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189328 articles

Verification of the Public Discourse of Ecuador’s Mayors on Local TV and Inclusion of Innovation and Technology Topics, Between February 20 and March 22

Abel Suing, Jonathan Villavicencio, Pablo Lomas-Chacón
The purpose of the research is to determine the accuracy of the statements made by the mayors of Ecuador, and the inclusion of issues related to innovation and technology management, based on the fact-checking methodology. The research question is: Do the public statements of Ecuador’s mayors presented...

Comparison of Threshold Provisions for Presidential Candidacy in Indonesia and Turkey

Rahmat Muhajir Nugroho, Sudarsono, Istislam, Muchamad Ali Safa’at
In Indonesia, there is a nomination threshold often referred to as the Presidential Threshold in the mechanism to nominate a President and his/her Vice-President in the Election of the President. The stipulation of the threshold as a condition for Political Parties to nominate pairs of President and...
Proceedings Article

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Technology Is A Double-Edged Sword

Ying Wu
While artificial intelligence and machine learning greatly improve cyber security, their limitations lead to the possibility that they can have both positive and negative, even unpredictable ,concomitant effects on cyber security, i.e. they simultaneously present opportunities for attackers to also evolve...
Proceedings Article

Hydraulic Turbulence Caused by Ship Movement and Slope Stability at the Juncture of Dredging and Reclamation

Sudipta Chakraborty, A. R. Kambekar
For accommodating deep drafted vessels dredging at the vessel maneuvering area to the required depth as well as deepening the berth pocket of the upcoming jetty also became necessary. Improvement of strength of the reclaimed ground became essential to cater to the future loads of container stacks, gantry...
Proceedings Article

Lipase Production of Aspergillus aculeatus MS. 11 Using Solid State Fermentation on Rubber Seed Press Cake

Maya Nurjanah, Miftahul Ilmi
Lipase is an enzyme that has various use in industrial sector. However, the enzyme production cost is considerably high mainly due to expensive fermentation substrate. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective media formulation to increase production of lipase enzyme without reducing the amount...

Research on Challenge and Development of Smart Community: Conceptual Background and New Challenges at the Local Level

Xiaotong Lai, Jihaeng Lee
At the end of 2019, Covid-19 pandemic swept across the country. As the last line of defense for residents to prevent the epidemic, community is facing huge ordeal and challenges. In the face of the severe epidemic, the smart community has played a pivotal role with the new generation of information technologies...
Proceedings Article

Behavior of Railroad Bridge Girders Due to Brake Loads with LISA V.8 FEA

Aco Wahyudi Efendi
The railroad track is very important as a means of crossing the train itself, especially for lines that have a fairly extreme elevation, where for the railroad itself it is not allowed to have a track with a very high grid. This study uses the finite element method with assistance from LISA...

Critical Discourse Analysis of Naming Children Sex Offender in Indonesia

Antok Risaldi, Anang Santoso, Moch. Syahri
The purpose of this study is to describe the form of naming of the perpetrator himself and the victim through critical discourse analysis. Critical discourse analysis is used to dismantle certain powers implicit in the use of language. The practice of the power of the evildoer is obtained through discourse,...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Clustering Analysis on Solar Panels Adoption by MSMEs in Banyumas Regency

Famila Dwi Winati, Anastasia Febiyani, Prisilia Rahayu Cahyaningtyas, Amanda Aziz P. Ramadhani
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are essential for regional economic growth. In their operations, MSMEs often face technical constraints, one of which is the limited supply of electrical energy that can hamper production. Solar energy as renewable energy has great potential and is an alternative...

The Influence of Santripreneurs on the Realisation of Sharia Business in Malang Islamic Boarding Schools

Raisa Fitri, Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin, Della Ayu Zona Lia, Filianti Filianti
This study aims to develop the potential of young entrepreneurs to improve the community’s welfare through the basis of Islamic boarding schools. This type of research is quantitative with a causal approach, and the population is an Islamic boarding school in Malang City. This research data collection...

Comparison of the Financing Methods of Real Estate Enterprises in China: Vanke and China Overseas

Xun Wang
Real estate drives China’s economic growth and is a pillar industry in China. In the past 20 years, real estate has made a high direct contribution to China’s economic development. Its chain is long and drives the development of many industries. However, real estate requires a large amount of capital,...
Proceedings Article

Generalized integral representation method as applied to numerical simulation of Boussinesq wave

Gantulga Tsedendorj, Baljinnyam Tsangia, Khongorzul Dorjgotov
In this study, we present discretization schemes based on Generalized Integral Representation Method (GIRM) for numerical simulation of the Boussinesq wave. The schemes numerically evaluate the coupled Boussinesq equation for different solitary wave phenomena, namely, propagation of a single soliton,...

Blended Learning in Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Review

Andreas Rio Adriyanto, Wirania Swasty, Atria Nuraini Fadilla, Neo Mai, Bijaksana Prabawa, Muhammad Akbar Hafidzan
During the pandemic, online learning gained popularity in higher education. Synchronous and asynchronous approaches to online learning have advantages and disadvantages, respectively. Various support platforms have been utilized in online learning for an optimal learning experience. As the pandemic situation...

Behavioural Factors Influence on Investment Decisions

Andrieta Shintia Dewi, Nugraha Nugraha, Imas Purnamasari, Maya Sari, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo
In making decisions, investors display irrational behaviour. The decision-making process is considered cognitive, as investors must choose based on various available options. According to the findings, various psychological/behavioural factors negatively impacted the investors’ decision-making. The current...

Strategy of Woman’s Street Vendors at Ippi Ende Port in Supporting the Family Economy in the New Normal Era

Estherlina Sagajoka, Reyna Virginia Nona
Street Vendors are one of the alternative jobs in the informal sector, where in the employment dimension. The informal sector is able to accommodate workers without a selection process, and does not require large capital and high skills. The Covid-19 pandemic era had a significant and vulnerable impact...

Portfolio Selection Effectiveness Based on Absolute Parity Premium: Evidence from Convertible Bond Factor

Haiyi Li, Qianya Ma, Hongmin Sun
In the past, financial analysis mostly relied on subjective judgment, but with the improvement of the tools brought about by the development of The Times, the use of quantitative tools has become more and more important in financial investment. As an easy to use and expanding computer language, Python...

3D Furniture Application Design Applying Augmented Reality (AR) Technology Based on Android

Army Trilidia Devega, Meylia Vivi Putri, Novi Hendri Adi, Ambiyar, Unung Verawardina
This study aims to create a media that can be connected to an Android device, so a media is designed easily for customers to see directly the shape of the furniture, the stages of system development using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method, with 6 stages, namely concept, design material...

Research on the Minimum Wage Policy of the Online-to-Offline Food Delivery Industry in China

Baihong Liu
With the rapid expansion of the online-to-offline food delivery industry in China, the treatment for deliverymen gradually comes into the view of the public as some of them are facing sever inequality in wages given their hardworking. To tackle this problem, this paper puts forward the minimum wage policy...

Performance Evaluation of Listed Enterprises in China’s Cotton Textile Industry Based on Combination Evaluation

Lijuan Lei, Chengjin Sun, Songyu Wang, Jian Wen
In order to objectively evaluate the business performance of China’s cotton textile industry, this research uses factor analysis and projection pursuit comprehensive evaluation method to conduct a single method for empirical analysis. The results show that these methods pass the consistency test of Kendall...
Proceedings Article

Design Compression Molding Machine with Hydraulic System

Fatahul Arifin, Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang, Dwi Arnoldi, Eka Satria Martomi, Muhammad Noviadi, Hanif Akbar, Jihan Salsabilla
Seal is a part of the machine that is used by one of the Light Fire Extinguishers (LFE) so that the contents of this tube are kept awake until it is used to extinguish the fire. In the process of making this seal, a machine is used mold to make the seal part. One is as male (upper mold) and the second...

Exploring Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting at Vietnamese Company Case Studies

Nguyen Thi Mai Anh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Dung, Pham Anh Tuan
Research purpose: The objective of this study is to explore case studies of performing ESG to provide insight into ESG activities and reports at Vietnamese companies. Research motivation: At present, there are few previous studies on actual ESG activities at Vietnamese...

The Discovery in The Process of Quality Management System Outsourcing

Wenzhi Li, Haitao Xiao, Shanshan Yang, Jianbo Xu
According to the requirements of quality management system, combined with the problems found in the process of external cooperation of units, this paper briefly analyzes the causes of the problems, and discusses the ideas of external cooperation process from three aspects: correct understanding, scientific...

Visual Message & Characteristic of Family Car Advertisement in Indonesia

Darfi Rizkavirwan
The family car is a concept of car transportation modes adopted by Indonesian car manufacturers, and one is Toyota through the Toyota Kijang. The Toyota Kijang has become a successful family car product and is the ideal reference for an Indonesian family car. Its success in becoming the number one family...
Proceedings Article

Research on Cost Control of Mobile Project Procurement Based on Improved SEIRS Model

Hongyu Liu, Haoran Huang
Cost control in procurement is critical for the mobile manufacturing industry, where rising costs of raw materials and components pose significant challenges. To address this, we developed an improved SEIRS epidemic model to study cost control propagation among contract units in mobile projects. Simulation...
Conference Abstract


Hakim Khettab*, Benjamin Nayagom, Sandrine Millasseau, Stephane Laurent, Pierre Boutouyrie
Pages: 24 - 24
The recognized reference method for endothelial function assessment is brachial artery diameter echo-tracking during flow mediated dilation (FMD) induced by reactive hyperaemia (RH). From the Mons-Korteweg equation, FMD should also reduce upper limb pulse wave velocity (PWV). The aim of our study was...

Meta-Analysis: Smart City Technology of Special Capital Region of Jakarta Facing the Covid -19 Pandemic

Dinda Rosanti Salsa Bela, Suswanta Suswanta
This study aims to determine the smart city technology used by the DKI Jakarta provincial government to deal with the Covid-19 Pandemic using the Twitter account @JSCLab. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The analysis in this paper uses a literature study. The analysis in this research...

The Effectiveness of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Period in The Andalas University Agribusiness Study Program

Devi Analia, Rika Hariance
This study aims to describe students’ opinions about the effectiveness of the online (online) learning process and what obstacles occur during lectures during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The online learning process in question is learning using I-learning in the form of an LMS (learning management...

Creative Writing on Tourism in Chiang Rai After COVID-19: Application of Creative Nonfiction on Senior Projects

Pancharle Thongpanich
Creative writing studies have been gaining a foothold in the academic world in recent years, but its reach in Thailand is still few and far between, not to mention its application in the tourism industry. The author proposes the use of creative writing studies in helping the tourism industry after the...
Proceedings Article

Some Weighted Clique Minimization Problems and their Approximability Properties

Geoffrey Solano, Jhoirene Clemente, Richelle Ann Juayong, Ivy Ordanel
Two minimum clique problems are considered in this study along with some of their important subclasses. The first is the Minimum Edge-Weighted Clique Problem (MIN-EWCP), which is the problem of finding the clique of order m with the least total weight in a complete edge-weighted graph G. The other one...

Business Strategies of Muslim Traders in the Madina Restaurant

Hendra Eka Saputra
This study aims to find out how the business strategy carried out by the Medina restaurant (depot) so that it still survives from generation to generation with the indicators of Rasulullah’s business strategy and general strategy. This type of research is qualitative using case study methods and analysis....
Proceedings Article

An Open Dataset of Labelled Tropical Crops

Jade Chattergoon, Fazeeia Mohammed, Kimberley Gillette, Brittany Peters, Patrick Hosein
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are particularly susceptible to the detrimental effects of Climate Change. Issues such as food security have been given increased attention over the last few years and this has sped up with the transportation and logistical issues faced during the COVID pandemic....
Proceedings Article

Pseudoceysis False Pregnancy in 25-Year-Old with Anxiety: A Case Report

Akmal Junio, Mustafa M. Amin
Background Somatoform disorder is a disorder characterized by the presence of multiple symptoms that cannot be explained or proven as physical symptoms. Patients with this disorder often undergo examinations and consultations with various healthcare centres about their complaints [1]. Doctors...
Conference Abstract


Damian Maciejewski*, Lukasz Tekieli, Anna Kablak-Ziembicka, Piotr Paluszek, Mariusz Trystula, Karolina Dzierwa, Magdalena Wojcik-Pedziwiatr, Roman Machnik, Grzegorz Lewinski, Piotr Pieniazek
Pages: 24 - 24
Objectives: The transfemoral approach is commonly used for carotid artery stenting (CAS) however in cases of severe peripheral vascular disease or unfavorable aortic arch anatomy, the transradial access remains a viable alternative. We report a series of patients with aorto-iliac disease or unsuccessful...
Conference Abstract


Damian Maciejewski*, Lukasz Tekieli, Anna Kablak-Ziembicka, Karolina Dzierwa, Piotr Paluszek, Andrzej Brzychczy, Grzegorz Lewinski, Magdalena Wojcik-Pedziwiatr, Roman Machnik, Piotr Pieniazek
Pages: 24 - 24
Objectives: Transradial vertebral artery (VA) angioplasty might be a viable alternative to the transfemoral approach in cases of peripheral artery disease or anatomical variations of the aortic arch. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of transradial stenting of symptomatic...

Estimating Age on Twitter Using Self-Training Semi-Supervised SVM

Tatsuyuki Iju, Satoshi Endo, Koji Yamada, Naruaki Toma, Yuhei Akamine
Pages: 24 - 27
The estimation methods for Twitter user’s attributes typically require a vast amount of labeled data. Therefore, an efficient way is to tag the unlabeled data and add it to the set. We applied the self-training SVM as a semi-supervised method for age estimation and introduced Plat scaling as the unlabeled...

Geochemical and Clay-Size Minerals Evidence for the Provenance of LQC Loess Deposits in the Central Shandong, Northern China

Min Ding, Junxiang Zhang, Shuzhen Peng, Wei Zhang, Qiuyue Zhao, Longjiang Mao
Pages: 24 - 34
The identification of the Shandong loess provenance adjacent to the floodplain of the Yellow River external the Loess Plateau is very important for revealing the path of dust accumulation and paleoenvironment, which has aroused widespread concern. In this study, the clay-size(

Four Dimensional Lie Symmetry Algebras and Fourth Order Ordinary Differential Equations

T. Cerquetelli, N. Ciccoli, M.C. Nucci
Pages: 24 - 35
Realizations of four dimensional Lie algebras as vector fields in the plane are explcitly constructed. Fourth order ordinary differential equations which admit such Lie symmetry algebras are derived. The route to their integration is described.

Lie Symmetries, Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras and Similarity Reductions of Certain (2+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equations

M. Lakshmanan, M. Senthil Velan
Pages: 24 - 39
The Lie point symmetries associated with a number of (2 + 1)-dimensional generalizations of soliton equations are investigated. These include the Niznik ­ Novikov ­ Veselov equation and the breaking soliton equation, which are symmetric and asymmetric generalizations respectively of the KDV equation,...

Assessment of Strategic R&D Projects for Car Manufacturers Based on the Evidential Reasoning Approach

Xin-Bao Liu, Mi Zhou, Jian-Bo Yang, Shan-Lin Yang
Pages: 24 - 49
Assessment of strategic R&D projects is in essence a multiple-attribute decision analysis (MADA) prob- lem. In such problems, qualitative information with subjective judgments of ambiguity is often provided by people together with quantitative data that may be imprecise or incomplete. A few approaches...

Correlation of Panji’s Lust in Wangbang Wideha Manuscript with Javanese Spirituality

Amalin H. Imani, Ropi’ah
The aim of this research is to investigate: (1) the existence of Panji’s excessive love for Warastrasari (Sekartaji), (2) the will of Panji to achieve his obsession, and (3) Panji’s desire to get sexual lust satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to examine the existence of lust owned by the main...

Novice Teachers’ Challenges and Problems in Bilingual Schools Context in Bali

Eka Anastasia Wijaya, Made Hery Santosa
The present study aimed to investigate the problems and challenges encountered by novice English teachers in two major bilingual schools located in different regions in Bali. Framed within a qualitative design, the study employed survey and interview as the methods with a questionnaire and an interview...

Conceptual Principles of Research of the Process of Institutionalization of Distance Education in Ukrainian Reality

Natalia Komykh, Kyrylo Nedria
The article is based on the study of the current state of institutionalization of distance education in Ukraine using the methods of sociological research and its analysis through the prism of R. Scott’s theory and its regulatory and cultural-cognitive systems. Theoretical analysis showed certain problems...

Involuntary Mercy Killing During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Perspective of Health Law in Indonesia

Lisnawaty W. Badu, Jufryanto Puluhulawa, Suwitno Y. Imran
In conditions full of uncertainty and overshadowed by despair, sometimes humans make irrational choices, one of which is when the patient’s family refuses treatment procedures and/or takes action to request medical personnel to remove or stop the function of life support medical devices to patients....

Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Nakhichevan-on-Don: The Problem of Attribution and Formation of the Architectural Appearance of the Armenian City

Olga Baeva
Nakhichevan-on-Don is the city founded on the Lower Don in 1779 for Armenians resettled from Crimea. Plan of this city included construction of seven churches. At the beginning of XIX century six churches were built in an uncharacteristic for the settler’s classical style. The projects of these churches...
Proceedings Article

Modeling of the Relation of SoC, SoH, DoD for VRLA Battery of Solar Power Plant in IT-PLN

Aas Wasri Hasanah, Isworo Pujotomo, Rinna Hariyati, Muchamad Nur Qosim, Johri Sabaryati, Sparisoma Viridi
Institut Teknologi PLN or IT-PLN in Jakarta has a solar power plant with capacity of 28.8 kW, which is operated only for research and teching. Due to limited access to the facility only two observation points of data have been collected. One in 2018 and one in 2020. The data are state-of-charge (SoC)...
Proceedings Article

COVID-19 Education and Vaccination in Reducing Students’ Anxiety Levels at SMP 2 Silaut

Anggra Trisna Ajani, Mega Adyna Movitaria, Nopan Saputra, Yance Komelasari
This research is a form of community service that aims to provide education related to Covid 19 and vaccination in reducing students’ anxiety levels, as well as to increase students’ knowledge about Covid 19 and its vaccinations. This service is carried out on students at Junior Hight School 2 Silaut....

Reflections on Monopolistic Behavior in the Platform Economy

Taoran Yang
The Anti-Monopoly Bureau’s formal listing and the overhaul of the anti-monopoly law show that China’s anti-monopoly regulation has entered a new era. In the information age, the platform economy is becoming increasingly important to China. However, the development of platform economy has challenged China’s...

The Application of the Folklore Characteristics of Chopsticks in the Design of Museums

Fan wu
Chopsticks, which is the chopsticks we often say in our lives, is one of the most common eating tools in our lives, but it is just because it is too common, so many people think it is just a food utensil, but it is still a symbol of Chinese culture. One of this special and important traditional cultural...

The Effect of Balint-style Group on Empathy Ability and Interpersonal Communication Skills of Rehabilitation Students

Yuran Yang, Qian Wang
To explore the effect of Balint-style group on empathy and communication skills of rehabilitation students, 64 volunteers were randomly assigned to the Balint group and control group. The Balint-group was trained with the Balint method, whereas the other group was organized as a reading club. Questionnaires...

The Integration of Cultural Tourism Inheritance and Derivative Design of Non-Traditional Handicrafts under the Perspective of Rural Revitalization

Guangxi Maonan Bamboo Weaving as an Example

Yirong Wei
Under the convergence pressure of globalization and the strong impact of a strong culture, the inheritance and development of traditional handicrafts of the Hanazukhat ethnic group face a great dilemma. In this paper, based on the vision of rural revitalization and cultural tourism integration, the aesthetics...