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184898 articles

A Web-Based Direct Labor Cost Accounting Information System Case Study of PT. Giri Mera Banjarmasin

Phaureula Artha Wulandari, Muhammad Bahit, Riski Emmilia Ananda
Direct labor costs are part of the wage or salary system that is given to employees involved in the production process or certain services. Companies need to regulate the direct labor cost system, from the planning, placement, arrangement, recording to payment of wages to these employees. PT Giri Mera...

The Justice System in Indonesia with the Application of the Green Constitution in Mining Dispute Resolution

Adimas Ardhiyoko, Jamal Wiwoho, Yudho Taruno Muryanto
Natural wealth is one of the important capitals in the development of a nation and state, therefore it must be utilized optimally for the benefit of the nation and state. Indonesia has a variety of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable natural resources. From Sabang to Merauke, it is full...

Analysis of the Relationship Between the Salary Design and Psychological Contract of the Dispatched Personnel in Multinational Corporations

Jiawei Yu
The era of economic globalization has arrived, and multinational companies are playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. Considering that in the process of organizational structure adjustment and employment relationship changes, the salary system and psychological contract have become...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques on the Nausea and Vomiting Response of Intraoperative Patients with Spinal Anesthesia in the Central Surgical Installation of Padang Panjang City Hospital

Ratna Indah Sari Dewi, Honesty Diana Morika, Putri Dafriani
One of the complications after spinal anaesthesia is nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are undesirable events that often occur during surgery. Cases reach 60-70% under general anaesthesia and 25% under spinal anaesthesia. The response to nausea and vomiting that occurs in spinal anaesthesia can...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Mineral Levels and Bone Loss Risk in Postmenopausal Women

Suryanto, Suci Aprilia
Background: Calcium and phosphate are two minerals that are important for bone formation. Osteoblasts indirectly regulate osteoclast resorption activity under the influence of estrogen. Estrogen itself produces growth factors and contributes to bone formation so that bone mineral density decreases with...

Research on Development Level of Agricultural Modernization in Yangtze River Economic Belt

Chenguang Qiu, Hui Xu
The transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is an inevitable trend in the development of national modernization. The increase in production efficiency brought about by agricultural modernization has provided a solid material foundation and life guarantee for our country. The...

Moral Teaching in Piwulang Manuscript and Its Relevance to The Teaching of Character Education in Indonesia

Siti Nur Zumrotun Niswah, Astrid Wangsagirindra Pudjastawa, Suwardi Endraswara
Online learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic requires teachers not only to teach subject matter, but also to instill character education to students. Piwulang manuscript contains moral teachings that can be used as guidelines for teachers in teaching character education. This study aims to determine...

The Construction of Evaluation System of Rural Tourism Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage From the Perspective of Tourism Landscape

Taking the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Doumen District, Zhuhai City as an Example

Yifeng Du
Based on the related theories of tourism landscape and AVC theory (the core of “Trialism of Landscape” proposed by Liu Binyi, including the attraction, vitality and carrying capacity of tourist destinations), this paper attempts to analyze the tourism characteristics of intangible cultural heritage....

Integrated Economic and Mathematical Approach to Regulation of Clustering and Innovative Development of Russian Regions

N.I. Larionova, T.V. Yalyalieva, D.L. Napolskikh
The article discusses the features and contradictions of clustering and innovative development, as well as the integrated approach to regulation of clustering processes at the regional level. The author’s approach to the development of an integrated clustering model of the economic space of the Russian...

Developing Education in Vietnam in the Context of International Integration

Nguyen Minh Tri
With a lofty goal and mission, it is the mission of “cultivating people”. Education and digging have an important role in the development of society. Education trains people with good knowledge and expertise and trains people with good moral and physical qualities, effectively serving the socio-economic...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Probiotic to Increase Growth, Body Composition, and Feed Efficiency on Catfish (Clarias sp.)

Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra, Mustahal, Mas Bayu Syamsunarno, Dodi Hermawan, Muh. Herjayanto
For 45 days, research was conducted to evaluate the administration of probiotic Bacillus NP5 to increase growth, body composition, and feed efficiency on catfish (Clarias sp.). This research was carried out with 3 different treatment of Bacillus NP5 probiotic doses (0, 0.5 and 1% probiotic) and 3 replications....

Guangxi “Three Musketeers” and World Literature

Pengju Qin
Guangxi “Three Musketeers” (Dong Xi, Gui Zi, and Li Feng) were proposed by the famous literary critic Chen Xiaoming to praise the Guangxi troops in the literary world in 1997. These three writers’ creations have their own characteristics: Gui Zi writes the human world of desire, Dong Xi pierces the daily...

Parents and Teachers Engagement in Using Cognitive Apprenticeship for Child’s Development of Authentic Problem- Solving Skills in Tanzania

Pambas Tandika Basil
Despite its recognition in the pre-primary curriculum and being among preferred learning outcomes at different levels, it is not well-known how child’s teachers [parents and classroom teachers] engage to enhance children with authentic problem solving skills. Phenomenography study design was used to...

Learning Activities Based on Learning Cycle 7E Model: Chemistry Teachers’ Perspective

Marleni Tri Santi, Sri Atun
This research used descriptive qualitative approach. Research is conducted to show effectiveness of learning activities based on learning cycle 7E model by chemistry teachers’ perspective. Data collected through an open-ended questionnaire which consist of 8 item that is 7 phases learning cycle 7E model...

Adversity Quotients Towards Achievement Motivation of Early Childhood Teacher Education (PG PAUD) Students in Bali

Dewa Gede Firstia Wirabrata, Dewa Ayu Puteri Handayani
This study aims to investigate the effect of Adversity Quotients (AQ) on Achievement Motivation in Early Childhood Teacher Education (PG PAUD) students in Bali. This research uses quantitative research approach using two variables, AQ and Achievement Motivation. AQ defined as the ability or capacity...

Pasar by Kuntowijoyo Novel without Frontal Physical Conflict

A Javanese Psychological Analysis Study

Suryantoro, Soedjijono
This paper discusses the non-frontal conflict of the central character Pak Mantri Pasar (PMP) in the novel Pasar with the Javanese Psychological analysis approach. This psychology is the result of constructing the concept of local psychology in the context of Javanese culture. Javanese psychology, as...

A Survey on Online English Learning Motivation of Chinese College Students

Ming Lv, Xuesong Liu
This paper implements investigations about the motivation of online English learning among the college students in China. 160 college students are investigated based on Gao Yihong’s classification of motivation type. The result shows that individual development motivation, achievement motivation, learning...

Blended Teaching of Basic Course Engineering Graphics for Logistics Engineering Specialty

Yanhong Ge, Kaixiong Hu
As an important basic course of logistics engineering specialty, engineering graphics is not only the cornerstone and support of professional backbone courses, but also plays a significant role in the cultivation of logistics engineering talents. In the face of the situation that the teaching hours are...

Circular Economic Model to Improve Research Activities Efficiency and the Effectiveness of Indonesian Laws and Regulations Concerning Research

Toendjoeng Herning Sitabuana, Hazelya Tirza Djaja
Higher education institutions are supposed to assume huge roles within the framework of nation-building through its 3 (three) main activities, namely education, research, and community service. The progress, however, could be very slow when carried out as a single, isolated entity. The current laws and...

Is There a Place Without Darkness Under Surveillance? A comparative Study of George Orwell’s 1984 and Liu Cixin’s the Mirror

Rao Cheng
George Orwell’s 1984 is one of the most influential English novels of the 20th century. It is not only a political fable but also a science fiction novel with prophetic nature. Liu Cixin’s The Mirror is included in the collection of short stories Time Immigration, which successfully links reality and...

Analysis on the Dissemination of Internet Novel IP (Intelligent Property) Dramas in the New Media Era

Lu Wang, Senlin Yang
With the development of the mobile Internet, with the aid of new media, the development and dissemination of Internet novel IP (intelligent property) dramas have also undergone corresponding changes. This article will start from the perspective of communication science, and on the basis of the “5W” communication...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Chemical Activation Conditions for Activated Carbon From Coconut Shell Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Its Ability to Adsorb CO2

Nur Afiqah Anuwar, Putri Faizura Megat Khamaruddin
Coconut shell was used as a precursor to prepare activated carbon using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a chemical activating agent for carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption at ambient conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum activation parameters of the activated carbon using Response...

Darboux integrability of generalized Yang–Mills Hamiltonian system

Jaume Llibre, Claudia Valls
Pages: 234 - 242
We show that the generalized Yang–Mills system with Hamiltonian H=(p12+p22)/2+V(q1,q2) where V=1/2(aq12+bq22)+(cq14+2eq12q22+dq24)/4 is not completely integrable with Darboux first integrals.

Alteration in the Levels of Neutrophils and Lymphocytes in Male Wistar Rats (Second-Hand Smoker) with Marigold Leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.)

Fitri Komala Sari, Fathimah, Hafidhotun Nabawiyah, Sartika Amanda Putri, Retno Ayu Nurhayatun
The second-hand smoker will have difficulties because of nicotine and other substances leading to activate free radical in the body and stimulate the secretion of inflammatory mediators. Flavonoid is a compound contained in marigold leaves, believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. This study aims...

Application Investigation on the Virtual Experiment Platform for Civil Engineering Specialty

Chunzhi Zhang, Min Chen, Qianjun Mao
In order to strengthen the cultivation of students’ practical procedures and engineering abilities, Colleges and Universities have established virtual simulation experiment platforms. The various virtual simulation experiment platforms provide the convenient way for practice. In this paper, the application...

Community Empowerment in Rehabilitation of Forests and Critical Lands on the Sekaroh Area

S Suwardji, P Parman, Abdul Syukur, Sri Tejowulan, Agil Alaydrus, Ahmad Raksun
Forests and land degradation in the Sekaroh region of East Lombok areas has reached a very severe level. Since the 1990s the government of Indonesia has made various efforts to rehabilitate forests and critical land in this area on a massive scale, but data showed that the success rate was far from expectations....

Can Technology Replace Human Affection?

Syahrul Hidayanto, Billy K Sarwono
Physical contact, self-disclosure, and positive communication are important aspects in maintaining romantic relationships for young couples. However, sometimes the necessity of education forces young couples to go through long-distance relationships. This study aims to determine how communication technology...

Research on Educational Function and Applied Practice of University Museum

Yingyan Guo
This paper systematically analyzes the role of university museums in building a characteristic cultural education environment, promoting the inheritance of excellent traditional culture, enhancing the humanistic connotation of university education, cultivating the national spirit of teachers and students,...

Kogeomefi: Innovation in Dance Creation Method Based on Social Media by Ferry Cahyo Nugroho

Rizki Oktaviani, Rumi Wiharsih
Innovation is a process of renewing an existing culture or resource or producing a new product. The renewal process is usually driven by a feeling of dissatisfaction and curiosity that arises in individuals or groups of people, with the aim of improving the quality of life or to get social recognition...
Proceedings Article

Zinc Amendment Decreased Nutrient Contents of Liquid Organic Fertilizer

F. Fahrurrozi, Z. Muktamar, S. Sudjatmiko, N. Setyowati, M. Chozin, D. N. Sari, E. R. Togatorop, U. Salamah
The use liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) has been found to be effective as complimentary nutrients for solid organic fertilizer in organic vegetable production. The amendment of zinc (Zn) increased the activities of decomposing microbes to decompose solid organic fertilizer which eventually increased...

Analysis of Climate Factors on Paddy Production in West Java

The current global climate change is considered difficult to control. The causes of these conditions are climate change, such as temperature, water pressure, humidity and rainfall that occur continuously in all countries. Climate changes conditions directly have an impact on agricultural production,...
Proceedings Article

Application of Haversine Formula in Education Game “Landmark Nusantara”

Heliza Rahmania Hatta, Muhammad Hadi Suroso, Indah Fitri Astuti, Dyna Marisa Khairina, Septya Maharani
Indonesia is the largest archipelago state is therefore also called Nusantara. Almost every region in Indonesia has a characteristic landmark that describes each area that has tremendous potential in form of lore and attraction. The tremendous potential of this must be backed up with a nice introduction....
Proceedings Article

Xylanase Purification of Indigenous Aspergillus tamari TKM-24 Isolated from Environmental Soil in Borneo Island

S Margino, Y Mallisa, W Asmara
Utilizing of chlorine-based chemicals in pulp bleaching process causes environmental problem. Utilization of biological agents, such as enzymes for bleaching process is a wise measure to reduce the problem. One of the enzymes that play an important role in pulp bleaching process is xylanase. The previous...

Research on the Innovative Practice of Intangible Cultural Heritage Chaozhou Embroidery in Cultural and Creative Products

Zhexin Liu
Starting from the historical background of Chaozhou embroidery, this article introduces the characteristics and categories, crafts and patterns, application and development of embroidery culture. It can be concluded that the cultural inheritors of the tide embroidery are old, the embroidery workers are...

Research on the Practical Teaching Mode Based on Competitive Project

Guohua Xiong, Bo Gong
The purpose of vocational education is to cultivate high-quality skilled talents suitable for the needs of society. Practice teaching is an important teaching method to improve students’ practical ability and operational skills, and it is the process of testing students to apply theoretical knowledge...

Development of TVET Teacher Professionalism in Indonesian Rural Area

Muhammad Aris Ichwanto, Mohammad Musthofa Al-ansyorie, Isnandar Isnandar, Imam Alfianto, Dai Weifen
One of the problems in Indonesian education today is the low quality of education in each type and unit of education, especially primary and secondary education. The low quality of education at the level and education unit in the context of national education, especially the level of TVET education (elementary...
Proceedings Article

Positioning and Protection of Personal Information in the Civil Code’s Personality Rights Section in the Era of Big Data

Jingwei Li
With the promulgation of the Civil Code and the Personal Information Protection Law, China’s legal system has gradually strengthened the protection of personal information. Based on this, this paper selects 196 cases of personal information disputes in the past five years for data analysis, explores...

Preparing Accountants in a Globalized Industry

Analysis of Language Use in Professional Setting

Indah Purnama Dewi, Evi Karlina Ambarwati, Praditya Putri Utami, Nina Puspitaloka
As a lingua franca in the globalized professional community, English language is important to acquire. Unfortunately, previous studies reported that the textbook in Vocational High School (VHS) is non-vocational. Hence, there is a need to create learning materials which provide the language skills for...

The e-Relationship Marketing Effects on Repurchase

Ali Masjono Muchtar, Elly Mirati, Endang Purwaningrum
This research aims to analyze the role of e-Relation Marketing (e-RM) in strengthening the relationship between repurchase intention and repurchase. E-RM is used by online store’s marketing programs to increase sales. In this research, free shipping is used as an e-RM indicator together with discount...

Research on the strategy of smart logistics service system construction of colleges and universities in the new period

Runeng Zhong, Zhongli Sun, Ken Chen
The high-quality development of colleges and universities needs the support of high-quality logistics service system. In order to effectively solve the practical problem of the transformation of university campus service demand to high-quality and diversification, a new way of smart university logistics...

Research on the Transition of National Identity for Hong Kong People

Boyang Zhang
Since 2019, Hong Kong has experienced another wave of social movements against the intervention of extradition policy of mainland China, which caused devastating effects to Hong Kong society meanwhile made people start to consider the origin of Hong Kong social movements. The dramatic changes of national...

Marketing Comparison between Luxury Brands and Everyday Brands

Xinyi Chen
By carrying out accurate market development and determining the correct brand positioning, the brand can occupy a place in the fierce market competition. Brands in the market can be roughly divided into luxury and everyday brands. Hopefully, the market analysis in this paper will enable readers to understand...
Proceedings Article

Research on Influencing Factors of Consumers’ Satisfaction with Online Shopping of Fresh Agricultural Products

Xuan Wang
In recent years, fresh e-commerce has developed rapidly, but the intensification of industry competition has brought new challenges to fresh e-commerce enterprises. This research studies the influencing factors of consumers’ satisfaction with online shopping of fresh agricultural products. The results...

Autopoeisis of Local Media in East Java in the Era of Information Disruption

Awang Dharmawan, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, Favian Daffa Gusma
Information disruption in the digital era creates two sides, namely opportunities and challenges. The speed of access to information and interactivity encourages all to become sources of information, even the phenomenon of influencers on social media that can create personal media such as podcasts, YouTube...

Legal Protection for Convicted Corruption Those Who Do not Enjoy the Results of Corruption Decision Analysis of Semarang State Court Number 72/Pid.Sus-Tpk/2019/Pn.Smg

Legal protection is the right of every citizen, therefore legal protection for convicts who are found guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption in the Semarang District Court Decision Number: 72/pid.sus-TPK/2019/Pn.Smg with a sentence of 4 (four) years and 6 years. (six) months in prison and...

Effect coaching model for student’s innovation and entrepreneurship projects

Zongming Luo, Sombat Teekasap
As China enters a new stage of development, the state has based on the needs of talent training to reform the talent training model and strengthen the ability of college students to innovate and entrepreneurship, thereby holding an innovation and entrepreneurial competition. This article uses the literature...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Anthropometric Status and Cardiopulmonary Endurance and Balance in the Elderly

Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto, Cerika Rismayanthi, Suharjana, Satya Perdana
Elderly is the final stage of development that humans will go through. Increasing age during the elderly will bring various compensations in terms of decreased function and increased prevalence of degenerative diseases in the elderly. Efforts that can be made to prevent a decline in function and an increase...

Legal Protection of Children Against Victims and Bullying Performers in the Digitalization Era

Mahmuda Pancawisma Febriharini, Benny Bambang Irawan
This study aims to determine the legal protection of children against victims and perpetrators of bullying in the era of digitalization. Children are the future assets of the nation and the future generations of the nation, so children have the right to live, grow, and develop. Bullying is an important...
Proceedings Article

Fixed Effects Model-Analysis of the Influence of Population Aging on Different Levels of Education Under the Digital Background

Xinzhu Zeng, Shiming Zhao
Based on the background of the aggravation of population aging in China, and the development of education as an important measure to deal with population aging, this paper selects the panel data from 2007 to 2019, digitizes the educational information, uses Python software for data visualization analysis,...
Proceedings Article

Research and Application of Construction Technology for Key Nodes of Zero-energy and Zero-carbon Buildings

Jinyuan Li, Chunfeng Liu, Youyue Xu, Ran Gao, Bokang Wu, Lin Zhang
Promoting energy conservation for buildings towards a state of ultra-low energy consumption and near-zero energy consumption has evolved into a top priority in the process of achieving the goal of “carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality” in the building field. Conceptually, the goal of near-zero...