Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public and Business Administration (AICoBPA 2020)
311 authors
- Abdillah, Yusri
- Resources Innovation Towards Industrialization and Downstream Policy in Tourism Products
- Abdula, Sajid P.
- Evaluation on the Administration of Comprehensive Development Plan-Executive Legislative Agenda Among Cities in Southern Philippines
- Abdulgani, Radzata A.
- Correlates on the Participation of Private Sectors in Local Governance in South Central Mindanao, Philippines
- Adika, Stevan
- Improving the Digital Governance to Facing the New Normal Life in Indonesia
- Afrianty, Tri Wulida
- The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Banking Employees in Malang
- Agusti, Rosalita Rachma
- Conceptual and Adaptive Performance of Tax Volunteer on Tax Reporting Services During the Pandemic
- Agustina, Ratna
- The Efforts of State-Owned Entreprises in Managing Human Resources Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Aini, Edlyn Khurotul
- What Determines Generation Z Continuance Intention of Fintech? The Moderating Effect of Gender
- Aisjah, Herlina Nur
- The Perception of Users on the Modern Interior Design of the Library
- Akib, Haedar
- Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Financial Performance
- Akib, Haedar
- The Perspective of Corruption Risk Management Strategy in Indonesia
- Akib, Haedar
- Public Entrepreneurship
- Alam, Mochamad Doddy Syahirul
- The Effectiveness of Regional Leadership in Facing Emergency Response Period of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Alam, Mochamad Doddy Syahirul
- Direct Election of Village Head as a Trigger of Corruption Behavior
- Alfajri, Taufik Akbar
- Implementation of Policies Management in Educational Facilities and Infrastructure
- Aliyyah, Rusi Rusmiati
- Self Assessment of Outstanding Teachers Competition Program Using the Malcolm Baldrige Model
- Amalia, Andini Ghanifia Rizqi
- The Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Loss of Control with User Satisfaction in Mandatory Setting
- Anadza, Hirshi
- Decentralization in the Wearing of Face Mask Policy in Indonesia’s New Normal Condition
- Ananda, Riski Emmilia
- A Web-Based Direct Labor Cost Accounting Information System Case Study of PT. Giri Mera Banjarmasin
- Anggaini, Niken Lastiti Veri
- Effects of Health Information Access and Health Service Access on Health Literacy and Health Behavior
- Ansanay, Ari Lucki
- Implementation of Instructions on the Prohibition of Use Policy Plastic Bags in Jayapura City in Pandemic Situation
- Ari, Dessanti Putri Sekti
- Applying Hofstede’s National Cultural Dimensions and Theory of Planned Behavior on Individual Tax Compliance Intention in East Java
- Ariani, Sisca
- Effect of Location and Word of Mouth (WOM) Against Purchasing Decision in the Culinary Tourism Area (KWK) Mandiri City of Banjarmasin
- Ashriana, Ahfi Nova
- Can Traditional Markets Became Online Market
- Aslinda
- The Role of Technology in Development Policy in the Era of Globalization in South Sulawesi Indonesia
- Asmoro, Priandhita Sukowidyanti
- What Determines Generation Z Continuance Intention of Fintech? The Moderating Effect of Gender
- Astuti, Retno Sunu
- Analysis of the Transfer of Administrative Positions to Functional Positions at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform
- Awaru, A. Octamaya Tenri
- Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Financial Performance
- Aziz, Aulia Luqman
- The Effect of Work Stress and Burnout on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
- Aziz, Aulia Luqman
- The Twists and Turns of State Universities with Legal Entity Status (PTN-BH) as a Form of Decentralization of Higher Education in Indonesia
- Azizah, Siti Nur
- Influence of Employees and Business Size on SME Income
- Badjie, Gibriel
- The Concept of Joking Relationship in Gambian Public Relations Practice
- Bafadhal, Aniesa Samira
- Virtual Tourism Initiative for Visitor Flow Management in the New Normal Era
- Bagolong, Saidamin P.
- Correlates on the Participation of Private Sectors in Local Governance in South Central Mindanao, Philippines
- Bagolong, Saidamin P.
- Evaluation on the Administration of Comprehensive Development Plan-Executive Legislative Agenda Among Cities in Southern Philippines
- Bahit, Muhammad
- Visualization and Bibliometric Analysis of FinTech Trend Research
- Bahit, Muhammad
- A Web-Based Direct Labor Cost Accounting Information System Case Study of PT. Giri Mera Banjarmasin
- Baihaqi, Abdul Aziz
- Re-Inventing the Business Model
- Bare, Rede Roni
- Public Entrepreneurship
- Berthanilla, Rethorika
- Public Policy Challenge in the Era of Covid-19 Disease Pandemic
- Budihantho, Moh. Heru
- Influence of Corporate Governance on the Performance of MFIs Through Trust and Participation
- Budihantho, Moh. Heru
- Corporate Governance, Participation and Microfinance Performance
- Budiyanto, Fajar
- Marketing Mix for Tutoring Agencies During the Pandemic in Indonesia
- Cahyaningtias, Akgis
- Posyandu During The COVID-19 Pandemic
- Cahyasari, Erlita
- Capacity Building of Village-owned Enterprises in Strengthening Village Economy
- Damayanti
- Development of Corporate Social Initiative (CSI) Model for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia
- Damayanti, Cacik Rut
- Investors’ Perspectives on the Financial and Non-Financial Reports
- Damayanti, Cacik Rut
- Is Emotional Intelligence Matter in Youth Entrepreneur?
- Damayanti, Cacik Rut
- Importance of Performance Analysis of Corporate Governance, Technology Monitoring and Credit Monitoring in Influencing Non-Performing Loans
- Damayanti, Cacik Rut
- Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Financial Performance
- Destalia, Mediya
- Development of Corporate Social Initiative (CSI) Model for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia
- Diah, Martina Purwaning
- The Strategy of East Java Provincial Government in Increasing the Human Development Index
- Dinniyah, Tsabitah
- The Influence of Environmental Cost on Profitability and Firm Value
- Dwimawanti, Ida Hayu
- Influencing Factors of Vocational High School Revitalization Policy Implementation
- Efendi, Mohamad Johan
- Can Traditional Markets Became Online Market
- Fachrudin, Dudi Hendra
- The Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Business Model Innovation on the Relationship Between Environment Turbulence and Firm Performance
- Fahriyah
- The Perception of Users on the Modern Interior Design of the Library
- Fahrudi, Agung Nugroho L. I.
- The Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Loss of Control with User Satisfaction in Mandatory Setting
- Fattah, Nanang
- The Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Business Model Innovation on the Relationship Between Environment Turbulence and Firm Performance
- Fauziah, Siti Pupu
- Self Assessment of Outstanding Teachers Competition Program Using the Malcolm Baldrige Model
- Fauziah, Sumainah
- Is Emotional Intelligence Matter in Youth Entrepreneur?
- Febrianty
- Effects of WFH (Work From Home) Policies, Perceived Organizational Support, Job Stress, and the Ability to Use Technology on Lecturer Performance During the New Normal
- Fitriani, Diah
- The Influence of Gender and Women Empowerment on Economic Improvement of Kutorejo Village Community
- Fitriyani, Zenita Afifah
- The Effect of Coronavirus on the Sustainability of Public Company and Its Financial Performance
- Galih, Aulia Puspaning
- The Role of Stakeholder
- Gani, Abdul Juli Andi
- The Effectiveness of Regional Leadership in Facing Emergency Response Period of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Gani, Hamsu Abdul
- Public Entrepreneurship
- Ghozali
- Can Traditional Markets Became Online Market
- Guntur, Muhammad
- The Role of Technology in Development Policy in the Era of Globalization in South Sulawesi Indonesia
- Habibi, Fikri
- Public Policy Challenge in the Era of Covid-19 Disease Pandemic
- Hadiwijaya, Hendra
- Effects of WFH (Work From Home) Policies, Perceived Organizational Support, Job Stress, and the Ability to Use Technology on Lecturer Performance During the New Normal
- Handini, Yuslinda Dwi
- Branding Capability, Innovation and Business Performance
- Hanum, Latifah
- Determinant Factors of Taxpayer Satisfaction in Using the Electronic Tax Invoice Number (E–NOFA) in the Emerging Technology Era
- Hanum, Latifah
- Applying Hofstede’s National Cultural Dimensions and Theory of Planned Behavior on Individual Tax Compliance Intention in East Java
- Haq, Ahsanul
- Visualization and Bibliometric Analysis of FinTech Trend Research
- Harahap, Arman Sahri
- The Perspective of Corruption Risk Management Strategy in Indonesia
- Hardy, Human
- The Effect of Tourist’s Knowledge of COVID-19 on Tourist’s Holiday Intention
- Haris, Hasnawi
- The Perspective of Corruption Risk Management Strategy in Indonesia
- Haris, Rillia Aisyah
- Managing Collaborative Governance Dynamics in Agropolitan Development to Face the New Normal Era
- Haryono, Bambang Santoso
- Blended Learning on Vocational High School in Adaptation of New Habit Era with Whole of Government Approach
- Hasan, Nonce
- Local Potentials of Sula Regency in the Perceptions of Regional Competitiveness
- Hasanah, Budi
- Public Policy Challenge in the Era of Covid-19 Disease Pandemic
- Hayat, Ainul
- Analysis of School Policies in Implementing Learning Activities as Response to The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hayat, Ainul
- Collaborative Governance in Eucalyptus Oil Industry Development from Forest Area
- Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
- Community Reading Habit Levels
- Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
- Malang Inter Library Loan
- Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
- Implementation of Policies Management in Educational Facilities and Infrastructure
- Hesty, Wa
- A Proposed Sustainable Model of Food Systems
- Hidayati, Firda
- Effects of Health Information Access and Health Service Access on Health Literacy and Health Behavior
- Hidayati, Firda
- A Proposed Sustainable Model of Food Systems
- Huda, Khasbulloh
- The Role of Business Administrative Science and Management Science Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
- Humaidi
- Effect of Location and Word of Mouth (WOM) Against Purchasing Decision in the Culinary Tourism Area (KWK) Mandiri City of Banjarmasin
- Humaira, Megan Asri
- Self Assessment of Outstanding Teachers Competition Program Using the Malcolm Baldrige Model
- Hung, Jung-Hua
- Corporate Governance, Participation and Microfinance Performance
- Huseini, Martani
- Implementation Efforts of the Nationally Determined Contributions Under the Paris Agreement
- Idzna, Arina
- The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Banking Employees in Malang
- Ilham
- Implementation of Instructions on the Prohibition of Use Policy Plastic Bags in Jayapura City in Pandemic Situation
- Imamah, Nur
- The Relationship Among Anti-Corruption Campaigns, Political Connections, and Information Asymmetry on Firm Performance
- Inayati
- Evaluation of Strategic Factors in the Implementation of the Online Tax System in DKI Jakarta Province
- Insani, Istyadi
- Analysis of the Transfer of Administrative Positions to Functional Positions at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform