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194175 articles
Proceedings Article
Relational Algebra Interpreter
Tamim Alkhalifah, Denise De Vries
Relational Algebra is a procedural language that defines database in terms of algebraic expressions. It is used to explain query execution and optimization in a relational DBMS. However, the tools available to teach the concepts of Relational Algebra are limited. Most of the tools that teach database...
Proceedings Article
Study of the influence of Structural parameters of Common Rail Injector on the Ejecting Performance
Hu Yan
High-pressure common rail injector is one of the most important components of the fuel injection system, and its performance will directly affect the engine combustion process. As the high-pressure common rail injector complex structure and the structure parameters which affect the ejecting performance...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Reform in Higher Vocational College Accounting
Xi Chen
Teaching Reform in Higher Vocational Accounting is an important part of education reform in our country, and how the quality of accounting education is directly related to the quality of future capabilities and the entire accounting accounting personnel. From the current social survey shows that the...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Instructional Management Based Lesson Study and its Impact with Student Learning Achievement
Imam Imam Gunawan
The purpose of this study is: (1) to describe the process of instructional management based lesson study; and (2) improving of student achievement by applying instructional management based lesson study. The research method used is a classroom action research, which is implemented with two cycles, namely...
Proceedings Article
The Necessity of Ecological Education in Wuling Mountain Area
Hongzhen Su, Yan Wang
Wuling mountain area is one of the areas where economic development is slow, but it is also reach ecological resources. Hence joining the environmental protection and the economic development is of great significance in the area.This paper analyzes the necessity of implementation of ecological education...
Proceedings Article
Scientific Development Strategy of Adult Education Research in China during the Period of Transition
H.J Xing
The transformation of adult education, is an urgent need to deepen the reform, the scientific development. The paper from recognizing and meet the needs of the "six" the positive point of view, explains the current of problems existing in the adult education in our country, and accordingly puts forward...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Study on antiseptic property of water soluble polyvinyl alcohol building adhesive
Chao Zhu, Qing Xiang, Xiaoyue Liu, Liming Dong
With people's strengthened environmental awareness and the decrease of free formaldehyde content in water soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) building adhesive, the problems about mildewing and change of quality in PVA adhesive are getting people's attention. The reasons for the adhesive mildewing were studied...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Iterative migration of gravity and gravity gradiometry data at Bathurst Mining Camp
Wan Le, Michael S. Zhdanov
Three-dimensional (3D) inversion of full tensor gradiometry (FTG) data continues to be an active area of research and development. We have recently developed a method of potential field migration, which extends to the case of the potential field the general principles of seismic and electromagnetic migration....
Proceedings Article
The professional development countermeasures for young teacher in local universities
Changping Wang, Chunbo Wei, Jianbo Wang, Pengxia Zhang
The author found that local universities existing the professional development Countermeasures for young teacher as follows:(1)Strengthen the professional career plan, enhance professional awareness, and promote teachers' self development;(2)Improve the teaching level through self reflection and experience...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Research on the Composite Braking Control of Electric Vehicle
Jinglei Dou, Gaojian Cui, Shaosong Li, Shunhang Zheng, Xiaoquan Zhu, Zhixin Yu
A new composite braking control strategy is proposed for a rear-wheel-drive electric vehicle (EV) with both a regenerative braking system and a hydraulic braking system to achieve improved braking performance and optimal energy regeneration. Based on the model predictive control (MPC), the proposed braking...
Proceedings Article
Research on Efficient Operation Mode of the Material Intensive of Power Grid Based on S&OP
Yong-Huan Hu, Wei Zhou, Jun-Song Wang, Feng-Na Dong
This paper focuses on the issues of material intensive plan control and operation implementation under the mode of group purchasing. Starting with the analysis of the characteristics of demand differentiation, this paper also makes analysis of the characteristics of the efficient operation mode, the...
Proceedings Article
Achievement Supervision Management on Indonesian Futsal Club (IFC)
Dr. Herman, Dr. Hasyim
The openly and synergy management of achievement supervision for athletes is an asset for success and promote the organisation. This study aims to determine the description of the achievement of planning, organising, leadership, evaluation and monitoring in the futsal club supervision. This type of research...
Proceedings Article
Executive Compensation and Earnings Management -An Empirical Study of Manufacturing Industry
Chan Lyu, Chao Zhang
Based on the management compensation contract and related theory of earnings management, this paper selects 480 listed A share manufacturing companies in Shanghai and Shanghai Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2014 as sample data, and takes executive monetary compensation and executive shareholding as proxy...
Proceedings Article
Management framework and practice of accounting theory
Wang Peng
TIn this paper, with a theoretical framework for management accounting briefly reviewed, management accounting theory should make accounting environment and changing as the logical starting point and take objectives of management accounting as the core and take business management accounting information...
Proceedings Article
Abusive Supervision and Work-Family Conflict: A Mediation Model of Organizational Justice and Psychological Distress
Lei Ju, Xiu-li Jing, Zhong Lin
In the special culture context of China, abusive supervision is common in enterprise. This leads to injustice and psychological distress of employees. Based on “Kicked the dog effect”, this stress from work can transfer to family. Work-family conflict not only affects social stability because of high...
Proceedings Article
The research and exploration on innovative practice with inquiry learning oriented
Jin Wen, Chunxia Zhao, Shaoxuan Gu, Xuehui Huang
The innovation ability is a primary target of “outstanding engineer” training and inquiry learning is an effective teaching method to cultivate students' innovation ability. Carrying out inquiry learning based on the innovative practice is an exploring direction of excellent talents training. This paper...
Proceedings Article
Research on Natural Interactive 3D Registration Algorithm Based on the Detection of Human Hand Features
J.C. Fan, Y.Z. Liu
Aiming at hand feature detection and recognition problem in the natural interaction, especially for the problem that finger was ignored or undetected in the current method, we propose, an improved Adaptive Mean-SHIFT(CamShift) algorithm which combined skin color detection to track and detect hand information...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Green Corrosion Inhibitor in Central Air-conditioning Cooling Water
M.D. Li, B. Yang, J.M. Zhao, Y.T. Chen, S.X. Gu, C.L. Dai
The occurrence of metal corrosion can greatly reduce the air-conditioning efficiency, and even affect the safe and stable operation of equipment in central air-conditioning cooling water circulation system. Adding corrosion inhibitor to cooling water system is currently the most commonly and effective...
Proceedings Article
A Mobile Frequency Allocation Algorithm Based on the Graph Theory
L. Yang, Y.H. Yu
By using the theory of point coloring in graph theory, the algorithm in this article converts the relationship among base stations to the relationship between the vertices and lines in a graph, performs the point coloring for the great connecting diagram on the basis of the thought of the wheel diagram,...
Proceedings Article
Research on Multi-period Stochastic Inventory Model of Tobacco Commercial Enterprise
Huang Dongbing, Zhang Dandan
Build multi-period stochastic inventory model of tobacco commercial enterprise and determine optimal inventory stock and order point under maximum expected profit. Case studies have shown that this model can optimize tobacco commercial enterprise inventory, so as to achieve the effect of inventory cost...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Application and research of soft polymer material decoration in interior architecture
Jianwei Ban, Lin LI
The establishment of the human living environment is the soul of interior space environment design, under the background of material worship and mechanical fever, increasingly ecological destruction, population crisis, threat of energy consumption, etc, people call for modern "ecological environment"...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Local Own-Source Revenue towards Regional Financial Independence
Leni Yuliyanti, Nugraha Nugraha, Yanyan Kurnia Fadilah
This study aims at determining the influence of local own-source revenue towards regional financial independence. This study based on regional government regencies and municipalities of Indonesia. The research employed descriptive verification and documentation method as data collection technique. This...
Proceedings Article
Human Resources Transformation: Research Approaches
Аnna А. Fedchenko, Ekaterina S. Dashkova, Galina A. Shkirenko, Lidia P. Arzamastseva
The article focuses on the research of human resources transformation within the context of economy digitalization. The authors identify the factors and analyze their influence on the process of human resources transformation at different management levels. The article presents the algorithm of how economy...
Proceedings Article
On the Thoughts and Morals Training and Law Basic Course Infiltrated with Ocean Consciousness Education
Ying Gong
Adding the education of ocean consciousness into the Thoughts and Morals Training and Law Basic course is the requirement of the new era where China is developing itself as a maritime power. In the teaching activities, it is necessary to cultivate students’ consciousnesses of maritime power, maritime...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing the Use of Lecture Methods in Learning Activities: Teacher Perspective
Zakirman Zakirman, Lufri Lufri, Khairani Khairani
Science learning at the elementary school level in Pariaman is currently dominated by the use of lecture methods in delivering material. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the use of lecture methods in science learning in elementary schools. In order to obtain data, a questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
Non-Verbal Communication Behavior of Learners on Online-based Learning
Dila Umnia Soraya, Kartika Candra Kirana, Slamet Wibawanto, Heru Wahyu Herwanto, Chandra Wijaya Kristanto
In online-based learning, there is limited interaction between teachers and learners who do not meet directly. However non-verbal communication indicates the emotion that is often called as a driver of learning success. Therefore, in this study, we are encoding the non-verbal behavior of learners during...
Proceedings Article
Students Learning Difficulties and Saturation in Achieving Competency
Tetty Setiawaty, Gunadi Tjahjono
This study has the main purpose of describing the difficulty and saturation of student learning in achieving competency. The type of research used is quantitative, using quantitative and mean descriptive analysis. The results showed: 1) Student learning problems are grouped into three, which are: learning...
Proceedings Article
Increasing the Competence of Scientific Publications of Technology-based Primary School Teachers in Indonesia
Dihamri Dihamri, Haimah Haimah, Abditama Srifitriani
The purpose of the study is to increase the competencies of scientific teacher’s publication. Teachers are not hampered in promotion and other position. The method used to achieve the goal is Training for 36 hours. Face to face for 6 times of meetings, individual guidance by WhatssApp (WA) through chat...
Proceedings Article
Exploration and Practice of Laboratory Construction for the Major of Urban Rail Transportation
Yanrong Fu, Yadong Meng, Guangjian Zhang
With the rapid development of domestic urban rail transit and the increasing demand for the talents in this field, a new specialty of urban rail transportation is established in many colleges and universities in order to adapt to the social development. In view of the construction on the laboratory for...
Proceedings Article
Improving Self esteem and Games Performances through Games based Learning in Physical Education Content Basketball at Secondary High School
Ahmad Hamidi, Sofyan Achmad Hanif, Mochamad Asmawi
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of games-based learning in physical education of Basketball game on junior high school students’ self esteem and skill play in class VII. This study uses quasi experiment with pretest-posttest without control group design which implemented...
Proceedings Article
The Study of the Influence of Port Scale on Tugboat Configuration Based on System Simulation
Wenyuan Wang, Tianqi Zheng, Yun Peng
In the case of satisfactory waterway condition, the scale of the port area affects the tonnage and size of the vessels operated in the port directly, which leads to a higher demand on the tugboat configuration in the port. In this article, a simulation model of the operation system of ships entering...
Proceedings Article
Understanding Collaborations between Chinese and the U.S. Universities: The Development of a Typology
Hui Kang, Genshu Lu, Linda Serra Hagedorn
There has been a recent and rapid increase in the number and forms of educational collaborations between the U.S. and China in recent decades. Through the years these collaborations have evolved from the simplest forms of welcome of international students and faculty to complex agreements and even new...
Proceedings Article
A Rapid Parametric Modeling Method of SWATH Based on Siemens NX Extended Development
Qu Yang, Guan Guan, Yan Lin, Lei Wang
A rapid parametric modeling method capable to automatically build and modify the form of SWATH based on Siemens NX extended development is described, aiming at solving the problem of long time consuming and low utilization of the traditional SWATH modeling method. The underwater hull and strut are parameterized...
Proceedings Article
Western Values in M. K. Gandhi’s Social Philosophy
Elena Bitinayte
The article deals with the Western values and ideas in M. K. Gandhi’s thought. Although he rejects technical progress and other external manifestations of modernization, his views in a great extent are consistent with the moral foundation of Modernity. First, it is expressed in the fact that he pays...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Virtual Enterprise-based Education Pattern for University Students' Innovative Undertaking
Ping Zhang, Yinghong Zhang
Nowadays, the market competition is increasingly fierce, employers have gradually improved assessment criteria for talents, and college students expand constantly, so it is difficult for talents who just have graduated from university to find suitable jobs. In order to alleviate employment pressure on...
Proceedings Article
The Strategy of Internationalization of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institution: A Case Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Ade Rusman, Hermin Endratno
This study sought to investigate the strategy of internationalization of Muhammadiyah higher education institutions at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) to pursue the status of a world-class university. Qualitative method approach, empirical research was used to explore the internationalization...
Proceedings Article
A Study of English Smart Education Promoting the Development of Learners' Metacognitive Strategies
Jie Xiao, Weimin Qi, Qun Hou
By combining the offline traditional teaching with online teaching using different network learning resources, this article is aimed to explore the combination of smart education and College English teaching under the background of the continuous development of Internet information technology. Then it...
Proceedings Article
Research on Existential Problems Based on Drawer Principle
Wenrong Jiang
The principle of drawer, also known as the "pigeon (nest)" principle, is a common method for solving existential problems. It was first proposed by the German mathematician Dirichlet. Therefore, it is also known as the Dirichlet principle in mathematics. In this paper, the combination of algorithms and...
Proceedings Article
A Cross Sectional Study: Metabolic Syndrome in Yogyakarta
Agil Dhiemitra Aulia Dewi, Silvi Lailatul Mahfida
Radiographer, in general, have a duty and responsibility to audit includes examining patients for radio diagnostic including nuclear medicine and ultrasonography (USG), radiation Metabolic syndrome (MetS) (at least 3 of the following: abdominal adiposity, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, hypertension,...
Proceedings Article
Porcine-specific Primer based on Cytochrome B by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Identification in Raw Meat
Nina Salamah, Yuny Erwanto, Sudibyo Martono, Abdul Rohman
Pork is a type of meat that is often used for counterfeiting products with a composition of beef. This counterfeiting can provide large profits to producers, given the price of pork is far below the price of beef. So we need specific methods to ensure the halal product. The purpose of this study was...
Proceedings Article
Zakat Effects on Mustahiq Happiness
Pribawa Pantas
This study aims to determine the effect of empowerment of zakat to happiness mustahiq on Lazis Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Analysis of the data using data analysis techniques Weighted Least Squares (WLS). The results of this study indicate that the variable utilization of Zakat funds proved to have a positive...
Proceedings Article
The influence and risk of education platform on middle school students' Education under the background of "Internet +"
Yu-xin Xia, Zhi-chen Li
With the rapid development of Internet technology, the development of online education platform in China has made certain achievements. This document mainly analyzes the impact of online education platform on middle school students' education and the existing risks. The paper collects the feedback of...
Proceedings Article
Modeling of ERP Practical Skills Online Intelligent Assessment System
Ruohui Wang, Jimei Li
In recent years, the ERP practical skills have been developed rapidly worldwide in terms of teaching, testing, competing and training. However, there are still some deficiencies in the existing automatic assessment system. According to the characteristics of ERP system, this paper designs the overall...
Proceedings Article
The Integrity of Public Accountant has Implications for Detecting Fraud in Conducting an Audit
Ely Suhayati
This study has a purpose to find out how much the integrity of a public accountant has implications for detecting fraud in conducting an audit. It used Structural Equation Modeling as the research method with 30 Public Accountants from 10 Public Accounting Firms in Bandung City as the respondents. The...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation between Body Mass Index, Abdominal Circumference, and Hip Circumference on Cardiorespiratory Endurance using the Rockport Method
Prijo Sudibjo, Cerika Rismayanthi, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto
Obesity or being overweight is a factor in health that greatly lowers one's confidence. A lot of prevailing causes of death has been linked to obesity. The Body mass index (BMI), abdominal circumference, and hip circumference are anthropometric indicators commonly used to measure fat tissues in the body....
Proceedings Article
Exploration and Construction of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum System in Civil Engineering Specialty
Min Ji, Bolin Jiang, Shuzhen Chen
Innovation and entrepreneurship education is a systematic project. The key to promoting the development of college students' innovation and entrepreneurship education is to build a reasonable curriculum of innovation and entrepreneurship education. In particular, the curriculum system suitable for professional...
Proceedings Article
Prototype of Voice Commanded University Executive Business Intelligence Assistant (BELA)
Mohamad Irwan Afandi, Eka Dyar Wahyuni
Higher education institutions have already started implementing business intelligence application in order to support university executives to make better decisions. Normally, an application is operated using a mouse, keyboard, or touch-screen device which in some cases is not suitable for the users....
Proceedings Article
Prediction of Disease-Resistant Gene in Rice Based on Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Kernel C-Means
Glori Stephani Saragih
Rice production in Indonesia is important especially for national economy. Rice is the staple food for Indonesian, so Indonesia is the biggest rice consumers in the world, averaging more than 200 kilograms per head each year. Therefore, Indonesia needs to be aware of rice production systems because there...
Proceedings Article
Research on Transformation Strategy of Enterprise Human Resource Management in Big Data Era
Ke Zhang, Pei Xu
With the continuous innovation of modern computer science and technology and communication technology, human society has gradually shifted from the traditional industrial era to the information age and the era of big data. The arrival of the big data era brings more opportunities and challenges to the...
Proceedings Article
A Study on the Schooling and Cultural Identity of Cross-border Ethnics in Yunnan
Gu He
There are several key problems for the schooling and cultural identity of cross-border ethnics in Yunnan: school, family and community; schooling settings; social-economic development. It should establish a social mechanism to develop schooling and culture; plan schooling and cultural development; strengthening...