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194175 articles
Research Article
Multicriteria Decision Aid Applications to Support Risk Decisions in the Marine Environment: Locating Suitable Transshipment Areas
Dimitrios I. Stavrou, Nikolaos P. Ventikos
Pages: 3 - 12
The aim of this paper is to develop an MCDA model to support decision makers in the marine environment. The UTASTAR method is employed for the selection of the best area for ship-to-ship transfer of cargo. The method relies on the hypothesis that both the actions and the corresponding criteria interact...
Research Article
Volcanic Risk Perception, Locus of Control, Stress and Coping Responses of People Living Near the Popocatépetl Volcano in Mexico
Esperanza López-Vázquez, Maria Luisa Marván
Pages: 3 - 12
The influence of locus of control and stress on coping strategies in relation to volcanic risk were studied in 156 people living near the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico. The participants with a limited educational background were more likely than those with higher education to use passive coping strategies....
Research Article
Risk Assessment of Radio Frequencies and Public Information
Marc Poumadère, Anne Perrin
Pages: 3 - 12
The rapid, worldwide development of mobile phones is accompanied in many countries by public concern over the possible health risks of radio frequencies (RF). National and international health agencies have undertaken risk assessments, and an in-depth study was recently conducted with the French Agency...
Research Article
Solutions of the buoyancy-drag equation with a time-dependent acceleration
Serge E. Bouquet, Robert Conte, Vincent Kelsch, Fabien Louvet
Pages: 3 - 17
We perform the analytic study of the buoyancy-drag equation with a time-dependent acceleration γ(t) by two methods. We first determine its equivalence class under the point transformations of Roger Liouville, and thus for some values of γ(t) define a time-dependent Hamiltonian from which the buoyancy-drag...
Research Article
Bäcklund transformations for certain rational solutions of Painlevé VI
Johan van de Leur, Henrik Aratyn
Pages: 3 - 16
We introduce certain Bäcklund transformations for rational solutions of the Painlevé VI equation. These transformations act on a family of Painlevé VI tau functions. They are obtained from reducing the Hirota bilinear equations that describe the relation between certain points in the 3 component polynomial...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Competitive Strategy of a Power Design Company Under the “New Infrastructure”
Mengjiao Li, Yuran Chen, Jian Zhao
This paper discusses the competitive strategy of A Power Design Company under the background of “New Infrastructure”, uses PSET and Porter’s five forces model to analyze Company A’s macro environment and industry competition structure, and analyzes the company’s internal resources and capabilities. After...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Language and Cultural Commodification in Tourism
Yibu Luo
The last few decades have witnessed the invaluable impact of economic globalization on facilitating exchanges in transnational culture, whereas international tourism is an inevitable product of transcultural communication worldwide. While professional interpreters and tourist guides may alleviate the...
Proceedings Article
An Overview Analysis of AI Divide: Applications and Prospects of AI Divide in China’s Society
Yuran Wu
Artificial intelligence technology is improving in China as technology advances. Artificial intelligence’s rapid development as a new type of technology has sparked inequalities in social information technology, worsening regional and inter-generational development imbalances. Carter et al. proposed...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Study on Barrier-free Environment Construction Policies in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao
WanYan Li, JunYi Li, Hao Guo
The urbanization process around the world nowadays focuses on the concept of “people-oriented” construction, and the construction of barrier-free environment is the practice of it. In this paper, we selected the accessibility policies of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and based on the four-dimensional...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Markowitz Model and Index Model on Portfolio Optimization
Jiyao Sun
With the progress of the global economy and science and technology, as well as the development of stock portfolio theory, sophisticated investors are considering return and risk management as their priority. In this article, we analyze different stocks from 10 renowned companies, representing the risk-free...
Research Article
Geospatial Information Diffusion Technology Supporting by Background Data
Chongfu Huang
Pages: 2 - 10
In this paper, we express the initial concept of geospatial information diffusion supporting by background data, which plays a role as a bridge to diffuse the information carried by the observations, obtained from observed units, to gap units. The self-learning discrete regression, based on the multivariate...
Journal: Clinical Hematology International
Review Article
Therapeutic Approaches for Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm: Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Novel Therapies
Mohamed A. Kharfan-Dabaja, Naveen Pemmaraju, Mohamad Mohty
Pages: 2 - 9
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) is a clinically aggressive hematologic malignancy derived from precursors of plasmacytoid dendritic cells. There is no established standard therapy for BPDCN and the efficacy of conventional chemotherapy is limited, with an anticipated median overall...
Journal: eFood
Review Article
miRNAs as Regulators of Antidiabetic Effects of Fucoidans
Chao Zhao, Shanshan Lai, Desheng Wu, Dan Liu, Xiaobo Zou, Amin Ismail, Hesham El-Seedi, Randolph R.J. Arroo, Jianbo Xiao
Pages: 2 - 11
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease with a high mortality rate worldwide. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), and other small noncoding RNAs, serve as endogenous gene regulators through binding to specific sequences in RNA and modifying gene expression toward up- or down-regulation. miRNAs have become compelling...
Journal: Artery Research
Mini Review
Ventricular–arterial coupling: Invasive and non-invasive assessment
Julio A. Chirinos
Pages: 2 - 14
Interactions between the left ventricle (LV) and the arterial system, (ventricular–arterial coupling) are key determinants of cardiovascular function. Ventricular–arterial coupling is most frequently assessed in the pressure–volume plane using the ratio of effective arterial elastance (EA) to LV end-systolic...
Journal: Artery Research
Research Article
Abridged version of the expert consensus document on arterial stiffness☆
Stephane Laurent, John Cockcroft, Luc Van Bortel, Pierre Boutouyrie, Cristina Giannattasio, Daniel Hayoz, Bruno Pannier, Charalambos Vlachopoulos, Ian Wilkinson, Harry Struijker-Boudier, on behalf of the European Network for Non Invasive Investigation of Large Arteries
Pages: 2 - 12
In recent years great emphasis has been placed on the role of arterial stiffness in the development of cardiovascular diseases. The present article is an abridged version of an expert consensus document reporting the proceedings of several meetings of the European Network for Non Invasive Investigation...
Journal: Clinical Hematology International
Summary of Scientific and Statistical Methods, Study Endpoints and Definitions for Observational and Registry-Based Studies in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Abraham S. Kanate, Arnon Nagler, Bipin Savani
Pages: 2 - 4
Due to the increasingly strict word/character restrictions enforced by most scientific publications, we identified a need for a master document illustrating the “Scientific Methods” that may be applicable to the majority of observational and registry-based studies in hematopoietic cell transplantation...
Journal: Intensive Care Research
Review Article
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Sepsis: From Basic Research to Clinical Application
Junyi Sun, Xianfei Ding, Tongwen Sun
Pages: 2 - 10
Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a deregulated host response to infection, and is the most common cause of death in the intensive care unit. Although the pathogenesis of sepsis has made substantial progress, the current clinical treatment of sepsis is basically symptomatic treatment,...
Case Study
Risk Mitigation in Managing a Mega Project - a Case Study of Gomal Zam Dam Construction Weight and Cloud Model
George Wang, Wei Hu, Colin Duffield
Pages: 2 - 9
Global contractors operate in an environment that has a variety of alternatives and uncertain circumstances that requires constant circumvention and adjustment. It is not uncommon that a contractor conducting an international project does not comprehensively evaluate the local environments and identify...
Research Article
Anomaly Stop Detection by Smartphone
Viet Chau Dang, Masao Kubo, Hiroshi Sato, Tomohiro Shirakawa, Akira Namatame
Pages: 2 - 6
This paper proposes a method for detecting anomaly stop events from GPS logs of a vehicle recorded by smartphone. Despite of many researches of strong braking event detection are proposed, they cannot discriminate between a normal and an abnormal braking event. Our proposal includes an IMAC model for...
Research Article
An Approach to Ranking Integrated Models for Risk Assessment by Using the Internet of Intelligences
Weidan Wang, Sen Qiao, Fanlei Zeng, Jun Guo, Chongfu Huang
Pages: 2 - 9
In natural disaster risk assessment, it is referred to as integrated model which is used to integrate information. The statistical model is essentially integrated model. Usually, people try to search the reasons that choose a model from the theory or case. Based on the thinking of experimental riskology,...
Research Article
BP’s Reputation Repair Strategies during the Gulf Oil Spill
Kristen Alley Swain, Lindsay A. Jordan
Pages: 2 - 15
On April 20, 2010, British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, creating the largest oil spill in U.S. history. Analysis of 1,161 BP tweets during the crisis response reflected unexpected reputation repair strategies and responsibility attribution. Situational Crisis...
Research Article
Non-linear Schrödinger Equations, Separation and Symmetry
George Svetlichny
Pages: 2 - 26
We investigate the symmetry properties of hierarchies of non-linear Schrödinger equations, introduced in [2], which describe non-interacting systems in which tensor product wave-functions evolve by independent evolution of the factors (the separation property). We show that there are obstructions to...
Review Article
A View Of Cloud Computing
Juhnyoung Lee
Pages: 2 - 8
Today’s IT infrastructure is under tremendous pressure and is finding it difficult to keep up. In distributed computing environments, up to 85 percent of computing capacity sits idle. 66 percent of every dollar on IT is spent on maintaining current IT infrastructures versus adding new capabilities. In...
Journal: Artery Research
Conference Abstract
Katarzyna Stolarz-Skrzypek
Pages: 2 - 2
The data associating blood pressure to salt intake in humans comes from randomized clinical trials of interventions on dietary salt intake and population studies. Generally, estimates from meta-analyses are similar to those derived from prospective population studies (1.7 mm Hg change in systolic blood...
Journal: Artery Research
Conference Abstract
Andrzej Januszewicz
Pages: 2 - 2
Vascular dysfunction and remodelling due to elevated blood pressure constitutes an early step in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic disease. Microvascular remodelling reduces tissue perfusion and impedes blood-tissue exchange. These processes could lead to inadequate perfusion and tissue hypoxia in...
Proceedings Article
Application of 3D Printing Technology in the Construction Industry and Its Development Prospects
Jian Yin, Yiru Suo, Tao Lv, Kaisi Ma, Xincheng Wang, Zhonghua Zhang
The success of rapid industrialization around the world may be due to automated processes leading to faster and cheaper production methods. Over the past three decades, the method of mixing and pouring concrete on site has been gradually replaced by prefabricated construction techniques in some developed...
Proceedings Article
The Role of HAMKRI in Preserving Keroncong Music in Semarang
Abdul Rachman, Udi Utomo, Syahrul Syah Sinaga, Meizan Riza Arhamni
This study intends to discuss the role of HAMKRI in preserving keroncong music, especially in the city of Semarang so that keroncong music still exists and is in demand by the public, especially the younger generation. This study used a qualitative method. Data collection techniques were carried out...
Proceedings Article
Psychoeducational Intervention in Early Childhood Education: Analysis for Children with Disruptive Behavior
Afdal Afdal, Zikra Zikra, Indah Sukmawati, Denia Syapitri, Miftahul Fikri
Disruptive behavior or disruptive behavior is one of the problems that arise in the educational environment, which usually occurs in children. If this behavior is not immediately handled properly, it will certainly become a big obstacle and issue in the educating and learning measure. Problematic conduct...
Proceedings Article
A Study on Smart Lighting Design for Sustainable Office Building Performance in South Tangerang
Dian Fitria, Ika Putri Dermawaran
Smart building uses technology to deliver useful and consistent experiences in performances, services and system. Due to climate change and pandemic situation, the implementation of smart building will be important to deliver sustainability in terms of energy efficiency and wellbeing. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article
The Tendency to Commit Fraud from the Aspect of Individual Factors
Nayang Helmayunita, Dian Fitria Handayani, Vanica Serly, Ade Elsa Betavia
This study aims to examine individual factors that influence a person’s tendency to commit fraud. Love of money, Machiavellian nature, and Muslim view of Allah are used as individual factors in this study. The sample in this study was the 2018 and 2019 UNP students who had taken auditing and business...
Proceedings Article
Reframing Language Education in the Light of Ecological Linguistics
Is the Ecological Perspective “Toxic” or “Vitamin”?
Adriadi Novawan, Susan Mila P. Alvares Tosalem, Stuart Anthony Walker, Titik Ismailia, Agus Setia Budi
The notion of Ecological Linguistics is not new and has been discussed many decades ago. However, its theoretical construction is still open-ended and its implication to practical areas, such as the language pedagogies, calls for more studies either theoretical, empirical, or experiential. This paper...
Proceedings Article
“Sunflower Garden” Eco-Tourism Area Development Strategy in Batannyuh Belayu Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency
A.A.Gede Oka Wisnumurti, I Made Wimas Candranegara, Ni Made Anggriyani, Ni Gusti Ayu Made Marlin Rintha Putri
Tourism today has become a necessity for all levels of society. Therefore, tourism management must be carried out seriously by involving related parties. The Central Government also has exceptional attention to Bali as an area with enormous tourism potential and much foreign exchange. The central government...
Proceedings Article
Food Security Improvement Model Through Social Forestry Program
Wartiningsih, Nunuk Nuswardani, Rosita Indrayati
Covid 19 has hit all countries including Indonesia. This disaster hit all sectors of people’s lives, including the strategic sector, namely food security. This is raising concerns because in the end the production and distribution of community food will also be disrupted, in this regard FAO states that...
Proceedings Article
Boosting Propensity to Blow the Whistle: The Effect of Reporting Models and Retaliation: An Experimental Approach
Kevin Henrico, Tertiarto Wahyudi, Mukhtaruddin, Sohibul Imam
This study aims to empirically examines the phenomenon about the influence of reporting models (structural and reward model), reporting channels (anonymous and non-anonymous), and retaliation on someone propensity to blow the whistle (PBW).The data obtained by true experimental research methods which...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Sociological Methods in Criminological Research
Oleksandr Korystin, Nataliia Svyrydiuk, Alexander Vinogradov
The article focuses on the need to use sociological methods in criminological research. The current situation in Ukraine is characterized by inconsistency in state statistics on criminality in the country. And the only alternative can be an expert survey in this area and analysis of relevant data. This...
Proceedings Article
Distribution Patterns and Factors Affecting the Selection of the Destination Country of Indonesian Migrant Workers of Lampung
Ari Darmastuti, Astiwi Inayah, Khairunnisa Simbolon
Lampung Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia that sends many workers abroad. The efforts to send workers abroad are part of international migration which is motivated by unfavorable conditions in the area of origin and better conditions which are considered favorable in the destination country....
Proceedings Article
Web Design of TPQ Zahrotul Jannah through Digital Marketing Strategy
Rizka Rahma Amalia, Ernawati Ernawati, Septianti Septianti, Abu Amar Fikri
Al-Qur’an Education Park (TPQ) Zahrotul Jannah is an educational institution located in Sidoarjo which has a private Al-Qur’an learning program for all ages with the advantage of flexible time and place. The number of students studying at TPQ has not yet reached the expected target because they do not...
Proceedings Article
Navigating the Dark Side of Digital Space
Study Case on the Phenomenon of Digital Fear of Missing Out (Fomo) in Twitter of K-Pop Fans in Bandar Lampung
Cindyta Adevia Ananda, Andi Windah
Korean culture has continuously entered Indonesia since the 2000s. K-Pop fans (Korean music fans are called) are increasingly rampant in Indonesia and closely related to the stereotype of fanaticism. Teenagers are categorized as the biggest consumers of K-Pop commodities. This is made easier by the development...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Project Based Learning Paper in the Course of Islam Religious Education Learning to Increase 21st Century Skills of University Students
Achmad Sultoni
To be successful in the 21st century, people need certain soft skills: communication, cooperation, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Thus, universities need to educate students to have those skills. One of the teaching models to increase those skills is project-based learning paper (PjBL paper)....
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Condition Value and Remaining Life of Idano Mezawa Bridge, Nias District, North Sumatera
Sumargo, Reyhan Kamil Nurmansyah
Bridges are an important part of a road network that functions to connect regions to support the regional economy. To function properly, bridges must be subjected to a maintenance program and periodic supervision. In Indonesia, the method used for bridge inspection and assessment is currently regulated...
Proceedings Article
Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
Achmad Sultoni, Ahmad Munjin Nasih, Endah Tri Priyatni, Azizatuz Zahro, Juharyanto
Pandemic of Covid-19 in Indonesia force most schools to implement online learning to stop Covid-19 spread. This study aims to investigate problems of Islam Religious Education (IRE) or Pendidikan Agama Islam (well-known as PAI) in online learning at elementary schools. Respondents are 107 Islam Religious...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Academic Stress Levels Among Migrant Students
Nirwana Permatasari, Dewi Retno Suminar
Adaptation to new environments is critical to the successful engagement of overseas students with their studies at university. Leaving and studying in places of different societies socially and culturally can have certain social and psychological impacts. Overseas students’ failure to adjust to college...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Prasasto Satwiko, Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa, Nimas Sekarlangit