkaidah, Ikrar Pramudya, Sri Subanti
The ability to solve HOTS problems is an ability that must be possessed by every student, especially in learning mathematics. However, students’ ability to solve HOTS problems is not optimal. This can be seen from the low achievement of Indonesia in the PISA and TIMMS tests. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Mathematics Modules as Learning Materials in Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic
Oktaverika Asrowiah, Imam Sujadi, Isnandar Slamet
Distance Learning (DL) is a program applied in Indonesia during COVID-19 pandemic. There are definitely many obstacles to implementing learning mathematics during the DL. One obstacle encountered is the absence of learning materials that can accommodate learning mathematics during DL. Therefore, this...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Use of the Learning Media “Relay Board” in Increasing Student’s Interest in Learning Mathematics at MTs N Darul Ilmi Banjarbaru
Ridho Rahmatullah, Riyadi, Diari Indriati
initial key word relay board is a game-based learning media competition between teams, where each player on the team will answer the questions given by taking turns each step of the answer. This study aims to obtain information about the effectiveness of the use of learning media “board relay” in increasing...
Proceedings Article
Critical and Creative Thinking: More Influential Problem Based Learning or Problem Posing Learning?
Rina Astuti, Mardiyana, Triyanto
One of the competency requirements of the industrial revolution 4.0 that needs to be developed is the ability to think critically and creatively. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of problem-based mathematics learning, problem posing and conventional approaches and...
Proceedings Article
Mathematics Literacy: Newman’s Error Analysis (NEA) Review from Habits of Mind
Rina Sari Lubis, Ikrar Pramudya, Sri Subanti
This research aims to analyze and describe the mistakes made by students in solving mathematical literacy skills in terms of habits of mind. This study uses a qualitative research method by describing students’ mistakes in solving mathematical literacy skills in terms of habits of mind limited, developing,...
Proceedings Article
Literature Study on the Impact of Mathematics Learning Implementation with Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC)
Rini Herlina Rusiyanti, Zulkardi, Ratu Ilma
This study aims to determine the impact of implementing mathematics learning with LSLC in schools so that it can be a consideration for teachers so that they can be applied in the next learning process. The research method used is a literacy study with a meta-analysis type of research. After analyzing,...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Vocational Students’ Metacognition in Solving Mathematical Problems Based on Self-Efficacy
Risa Setyaningsih, Ikrar Pramudya, Farida Nurhasanah
This study aims to analyze the metacognition of vocational students in solving mathematical problems based on their levels of self-efficacy. This is qualitative research with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The subject of this study were 6...
Proceedings Article
Are Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Problem Solving Influenced by Gender?
Teguh Saryanto, Ikrar Pramudya, Sri Subanti
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills defines that critical thinking skills are one of the skills needed to prepare students in education and occupation. Students with a good level of critical thinking skills will solve problems with critical thinking steps, even though they are not perfect yet. This...
Proceedings Article
Creative Thinking Process on High Order Thinking Skills for Junior High School Students with Cognitive Style Field Independent
Ulil Albab, Budiyono, Diari Indriati
Creative thinking is an important ability needed by students in the 4.0 era as it is today. For this reason, this ability needs to be trained and developed in order to increase the potential and competitiveness of students. This study aims to describe the creative thinking process of students in solving...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Open-Ended Questions
Ulya Sa’idah, Budiyono, Siswanto
Students must be able to think creatively to deal with problems in the 21st century. The aim of this study is to analyse the students’ creative thinking skills in order to solve the open problems on algebraic operation material. The type of this study is qualitative descriptive study which used interview...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Literacy of Students Who Have High Mathematical Disposition in Solving PISA-Like Mathematics Problems
Winda Ardi Rahmawati, Budi Usodo, Laila Fitriana
This research aims to describe the mathematical literacy skills of students who have a high mathematical disposition in solving problems similar to PISA. The research methods in this study use qualitative descriptions. The subject of the study was a student of class IX D junior high school IT Nur Hidayah...
Proceedings Article
How are Student’s Spatial Intelligence for Geometry Problem-Solving?
Yusuf Arkham Prihandika, Triyanto, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro
The purpose of this study was to describe the problem-solving skills students viewed from spatial intelligence. Problem-solving skills are an important component that students must have to solve a problem appropriately. This study is a qualitative study in which the main instrument is the researcher...
Proceedings Article
Ethnomathematics Activities in Kain Timur Making (The Moi Tribe Mas Kawin Tradition, Sorong City, West Papua)
Jonathan Fredrik, Budiyono, Siswanto
The mathematical ability of students according to PISA 2018 data is still lacking, one of the reasons is that mathematics learning currently tends to be conventional and lacks contextual. One way is to integrate culture and mathematics in the learning process based on local wisdom. Ethnomathematics is...
Proceedings Article
Ethnomathematics Market’s Days: An Instrument to Observe the Process of Student’s Problem-Solving Mathematics
Rachmaniar Hemas Nuzula, Mardiyana, Ikrar Pramudya
To investigate the thinking process in solving mathematical problems, the teacher can provide various kinds of questions. Questions with High Order Thinking Skills content, questions with PISA content, and so on. In this study, the researcher used an ethnomathematical nuanced question in the form of...
Proceedings Article
Analysis and Simulation of SIR Epidemic Model by Considering Comorbidities
Yudi Ari Adi, Dita Nur Avina, Ario Wiraya, Laila Fitriana, Triyanto
Comorbidities have an influence on progression of infectious disease suffered by the patients. In this paper, we construct and analyze the SIR epidemic model by considering comorbidities in infected patients to characterize the infectious disease progression with comorbidities intervention as a consideration...
Proceedings Article
Bases in Min-Plus Algebra
Syahida Amalia Rosyada, Siswanto, Vika Yugi Kurniawan
In classical linear algebra, a basis is a vector set that generates all elements in the vector space and that vector set is a linear independence set. However, the definitions of the linear dependence and independence in min-plus algebra are little more complex given that the min-plus algebra is the...