Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Islamic Education 2023 (ACIE 2023)

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26 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Depict Pristine Adi, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Mashudi, Taha Romadhan Zaghloul, Fiqru Mafar, Muhammad Ardy Zaini, Moh. Rofid Fikroni
All of the articles in this proceedings volume would have been presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of Islamic Education (ACIE) 2022 September 6th to 7th 2023 in Jember, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Problems of Implementing the Independent Curriculum in Islamic Religious Education Learning at SMA Negeri Arjasa Jember

Mukni’ah, Ferdi Kurniawan
The independent curriculum is mandatory and must be implemented by driving schools. Arjasa State High School is a driving school that is required to implement this curriculum; in the newly implemented curriculum, there must be some obstacles or problems; one of the problems in the independent curriculum...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Active Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study at Iain Jember

Mashudi, Miftahul Hidayah
Higher education still often gets criticized, because it applies fragmented learning from real-life problems. So there needs to be a learning approach that can bridge the gap between education in higher education and real-life practice. This research is a field research (field work research) with a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Religious Character Development Through Intracurricular and Extracurricular Learning at Public Junior High School (Smpn) 6 Jember

Ainur Rafik, Arini Fakhria Arifah
Strengthening character education, including religious character, is a government program delegated to all schools nationwide to be implemented as an implementation of the National Movement for Mental Revolution (GNRM). The goal is to strengthen students’ character through harmonizing heart sports, taste...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Articulate Media on Learning Outcomes of Class V Students at MIN 1 Banyuwangi

H. Mustajab, Nahdiah Nur Fauziah, Risanatih Maulida Putri
Education can prepare the young generation in the future to build their knowledge which makes learning more meaningful by using media. One of the media that can be used is interactive learning media in the form of articulate storylines. This study aims to determine the significant influence between articulate...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Developing Islamic Traditions at Mambaul Falah Bondowoso Islamic Boarding School

Rif’an Humaidi, Nurul Huda, Azmi Ilmagfiroh
Islamic tradition is a form of ordinance passed down and carried out by the community to this day because it is believed that this activity is the best and has Islamic values. Islamic traditions that are very attached to Indonesian culture are the walisongo tradition. Walisongo is nine waliullah who...
Proceedings Article

Development of Mathematics Student Worksheets (Lkpd) Assisted by Publisher 2016 Material on a System of Linear Equations with Three Variables in Class X Smk Al Qodiri Jember

Indah Wahyuni, Triandriyanto Purnomo
The formulation of the problem in this study is about how the process of developing student worksheets or mathematics LKPD assisted by Publisher 2016 material three-variable linear equation system using the 2013 curriculum in grade X of SMK Al Qodiri Jember and this research is limited to product validity...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Education in the Digitalization of the Home Industry as a Solution to Unemployment in the Era of Society 5.0

Mohammad Zaini, Machfudz, Hilda Yulianti
Unemployment is one of the main challenges faced by Indonesia in facing the Society 5.0 era which is characterized by digitalization and advanced technology. To overcome this problem, digitalization of the home industry has been identified as one of the promising solutions. This article aims to examine...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Pancasila Values at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Al-Utsmani Bondowoso

Ubaidillah, Nofiyanti
The instillation of Pancasila values at the Al-Utsmani Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School in Bondowoso is a personality development process that explains the foundations and goals, the history of Indonesian nationalism, Pancasila as a philosophical system, Pancasila as the national ideology of the Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Literary-based Literacy Learning in Indonesian Pesantren

Evi Resti Dianita, Fathiyaturrahmah, Gita Magfiroh
Literacy learning and attention to literacy culture are currently growing widely. More and more communities and institutions are realizing the need to accelerate efforts to address the problem of low literacy culture among youth in Indonesia, including Pesantrens. Pesantrens, one of the institutions...
Proceedings Article

Digital-Based Services in Admitting New Students At Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Jember

Moh. Anwar, Dani Hermawan, Habib Taufiqurrahman
Technology development is currently developing rapidly, thus the need for responsive and efficient information is mandatory. One form of information technology that is widely used to share information is a website. The new Student Admission Process (Proses Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB)) carried...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology in the Development of Learning Tools at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 1 Jember

Hartono, Amelia Yunita, Ahmad Mujib Ikhsan Mubarok
The current era of digitalization has influenced various aspects of life, including the world of education. One technology that is increasingly popular is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has great potential in developing learning tools at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 1 Jember. The use of AI in education...
Proceedings Article

Introduction to Indonesian Culture Through the Malay Zapin Dance at Santivit Songkhla Thailand

Istifadah, Nabilah Ainun Nafi, Riyas Rahmawati
Introduction through Zapin dance is one of the uses of cultural arts which is intended to introduce homeland culture to the wider community as a form of national and cultural wealth that needs to be preserved. This research aims to determine the level of understanding of Santivit students in understanding...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Practicum-based Contextual Teaching and Learning Learning Model on Science Process Skills and Student Learning Outcomes on Fungi Material

Umi Farihah, Aminatus Zakiyah, Maharani Conilie, Imaniah Bazlina Wardani
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the practicum-based Contextual Teaching and Learning model on science process skills and student learning outcomes in grade X social science on Fungi material at State Madrasah Aliyah 1 Situbondo, Indonesia. The sampling technique is purposive...
Proceedings Article

Higher-Order Thinking Skills Through Problem-Based Learning Model Integrated with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Approach in Solve-problems SPLTV (Three-Variable Linear Equation System)

Mohammad Mukhlis, Iga Femelia, Fikri Apriyono
This Research will describe how students’ high-order thinking skills through the problem-based learning model solve SPLTV questions. This research is mixed method research, namely the existence of quantitative research and reinforced by descriptive qualitative research which aims to determine: 1) high-level...
Proceedings Article

The Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Strategy At The First Grade Of SMP Plus Bustanul Ulum Puger-Jember

As’ari, Khalimatus Sa‘diah
This research examines the use of the DRTA strategy for teaching English reading comprehension. Students need to have the opportunity to develop their knowledge in learning English. Therefore, English teachers utilize the DRTA strategy to increase students’ reading comprehension. The formulation of the...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Quiz-Gameshow in Arabic Language Learning With Wordwall Application-Based Media Escaping the Arabic Learning Routines: A Study on the Use of Wordwall Application-Based Media for Learning

Zeiburhanus Saleh, Dwi Khoirotun Nisa, Alifya Salsabilla, Muhammad Ardy Zaini
Nowadays, the use of media in Arabic learning plays a significant role. The digital age 5.0 offers various applications that can facilitate students and increase their enthusiasm for understanding Arabic. One of the interesting applications that provide various conveniences is “word wall”. This study...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Science Exploration in the Traditional Toy “Bamboo Cannon” as a Supplement for Local Wisdom-Based Science Learning

Dinar Maftukh Fajar, Mohammad Achbatullahulhaq Mangku Negara
Local wisdom-based science learning is essential as it encourages students to comprehend and appreciate scientific knowledge within the context of their culture and local values, thereby fostering a deeper and more relevant engagement in the science learning process. Bamboo cannon is one of the traditional...
Proceedings Article

Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes in Social Learning in the Mgmp Ips West Jember Region

Depict Pristine Adi, Musyarofah, Fatdriatun Ismah, Elisa Dourothun Nafis El Adibah
This research aims to determine the effect of using Science, Technology, and Society methods on the learning process. This refers to forming 4C competencies and learning outcomes, especially in social studies learning. The targets of the IPS MGMP in West Jember include SMPN 1 Rambipuji, SMPN 1 Bangsalsari,...
Proceedings Article

Exploring The Implementation Of Learning In The Independent Curriculum of Islamic Religious Education Subject at SMK Negeri 2 Lumajang

Nino Indrianto, Ayatullah Chumaini, Abdul Rosi
The development of information technology recently has grown so rapidly and has taken an important role in human life. Under these circumstances, the field of education also requires a new innovation to answer these challenges. A curriculum that can answer the capacity of modern humans balanced with...
Proceedings Article

Librarian-Tutor Competence in Library User Education

Fiqru Mafar, Moh. Rofid Fikroni, Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, Tia Amalia
Library instruction is a critical process to introduce the library to users. This process explains the activities in the library that are sourced from the librarian. Therefore, librarians who become tutors in library instruction must have special competence, not only knowledge in the field of libraries...
Proceedings Article

Adaptation Strategies Of Humboldt University Berlin And University Of Leipzig To The Challenges Of Artificial Intelligence Technology In The Context Of Language Teaching

Esie Hanstein
This research discusses the challenges and potential use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in language teaching at Humboldt University Berlin and Leipzig University. The university recognizes the latest technological developments, such as rule-based machine translation, statistics, and neural...
Proceedings Article

Pesantren’s Sexuality Structuration

Mashur Imam, Rif’an Humaidi, Irwan Fathurrochman, Mohtazul Farid, Abd. Muhith
The phenomenon of deviation and discrimination sexual in Pesantren is worried by some people. Homesexual and discrimination between women and children, make pesantren doubtfull as a source of noble culture in society. This cannot be separated from the process of structuring the internal pesantren own...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Google Classroom as Support for the Implementation Of the Flipped-Classroom Concept at Sit Nurul Fikri

Rahmat, Dinn Wahyudin, Laksmi Dewi
In response to the implementation of the “Kurikulum Merdeka” (In the context of responding to the implementation of the Independent Curriculum and the need for future effectiveness, SIT Nurul Fikri has implemented a flipped classroom as the backbone of its learning process. Various strategies have been...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Social Tolerance Among Moi Indigenous People

Ihsan, Sapriya, Elly Malihah, Susan Fitriasari
In increasing understanding and insight into nationality and to strengthen the role (Citizenship) there is a need for tolerance so that the people of a nation have cultural and regional harmony and have the same ideals and goals to defend their country. Tolerance which has a meaning as a mental attitude...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Transferability Skills in the Religious Field

Setya Chendra Wibawa, Purnomo, Hakkun Elmunsyah, Eddy Sutadji
This document will explore the importance of transferability skills in the religious field, the impact of technology on those skills, and the challenges that come with acquiring and utilizing them. Methodology to reach the goal using mixed method research, literate the information from several articles...