Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2018)
539 authors
- Adisaputera, Abdurahman
- Development of Biography Text Learning Materials Based on Contextual Approach to Students Class X of Senior High School
- Adisaputera, Abdurahman
- Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills-Based Assessment Instrument for Learning Review Text in Senior High School
- Adisaputera, Abdurahman
- The Development of Learning Media Based on Mind Map in Exposition Text
- Adisaputera, Abdurrahman
- The Development of Governance, Leadership, Management System, and the College Quality Guarantee of Accreditation Oriented Study Program
- Adlin, Dilinar
- Contribution Analysis Following Student Organization Activities on Improving Learning Commitment of Unimed Students
- Ahyaningsih, Faiz
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Type Think Pair Share with Autograph on The Mathematical Representation Ability Students
- Akhmad, Imran
- The Difference in the Effect of Teaching Style and Kinesthetic Perception on Learning Outcomes in Passing in Soccer Games
- Akhmad, Imran
- Build Commitment, Leadership , the Motivation of the Performance of Coach PPLP North Sumatera
- Akhmad, Imran
- Development of Learning Media Tutorial on Audio- Visual
- Akmalia, Nur
- The Influence of Innovation Chemistry Practicum Guide and Kit Integrated Guided Inquiry Model for Class XI Second Semester Senior High School to Student Skills
- Akmaluddin
- Principal Management Strategy in Improving Graduates Quality at State Senior High School (SMA Negeri 12) Banda Aceh
- Ambalegin
- Morphosyntactic Analysis of Inconsistent Formation of English Words, Phrases, and Sentences
- Ambarita, Biner
- Instrumentation of Character Implementation Research in Organizing the Educational Administration Santa Maria Senior High School Kabanjahe, Karo Districk
- Ambarita, Biner
- The Effect of Work Discipline, Spiritual Intelligence and Teamwork on Teacher Working Commitment in State Elementary School Subdistrict Selesai of Langkat Regency
- Ampera, Dina
- The Effect Of Cooperative Learning Models And Achievement Motivation On The Ability To Read English Narrative Texts In Class VIII Students Of SMP Negeri 41 Medan
- Amriani, Ade
- Relevance of Accreditation Rating With Achievement of School Performance at State Elementary School in Subulussalam Aceh Province
- Amry, Zul
- The Differentiation of Improved Communication Mathematic and Disposition Skill Through Problem Based Learning and Realistic Mathematic Education
- Amry, Zul
- The Differentiation of Problem Solving Ability by Using Problem Based Learning and Think Pair Share
- Ansari, Khairil
- Development of Teaching Materials to Biographical Text Based on Ethical Value for Junior High School Student
- Ansari, Khairil
- The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills Evaluation Instrument in Poetry Writing Material for Vocational High School
- Ardilla, Rafika
- Management Analysis of Karate Sports Coaching at Kei Shin University Kan Karate-do North Sumatera
- Arif, Syamsul
- The Development of Governance, Leadership, Management System, and the College Quality Guarantee of Accreditation Oriented Study Program
- Armanto, Dian
- The Effect of Write Pair Switch Method To The Ability Of Mathematical Communication and Student Learning Interaction in Class V SD Swasta Nurul Hasanah
- Armanto, Dian
- Developing of Flat Building Media in Using Macromedia Flash Postgraduate Program of Medan State University
- Asmin
- The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Problem Solving Ability Student
- Asmita, Sri
- Developing Scientific-Based Interactive Multimedia of Learning on 4th Grade Students of Elementary School
- Asrul, Muhammad
- Application of Game Model Without Tool For Improving Locomotor Basic Movements In Elementary School Students
- Astuti, Sri
- Gender And Feminism In Sports :Motivation And Interests Of Women Chosing FIK UNIMED
- Astuti, Widya
- The Shifts of Themes and Rhemes in The Translation of English Political Texts into Indonesian
- Atikah, Nur
- The Effects of Guided Inquiry and Modified Free Inquiry Learning Models on Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills for the Topic of Human Respiratory System at SMA Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli
- Badiran, Muhammad
- The Development of Learning Media by Using Cooperative Learning Model
- Badiran, Muhammad
- The Effect of Accelerated Learning Strategies and Achievement Motivation on the results of learning English At SMP Negeri 30 Medan
- Baiduri, Ratih
- Developing Interactive Multimedia Based Learning Media in Improving Students Learning Outcomes for Grade 4th in Elementary School
- Bangun, Sabaruddin Yunis
- Analysis of the Student's Initial Needs on Development Instructional Videos Dribble Directly Jumpshoot Exercise Model
- Barus, Sanggup
- The Use of Creative Problem Solving Instructional Model in Improving Students’ Ability to Write Complex Procedure Text
- Barus, Ulian
- The Effort in Developing the Management of Quality Assurance in the University
- Basri
- Teachers Work Motivation in Improving the Quality of Learning
- Bati, M.
- Focus Group Discussion for Young Entrepreneur Training in University of Asahan
- Batubara, Intan Sufiah
- The Implementation of Literacy of 2013 Curriculum in Al ulum Integrated Islamic Senior High School
- Bondar, Gusman Keizer
- Transitivity Systems Analysis of English for Vocational High School (SMK) of Sosorgadong Textbook for Grade X and Its Relevance to English Language Teaching
- Br Ginting, Susanna
- Developing Video Based Learning Media with Scientific Approach of Grade 4th Elementary School
- Br Ginting, Yasinta
- Instrumentation of Character Implementation Research in Organizing the Educational Administration Santa Maria Senior High School Kabanjahe, Karo Districk
- Bukit, Nurdin
- The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Models Using Mind Map to Improve Critical Thinking and Problems Solving Skill of Student
- Bukit, Nurdin
- The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Model On Student's Creativity And Problem Solving Skill
- Bunawan, Henry
- Collaborative Inquiry For 4C Skills
- Bunawan, Wawan
- The Development of Magnetic Induction Practicum Tool on Solenoid in Exploring the Understanding of Concept at Senior High School Students
- Buyung
- Improving the Student Conceptual Understanding of the Static Fluid Material by Using the Model of Children Learning in Science
- Chairani, Eva
- Semantics Study of Figurative Meaning in Indonesian Proverbs
- Chanifah, Nur
- Teaching Model of Islamic Education
- Damanik, Ifay Andi
- Development of Dribbling Exercise Variation in Learning Football Science in Sports Training Education Students 2018
- Damayanti, Lisbet
- The Effect of Learning Strategies and Motivation of Japanese Language Learning towards Japanese’s Learning Outcomes
- Darmana, Ayi
- The Implementation of Teaching Material Integrated Religious Value
- Darmana, Ayi
- Development Learning Material Integrated Guided Inquiry-based Worksheets on Chemical Equilibrium Material
- Darmana, Ayi
- The Development of Spiritual Values Integrated Innovative Chemistry Practical Guidance with Inquiry Model for Senior High School Students
- Darwin
- Implementation Of School Accreditation Policy at State Elementary School In Medan Area Districts
- Darwin
- Relevance of Accreditation Rating With Achievement of School Performance at State Elementary School in Subulussalam Aceh Province
- Darwin
- Improving Capability of Principal Preparing School Development Plan (SDP) Through Managerial Supervision with Monitoring and Evaluation Methods in Sub Rayon MTsN 3 Kota Medan
- Daryanto, Eka
- Policy Analysis and Decision Making in The Community In Accordance with Government Regulation No. 39 of 1992 CHAPTER III Article 4 And Decree of The Minister of National Education Number 044/U/2002
- Daryanto, Eka
- Effect of Leadership of School Supervisors and Existence in Improving Quality of Education (Case Study Performance Of Basic School Supervisor Rokan Hilir)
- Daryanto, Eka
- The Effect of Organizational Culture, Pedagogic Competence and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance at SMP Negeri Padang Bolak in North Padang Lawas District
- Daulay, Rabiah Afifah
- The Development of Spiritual Values Integrated Innovative Chemistry Practical Guidance with Inquiry Model for Senior High School Students
- Daulay, Syahnan
- The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills Evaluation Instrument in Poetry Writing Material for Vocational High School
- Daulay, Syahnan
- Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills-Based Assessment Instrument for Learning Review Text in Senior High School
- Daulay, Syahnan
- The Development of Pantun Teaching Materials Containing Malay Teaching Values
- Deliana, Rini
- Development Learning Material Integrated Guided Inquiry-based Worksheets on Chemical Equilibrium Material
- Derlina
- The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Model On Student's Creativity And Problem Solving Skill
- Derlina
- Development of Learning Devices Using Discovery Model Based on Aceh Culture to Improve Understanding of Student Physics Concept
- Derlina
- Cooperative Learning Model and Thinking Style at Madrasah Tsanawiah Bina Ulama Kisaran
- Derlina
- Effect of Cooperatif Learning Strategy and Interest Learning to Learning Outcomes History Student Class X SMK 1 Affairs Peureulak Lesson Year 2018/2019
- Derlina
- Improved Student’s Generic Science Skills With The Application of Cooperative Learning Models Based on Batak Culture
- Dewi, Izwita
- Development of Learning Tools Based on Malay Culture and Contextual Approach to Improve Visual Representation Thinking Achievement of MTs Negeri Tanjung Pura Students
- Dewi, Izwita
- Analysis Of Difficulties In Completing Mathematical Communication Problem Solving In Terms Of Learning Styles Using Inquiry Learning
- Dewi, Nora Ronita
- Development of Six KKNI Based Tasks Through Blended Learning Implementation on Oral Language Skills in English Education Unimed
- Dewi, Rahma
- Character Building in Full Day School, Extracurricular and Student Athletes
- Dewi, Rahma
- Gender And Feminism In Sports :Motivation And Interests Of Women Chosing FIK UNIMED
- Dewi, Rosmala
- Development of Pemswalinal Teamwork Model for Education Staff in State Aliyah Madrasah 2 Model Padangsidimpuan
- Dewi, Rosmala
- Teachers Work Motivation in Improving the Quality of Learning
- Dibyantini, Ratu Evina
- The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model in Improving the Generic Science Skill of Organic Chemistry on Teacher Candidates
- Dirgeyasa, I Wayan
- Improving Students’ Achievement In Writing Narrative Text Through Application of Think Talk Write Strategy
- Dirgeyasa, I Wayan
- The Use of Transformative Learning Strategy in Teaching Writing Recount Text
- Dirgeyasa, I Wayan
- The Effect of Teaching Approaches and Self-Efficacy on the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension
- Dirgeyasa, I Wayan
- English Teachers’ Language Attitudes with Different Academic Background
- Djulia, Elly
- Development of Student Worksheets Based on Science Process Skills to Improve High Order Thinking on The Environment Theme of Our Friend in Elementary School in 15 Sub District Percut Sei Tuan
- Djulia, Ely
- The Effects of Guided Inquiry and Modified Free Inquiry Learning Models on Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills for the Topic of Human Respiratory System at SMA Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli
- Eddiyanto
- Relationship between Motivation and College Students Learning Outcomes on Chemical Kinetic Material at University
- Eddyanto
- The Influence of Virtual Chemistry Laboratory Media on Students’ Understanding of Submicroscopic Level and Student Activity Grade XI
- Efridah, Efni
- The Effect of Work Motivation, Teacher Competency and Work Environment on Education
- Emma P.A, Christin Juli
- The Effect of Work Discipline, Spiritual Intelligence and Teamwork on Teacher Working Commitment in State Elementary School Subdistrict Selesai of Langkat Regency
- Erlita, Yeni
- Development of Six KKNI Based Tasks Through Blended Learning Implementation on Oral Language Skills in English Education Unimed
- Erningsih
- Developing of Flat Building Media in Using Macromedia Flash Postgraduate Program of Medan State University
- Fajrina, Wilta
- Developing Interactive Computer Based Learning Media of Lectora Inspire to Enhance Conceptual Skills of Senior High Schools Students
- Farihah
- The Development of Learning Media by Using Cooperative Learning Model
- Fatmaira, Zira
- Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills-Based Assessment Instrument for Learning Review Text in Senior High School
- Fauzi, K M. Amin
- The Development of Mathematics Learning tool to Improve Critical Thingking Ability and Self Efficacy By using Problem Based Learning of State Senior High School Sultan Iskandar Muda Medan
- Fauzi, K M. Amin
- Differences in Ability of Mathematical Metacognition and Self Concept of Students Given Learning Improve Assisted by Macromedia Flash 8 with Think Pair Share
- Fauzi, K M. Amin
- The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Problem Solving Ability Student
- Fitriani, Zulia
- Learning Devices Based on Realistic Approach to Increase the Ability of Mathematical Literation of Junior High School Students
- Gafari., M. Oky Fardian
- Development of Interactive Media on Learning Explanatory Text for Students of Eleventh Grade Junior High School Lieutenant General Haryono M.T.
- Gultom, Antonius
- Policy Analysis and Decision Making in The Community In Accordance with Government Regulation No. 39 of 1992 CHAPTER III Article 4 And Decree of The Minister of National Education Number 044/U/2002
- Gultom, Tumiur
- The Development of Contextual Inquiry-Based Students Worksheet to Enhance Higher Order Thinking Skills for the Topic of Water Microbiology