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189328 articles

Cadets’ Effectivity and Perception on Moodle Online Learning in Economy Mathematics Course

Ningrum Astriawati, Himawan Aditya Pratama
This research aims to describe the effectiveness and see the tendency of cadets’ perceptions of moodle-based online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Economy Mathematics Course. The research population was all cadets who took the Economy Mathematics Online Course at the Yogyakarta Maritime...

Investigation on the Drivers of Women Millennials Entrepreneurs Participation: Evidence from Indonesia

Agustina Fitrianingrum, Roro Mega Cahyaning ‘Azmi Riyandani
Indonesia is a patriarchal culture as a social system that placed men in a dominant position compared to women is crystal clear from the private life to business matters, especially in the business area that is closely related to technology acquisition or ICT. On the other hand, ICT serves as a support...

The Contestation of Political Storytelling in Presidential Candidates During the 2019 Federal Election

Andika Hendra Mustaqim
This study explores the political storytelling network contestation of actors of the 2019 Indonesian presidential campaign using critical discursive psychology to analyze the speech of presidential candidates Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Prabowo Subianto. The main theoretical concept used is Hannah Arendt’s...

Discord to Support Synchronous Communication in Distance Learning

Barnad Barnad
Distance learning is an option for the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. Most education providers in Indonesia are still low in understanding and experience in implementing distance learning. Polytechnic of UBAYA Surabaya has implemented distance learning in the two semesters. The learning...

A Discussion of the Realistic Significance and Paths of Rural Revitalization Promoted by Soul-Nurturing Culture

Kang Zhao, Long Dan, Deng Ting
Soul-nurturing culture is not only an important task of the current Chinese ideological construction, but also a functional manifestation of social practice activities carried by culture itself. The function of soul-nurturing and people-cultivating of culture itself has promoted cultural revitalization...

Social and Digital Accountability of Provincial Government of Jakarta in Tackling Covid-19 Pandemic

Adi Suryanto, Nurliah Nurdin, Ohan Suryana
The corona virus pandemic which was occurred in 2019 in Wuhan, China has spread global fear. All governments have responded differently in tackling the virus, from local to central government. Earlier, Indonesian Government underestimated the Covid-19 that the virus would not touch the land. However,...

Improving Learning Activities and Abilities Write Data Description Through Models Problem Solving Learning in Class VII Students in SMP Negeri 24 OKU

Nurhayati, Missriani, Yessi Fitriani
The aim of this study is to identify and describe the increase in learning activities and the ability to write descriptive essays through the Grade VII student problem-solving learning model at SMP Negeri 24 OKU. The aim of this research was to study 27 students in class VII-A. Data collection techniques...

Student’s Mathematical Communication Skills in Class VII Sets Materials Through HOTS-Based Learning

Ayu Yunita, Meryansumayeka Meryansumayeka, Jeri Araiku, Scristia Scristia, Muhammad Yusuf
Students need to have good mathematical communication skills when studying set material. The use of HOTS-based learning can be applied in learning activities so that students have good mathematical communication skills. This study aims to determine and describe mathematical communication skills after...

The Historicity of The New Bali Lexicon and Formation Projection of Unda-Usuk Bahasa

Putu Sutama, Maria Arina Luardini
This research aims to find out the Balinese language evolution in the lexicology field. The Balinese language has grown and improved since the Old Bali, Middle Bali, and New Bali periods. Within the period, the Balinese language absorbed vocabularies from other languages, particularly Javanese, such...

Spatial Experience Through Virtual Tour During Pandemic Covid-19 as A Cultural Resilience: Case Study - Pecinan Village, Jamblang, Cirebon, Indonesia

Tessa Eka Darmayanti, Krismanto Kusbiantoro, Cindrawaty Lesmana, Roi Milyardi, Irena Vanessa Gunawan, Amanda Muliati, Ferlina Sugata
The article was formed from the virtual tour during the pandemic of COVID-19. The activity is part of a collaboration lecture between two universities based in Bandung, Indonesia, and Guanxi, China. The pandemic truly pushed several offline activities into online activities, including tours to historical...
Proceedings Article

Nutritional Therapy in the Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: A Literature Review

Liza Meutia Sari
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most common oral diseases, with an estimated prevalence of 25% of oral ulcerations. Factors that involves in its progressions, such as genetic predisposition, immunological abnormalities, viral and bacterial infections, psychological stress, hormonal...

Reconstructing the Icon of Kota Santri Through Language Used in Public Places: A Linguistic Landscape in Pasuruan City

Badriyah Wulandari, Ilmiyatur Rosidah
The languages’ diversity in Pasuruan city is the cause of ethnical combination such as Javanese, Maduranese, Arabian and Tionghoa ethnics. One of them can be seen from some written expressions in the public places which are shown the characters of pesantren culture, so it makes Pasuruan is famous with...

Effect of Sustainable Report (CSR) on Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Good Corporate Governance (GCG) (Empirical Study on Banking Companies for the 2016-2019 Period)

Rifani Akbar Sulbahri, Syamsurijal, Luk Luk Fuadah, Sa’adah Sidiq
Financial ratios are significant to analyze the company’s financial performance. Regarding the number of financial ratios, this study will only discuss two profitability ratios that can be affected by the Sustainability Report, namely ROA and ROE. In addition to profitability, the disclosure of sustainability...
Proceedings Article

Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Codification in Construction Industry: Evidence from Indonesia

Kartika Negara, Eko Suryo, Indradi Wijatmiko
Tacit knowledge that dominantly exists in the construction project and embed in humans’ minds could disperse after the project team is disbanded at the end of the project. As the result, repeated mistakes could occur, and lesson learned from the previous project is not optimally utilized for the benefit...

Juridical Analysis of Marine Ecotourism Development by Fisherman Community

Lucky Dafira Nugroho, Helmy Boemiya, Ida Wahyuliana
Fishermen are still a profession for the majority of people who live in coastal areas and small islands. Fishermen who are classified as small fishermen, they are still hostage to a situation of poverty that is already multidimensional. One of the factors that encourages small fishermen cannot separate...
Proceedings Article

Control System for Plastic Molding Machine Using PLC at CV. Guna Teknik

Ujang Ruhiat, Robi Kholiloh, Fauzan Adhima, Anang Suryana
An injection molding machine is a machine that uses an injection process into a mold to make a product according to the shape of the mold. In this study the aim was to apply the injection molding machine control system method which is still conventional at CV. Guna Teknik, where the previous method was...

Social Entrepreneurship as an Effort for Economic Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ade Suherman, Tetep Tetep, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Galih Abdul Fatah, Yuyun Susanti
This study aims to determine Social Entrepreneurship as an Effort for Economic Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic. This survey study collected data using questionnaires involving Indonesian society in Ciamis, West Java. The results showed that Social entrepreneurship can minimize economic difficulties...

Student as Child Labor in Agriculture Sector During Pandemic Covid-19

Faidah Azuz, Aylee Christine A. Sheyoputri, Fidaan Husein Azuz, Mulono Apriyanto, Mieke Yustia Ayu Ratna Sari, Dina Lusiana Setyowati
This study aims to describe the condition of the students who work in agriculture sector during covid-19 pandemic; what the reason to work and what the parents’ perception about students who work in farming. This research was done in Enrekang Regency of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Respondents...

Detection of Student Learning Styles Using the Index of Learning Style

Arief Hidayat, Kusworo Adi, Bayu Surarso
Detection of student learning styles is needed to determine the level of motivation and learning performance of a student. In addition, for teachers, it is useful to prepare various kinds of learning materials in various media to accommodate these different student learning styles. To detect student...

The Strategy of Developing Historical Tourism in the City of Singaraja Based on CHSE During the Covid-19 Pandemic

I Putu Gede Parma, A.A. Ngurah Yudha Martin Mahardika, I Ketut Armawan, Putu Yurika Selly Novia
Cultural diversity is could be developed through tourism, Singaraja city has historical tourism that allows it to be developed into one of the tourist attractions in Buleleng Regency. To support this research, a development strategy is needed for cultural tourism objects in Singaraja city in correlation...
Proceedings Article

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring and Medication Adherence: Study on Hypertension Patients in East Madura

Muhammad Perdana Airlangga, Erlinda Prastiwi Septyana, Sholihul Absor
Hypertension systolic and diastolic blood tension where the value becomes higher than 140/90 mmHg. The incidence of hypertension in 2018 is the largest prevalence and makes hypertension cases in Indonesia the 3rd largest contributor to death cases. Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) is used to determine...

Is the Therapeutic Adherence of Hypertensive Patients Closely Related to the Pharmacist-Patient Communication?

Setiyo Budi Santoso, Nurkholis Ashari, Ika Mulyono Putri Wibowo
Two-thirds of hypertensive patients are spread in developing countries. In Indonesia, hypertension, nowadays, ranks second nationally and becomes a priority in non-communicable disease control. Pharmacist-patient communication is presumably related to therapy adherence of hypertensive patients. However,...
Proceedings Article

Equity Pledge and Total Factor Productivity under the Background of Digital Economy

Yangyang Tian
In the process of economic globalization, the digital economy is the only way for China to transform from big to strong. The high-quality development of the digital economy has become an important means of changing the economic and social development model. Under the background of digital economy, this...
Proceedings Article

Research on Improving the Community Group Buying Model with Big Data Technology

Xinjia Zhuang
In recent years, community group buying has developed rapidly and competition in the market is fierce. The government's restrictions on corporate price wars have caused the development of community group buying platforms to stagnate, and there is an urgent need for reasonable optimization of the...

Case Study of Cashless Transportation Analysis in Indonesia

Joshi Maharani Wibowo
This study was conducted to analyze cashless transportation implementation and its impact in Indonesia. This research applied a descriptive qualitative approach and then analyzed it based on sentiment analysis. The data used in this study were e-news data from,, and related...
Proceedings Article

Arthropoda Diversity in Paddy Field with Refugia Plants

Hasriyanty, Mohammad Yunus, Rosmini, Adelia, Suriani
Refugia is a place or area that is overgrown by several types of flowering plants planted around agricultural land areas that can provide shelter, food sources or other resources for natural enemies such as predators and parasitoids so that refugia is expected to reduce rice pest populations and increase...

Investigating the Effectiveness of Transpersonal Counseling for Students with Self-control Issues

Rindhi Rezqi Hertindha, Budi Astuti, Adnan Fadkhurosi
Teenagers of high school age have a high risk to commit various juvenile delinquencies. The ability to control themselves is crucially important to develop by assisting and guiding them both individually and in a group to prevent them from various risky behaviors. The study aimed to determine the effect...

Comparative Study on the Irrigation Water Quality Standards in China and Australia

Yiwei Bai, Lu Zhang, Yanzheng Liu, Xiaochang Wang
Water quality standards for irrigation are crucial to ensure the safety of cultivated land, groundwater and agricultural products. The comparative study in Sino-Australia was conducted based on the specific requirements of Standards for Irrigation Water Quality (GB 5084-2021) and Guidelines for Irrigation...

Exploration on the Development Path of Minority Intangible Cultural Heritage Based on OIIC&KISS Analytical Model--Taking “Naxi Ancient Music” as an Example

Jun Zhao, Xiaowei Chi, Ziming Zheng, Yuxuan Liu, Yatong Yao, Tao Wang, Yanjia Lin
The report of the 19th National Congress proposes to combine inheritance and innovation with the requirements of the times, so that Chinese culture can show permanent charm and elegance of the times. Ethnic minorities have living national culture and simple folk style, in recent years, attracting more...

Study on BIM Maturity Model of Power Industry Based on LWD and LOWA Operator

Hong He, Zhewei Shen, Jianglin Wang, Wenxuan Qiao, Lei Wang, Zhengyi Li, Li Bian
The construction of domestic smart grid is accelerating, power companies pay more and more attention to the application ability of BIM technology, the three-dimensional forward design is increasingly promoted. And the owner needs a perfect evaluation model to evaluate the BIM maturity of participants,...

“Friendship or Romantic Love?”: Critically Adopting Queer Theory to Explore Laotong Relationship in Snow Flower Secret Fan

Tong Guan
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is a popular novel by American author Lisa See. The description of the Laotong relationship - an ancient Chinese relationship that bounded two unrelated girls together to form a for eternity as kindred sisters - has been widely discussed by the public. There exist two prevalent...
Proceedings Article

Research and application of digital Collection smart Contract Method based on Block-Chain

Lili Quan, Yong Pan, Wen Zhong
There are still some problems in the traditional art market, such as piracy, copyright and market narrowing. How to use block-chain technology to convert specific words, pictures, music and other items into digital credentials is an urgent problem to be solved. Compared with traditional works of art,...

Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City

Wulan Febrina, Sudarwan Danim, Didi Yulistio, Ria Ariesta, Abdul Muktadir, Meiselina Irmayati
Research and development for the creation of learning materials for Indonesian courses employs both qualitative and quantitative methods (R & D). The purpose of this study is to develop CLIL-based instructional materials for Indonesian language classes that cater to the needs of college students...

The Impact of Devidend Policy on Stock Return (Property Sector, and Real Estate 2019–2021)

Nurul Maula Rahmah, Maulana Yusup, Iwan Sidharta, Nenny Rinawati, Haritsatun Najwa
In the capital market sector, dividend policy is an action that is difficult to predict because many essential vital aspects need to consider. One aspect of the dividend policy is stock returns. Based on these essential aspects, the researcher aims to investigate the effect of the rate of return on investment...

Lecturer Challenges in Teaching English Pronunciation

Mella Fauzia, Zul Amri
A correct pronunciation is very important for mastering English speaking because different pronunciations can have different meanings and can lead to misunderstandings in conversation. For English department students, to help their students to be able to speak English correctly, the lecturers must have...

Analysis Types of Thematic Progression On Undergraduated Students’ Writing Thesis Proposal

Nurul Mahfuza, Muhd. Al Hafizh
In a work of advanced writing with a wide range of purposes, thematic progression—which helps to the cohesive and coherence of a text—is crucial. A writing’s degree of coherence and cohesion may be evaluated by considering thematic progressions. Due to the important aspects to determine a good writing,...

An analysis of the narrative differences between Chinese and American PSAs

——The theme of combating domestic violence as an example

Ruixi Zhao
Public service announcements (PSAs) are a form of advertising that communicate social values and social issues through communication channels, and have an important role in guiding and influencing public behaviour in society. The fight against domestic violence is a global social issue, and both China...

Science and Technology Innovation Board IPO R & D Whitewashing and R & D Investment

Ruixi Chen, Jia Heng, Shichao Liu
Science and Technology Innovation Board registration system brings opportunities for many scientific innovation enterprises which are not profitable at this stage but have good growth. However, in order to achieve the purpose of using policy dividends after listing, some IPO companies have carried out...
Proceedings Article

Molecular Identification Beta Hemolysis Isolates Species from Contact Lens Cleaner Residual Solution

Sri Anggarini Rasyid, Sanatang Sanatang, Widya Ningsih, Muzuni Muzuni, Satriani Syarif, Sugireng Sugireng
A contact lens cleaner solution should not be left in place for storage and reuse for subsequent storage. The cleaner that has been used does not have enough disinfectant power, even becomes a place of microorganism growth so the risk of infection increases. The study aims to identify the bacterial isolates...
Proceedings Article

Investment in Malaysia: Forecasting Fixed Deposit Using Time Series and Regression Analysis

Nuzlinda Abdul Rahman, Kevin Pang, Chen Yi Kit, Fauhatuz Zahroh Shaik Abdullah, Nur Sofiah Izani, Wan Muhamad Amir W. Ahmad
This paper studies Malaysian banking fixed deposit (FD) rates from 1997 to 2018 using time series and regression analysis. The FD rates is based on rates set by Bank Negara Malaysia. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) is used to study the linear relationship between FD Rates and certain economic and financial...

Developing a Framework to Preserve the Intangible Culture and Heritage in the Endemic Era Using Motion Capture as Capturing Tools

Zaini Kamarol Zaman
In this paper, the researcher addresses on developing the framework of preserving the intangible cultural movement that designed as digital preservation. It draws importance of the process of pre production, ethic reviews, and preparation before the cultural movement recording process. The researcher...

Dehumanization of Education in Indonesia

Danu Eko Agustinova, Hieronymus Purwanta, Sariyatun, Leo Agung Sutimin
Education dehumanization occurs when the implementation of education has obscured human values. National education at this time also does not reflect the face of humanist education following the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. The practice of providing education in Indonesia starts from a policy pattern...

Development of Scientific Inquiry Activities for Junior High School Students Using Creation of Quadrupedal Passive Walking Paper Toys

Konomi Furuta, Yasuhiro Matsunaga
In this study, as the development of scientific inquiry activities using the passive walking toy, we focus on the verification through practice of scientific inquiry activities for junior high school students. In recent years, global issues are piling up and becoming more serious year by year, and the...

The Student Health Literacy Using Teaching Materials in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM)

Endang Widi Winarni, Irwan Koto
The study aims to describe learning activities and health literacy for students using science teaching materials with STEAM. Classroom Action Research was carried out in three cycles for Master Program in Elementary School Teacher Education students, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, University...

Research on University Participatory Landscape Environmental Behavior Patterns

Jin Xia, Yu-Meng Xie
By analyzing the environmental behavior of green spaces between the academic buildings of Xiamen University of Technology, this study finds problems in the university landscape environment including unclear spatial function, incomplete recreational facilities, low spatial utilization, lack of interaction...

Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons

Asmendri Asmendri, Annisaul Khairat, Fauzia Wulandari, Yanti Elvita, Adripen Adripen, Jamilus Jamilus, Yasril Yasril, Alwis Alwis, Milya Sari, Afnibar
This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of kinemaster-based learning videos. This research method is research and development (R&D) using the 4D model with four stages, namely: (1) Define, (2) Design, (3) Develop, (4) Disseminate. At the define stage, interviews were conducted...

The Effectivenes of Short Film “Satu Atap” to Increase Tolerance in Junior High School Student in Sleman

Siwi Colifatis Sabatini, Antonius Ian Bayu Setiawan, Budi Astuti
Indonesia is a country full of diversity, but the many cases of intolerance pose a serious threat to existing diversity. Based on data from the Wahid Foundation, the intolerance score in Indonesia reached 49%. This figure is quite high, especially as there are widespread cases of intolerance due to religious...
Proceedings Article

Alkaline Pretreatment Optimization of Tobacco Stalks for Bioethanol Production

Bekti Palupi, Diana Fitriati, Devadha Halida Vinkarisma, Boy Arief Fachri, Istiqomah Rahmawati, Meta Fitri Rizkiana, Helda Wika Amini
The sustainable biomass production of fuels, chemicals, and other commercial products from lignocellulosic materials has received widespread attention. One of the potential biomass resources to be developed into biofuels is tobacco stalks. Production of tobacco plants in East Java Province was 84,100...

EFL Students’ Perceptions and Challenges of Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing in Academic Writing Courses at Van Lang University

Pham Manh Tri, Nguyen Thi Thanh Van, Cao Thi Xuan Tu
The aim of the research is to discover the challenges regarding computer-mediated collaborative writing (CMCW) EFL learners encounter in academic writing courses and investigate their perceptions about CMCW activities via online applications. The researchers used qualitative and quantitative methods...