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188759 articles

Research on the Evaluation System of Diversified Comprehensive Quality of Graduate Students Majoring in Materials Under the Background of “Double First-Class” Construction

Peng Zhang, Dong Luan
The current comprehensive quality evaluation system of graduate students in materials field has some problems, such as insufficient dynamic adjustment of evaluation index, undiversified evaluation subject, insufficient result analysis and feedback. The works in this paper are guided by the requirements...

Student’s Perspective on the Use of Mathematics Learning Vlogs in Pandemic Times

Liana Septy, Hendra Lesmana, Rahma Siska Utari
This is a qualitative study that aims to describes how the students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang responded after learning to use Vlogs during the pandemic. The main subjects in this study were 60 students of the Mathematics Education study program who took the subject of Field and Space Analytical Geometry....

The Design and Implementation of Online Teaching System for Photography Major Under the Background of “Internet Plus”

Caicai Li
In order to supplement the teaching of photography in colleges and universities, the author of this paper has developed a network teaching system for photography. The system uses Java language to design programs, uses SpringMVC framework to build processes, uses MySQL database to realize data storage...

Can green technology innovation improve corporate environmental social governance performance?

---Mediating effects based on product differentiation

Huayu He
In the context of the strategic objectives of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the ESG performance system has become one of the important indicators for enterprises to realize high-quality development. In the new development stage, whether green technological innovation can promote enterprises’ ESG...

Emotional Environment Design and Local Culture Inheritance: The Humanistic Care Perspective of Landscape Design of Qifang Village in Nanjing

Zhong Wei, Genlei Zhang, Xiang Wang
With the rapid development of society and the acceleration of urbanization, modern urban landscape design attaches more and more importance to the creation of emotional environment and the inheritance of local culture. This study takes Qifang Village of Nanjing as a case study to explore how to realize...

Bamboo Furniture Design Development with Used Newspaper as an environmentally friendly product in Sleman Regency

Kristian Oentoro, Wiyatiningsih Wiyatiningsih
The combination of bamboo material and used newspaper is an idea to increase innovation and product creation for Small Medium Enterprises in the Sleman Regency. Bamboo as a natural and local material is widely used by Indonesians for various needs, especially for traditional crafts and furniture. Bamboo...

Cultural Typology of Variety and Task Satisfactory: The Moderation Role of Collaboration

Chang Liu
This study concentrates on an investigation on how the variable of collaboration moderates the relationship between cultural typology of variety and work outcome in the cross-cultural work settings. The author predicts that collaboration will have impact on the relationship between variety of cultural...

The Impact of War on the Development of Minor Languages - An Example of the Development of Chinese Dialects by War in Modern Chinese History

Han Jin
Many researchers in linguistics focus on the topic of politics and language, exploring the impact of globalization, colonization, and other political actions on less-speaking languages. However, few scholars have conducted in-depth research on the languages of various regions of China. The differences...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Effective Control Measures of Construction Noise

Ze Zhang
In recent years, the dispute cases about the construction noise are gradually increasing, the site noise control has become an urgent problem to be solved, the construction unit should also pay great attention to this and remediation. With the increasing difficulty of real estate development and old...

Implementation of The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method in The Web Based Monitoring and Management Application of Heavy Equipment Spare Part Units

M. Arief Rahman, Yunita Fauzia Achmad, Laurensia Ayu Paramitha
The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method is known as an efficient approach to optimizing inventory by minimizing total inventory costs, including holding costs and ordering costs. In this research, we focus on implementing EOQ in system related to heavy equipment spare parts units, with a web-based approach...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Subjective Well-being and Individual Comparison under Structural Equation Model

Yiyin Wang, Tianyong Chen, Yun Chen
Objective: To analyze the directional effects of individual comparison on subjective well-being in the elderly in the diachronic data, which aims to provide theoretical exploration for the subjective well-being (SWB) of old age. Methods: Based on the data of the follow-up survey on the influencing factors...

Determinants of Indonesia’s Long-Term Economic Structure Panel Data Approach Using Logistic Multinomial Regression

Barika Barika, Ketut Sukiyono, RetnoAgustina Ekaputri, Bambang Agoes Hermanto
The pattern and structure of the economy in Indonesia are experiencing a contraction in line with economic development. This study aims to analyze changes in economic structure and causative factors. The analysis was conducted in panel data on 33 provinces from 2007–2021. Using Multinomial Logistic Regression...

The Effect of Digital Business Mastery to the Students’ Interest in Digital Business at Darullugghah Wadda’wah Islamic Institute

Nunuk Indarti, Dies Nurhayati
The purpose of this study is to find out whether the mastery of digital business knowledge has an effect on the interest of students in doing digital business. The chosen research sample is students of islamic economics study batch 2020–2021 from Islamic Boarding School Darullughah Wadda’wah Bangil Pasuruan....

Foreign Speakers’ Indonesian Language Errors on YouTube Social Media

Helmi Muzaki
YouTube is one of the most popular social media. Many people share videos on YouTube, one of which is foreign speech. However, some foreign speakers sometimes make errors when they made Indonesian videos. Indonesian language errors made by foreign speakers are natural but should not be allowed. This...

Practicality Project-Based Light Vehicle Engine Maintenance Module

Muslim, Ambiyar, Nurhasan Syah, Nuzul Hidayat, Dedi Setiawan
This study aims to analyze the level of practicality of developing teaching materials in the form of project-based light vehicle engine maintenance modules. This development was carried out due to the unavailability of teaching materials that are in accordance with the characteristics of students in...
Proceedings Article

The research results of this article can provide experience for similar frozen rock tunnel construction Research on Drilling and Blasting at the Entrance Section of a Frozen Rock Tunnel and Its Vibration Effects

Xiaojun Zhang, Zhuo Li, MaoLi He, Yongsheng Jia, Wenxue Gao
China ranks as the third-largest country in terms of the distribution area of perennial frozen rock in the world. Perennial frozen rock poses a significant constraint on ground transportation extending to high-altitude or high-latitude frigid regions. This paper takes the blasting construction at the...

The Needs Analysis Development of Subject-Specific Pedagogy (SSP) Blended Learning Based on Multiple Representatives in Chemistry at SMA Negeri 3 Kupang Timur

Maria Yuliana Panie, Sri Mulyani, Sri Retno Dwi Aryani
This study is intended to analyze the needs of subject-specific pedagogy blended learning multiple-representative based in chemistry learning at SMA Negeri 3 Kupang Timur. The subject of this study is all students of the 11th grade majoring in natural science and the chemistry teachers at SMA Negeri...

Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions of Successful Assimilation of Psychology and Conflictology by Law Students

Ruslan Kalenichenko, Hryhorii Kaposloz, Iirina Petukhova
The article, based on an empirical study of the relationship of psychological characteristics of law students with the success of the discipline “Professional Psychology and Conflict Studies”, proposes an approach to increase the success of students of non-core specialties in psychology and conflict...

Commercialization of Organic Green House on Featured Melon Commodities as an Increase in National Horticultural Productivity Commercial Organic Green House on Melon Commodity

Hendra Susanto, Ahmad Taufiq, Subagyo, Ari Gunawan, Moch. Sholeh
There was a decrease in melon production as shown by data on several commodities, especially melons and some vegetables from agricultural lands under the Gapoktan partnership, it was reported that almost 60% experienced crop failure due to extreme weather and also the presence of pests that reduced the...

Research on the Application of CAPM Model in Investment

Taking Amazon and Costco as Examples

Yuchen Gao
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is one of the most important theories in modern finance. As a simple, intuitive risk premium model, The CAPM was primarily developed to study the relationship between expected returns on assets and risk assets in the securities market. Scholars have conducted a lot...

Campus Cyber Media in Building Education Discourse

Luhung Achmad Perguna, Dhiyaulhaq Syah Pahlevi, Ananda Nur Azzahra
People’s way of life has changed after the revolution, disruption and especially the pandemic. Social Media and Cyber Media become daily intake. The presence of these two new media has disrupted the previously existing media such as television, print media and others. The number of cyber media also continues...

Development of Mathematics Learning Devices for Students of Borneo Tarakan University

R Nurmala
This study aims to produce a feasible, practical, and effective online mathematics learning tool for students at the University of Borneo Tarakan. This research is a development research using the 4-D development model developed by Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel which has been modified so that it contains...

Management Audit on CV. X

Vicky Suhendi, Jessica Gabriella, Christian Natael Suhendi, Nur Hidayah K. Fadhilah
This study aims to determine the implementation of Management Audit in all CV divisions. X and to report whether each management division has understood and performed its work in accordance with the SOP applicable to CV. Xand has done its work effectively, efficiently and economically and followed up...

Communicating with Employees During Remote Working

Nan Zakiah Megat Ibrahim, Mohammad Shamsul Ibrahim, Nurul Zaitul Itri Alias
This research objective is to identify the relationship between communicating with employees, upward and downward communication, communication problems and remote working. This study applied the Neo-institutional Theory as the main theory to be applied in this study in order to strengthen the relationships...

Teachers’ perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence in the classroom

Adelina Moura, Ana Amélia A. Carvalho
Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the best way to prepare ourselves for the future. Despite its growing interest, AI is still poorly understood in different domains. We need to understand AI so that we can regulate the risks of the technology and take better advantage of its benefits. It’s...

The Determinants Of Capital Structure: Trade-Off Theory Vs Pecking Order Theory

Ronny Malavia Mardani, Moeljadi Moeljadi, Sumiati Sumiati, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati
This paper aims to examine the determinants of capital structure based on the views of the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory. A hundred and three companies were observed 618 times, differentiated for companies using debt below and above 50% and applying multiple regression to find out the...

The Effect of Fintech on Conventional Bank Performance and Bank Risk

Harmadi, Wisnu Untoro, Irwan Trinugroho, Atmaji
Fintech in Indonesia is growing very rapidly, this is also very interesting for researchers. This study looks at the effect of Fintech on the performance and risk of conventional banks in Indonesia. The proxy for fintech in this study is P2P lending and the adoption of fintech technology by banks. The...

Differentiated Instruction: Meeting the Students’ Diverse Needs and Uniqueness

Dwi Rosita Sari
Differentiated Instruction is one of choices in order to bridge the issues of students’ diversity that exist in English teaching which focuses on three main points, namely: content, process and products. The uniqueness of the students is always challenging to be involved in English classroom. The aim...
Proceedings Article

Multimodal Deep Learning Based Score Level Fusion Using Face and Fingerprint

Krishna Shinde, Charansing Kayte
In the previous decade, biometrics referred to the automatic recognition of persons based on their physiological or behavioural traits but unimodal biometrics have their limitations. Due to its potential to overcome some of the inherent limitations of single biometric modalities while simultaneously...

Women's Empowerment Based on Local Wisdom: a Qualitative Approach

I. Nyoman Ruja, Idris Idris, Khofifatu Rohmah Adi
Women's empowerment is a strategic issue that continues to develop in many countries around the world. How an effective empowerment model is developed and its implementation becomes a long and dynamic study. The research aims to explore the development of a women's empowerment model based on...

The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Profit Management with Tax Planning as Intervening Variable on Mining Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (2014-2018)

Rachma Mariana, Muhammad Din, Lucyani Meldawati, Muhammad Dharma Halwi, Nimade Suwitri Parwati, Abdul Pattawe
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of good corporate governance on earnings management with tax planning as intervening variable. The number of samples studied were 8 companies from a total of 47 companies which were used as the study population. The sampling was done by using purposive...

Using Online Media as Cyber Extension Urban Farming During Covid-19

Faathiyah Harun, Hafied Cangara, Siti Bulkis
The activities of urban farming are tenable for everyone as the technology of information expands. One of them is by utilizing social media to obtain information related to the development of urban farming, from selecting seeds to processing narrow land and various businesses to support agricultural...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Impact and Fear of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Frontline Registered Nurses in Jordanian Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study

Nawar Abualbasal, Reem Abualbasal, Hesham Almomani, Ahmad Rayan, Nidal Eshah
By the end of year 2019, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has emerged. Psychological distress among frontline nurses in response to COVID-19 pandemic was a serious health concern. This study aimed to assess the level of psychological distress among Jordanian nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional...

Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project

Yusran Khery, Marlince Inna, Sukainil Ahzan, Ismail Efendi, Baiq Asma Nufida, Yeti Kurniasih, I Wayan Dasna, Lilik Handayani
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of integrating a project focused on traditional natural pesticides into science learning and its impact on student performance. The investigation adopted a pre-experimental research design, utilizing a pretest-posttest non-control group approach. A total of...

Foreign Workers and Investors in Indonesia: Border Control Practices and Challenges During the Covid-19 Outbreak

Ridwan Arifin
Flocks of foreign nationals as top-level managers, high-skilled workers, and investors are encouraged to work at multinational companies and invest a great amount of money in some national strategic projects during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Indonesian government has responded to these situations, particularly...

Student Investment Interest in Sharia Fintech

Novi Puspitasari, Safira Meifindasari, M. Ahmad Ahsin Kusuma
Investment is the investment of resources or capital that is expected to generate profits in the future. Sophisticated sharia fintech, easy to use, and in accordance with Islamic sharia is the right choice for Muslim investors. This study is intended to analyze the effect of attitudes, subjective norms,...

Remote Teaching a Foreign Language to Students of Conventional Specialities of the Russian University of Transport during the World Lockdown Because of COVID-19 Spread

Yulia Guro-Frolova, Ekaterina Sedova, Veronika Novik
The problem of remote teaching of technical university students of conventional specialities a foreign language is considered. Confident proficiency in a foreign language is one of the conditions for obtaining a promising job in the future. The article compares the productivity of remote learning technologies...

The Approaches to the Development of Regional Frameworks of Sustainable Development Indices and Indicators

Tat’yana N. Dudina, Ol’ga S. Tarasova, Svetlana D. Nadezhdina, Aleksandr A. Shaposhnikov
The active growth of the world’s population has led to the emergence and aggravation of the issues of human-nature interaction. Resulting from more than thirty year long discussions at different levels, the term sustainable development had been introduced by the international scientific community, and...

The Economic Recovery of People in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Example of Online Fitness-Platform in Taiwan

Shieunt-Han Tsai, I-Hsun Yang
In the post-pandemic era, whether the global economy will recover in a U-shape, a V-shape, a K-shaped, or a L-shaped is still undecided. The economy of people livelihood has the most direct impact on the people and fitness industry has related to the mental and physical health of them. If it can attract...
Conference Abstract


J.E.S. Thompson, R. Webb, P. Hewlett, D. Llewellyn, B.J. McDonnell
Pages: 140 - 141
Objective: The Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) enzyme is involved in degrading extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, including collagen and elastin. Increased MMP-9 levels are associated with increased vascular remodelling and arterial stiffness. Exercise improves age-related vascular stiffening. It...
Conference Abstract


L. Zanoli, M. Alivon, J.P. Empana, N. Estrugo, G. Ecriou, H. Ketthab, J.F. Pruny, P. Castellino, S. Yanes, D. Laude, K. Bean, F. Thomas, X. Jouven, S. Laurent, P. Boutouyrie
Pages: 140 - 141
Conference Abstract


Bhullar Khushwant Singh, Zia ullah, Rupasinghe Vasantha
Pages: 140 - 140
Hypertension is a contributing factor to pathophysiology of vascular damage and accelerated arterial stiffening. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitors are widely used for treatment of persistent hypertension. Along with conventional antihypertensive therapy, nutritional intervention...
Conference Abstract


Y.-M. Gu, L. Thijs, Y.-P. Liu, T. Petit, Z. Zhang, H. Vink, T. Kuznetsova, P. Verhamme, J. Staessen
Pages: 140 - 140
Conference Abstract


H. Ribeiro, M. Briet, A. Blanchard, E. Curis, X. Jeunemaitre, M. Azizi
Pages: 140 - 140
Objective: Aortic stiffness evaluation is recommended in standard care as hypertension target organ damage. The main determinants of aortic stiffness are age and blood pressure. We aimed to evaluate the impact of short-term extracellular volume changes induced by dietetic and pharmacological interventions...
Conference Abstract


Z. Kouchaki, G. Lindesay, M. Butlin, J.K. Phillips, A.P. Avolio
Pages: 140 - 140
Objectives: Arterial elasticity is determined by passive mechanical properties of wall components modulated by neurogenic effects on smooth muscle. We assessed denervation effects on viscoelastic properties of the aorta of Lewis Polycystic Kidney (LPK) disease rats, compared to controls (Lewis). Methods:...