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188758 articles

Students Perceptions of Digital Disruption in Learning

Umi Nuraini, Primasa Minerva Nagari, Crispina Gregory K Han, Dudung Ma’ruf Nuris
Digital disruption does not only occur in the sector of goods and services industry, but also in education. One way to deal with digital in education is to make improvements in learning activities. This study aims to explore students’ perceptions of digital disruption in their classrooms. This phenomenological...

The Effect of the Implementation of E-learning Model on Learning Outcomes

Case study in Basic Mechanics Course at State Vocational High School 5 Bandung, Indonesia

Shafly Ramadhan, Ilhamdaniah, Trias Megayanti
This study aimed at determining the impact of the implementation of E-Learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic at State Vocational High Schools 5 Bandung. In particular, in Department of Modeling Design and Building Information, Class X DPIB 2, on Basic Mechanics subjects. The Covid-19 pandemic in...

Impact of Leadership Efficacy on Teacher Teaching Performance in Elementary Schools

Apriant Cahyo Supriadi, Asep Suryana
The contribution of leadership efficacy has been extensively researched, and the results have contributed positively to teacher performance. This research aims to complete the previous research by reviewing the specific scope that is in elementary school. This research was conducted using descriptive...

Restoring Social and Human Capital Values: Indonesia as a Multicultural Nation

Didied Affandy, Iwan Triyuwono, Kresna Sakti, Febry Wijayanti
As one of the fastest-growing, with annual GDP growth of 6.5 percent in 2012 in the South-East Asia region, Indonesia has committed to promoting sustainable development. With a population approaching 250 million, Indonesia has a large domestic market for its goods and services, as its abundant natural...

The Influence of Taxpayers’ Awareness and Compliance in Generating Local Revenue Moderated by the Government: A Case Study on the Government of Regional Mandailing Natal

Azizul Kholis, Sutrisno, Renny Maisyarah
This study aims to determine the influence of taxpayers’ awareness and compliance in generating local revenue moderated by the government. Data were collected from 64 Mandailing Natal Regency taxpayers from hotels, restaurants, and bird nest businesses using cluster sampling. The obtained data were analyzed...

The Political Ethics of Khalil Bishri in Al-Durr Al-Rambani

Sarjuni, Agus Irfan
This article discusses the idea of Political Ethics from one of the Indonesian scholars named Khalīl Bishrī in the Book of Al-Durr Al-Rambānī. This study is under descriptive qualitative research using a socio-historical approach and sociology of knowledge that studies the interrelationships between...

The Impact of the Dividend Method on the China Listed Company’s Stock Price

Zehui Peng
This paper applies to the knowledge related to stock dividends, investment strategies, and basic stock market analysis. It mainly studies the impact of stock dividends on stock prices in the Chinese financial market environment. The article cites the findings of the empirical analysis of cash dividends...

Research on Earthquake Disaster Background Data in Spatial Information Diffusion Model

Rundong Wang, Chongfu Huang
When a major natural disaster occurs, the data in the disaster area is usually incomplete and information islands may appear. Considering the time required by the on-site survey statistical methods, geospatial information diffusion models can be used to infer the rescue needs of information islands....

Family Support For Members in Taking Care of Mental Disordered Patients

Ira Kusumawaty, Raden Surahmat, Sri Martini, Muliyadi
Problems with the care process of people with mental disorders by family caregivers never lead to concrete solutions. Family support is one of the determinants of the successful recovery of a patient’s condition because it reflects the family’s efforts in accompanying patients undergoing their daily...

Errors Analysis Resolving Problems Story Based on Watson’s Error Category a Student in the 4th Class of Elementary School

Irma Evriyanti, Yuniawatika, Suhel Madyono
The research objective was to analyze the errors of the fourth grade students of Kepanjenkidul Blitar Subdistrict in solving the number material story problems using the Watson error category. The research design used a descriptive qualitative research method. Types of data are written test results and...

The Implementation of the Emotion Regulation Therapy for Students With Intellectual Disabilities

Rischa H. Zulfah, Asri Wijiastuti, Endang P. Sartinah
The aim of this research was describing the effect of the emotion regulation therapy in reducing the aggressive behavior among students with intellectual disabilities in the special senior high school. This research implemented the Single Subject Research design. Moreover, observations were implemented...

Analysis of the Impact of Changes in Institutional Financial Management Patterns on Increasing Non-Tax Revenues

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Case Study

I Gede Putu Banu Astawa, Made Aristia Prayudi, Ida Bagus Raminra P. Diputra
The paradigm of changing financial management patterns in government agencies from work unit organizations/agencies (Satuan Kerja—Satker) to organizations/agencies with a public service agency financial management (Pengelolaan Keuangan-Badan Layanan Umum—PK-BLU) pattern needs to be addressed as an effort...

Application and Thinking of Participatory Teaching Method in College Curriculum Implementation

Yanyan Sun, Shujun Sheng
In college teaching, the traditional teaching method based on teacher’s instruction is facing more and more challenges. The teacher-centered teaching method needs to be gradually changed to the student-centered method. Combining with the implementation of the course International Goods and Transport...

China’s Migration Policy and Direction of Improvement

Elena Kamyshanchenko, Dilobar Ruzieva, Su Fangyun, Margarita Mkhitaryan
Population migration, as a manifestation of globalization, has become a popular phenomenon in the XXI century. It affects the political, socio-economic and demographic development of countries all over the world and interaction and integration process among them. China has become the most dynamically...

Teacher Pedagogic Competencies in the Perspective of Students

Based on the 2019 parent-teacher support questionnaire, AKSI 2019

Suci Paramitha Liestari, Muhardis
The results of the 2015 to 2017 UKG (Teacher Competency Test) are not much different from the measurements carried out in 2018. Teachers’ UKG scores are still below 75. The purpose of this study is to describe teacher competencies that are still weak based on the results of the 2019 AKSI (Indonesian...

Can Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Enhance Firm Performance

Wahidatul Husnaini, Hidayatul Khusnah
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one way the responsibility of corporations to investors and stakeholders. This study aims to examine that CSR can enhance firm performance. Research observation consists of 79 manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) and discloses...

Teaching of Mathematical Analysis or Calculus Based on the Thinking of Calculus

Wei Wang
Mathematical analysis or calculus is one of the core courses of mathematics and many related disciplines. For students to lay solid foundations and to have better developments in their future careers, teaching of mathematical analysis plays an important role in mathematics and related disciplines. Unfortunately,...

Wayang Orang Sriwedari Performance to Support Surakarta Tourism

Yuli Sectio Rini, Herlinah, Supriyadi Hasto Nugroho, Sutiyono
Wayang Orang Sriwedari (Javanese operatic dance theatre) is a traditional art performance that is performed every night in the Sriwedari building in Surakarta. It is one of the performances that can be enjoyed by tourists at night when visiting the city. This study aims to investigate kinds of ways to...

Research on Blind Box and its Marketing Strategy

Ziwei Zhang
With the arrival of Generation Z and the rapid update and iteration of entertainment ways, the blind box industry is also increasingly prosperous. Blind boxes are small, but they are making a big splash in the market. Even created a set of special marketing methods and economic principles, known as the...

The Power of Supplements Material of Seagrass Ecology on Student Worksheets to Improve Scientific Literacy of Junior High School Students in Coastal Village, East Lombok

Abdul Syukur, Lalu Zulkifli, Mahrus, Kumala Ratna Dewi
Environmental characteristics in coastal areas are receiving less attention, especially for science education development. However, it provides relevant learning objectives, such as the presence of seagrass and marine aquaculture. This study aimed to assess the contribution of student worksheets (synthesis...

Designing an Elderly Day Care Business Model in Bandar Lampung

Sarah Angela Manik, Annisa Ramadanti, Nimmi Zulbainarni
Nowadays, human life expectancy begins to increase year by year, especially in the elderly group. Therefore, the attention for the elderly deserves to be improved by paying attention to their welfare and health. Current development demands the life of the modern society in Indonesia to have a high work...

Research on the Translation of Marine Culture in Guangxi

Qin Wang, Jing Wang
This research aims to understand the existing recorded marine culture items and their current translations, and to further promote and facilitate the inheritance and transmission of the marine culture in Guangxi. Through literature or documents researches, on-site surveys, and pair or group discussions,...
Proceedings Article

Susceptibility Test of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Cow Milk, Goat Milk, and Dairy Farm Workers Against Various Antibiotics

C M Santosa, N P Rukmi, F B Lestari, M Wasissa, D A Dewananda, S I O Salasia
Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive bacteria causing pneumonia, mastitis, meningitis, and urinary tract infections. The emergence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) as a highly pathogenic strain caused a health problem that needed more attention in both human and animal medicine....

Research on the Development Level of Cross-Border E-commerce Under the Background of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle

Kejia Zhu, Shengyu He
With the globalization of e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce is increasingly becoming an important trend in China’s foreign trade development, changing the traditional world trade pattern. At present, the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle is facing the challenges of optimizing the financial space layout...
Proceedings Article

Traffic Investigation and Control of Hefei Economic Development Zone

Yan Sun, Zhihua Tang
According to the statistics of relevant units in Hefei City, it is conservatively estimated that the number of private cars in Hefei has reached more than 600000, and the per capita vehicle ownership rate is 8%. In the past two years, the number of new cars in Hefei has increased by 280000. However,...

Critical Perspective Analysis in the Implementation of “Rubber Article” ITE Law Phenomenon in the Context of Spreading the Ferdy Sambo Case

Mochammad Helmy Fikri, Rakan Yuris Fatah Magister, Aloysius Mario Threciano Rozari
Policy functions as a structural framework that has a role to maintain the form or process of communication in the community and aims to direct the community to stay focused on positive social communication, while regulation is a means of facilitating and avoiding the structural communication system...

A study of the impact of tourists’ travel intentions from the perspective of customisation

--Taking the Western Sichuan Boutique Tour as an Example

Qiufeng Huang, Meiling Du, Keyue Wang, Lufang Guo, Yonggui Qian
As tourists have higher requirements for travel experiences, customised tourism is personalised according to tourists’ needs and interests in order to create unique and unforgettable travel experiences. Taking western Sichuan as an example, this paper evaluates the impact situation of customised tourism...

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Reflections on Humanism

Jiayu Huo
With the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, they have exhibited capabilities that surpass human abilities across multiple domains. However, this progression is not merely technical in nature. AI poses significant challenges to humanism, a philosophy emphasizing individual...

Key Technological Focus Areas for Geological Exploration Enterprises in the New Round of Mineral Exploration Breakthrough Strategy

In the context of the new mineral exploration breakthrough strategy, geological exploration enterprises have identified key areas of technological focus, including high-precision exploration techniques, multi-source data integration and interpretation, deep-seated resource exploration technology, environmentally...
Proceedings Article

The Innovative Path of Intelligent Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Ye Liu, Shuai Wang, Jun Liu, Shaohui Qu
In order to promote the innovation and development of intelligent teaching in the era of artificial intelligence, colleges and universities actively make use of artificial intelligence technology, seize rare opportunities, effectively deal with challenges, adhere to the leadership of the Party, update...

Political Segmentation in Local Political Dynamics

Sadar, Irwani, Sholahuddin Shoum Abdurrohman
Since the reform in 1998 with the existence of Law no. 23/2014 concerning regional government, reopens opportunities for regions to determine leaders independently as a form of people's aspirations which are carried out through political contestation at the local level. Local political phenomena...

Achieving Sustainable Development Through ESG Integration: A Comprehensive Analysis

Kuifu Qiu
This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the critical intersection between sustainable development and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. It examines the significance of ESG considerations across various dimensions and their profound impact on business operations and societal...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Spectral Signatures in Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data

Odontuya Gendaram, Amarsaikhan Damdinsuren
Since the launch of the first Earth observation satellites, multispectral remote sensing (RS) datasets have been efficiently used for different thematic applications. The basis of the thematic studies is the analysis of reflecting, absorbing and emitting properties of different land surface features...

Voices and Visions: Qualitative Insights into the Roles and Challenges of Health Communication on Social Media

Yuning Xie, Gaoshan Wu, Hui Shen, Sican Wu, Wenrui Liang
With the continuous development of internet technology in recent years, social media platforms have gradually replaced traditional media and become one of the primary channels for users to engage in health communication. This paper addresses two main research questions: firstly, to investigate the roles...

Study on the Sustainable Development of Badain Jaran Desert from the Perspective of World Heritage

Quanwen Liu
Badain Jaran Desert is the first natural resource related to desert listed in the Preparatory List of China’s World Heritage in China. The desert is a complete desertification ecosystem. From the perspective of World Heritage, this paper first analyzes the resource status of Badain Jaran Desert, then...

A Conjecture on the Classification of Symmetric-(m2 + n2 + 1, mn + 1, λ)-design with mn + 1 | m2 + n2

Delu Tian, Guiqiu Li
Suppose that,, and m, n ∈ N*, if divides, then there may be such a family of symmetric (v, k, λ) designs and the minimum value of v is 69.

Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies in the Development of Halal Tourism in Indonesia

Casum, Bambang Tri Bawono
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, this is motivation in the development of halal tourism, but the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on tourism with a decrease in the number of tourists traveling. This study aims to explain the opportunities and challenges in the development...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment Through Training on Making Healthy Food Creatively Presented as a Business Opportunity Effort for the Tutul Village Community

Diyan Indriyani, Asmuji, Triawan Adi Cahyanto, Astrid Maharani, A. Sri Wahyuni
Community empowerment opens up opportunities for the community to take the initiative to start the process of social activities to improve the existing situation and conditions, including improving economic status. This activity aims to increase the community’s ability to make creative and healthy food...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Environmental and Human Habit Factors on Where People Drink the Most Beer, Wine and Spirits

Houxu Wang
As we all know, people in almost all countries are inseparable from alcohol. Alcohol has multiple functions. Different alcohols have different functions and different manufacturing methods. This article will study the drinking preferences and habits of different groups of people in different regions....
Proceedings Article

Research on Data Security Guarantee System for Digital Government Construction

Qiuyan Li, Feifei Bu, Yuanpeng Hua, Haishan Wang
The construction of digital government plays a pivotal role in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. In the process of digital government construction, data security guarantees are conducive to information sharing and interconnection among various...
Proceedings Article

Deformation of an existing metro station attachment structure under the influence of adjacent construction of a covered excavation pit

Qingmeng Shen, Zhaotai Zhang, Chunqing Fu, Wenhui Ma, Zhiwei Yang, Min Yang, Weihua Yang, Jinpin Zou
The existing metro station buildings closest to the cover excavation pit will inevitably be more damaged as a result of pit construction. A three-dimensional finite element model was created using ANSYS software based on a deep foundation pit adjacent to an existing metro station in Beijing to simulate...

The Effect of Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Earning Per Share, and Return on Equity on Stock Prices

Reika Happy Sugiastuti, Mellenia Rizky Ananda Putri Harianto, Achmad Husaini
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of financial ratios on stock prices. This research was made for doubts about making investment decisions in the capital market by analyzing financial ratios to stock prices. The results showed that the Current ratio, Cash ratio, Earning Per Share,...

Financial Technology (Peer-to-Peer Lending): Efficiency and Effect on Economic Growth in Indonesia

Ririn Nopiah, Ratu Eva Febriani, Antoni Sitorus
The transformation of the digitalization era has experienced rapid growth, especially in the financial services industry, since the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The advances have created Financial Technology (FinTech) through a digital system known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending, which...
Proceedings Article

E-HRM Application During Teleworking: A Structured Literature Review

Khusnul Rofida Novianti, Dodi Wirawan Irawanto
The purpose of this paper is to trace the use of an e-HRM (electronic human resource management) related technology interface that led up to the adoption of teleworking conditions. As we witnessed that in the past two years the HR landscape is dramatically changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Drawing...
Proceedings Article

Maxillofacial Fibrous Dysplasia

Christin Rony Nayoan, Dwi Antono, Rully Satriawan
Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a rare and benign bone disorder, where normal bone and bone marrow are replaced by fibrous connective tissue mixed with irregular bone trabeculae. FD located in the maxillofacial area might lead to bone deformity, facial asymmetry, hearing loss, nasal congestion, pain, paresthesia,...

Exploration of the Survival Predicament of Contemporary Chinese Girls

Focusing on Fang Siqi’s First Love Paradise

Xin Liu
The suicide of literary girl Lin Yihan has drawn great attention to Fang Siqi’s First Love Paradise, in which Lin wrote a magnificent strong song about death and hope. This paper takes this as center to analyze Fang Siqi’s plight, and furthermore explores reasons form society, literature and psychology,...

The Study Model of Workload, Sleep Quality with Work Fatigue on Workers in Oil and Gas and Palm Plantations Industry

Willia Novita Eka Rini, Wahyu indah Dewi Aurora, David Kusmawan
Fatigue is one of the risk factors that contributes greatly to the occurrence of work accidents that can cause death. Workers who experience fatigue will give a negative contribution to the safety performance of workers, a decrease in the level of worker productivity, low quality of work, and an increase...

Commercialization of Qalifa Islamic Disruptive School Based on Digital Islamic Boarding School with Personalized Learning Technology and B2E Profit Sharing

Andreas Syah Pahlevi, Yusuf Hanafi, Moh. Fauzan, Afwan Hariri Agus Prohimi, Abd Rauf Hassan, Ari Gunawan, Afis Baghiz Syafruddin
This online media penetration can provide flexibility for the public, especially teenagers, to obtain various information related to religious information needs (religious need). The Pew Internet and American Life Project notes that about 28 million people worldwide use the internet for the benefit of...

Project-Oriented Self-directed Learning as a Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes

Jakaria Sembiring, Ambyar, Akrimullah Mubai, Oskah Dakhi, Firman Edi
In the Web Programming course at STMIK Methodist Binjai, this study aims to pinpoint the key differences between the experimental class’s project-oriented self-directed learning model and the control class’ traditional models in terms of student learning outcomes. Quasi-experimental research is employed...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Activities

Alana Damaris, Bambang Supriyono, Siti Ragil Handayani, Cacik Rut Damayanti
This study aims to examine the problem mining sector in Indonesia in relation to CSR. There is a significant problem with the existence of abandoned mining areas in a degraded condition and detrimental to the social environment. This article tries to divide the stages of mining activities, related to...