Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICMAE 2020)
216 authors
- Marsudi, Almatius Setya
- The Effect of Good Corporate Governance [GCG] on Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] and Its Implications on Firm Value
- Martiningtiyas, Catur Rahayu
- The Effect of Non-Performing Loans on Profitability in Banking Sector in Indonesia
- Maulani, Galih Abdul Fatah
- Entrepreneurial Culture and Organizational Climate in the Barbers Village, Garut, Indonesia
- Maulani, Galih Abdul Fatah
- Nostalgic Marketing: A Study on Baby Boomers Generation
- Maulida, Sofia
- Analysis of the Effect of Brand Image, Tourist Perception, Service Quality Toward Revisit Intention in Recreational Parks in DKI Jakarta
- Mayangsari, Sekar
- Audit Quality in Indonesia
- Mayangsari, Sekar
- The Development of Case Assignment in Forensic Accounting Education
- Mubarok, Teten Mohamad Sapril
- Entrepreneurial Culture and Organizational Climate in the Barbers Village, Garut, Indonesia
- Mubina, Fathan
- The Effect of Company Size, Age, Growth, Profitability, and Exposure Media on Corporate Social Responsibility
- Muchsinati, Evi Silvana
- The Factors That Influence the Creativity of Employee in Three Star Hotel
- Muchtar, Susy
- The Quality of Corporate Governance and Its Effect on Sharia Bank Financial Performance in Indonesia
- Murtanto
- Using Accounting Perspectives and Financial Performance to Detect Fraudulent Financial Reporting
- Murtiningsih, Retno Sari
- Human Resource Practices and Organizational Commitment Through Work Satisfaction as a Variable of Mediation
- Nakir, Muhammad
- The Effect of Strategic Leadership and Self-Efficacy on Organizational Commitment and Its Implication on Performance Defense Researchers
- Nilasari, B Medina
- Facts on Organizational Performance in Indonesia
- Nitinegeri, Dewi Tirtarini
- The Effect of Non-Performing Loans on Profitability in Banking Sector in Indonesia
- Nora Lelyana, R.A.
- Effective Strategic Planning and Knowledge Management Effects on Organizational Performance Mediated by Dynamic Capability Towards Threats of Chemical, Biological, Radiology, and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapon
- Novarian, Fairynda
- The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Hospital
- Novariani, Fairynda
- Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance in the Private Hospital
- Nugraha, Sukma
- Entrepreneurial Culture and Organizational Climate in the Barbers Village, Garut, Indonesia
- Nugraha, Sukma
- E-Commerce: The Booster for Brand Advocacy Ratio in Asia
- Nugraha, Sukma
- Nostalgic Marketing: A Study on Baby Boomers Generation
- Nurleli
- Honeybees Corporation Concept: A Corporate Concept to Support the Achievement of SDGs in Indonesia?
- Octaceria, Syuangelia
- Carbon Emission Reduction’s Impact on a Company’s Performance
- Oktavia, Dian
- Professional Ethics in Providing Credits for MSMEs
- Pantja Jati, S.
- Effective Strategic Planning and Knowledge Management Effects on Organizational Performance Mediated by Dynamic Capability Towards Threats of Chemical, Biological, Radiology, and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapon
- Permana, Intan
- Brand Image: Survey on Giro iB Wadiah Sharia Commercial Bank Individual Customers in Kota Bandung
- Permana, Intan
- E-Commerce: The Booster for Brand Advocacy Ratio in Asia
- Permana, Intan
- Nostalgic Marketing: A Study on Baby Boomers Generation
- Prabowo, Anggun
- The Role of Corporate Governance to the Relationship Between Income Smoothing, Dividend, Growth and Earnings Informativeness
- Prashella, Delia Anindita
- Financial Literacy in Millenials Generation in Indonesia
- Pratomo, Luki Adiati
- The Green Hotel Knowledge Towards Consumer Behavior Intention: Empirical Model Testing
- Pratomo, Luki Adiati
- Destination Image of “Thousand Islands”: Antecedents and Consequences
- Pratomo, Luki Adiati
- Exploring the Consequences of Brand Authenticity
- Purnamaningrum, Tri Kunawangsih
- Investor Sentiment and Stock Price Movement Property Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Puspa, Tiara
- The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Management Innovation, and Organizational Motivation on Organizational Performance
- Puspitasari, Windhy
- The Effect of Company Size, Age, Growth, Profitability, and Exposure Media on Corporate Social Responsibility
- Putriyadi, Dimas Eko
- The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Management Innovation, and Organizational Motivation on Organizational Performance
- Rahardja, Liana
- Carbon Emission Reduction’s Impact on a Company’s Performance
- Ramadhan, Yanuar
- Professional Ethics in Providing Credits for MSMEs
- Ramadiyansari, Rika
- Evaluation of Business Process in the Cash Disbursement Cycle in Increasing Operational Effectiveness and Corporate Internal Control (Case study: PT XYZ)
- Ramda, Eduardo Edwin
- Strengthening of National Resilience: Leading Sector Mapping for Digital Economy In Indonesia
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- Employee Innovation Behavior in Health Care
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- Unique Capability for Poultry Distributor Companies
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- Perceived Organizational Support and Turnover Intention
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- Work Life Balance Effect (Case Investigation on PT PJB Power Plant Maintenance Unit)
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- Professional Identity in Private Hospital
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance in the Private Hospital
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
- Ramli, Abdul Haeba
- The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Hospital
- Ridwan, Mochamad Agus
- Influence of Information Technology, Organizational Communication, and Leadership Towards Employee Performance
- Rifqi, L.D
- Economic Valuation and Sensitivity Analysis of Triple Has Prospect Under Gross Split PSC at PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore Southeast Sumatra (PT. PHE OSES)
- Risqiani, Renny
- Impact of Social Media Influencer Marketing on the Intention to Buy Online Through Attitude on Advertising and Brands
- Rizqi, Mutiara
- Antecedent Counterproductive Work Behavior: Exploration in Services Industry
- Rudatin, Ari
- Is GCG Strengthening the Influence Between Sustainability Reporting to Financial Performance? (A study in IDX companies)
- Rustam, Rinaldi
- The Impact of the Implementation of Government Restrictions on Mineral Exports in the Mining Sector and Its Sustainability
- Safnita
- Employees Creativity Not Required for Employees in the Television Industry?
- Saito, Masako
- The Development of Case Assignment in Forensic Accounting Education
- Salim, Stephani
- How is the Impact of Non-Cash Payment System on Sales of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise?
- Santosa, Ardian Aby
- Economic Valuation and Sensitivity Analysis of Triple Has Prospect Under Gross Split PSC at PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore Southeast Sumatra (PT. PHE OSES)
- Saputra, Tedy Setiawan
- Evaluating the Kemplang Tunu Production Training for Low Income and Education Communities Using the Kirkpatrick Model
- Sari, Wahyuni Rusliyana
- The Influence of CEO Characteristic on Banking Performance
- Sari, Wahyuni Rusliyana
- The Quality of Corporate Governance and Its Effect on Sharia Bank Financial Performance in Indonesia
- Sasongko, Catur
- Evaluation of Business Process in the Cash Disbursement Cycle in Increasing Operational Effectiveness and Corporate Internal Control (Case study: PT XYZ)
- Sausan, Qatrunnada
- Honeybees Corporation Concept: A Corporate Concept to Support the Achievement of SDGs in Indonesia?
- Septriadi, Danny
- Transfer Pricing Dispute Analysis of PT ABX Fiscal Year 2016
- Setiawan, Dafid Richi
- How to Measure the Financial Health?
- Setyowati, Dyah Eko
- The Factors That Influence Student Satisfaction on Loyalty Students at East Java
- Shiffa, Hilya
- Improving Employee Satisfaction Through Organization Support
- Sijabat, Putri Marina
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership to Organizational Innovation and Explorative Learning Mediated by Generalist Human Capital at Oil Company
- Simanjuntak, Erwin Marojahan
- Influence of Information Technology, Organizational Communication, and Leadership Towards Employee Performance
- Simanjuntak, Megawati
- Evaluating Variable Which is Influencing Online Repurchase Intention to Increase Fresh Vegetables/Fruits Consumption in Indonesia by Using Importance Performance Analysis
- Simanjutan, Lydia Rosintan
- Food Security Towards Sustainable Development of Food Security in Indonesian Provinces
- Sinambela, Sarton
- The Influence of Organizational Culture, Competence and Work Motivation Towards Employee Performance
- Sinambela, Sarton
- Influence of Information Technology, Organizational Communication, and Leadership Towards Employee Performance
- Sitompul, Charlin
- Professional Ethics in Providing Credits for MSMEs
- Soedaryono, Bambang
- Detecting Financial Statement Fraud Using Diamond Model: Evidence in Indonesia
- Soetanto, Gusti Putra
- The Effect of Good Corporate Governance [GCG] on Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] and Its Implications on Firm Value
- Solihat, Asri
- Brand Image: Survey on Giro iB Wadiah Sharia Commercial Bank Individual Customers in Kota Bandung
- Sudaryono, Driya
- Detecting Financial Statement Fraud Using Diamond Model: Evidence in Indonesia
- Sudiantini, Dian
- Empirical Testing of Climate Work as Moderating at Regional Public Service
- Suhendah, Rousilita
- Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Performance Report Forward Financial Performance on Proper Ranking Companies in Indonesia
- Sumani
- Are Women in BOD Affecting the Company’s Financial Performance?
- Sunarto, Hari
- Sustainability Branding Strategy Through ICT Networking of Tourism Development
- Supandi
- Strengthening of National Resilience: Leading Sector Mapping for Digital Economy In Indonesia
- Susanti, Desi
- Website Costs-Operation Phase Compliance Analysis on Financial Statement of E-Commerce Company in Indonesia: A Case Study of PT. X in Jakarta
- Susanto
- Analysis of the Effect of Leadership, Job Motivation, and Organizational Culture Towards the Employee Performance of STT PLN
- Sutisna
- Unique Capability for Poultry Distributor Companies
- Syahputra, Lannodaya Tommy
- Analysis of the Effect of Leadership, Job Motivation, and Organizational Culture Towards the Employee Performance of STT PLN
- Takaya, Rowlan
- Perceived Organizational Support and Turnover Intention
- Takaya, Rowlan
- Professional Identity in Private Hospital
- Tanujaya, Kennardi
- The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Tax Aggressiveness: Moderating by Family Ownership in Indonesia
- Tanuwijaya, Justine
- The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Management Innovation, and Organizational Motivation on Organizational Performance
- Terttiaavini
- Evaluating the Kemplang Tunu Production Training for Low Income and Education Communities Using the Kirkpatrick Model
- Tiarapuspa
- Improving Employee Satisfaction Through Organization Support
- Tiarapuspa
- Antecedent Counterproductive Work Behavior: Exploration in Services Industry
- Tiarapuspa
- Employees Creativity Not Required for Employees in the Television Industry?
- Transistari, Ralina
- Is GCG Strengthening the Influence Between Sustainability Reporting to Financial Performance? (A study in IDX companies)
- Umar, Haryono
- The Effect of Market Orientation, Competitive Strategy on Firm Performance Through Support Government Policy as an Intervening Variable
- Wahyuningsih
- The Attitude of Young People Towards Environmental Issues and Green Products