Proceedings of the International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2020)
454 authors
- Firmanto, Ari
- A Family-School Partnership Based Learning: An Effort to Organize Early Childhood Education During Pandemic
- Fitriana, Nurin
- The Application of Waste and Sediment Trader Boat Designs in Reservoir: A Community Empowerment
- Gede, Nur Hari
- Improving the Students’ Translation Skill by Using Video on Online Course
- Gerry, Tri Michael
- Performance Evaluation of Field Agriculture Extension in the Shallots Planting Program
- Gunawan
- The Implementation of Character Values Through Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan at Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah 01 Medan
- Hadi, Suryadi
- Undergraduate Students’ Characteristics in Using E-Learning (Schoology) During Outbreak COVID-19
- Hadi, Suryadi
- Applying AHP to Classify Undergraduates Student’s Behavior Towards E-Learning
- Hadiwijaya, Dudung
- Influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Career Management Through Commitments Organization of Employee Performancein PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Head Office in Tangerang
- Hadiwijaya, Dudung
- The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Strategic Planning, and Employee Engagement towards Employee Performances of Cikande’s Factory & Jakarta’s Head Office at PT.DSG Surya Mas Indonesia
- Halim, Abdul
- Teaching English Through Literature-Based Instruction: An Integrated Study of Language and Literature
- Halwi, Muhammad Darma
- The Accountability and Distribution of Productive Zakat in Improving the Welfare of Zakat Recipients
- Hanafi
- The Roles of Schools and Teachers in Building Students’ Character in Digital Era: The Students’ Perspective
- Hanafi, Hanisah
- The Impacts of COVID-19 on Indonesian Language Terminology
- Hanafi, Hanisah
- The Language Acquisition of A Two-Year-Old Girl “Aline”
- Handayani, Krisnawuri
- The Effect of Performance & Conformance Innovation Towards Product Life Cycle Through Customer Relationship Management
- Handayani, Rindu
- Need Analysis of Hots-Based English Materials Development for the Ten Grade Learners of Coastal School in Bangka Selatan
- Handayani, Trikinasih
- Self-Regulated Learning of Junior High School Students to Predict Online Learning Achievement
- Hannang, Abd.
- The Effect of Supervision Levels on Employees’ Performance Levels
- Harfiani, Rizka
- Educational Services for Students With Special Needs at Raudhatul Athfal
- Haris, Abdul
- Religious Education Based Pesantren by Islamic Religious Counselor to Prostitutes
- Hartati, Fadjar Kurnia
- The Dasa Wisma of the Flood-Resilient Village Wonokusumo
- Hartati, Sri
- The Development of Diverse, Nutritious, Balanced and Safe (B2SA) Formulation Menu Based on Local Food in Sukoharjo
- Hartini, Rahayu
- Obstacles in the Execution of BUMN Persero’s Bankrupt Assets in Indonesia
- Haryadi
- The Influence of Islamic Work Ethic on Attitudes Towards Changing Organization With Organization Commitment as Mediator
- Haryono, Agus
- Descriptive Analysis of Cooperative Management Competency Enhancement for Increasing Members’ Welfare and Business Strategies
- Has, Dwi Faqihatus Syarifah
- The Effectiveness of BIMA-X (Biscuits and Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract) to Handling Children With Malnutrition
- Hasan, Silvana
- The Language Acquisition of A Two-Year-Old Girl “Aline”
- Hasanuddin
- The Influence of Financial Ratios and Intellectual Capital on Financial Difficulties in Construction Companies
- Hasanuddin, Bakri
- The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Performance of Civil Servants (Study at Palu City Environment Office)
- Hayati, Nurul
- Intervention of Multi-Stakeholder Forum for Puskesmas Service Improvement in Lumajang District
- Hazdan, M Fahmi
- The Choice of Forum in Business Dispute Settlement Among Chinese Business Community in Pontianak
- Hendarto, Totok
- Retirement Age Disparity for Private Worker and Sate Civil Aparatures in Indonesia
- Herawati, Ratna
- Prevention of Violence Against Women Through Improving the Quality of Life of Women in Indonesia
- Hidayat, Muhammad
- The Issues and Prospects of the Global Islamic Calendar
- Hoessein, Zainal Arifin
- Environmental and Sustainable Development Policy after Constitutional Reform in Indonesia
- Hunainah
- Tahajud Prayer and Dhikr after Fardhu Prayer to Improve Santri’s Spiritual Intelligence
- Hunainah
- Relationship Between Spiritual Education and Social Education With the Development of the Superior Personality of Students
- Ichsan Anshory, AM
- Problematics of Inclusive Schools at the Elementary School Level
- Indriasari, Rahayu
- Ethical Behavior of Accounting Undergraduate Students: Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, and Locus of Control
- In’am, Akhsanul
- Genetic Algorithm to Estimate Parameters of Indonesian Population Growth Model
- Islam, Aang Fatihul
- Writing Descriptive Text to Activate Learners’ Language and Cultural Schema
- Istiqomah, Dewi Masitho
- The Lecturers’ Speech Act on Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic at PGRI Wiranegara University
- Iswan
- The Effect of Self-Concept and Student Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement of Social Science
- Iswan
- The Main Role of Family Environment During COVID-19 Quarantine
- Iswatiningsih, Daroe
- Female Characters in Short Stories Written by Female Prisoners
- Jaludin, Zeti Yusmira Binti Haji
- Development and Validation of Mind Mapping Module in Teaching and Learning History Islamic Law Based on Metacognitive
- Jamaluddin
- Religiosity: The Love of Money, Machiavellian, and the Ethical Perception of Accounting Students (Study of Accounting Students at Universitas Tadulako)
- Jannah, Riyahul
- The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on the Internal Fraud in Sharia Business Unit in 2017
- Jasuli
- Barong Ider Bumi: Symbolic Interaction of Contemporary Osing Society of Kemiren-Banyuwangi
- Jatmikowati, Tri Endang
- The Effect of Hots-Based Islamic Education on the Attitude of Religiosity and Its Impact on Improving Students Spirituality
- Johan, Teuku Saiful Bahri
- International World Recognition on Indonesia’s Success in Creating Tolerance of Religion
- Jurana
- Ethical Behavior of Accounting Undergraduate Students: Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, and Locus of Control
- Kadang, Juliana
- Profit Efficiency and Factors Affecting Indonesia Banking
- Kamaludin
- Antecedents of the Ability to Identify Business Opportunities and Innovations Through Active Information Search Moderation
- Kamsin, Daenulhay
- The Most Important Dimension of the Corporate Culture of Indonesian Companies (A Case Study)
- Karyanto, Nonot Wisnu
- The Implementation of Total Physical Response Method to Build Database of Modality Multimedia Learning Using Cognitive and Affective Parameters
- Kaseng, Saharuddin
- Phenomenology Study of the Sustainability of Rattan Industry Cluster in Cirebon District, Indonesia
- Khareng, Ateekoh
- Cross Culture Effect: Virtual Media for Thai Native Speaker as EFL Students
- Kholmi, Masiyah
- Good Governance Principles Analysis of the Village Business Are Reviewed from Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Fairness
- Khozin
- Religious Education Based Pesantren by Islamic Religious Counselor to Prostitutes
- Khusnatul, Zulfa W
- Assertive Speech Act in the Sang Kyai Comic to Teach Religious Value: A Pragmatic Study
- Kornelius, Yoberth
- Rethinking of Strategy Defending Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Kunarti, Siti
- Dynamic Relations Between Central and Regional Governments in Indonesia
- Kurnia, Denny
- Sense of Belonging and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance
- Kurniawan, Dediek T.
- Organizational Commitment: The Influence of Leader-Member Exchange on Employee Performance
- Kurniyati, Ety
- The Implementation of Character Education to Generation Z in Indonesia
- Kusumaningsih, Dewi
- The Impacts of COVID-19 on Indonesian Language Terminology
- Kusumaningsih, Dewi
- The Language Acquisition of A Two-Year-Old Girl “Aline”
- Kusumaningtyas, Dian Artha
- Self-Regulated Learning of Junior High School Students to Predict Online Learning Achievement
- Kusumawati, Dahani
- The Effect of School Branding on the Reputation of Islamic Schools
- Lani, Ahmad
- Cross Culture Effect: Virtual Media for Thai Native Speaker as EFL Students
- Latief, Jamil
- Local Wisdom of Krowe Sikka Weaving Cloth as a Potential of Creative Regional Economic Empowerment
- Lawado, Irma Sahvitri
- The Implementation of the Right Paradigm Approach in Health Development Through the Public Participation in Healthy City Forum
- Leksono, Sonny
- The Urgent Access of Code of Conduct on Preserving Traditional Markets
- Lestari, Adyla Mita
- Application of Biochar and Liquid Smoke From Biomass Waste Management to Increase Yields and Raise Farmers’ Income
- Lestari, Adyla Mita
- The Urgent Access of Code of Conduct on Preserving Traditional Markets
- Lita Tyesta, ALW
- Regional Regulations Based on Religious Content in the Framework of NKRI: Examples and Impacts
- Lita Tyesta, ALW
- Implications of Amendment of Law Number 12 Year 2011 into Law Number 15 Year 2019 in the Process of Forming Regional Regulations
- Mabaroh, Barotun
- Improving the Students’ Translation Skill by Using Video on Online Course
- Mahdami, Lukman
- Law Enforcement to Raise Legal Awareness of People in Making Peace
- Maimun
- Social Movement as a Humanist Education of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama in Pamekasan
- Manystighosa, Annissa
- The Impacts of the Security Climate on the Safety Behaviors of the Chinese Expatriates in Thailand and Malaysian Universities
- Mar, Ma Tin Cho
- Myanmar Youth and Impact of English Language Proficiency Towards Job Grabbing
- Mardiningsih
- The Lecturers’ Speech Act on Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic at PGRI Wiranegara University
- Maruf, Nirwanto
- Metaphorical Conceptual of Life in Ancient Oral Discourse of Kajang
- Maruto, Guntur
- The Critical Thinking Skills Impacts on the Utilization of PhET Simulation in the Flipped Classroom Setting
- Maruto, Guntur
- Tracker Application to Determine the Moment of Inertia in a Video-Based Laboratory to Improve Students’ Learning Activity
- Maryani, Desy
- Privatization of Correctional Facilities as a Model of Efficient and Effective Inmate Empowerment
- Maryani, Desy
- A Juridical Analysis the Act Draft Correctional in Fostering Inmates in Future Indonesian Correctional Institution
- Masulili, Agusalim
- Reducing Soil Strength and Increase Growth and Results of Paddy (Oryza Sativa l.) on Acid Sulphate Soil
- Mas’adah
- Phenomenology Study of the Sustainability of Rattan Industry Cluster in Cirebon District, Indonesia
- Mayapada, Arung Gihna
- The Accountability and Distribution of Productive Zakat in Improving the Welfare of Zakat Recipients
- Mega, Iful Rahmawati
- Need Analysis of Hots-Based English Materials Development for the Ten Grade Learners of Coastal School in Bangka Selatan
- Mile, Yuldi
- Analysis Factors of Gender and Financial Accounting Learning Achievement as an Influential of Financial Literacy
- Minasyan, Sona
- Social Entrepreneurship as an Essential Tool for Communities in Self-Organizing and Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic
- Mintarsih, Mimin
- Law Enforcement to Raise Legal Awareness of People in Making Peace
- Miru, Sulaiman
- Phenomenology Study of the Sustainability of Rattan Industry Cluster in Cirebon District, Indonesia
- Miskiah, Siti
- Community Participation in Preventing Child Trafficking
- Misriandi
- The Effect of Self-Concept and Student Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement of Social Science
- Misriandi
- The Main Role of Family Environment During COVID-19 Quarantine