Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Education Science and Economic Management (ICESEM 2017)

325 authors
Li, Lihua
The Causes and Solutions of "Low Level Trap" in Food Manufacturing Industry: Based on the Perspective of Industrial Commons
Li, Meijuan
Research on the Factors Influencing Regional Development Differences of the Financial Industry in Yunnan Province
Li, Meijuan
The Impact of Industrial Structure on Economic Growth in Baoshan, Yunnan Province
Li, Meijuan
Practice and Experience Reference of the Number Portability Policy in Typical Countries or Regions
Li, Min
Efficiency Evaluation of Urbanization in Western China Based on DEA Model
Li, Na
Research on Undergraduate Students' Entrepreneurship Support System in Private Universities
Li, Rong
Exploration and Practice of Inquiry Teaching in Communication Theory Curriculum
Li, Tao
Project Financial Post Evaluation Model Design Based on Cash Value Added Theory
Li, Wei
Discussion on Teaching about Heat-treatment of Steel Based on "Excellent Engineers Education Training Plan"
Li, Xiaohong
Analysis of Research Hotspots in Logistics Field based on ESI Highly Cited Paper
Li, Xudong
Research on "The Belt and Road" Cross-border Logistics Talent Cultivation from the Perspective of Higher Vocational Education Supply-side Reform
Li, Yan
Research on the Construction of"double-qualified" and "dual-talented" Faculty in the Newly-built Private Undergraduate University
Li, Yang
Innovation and Reform of Financial Accounting under New Normal in China
Li, Yang
SME Financial Report: Challenges from the New Normal in China
Li, Yihua
The Cultivation of Applied Undergraduate Talents against the Backdrop of "Made in China 2025"
Li, Yiqun
Study on College Interactive Teaching Based on Mobile Network
Liang, Feng
Research on the Characteristics of Leisure Cycling Tourism and Development Strategies
Lin, Chang
Research on the Technology Spillover Effect of Taiwanese Investment on Agricultural Products Processing Industry in Mainland China
Lin, Xiao
Study on Supporting Technology for Mechanized Construction of High Speed Railway Tunnel
Liu, Bin
Exploring Teaching Reforms and Practical Aspects of Online Courses at Newly-Built Undergraduate Colleges -A Case Study of Zhejiang Shuren University
Liu, Bing
A Study on the Development of Translation Competence: A Perspective of Discourse Construction
Liu, Chang
Analysis of Research Hotspots in Logistics Field based on ESI Highly Cited Paper
Liu, Delian
Research on Teaching Method of Computer Information Management Course for Optoelectronic Engineering
Liu, Guang
The Study of Learning Support Services Status in National Quality MOOCs
Liu, Jing
Study on the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Resource Allocation in China
Liu, Jun
Prediction of Short Term Exchange Rate Using BP Neural Network
Liu, Lei
Pricing Strategy of Multi Channel Supply Chain Based on Manufacturer's Pricing Time
Liu, Maohua
Research on Teaching System Construction of Applied Surveying Engineering Specialty with "3S" as the Core
Liu, Ran
Embezzlement of Principal Shareholders Based on a Case Study of Xiancheng Mining Company
Liu, Wenyan
Analysis of Research Hotspots in Logistics Field based on ESI Highly Cited Paper
Liu, Xuan
Analysis of Research Hotspots in Logistics Field based on ESI Highly Cited Paper
Liu, Yang
Research on Bilingual Teaching in Engineering Based on Problem-oriented Teaching Method
Liu, Yuan
Construction of Practical Teaching System of Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument Major based on CDIO Engineering Education Mode
Liu, Yuxin
Professional Ethics and Promotion Strategy of Technical and Tactical Police Teachers in Chinese Police Colleges
Liu, Zisheng
Evaluating the Dissemination Impact of Social Networks based on an Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process Hybrid Model
Lu, Fang
The College Classroom Construction and Management under the Background of "Internet plus Education"-Taking South China University of Technology as an Example
Lu, Fang
Digital Learning Resource Construction Strategy Research in "Internet+" Era
Lu, Junming
Analysis on the Operation Efficiency of China's Marine Transportation Industry and Its Influencing Factors
Lu, Zhongdong
The Innovation and Exploration of the General Education Curriculum "Automobile Culture"
Luan, Junkai
Research on Location of Cold Chain Logistics Distribution Center Based on "Internet +"
Lv, Jing
New Strategies and Measures for College Engineering Education under the Framework of Professional Engineering Accreditation
Lv, Jun
Training Scientific Research Thinking and Innovation Consciousness in Series of Professional Courses
Lyu, Dan
Research on Bilingual Teaching in Engineering Based on Problem-oriented Teaching Method
Lyu, Jie
Research on Bilingual Teaching in Engineering Based on Problem-oriented Teaching Method
Ma, Li
Study on Technology-based Small and Micro Enterprises' Patent Strategy
Ma, Yingshuang
Research on Evaluation and Development Strategy of the Dabie Mountains Ecotourism
Ma, Yuntao
Study on the Establishment of Professional Quality Evaluation System of Undergraduates-Surveying and Mapping Engineering Major was Taken as an Example
Ma, Yuntao
The Research on the Cultivation Mode of Applied Talents in Surveying and Mapping Engineering based on the Market Orientation
Ma, Zhichao
Research on System and Developing Path of Talents Collaborative Cultivation in Horse Racing Industry between Hubei and Xinjiang
Mao, Rong
Development Design and Research of Elevator Advertisement Projection Products Driven by PSET
Meng, Jie
Analysis on UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Research Development
Meng, Qingjun
How Listed Companies Implement Sustainable Development Strategy in Environmental Protection
Mohd Rashid, Mohd Saad
Research on the Difficulties and Strategies of Chinese Traditional Culture Communication in Foreign Languages Universities against the backdrop of Internationalization
Niu, Yanping
The Problems of Academic Misconducts and Approach to Resolve
Pan, Kailing
Research on Location of Cold Chain Logistics Distribution Center Based on "Internet +"
Pan, Rongjun
Introducing Collaborative Teaching into Elective Courses Across an Engineering University: Effect of Teacher's Characteristics on Student Evaluations of Teaching
Pan, Yumin
Multidimensional Reflections on the Reform of Teaching Methods in Universities
Peng, Anmin
Research on Bilingual Teaching in Engineering Based on Problem-oriented Teaching Method
Qi, Lihong
Construction of Literature Resources in Transitional Library of New University Campus
Qi, Yutong
An Investigation on the Online Life of Urban High School Students-Take a High School in Shenyang as an Example
Qi, Zhenguo
An Investigation on the Online Life of Urban High School Students-Take a High School in Shenyang as an Example
Qian, Jin
Research on the Multiple Free Trade Areas under the Background of the TPP Effect of China's Economy and the Strategy Choices
Qin, Xiaosong
Research on Teaching Reform of Surveying in Architectural Colleges
Qu, Jinbo
Research and Discussion on Practical Teaching Reform of Control Surveying
Qu, Linghui
Innovation and Reform of Financial Accounting under New Normal in China
Ruan, Guanqiang
The Innovation and Exploration of the General Education Curriculum "Automobile Culture"
Shang, Caijuan
The Problems of Academic Misconducts and Approach to Resolve
Shang, Feifei
The Problems of Academic Misconducts and Approach to Resolve
Shao, Jingbo
The Research on the Moderating Role of Structural Hole between Perceived Value and Purchase Intention
Shao, Lijin
Research on the Synergy Degree Evaluation Model of Fujian Free Trade Zone and Port Logistics Based on Order Parameter
Shao, Yue
Research on Teaching System Construction of Applied Surveying Engineering Specialty with "3S" as the Core
Sheng, Jing
Research on the Training Objective of Traffic and Transportation Specialty (rail traffic operation management) Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
Song, Yanan
The Impact of Human Capital on Shanghai's Economic Growth
Song, Yankui
Models of the Innovative Education of Industry-University-Research Symbiosis
Su, Yiqing
The Causes and Solutions of "Low Level Trap" in Food Manufacturing Industry: Based on the Perspective of Industrial Commons
Sui, Baolu
On the Coordinated Development of Cultural Undertakings and Cultural Industries
Sun, Fei
Innovation of Ideological and Political Education of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges
Sun, Jihui
Embezzlement of Principal Shareholders Based on a Case Study of Xiancheng Mining Company
Sun, Lishuang
A Brief Analysis of the Reform of Selection Methods for Postgraduates
Sun, Lishuang
Research on Teaching Reform of Surveying in Architectural Colleges
Sun, Min
Analysis of PEST and SWOT in Photovoltaic Power Generation Project in Poverty Alleviation Region
Sun, Shusheng
Pricing Strategy of Multi Channel Supply Chain Based on Manufacturer's Pricing Time
Sun, Yi
International Student-oriented Course Construction and Teaching Practice of Engineering Drawing
Tan, Xingxing
Research on Master of Engineering Management in China
Tang, Lihua
On the Impacts of Negotiated English Listening Teaching on Learners of English in College
Tang, Min
A Study on the Development of Translation Competence: A Perspective of Discourse Construction
Wang, Guizhen
An Online Learning Platform for College Students
Wang, Jiakang
Research on Financial Performance of Chinese Airline Companies -Based on factor analysis
Wang, Jingli
Study on the Establishment of Professional Quality Evaluation System of Undergraduates-Surveying and Mapping Engineering Major was Taken as an Example
Wang, Jinguo
Construction of the Comprehensive Training Mode of Clinical Talents
Wang, Linping
Study on Theoretical Framework of Rural Women's Formal Financial Loaning Behavior
Wang, Mengqi
Research on the Development of Art Design and Fashion Industry
Wang, Min
Research on Real Estate Trust Model in China-Real Estate Trust and Investment Fund (REITs)
Wang, Mingming
University Quality-oriented Education Research: Present Situation and Prospect
Wang, Na
Construction of the Comprehensive Training Mode of Clinical Talents
Wang, Nan
Research on the Theory and Practice of Higher Mathematics Concept Map
Wang, Qin
Evaluating the Dissemination Impact of Social Networks based on an Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process Hybrid Model
Wang, Shengfeng
The Problems of Academic Misconducts and Approach to Resolve
Wang, Shengyu
Project Financial Post Evaluation Model Design Based on Cash Value Added Theory
Wang, Shuhui
The Problems of Academic Misconducts and Approach to Resolve