Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2018)
285 authors
- Refnaldi, Refnaldi
- Analyzing Teacher Talk in Classroom Interaction at Junior High School
- Refnaldi, Refnaldi
- The Effect of Authentic Listening Materials and Self-Regulation toward Students’ Listening Ability at Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak
- Refnaldi, Refnaldi
- Developing Instruments for Evaluation the Implementation of Authentic Assessment on Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Revita, Ike
- The Sequences of Expression of Minangkabau Young Generation: Request Study From ABS-SBK Philosophy
- Rizkan, Abang Muhammad
- The Effect of Using Youtube as A Teaching Media on the Students’ Listening Skill (The Case of 2nd Semester Students of English Education Study Program of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak)
- Rohali, Rohali
- Greetings and Politeness Used in French and Indonesian Language Communication
- Rohali, Rohali
- Politeness Strategy of Directive Speech Act by Students-Lecturers of French Department FBS UNY
- Rosa, Rusdi Noor
- Transitivity Analysis of the Translation of Student Translators
- Rosa, Rusdi Noor
- Derivational Morphology of Karonese Ecolexicon
- Rovylendes, Adjuoktoza
- Manapa: An Event to Renew Social Bonds through the Performativity of Gandang Tasa in the Pariaman Community West Sumatera
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching to Teach Reading Comprehension in Senior High School
- Rozimela, Yenni
- The Effect of POW+TREE Strategy by Using Learning Video towards Students’ Writing Ability in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Idea Development And Organization Of Thesis Proposal Written By A Group Of EFL Learners Learning Writing Through Cognitive Genre-Based Approach
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Students’ Critical Thinking And Writing Ability Reflected On Online Discussion Forum
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Recent Technology For Translation Study
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Challenges In Assessing Students’ Writing For Future Instruction
- Sahara, Nita
- Tingkuluak Tanduak Batingkek in Lintau District Tanah Datar Regency (Study of Function and Purpose)
- Saleh, Muhammad
- Gender Variables in Reading Behavior of Middle School Students in the Internet Era
- Saptopramono, Hendro
- Improving Students’ Ability in Conducting Autonomous Learning by Using Information Communication Technology
- Saragih, Amrin
- Projections in Indonesian Newspaper Texts
- Sari, Fifi Fitria
- Revitalization of Dance and Values Contained in Dance Balota in Kenagarian Sungai Bukik Baiah District 9 Lasi
- Sari, Ika Dirga
- An Analysis of Compound Sentences in Students’ Writing
- Sari, Mega Enjela
- Developing Instruments for Evaluating the Authentic Assessment for Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Sari, Sitti Ayu Permata
- The Perception Of Students With Different Learning Styles To The Teachers’ Response Styles At Smkn 3 Padang
- Sastra, Andar Indra
- Manapa: An Event to Renew Social Bonds through the Performativity of Gandang Tasa in the Pariaman Community West Sumatera
- Septiana, Azmi
- Verbal Interaction between Male and Female Teachers and Their Students in the English Classes
- Seswita, Seswita
- The Resilience Of Indian American Women In Coping With The Domestic Violence Seen In Sejal Badani’s A Trail Of Broken Wings: A Study Of Feminist Psychology
- Sinaga, Fajry Sub'haan Syah
- Learning and Singing: Thematic Children Songs in Kindergarten
- Sinar, T. Silvana
- Developing Online-based Tap Course Materials
- Sofia, Yolla Ardian
- The Character Education Values in Literary Texts n Buku Siswa Bahasa Indonesia for Senior High School
- Sofyan, Rudy
- Developing Online-based Tap Course Materials
- Sofyan, Rudy
- Transitivity Analysis of the Translation of Student Translators
- Sofyan, Rudy
- Derivational Morphology of Karonese Ecolexicon
- Sukma, Doris
- Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching to Teach Reading Comprehension in Senior High School
- Sukma, Elfia
- Problems in Oral Language Teaching in Primary School
- Sultan, Sultan
- Gender Variables in Reading Behavior of Middle School Students in the Internet Era
- Sumiati, Sumiati
- Developing Biography Text Teaching Materials Based On Author’s Experience
- Sundari, Weli
- Ideology in Politicians' Comments on DKI Jakarta Election Discourse in Twittpolitik Free People
- Suriani, Ari
- Problems in Oral Language Teaching in Primary School
- Susanti, Nora
- West Sumatera’s Contemporary Painting in Sociology Studies
- Syafitri, Widya
- Enforcing Linguistic Intelligence Method to Activate Students’ Literacy in English Economic Subject for Islamic Banking Department
- Syamsudduha, Syamsudduha
- Cohesion and Coherence in Indonesian Textbooks for The Tenth Grader of Senior High School
- Syaputri, Wuri
- First Language Morphological Interference of English Language Learners (EFL)
- Syarif, Hermawati
- An Analysis of Compound Sentences in Students’ Writing
- Syarif, Hermawati
- The Quality of Students’ Mind Mapping at IAIN Bukittinggi
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Students’ Critical Thinking And Writing Ability Reflected On Online Discussion Forum
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Technology-Based Google Classroom In English Business Writing Class
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Challenges In Assessing Students’ Writing For Future Instruction
- Syofiani, Syofiani
- Drama Appreciation Learning Using Multimedia To Develop Student Literation
- Tamela, Ellis
- English Teaching and Learning Strategies on Genre Based Approach in Indonesian EFL Class : A Case Study
- Tarigan, Bahagia
- Developing Online-based Tap Course Materials
- Tarigan, Bahagia
- Transitivity Analysis of the Translation of Student Translators
- Tarigan, Bahagia
- Derivational Morphology of Karonese Ecolexicon
- Thahar, Harris Effendi
- Recent Technology For Translation Study
- Tobing, Roswita Lumban
- Greetings and Politeness Used in French and Indonesian Language Communication
- Trianita, Mutia
- Developing Instruments for Evaluating Validity, Practicality, Effectiveness of the Authentic Assessment For Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Wahida, Wahida
- Cohesion and Coherence in Indonesian Textbooks for The Tenth Grader of Senior High School
- Wahyuni, Delvi
- Idea Development And Organization Of Thesis Proposal Written By A Group Of EFL Learners Learning Writing Through Cognitive Genre-Based Approach
- Wakhinuddin S, Wakhinuddin S
- Model of Embroidery Design ‘Kepala Peniti' Minangkabau on Acculturative Batik
- Wennyta, Wennyta
- The Achievement of the First Grade Students based on Their Learning Experience in Elementary School at SMP Negeri 5 Kota Jambi: A Comparative Study
- Wilsa, Jaja
- Developing Biography Text Teaching Materials Based On Author’s Experience
- Winangsit, Emah
- Learning and Singing: Thematic Children Songs in Kindergarten
- Winata, Nofieana Gusti
- Critical Speech Act in the Indonesia Lawak Klub (ILK) Event in Trans 7
- Winita, Sucia
- Euphemisms in the Headlines of Haluan Newspaper
- Yahya, Yahya
- Representation of Fanaticism against Local Culture through the Use of Tari Manyang in Sikakap Community Life
- Yahya, Yahya
- The Role of Youth in Martaukopi Indigenous Activities West Pasaman, Silaping Jorong
- Yahya, Yahya
- The Impact Of Instructional Leadership And Followership Styles To The Teachers’ Performance
- Yanda, Nurul Fhadilla Prima
- Putiak Sanggua in the Marriage Ceremony for People in Nagari Sijunjuang West Sumatra
- Yeni, Marliza
- Marlon James’s Queer Perspective on Woman’s Heterosexuality in A Brief History of Seven Killings
- Yensharti, Yensharti
- Learning and Singing: Thematic Children Songs in Kindergarten
- Yuliarma, Yuliarma
- Model of Embroidery Design ‘Kepala Peniti' Minangkabau on Acculturative Batik
- Zaim, M
- Improving Students’ Ability in Conducting Autonomous Learning by Using Information Communication Technology
- Zaim, M
- Drama Appreciation Learning Using Multimedia To Develop Student Literation
- Zaim, M
- Technology-Based Google Classroom In English Business Writing Class
- Zaim, M.
- Developing Instruments for Evaluating the Authentic Assessment for Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Zaim, M.
- Developing Instruments for Evaluating Validity, Practicality, Effectiveness of the Authentic Assessment For Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Zaim, M.
- The Effect of Direct Corrective Feedback on Students’ Writing of Recount Text
- Zaim, M.
- Analyzing Teacher Talk in Classroom Interaction at Junior High School
- Zaim, M.
- Developing Instruments for Evaluation the Implementation of Authentic Assessment on Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Zaim, M.
- The Effect of POW+TREE Strategy by Using Learning Video towards Students’ Writing Ability in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
- Zaim, M.
- Recent Technology For Translation Study
- Zaim, M.
- The Effect of Herringbone Technique And Students’ Reading Interest on Students’ Reading Comprehension At Grade VIII Of MTs Sumatera Thawalib Parabek Bukittinggi
- Zamzuardi, Yosi
- The Rhetoric of Persuasion of Ustadz Abdul Somad: Discourse Analysis in the Media Youtube
- Zulfadhli, Zulfadhli
- Cultural Values Legends Folktale of Minangkabau People’s in West Sumatra
- Zulkifli, Nur Aisyah
- Challenges In Assessing Students’ Writing For Future Instruction