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186754 articles

Research on Environmental Administrative Public Interest Litigation Instituted by Procuratorial Organs

Shao Shao, Xi Chen
In the situation of increasingly serious environmental pollution, more and more local procuratorates in China have filed environmental administrative public interest lawsuits as plaintiffs. The author first explained the definition of environmental administrative public interest litigation, and then...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to Anxiety Level in Family Members of Patients With Cerebrovascular Disease at Siloam General Hospital, Karawaci 2020

Felani Dio Fadron, Stefanus Andang Ides, Fitriana Suprapti
Background: Anxiety experienced by the family is one form of psychological disorders in family members who suffer a stroke. The study aims to determine the factors related anxiety level in family members of patients with cerebrovascular disease at Siloam General Hospital Karawaci. Method: Method research...

Application of Psychological Analysis of Micro-Expression Recognition in Teaching Evaluation

Jiawei Ning, Rouhua Wang
In recent years, there are more and more researches on micro expression recognition in body language, which has become an interdisciplinary hot topic in language analysis and psychological analysis. However, most of the previous studies are basic theoretical studies, and the application of micro-expression...

European Social Policy and Catholicism: A Historical Overview

Ksenia Chilkina, Natalia Dorodonova
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the interaction between the Catholic Church and the European states in the sphere of social security. The purpose of the research is to determine cooperation between the State and the Church in the European countries in the social sphere. It is recognized...

An Analysis of the Integration of Anti-Cult Education into Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities Under the Perspective of New Media

Xueying Dai
With the rapid development of Internet technology, various ideas of good and bad are widely spread among college students through the use of new media, which has a huge impact on college students’ world outlook, outlook on life and values. In the era of new media, the Integration of Anti-cult Education...

Customer Orientation’s Vital Importance to Achieve Sales Effectiveness

Ken Grant, Hanny Nasution, Bill Pickett
Previous studies have found sales management control, salesforce characteristics and salesforce performance are considered as key drivers of sales organization effectiveness. There is a lack of studies emphasizing the importance of market orientation in relation to sales organization effectiveness, especially...

Representations of Mother in Indonesian and European Literary Folktales

Iswahyudi Soenarto, Joesana Tjahjani
Folktales are texts which have always been presented through generations. If literary texts are considered as social-cultural reflections and representations, the themes contained in folktales can surely become references which may be interpreted differently, in accordance with the time conditions of...

Preliminary Study of Factors Affecting the Training Performance in Property Management Companies

Tai-Ho Yang, Chieh-Ming Wang
The present study aimed to construct a research framework to investigate the relationships among internal and external factors, learning motivation, and training performance among the property management companies’ employees. The research participants were the employees of property management companies...

Translation Skills of Sichuan Cuisine in the Context of Globe Business

Du Weihua, Hu Zhongli
Chinese food has its own historical heritage, and Overseas Chinese miss it, and foreigners are more and more accepting of Chinese food. Sichuan cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China. At present, there are some good researches on the translation of the names of Sichuan cuisine. This paper...

The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in the Air Cargo Industry on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Terang Maharani, Sari Wahyuni
Air cargo is the only business that survived during the pandemic of Covid-19 for airline company especially Garuda Indonesia. Most of the airline companies made a new strategy related to their cargo business by forming preighters or converting their planes completely into cargo planes which further increased...
Proceedings Article

Production of Bacillibactin Siderophore from Soil Bacteria, Bacillus subtilis: A Bioinoculant Enhances Plant Growth in Arachis hypogaea L. Through Elevated Uptake of Nutrients

S Lalitha, S Nithyapriya
Siderophores are iron chelator low molecular weight secondary metabolite produced by microorganisms found in limited iron environment. In this study, a bacterium capable of secreting siderophores was isolated from the iron deficiency rhizosphere agriculture soil from Salem district, Tamil Nadu, India....

The Neural Mechanism of Memory Encoding

Qiwen Zhang, Yahua Huang, Min Yan
Memory encoding is a part of the process of memory. It is the initial stage of learning information and encoding them from different sensory inputs into the brain. Much previous research has demonstrated the crucial role of memory encoding for Alzheimer’s patients and schizophrenia patients in cognition....

Study on the Positioning and Strategy Selection of Rural Development in Chengdu Under the Background of Rural Revitalization

Xiao Hanfang, Wu Wei
Since the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization in China, the rural development has been improved, but compared with the eastern and central regions, the rural development in the western region is still lagging behind, so it is necessary to find new ideas and new directions to further...

Analysis on Status Quo and Countermeasures of the Export of High-tech Products in Fujian

Siwei Dai, Xiujuan He
With the increasing competition in the international market, the export of high-tech products has gradually become an important factor of the trade competition around the world. Compared with developed countries or provinces, the development of high-tech products lags behind in Fujian Province, especially...
Proceedings Article

Lipid Production from Zygosaccharomyces siamensis AP1 Using Glycerol as a Carbon Source

M. Ilmi, M. Siswontoro
Yeasts are considered as potential lipid producer because they are easy to cultivate, able to grow in high cell densities and can produce high concentrations of lipids. Previously we had isolated a promising lipid producing yeast, Zygosaccharomyces siamensis AP1, from wild honey of Central Sulawesi,...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Mycorrhizal Provision at Different Watering Levels and Frequency on Nutrient production of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

Yustus Serani No Mbeong, Nafiatul Umami, Chusnul Hanim, Andriyani Astuti, Muhlisin Muhlisin
Sorghum is a cereal crop that has the potential to be developed as an animal feed crop. This study aimed to determine the effect of giving mycorrhizal fungi at different levels (0, 10 grams, and 20 grams/plant) and different watering frequencies (every day, 4 days, 8 days) on the morphology and the production...

Contribution of Tourism as an Economic Leverage in Palembang City

Agus Setiawan, Zulkifli Harahap, I Made Oka Mertajayano, Trisna Rahmania
This study aims to determine the contribution of tourism as an economic leverage in the city of Palembang, analyze the impact and economic leverage through MSMEs in the city of Palembang, develop an action plan that will be carried out based on the results of the study. The research method used is descriptive...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluations of the Code of Practice and Conformity Assessment for Pastureland in Herder Communities

Solongo Tsogtbaatar, Batkhishig Baival, Altanzul Tsevelee, Ochirkhuyag Lkhamjav
In Mongolia, the system to connect market chains among livestock products- national producers-global market, has been poorly developed in terms of accessibility and equity. To address this issue fully, it is critical to assess compliance of herder cooperatives and livestock productions with social and...

Legal Politics of Replacing the Regional Head Candidates with Status as Criminal Suspect

Satria Rangga Putra, Inayatul Anisah, Ana Laela Fatikhatul Choiriyah, Setiawan
Many regional head candidates who participated in the 2018 simultaneous regional elections were suspected of corruption and bribery cases. At least nine regional head candidates were caught in corruption and bribery cases. It certainly undermined the spirit of democracy in which regional head candidates...

Determinants of Sukuk Issuance with Mediating Role of Effective Tax Rate

Dewi Setyawati Putri Ibnu, Arief Wibisono Lubis
Sukuk market has continued to grow over the past two decades, yet researches on determinants of sukuk over conventional bond issuance have produced mixed findings. Previous researches also leave a puzzle why asset tangibility is insignificant to sukuk issuance. To contribute to this debate and answer...

Penyengat Island Gastrodiplomacy as World Heritage Support

Anastasia Wiwik Swastiwi, Herry Wahyudi, Rizqi Apriani Putri, Kustiawan Kustiawan, Glory Yolanda Yahya, Mimi Audia Zulha
Penyengat Island is a tourist attraction and national cultural heritage in Tanjungpinang City, Riau Archipelago. Regulations issued by the government regarding the preservation of Cultural Heritage provide the broadest possible opportunities for the community's economic interests. The culinary icon...
Proceedings Article

Capturing the Difference between Former and Current Employees' Emotional Attitudes based on the Online Reviews

Xiao Pan, Wenli Du, Zhuoming Ren
We take current and former employees as research objects, and analyze the textual and numerical data according to 41,000 anonymous reviews of employees from Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google employees, which is collected from a workplace community, the Glassdoor website, that provides company reviews....

The Impact of Clearance Budget Targets and Accounting Control System on the Performance of the Government of Kupang City

Deetje. W. Manuain, Nonce F. Tuati, Hapsa Usman
Regional financial management is carried out in an integrated system embodied in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) which is annually stipulated by regional regulations. The shift in the APBD from a traditional budget to a performance budget requires that the APBD be prepared based on...

The Urgency of Regional Financial Supervision by Indonesian Regional People’s Representative Council

Mhd. Ansori
The management of regional finances or regional revenue and expenditure budgets is carried out by the Regional Head and his apparatus. Thus, abuse is prone to occur in its implementation, and often leads to corruption. Thus, the role of the Regional House of Representatives in supervision is very important,...
Proceedings Article

Brightness of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Juveniles Reared in Tanks with Different Coloured Backgrounds

Samliok Ndobe, Madinawati, Abdul Gani, Indah Surya Luvi Sangkota, Desiana Trisnawati Tobigo, Jusri Nilawati, Septina Fifi Mangitung
Colour is an important indicator of ornamental fish beauty and value. The koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a valuable ornamental fish commodity and is in high demand because of its beauty, colour, and attractive body shape. Colour is an important factor in koi carp which are commonly red, white, yellow,...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Method of Fault Location in a 6 kV Network for a Digital Platform of Intelligent Services of an Electric Grid Company

Andrey Mozokhin, Valery Soldatov
The article proposes a modern method of fault location for 6 kV networks according to empirical criteria for different types of emergency modes. When developing the criteria, the modules of phase voltages and currents at the beginning of the line, at the end of the line, and both at the beginning and...

Quizlet as an Electronic Flashcard to Assist Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning

A Systematic Literature Review (2016–2021)

Arif Husein Lubis, Shavira Amelia Johan, Raihan Vito Alessandro
The ubiquity and advancement of technology have given a positive impact on the elevation of education quality, including Foreign Language (FL) vocabulary learning. Among all types of educational technology, the literature has highlighted the merits of using Quizlet to assist the process of teaching and...
Proceedings Article

Application of Blockchain Technology in Colleges and Universities Financial Sharing Service Platform

Min Zhang
The financial work in colleges and universities involves many aspects, With the development of the information age, Many schools have built their own financial sharing service platforms, But the platform still faces many problems in the specific operation process, Failure to form a strong technical support,...

Investment Analysis of BYD : A New Energy Vehicle Enterprise

Haojiangshan Huang
Under the macro background of the 21st century and the demand for environmental protection, the new energy vehicle brand, BYD is among the best in the world. Compared with Tesla, BYD's price is more affordable, but its product quality control has certain deficiencies compared with Tesla. According...

Study of Socio-Pragmatic of Teacher Communication Model on Whatsapp Social Media of Subject Teacher Deliberation Forum (MGMP) in Donggala

Yunidar, Nelis, SittiHarisah, Nuraedah, Nurdin Nurdin
This research intends to describe model and theme of teacher communication on WhatsApp social media of MGMP forum of Indonesian Language Donggala. The research method applied was qualitative method with a socio-pragmatic approach. Based on the results of the research, there are three models and themes...

The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Models to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators

Eko Risdianto, Fitri Masito, Nova Yustisia, Julie Simon Macariola, Irwan Fathurrochman, Widia Yunita
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Model to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators. The research method used is Research and Development. The sample in this study were 14 students for the limited test and 42 students for the broad...
Proceedings Article

Optimized Application of the Mobile ICT-Based Mini Program to Note-Taking Training for Consecutive Interpreting

Ping Gao, Weiqi Chen
Note-taking is essential to consecutive interpreting as a means to support interpreters’ memory of the source information. The present study aimed to probe into the effect of the optimized model of the mobile ICT-based mini program on student interpreters’ note-taking competence for consecutive interpreting....

The Degree of Ergativity in Bahasa Indonesia and Minangkabaunese

The Case of Prefix ber- and ba-

Jufrizal, Lely Refnita
Traditionally, prefix ber- in bahasa Indonesia and ba- in Minangkabaunese are assigned as morphological markers of intransitive and/or active voice of transitive clause. However, some data based on typological studies on grammatical constructions assert that bahasa Indonesia and Minangkabaunese are not...

Analysis of Students’ Learning Saturation During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Primary School

Siti Maisaroh, Yulia Rahmasari
The purpose of this study was to analyze the students’ learning saturation in terms of emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion, cognitive fatigue, and loss of motivation of students during the covid-19 pandemic at state primary school of Kradenan, Karanggayam, Kebumen. This method used a descriptive...

A Study on the Impact of High-Speed Rail Opening on the Development of Tourism in Chengdu Based on the Gray Prediction Model

Guanghong Li, Yuan Hu
High-speed rail is an important catalyst for urban development and has a huge impact on the realization of urban tourism benefits and economic development. Through the establishment of regression analysis equation and grey prediction model, combined with the comparison with and without, this paper empirically...

Bali’s Sustainable Tourism Practices: Efforts and Challenges

Muhammad Arif Hidayah, Muhammad Farhan
For decades, Bali has been the hot spot for international tourism attracting visitors from every corner of the globe. Although the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the surge of international travel, Bali continues to be the one of the most sought after destinations chosen by international visitors. Tourism...

Effect of Microalloying and Quenching Process on Cold Bending Properties of 38MnB5 Hot Forming Steel

Y. X. Wu, M. Wang, Z. L. Mi, H. T. Jiang
Referring to the standard “VDA 238-100 Plate Bending Test for Sheet Metal” and GB/T 228.1-2010 to study the ultimate tip cold bending and mechanical properties of ultra-high strength hot forming steel, the results show that the tensile strength of Nb+Ti composite microalloyed hot forming steel increases...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using Different Levels of Cassava Flour and Cassava Wastes on Dry Matter and Organic Matter Degradation and Rumen Fermentation Products in Vitro of Cassava-Based Concentrates

Miftahul Hasanah, Kusmartono Kusmartono, Mashudi Mashudi, Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of using different levels of cassava flour and cassava wastes on dry matter and organic matter degradation, efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) and ammonia (NH3). The seven treatments from this study are P1 = maize stover 20% + cassava flour...
Proceedings Article

Photovoice as a Method to Assess the Perception and Behavioral Response to Potential Stigma Toward Mental Illness

Chlara Yunita Prabawati, Diah Priyantini, Reliani, Septian Galuh Winata, Erfan Rofiqi
Photovoice is theorized to influence healthcare students to interact with the photos and captions as the choice of prior learning method. It is important to examine and further understand this mechanism of student learning in their management of mental illness. Objective: This study aims to evaluate...

Hulontalo Ethnic’s Values in Making Business Capital Funding Decisions

Muh. Sabir Mustafa, Ubud Salim, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati, Siti Aisjah
This study aims to explore and understand the Hulontalo ethnic group in the furniture business in Gorontalo City values in making business capital funding decisions. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach using Spradley’s ethnographic design as the analysis knife and the Developmental...
Proceedings Article

Anti-radiation Building Design: Consistency of Linear Attenuation Coefficient in Black Sand South Beach Diy Province to Get the Best X-Ray Radiation Resistance Concrete

Muhammad Fakhrurreza, Fisnandya Meita Astari, Sugeng Hadi Susilo
Radiation protection is one of the external radiation protection efforts. Concrete is the material for making external radiation shields other than lead, steel, and other heavy materials. According to [2], concrete material for a good radiation shield is made from sand from the south coast of Yogyakarta...

The Independence of Students of SLBN Karangrejo Madiun Regency in Learning Farm Education with the STEAM Approach

Darmadi, Budiono, Muhammad Rifai, Hani’atul Mukharomah, Sanusi
Independence is the main goal of learning at extraordinary schools (SLB). SLBN Karangrejo Madiun regency has a large area of land so that it can carry out farm education learning. The STEAM approach was chosen in learning because it is very suitable for improving the competence of graduates. This study...
Proceedings Article

Development of Bamboo Materials for Body Speed Boat Application

Andi Lamappasessu, Dwi Rahmalina
The research of natural fibers in various engineering fields is currently developing, because of its availability, easy to process according to its designation, low-cost, good mechanical and physical properties and is friendly to the environment. The use of bamboo (bamboo strip reinforced/BSR) material...

Build a new development pattern and the cultivation of new management ideas in the future

Maoye Chen
Under the influence of the construction of a new development pattern, the field theory is the theoretical tool, and the use of literature research, qualitative research and system analysis methods, from the three units of students, schools, and enterprises. Contact the three in groups, guide their respective...

Development of Interactive E-Book on Basic Electronics Courses

Mega Silfia Dewy, Yoakim Simamora, Agnes Irene Silitonga, Muhammad Isnaini
Basic Electronics is an introductory course that provides an initial understanding of electronics to Electrical Engineering Education students. In today’s learning, it is necessary to make several innovations in the learning process so students can easily understand the information or material conveyed...

Perceptions of Principals and Teachers in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Driving Schools at SMAN 1 and SMAN 2 Sukabumi City

Jasmansyah Jasmansyah, Rachmat Mulyana, Mustiali Mustiali, M. Ridwan Fauzi
The curriculum is the core element in shaping the quality of education, determining its direction, and achieving educational goals. The success of education depends on the curriculum’s adaptability to meet the ever-changing needs of students, institutions, and stakeholders. In Indonesia, the Ministry...

A Study on Students’ Critical Thinking Cultivation in English Teaching in the ChatGPT Era

Yizhen Liu, Lifang Wei
The emergence of ChatGPT has had a significant impact on education worldwide today. Among them, students’ critical thinking cultivation is one of the affected aspects. National policies and curriculum standards fully focus on students’ thinking skills. However, there is currently a severe lack of critical...

The Struggle of Papuan Women in Attaining Self-Existence in the Novel Isinga by Dorothea Rosa Herliany

Utia Putri Utami, Yuni Pratiwi
Existence of women begins with a form of resistance to the society’s behavior that women is in a lower position than men. In social life, women’s move mostly restricted. This patriarchy system that grows in society causes violence and gender inequality. This study aims to find out the form of struggle,...
Proceedings Article

Application of Big Data Technology in the Construction of Intelligent Financial Management System

Qin Yang
With the continuous development and progress of society, big data technology is also constantly improved and updated. Financial management in recent years financial management occupies an important strategic position in the development of enterprises, because the financial management of data operation...

Upcycle Fashion and Textile as Sustainable Business Concept

Azni Hanim Hamzah, Nazlina Shaari
Upcycle is a branch of sustainability that helps overcome excess material wastage from a product. However, the lack of exposure to upcycling resulted in the communities’ failure to practice it as a beneficial routine. The author studied a small number of articles involving descriptive reviews on upcycling...