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188759 articles

The Caps and Floor Limits on Premium Periodic Unit-Linked Insurance with Minimum Guarantee

Putu Febani Wisanta, Bona Christanto Siahaan
Unit-linked endowment insurance with a minimum guarantee not only provides life protection to customers until the end of the insurance contract period but also provides investment protection, especially stock investments that have high returns and high investment risks, so call options are needed to...

Bernoulli Numbers and Solitons — Revisited

Grzegorz Rządkowski
Pages: 121 - 126
In the present paper we propose a new proof of the Grosset–Veselov formula connecting one-soliton solution of the Korteweg–de Vries equation to the Bernoulli numbers. The approach involves Eulerian numbers and Riccati's differential equation.

The Inhomogeneous Invariance Quantum Group of Q-Deformed Boson Algebra with Continuous Parameters

Azmi Ali Altintas, Metin Arik, Ali Serdar Arikan
Pages: 121 - 125
We present a q-deformed boson algebra using continuous momentum parameters and investigate its inhomogeneous invariance quantum group.

Development of Green Logistics and Circular Economy Theory

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan, Yu Zhang
Through the circular economy (CE) policy, China plans to achieve sustainable development ambition, aiming to minimize the extraction of raw materials and protect natural resources. Although the circular economy can be used as an essential policy tool to promote a more sustainable development trajectory,...

The Job Stress as a Mediation Between Role Conflict and Employee Performance

Meika Kurnia Puji Rahayu, Bayu Nur Hidayat
There has been continuous scrutiny of employee performance as it is a measure of both employee and organizational success. However, the determinants of employee performance are not yet convincing. Two inconclusive determinants of employee performance identified from the literature are role conflict and...

Research on the Strategy of Home-School Cooperation in Precision Support Work of Colleges Based on Psychological Quality of the Students

Ling Yan
According to the home-school cooperation and interaction, home-school cooperation plays an important role in the psychological precision support in colleges and universities. This paper will combine the importance of home-school cooperation to study the strategies of home-school cooperation to provide...
Proceedings Article

Cardioprotective and Renoprotective Effects of the Use of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Linda Sukiatno, Ikhwan Yuda Kusuma, Galih Samodra
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease due to the body’s inability to use insulin effectively resulting in an increase in blood sugar. Optimal blood glucose control has an important role to prevent complications in DM sufferers. Complications such as cardiovascular and kidney disease can cause morbidity...

Medical Students Perception About Implementation of Video-Assisted Blended Learning in Ophthalmology Clinical Clerkship During COVID-19 Pandemic Period

Hendriati, Muhammad Syauqie
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted teaching in a variety of institutions, especially in medical schools. Electronic learning (e-learning) became the core method of teaching the curriculum during the pandemic. This study explores the clerkship medical student’s perspective toward the e-learning method...

The System of Supplementary Education as an Instrument of Developing Students’ Readiness for Creative Profession-Oriented Activity

A.I. Lisovskaya, L.P. Ovchinnikova
The author has developed a model of students’ readiness for creative activity in the system of supplementary education using her long-term experience in this area. In the absence of sound scientific principles of applying project technology in mass educational practice, she has conducted a thorough job...

Online Teaching and Learning Challenges in a Mountainous and Remote Area of Vietnam

Van Pang Lo
This qualitative study explored the key challenges of teachers and students living in remote rural mountainous regions of northern Vietnam. This study was carried out in Dien Bien Province, one of Vietnam’s most disadvantaged areas. Even though this issue has been studied by many researchers and educators...

The Problem of Secularism

Kusuma Dewi Nur Aini
This paper attempts to discuss discourse regarding secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of these ideologies, can eliminate (nihilism) transcendence value in the concept of God in human life. If investigated more deeply,...

Primary School Teachers Perceptions Towards Preschool Education

D Hendriawan, Susilawati, N Sundari, I R Ridwan, Tiurlina, Fatihaturosyidah
This study discusses the perceptions and opinions of the primary school teachers about whether or not for primary students go to the kindergarten first. Respondents of this study are the primary school teacher who have immeasurable teaching experience. The data were collected by interviewing 40 primary...

How Consumer Perceptions of Fusion Drinks Lead to Consumer Purchasing Decisions?

Sabilla Saberina, Ratih Hadiantini
The lifestyle of the people is now influenced by modernization in various fields so that it encourages people to make adjustments by following developments that are happening in the current Covid 19 pandemic. Many foreign investors have finally competed to fill the Indonesian market in order to enliven...

Analysis on the Housing Bubble in China

Yuan Yan Jiang
With the market opening and development of Chinese economy, real estate is one of the biggest form of investment in China. Due to the continuation of purchasing real estate, China housing prices soars rapidly in main cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and etc, with housing price-to-income ratio...

The ‘New’ Adjacency Pairs in Online Learning: Categories and Practices

Laila Ulsi Qodriani, I Dewa Putu Wijana
Covid-19 pandemic situations have changed the view of the educational sector in our life. One of them is the fully online learning method, where this type of new-media-way communication offers its escape to solve the teaching-learning activity during this emergency condition. In this computer-mediated...

Study on the Economic and Population Loss of Beijing Area Considering the Recurrence of the Sanhe-Pinggu M8 Earthquake in 1679

Qing Wu, Changhua Fu, Xiangyun Guo
This paper aims at the Sanhe-Pinggu M8 Earthquake in 1679, and uses the precise location of small and medium earthquakes to determine the source model and rupture properties of large historical earthquakes. Using the combination of deterministic numerical simulation method and finite fault random ground...

Problem Posing

A Learning Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills in Mathematics

Rika Wulandari
This study aims to determine how the steps of the problem posing learning model to improve the creative thinking skills of class XI IPS I at SMAN I Kamal, Bangkalan on Matrix concept. This research uses classroom action research with stages of plan, do, observe, and reflect. The subjects were students...

Characteristics, Knowledge, and Perception of Expectant Mothers About Preconception Preparations

Irma Linda, Heru Santosa, M. Fidel Ganis Siregar, Zulhaida Lubis
Health problems that should be observed in women before pregnancy are related to the state of the reproductive system, the status of sexually transmitted diseases, the state of nutritional status, physical and psychological disease problems. The condition should be followed up with the services provided...

Study on the Synergy of Moral Education Community

Zheng Cao
Under the new social environment, “community” has created favorable conditions for the development of moral education. The cognition of the synergy of moral education community is helpful to understand the connotation of moral education community and promote its development. The synergy theory corresponds...

Mathematical Modeling and Forecasting of Student’s Academic Performance on Massive Online Courses

A.V. Tolmachev, E.V. Sinitsyn, G.V. Astratova
Mathematical model for calculating the scores’ distributions in massive open online courses is proposed. The model is based on the theory of Markov processes. It allows to calculate the probability to find a student in one of the groups according to the results of passing the tests: unsuccessful students,...

Early Childhood Character Education Based on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Keppi Sukesi, Elly Malihah, Viena Rusmiati Hasanah, Lilis Widaningsih, Eti Setiawati, Ammik Kisriyani, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, Iwan Nurhadi, Jedda Ayu Inggrida
The aims of the present study are threefold: (1) portray the parenting style in early childhood in the families, (2) analyze gender issues in early childhood education in villages, in lower and upper-class communities, and (3) formulate a model of early childhood education with a gender perspective and...

Agency Conflict Control on Corporate Values in Companies With the Best GCG Period 2008-2014

Rita Amelinda, Ignatius Roni Setyawan
The study aims to analyze the effects of CGPI, free cash flow, leverage, managerial ownership, and asset turnover to the value of the firm. Sample consisted of 23 companies with the best GCG and listings on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2008-2014. Thus obtained 161 observations for each...

Research Work of Students as a Factor in the Innovative Development of the University

Aimagambetov Erkara, Nakipova Gulmira, Khanov Talgat, Bashirov Aleksandr
The relevance of the research is due to the current trend of decreasing students ‘ interest in research work. Therefore, this article attempts to identify factors that affect the activation of student science. The main method of research used a questionnaire, coupled with a comparative analysis of the...
Proceedings Article

Case Study of Bovine Papilloma Virus in Aceh Cattle in Lhoknga Aceh Besar

Budianto Panjaitan, Syafruddin, Roslizawaty, Muhammad Hasan, Herrialfian Herrialfian, Dwinna Aliza, Hafizuddin, Rahman Alfarisyi
Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) induces benign tumours of cutaneous or mucosal epithelial in cattle and generally does not cause serious clinical problems in the host. A case of BPV reported in 2-year-old female Aceh cattle in Lhoknga, Aceh Besar. The clinical examination found various sizes of lumps on...

Restructuring Policy of Shariah Financing Towards UMKM Affected by Covid-19: Maqashid Syariah Perspective

Dwi Fidhayanti, Risma Nur Arifah, Lutfi Ardhani
One of the efforts that can be made to improve the UMKM class is to provide easy access to capital through Islamic banking institutions. However, currently, UMKM in Indonesia are facing a crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and also the economic recession. This study aims to determine the Sharia Banking...

Management Model of Rural-Owned Enterprises Based on Entrepreneurship Innovation as a Tourist Attraction

Ni Nyoman Aryaningsih, Putu Rany Weda Suari, Nyoman Darmayasa, Wayan Hesadijaya Utthavi
Rural-Owned Enterprises based as a body of economic institutions have an important role to improve the welfare of the lower classes of society. The purpose of the study was to analyze and develop a management model of entrepreneurship-based rural-owned enterprises Based as a Tourist Attraction. The location...

Rhetorical Move Analysis in Humanities and Hard Science Students’ Undergraduate Thesis Abstracts

Dian Pratiwi, Budi Hermawan, Rd. Dian Muniroh
Abstract is an important part of an undergraduate thesis that contains a summary of the entire data. A good abstract must be patterned well using a rhetorical move. This study aims to identify the rhetorical move used in abstracts by Humanities and Hard Science students in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia....

Quality Development of Media Online Learning in Pandemic Era

Annisaa Soeyono, IS Asty Khairi
The first quarter of 2020 is a hard time for the global community. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemics swept through the world affected many aspects of human endeavour, such as the decline in industrial production to the re-adjustments in the academic calendar of all educational institutions globally....
Research Article

Pre-existing Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Young Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke caused by Large Artery Atherosclerosis or Small Artery Occlusion

Hui Li, Dan Du, Juan Chen, Xiang Wang, Yuanliang Xie
Pages: 121 - 128
Objective: To explore the characteristics of pre-existing Cerebral Small Vessel Disease (CSVD) in young patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) caused by large artery atherosclerosis or small artery occlusion. Methods: A total of 400 patients with suspected stroke or transient ischemic attack who...

Children’s Books on WWII within the Collective Memory of the Ukrainian Diaspora

Maryna Vardanian
The article deals with the issue of World War II (WWII) in the books for children by the Ukrainian Diaspora of the twentieth century. Along with other works on WWII theme in world literature, books by Ukrainian Diasporic writers for children and young adults (YA) such as Bodnarchuk’s Kladka (Small Bridge),...

Critical Thinking in the Structure of Educational Programs in Russian Universities

Vitaly Yu. Ivlev, Maxim V. Pozdnyakov, Vladimir A. Inozemtsev, Alexey Z. Chernyak
The article examines the formation of the main approaches to the definition of the concept of “critical thinking”, the most important components of critical thinking and the relationship between manipulation of consciousness and critical thinking. The work also studies the formation of critical thinking...

Research on Fan Culture and Identity in New Media Environment

Xu Jingke, Wang Jiayi
In the new media environment, “fan” culture has become an important part of the subculture system. This study analyzes the background and essence of the culture of “fans”, discusses the multiple identities and psychological identities of “fans” from the perspective of identity, and puts forward that...

Farmer Community Empowerment as a Result of a Regional Food Security Policy in Purwakarta Regency

Wahyu Gia Uliantoro, Nita Nurliawati, Endah Mustika Ramdani, Sindy Valenita, Ashila Azka Cahyawijaya
Recently, the farming community in Purwakarta is still less fortunate, if not in the poor category. However, through The Tangguh Village Program, the farming community has been risen up and become empowered in facing agricultural problems and purchasing power. The objective of the research is to find...
Proceedings Article

Benefits of Sports Activities with FITT Principles During the Covid-19 Pandemic in a “New Normal” Life for Health

Sapto Adi
This article aims to provide an understanding of the importance of doing sports activities during the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain fitness and health. In this article, the author wants to explain that using the principle of frequency, intensity, time, and type (FITT) in sports activities will provide...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Prostate Volume in Patient Diagnosed with BPH with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Assessed with Transabdominal Ultrasonography

Lukmana Lokarjana, Elva Denengsih, Priatna, Laila Azra Pratesya
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the second most common urological disorder encountered in a urology clinic in Indonesia. This disease is commonly found in men over 50 years. one of the risk factors that are thought to influence the occurrence of BPH is diabetes mellitus (DM). The purpose of this...

Analysis on the Recovery of MNEs from the Financial Crisis: A Case Study of Unilever

Sai Zou
This paper mainly aims to explore the potential methods for recovering from the financial crisis, and the potential strategic actions to enhance a firm’s financial performance based on perspectives of corporate governance and strategic management. This paper takes Unilever as a case study analysis to...

Urgency Formalization of Sexual Violence Eradication Bill Against Cyber Sexual Harassment in Digital Era

Apriza Putri, Ade Adhari
In digital era development of technology keep continue to grow. There are several impacts of this development, one of them is digital communications and social media are facilitating new forms of crime. The concern of crime in this digital era especially about cyber sexual harassment. Cyber sexual harassment...

Analysis on the Artistic Expression of “Flying Beauty” of Chaozhou Inlaid Porcelain

Yihong Yuan, Yutong Yang
The art of inlaid porcelain in Chaozhou has a long history and has been passed down to this day, which is an important part of Lingnan’s architectural decoration and craft art. “Flying beauty” is a dynamic artistic expression that expresses meaning through form. This article will analyze the artistic...

Tomb Architecture

A Phase of Cultural Development of Bantaeng People in South Sulawesi

Makmur Makmur, Yadi Mulyadi, Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Muhlis Hadrawi, Nila Kalsum, Ade Sahroni, Lucas Wattimena
Bantaeng is one of the areas in eastern Indonesia, precisely in South Sulawesi Province known as Butta Toa or the oldest land, the claim as an old area is supported by archaeological evidence from prehistoric times to history. The existence of Bantaeng in the historical era is evidenced by the existence...
Proceedings Article

Efficiency Evaluation and Influencing Factors Analysis of Industrial Green Transformation in Hubei Province

Xiao Ying, Xie Rongjun
This paper selects 12 major cities in Hubei Province as the research objects. Using the Super-SBM model and GML index to calculate the industrial green transformation efficiency and differences of major cities in Hubei Province from 2009 to 2019.The overall industrial green transformation efficiency...

Teacher Guidance and Counseling Procedures in Overcoming Student Bullying

Zamratul Aini, Muqarramah Muqarramah, Rizka Heni
In schools and in society at large, bullying is a very common attitude and behavior among teenagers in particular. Bullying is essentially a morally repugnant act, and every school creates students with character. Naturally, this is not at all like the phenomenon that takes place in the classroom, where...

Analysis of Business Success: Effects of Business Competency

Rahmatul Istiqomah, Hari Mulyadi, Sulastri Sulastri
Business success is the basic key in running a business, if it is not maintained properly it will end in business closure. The problem of business success is still a major topic in research because it can affect the productivity of a business, Photocopy on Jl. Dipatiukur Bandung City is one type of MSMEs...

Analysis of the Maintain of Bali Traditional Games Through Photos and Videos of Games to Improve Digital Literacy

Made Agus Dharmadi, A.A.N. Yudha Martin Mahardika
This research is a follow-up study on the development of a website about traditional Balinese games in the previous year, because the website developed did not fully contain the types of games and game media in the form of photos and videos. This website will contain information and traditional Balinese...
Proceedings Article

Family Experience in Care of Patientsdiabetes Mellitus Type 2: Phenomological Study

Mastiur Napitupulu, Natar Fitri Napitupulu, Suryani Sagala, Asnil Adli Simamora, Olivia Feby Mon Harahap
The function of the family to care for family members with health problems is that the family is able to provide a sense of security, comfort in the environment needed for patient healing. The purpose of the study was to determine the family’s experience in treating patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus....

The Impact of Modernization in Education, Economics, Social and Cultural Sectors on the Existence of Democracy

Aristri Rahma Magistra, Sunny Ummul Firdaus, Purwono Sungkono Raharjo
Modernization provides various changes in the fields of education, economy, society, and culture. The impacts that arise can endanger the existence of democracy in the community. Thus, writing this article aims to explain the influence of modernization on the democracy that has lived in society. This...

Analysis of the Reasons for the Prevalence of Celebrity Advertising

Yubo Wu
Celebrity endorsements, a mature marketing strategy that has been adopted since the end of the 19th century, have now penetrated all walks of life. Celebrity advertising has become more and more popular, and "celebrity advertising" has become a controversial term. In this paper, through the...

Theoretical and Practical Exploration on the Construction of Innovative Teaching Teams in Higher Vocational Education based on Platform Collaboration

Wenying Zeng
The construction of innovative teaching teams in higher vocational education is an important way to promote the development of higher vocational education and improve teaching quality. There is an urgent need for the construction of teaching innovation teams, such as collaborating on the construction...

Development of Mobile Assisted Training with Seamless Learning Basis to Improve Parents’ Parenting Skill and Overcome Speech Delay for Two-Year-Old Children

Evania Yafie, Leni Gonadi, Rosyidamayani Twinsari Maningtyas, Yudha Alfian Haqqi, Lisa Nur Maulidia, Alfi Rohmatul Azizah
Speech delay in children can cause intelligence disorders, emotional disturbances, and behavioral disorders if not addressed immediately. Early detection by parents of speech delay is influenced by their parenting skills. Therefore, training on parenting skills is important to do. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article

XRD Analysis of Slagging and Fouling Characteristics on Co-Firing Lignite and 10% Sawdust Ash from DTF

Agus Prasetyo Nuryadi, Hariana, Fairuz Milkiy Kuswa, Adi Prismantoko, Clause Nielsen
The energy mix in 2024 is targeted to be 23% of total energy availability. At this time, the combination of coal and biomass is a priority to achieve the target. This paper describes coal combustion results and sawdust from the slagging and fouling employing XRD analysis. To guarantee co-firing is a...
Proceedings Article

Formulation of Dietary Supplement Chewable Gummy with Bastard Cedar Leaves (Guazuma Ulmifolia), Senna Leaves (Cassia Angustifolia) and Lime Extracts Using a Simplex Lattice Design

Muhammad Labib Qotrun Niam, Rosa Sayentina Amin, Nuri Utami, Arifah Sri Wahyuni
A major issue with nutrition and health is obesity. Many synthetically produced slimming medications that can have serious negative effects have been consumed by people. The purpose of this research is to determine the best formulation with the the Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) method. As a result, a...