Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public and Business Administration (AICoBPA 2020)

311 authors
Abdillah, Yusri
Resources Innovation Towards Industrialization and Downstream Policy in Tourism Products
Abdula, Sajid P.
Evaluation on the Administration of Comprehensive Development Plan-Executive Legislative Agenda Among Cities in Southern Philippines
Abdulgani, Radzata A.
Correlates on the Participation of Private Sectors in Local Governance in South Central Mindanao, Philippines
Adika, Stevan
Improving the Digital Governance to Facing the New Normal Life in Indonesia
Afrianty, Tri Wulida
The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Banking Employees in Malang
Agusti, Rosalita Rachma
Conceptual and Adaptive Performance of Tax Volunteer on Tax Reporting Services During the Pandemic
Agustina, Ratna
The Efforts of State-Owned Entreprises in Managing Human Resources Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
Aini, Edlyn Khurotul
What Determines Generation Z Continuance Intention of Fintech? The Moderating Effect of Gender
Aisjah, Herlina Nur
The Perception of Users on the Modern Interior Design of the Library
Akib, Haedar
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Financial Performance
Akib, Haedar
The Perspective of Corruption Risk Management Strategy in Indonesia
Akib, Haedar
Public Entrepreneurship
Alam, Mochamad Doddy Syahirul
The Effectiveness of Regional Leadership in Facing Emergency Response Period of COVID-19 Pandemic
Alam, Mochamad Doddy Syahirul
Direct Election of Village Head as a Trigger of Corruption Behavior
Alfajri, Taufik Akbar
Implementation of Policies Management in Educational Facilities and Infrastructure
Aliyyah, Rusi Rusmiati
Self Assessment of Outstanding Teachers Competition Program Using the Malcolm Baldrige Model
Amalia, Andini Ghanifia Rizqi
The Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Loss of Control with User Satisfaction in Mandatory Setting
Anadza, Hirshi
Decentralization in the Wearing of Face Mask Policy in Indonesia’s New Normal Condition
Ananda, Riski Emmilia
A Web-Based Direct Labor Cost Accounting Information System Case Study of PT. Giri Mera Banjarmasin
Anggaini, Niken Lastiti Veri
Effects of Health Information Access and Health Service Access on Health Literacy and Health Behavior
Ansanay, Ari Lucki
Implementation of Instructions on the Prohibition of Use Policy Plastic Bags in Jayapura City in Pandemic Situation
Ari, Dessanti Putri Sekti
Applying Hofstede’s National Cultural Dimensions and Theory of Planned Behavior on Individual Tax Compliance Intention in East Java
Ariani, Sisca
Effect of Location and Word of Mouth (WOM) Against Purchasing Decision in the Culinary Tourism Area (KWK) Mandiri City of Banjarmasin
Ashriana, Ahfi Nova
Can Traditional Markets Became Online Market
The Role of Technology in Development Policy in the Era of Globalization in South Sulawesi Indonesia
Asmoro, Priandhita Sukowidyanti
What Determines Generation Z Continuance Intention of Fintech? The Moderating Effect of Gender
Astuti, Retno Sunu
Analysis of the Transfer of Administrative Positions to Functional Positions at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform
Awaru, A. Octamaya Tenri
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Financial Performance
Aziz, Aulia Luqman
The Effect of Work Stress and Burnout on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
Aziz, Aulia Luqman
The Twists and Turns of State Universities with Legal Entity Status (PTN-BH) as a Form of Decentralization of Higher Education in Indonesia
Azizah, Siti Nur
Influence of Employees and Business Size on SME Income
Badjie, Gibriel
The Concept of Joking Relationship in Gambian Public Relations Practice
Bafadhal, Aniesa Samira
Virtual Tourism Initiative for Visitor Flow Management in the New Normal Era
Bagolong, Saidamin P.
Correlates on the Participation of Private Sectors in Local Governance in South Central Mindanao, Philippines
Bagolong, Saidamin P.
Evaluation on the Administration of Comprehensive Development Plan-Executive Legislative Agenda Among Cities in Southern Philippines
Bahit, Muhammad
Visualization and Bibliometric Analysis of FinTech Trend Research
Bahit, Muhammad
A Web-Based Direct Labor Cost Accounting Information System Case Study of PT. Giri Mera Banjarmasin
Baihaqi, Abdul Aziz
Re-Inventing the Business Model
Bare, Rede Roni
Public Entrepreneurship
Berthanilla, Rethorika
Public Policy Challenge in the Era of Covid-19 Disease Pandemic
Budihantho, Moh. Heru
Influence of Corporate Governance on the Performance of MFIs Through Trust and Participation
Budihantho, Moh. Heru
Corporate Governance, Participation and Microfinance Performance
Budiyanto, Fajar
Marketing Mix for Tutoring Agencies During the Pandemic in Indonesia
Cahyaningtias, Akgis
Posyandu During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Cahyasari, Erlita
Capacity Building of Village-owned Enterprises in Strengthening Village Economy
Development of Corporate Social Initiative (CSI) Model for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia
Damayanti, Cacik Rut
Investors’ Perspectives on the Financial and Non-Financial Reports
Damayanti, Cacik Rut
Is Emotional Intelligence Matter in Youth Entrepreneur?
Damayanti, Cacik Rut
Importance of Performance Analysis of Corporate Governance, Technology Monitoring and Credit Monitoring in Influencing Non-Performing Loans
Damayanti, Cacik Rut
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Financial Performance
Destalia, Mediya
Development of Corporate Social Initiative (CSI) Model for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia
Diah, Martina Purwaning
The Strategy of East Java Provincial Government in Increasing the Human Development Index
Dinniyah, Tsabitah
The Influence of Environmental Cost on Profitability and Firm Value
Dwimawanti, Ida Hayu
Influencing Factors of Vocational High School Revitalization Policy Implementation
Efendi, Mohamad Johan
Can Traditional Markets Became Online Market
Fachrudin, Dudi Hendra
The Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Business Model Innovation on the Relationship Between Environment Turbulence and Firm Performance
The Perception of Users on the Modern Interior Design of the Library
Fahrudi, Agung Nugroho L. I.
The Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Loss of Control with User Satisfaction in Mandatory Setting
Fattah, Nanang
The Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Business Model Innovation on the Relationship Between Environment Turbulence and Firm Performance
Fauziah, Siti Pupu
Self Assessment of Outstanding Teachers Competition Program Using the Malcolm Baldrige Model
Fauziah, Sumainah
Is Emotional Intelligence Matter in Youth Entrepreneur?
Effects of WFH (Work From Home) Policies, Perceived Organizational Support, Job Stress, and the Ability to Use Technology on Lecturer Performance During the New Normal
Fitriani, Diah
The Influence of Gender and Women Empowerment on Economic Improvement of Kutorejo Village Community
Fitriyani, Zenita Afifah
The Effect of Coronavirus on the Sustainability of Public Company and Its Financial Performance
Galih, Aulia Puspaning
The Role of Stakeholder
Gani, Abdul Juli Andi
The Effectiveness of Regional Leadership in Facing Emergency Response Period of COVID-19 Pandemic
Gani, Hamsu Abdul
Public Entrepreneurship
Can Traditional Markets Became Online Market
Guntur, Muhammad
The Role of Technology in Development Policy in the Era of Globalization in South Sulawesi Indonesia
Habibi, Fikri
Public Policy Challenge in the Era of Covid-19 Disease Pandemic
Hadiwijaya, Hendra
Effects of WFH (Work From Home) Policies, Perceived Organizational Support, Job Stress, and the Ability to Use Technology on Lecturer Performance During the New Normal
Handini, Yuslinda Dwi
Branding Capability, Innovation and Business Performance
Hanum, Latifah
Determinant Factors of Taxpayer Satisfaction in Using the Electronic Tax Invoice Number (E–NOFA) in the Emerging Technology Era
Hanum, Latifah
Applying Hofstede’s National Cultural Dimensions and Theory of Planned Behavior on Individual Tax Compliance Intention in East Java
Haq, Ahsanul
Visualization and Bibliometric Analysis of FinTech Trend Research
Harahap, Arman Sahri
The Perspective of Corruption Risk Management Strategy in Indonesia
Hardy, Human
The Effect of Tourist’s Knowledge of COVID-19 on Tourist’s Holiday Intention
Haris, Hasnawi
The Perspective of Corruption Risk Management Strategy in Indonesia
Haris, Rillia Aisyah
Managing Collaborative Governance Dynamics in Agropolitan Development to Face the New Normal Era
Haryono, Bambang Santoso
Blended Learning on Vocational High School in Adaptation of New Habit Era with Whole of Government Approach
Hasan, Nonce
Local Potentials of Sula Regency in the Perceptions of Regional Competitiveness
Hasanah, Budi
Public Policy Challenge in the Era of Covid-19 Disease Pandemic
Hayat, Ainul
Analysis of School Policies in Implementing Learning Activities as Response to The Covid-19 Pandemic
Hayat, Ainul
Collaborative Governance in Eucalyptus Oil Industry Development from Forest Area
Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
Community Reading Habit Levels
Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
Malang Inter Library Loan
Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
Implementation of Policies Management in Educational Facilities and Infrastructure
Hesty, Wa
A Proposed Sustainable Model of Food Systems
Hidayati, Firda
Effects of Health Information Access and Health Service Access on Health Literacy and Health Behavior
Hidayati, Firda
A Proposed Sustainable Model of Food Systems
Huda, Khasbulloh
The Role of Business Administrative Science and Management Science Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
Effect of Location and Word of Mouth (WOM) Against Purchasing Decision in the Culinary Tourism Area (KWK) Mandiri City of Banjarmasin
Humaira, Megan Asri
Self Assessment of Outstanding Teachers Competition Program Using the Malcolm Baldrige Model
Hung, Jung-Hua
Corporate Governance, Participation and Microfinance Performance
Huseini, Martani
Implementation Efforts of the Nationally Determined Contributions Under the Paris Agreement
Idzna, Arina
The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Banking Employees in Malang
Implementation of Instructions on the Prohibition of Use Policy Plastic Bags in Jayapura City in Pandemic Situation
Imamah, Nur
The Relationship Among Anti-Corruption Campaigns, Political Connections, and Information Asymmetry on Firm Performance
Evaluation of Strategic Factors in the Implementation of the Online Tax System in DKI Jakarta Province
Insani, Istyadi
Analysis of the Transfer of Administrative Positions to Functional Positions at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform