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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Rapid Conversion Principles and Requirements for Railway Passenger Carriers to Be Utilized in Casualty Evacuation

Shijian Yang
To drive a fast shift from peacetime potential to wartime support strength, and realize casualty evacuation function of railway passenger carrier such as smooth boarding, safe placement and en-route nursing, four pairs of relationships were discussed in-depth, and four principles and relevant demands...
Proceedings Article

High Imperceptible Copyright Protection: Adaptive Wavelet for Security

Irma Safitri, Rizki R. Ginanjar, Aliffian S. Laksono
This work extends our previous research in [14]. This work showed the imperceptibility of audio watermarking system with Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) code, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) methods. Watermarked image is embedded in the audio host signal accompanied...
Proceedings Article

Simulation Study on Directional Dispersion of Strong Noise

Xu-dan Dong
In dealing with emergencies, strong noise can effectively disperse the unruly crowd gathered illegally. Matlab was used to select different ultrasonic frequencies and individual transducer diameters, respectively, to carry out directional simulation of noise propagation, comparative analysis, to determine...

Building up a reading competency in modern school

T. Ovsyannikova, T. Shishigina, E. Peskova
The article deals with the relevance of the formation of modern students ' reading competence. School education needs to develop a systematic approach to the formation of reader competence based on interdisciplinary connections. The ability to work competently with texts of different genres and styles...

The Colonization and Prosperity of National Traditional Sports Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Self-confidence

Dongzhi Tian, Tao Xu
The assertion of cultural self-confidence has opened up a new path for the development of China's national traditional sports culture. Based on the perspective of cultural self-confidence, this paper uses literature and logic analysis to illustrate the development dilemma of the current national traditional...

Teaching Research and Practice of Textile Intangible Cultural Heritage in Colleges and Universities—Take Tianjin Polytechnic University for Example

Jun Xu
The teaching research and practice of textile intangible cultural heritage in colleges and universities should be based on their own disciplinary advantages and regional geographical advantages, fully utilize the existing research results, and focus on the protection of textile intangible cultural heritage...

Estimation of Innovative Business Processes of the Enterprises in Conditions of Еmergence Economics

Mykhaylo Voynarenko, Zakharii Varnalii, Viktoriya Hurochkina, Olena Menchynska
Under the terms of the manifestations of characteristics emergent economy in Ukraine, is gradually strengthening its influence on the functioning of the industrial enterprises, which require significant concentration of efforts on innovation development. The modern state of functioning of industrial...

Research on the Forest Resource Assets Appraisal and off-office Audit

Huishui Su
In order to implement the construction of ecological civilization, leading cadres off-office audit of natural resource assets comes into being. The forest resource assets appraisal and off-office audit, acting as an important part of natural resource assets, are important areas for conducting leading...

The Effect of Brand Personality of Electronic Word of Mouth on Wardah Products with Brand Preference as an Intervening Variable

Yunita Engriani, Gadiesha Dina Aulia
This study aims to analyze (1) the influence of brand personality on electronic word of mouth, (2) the influence of brand personality on brand preference, (3) the influence of brand preference on electronic word of mouth, and (4) the influence of brand personality on electronic of mouth through brand...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Kinematics and Operating Space of a Foreign Body Salvage Robot at the Bottom of the Reactor Pool

Zhao Wang, Lingyu Sun, Yaiqiao Zhu
Nuclear power plant inspection underwater crawling robot can replace foreign operation and maintenance personnel to complete the reactor core and pool fishing operation. In this paper, through the analysis and research on the configuration and control system of the robot, based on kinematics model of...
Proceedings Article

Precast Concrete SMART Factory

Andrey Ostroukh, Nataliya Surkova
The article proposes the concept of a Precast Concrete SMART Factory for the concrete block production. Automated Process Control System includes a set of technological equipment, information, and software for control the objects of the production line of concrete block and tile. The system is scalable...

The Influence of Motivations and Discipline Trough to the Employee Performance at PMB Trisakti School of Tourism ??" Jakarta

Johannes Kurniawan, Doni Muhardiansyah, Nurbaeti
The purpose of this study was to analyze the motivation and discipline on employee performance at PMB Trisakti School of Tourism as well as to analyze dominant factors that influence the employee performance. In this study, researchers conducted a study on the employees that work at PMB Trisakti School...
Proceedings Article

SubSafe -- A Game-based Training System for Submarine Safety

Qin Nan, Ma Liang
SubSafe is a game-based submarine safety training system developed by UK that presents end users with an interactive, real-time three-dimensional model of a real submarine. The research presents background and main functions of SubSafe. Evaluation of the training effectiveness and some enlightenment...
Proceedings Article

Projective synchronization control of fractional-order chaotic system

Fandi Zhang
This paper investigates projective synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems with different orders. In order to get the projective synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems with different orders, a scheme is proposed and effective controllers for synchronization are designed. Numerical...

A Study on the Quality Factors of Brand Culture and Its Transmission Path-Taking Eral Group Corporation As an Example

Zhixin Wu
Brand culture connotation enhances the brand’s value-added ability and competitiveness. On the basis of clarifying brand concept and brand culture, this paper probes into the most important quality factors in the brand culture elements, analyzes the importance of quality to the brand, and expounds the...

Teaching Method of "Arc Connection" Unit

Hong-Mei SUN, Jun-Liang JIA, Na ZHANG, He-Huan WEI
The arc connection is a very difficult unit to grasp. The students often do not know the inside or outside cutting, or ignore the tangent point in the drawing process. For the complex graphics, it needs to be carefully analyzed and practiced. The reasonable choice and application of teaching methods...

The Design and Application of "Flipped Classroom" in Accounting Teaching

Meiling Xiao
The development of computer network technology has provided technical support for education reform and teaching innovation, and has spawned a variety of new and efficient teaching methods. The flipped classroom teaching mode is a typical example, which has been applied to teaching practice. At present,...

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Housing Price in Different Cities of China and Macro Control Measures

Xue Ding, Ran Huang, Xue Wang
In response to the rapidly rising of house prices in major cities across the country, the central and local governments at all levels have implemented multi-round home buying restriction policies since the end of 2016. Although the effectiveness of these policies is obvious at present, their impacts...
Proceedings Article

Contemporary condition and development prospects of international logistics in the post-sanction period

Valentina Vladimirovna Negreeva, Milana Beslanovna Soultygova, Olga Evgenievna Medvedeva, Alexandra Viktorovna Filimonova
International logistics in Russia underwent enormous changes in 2014, after the introduction of economic sanctions. In connection with the current situation on the international market, Russian logistics has faced a large number of problems that need to be addressed for its further development. One of...

Impacts of School Climate on Preschool Teachers’Attitudes towards Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in China

Chao Sun
The purpose of the study was to describe the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of school climate and their attitudes towards inclusion. An online survey was completed by 816 preschool teachers in Shanghai, China who responded to items regarding their demographic characteristics, perceptions...

Market Development Strategy For Pt A From The Side Of Capabilities And Potential Customers

Desy Alfa Irianti, Hanrozan Haznam
PT A is a small and medium enterprise (SME) engaged in manufacturing of dies, precision parts, checking fixtures, machinery, and molding for automotive production. In augmenting its sales, PT A wants to widen the market to include non-automotive industry because their products can be used in other industries...

Digital Transformation of Financial Sector and Challengies for Competencies Development

Inese Mavlutova, Tatjana Volkova
The development of Information and communication technologies (ICT) and robotics has a significant impact on the competencies of companies operating in financial sector. Digital transformation leads to changing existing competencies rapidly, as well as necessity of developing new competencies specifically...

The Moderating Effect Of Switching Cost On The Influence Of Price And Service Quality Towards Switching Intention

Muhammad Zakiy
This study aims to identify the role of switching cost as a moderating variable in the influence of price and service quality on switching intention. It also attempts to answer the current state of Islamic bank customers in Indonesia by using Reinforcement Theory in the context of switching intention...

Psychological Interpretation of Functional Changes of Yao Nationality clothing in Northern Guangdong

Xiaoping Hu, Xiaohan Zhou, Delai Men
This paper discusses on the necessity of functional changes of Yao nationality clothing in northern Guangdong province based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory in psychology. The research methods of literature review and field investigation were used to carry out in the study, and finally proposed...

The Constitutional Court Decision Regarding Disputes of Legislative Election; from a Progressive Law Enforcement to the Recognition of Customary Law Communities in Democracy

Suparto Suparto, Ellydar Chaidir
Decision of the Constitutional Court Number: 47-18 / PHPU. A / VII / 2009 Concerning Disputes over Election Results of the Regional Representative Council Members, Electoral District of Yahukimo Regency, Papua is a breakthrough step in a progressive law enforcement effort. The research method used a...
Proceedings Article

Design Of Rolled Conveyor Using Rational Product Development Method

Mira Rahayu, Amrullah Paksi Imami, Ikhsana Diana Putri
AMDK PDAM Bandung City Company is a startup company that produce mineral water size 220ml and 19liters. The production process, transferring process of 19liters gallon from sealing machine to loading bay is using manual material handling method without material handling equipment. The company has a policy...

Transformation and Upgrading of Tourism Industry in Zhongshan City

Huijuan Jin, Min Wei
Tourism resources and environment are the important basis for the survival and development of tourism industry. In addition, those resources with potential value and irreplaceable resources are prerequisites for the development of regional tourism. Therefore, for the transformation and upgrading of tourism...

Decentralisation Policy to Strengthen Local Government Capacity in Sumedang Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia

The new chapter of decentralization in Indonesia began in the reformation era in 2000 and was marked by Law number 22 of 1999 concerning Local Government. It was believed that this Law would bring fundamental changes to local governments in Indonesia. The hope was reflected in the existence of drastic...
Proceedings Article

Traffic Safety Subsystem Management at Enterprises Engaged in Road Transport Activities

T.V. Konovalova, А.E. Litvinov, S.L. Nadiryan
This article discusses the management of the traffic safety subsystem at enterprises engaged in road transport activities. For the successful functioning of industrial enterprises in modern conditions of economic development, along with the growth of production volumes, fewer costs are required. To this...

Reconstruction of Adaptive and Responsive Educators Levels in Utilizing E-Resource Digital Literacy in the Era of the Indonesian Revolution 4.0 Through E-Modules

The life system in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 will be dominated by a digital system called IoT (Internet of Things). This change will certainly change the behavior of components in all fields including education. As the main actor in education, it is necessary to carry out adaptive and responsive...

Federal Budget Structure Research: Key Problems

Elena B. Starodubtseva, Marina B. Medvedeva, Gulnara F. Fatkhlislamova, Timur A. Agadullin
The article covers a specific theme of the influence the federal budget structure on gross domestic product (GDP) dynamics, using correlation analysis for the period since 2008 to 2018y. The main hypothesis of the article is that exist the influence the federal budget structure revenues on the gross...

Implementation Process and Execution Factor of Arbitration Decision in Indonesia

Ismail Rumadan
This study examines the process of implementation and the factor of execution of arbitration decision in Indonesia. Statutory and conceptual approaches to legislation have been applied in collecting data. Qualitative descriptive analysis is used in analyzing the content of the underlying law and related...

The Course Construction and Implementation of Entrepreneurship Simulation and Practice Based on Flipped Classroom

XiaoFang Wu, GenSheng Wang, XiangLiang Hu, XueJian Huang
With the deepening of social education system reform, important changes have taken place in the teaching model. The traditional and infusing teaching methods can not meet the needs of education development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the new era. With the rapid development of the Internet information...

Research on Preschool Education Practice Based on Integration of Production and Teaching and Research

Junfang Zhen
Preschool education is a comprehensive major that emphasizes both theories and practice. This paper proposes the measures to construct a preschool education practice system based on the integration of production, teaching and research by investigating the current practice situation of the colleges which...

Aesthetics Study of Mesatua Bali Culture in Digital Media

I Gede Yudha Pratama
The purpose of this study was to find out the design phenomenon in the emergence of Balinese Mesatua Culture, which was originally known as an oral culture and has now developed into a visual culture in the picture story. To meet the needs of the data used as research material used qualitative research...

Research on the Factors Affecting Division of Labor in Manufacturing in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River

Chunjiao Liu
Deepening the rational division of labor among the manufacturing industries in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River has far-reaching significance for implementing the regional coordinated development strategy proposed by the 19th CPC national congress. Based on the data from 2005 to 2016, this paper...

The Correctional and Social Component of the Additional Education of Orphans and Children with Disabilities on the Example of the Program “We Can do Everything Ourselves”

Ekaterina Scherbakova
The article deals with the problems of socialization of orphans and children with disabilities. By the example of additional education programs (football sections), the results of monitoring the sponsored educational institutions, characterizing the impact of the football section’s activities on the...

Role Schools In The Implementation Of Extracurricular Drumband In Mi Muhammadiyah

Pratik Hari Yuwono, Yudha Febrianta, Tri Yuliansyah Bintaro
This study was conducted to determine the role of the principal, the coach of the marching band and the school committee in the marching band at MI Muhammadiyah learning Ajibarang Kulon. This study is a qualitative research method that use descriptive qualitative. The experiment was conducted in MI Muhammadiyah...

Mathematics Learning Tools Development Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) to Increase Students Problem Solving Ability in Senior High School

Reni Septriwati, I Made Arnawa, Atmazaki
This research is a development research using Plomp model which consists of three phases that are initial investigation phase, development and assessment. Devices developed RPP and LKPD based Problem Based Learning (PBL) to improve problem solving skills. Learning devices are tested in high school class...
Proceedings Article

Effective Nature-Like Structural Thermal Insulation and Acoustic Composites Based on Technogenic Raw Materials

V.S. Lesovik, O.V. Puchka, A.A. Volodchenko, E.S. Glagolev, N.V. Chernysheva, I.V. Lashina
One of the most important problems of our time is the creation of fundamentally new, technological solutions in the field of energy saving, rational nature management, creation of environmentally friendly production of composite building materials, which corresponds to the current trends in the development...
Proceedings Article

Strategies of Translating English and Chinese Trademarks

Yuehuizi Jiang
With the development of economic globalization, business is frequent between different countries. In a certain extent, the popularity of trademark affects the sales of products in the international market. Therefore, a good trademark translation plays a vital role in foreign trade. The thesis will adopt...

Correlation of Attributes in Random Decision Information Systems and Its Application to Attributes Reduction

Xia Wu, Jialu Zhang, Jiming Zhong
The conditional information entropy of a condition attributes set with respect to another condition attributes set is defined in a random decision information system, by using the conditional information entropy the correlation of a conditional attributes set relative to another condition attributes...

On the Problems and Countermeasures of the Warehousing and Distribution of Fresh products E-commerce

Yuqin Wang
Fresh electric business is known as the "last blue ocean" of the development of the electricity supplier. The fresh electricity supplier's distribution is an important link in the development of fresh electric business. In recent years, the demand of urban residents to buy fresh products through the...

Online Communication Platform Contributions to Internal Communication: A Lesson from Telkom Digital Service Division

Karina Aliefiani, Mohammad Shihab
Nowadays, computer-mediated communication (CMC) enables the employees to ease work coordination and communication within an organization. An organization, in which hierarchy exists among its employees, must keep the communication flow in order to maintain activities leading to reach the organizational...

Internationalization of Enterprises in Yunnan Province and Opportunities from “One Belt and One Road” Building

Jing Lv, Ziqi Liu, Honglie Zhang
The “One Belt and One Road” initiative has provided good international public opinion, policy environment and trade facilities for the internationalization of Chinese enterprises. Under this background, Yunnan enterprises, as the carrier of provincial economic development, should also actively respond...

Disputes and Solution Mining Business License in The State Administrative Courts

Jeanny H.V Hutauruk
Administrative court as one of the executive power also in charge of Justice to examine, decide and resolve disputes State Administration. In the State Administration dispute also known licensing dispute which is also the State Administration dispute, licensing dispute arising in governance will influence...

Transgression and transcendence in development of a psychologically safety personality

Krasnoschechenko Irina, Arpentieva Mariam, Moiseeva Irina, Spihenkova Maria, Kosov Alexandr
The article examines the socio-cultural conditions of generation and the prohibition of the phenomenon of transgression and its role in the development of a psychologically secure personality. The authors discuss approaches to the phenomenon of transgression in the concepts of spiritual and moral foundations...

Education Session Design for Its Member: A Case Study of Meeting and Event Industry Association MPI

Xuehui Zeng
MPI is the association for people who bring people together. It is the platform for people to meet face-to-face and empowers them to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, leading the world in professional development that advances the meeting and event industry and the careers of the people working in it. The...
Proceedings Article

Rolling Bearing Fault Pattern Recognitionÿof Wind Turbine Based on VMD and PNN

Guiji Tang, Shangkun Liu
A novel method based on variational modal decomposition (VMD), improved multiscale permutation entropy (IMPE) and probabilistic neural network (PNN) is proposed to solve the problem of the rolling bearing fault pattern recognition for wind turbine. Firstly, the vibration signal is decomposed into several...
Proceedings Article

Estimating of Streamflow Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery

Jin-Gyeom Kim, Boosik Kang
In this study streamflow along the river course was reconstructed using Sentinel Satellite imagery. The Sentinel satellite is being operated by ESA(European Space Agency) and provide the imagery with 18 multispectral bands. The near infrared imagery with 10m resolution captured on Feb. 8, 2016 which...