Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICMAE 2020)

216 authors
Marsudi, Almatius Setya
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance [GCG] on Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] and Its Implications on Firm Value
Martiningtiyas, Catur Rahayu
The Effect of Non-Performing Loans on Profitability in Banking Sector in Indonesia
Maulani, Galih Abdul Fatah
Entrepreneurial Culture and Organizational Climate in the Barbers Village, Garut, Indonesia
Maulani, Galih Abdul Fatah
Nostalgic Marketing: A Study on Baby Boomers Generation
Maulida, Sofia
Analysis of the Effect of Brand Image, Tourist Perception, Service Quality Toward Revisit Intention in Recreational Parks in DKI Jakarta
Mayangsari, Sekar
Audit Quality in Indonesia
Mayangsari, Sekar
The Development of Case Assignment in Forensic Accounting Education
Mubarok, Teten Mohamad Sapril
Entrepreneurial Culture and Organizational Climate in the Barbers Village, Garut, Indonesia
Mubina, Fathan
The Effect of Company Size, Age, Growth, Profitability, and Exposure Media on Corporate Social Responsibility
Muchsinati, Evi Silvana
The Factors That Influence the Creativity of Employee in Three Star Hotel
Muchtar, Susy
The Quality of Corporate Governance and Its Effect on Sharia Bank Financial Performance in Indonesia
Using Accounting Perspectives and Financial Performance to Detect Fraudulent Financial Reporting
Murtiningsih, Retno Sari
Human Resource Practices and Organizational Commitment Through Work Satisfaction as a Variable of Mediation
Nakir, Muhammad
The Effect of Strategic Leadership and Self-Efficacy on Organizational Commitment and Its Implication on Performance Defense Researchers
Nilasari, B Medina
Facts on Organizational Performance in Indonesia
Nitinegeri, Dewi Tirtarini
The Effect of Non-Performing Loans on Profitability in Banking Sector in Indonesia
Nora Lelyana, R.A.
Effective Strategic Planning and Knowledge Management Effects on Organizational Performance Mediated by Dynamic Capability Towards Threats of Chemical, Biological, Radiology, and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapon
Novarian, Fairynda
The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Hospital
Novariani, Fairynda
Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance in the Private Hospital
Nugraha, Sukma
Entrepreneurial Culture and Organizational Climate in the Barbers Village, Garut, Indonesia
Nugraha, Sukma
E-Commerce: The Booster for Brand Advocacy Ratio in Asia
Nugraha, Sukma
Nostalgic Marketing: A Study on Baby Boomers Generation
Honeybees Corporation Concept: A Corporate Concept to Support the Achievement of SDGs in Indonesia?
Octaceria, Syuangelia
Carbon Emission Reduction’s Impact on a Company’s Performance
Oktavia, Dian
Professional Ethics in Providing Credits for MSMEs
Pantja Jati, S.
Effective Strategic Planning and Knowledge Management Effects on Organizational Performance Mediated by Dynamic Capability Towards Threats of Chemical, Biological, Radiology, and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapon
Permana, Intan
Brand Image: Survey on Giro iB Wadiah Sharia Commercial Bank Individual Customers in Kota Bandung
Permana, Intan
E-Commerce: The Booster for Brand Advocacy Ratio in Asia
Permana, Intan
Nostalgic Marketing: A Study on Baby Boomers Generation
Prabowo, Anggun
The Role of Corporate Governance to the Relationship Between Income Smoothing, Dividend, Growth and Earnings Informativeness
Prashella, Delia Anindita
Financial Literacy in Millenials Generation in Indonesia
Pratomo, Luki Adiati
The Green Hotel Knowledge Towards Consumer Behavior Intention: Empirical Model Testing
Pratomo, Luki Adiati
Destination Image of “Thousand Islands”: Antecedents and Consequences
Pratomo, Luki Adiati
Exploring the Consequences of Brand Authenticity
Purnamaningrum, Tri Kunawangsih
Investor Sentiment and Stock Price Movement Property Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Puspa, Tiara
The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Management Innovation, and Organizational Motivation on Organizational Performance
Puspitasari, Windhy
The Effect of Company Size, Age, Growth, Profitability, and Exposure Media on Corporate Social Responsibility
Putriyadi, Dimas Eko
The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Management Innovation, and Organizational Motivation on Organizational Performance
Rahardja, Liana
Carbon Emission Reduction’s Impact on a Company’s Performance
Ramadhan, Yanuar
Professional Ethics in Providing Credits for MSMEs
Ramadiyansari, Rika
Evaluation of Business Process in the Cash Disbursement Cycle in Increasing Operational Effectiveness and Corporate Internal Control (Case study: PT XYZ)
Ramda, Eduardo Edwin
Strengthening of National Resilience: Leading Sector Mapping for Digital Economy In Indonesia
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
Employee Innovation Behavior in Health Care
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
Unique Capability for Poultry Distributor Companies
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
Perceived Organizational Support and Turnover Intention
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
Work Life Balance Effect (Case Investigation on PT PJB Power Plant Maintenance Unit)
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
Professional Identity in Private Hospital
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance in the Private Hospital
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
Ramli, Abdul Haeba
The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Hospital
Ridwan, Mochamad Agus
Influence of Information Technology, Organizational Communication, and Leadership Towards Employee Performance
Rifqi, L.D
Economic Valuation and Sensitivity Analysis of Triple Has Prospect Under Gross Split PSC at PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore Southeast Sumatra (PT. PHE OSES)
Risqiani, Renny
Impact of Social Media Influencer Marketing on the Intention to Buy Online Through Attitude on Advertising and Brands
Rizqi, Mutiara
Antecedent Counterproductive Work Behavior: Exploration in Services Industry
Rudatin, Ari
Is GCG Strengthening the Influence Between Sustainability Reporting to Financial Performance? (A study in IDX companies)
Rustam, Rinaldi
The Impact of the Implementation of Government Restrictions on Mineral Exports in the Mining Sector and Its Sustainability
Employees Creativity Not Required for Employees in the Television Industry?
Saito, Masako
The Development of Case Assignment in Forensic Accounting Education
Salim, Stephani
How is the Impact of Non-Cash Payment System on Sales of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise?
Santosa, Ardian Aby
Economic Valuation and Sensitivity Analysis of Triple Has Prospect Under Gross Split PSC at PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore Southeast Sumatra (PT. PHE OSES)
Saputra, Tedy Setiawan
Evaluating the Kemplang Tunu Production Training for Low Income and Education Communities Using the Kirkpatrick Model
Sari, Wahyuni Rusliyana
The Influence of CEO Characteristic on Banking Performance
Sari, Wahyuni Rusliyana
The Quality of Corporate Governance and Its Effect on Sharia Bank Financial Performance in Indonesia
Sasongko, Catur
Evaluation of Business Process in the Cash Disbursement Cycle in Increasing Operational Effectiveness and Corporate Internal Control (Case study: PT XYZ)
Sausan, Qatrunnada
Honeybees Corporation Concept: A Corporate Concept to Support the Achievement of SDGs in Indonesia?
Septriadi, Danny
Transfer Pricing Dispute Analysis of PT ABX Fiscal Year 2016
Setiawan, Dafid Richi
How to Measure the Financial Health?
Setyowati, Dyah Eko
The Factors That Influence Student Satisfaction on Loyalty Students at East Java
Shiffa, Hilya
Improving Employee Satisfaction Through Organization Support
Sijabat, Putri Marina
The Influence of Transformational Leadership to Organizational Innovation and Explorative Learning Mediated by Generalist Human Capital at Oil Company
Simanjuntak, Erwin Marojahan
Influence of Information Technology, Organizational Communication, and Leadership Towards Employee Performance
Simanjuntak, Megawati
Evaluating Variable Which is Influencing Online Repurchase Intention to Increase Fresh Vegetables/Fruits Consumption in Indonesia by Using Importance Performance Analysis
Simanjutan, Lydia Rosintan
Food Security Towards Sustainable Development of Food Security in Indonesian Provinces
Sinambela, Sarton
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Competence and Work Motivation Towards Employee Performance
Sinambela, Sarton
Influence of Information Technology, Organizational Communication, and Leadership Towards Employee Performance
Sitompul, Charlin
Professional Ethics in Providing Credits for MSMEs
Soedaryono, Bambang
Detecting Financial Statement Fraud Using Diamond Model: Evidence in Indonesia
Soetanto, Gusti Putra
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance [GCG] on Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] and Its Implications on Firm Value
Solihat, Asri
Brand Image: Survey on Giro iB Wadiah Sharia Commercial Bank Individual Customers in Kota Bandung
Sudaryono, Driya
Detecting Financial Statement Fraud Using Diamond Model: Evidence in Indonesia
Sudiantini, Dian
Empirical Testing of Climate Work as Moderating at Regional Public Service
Suhendah, Rousilita
Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Performance Report Forward Financial Performance on Proper Ranking Companies in Indonesia
Are Women in BOD Affecting the Company’s Financial Performance?
Sunarto, Hari
Sustainability Branding Strategy Through ICT Networking of Tourism Development
Strengthening of National Resilience: Leading Sector Mapping for Digital Economy In Indonesia
Susanti, Desi
Website Costs-Operation Phase Compliance Analysis on Financial Statement of E-Commerce Company in Indonesia: A Case Study of PT. X in Jakarta
Analysis of the Effect of Leadership, Job Motivation, and Organizational Culture Towards the Employee Performance of STT PLN
Unique Capability for Poultry Distributor Companies
Syahputra, Lannodaya Tommy
Analysis of the Effect of Leadership, Job Motivation, and Organizational Culture Towards the Employee Performance of STT PLN
Takaya, Rowlan
Perceived Organizational Support and Turnover Intention
Takaya, Rowlan
Professional Identity in Private Hospital
Tanujaya, Kennardi
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Tax Aggressiveness: Moderating by Family Ownership in Indonesia
Tanuwijaya, Justine
The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Management Innovation, and Organizational Motivation on Organizational Performance
Evaluating the Kemplang Tunu Production Training for Low Income and Education Communities Using the Kirkpatrick Model
Improving Employee Satisfaction Through Organization Support
Antecedent Counterproductive Work Behavior: Exploration in Services Industry
Employees Creativity Not Required for Employees in the Television Industry?
Transistari, Ralina
Is GCG Strengthening the Influence Between Sustainability Reporting to Financial Performance? (A study in IDX companies)
Umar, Haryono
The Effect of Market Orientation, Competitive Strategy on Firm Performance Through Support Government Policy as an Intervening Variable
The Attitude of Young People Towards Environmental Issues and Green Products