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189328 articles
Proceedings Article

Topical Silver Diamine Fluoride 38% for Arresting Dentine Caries Active in Dental Clinic

Poppy Andriany, Sondang Pintauli, Rahayu Lubis, Anton Rahardjo
Introduction. This study aimed the effectiveness of topical silver diamine fluoride application in arresting active dentine caries in primary teeth in dental clinic.Methods. This study was a clinical trial, A total of 40 children aged 5-6 years old in dental clinic who had at least one active dentine...

Small Group Discussion and Discovery Learning in Indonesian Course Learning

Leni Syafyahya, Efri Yades
The Indonesian language learning method used so far will be developed in a better direction. The application of the small group discussion method, in which student learning will be formed in small groups. The lecturer provides discussion topics that will be discussed by each group. In addition, discovery...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Electric Vehicles for Providing Regulating Power Based on German Mobility

Mohammed Hijjo, Paul Scheer
The ongoing transition of the energy sector, as well as the rising adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), both have led to new requirements to keep up with these new technologies. One of the main challenges to the grid operators is to keep the balance between the generation and the demand through the so-called...

Can the Implementation of Smart City Promote Inclusive Development of a Local Economy?

Imam Mukhlis, Ahmad Fawaiq Suwanan, Bunga Hidayati, Silky Roudhotus, Muhammad Syamsu Rizaludin
Smart city initiatives which have been implemented worldwide are seen as an excellent revolution within sustainable development in urban areas. The smart city concept offers governance framework aiming to efficiently manage the resources by considering environmentally friendly approaches and humanist...

Music in the Convergence Processes of Education

Natalya Mikhailovna Garipova, Olga Ivanovna Zhuravleva
The article highlights the urgent problems of modern education, causing a number of contradictions that appear both at the level of society and at the level of personality; the sources of these contradictions are analyzed, which consist in the hyperbolization of the role of thinking in the processes...

A Learning Quality in Master Program of Educational Administration

Asti Putri Kartiwi, Aris Nupan, Romlan
The quality of learning has always been an important issue in an educational institution. The quality of learning can be seen from a variety of different points of view because it is a dynamic concept according to the development of the times. In the future, the quality of learning, especially in higher...
Proceedings Article

Mathematical Modelling in Agricultural Systems in Indonesia: A Case Study of Modelling in Predicting Production and Consumption Corn to Reach Corn Self-Sufficiency

Romli Ardie, Mukhtar, Cecep Anwar Hadi Firdos Santosa, Sholih, Nana Hendracipta
The study forecasting has been undertaken to fit different trend equations like time series models for corn and also made the future forecasts. The study was carried out in Indonesia using time series data from 1986 to 2017. Forecasting time series is a need in the agriculture sector or other fields....

General Review on Crimes in the Capital Market Sector

Farah Gitty Devianty, Widjajani, E Dwipriyoko
In the economic development in Indonesia, interesting activities have emerged, one of which is the capital market. The capital market has a strategic role in national development as a source of financing in the business world and a place for community investment, where entrepreneurs and the community...

An Empirical Investigation of Language Ecology in Indonesian Chinese Society

A Case Study of Chinese Teachers’ Language Life in Jakarta

Yanjun Wang, Xindan Hu
In this paper, together with the case study of Indonesian Chinese teachers’ language life, we investigate their language ecology from three aspects: personal language ability, family language life and social language communication. The investigation reveals that the language ecology of Chinese teachers...

Gender Discrimination in NH. Dini’s Pada Sebuah Kapal and Okky Madasari’s Entrok

Fadhelya Syamsu, WS Hasanuddin, Yenni Hayati
Women are often seen as weak creatures, so they often get discriminated against both in the family and in the work environment. This study aims to describe the forms of gender discrimination, factors, impacts, and comparisons of gender discrimination against women based on the perspectives of two female...
Journal: eFood
Research Article

Combination of Microwave, Ultrasonic, Enzyme Assisted Method for Curcumin Species Extraction from Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.) and Evaluation of their Antioxidant Activity

Chengke Wang, Hanli Yang, Jiangyu Li
Pages: 73 - 80
The combination of microwave irradiation, ultrasonication treatment, and enzyme-assisted extraction approach was applied to study the extraction efficiency and antioxidative activity of curcumin from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) using Response Surface Optimization (RSM). The effects of the power and treatment...
Proceedings Article

SWOT Analysis in Determining the Management Strategy of Rendani River Catchment Area in Manokwari District

Bernadetta M.G. Sadsoeitoeboen, Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Muhammad Sumaryono, Yohanes Budi Sulistioadi
The establishment of a new status for the Wosi Rendani forest area, which was previously a protected forest, has become an area for other uses, causing the area to become more open, as evidenced by changes in the land cover and the land use. On the one hand, the Rendani River is a source of clean water...

The Nursing Implementation of Monitoring Blood Glucose in Increasing the Stability of Blood Glucose Level in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Abdul Gani, Ira Kusumawaty, Sherli Shobur, Marisa Kartika Putri
Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by an increase in blood sugar level and this condition is treated by giving insulin injections. Overdose of insulin will cause hypoglycemia hence it’s important to independently check blood glucose levels. This research aims to obtain an overview of the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Project Risks

Alexander Borovsky, Natalia Shumilina
In this article, using the fuzzy logic and cognitive modeling apparatus, the general provisions of intelligent support for management activities in projects are presented. In the context of digitalization of the economy the solution proposed is relevant. It can be used in development of a strategy for...

Are the Early Children’s School Meals Diverse, Nutritious, Balanced, and Safe?

Rr. Dina Kusuma Wardhani, Reza Mauldy Raharja, Ratih Kusumawardani
Building children’s understanding and habits in consuming diverse, nutritious, balanced, and safe foods is not an easy thing. Early Childhood Education institutions or in Indonesia called Early Childhood Education are an environment that has a role and influence on various developments, behaviors, and...

Adversity Learning and Student’s Performance at Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia

Suheri, Abdulloh Hamid, Mundir, Yeni Tri Nurrahmawati
Islamic boarding school (pesantren) is the oldest educational institution of Islam to survive in Indonesia (since the 1800s) and it has been legally sanctioned by the Indonesian government. Throughout history, it has made valuable contribution to the country, example of which ranges from education, dakwah...

Identifying the Categories of Ideological Shift of Text in the Translation of ‘Half of Yellow Sun’: Critical Discourse Analysis in Translation Study

Husnawati, Zainuddin, Amrin Saragih
The present study deals with the identification of ideological shift categories of text in literary translation through the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) point of view. The critical discourse analysis was conducted to determine the occurance of shift categories of text in the translation process...

Discussion on the Application of Metaphor in English Culture Teaching

Lijun Shen
As a language phenomenon and cognitive mechanism, metaphor is rooted in culture and is a part of culture, reflecting the content of culture. Through the cultural nature of metaphors, people can see the commonality and particularity of cultures in different countries. This article starts with the relationship...

Framing Learner’s Verbal Report Data in Reading Comprehension; Uncovering the Cognitive Processes

Siti I. Savira, Anas Ahmadi
This study is aimed to analyze a particular learner’s cognitive processes as the learner engages in a reading task. The data was collected primarily by think-aloud, while the interview was used as a complementary source. The think-aloud was conducted while the learner is engaged in a reading task. Therefore,...

Self-Potential Based Curriculum Management in Elementary Schools

Ita Syazwanti, Imron Arifin, Sultoni
This study aims to describe self-potential based curriculum management where the main focus is for students to develop their potential and be useful in the future. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study research type. This research was conducted at Alam Ar-Rohmah Elementary School...

Educational Inputs and Intra-county Education Inequality in a Western Province of China

Yi Long, Yumei Zhou
China has determined to narrow intra-county education gap and held county level governments accountable for achieving this goal through state evaluation. This study examines the relationship between intra-county education inequality and county level educational inputs. Based on statistical analysis of...

Psychosocial Intervention Program Promotes Autism Spectrum Disorder Students Successful Transition Into Australian Mainstream School

Wucong Zhao
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a significant issue in children. How ASD students are integrated into society is an important question. This study will be looking at ASD students transition from special schools to mainstream schools, I will analyze psychosocial intervention program (PSIP) as a means...

Comparison of Inner Meanings of Color Terms Between Chinese and English from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics

Fu Zhang, Dawa Pengcuo
There are a large number of color terms between Chinese and English. Due to the great differences of cultures among the history, politics, economy, religion, customs and the ways of thinking, the meanings and usages of color terms are also different between them. In view of this, the article first takes...

Policy Strategies for Reducing Drop Out Rate in Senior High Schools

Ebni Sholikhah, Sarah Indah Safitri, Arif Rohman
Indonesian government is trying to open educational access as much as possible for every citizen. However, dropping out of school is still a challenge to realize educational equality for all. This study aims to describe the factors causing drop out, policy strategies, supporting and inhibiting strategies...

A family of integrable evolution equations of third order

Matthew Babela, Alexandre Odesskii
Pages: 73 - 78
We construct a family of integrable equations of the form vt = f(v; vx; vxx; vxxx) such that f is a transcendental function in v; vx; vxx. This family is related to the Krichever-Novikov equation by a differential substitution. Our construction of integrable equations and the corresponding differential...

Moderation of Fatwa: Worship During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Maqasid Shariah Perspective

Nur Lailatul Musyafaah, Athifatul Wafirah, Sagita Destia Ramadhan
Coronavirus disease, also known as Covid-19, is a virus that originates from animals and can spread through humans and cause respiratory infections. The very fast spread of Covid-19 has made the government resolutely minimize its efforts to disperse the crowd so that close contact does not occur which...

Readiness of Teachers and Students to Take Minimum Competency Assessments

Meni Handayani, Novrian Satria Perdana, Ikhya Ukhlumudin
This research aims to analyze the readiness of teachers and students through their perceptions of the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) questions. This research was conducted at the Junior High School and Senior High School levels, the samples took in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. There...

Rented Simple Flats in DKI Jakarta and Their Residents Perceptions

Sitawaty Tjiptorini, Aisyah Ramadhani
Rented simple flats (rusunawa) are established in big cities such as DKI (Special Capital Region) Jakarta, one of which is to overcome the problem of limited residential land. Various efforts have been made by the provincial government to overcome the housing problems of its citizens, especially those...

Community Participation in the Program Alert Village People in Kampung Keluarga Berencana (Kampung KB) Pataruman District, Banjar City

Mustofa Kamil, Ace Suryadi, Purnomo, Dadang Yunus, Cucu Sukmana
The Kampung KB program is one of the innovations of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional, BKKBN) in Indonesia since 2014 in providing integrated services to the community, namely integrating population issues, economic welfare, public...

Investigation of Vendor Satisfaction Towards Electronic Procurement Website Quality: Case Study of PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk Project of Surabaya-Gempol Branch

Berto Mulia Wibawa, Oryza Na’afidamara, Dewie Saktia Ardiantono
Recently, website service quality is one of the crucial aspects of communicating with partners. Increasingly complicated procedures, administrative, and shorter time, make vendors have a problem when using an electronic website of government instituted called LPSE (Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik)....

Determine the Elective Courses in Islamic Higher Education Using Transportation Vogel’s Approximation Method

Dindin Jamaluddin, Elis Ratna Wulan, Agus Maolana Roby
The assignment problem is a special case of the linear programming problem in the industrial, business, education, and assignment problems that we often find in everyday life. The assignment problem addresses issues related to the optimal assignment from a variety of productive and different levels of...

Exploration and Analysis of Online Course Development of “Construction Technology” in Higher Vocational Colleges

Xiujuan Lv, Wuxin Chen
In order to achieve the goal of talents training and improve the teaching effect, the online course of “Construction Technology” was developed. According to the characteristics of the course, divide the knowledge points, form teams, integrate teaching resources, interdisciplinary, heuristic teaching...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Child Problems & Tracking Policies for the Protection and Fulfillment of Children’s Basic Rights in South Regency as a Coastal Zone of Lampung Province

Noverman Duadji, Novita Tresiana
The issue of children is a global public problem and is directly related to government programs and activities. To solve children’s problems requires commitment and accuracy of action with the intended targets. This research is oriented towards achieving goals, namely identifying children’s problems...

Simple and Unadorned: Appreciation of Lepage’s Haystack

Yangyu Yu
In France in the middle and late 19th century, Romanticism, realism, Impressionism and other art styles were surging, and the painting world was noisy. In this era of various styles, Lepage kept a clear mind and insisted on the pursuit of realism. He insisted on the principle of “art for life” and reappeared...

The Relationships Between School Principals’ Suitability and School Culture in Relation to Teacher Performance

Bintang R. Simbolon, Erni Murniarti, Rinto Situmorang
This study employed quantitative research that is descriptive-analytic, quantitative in the sense that this study conducted statistical tests to measure how much the relationship or strength of the relationship between the variables studied. The results of the study are as follows: 1). Relationship between...

The Urgency of the Public-Private Partnership Scheme in the Management of Electronic Parking in Bandung City

Joni Dawud, Deni Fauzi Ramdani, Rodlial Ramdhan Tackbir Abubakar
Optimizing revenue from parking fees is expected to increase local revenue. The Bandung City Government made a breakthrough, including electronic parking and institutional changes to become a Local community service agency. In the implementation of this electronic parking, there are many obstacles so...

Research Management Innovation Based on Lecturer Research Roadmap in Universities

In order to support data information systems

Didik Notosudjono, Eka Suhardi, Hazairin Samaulloh, Bagus Dwi Ramadhon, Dede Siswandi
Article No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that universities are obliged to carry out research and community service in addition to carrying out education. At the time of publication, the results of research and community service were ranked first in ASEAN countries. Research...

System Integration and Application of a Networking Production Line for Aerospace Precision Manufacturing

Chau-Chung Song, Chun-Chi Wang, Geng-Yi Lin, Chung-Wen Hung
Pages: 73 - 77
In this paper, the networking integration application of an intelligent production line is studied and developed for aerospace precision manufacturing. The technical development of the performance equalization and control for EDM machine is also introduced with the related technologies of the machine...

Development and Teaching Application of Virtual Simulation Training System Based on Unity3d

Wei Shen
The project explores a feasible mode of virtual simulation experimental teaching, which can effectively motivate students’ interest in joining course learning and improve the quality and effects of teaching. Aiming at defects existing in traditional teaching process, a computer virtual assembly-disassembly...

Optimizing the Applications of Criminal Fines Against Electronic Technology Information Crime Based on the Principles of Let Punishment Fit the Crime

Lilyana Tasya Kurniawan, Ade Adhari
Currently technological developments have led to an increase in criminal acts in the field of the technology electronic information. One of them are a criminal act committed by person who manipulating data as if the transaction was authentic and has actually happened. The actor invites several other...
Proceedings Article

In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Limonia acidissima, L. Leaves Aqueous Extract on Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1803)

Muh. Andhi Hardianto, Slamet Widiyanto
Mortality, loss of production, slowed growth, poor weight gain, and even death are all common economic losses caused by haemonchosis. Due to the emergence of anthelmintic resistance and the expensive expense of chemical anthelmintic treatments, medicinal plants have been investigated as potential anthelmintics....

News Headline on Alutsista on Online News Media

Ashari Hidayat
Online news media serve as the medium of distribution of information on primary equipment of weapon systems (alutsista). As the main part of the news of alutsista, headline contains information that will be readers’ initial focus. This research aims at explaining the patterns of clauses and a variety...
Proceedings Article

Features of Anti-radical Activity and Antioxidant Sperm Status in Men Living in the Western Urals

O.V. Dolgikh, D.G. Dianova
Inflammatory diseases in the urogenital tract of men living in different climatic conditions often cause infertility. The study aims to assess the antioxidant status and antiradical activity of sperm in men with chronic prostatitis living in the Western Urals. 55 men aged 23 to 38 years with inflammatory...

The Landscape of Austronesian Speakers in South and West Sulawesi, Indonesia

Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Andi Muhammad Saiful, Bernadeta AKW, Ratno Sardi, Suryatman Suryatman
The aim of this research is to assist scholarly appreciation of the potency of the landscape in South and west Sulawesi for the Austronesian speakers. This investigation proceeded with a review of the literature and previous research by the authors so as to assess the data obtained from survey and excavation...

Implementation of the Reallocation of Village Funds During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Dessy Putri Andini, Arisona Ahmad, Avisenna Harkat, Firsttantri Izza Aryanti
This study aims to identify the implementation of reallocation of village funds during the covid 19 pandemics. This study uses qualitative descriptive research by conducting interviews, field observations, and document analysis. The study results show that, in general, the implementation of the reallocation...

Telehealth Business Potential in Indonesia

Novita Rina Antarsih, Sri Panca Setyawati, Sri Ningsih, Deprizon, Eman Sulaiman, Nurul Pujiastuti
The purpose of this study is to describe possible Telehealth business opportunities in Indonesia using a narrative approach. This literature review uses articles related to telehealth. This database uses secondary data in the infographic-Katadata. The biggest challenge in Indonesia is the ratio of doctors...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Knowledge and Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study in Gunung Putri Hospital Purwakarta

Deitra Rifqah Oktaviani, Shirly Gunawan
Hypertension is a global health problem that can cause death or is commonly called the Silent Killer. According to Riskesdas 2013 and 2018, the prevalence of hypertension is relatively high, increasing 8.3% and 25.8% to 34.1%, respectively. Hypertension is found in 12.54% of the population in Purwakarta....

Rethinking and Perfecting the Appointment System of Civil Servants in My Country

Zhiya Huang
The appointment system of civil servants is an important part of our country’s civil servant management system, which enables the development and innovation of the traditional civil servant system. In recent years, various local governments have actively explored and piloted the appointment system for...

The Relationship Between Mental Toughness and Academic Achievement and Its Relevant Factors

Shuning Li
Mental toughness (MT) refers to an ability to recover, and even gain strength and growth, allowing individuals to adapt positively to their environment. MT has a positive and protective effect on overcoming adversity and achieving long-term goals. MT is closely related to good personality traits, such...

Exploring the Information Literacy Skills Among Minangkabau Community in Agam District, Indonesia

Elva Rahmah, Shamila Mohammed Shuhidan, Wan Aida Wan Yahaya
The purpose of this study was to examine the level of skill information literacy, of the Minangkabau community in Agam district, Indonesia. The trial was conducted to test the reliability and validity of the measuring instrument. The pilot study was conducted in 30 Minangkabau communities from the Agam...