Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2018)

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197 articles
Proceedings Article

Focus Group Discussion for Young Entrepreneur Training in University of Asahan

M. Bati, Umar Maya Putra, Hilmiatus Sahla
This paper is a concept of training program in entrepreneurship for the students of economic department in University Of Asahan. It is expected that they knows the importance of the role of entrepreneurship in improving the area development. The method that will be used is experiential learning method...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Contextual Inquiry-Based Students Worksheet to Enhance Higher Order Thinking Skills for the Topic of Water Microbiology

Yusnita Anwar Nasution, Hasruddin, Tumiur Gultom
The aim of this study was to find out students’ higher order thinking skills after the implementation of a contextual inquiry-based student worksheet occurred. This study was conducted by applying a quasi-experimental method for the students of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Medan. Samples were...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Lubuk Larangan Environmental Knowledge for the Topic of River Ecosystem of Community and Students in Pdang Lawas Utara Regency

Berliani Ritonga, Syarifuddin, Tumiur Gultom
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lubuk larangan on community’s and students’ environmental knowledge based on: (1) school location; (2) gender perspective; and (3) the level of education for the topic of river ecosystem in Padang Lawas Utara Regency. The study was a quantitative...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Models Using Mind Map to Improve Critical Thinking and Problems Solving Skill of Student

Novita, Nurdin Bukit, Makmur Sirait
This study aims to analyze the critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills, analyzing whether the improvement of critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills that are taught by the problem-based learning model using mind map better than students who are taught by conventional learning....
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Model On Student's Creativity And Problem Solving Skill

Irawati Lebora Hutabarat, Nurdin Bukit, Derlina
This study aims to analyze the creativity and problem-solving skills of students who are applied with the problem-based learning model and direct learning. This research is a quasi-experimental research with two group pre-test-posttest design. The sample of this research is taken by cluster random sampling...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Motivation and College Students Learning Outcomes on Chemical Kinetic Material at University

Agus Muliaman, Retno Dwi Suyanti, Eddiyanto
The level of quality of education within a country is a manifestation of the government towards the progress of its people. One indicator of the quality of education is the learning outcomes achieved by students. One of the factors that determine student learning outcomes is learning motivation. Motivated...
Proceedings Article

Improve Mathematical Connections Skills with Realistic Mathematics Education Based Learning

Hotmaria Menanti, Bornok Sinaga, Hasratuddin
The intention of the present study was to see the improvement of students’ mathematical connections skills. Improving mathematical connections capabilities by developing Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) based learning tools. This research is a research development (research and development), the...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Headmaster’s Leadership, School Culture, And Teacher’s Work Motivation To Professionalism of Sport Teacher In Serdang Bedagai

Albadi Sinulingga, Suprayitno, Dian Pertiwi
The professionalism of a teacher is needed to improve the quality of education. The role of a teacher is very large in improving the quality of learning in order to achieve learning goals. Professional teachers are teachers who have four competencies in themselves, namely pedagogic competence, professional...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Visual Mapping and Science-Related Attitudes on Students’ Problem Solving Skills

Muhammad Jamhari, Syarifuddin, Herbert Sipahutar
The aims of this study were to find out: (1) the effects of visual mapping on students’ problem solving skills, (2) the effects of science-related attitudes on students’ problem solving skills, and (3) the interactions between visual mapping and science-related attitudes on students’ problem solving...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Group Investigation and Learning Cycle Models Towards Students Science Process Skill On Environmental Pollution Topics For Grade VII Students MTs Nurul Huda Medan Academic Year 2016/2017

Irma Handayani Saragih, Fauziyah Harahap, Tumiur Gultom
This study aims to determine the effect of Group Investigation, Learning Cycle and conventional models of students science process skill on environmental pollution topic for grade VII students MTs Nurul Huda Medan academic year 2016/2017. This research is a quasi experiment research. Sampling was done...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Feasibility Teaching Material on Molecular Shape Topic Based on Criteria Board of National Education Standards in Indonesia

Anggi Desviana Siregar, Muhammad Yusuf, Ramlan Silaban
Teaching materials is one of the learning tools that become an important factor in influencing the success of learning, especially in college. So to improve the quality of learning needs to be done to improve the quality of learning tools, in order to facilitate students in understanding the material...
Proceedings Article

Developing Interactive Computer Based Learning Media of Lectora Inspire to Enhance Conceptual Skills of Senior High Schools Students

Wilta Fajrina, Murniaty Simorangkir, Nurfajriani
This study aimed to understand level of feasibility of learning media based-Lectora Inspire for special topic of acids and bases developed according to BSNP standard for interactive computer media; and to know the differences of the improvement of students is conceptual skills in learning acids and bases...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Innovation Chemistry Practicum Guide and Kit Integrated Guided Inquiry Model for Class XI Second Semester Senior High School to Student Skills

Nur Akmalia, Mahmud, Ramlan Silaban
This study was aimed to developing valid chemistry practicum guide and kit for class XI second semester senior high school integrated inquiry model according to BSNP criteria and knowing the effectiveness of the chemistry practicum guide and kit integrated guided inquiry on student skills. The sample...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Learning Model Oriented Analogy on Material Acid and Based Towards Learning Outcomes

Elsy Indria, Marham Sitorus, Zainuddin Muchtar
The aims to point out: 1) knowing the effect of the learning model oriented analogy on student learning outcomes; 2) knowing the effect of the level of learning motivation taught by the learning model oriented analogy on learning outcomes; 3) knowing the interaction between learning models with the level...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises, Labor Absorption And Non Formal Education Level To Decrease The Poverty In Simalungun District

Jesika Melina Simamora, Zahari Zein, M. Fitri Rahmadana
This research is aimed to (1) get the empirical evidence about the effect of micro, small and medium enterprises and the importance of existence of micro, small and medium enterprisesas one of effort to decreasing the poverty in Simalungun District, (2) to know about the effect of labor absorption to...
Proceedings Article

The Differentiation of Improved Communication Mathematic and Disposition Skill Through Problem Based Learning and Realistic Mathematic Education

Ismail Pasaribu, P. Siagian, Zul Amry
This research aims to describe the differentiation of improved communication and dispositon through Problem Based Learning (PBM) and Realistic Mathematic Education (PMR). This type of research is the quasi experiment school research. The subject of research is the students of grade VIII as many as 28...
Proceedings Article

Speech Functions of Male and Female Lecturers in the Classroom Interactions

Ummul Mawaddah Rangkuti, Amrin Saragih, Rahmad Husein
This research deals with speech functions of male and female lecturers in the classroom interactions at Universitas Muslim Nusantara (UMN) Al-Washliyah Medan. The objective of this study was to investigate the types of speech function made by male and female lecturers in the classroom interactions at...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Media Prezi Integrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) to Improve Student Results High School

Noviza Rizkia, Nurfajriani, Murniaty Simorangkir
This study aims to determine: 1) the utilization of computer-based powerpoint learning media used in SMAN 1 Darul Falah has been in accordance with BSNP standards; 2) the utilization of integrated prezi learning media PBL model developed on salt hydrolysis discussion has been in accordance with BSNP...
Proceedings Article

An analysis of students Critical Thinking Skills for the Topic of Biotechnology of Senior High Schools in Labuhanbatu Utara Regency

Era Damayanti Tambunan, Martina Restutuati, Melva Silitonga
The aims of this study were to find out: (1) the levels of students’ critical thinking skills based on school location, gender, and indicators; and (2) the levels of students’ critical thinking accomplishments. This present study employed a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The samples...
Proceedings Article

The Development Of Guidance and Kit Innovative Chemistry Lab Based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) According to Curriculum 2013 for Class 12th of Even Semester

Jusmasari Harahap, Nurfajriani, Ramlan Silaban
This study aims to develop guidance and kit innovative chemistry lab based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) according to curriculum 2013 for class 12th of Even Semester which feasible empirically according to expert (chemistry lecturer) and chemistry teacher. The guided practicum and the kit guide integrate...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Teaching Material Integrated Religious Value

Hilda Handayani, Ayi Darmana, Zainuddin Muchtar
Making positive values in education is an effort for integrating religious values in the chemistry learning. The values of spiritual will not change the function of science because both of them can complete each other. Inserting these values are needed some appropriate approaches and method and be able...
Proceedings Article

Development Learning Material Integrated Guided Inquiry-based Worksheets on Chemical Equilibrium Material

Rini Deliana, Zainuddin Muchtar, Ayi Darmana
This study aims to produce integrated teaching materials for effective Student Worksheets based on guided inquiry on the material of Chemical Equilibrium and determine the feasibility level of teaching materials developed based on BNSP standards. This research is a development research (Research and...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Student Conceptual Understanding of the Static Fluid Material by Using the Model of Children Learning in Science

Eka Murdani, Sumarli, Buyung
This study aims to illustrate the increasing understanding of student concepts through the application of Children Learning In Science (CLIS) models on static fluid materials. This research was conducted in one of Singkawang high schools on static fluid material especially the concept of hydrostatic...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Learning Model Multimedia-Based Implementation Toward The Students’ English Proficiency At Kolaka Regency

Kadaruddin, Karimuddin, Ilham Tahir
In an effort to help the students of the high school at Kolaka Regency improve their English proficiency, the researcher implements the learning model multimedia-based. The question of the research was “Is there any effect of the implementation of learning model multimedia-based toward the students’...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Devices Using Discovery Model Based on Aceh Culture to Improve Understanding of Student Physics Concept

Yeninda Sartika, Sahyar, Derlina
Purposes of the study were to analyze the validity, practicality and effectiveness of learning devices using discovery learning model based on Aceh culture and to analyze the improvement understanding of students physics concept. This study was Research and Development (R&D) by using 4-D model include...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Write Pair Switch Method To The Ability Of Mathematical Communication and Student Learning Interaction in Class V SD Swasta Nurul Hasanah

Elly Nurhayati Purba, Dian Armanto, Aman Simaremare
The purpose of this research is to know effect of write pair switch method to the ability of mathematical communication and student learning interaction. The research is planned to be implemented in the even semester of academic year 2017/2018, at Nurul Hasanah Elementary School Percut Sei Tuan Subdistrict...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of the Learning Model of IT-Media-Assisted Team Quiz and the Learning Motivation on the Learning Outcomes of the Subtheme of Diversity of Ethnicity and Religion in My Country

Khairunnisa, Dede Ruslan, Yusnadi
This study aims to determine: (1) Differences in learning outcomes from Social Science of students who study with the learning model of IT-media-assisted Team Quiz with those who learn with the learning model of image-media-assisted Team Quiz, (2) Differences in the learning outcomes of Social Science...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Quantum Learning Models based Mandailing culture and Student Learning Activity toward Mathematical Communication Ability in Primary School

Ahmad Landong Nasution, Edy Surya, Yusnadi
Defiancing students to communicate both orally and writing in mathematics helps extend their understanding, improve mathematical performance and reduce restlessness about mathematics. The purpose of this study was: (1) to determine differences in Mathematical Communication Ability of students who were...
Proceedings Article

Developing Scientific-Based Interactive Multimedia of Learning on 4th Grade Students of Elementary School

Sri Asmita, Daulat Saragi, Zulkifli Matondang
The aim of this research was to create interactive multimedia of learning based on Scientific on indahnya keragaman di negeriku theme. This research is Research and Development (R&D). The development model was consisted of defining, designing, developing, and disseminate. The subject of this research...
Proceedings Article

Development of InteractiveMultimedia-Based Learning Media by a Scientific Approach in Class V of Elementary School

Siti Marlina, Daulat Saragi, Hidayat
This research is motivated by the lack of teachers using interactive multimedia technology in learning activities that have an impact on the low learning outcomes of students. This study aims to determine the feasibility of the learning media developed and its effectiveness on thematic learning outcomes...
Proceedings Article

A Flipped Classroom Approach to Supporting Game-Based Learning Activities for EFL Business Writing Course

Chi-Jen Lin, Gwo-Jen Hwang
English for specific purposes (ESP) such as English business writing is a challenging course for English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Not only is it related to English writing skills, but also to business knowledge. Context-game-based learning seems to be a good approach to situate EFL students...
Proceedings Article

The Development Of Flash Program Based Mobile Learning (M-Learning) On Colloidal System Material

Nadia Armina Ramud, Zainuddin Muchtar, Wesley Hutabarat
This research was aimed to determine the level of feasibility of learning media chemistry that has been developed by using Adobe Flash CS6 program based on Mobile Learning (M-Learning) on class XI semester 2 on the material colloidal system, to find out differences in learning outcomes who are taught...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Collaborative-Based Inquiry Learning Model and Science Process Skills towards Cognitive Ability of Elementary School Students

Jenny Lilawati, Retno Dwi Suyanti, Wildansyah Lubis
The aim of this study is to determaine: whether the students cognitive ability taught by collaborative-based inquiry learning model better than students taught by direct instruction model, whether the students cognitive ability with high science process skills is better than students with low science...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Discovery Learning Model and Scientific Attitude of Students on the Understanding of the Concept of Natural Science in Students of Grade IV Primary School

Debby May Puspita, Sahyar, Sriadhi
This study aims to analyze: (1) Is the understanding of the concept of Natural Sciences in students taught with the Discovery Learning model better compared to Direct Instruction model?, (2) Does the students’ understanding of the concept of Natural Science of students who have high scientific attitudes...
Proceedings Article

Development of Teaching Materials to Biographical Text Based on Ethical Value for Junior High School Student

Suhariyanti, Malan Lubis, Khairil Ansari
This study aims to determine the results of the development of teaching materials biography ethics-based text by students of class VIII MTsN 2 Medan. The teaching materials developed are modular. This type of research is a developmental study based on the development model of Borg and Gall. With the...
Proceedings Article

Developing Story Book in English For Pre Schoolers in Medan

Zelika Rahmi, Amrin Saragih, Sri Minda Murni
The objectives of the study was To find out to what extent does the design of story book in English match the preschoolers’ language development, to find out how story book in English designed to cope with the Pre-schoolers, to find out the reason why story book in English designed as it was for pre-Schoolers....
Proceedings Article

Differences Ability of Problem Solving and Self-Efficacy student Math of Learning Jigsaw Based Culture of Batak Toba with Direct Learning

Dian Raesita Sitio, Edy Surya, Waminton Rajagukguk
The research objective in the design of experiments investigating the apparent difference in the increase in Capacity of mathematical problem solving and self-efficacy students mathematics students. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Jorlang Hataran as many as 48 students. This research is an...
Proceedings Article

Transitivity Systems Analysis of English for Vocational High School (SMK) of Sosorgadong Textbook for Grade X and Its Relevance to English Language Teaching

Gusman Keizer Bondar, I Wayan Dirgeyasa Tangkas, Eddy Setia
This paper deals with transitivity systems analysis of English for Vocational High School (SMK) of Sosorgadong Textbook for Grade X. The analysis uses systemic functional linguistics (SFL) theory (Halliday1) as the main theoretical framework, following the top-down approach to analysis. There are two...
Proceedings Article

Developing Speaking Materials Through Problem Based Learning For D-3 Mechanical Engineering Students At State University Of Medan

Sutresno, I Wayan Dirgeyasa Tangkas, Sri Minda Murni
The purpose of this study are; 1) to examine the existing speaking materials; 2) to find out the speaking materials needed by the students; 3) to develop the speaking materials based on problem based learning. Research method of this study was applied Educational Research and Development model by Gall,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of School Principal Leadership Style Toward Primary School Teachers Satisfaction

Safrijal, Saiful Sagala
The aim of this study is to find out the influence of transformational leadership and transactional leadership toward teachers job satisfaction. The design of this research was path analysis which means the variables of this reasearch was not controled and manipulated by the researcher. The fact was...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Strategies and Motivation of Japanese Language Learning towards Japanese’s Learning Outcomes

Lisbet Damayanti, Abdul Muin Sibuea, Abdul Murad
This research aims to find out the effect of learning strategies (the differences between contextual teaching learning and expository strategies) and the motivation of Japaneselearning on Japanese learning outcomes. The research was a quasi-experimental research designs. The population consisted of 79...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Direct Instruction Learning on Creative Thinking and Mathematics Problem Solving Ability of Students

Nora Esteriah Pulungan, Pardomuan Sitompul, Maratua Manullang
This purpose of this research to know differences: (1) improvement of creative thinking ability between students who are given problem based learning with students who are given direct learning. (2) improvement of problem solving abilities of mathematics students who are given problem-based learning...
Proceedings Article

The Differentiation of Problem Solving Ability by Using Problem Based Learning and Think Pair Share

Lydia Grace Siallagan, Pargaulan Siagian, Zul Amry
Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Think Pair Share (TPS) models used to teach students for problem solving ability. The main of both models lies in the direction of the phase of directing students to actual issues that can improve problem-solving ability. The purpose of this study is to know the difference...
Proceedings Article

Grammatical and Contextual Code Switching in the English Department Proposal Seminar

Rakhmat Wahyudin Sagala, Tri Indah Rezeki, Sumarsih, Busmin Gurning
The fundamental characteristics of the lecturers and the students in the English Department should use English. Lack of English competence is widely considered to be the major cause of code switching. The aim of our work to broaden current knowledge of the phenomenon of grammatical and contextual code...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Mathematic Lesson Plan to Increase Mathematic Communication Ability Students Through The Model of Problem Based Learning Contextually On Java Culture

Sri Mentari, S Saragih, Mulyono
This study aims to analyze: 1)The mathematic lesson plan which is developed through model of problem-based learning contextually on Java culture (PBL-CJC) to meet valid, practical and effective criteria, and 2) The Improvement of mathematic communicative understanding ability of junior high school students...
Proceedings Article

The Difference Between Certified And Non Certified PE Teachers Performance Based On Range Of Service Period

Albadi Sinulingga, Nurhayati Simatupang
There are four competencies that should be owned by a teacher, pedagogic, personality, professional and social. Low compensation will make performance low and vice versa. If the compensation is high, it will make the performance high. The certification allowance given to the teacher for one months salary...
Proceedings Article

The Differences in Using Direct Instruction (DI) Learning Strategy Based on Competitive Behavior to Civic Education Learning Achievement

Evi Susilawati, Harun Sitompul, Julaga Situmorang
The purpose of this study was to see the difference of learning outcomes of Citizenship Education based on competitive behavior and uncompetitive using Direct Instruction learning strategy in grade VII-3 students of SMP Negeri I Labuhan Deli, Deli Serdang Regency North Sumatra Province. Population and...
Proceedings Article

Instrumentation of Character Implementation Research in Organizing the Educational Administration Santa Maria Senior High School Kabanjahe, Karo Districk

Yasinta Br Ginting, Biner Ambarita, Wanapri Pangaribuan
This study aims to know the instrumentation of character implementation research in organizing the education administration at Santa Maria Senior High School Kabanjahe, focusing on the character implementation in organization curriculum administration and student administration at XI grade Semester 2...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Method and Learning Styles Towards English Learning Outcomes

Riska Noviani, Julaga Situmorang, Sugiharto
This research aims to find out: (1) the difference between students English learning outcomes who taught using Total Physical Response Method with Direct Method (2) the difference between students English learning outcomes who have Auditory and Visual learning style (3) interaction between learning method...
Proceedings Article

The Effort in Developing the Management of Quality Assurance in the University

Ulian Barus, Zainuddin, Harun Sitompul
Quality assurance can be interpreted as qualitative and continuous change progressively increased. On that issue, the quality of university graduates should have the ability not only the superiority but also has a broader scope of area involving: knowledge, ability to always learn, toughness in intellectuality,...
Proceedings Article

Cooperative Learning Model and Thinking Style at Madrasah Tsanawiah Bina Ulama Kisaran

Dwi Pratiwi, Julaga Situmorang, Derlina
An is a brief summary of to analyze: (1) Comparison of students physics learning outcomes learned by cooperative learning model of Think Pair Share with cooperative learning model Two Stay Two Stray (2) Comparison of students physics learning outcomes that have random thinking style and sequential thinking...
Proceedings Article

Character Building in Full Day School, Extracurricular and Student Athletes

Alan Alfiansyah Putra Karo-karo, Albadi Sinulingga, Rahma Dewi
In 2045, Indonesia will get a demographic bonus of 70% of Indonesia's population. It is hoped that the Indonesian population at that time will excel, advance and be able to compete with other nations, as well as mature enough to overcome the issues of classical national problems, such as corruption,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model and Parenting Styles to Students’ Speaking Capability

Nyta Permata Situmorang
This study demonstrates the effect of cooperative learning model and parenting styles on speaking capability. The author examined that different parenting style will lead different speaking ability. The aims of this paper are to determine the students’ speaking ability which are taught with Talking Stick...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Teacher Quality Assurance Model After Certification

Sakinah Ubudiyah Siregar
Teacher certification is the provision of educator certificates to teachers who have met certain requirements, such as having academic qualifications, competence, physical and spiritual health, and having the ability to realize national education goals. The purpose of this study is the perception of...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Learning Models and Self-Efficacy Against Chemistry Learning Outcomes at Kutacane State High School

Marliani Selian, Abdul Muin Sibuea, Keysar Panjaitan
this study aims to find out: 1) the students' chemistry learning outcomes that are taught using the STAD type cooperative learning model and the Chemistry learning outcomes of students who are taught by the Make A Match learning model; 2) Chemistry learning outcomes between students with high levels...
Proceedings Article

Semantics Study of Figurative Meaning in Indonesian Proverbs

Eva Chairani, Zainudin, Sri Minda Murni
Proverb is one of many ways for people in communication. it is short, clear, containing wise, culture in metaphorical form in order to make it easy to memorize. Proverb also considered as people cognition in responding experience, point of view and observation in surrounding. Linguistics and people cognition...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of the Learning Approaches and the Vocabulary Mastery on the French Learning Outcomes

Siti Annisa Lubis, Julaga Situmorang, R Mursid
The aim of this research is for knowing the effect of learning approaches and vocabulary mastery towards French learning outcomes. The learning approaches used in this research are Perspective Actionnelle and Communicative Approach. The research method was quasi-experimental study using factorial 2 x...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Problem Based Learning, Guided Inquiry Learning Models Assisted by Lectora Inspire, and Scientific Attitudes to Student’s Cognitive Values

Rahmadina Nasution, Saronom Silaban, Ajat Sudrajat
Chemistry is not taught simply by providing an understanding of meaning, facts, concepts, principles, but also an invention through a process of discovery with real action. This study aims to determine the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model assisted by the Lectora Inspire media, the Guided Inquiry...
Proceedings Article

Mantaining Bahasa Angkola by its Speakers at Langgar Community in Kota Medan

Armita Novriana Rambe, Amrin Saragih, Anni Holila Pulungan
The aims of this study was to investigate the factors of Angkolanese maintain Bahasa Angkola at Langgar Community in Kota Medan. The research was conducted by using qualitative design. The data of this study were the utterances of Angkolanese speakerss. There were 20 participants of this research. the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Student's Initial Needs on Development Instructional Videos Dribble Directly Jumpshoot Exercise Model

Rian Handika, Tarsyad Nugraha, Sabaruddin Yunis Bangun
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. This study aims to determine the student’s initial needs towards the development of instructional videos on the dribble directly jumpshoot exercise model. The research method used is observation and interview. The results obtained from this study...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Cooperatif Learning Strategy and Interest Learning to Learning Outcomes History Student Class X SMK 1 Affairs Peureulak Lesson Year 2018/2019

Helvi Maisyara, Hasan Saragih, Derlina
AN is a brief summary of to analyze: (1) Is the learning outcome history between students taught with Jigsaw learning strategies higher than the STAD learning strategies. (2) Are students 'history learning outcomes taught by Jigsaw learning strategies that have a high learning interest higher than students'...
Proceedings Article

Principal Management Strategy in Improving Graduates Quality at State Senior High School (SMA Negeri 12) Banda Aceh

Akmaluddin, Paningkat Siburian
The purpose of this study was to find out how the principal's strategy in leading teachers and employees in the utilization of various educational resources and the effortprincipals In overcoming obstacles to improve the quality of graduates at SMA N 12 Banda Aceh.This research used qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

Bilingual Families Language Policy

Endang Larasati, Sri Minda Murni, Zainuddin
The objective of this study is to identify the way the bilingual families decide their own language policy through language ideology, language practice and language management. This research applied qualitative approach through observation, questionnaire and in depth interview. The data were collected...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Human Resources Practices Affecting Organization Citizenship Behaviour with Mediating Job Satisfaction in University

Lenny Christina Nawangsari, Ahmad Hidayat Sutawidjaya
The era of globalization, which is always characterized by rapid changes in overall economic conditions, has led to the emergence of a number of demands that economic and industrial actors cannot avoid. One of the demands is how the university can respond responsively to changes that occur. External...
Proceedings Article

Development of Teaching Materials Based On Open-Ended Approach with Autograph Assistance to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Junior High School

Marlinda Yanti, Hasratuddin, Pardomuan Sitompul
Open ended approach is a learning approach that presents a problem that has more than one answer or settlement method. Open ended approach encourages students to develop creative ideas and mathematical mindset by remembering previous mathematical concepts, so that with the open-ended approach, students...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Mathematics Learning tool to Improve Critical Thingking Ability and Self Efficacy By using Problem Based Learning of State Senior High School Sultan Iskandar Muda Medan

Wilda Lubis, Yulita Molliq, K M. Amin Fauzi
The research aims to determine: (1) the effectiveness of learning instruments are developed, (2) the increasing the ability to critical thingking and self efficacy of student using learning instruments developed. This research is development research. Development model used is Dick and Carrey model which...
Proceedings Article

To What Extent a Sustainability Strategy of Supply Chain Management Is Applied In University

Ahmad Hidayat Sutawidjaya, Lenny Ch Nawangsari
Today’s the business world faces one of the world's toughest challenges of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity) of the world. Dynamic conditions, uncertainty and complexity are required for most business practices, including universities, to improve and maintain their organizational...
Proceedings Article

Gender And Feminism In Sports :Motivation And Interests Of Women Chosing FIK UNIMED

Sri Astuti, Nurhayati Simatupang, Rahma Dewi
Assuming that motivation and interest is the influence of a person in doing something, this research examines the motivation and interest of women choose Facilty of Sport Science (FIK) UNIMED. Besides, this research conducted in 2018 also identifies the motivation and interest of female students who...
Proceedings Article

An Effort to Improve Self-Regulated Learning of Secondary Middle School Students Through Autograph-Assisted Mathematics Realistic Approach

Roima Rizki Lestari, Mulyono
This study aims to investigate (1) the improvement of students' self-regulated learning (SRL) through Autograph-assisted realistic mathematics education approach (ARME), (2) The existence of the interaction between the learning approach and the initial mathematical ability (IMA) of the improvement of...
Proceedings Article

The Stages of Training In Skills and Methods of Basic Technical Training in Tarung Derajat Martial Arts

Togi Parulian Tambunan, Nurhayati Simatupang
The basic technique is a basic motion that must be mastered to improve motion skills in every sport. Mastery of a person / athlete against a basic technique in a particular sport is a description of the level of skill it has on the technique. The better one's basic technique in a sport, the higher the...
Proceedings Article

Speech Function in Onang- onang

Linda Efrina Nasution, Busmin Gurning, Rahmad Husein
This study addresse analysis of Speech Function in Onang- onang. The main objectives of this study was to investigate the kinds of Speech Function in Onang- onang. This study based on descriptive qualitative approach. The data were collected by applying documentary technique. The data were the utterances...
Proceedings Article

Language Shift in Tamil Ethnics in Lubuk Pakam

Vijay Khana, Berlin Sibarani, Busmin Gurning
This research focused on language shift in Tamil Ethnics in Lubuk Pakam. It is aimed at finding out the process of language shift and the reason of the language is shift. The data were taken from the Tamil families living in Lubuk Pakam. This study was based on qualitative research. The subjects of the...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Strategies to Improve Learning Outcomes in Introduction Economic Subject to the Student of Universits Negeri Medan

Thamrin, Abdul Hasan Saragih, Abdul Muin Sibuea
Problem-based learning strategy (PBL) is used to improve student learning outcomes in the Unimed economic education study program that is less satisfying. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in learning outcomes Introduction to economics between groups of students taught with PBL strategies...
Proceedings Article

The Improving Mathematical Communication Ability Through Realistic Mathematical Approach Based on Toba Batak Culture

Aman Sanusi Siregar
This purpose of this research to know: (1) The improving of mathematical communication ability through realistic mathematics approach based on Toba Batak culture is higher than students who are given regular learning, (2) there is no interaction between learning approach with Initial Ability of Mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Achievement Analysis Seen From Psychology Athlete Factors In Kein Shin Kan Karate-Do College of North Sumatera

Anggi Erna Yani Siregar
This research was conducted at Kei Shin Kan Karate-do College of North Sumatra Province. This research is planned to be implemented starting from October 2018. The method in this research is descriptive verification, by using ex post facto survey approach. Based on the type of data analyzed, this research...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Worksheets Based on Science Process Skills to Improve High Order Thinking on The Environment Theme of Our Friend in Elementary School in 15 Sub District Percut Sei Tuan

Megawati, Elly Djulia, Anita Yus
High-Order Thinking is very important to be trained for learning activities. One way to practice high-order thinking is to create student worksheets. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a student worksheet. This study aims to develop a student worksheets based on science process skills to improve high-order...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Teaching Materials: Stoichiometric Integrated Multimedia Easy Sketch

Herbert C.B. Manalu, Saronom Silaban, Wesly Hutabarat
The most important factor to achieve learning success is the use of learning media as teaching materials. The learning media used must be interesting so that students will be more motivated and active in following the learning process. One effort to do is by developing the teaching materials integrated...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Magnetic Induction Practicum Tool on Solenoid in Exploring the Understanding of Concept at Senior High School Students

Nurmala, Karya Sinulingga, Wawan Bunawan, Rahmatsyah
The purpose of this study is to know about the eligibility and effectivity of magnetic induction practicum tool on solenoid which was accompanied by student’s worksheet (LKPD) to explore students conceptual understanding. The method used in this study was ADDIE Developmet Model. Before it used for more,...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Standard Vocabulary Mastery Based on Storybooks

Elfi Lailan Syamita Lubis, Mutsyuhito Solin, Marice
The aim of this study isto describe the effectiveness of the results of developing standard vocabulary mastery based on storybooks for fifth grade students of Primary School NurulHasanahTembung.This research is a development research by using development model of Sugiyono. The subject of the research...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Students Science Process Skills

Nurul Hasanah, Hasruddin, Anita Yus
Problem based learning (PBL) models are commonly used to assess students problem solving abilities. However, there are several resistance to PBL syntax that can improve students' science process skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the PBL model of students' science process skills. This...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Anxiety, Achievement Motivation and Quality of Exercise Against Achievement Of PPLP Athletes Of North Sumatera

This study aims to determine how much influence some psychological factors that affect the achievements of athletes PPLP North Sumatera. The method used in this research is experimental method with Purposive Sampling technique. How to determine the sample is to select / select the athletes who have followed...
Proceedings Article

Multimedia Development Interactive Learning Using Problem Based Learning Adobe Flash Program to Increase Student’s Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Salt Hydrolysis Material

Hariani Siregar, Ajat Sudrajat
This study aims to determine the feasibility of interactive multimedia as a learning medium in improving student motivation and learning outcomes in salt hydrolysis material. The population in this study were all class XI Negeri 1 Barumun Tengah, Padang Lawas District TA 2017/2018 which consisted of...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Devices Using Model Problem Based Learning to Improve Problem Solving Abilities Senior High School

Merti Sanni P Marbun, Pargaulan Siagian, Abil Mansyur
This study aims to: Describe the learning device with the model problem based learning that meets the criteria of valid, practical, and effective; Describe the improvement of problem solving abilities by using learning tools with the model problem based learning developed. This research is a development...
Proceedings Article

The Shifts of Themes and Rhemes in The Translation of English Political Texts into Indonesian

Widya Astuti, Rahmad Husein, Syahron Lubis
This study was conducted to describe The shift of themes and rhemes in The Translation of English Political Text into Indonesian. In this research, descriptive qualitative design is applied by the researcher in order to answer the questions about the types of thematic and rhematic occurred in Translation...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Ability of Mathematical Metacognition and Self Concept of Students Given Learning Improve Assisted by Macromedia Flash 8 with Think Pair Share

Ramadhani Pertiwi Harahap, Pargaulan Siagian, K M. Amin Fauzi
This study aims to determine: the differences in students' metacognition abilities given the Macromedia Flash 8 assisted IMPROVE learning with think pair share and the differences in self concept given by Macromedia Flash 8 assisted IMPROVE learning with think pair share. This research is a quasi-experimental...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Mathematical Communication Skills Using Draft Pocket Books and Domino-Based Cards PMR

Tsuwaibatul Aslamiyah Lubis, Asrin Lubis, Pargaulan Siagian
This study aims to find out: Differences in ability Communication skills that use pocket pocket machinesand those using PMR-based This study is a quasi-experimental study. The population of this study were students of class VII 239 TA 2017/2018. Sample selection is done by simple random samplingby randomizing...
Proceedings Article

Improved Student’s Generic Science Skills With The Application of Cooperative Learning Models Based on Batak Culture

Rika Sari Indah Harahap, Derlina, Rahmatsyah, Sahyar, Bornok Sinaga
This study aims to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness through Batak culture based cooperative learning models and to know the improvement of generic science skills and student’s teamwork by applying learning tools through Batak culture based cooperative learning models. This research...
Proceedings Article

Strategies of Translation in Live Metaphors in Sumatera Folklores Into English

Lucy Khawardi, Anni Holila Pulungan, Amrin Saragih
This study investigated the strategies of translation in live metaphors in Sumatera folklores into English. This study was conducted to describe the strategies applied in the translation live metaphors in the Sumatera folklores. This study was conducted by using qualitative design. The data were the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Mathematical Communication Skills and Students’ Self-Confidence in Junior High School

Muhammad Febri Rafli, Edi Syahputra, Yusnadi
The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the effect of problem based learning model on students 'mathematical communication ability, and (2) the effect of problem based learning model on student self-confidence. This research is quasi experiment of population in this research is all students of...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Cooperative Learning Models And Achievement Motivation On The Ability To Read English Narrative Texts In Class VIII Students Of SMP Negeri 41 Medan

Monica Aomari Ritonga, Julaga Situmorang, Dina Ampera
This study aims to find out: 1) the learning outcomes of English students who learned by using the CIRC learning model and the English learning outcomes of students who learned the STAD learning model; 2) the results of learning English between students with high achievement motivation levels and learning...
Proceedings Article

Development of Innovative Learning Material with Multimedia to Increase Student Achievement and Motivation in Teaching Acid Base Titration

Sinta Puspita Sary, Simson Tarigan, Manihar Situmorang
The enactment of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI) has prompted Universitas Negeri Medan to implement a competence-based curriculum for every subject taught. The strategy has to be made to bring the students become independent learner by providing...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Cooperative Learning Type Think Pair Share with Autograph on The Mathematical Representation Ability Students

Yuli Ragelia Sinaga, Edi Syahputra, Faiz Ahyaningsih
This research attempts the effect of Cooperative Learning type Think Pair Share (TPS) with Autograph on the mathematical representation ability students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Cooperative Learning type TPS with Autograph to the students Mathematical Representation...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Learning Material with Project to Improve Students Achievement on the Teaching of Acid-Base Equilibrium

Sanhot Simaremare, Manihar Situmorang, Simson Tarigan
Implementation of competence-based curriculum for Chemistry become a strategy to pulfil an Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI), and therfore it needs to apply active learning through project to provide the students with appropriate knowledge and...
Proceedings Article

Management Analysis of Karate Sports Coaching at Kei Shin University Kan Karate-do North Sumatera

Rafika Ardilla
This research will be conducted at Kei Shin Kan Karate-Do College of North Sumatera because it is a major college of Karate in North Sumatra. The approach taken in this study is a qualitative approach means the problems discussed aims, to be able to describe or describe the existing state or phenomenon...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Inquiry For 4C Skills

Diana Hani Sipayung, Ridwan Abdullah Sani, Rahmatsyah, Henry Bunawan
This study aims to determine the effect of collaborative inquiry learning model in improving the skills of 4C (Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) students compared with conventional learning. The study population was all students of tenth grade seven high school in Medan...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model for Student’s Science Process Skill and Self Efficacy in The Static Fluid Subject

Maria Ulfah, Mara Bangun Harahap, Juniastel Rajagukguk
This study aimed to know the effects of Scientific inquiry learning model to students’ Science Process skill and Self Efficacy in the static fluid subject. This study used a quasi experiment with two group pretest posttest design. The population of this study was all the students grade XI in Senior High...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Scientific Inquiry Learning Models on Conceptual Knowledge and Science Process Skills in Themes Always Save Energy in Class IV SDN 101928 Rantau Panjang Labu Beach

Rina, Mara Bangun Harahap, Ajat Sudrajat
This study aims to determine: whether there is effect of scientific inquiry learning model to conceptual knowledge; whether there is effect of science inquiry learning model to science process skill; whether the conceptual knowledge of students with high science process skills is better than students...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assistance of Prezi Media on Student Learning Outcomes in Colloid Materials

Nurul Mamelya Harahap, Wesly Hutabarat, Saronom Silaban
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is one of the cooperative learning models that is often used today. To provide the best results, research is needed with PBL learning models assisted by instructional media that are easy and attract students to understand the material. This study aims to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Devices Based on Problems with Metacognition Approach to Improve the Capacity of the Problem Mathematic Students SMK Kesehatan Haji Sumut

Asmanto Purba, E. Elvis Napitupulu
This study aims to determine: 1) the effectiveness of the learning process by using teaching materials based on problem-based learning model with metacognition approach, and improvement of problem solving ability of students by using the developed teaching materials. Subjects in this study were students...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Problem Solving Ability Student

Nurkhairunnisa Siregar, Asmin, K M. Amin Fauzi
This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning model on students' mathematical problem solving abilities. In addition, this study also looked at the interaction between learning and gender on students' mathematical problem solving abilities. This research was a quasi-experimental...