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Proceedings Article

Tidal Current Pattern in the Surrounding Bintan Island Waters Based on Model Simulation

Ahmad Bayhaqi, Annisa K. Fajari, Dewi Surinati, Nurin Hidayati
Observation was conducted in the surrounding Bintan Island Waters to collect the ocean surface current data including moored and stationary recording during first transitional monsoon (March-April). Tidal current pattern in all regions of Bintan Island (north, east and southwest) is simulated using 2D...

Transferred Reference in Chinese Vocabulary

Taking the First Person as Examples

Lei Shen
This article uses corpus analysis to analyze and summarize the types and contexts of the transferred reference of Chinese first person “I” and “we”, and analyze the motivation from the perspective of pragmatics. “I” has three types: “you”, “he/she” and “we”, and three contexts: formal occasions, turn-taking...

Research on SMEs’ Financing Against the Background of Internet Finance — Based on Block Chain Technology

Yuyan Zhou, Yana Zhou
As an important part of China’s national economy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in promoting China’s economic growth, expanding jobs and increasing national tax revenue. However, due to the small scale of SMEs, low level of credit, lack of collateral, they are often...

The Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy and Mindfulness on Students Academic Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

Teguh Lesmana, Lulun Bidangan
This study aims to determine the effect of academic self-efficacy and mindfulness towards academic stress on college students who have experience online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is quantitative research methods with correlation techniques. The number of samples...
Proceedings Article

Modification and Optimization of Low-cost Medium for Recombinant Alkalothermophilic Xylanase Production from Pichia pastoris KM71

R D Cahyati, S Hudiyono, I Helianti
Xylanase is an enzyme that can degrade xylan into xylooligosaccharides by cleaving to 1, 4-β-D-xylosidic bonds and has high potential in industrial applications. In the previous study, recombinant Pichia pastoris via pPICZ-alpha vector has been constructed, and the yeast produced xylanase originally...

Reaching Digital Natives People

A Phenomenology Study

Didimus Sutanto B. Prasetya, Stella Lady Prang, Ervi Johan Lo, Gunawan, Otieli Harefa
In the digital era, technology has influenced the way society develops. This disruption has phenomenally transformed a new group of people known as digital natives. In terms of digital technology, natives are very tech-savvy, but they are also experiencing a spiritual shift. The world is changing towards...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness Of Rice Husk Charcoal As Bioadsorben In Absorbing Heavy Metal Lead (Pb) On Freshwater Snail Meat (Pomacea sp.)

Siti Dharmawati, Muhammad Halim Natsir, Osfar Sjofjan, Hartutik Hartutik
This research was aim to identify the effectiveness of rice husk charcoal as a bioadsorbent in absorbing heavy metals Pb in freshwater snail meat (Pomacea sp). The main material used was adult fresh water snail with body weight of 80-120 g/head obtained from the swamp waters of Banjar Regency, South...

Digital Economy Through E-Commerce in Agriculture in Indonesia

Roby Rakhmadi, Junaidi
Agriculture potential resources which very abundant in Indonesia must be responded with martketing digitalization of its product. Digital economy which developed rapidly in this several years must be utilized with the production of agricultural products in Indonesia by farmers to maximize it’s potential....

Research on the Influence of Science and Technology Competition on the Cultivation of Innovation Ability of Engineering College Students

Hongbo Shi, Dong Yan, Xinsheng Wang
The extracurricular science and technology (S&T) competition, as an important means of cultivating students’ innovative ability, has a special educational function, and plays an increasingly positive role in cultivating compound and innovative talents and promoting the combination involving production,...

Research on Enterprise Performance Management from the Perspective of OKR

Deyu Chen, Jiaying Chen, Minjuan Ning
With the continuous improvement of enterprise management level and the development of information technology, the performance management method has been upgraded iteratively, in the process of industrialization, such as KPI (performance indicator), Mbo (management by objectives), BSC (balanced scorecard)...

Student Achievement Motivation: In Relation to Socio-Economic Conditions

Ni Nyoman Sri Astuti, Luh Linna Sagitarini, IKetut Suarja, Ni Ketut Bagiastuti, INyoman Rajin Aryana
This study aims to prove the relationship between the socioeconomic conditions of parents and the motivation for learning achievement of students of the Tourism Business Management Study Program during the Covid-19 pandemic. The problems that want to be studied in this research are: What is the socioeconomic...
Proceedings Article

Functional Composition of Arthropoda and Population Density of Larvae Conopomorpha cramerella Snell. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) and Natural Enemies in Different Shade Cocoa Plantations

Moh Hibban Toana, Burhanuddin Hi Nasir, Moh Rizqi Chaldun Toana, Fitriah Balosi
-The functional composition of arthropods and population density of Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen larvae (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) and natural enemies in different shade cocoa plantations play an important role in maintaining sustainability by using natural resources without damaging the environment....

Environmental Law in the Tourism Development of Investment in Indonesia

Eka Poedjihartanto Paul, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh
Globally, tourism is seen as one of the sectors increasing its contribution to national income. Tourism encourages economic growth through the investment opportunities, job opportunities, business opportunities and, in the end, can improve welfare of people. Along with continued development of tourism,...

Exploration of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates as a Bioindicator of Water Quality in Nogosari River, Pacitan Regency

Sri Utami, Etikumami Fajar
This study aims to explore the diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Nogosari River and study the physico-chemical parameters. The research sample was taken using a plot with a purposive random sampling method. Each station is installed 3 plots and each Plot measuring 1m x 1m. Data analysis...

The Effectiveness of Curriculum 2013 Implementation on Distance Learning

A Preliminary Research

Isma Priandani, Kastam Syamsi
This research aimed to describe the effectiveness of curriculum 2013 implementation through the practice of and interaction in distance learning at schools amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Aurther investigation was conducted to reveal the influence of teacher-student’s learning interaction during a pandemic...

The Flipped Classroom: Learning Revolution to Improve Students’ English Speaking Skills

Etika Maeda Sohaya, Julaga Situmorang, Hamonangan Tambunan
The flipped classroom is one of the revolutions in education that utilizes internet technology in learning. Students are required to access and study material online at home before face-to-face learning in the classroom. In class, the teacher focuses on the students to be directly involved in their English...

Analysis of Village Governments’ E-Readiness in Developing Villages E-monographs

Indah Prabawati, Muhammad Farid Ma’ruf, Badrudin Kurniawan, Galih Wahyu Pradana, Deby Febriyan Eprilianto
The village government’s role in supporting the acceleration of national development is critical. As a result, improved village data administration is required to assist the acceleration of growth. Village data has a vital role and is required for all development processes. Village e-monographs are a...
Proceedings Article

A Case Report of Family Relations in Shared Psychotic Disorder

Janiasman Alexsandro Sinurat, Mustafa M. Amin
Background: Shared Psychotic Disorder or Folie À Deux is rarely in studies, where individuals share their delusions with others. The close relationships most often found in this disorder include husband and wife, brothers and sisters, mother and children, and others. In this case, elements of mutual...

Literature as a Learning Medium for Gender Equality Values

W. S. Hasanuddin, Emidar, Zulfadhli
The article from this research contains a discussion of gender relations in Indonesian modern literary texts by male authors. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. Data on gender relations is obtained through a search of the narrator’s speech as well as the speeches and actions of the characters...
Proceedings Article

Azospirillum Bacteria and Cultivation of Food Crops

Dewi Rumbaina Mustikawati
Azospirillum is one of the bacteria that can be used as biological fertilizer because the bacteria is known as a producer of PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) which can increase crop production in a sustainable manner. Another potential possessed by Azospirillum is as a biocontrol agent for...

Delivery Business Owner Responsibilities in Damaged Goods Caused by the Employees Based on the Indonesian Consumers’ Protection Law

Taufik Hidayatul Rahman, Desi Apriani, Zulherman Idris, Puti Mayang Seruni
The increase in the amount of users of goods delivery services has brought potential losses to the consumers. Human error such as, damaged goods, lost goods, wrong shipping addresses, etc. may increase, along with the increasing delivery of goods every day. This research aims to find out how the Business...

Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective

Abd. Basit, Muhmudin Sudini, Busahdiar, Romlah, Ummah Karimah, Nur Maulana, Salman Shalahuddin
The study intends to ascertain how enhancing the effectiveness of Islamic boarding school management in individual leadership contributes to the success of Islamic boarding schools. Darunnajah Ulujami, an Islamic boarding school, has implemented overall quality management and has successfully raised...
Proceedings Article

Relationships Between Students’ Grade IX Natural Science Learning Outcomes and Naturalist, Linguistic, and Interpersonal Intelligence

Rahmadhani Fitri, Ganda Hijrah Selaras, Kiki Mulyani
Intelligence is one of the elements that affects how well students learn. In the field of education, intelligence is still primarily characterized in terms of IQ. Actually, there are more types of intelligence outside those that may be determined just by academic performance. Multiple Intelligences is...

Higher Education Quality Management

Elena V. Dokukina, Marina V. Samoshkina, Yury V. Daneykin
The aim of the study is to analyze the prospects for managing the quality of higher education in the Russian Federation based on blended learning. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed: appropriate methods of analysis were selected, problems of the quality of higher education services...
Proceedings Article

Trends and New Challenges in the Energy Efficiency of Electric Machines

Maksim Sitnikov, Anouar Belahcen, Sergey Galunin, Aleksandra Lobovich, Aleksandr Dmitrochenko
The article is devoted to an overview of modern challenges and changes in the field of both the legislative framework and in matters of ensuring the energy efficiency of electric machines. The main methods of increasing the efficiency of electromechanical converters and new types of materials used in...
Proceedings Article

Impacts of Land Finance on Green Land Use Efficiency - A Spatial Autoregressive Mode

Yi Qu, Jinghu Zhu, Yi Song
Improving urban green land use efficiency (GLUE) is an inevitable requirement to promote regional sustainable development. This paper uses the Global Malmquist-Luenberger (GML) index to measure the GLUE of 26 cities in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), and analyzes the influence of land finance on the GLUE...

All Stars Shine Differently: What NBA and CBA Has Done via Social Media?

Zehao Li, Dinglong Sun
Comparison of the social media promotion strategies of Chinese and American All-Star events is one of the most significant focus point in society recently, some researchers found that the strategies NBA and CBA are using effect these problems. The whole essay is describing the differences between NBA...
Proceedings Article

Research on obtaining zeolite from the ash of Erdenet thermal power station

Qian Yu, Tungalagtamir Bold, Enkhtsetseg Erdenee, Byambagar Batdelger, Munkhbaatar Punsantsogvoo
This research work completed the study of obtaining zeolite by hydrothermal method using the ash of Erdenet Thermal Power Plant. According to the results of the study, the ratio of macroelements of ash in the ash pond of Erdenet Thermal Power Plant is less than 1, so it belongs to acid ash. Also, based...

The method of achieving grid stability through price demand response under the uncertainty of renewable energy electricity

Xia Pan
This study explores the integration of renewable electricity, characterized by its intermittent nature, into the electricity system. Within the framework of a price-based demand response mechanism, a three-tier Stackelberg game model involving the grid, electricity retailers, and end-users was established....

Evaluation and Analysis of Residents’ Subjective Perception of Digital Cultural Tourism: An Empirical Study Based on Structural Equation Model

Yue Ding
The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that affect residents’ subjective perception of digital cultural tourism, and to study the extent to which each factor shapes these perceptions by establishing a structural equation model. Focusing on Hangzhou, a city in Zhejiang Province renowned for...

Research on the Development Problems and Methods of Smart Party Building in Private Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of “Internet plus”

Huiyin Mo
The Opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Political Construction of the Party clearly states: “Actively utilizing emerging technologies such as the Internet and big data, innovating the content and methods of party organization activities, and promoting...
Proceedings Article

Design of the Real Time Image Capture Feature for Vegetable Production in Sharia Based E-Commerce

Sutadi Triputra, Ririn Suharsih, Utan Sahiro Ritonga, Alghif Aruni Nur Rukman, Eni Kusumawati
In 2021 the consumer complaint service at the Ministry of Trade in Indonesia recorded those 95.3% or 8,949 consumers made complaints in the e-commerce sector. This condition increased 10 times compared to the previous year. The results of a survey conducted by shopback found that 62.9% of consumers felt...
Proceedings Article

Correlation analysis of publication volume in abnormal behavior detection: A knowledge network perspective

Shilong Wang, Jinghuan Zhu, Li Chao
His study employed CiteSpace software to analyze research outcomes related to abnormal behavior detection based on video surveillance. The primary focus was on the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and “Web of Science” (WoS) databases. The objective was to identify research trends and provide...

Application of Altman Z-score Model in Credit Risk Assessment of Light Industry in China

Xinyi Xu
This article uses the method of empirical analysis to analyze the credit risk of more than 20 light industrial enterprises listed in China, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with the data of their working capital, earnings before interest and tax, retained earnings, the market value of equity,...

Beyond Personalized Recommendations: A Study of Algorithmic "Pseudo-Personalized Recommendations" from the Perspective of the "Circle Agenda"

Yiqi Ye, Yuqian Zhou
Algorithmic personalized recommendation has become a consensus, but through the existing literature analysis, as well as the interactive search of "news algorithm", we found that there is another side of algorithmic recommendation: "pseudo-personalized recommendation". From this,...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Urban Rail Transit Service Level Based on Extension Cloud Model

Yuling Xing, Lingqiang Kong, Huijuan Zhou, Xuhui Liu, Haoxu Wang
Aiming at the problems of different standards and incomplete index coverage of urban rail transit evaluation system, combined with relevant standards and norms at home and abroad, a service level evaluation index system was established from the perspective of the whole process of passenger urban rail...

Big Data Analytics in Marketing

Sixu Chen
The field of marketing is undergoing a revolution with the development of big data technologies. The article provides an in-depth analysis of how big data analytics is revolutionizing marketing, especially in terms of shortening market research time, accurate market segmentation, personalized marketing...

Relevant Research and Normative Recommendations on the Pronunciation of Letter Words

Tian Zhou
Letter words refer to words in Chinese that are composed of Latin letters, Greek letters, or other Western letters, or their hybrid forms with symbols, numbers and Chinese characters. They mainly include English letter words, abbreviations of Chinese phonetic alphabet, and letter words in the form of...
Proceedings Article

Detection and Characterization of Lung Cancer using CT Scan Technology

Lilik Lestari, Susilo Susilo
Today, lung cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world, with an early sign of Lung Nodule. One of the standard procedures to detect it is a radiological examination using Computed Tomography (CT) Scan technology. This study aims to describe the use of CT Scan to detect the presence of lung...

Relationship Between Self-control and Aggressiveness

Ihwani Narzuki, Agus Basuki
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-control and aggressiveness in students of SMP N 15 Yogyakarta by using quantitative research with a correlation approach. The dependent variable used by the researcher is self-control (X1) and aggressiveness (Y) as the dependent...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Peanuts Shell as Adsorben Color Methyl Violet

Wardalia, Endang Suhendi, Nufus Kanani, Rudi Hartono
The waste product from the textile industry is liquid waste containing dye. Metil violet is one type of dye that can damage the water ecosystem. The decrease levels of methyl violet can be done through the adsorption method. The peanut shell contains cellulose that allows the peanut shell to be adsorbent...

Principle-Based Leadership All’s Perspective Religious Moderation Muhammad As-Shalabi

Rofiq Hidayat, Riayatul Husnan, Imam Syafi’i, Machfudz, Fikri Haikal Akbar
In the campaign to suppress radicalism, the Indonesian Ministry of Religion conceptualized the principle of religious moderation, which became the reference for all institutions in Indonesia. This has an impact that all leaders of institutions in Indonesia must implement religious moderation. On the...
Proceedings Article

Mathematical Model of Technical System in SimScape

Jozef Jenis, Jozef Ondriga, Patrik Kováčik, Matúš Čuchor, František Brumerčík, Slavomír Hrček
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the use of MATLAB and Simulink SimScape functions and toolboxes to model and evaluate key properties of an engineering system. In this case, it was a parcel delivery drone. The drone is assembled from four electric motors, propellers, a battery, four structural-bearing...

Research on the Relationship Between College Students’ Class Interaction and Self-regulated Learning Skills in Online English Translation Course

Xue Xia, Min Feng
Class interaction is the key to the knowledge construction of learners in the online learning environment, and it is also one of the important ways to improve the effect of online learning. Based on the data analysis of 86 online learners, this study used the questionnaire survey method and found a significant...

Analysis of Trends in Adaptive Learning Using Google Trends and Bibliometric

Citra Kurniawan, Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum
Adaptive learning was an interesting topic amid the many choices of 21st-century learning strategies. The development of research and topics related to adaptive learning is believed to grow rapidly in line with the diverse needs of the students. However, trends and research developments related to adaptive...

Academic Hardiness Accounting Education Students

Siti Mukoyimah, Kardiyem
Students as educated people carry the mandate as the next generation of the nation. Students are tasked with continuing the struggle of the previous generation to make changes to the nation for the better and more advanced. Armed with the knowledge that has been obtained in college and the ability to...

The Last of Us and Converse: An Analysis of Product Placement and Its Effect on Player Recall

Alexa Lizarraga, Francisco Arbaiza, Giovanni Lamarca
The video game industry has witnessed substantial growth in recent years, resulting in increased brand presence within games due to high consumer engagement. While product placement in games is commonly used for marketing purposes, there are instances where game developers incorporate it to enhance storytelling...

Fashion in West Sumba Culture: From Identity to Power in Indonesian Novels

Cahyaningrum Dewojati, Renanda Putri Sabrina
One of the ethnic identities in Indonesia is their traditional dress. The identity of people of West Sumba who live in Waikabubak have a diverse style of dress as a symbol of their identity and social strata. The symbols and strata of West Sumba society are also interestingly displayed in the novel Perempuan...

Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Instrument Using Rasch Model

Elfis Suanto, Putri Yuanita, Armis Armis, Fadilah Gustin Khainingsih
Reasoning ability is a necessary and important ability for students of mathematics education. This ability is required to construct a mathematical thought and provide evidence that the idea is true. Therefore, instruments for measuring mathematical reasoning abilities are very important. The focus of...

Application of Protection Motivation Theory to Predict the Intention of Food Safety Behavior Among Food Handlers in the Culinary Area of Bantul Beach Tourism, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Asep Rustiawan, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, Suminah, Sri Mulyani
Foodborne diseases are mostly caused by poor food safety behavior of food handlers. Bad behavior is formed in food handlers who believe that food safety is not an important thing to do. According to the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), someone will take action if the more serious they feel the negative...