Proceedings of the BISTIC Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC 2021)

140 authors
Adi, Fany Teguh Permana
Mobile Learning in Vocational Education: Tendency Towards Self Regulated Learning
Afiza, Nur
Design and Build Application as a Selling Platform for Mobile Vegetable Traders and Farmers
Agustina, Nur Indah
Cycle System of Product Industrial Activities as Local Wisdom Strategy to Achieve Village Self-Sufficiency
Agustina, Yuli
Indonesian Sharia Commercial Bank: Taking into Account from the Ratio of Rentability, Liquidity, Company Size and Capital Adequacy
Ahmad, Fadzila Azni
The Concept of Continuous Improvement from Perspectives of Hamka
Amin, Zaqqi Al
How Green Perceived Value and Green Perceived Risk Influence Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
Anugrah, Kelvin Bagus
How Can the Podcast Creative Industry Encourage Indonesia’s Economic Recovery during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Arianto, Yusuf
Why A One-Way Relationship Between Capital Market and Foreign Exchange Market in Indonesia?
Arief, Mohammad
Analysis of Trust: A Perception on E-Commerce Transaction Among Students
Arifah, Ika Diyah Candra
Green Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Sector: A Systematic Literature Review
Astuti, Nining Try
The Intellectual Capital’s Effect on Financial Performance at Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX)
Atan, Rodziah
The Empowerment of Public Investment and Smart Management Model for Tourism Villages Sustainability
Awwaliyah, Intan Nurul
Determinants of Timeliness and Good Corporate Governance at Indonesia Banking Companies
Az-zahra, Farah Fathimah
Design and Build Application as a Selling Platform for Mobile Vegetable Traders and Farmers
Bangun, Icha Sivana Br
Developing IV-Lab (Innovation Lab) for Acceleration Rural Community in Business Through Optimizing the Role of BUMDes
Basuki, Andi
Design for Cloud Learning Platform Integrated Office Management to Support the Adjustment of the Industrial World During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Basuki, Andi
Website-Based Digital Correspondence Application Design for Office Administration Education Students
Churiyah, Madziatul
Halal Tourism, Implementation and What is Needed: Indonesia Case
Churiyah, Madziatul
Mobile Learning in Vocational Education: Tendency Towards Self Regulated Learning
Churiyah, Madziatul
Website-Based Digital Correspondence Application Design for Office Administration Education Students
Dewi, Yana Respati
Marketing Strategies Through Instagram to Increase Sales
Dharma, Buyung Adi
Mobile Learning in Vocational Education: Tendency Towards Self Regulated Learning
Dharma, Buyung Adi
Website-Based Digital Correspondence Application Design for Office Administration Education Students
Dhewi, Titis Shinta
How Green Perceived Value and Green Perceived Risk Influence Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
Diana, Okki Aenur
Developing IV-Lab (Innovation Lab) for Acceleration Rural Community in Business Through Optimizing the Role of BUMDes
Dzikri, Adam Maulana
Developing IV-Lab (Innovation Lab) for Acceleration Rural Community in Business Through Optimizing the Role of BUMDes
Fadah, Isti
Determinants of Timeliness and Good Corporate Governance at Indonesia Banking Companies
Faizin, Mochamad Arif
An Overview of Digitalization and Internationalization Msmes: A Conceptual Paper
Fazlurrahman, Hujjatullah
Green Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Sector: A Systematic Literature Review
Febrianto, Indra
Cycle System of Product Industrial Activities as Local Wisdom Strategy to Achieve Village Self-Sufficiency
Halal Tourism, Implementation and What is Needed: Indonesia Case
Santripreneurship Through the Development of Industrial and Santri Creation to Manifest Sharia-Based Economy
Website-Based Digital Correspondence Application Design for Office Administration Education Students
Firmansyah, Rizky
How Can the Podcast Creative Industry Encourage Indonesia’s Economic Recovery during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Fitri, Raisa
Santripreneurship Through the Development of Industrial and Santri Creation to Manifest Sharia-Based Economy
Gunawan, Ari
Design for Cloud Learning Platform Integrated Office Management to Support the Adjustment of the Industrial World During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Applying Business Model Canvas on SMEs as a Business Innovation Strategy Batik Iwatik Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
Hapsari, Raditha
Determining Bank 4.0 Customer Loyalty
Harviansyah, Yushivan Rendi
Design and Build Application as a Selling Platform for Mobile Vegetable Traders and Farmers
Haryono, Agung
Digital Transformation Through Social Media in Silk Weaving Business: A Case Study in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi
Hashim, Nik Mohd Hazrul Nik
Design and Build Role Play Game Application - Business Simulator (Simbiz-Rpg) as a Life-Based Business Learning Media
Hastutik, Sri
Digital Transformation of Service Business SME Financial Report
Hermawan, Agus
Analysis of Trust: A Perception on E-Commerce Transaction Among Students
Hida, Alvi Rizka Nur
Marketing Strategies Through Instagram to Increase Sales
Hidayat, Rachmad
Integrated Online Learning Model to Develop Business Management Capabilities
Hidayat, Wahyu Nur
Halalan.Id: Design and Build Halal Tourism Application to Develop Halal Smart City in East Java
Hussein, Ananda Sabil
Determining Bank 4.0 Customer Loyalty
Istanti, Lulu Nurul
Rural Tourism Perspectives on Digital Innovation: Small Enterprises in Indonesia
Istanti, Lulu Nurul
The Role of BUMDes in Rural Tourism in Indonesia
Juniarti, Rosa Prafitri
Technology Adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Krisdiana, Siska
Uncollectible Credit Risk Mitigation Model for Women’s Cooperatives in East Java
Kumalasari, Rosyi Martha
Indonesian Sharia Commercial Bank: Taking into Account from the Ratio of Rentability, Liquidity, Company Size and Capital Adequacy
Kurniawan, Dediek Tri
The Role of Organizational Justice in Innovative Work Behavior of Female Employees in Government Institution
Kurniawan, Dediek Tri
Developing IV-Lab (Innovation Lab) for Acceleration Rural Community in Business Through Optimizing the Role of BUMDes
Kusdiyanti, Heny
Cycle System of Product Industrial Activities as Local Wisdom Strategy to Achieve Village Self-Sufficiency
Kusnayain, Yesiana Ihda
Developing IV-Lab (Innovation Lab) for Acceleration Rural Community in Business Through Optimizing the Role of BUMDes
Kusnayain, Yesiana Ihda
Investigating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Culture Towards Indonesian Private Employee’s Organizational Commitment
Lia, Della Ayu Zona
Santripreneurship Through the Development of Industrial and Santri Creation to Manifest Sharia-Based Economy
Lia, Della Ayu Zonna
Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL): Generation Z’s Dilemma on Impulsive Buying and Overconsumption Intention
Lita, Fiyo
Affective Commitment of Employee as a Mediating Variable in the Correlation Between Organizational Justice and Intention to Stay of PG Kebon Agung Malang
Liyundira, Fetri Setyo
Determinants of Timeliness and Good Corporate Governance at Indonesia Banking Companies
Machabbatulillah, Vina Nur
Website-Based Digital Correspondence Application Design for Office Administration Education Students
Margaretha, Yolanda Dufa
Developing IV-Lab (Innovation Lab) for Acceleration Rural Community in Business Through Optimizing the Role of BUMDes
Martha, Jefry Aulia
Barriers to Entrepreneurship Education for Disabilities in Indonesia
Martha, Jefry Aulia
Design and Build Role Play Game Application - Business Simulator (Simbiz-Rpg) as a Life-Based Business Learning Media
Mauludin, Muchammad Firman
Study of Empowerment Model Involving Women and Children as Educative Media in Tourism Village Development Based on Creative Industries
Mokhtar, Mohd Sadiq Mohd
The Concept of Continuous Improvement from Perspectives of Hamka
Muhidin, Sambas Ali
Mobile Learning in Vocational Education: Tendency Towards Self Regulated Learning
Murdiono, Achmad
Uncollectible Credit Risk Mitigation Model for Women’s Cooperatives in East Java
Murdiono, Achmad
Design and Build Role Play Game Application - Business Simulator (Simbiz-Rpg) as a Life-Based Business Learning Media
Natswa, Salsabilla Lu’ay
Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL): Generation Z’s Dilemma on Impulsive Buying and Overconsumption Intention
Nora, Elfia
Effect of Technical Leader Supervision and Work Discipline on the Performance of Service Employees in the Auto2000 Branch of Sukun Malang
Omar, Azizah
Technology Adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Parahiyanti, Cesya Rizkika
Higher Cognitive, the Higher Entrepreneurial Intention of Undergraduate Students in Indonesia, Has It Been Always That Way?
Parahiyati, Cesya Rizkika
Social Media Marketing as a Marketing Tools in COVID-19 Pandemics: A Systematic Review
Patma, Tundung Subali
Patronage Intention as Output Experience Quality and Trust in the Use of Hotel Rooms During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Prabowo, Suryo Hadi Wira
Design and Build Role Play Game Application - Business Simulator (Simbiz-Rpg) as a Life-Based Business Learning Media
Pradana, Deni Bagas
The Empowerment of Public Investment and Smart Management Model for Tourism Villages Sustainability
Prameka, Adelia Shabrina
The Empowerment of Public Investment and Smart Management Model for Tourism Villages Sustainability
Prameka, Adelia Shabrina
Higher Cognitive, the Higher Entrepreneurial Intention of Undergraduate Students in Indonesia, Has It Been Always That Way?
Prasasti, Arum
Social Media Marketing as a Marketing Tools in COVID-19 Pandemics: A Systematic Review
Pratama, Renaldy Bagas
Design and Build Application as a Selling Platform for Mobile Vegetable Traders and Farmers
Pratikto, Heri
Halal Tourism, Implementation and What is Needed: Indonesia Case
Pratiwi, Reza Widya
Design and Build Application as a Selling Platform for Mobile Vegetable Traders and Farmers
Puteri, Rani Dwiastika Listyani
Halal Label, Trust and Brand Loyalty Among Social Media Consumer for Food Business in Indonesia
Qurrata, Vika Annisa
Halal Label, Trust and Brand Loyalty Among Social Media Consumer for Food Business in Indonesia
Rahayu, Karisma Sri
Patronage Intention as Output Experience Quality and Trust in the Use of Hotel Rooms During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rahayu, Wening Patmi
Analysis of Trust: A Perception on E-Commerce Transaction Among Students
Rahayu, Wening Patmi
Barriers to Entrepreneurship Education for Disabilities in Indonesia
Rahman, Muhammad Fajar Wahyudi
Green Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Sector: A Systematic Literature Review
Rakhmad, Andro Agil Nur
Halalan.Id: Design and Build Halal Tourism Application to Develop Halal Smart City in East Java
Rakhmad, Andro Agil Nur
Investigating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Culture Towards Indonesian Private Employee’s Organizational Commitment
FinTech’s Role in Improving MSME Performance: Financial Literation and Behavior Intention
Rayie, Tariaranie W.
Improving the Quality of Processed Apple Products Through the Home Industry Food Permit (PIRT) to Encourage Marketing Development in Batu District, Batu City
Rohman, Moch. Fatkhur
The Influence of Brand Awareness and Product Quality on the Repurchase Intention of Teh Botol Sosro Through Trust
Rudhiningtyas, Dyah A
Do Corporate Actions Have a Good Impact on Company’s Performance?
Sakdiyyah, Dewi Ayu
Website-Based Digital Correspondence Application Design for Office Administration Education Students
Sasmita, Maulidya Eka
How Can the Podcast Creative Industry Encourage Indonesia’s Economic Recovery during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Investigating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Culture Towards Indonesian Private Employee’s Organizational Commitment
Siswanto, Ely
Why A One-Way Relationship Between Capital Market and Foreign Exchange Market in Indonesia?