Proceedings of the International Seminar on Recent Language, Literature, and Local Cultural Studies (BASA 2018)
178 authors
- Septiana, Dwiani
- Palangka Raya the Capital City of Indonesia: Critical Discourse Analysis on News about Moving the Capital City from Jakarta
- Setiawan, Budhi
- The Condition of Modern Indonesian Literature Text Books
- Setyani, Turita Indah
- Philosophical Meaning of A Play Script Perempuan dalam Kereta by Hamdy Salad, 2002
- Setyawan, Bagus Wahyu
- Javanese-Arabic Cultural Acculturation in Kethoprak Mesiran Performing Arts
- Sholihah, Shofia Amalia
- The Concept of Marxism In The Movie “The Young of Karl Marx” Based on The Perspective of Genetic Structuralism
- Sholikhah, Ika Maratus
- Indonesian Diversity reflected in Batik Motifs Worn by Asian Games’ Mascots
- Sidiq, Inu Isnaeni
- Documenting Sundanese Literature by the Presentation of Its Folklores Written in Three Languages
- Slamet, St. Y.
- Development Of Indonesian Language Learning Textbook With Character Education Through Active Learning As An Elementary Students’ Learning Source
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- Gender Construction of Banyumas Society in Perspective Prophetic Ethic on The Kubah Novel
- Subroto, Edi
- Local Wisdom of Fisherman in Language and Livelihood Tradition in South Coastal of Kebumen Central Java Indonesia. (Study of Etnolinguistik)
- Sudardi, Bani
- The Actualization of Islamic Concept in Batik in the Malay Culture Area
- Sugiarti, Eni
- The Dynamics of Community in A State Border of Indonesia-Timor Leste: Cultural Adaptation Strategies of Indigenous Community in Nusa Tenggara Timur and Timor Leste Towards Modernization of Bureaucracy and Development of Facilities and Infrastructure in State Border
- Suhartono, Suhartono
- Politeness and Impoliteness in Directives: A Study on the Students-Lecturers Interaction
- Sujono
- The Local Wisdom in Javanese Traditional Games (Ethnolinguistic Study)
- Sulaksono, Djoko
- Javanese-Arabic Cultural Acculturation in Kethoprak Mesiran Performing Arts
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Discrimination on Ratih Kumala’s Gadis Kretek Novel
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Palangka Raya the Capital City of Indonesia: Critical Discourse Analysis on News about Moving the Capital City from Jakarta
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Gender Ideology in Seno Gumira Ajidarma’s Clara: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- The Polemic of Kendari Beach Reclamation on Online Media (Critical Discourse Analysis)
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- The Representation of Power in the Text News on the Meiliana Case (A Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis)
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- The Insinuation Againts Power through A Song “2019 Ganti Presiden” (A Critical Discourse Analysis)
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Critical Discourse Analysis of Online Media News about The Potential of Conflict of Presidential Election 2019
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Politeness and Impoliteness in Directives: A Study on the Students-Lecturers Interaction
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- The Elderly Language Activity In Aisyiyah Nursing Home of Surakarta (Psycholinguistic Threats: Information Consistency on Elderly through Storytelling)
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Critical Discourse Analysis On Racism by Netizen On Facebook Group: A Study of ethnic mentioning on ‘Info Cegatan Jogja’ Facebook Group Threads
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Multiliteracy as The Dysphemism Handling Power of Elementary School Students
- Sumartini, Sumartini
- Women’s Awareness in Preserving Nature in Novel Entitled Burung-burung Manyar by Y.B Mangunwijaya (Ecofeminist Study)
- Sumarwati, Sumarwati
- Culture Conservation through Implementation of Local Wisdom in Tradition Ceremony of Dhukutan in Javanese Language Learning
- Sundari, Sundari
- Gugon Tuhon Jawa in Kismorejo Village, Jaten District, Karanganyar District, Java Tengah Province (Literature Reception Study)
- Supana, Supana
- The Actualization of Islamic Concept in Batik in the Malay Culture Area
- Supardjo, Supardjo
- Javanese Discussion Values in the Noble Event of Forming Personality
- Supiyarno, Sri
- Swiss Structural School Theory
- Suryanto, Edy
- Context and Patterns of Interaction in Literature Learning at Primary School: An Ethnographic Study in Javanese Cultural Perspectives
- Sutami, Hermina
- Causal Relationship as an Expression of Happiness and Joyfulness
- Sutarjo, Sutarjo
- Social Critics of Raden Ngabehi Ranggawarsita in Javanese Literature
- Suwandi, Sarwiji
- Mendu Traditional Theater as a Treasure of the Local Wisdom of West Kalimantan
- Suwandi, Sarwiji
- The Condition of Modern Indonesian Literature Text Books
- Suwandi, Sarwiji
- Gender Construction of Banyumas Society in Perspective Prophetic Ethic on The Kubah Novel
- Suwanto, Yohanes
- The Local Wisdom in Javanese Traditional Games (Ethnolinguistic Study)
- Suwanto, Yohanes
- The Study of Lingual Markers and Meanings in Serat Pikukuh
- Suyitno, Suyitno
- Ecocriticism: Javanese Cosmology and Ecoethic in Tetralogy Romance by Ki Padmasusastra
- Suyitno, Suyitno
- Wayang Deconstruction in Recent Indonesian Novels
- Suyitno, Suyitno
- Gender Construction of Banyumas Society in Perspective Prophetic Ethic on The Kubah Novel
- Syaifuddin, Wan
- The Aesthetic of Hikayat Deli as Conflict Disengagement in Tanah Deli
- Tarjana, Sri Samiati
- Manner and Meaning of Interjection on Medsos Community in Facebook (the Study of Ethnolinguistic)
- Tedjowirawan, Anung
- Sĕrat Darmasarana as The Reception of Ādiparwa, Mosalaparwa and Prasthānikaparwa
- Teng, Bahar Akkase
- Songka Bala: Reflection of the tenth Muharram Tradition for the Tenro Community
- Tri Winarni, Endang
- The Study of Lingual Markers and Meanings in Serat Pikukuh
- Utami, Santi Pratiwi Tri
- The Analysis of Performance Sub-Publishing of University in Central Java as the Development of Teaching Material in Editing Course
- Waluyo, Budi
- Character Building in Kethoprak Performing Arts
- Waluyo, Herman J.
- Mendu Traditional Theater as a Treasure of the Local Wisdom of West Kalimantan
- Waluyo, Herman J.
- The Condition of Modern Indonesian Literature Text Books
- Waluyo, Herman J.
- Wayang Deconstruction in Recent Indonesian Novels
- Wardani, Erna
- Indonesian Diversity reflected in Batik Motifs Worn by Asian Games’ Mascots
- Wati, Mila Anggar
- Culture Conservation through Implementation of Local Wisdom in Tradition Ceremony of Dhukutan in Javanese Language Learning
- Wibawa, Sutrisna
- The Revolution of Regional Language Learning
- Wibowo, Prasetyo Adi Wisnu
- Digging and Preserving the National Cultural Heritage through Handling of the Ancient Javanese Manuscript at Sebelas Maret University
- Widijanto, Tjahjono
- Wayang Deconstruction in Recent Indonesian Novels
- Widodo, Sahid Teguh
- Language Morality
- Widodo, Sahid Teguh
- Mendu Traditional Theater as a Treasure of the Local Wisdom of West Kalimantan
- Widodo, Sahid Teguh
- Ecocriticism: Javanese Cosmology and Ecoethic in Tetralogy Romance by Ki Padmasusastra
- Widodo, Sisyono Eko
- The Local Wisdom about Pregnancy in The Javanese Classic Text
- Widodo, Widodo
- Wasilah Catur Wedha within Javanese Household
- Widyastuti, Chattri Sigit
- The Intensity of Imperative Sentences in Javanese Language
- Widyastuti, Hesti
- Semantic Aspect of Deletion Argument in Javanese Subordinative Conjoining Clause
- Wijaya, Mahendra
- The Value of Empathy in Javanese Traditional Games as a Formation of Social Care in Urban Youth Generation
- Wijayanti, Kenfitria Diah
- The Pragmatic Force of 'Parikan'
- Winarni, Endang Tri
- The Local Wisdom about Pregnancy in The Javanese Classic Text
- Winarni, Retno
- Development Of Indonesian Language Learning Textbook With Character Education Through Active Learning As An Elementary Students’ Learning Source
- Wirawan, Gunta
- Mendu Traditional Theater as a Treasure of the Local Wisdom of West Kalimantan
- Woodrich, Christopher A.
- Writing about Film Adaptation: Film Adaptation in Indonesian Media Discourse, 1927 - 2011
- Wulandari, Ratrie Ayuning
- Dutch Authority In “528 Buol Kingdom Contract Letter”
- Yatno, Yatno
- Manner and Meaning of Interjection on Medsos Community in Facebook (the Study of Ethnolinguistic)
- Yoesoef, M.
- Violence and Abnormal Sexual Behavior in Titisan Iblis by Abdullah Harahap
- Yoesoef, M.
- Punakawan in N. Riantiarno’s Dramas: Revitalization of Local Cultural Values in Modern Theater
- Yulisetiani, Septi
- Gender Construction of Banyumas Society in Perspective Prophetic Ethic on The Kubah Novel
- Yustanto, Henry
- The Intensity of Imperative Sentences in Javanese Language
- Zaidin, M. Arifin
- The Paradigm of Naturalization of Literary Works