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186754 articles

Organizational Culture as an Intervening Variable of Spiritual Leadership With Organizational Commitment and Ethical Behavior

Riane Johnly Pio, Sontje Manuel Sumayku, Danny David Samuel Mukuan
This study aims to determine the effect of spiritual leadership on organizational culture, organizational commitment and ethical behavior of teachers of Christian and Catholic Education Foundations in Manado, Tomohan, Minahasa Regency and South Minahasa Regency. It was done in a quantitative manner with...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Self-Efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya

Ariyono Setiawan, Munoto, Eko Hariadi, Luthfiyah Nurlalela, Yuyun Suprapto, I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa, Dama Yanti Hilda
This research purposes to analyze the effects of self-efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. This study uses the quantitative approach. The researcher decided to use a polytechnic institution located in Surabaya namely Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic which has competence...

Training for Improving the Leadership of Schools in the Era of Disruption

Djum Djum Noor Benty, Mustiningsih, Maisyaroh
Principal leadership skills training in this era of disruption was held in Tumpang District, Malang Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. This activity aims to: (1) assist principals as well as teachers in understanding leadership and learning models in an era of disruption; (2) the factors that shape...

Industry Distress Level and Competitor’s Annual Stock Return

Adella Kurnia Sari, Dwi Nastiti Danarsari
Previous studies show that bankruptcy announcements have a significant effect towards competitor’s stock return around the bankruptcy announcement date. This study tries to fill the gap to investigate whether prior to bankruptcy, distressed firms already have significant effect on other players in the...

Contextual Learning in Civic Education

Alternative Approach to Enhancing Civic Competence

Sulkipani, Umi Chotimah, Emil El Faisal
Civic Education courses are courses that present material in the form of descriptions of facts or certain social problems. The dynamic nature of social science provides the opportunity to generate diverse views. Therefore, the ability to understand concepts is a must for students in understanding Civic...

Inverse Scattering Transform and Solitons for Square Matrix Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Mixed Sign Reductions and Nonzero Boundary Conditions

Alyssa K. Ortiz, Barbara Prinari
Pages: 130 - 161
The inverse scattering transform (IST) with nonzero boundary conditions at infinity is developed for a class of 2 × 2 matrix nonlinear Schrödinger-type systems whose reductions include two equations that model certain hyperfine spin F = 1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, and two novel equations that...

Restorative Justice in the Settlement of Cases Through Formal Traditional Institutions in the Gayo Community of Aceh Province

Mohd. Din, Darmawan
One form of Aceh’s privileges is that it reinforces customary law and is formalized through regulation so that to occupy a position in a certain customary institution, they must have formal requirements and with these formal conditions, they do not necessarily understand customary law. This paper is...

The Politeness Value of the Characters Srikandi and Dewi Kunti in the Mahabarata Epic by Rajagopalachari

Ulfa Tursina, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Sidhiq Hidayatulloh
This research describes the form of politeness and character of the characters Srikandi and Dewi Kunti in the epic Mahabarata Rajagopalachari. Srikandi is a brave puppet character, while Dewi Kunti is a wise mother puppet character. Srikandi and Dewi Kunti are female characters in wayang who have the...

How Can Sharing Leadership Stimulate Employee Innovative Behavior: On the Role of Innovation Self-Efficacy and Emotional Commitment

Li Hui
Exploring the influence mechanism of sharing leadership on employees’ innovative behavior is a new perspective to understand the problem of “how to stimulate employees’ innovative behavior”. Based on social exchange theory and self-recognition theory, this paper introduces innovative self-efficacy as...

Measuring the Risk-Taking Willingness of Leaders and Non-Leaders Based on Prospect Theory: Differences in Decision-Making Between Two Groups

Jingchun Liang
Based on the Prospect Theory proposed by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (1979) on people’s willingness in risk-taking, this article tries to find out the differences in the risk-taking willingness between two comparative groups, leaders and non-leaders, which are general in numerous fields. Therefore,...

Learning Motivation, Media, and Reading Ability on Student Achievement in Social Science

Nurfiyati, Ninik Indawati
This study aimed to investigate the contribution of learning motivation, learning media, students reading ability to students’ learning outcomes in social science. This study used a quantitative approach with research variables including learning motivation, learning media, and reading ability. The research...

Sustainable Dimensional Status Analysis in Dragon Fruits Agribusiness Development in Banyuwangi

Wahyu Widya Ningsih, Ridwan Iskandar, K Kasutjianingati
Dragon fruit is one of the leading commodities that has been able to provide high commercial profits and prospective to be developed. This research aimed to analyse the sustainability of the dragon fruit agribusiness development adopted in Banyuwangi regency. This research was conducted in two sub-districts...
Proceedings Article

Models of the Relationships between Egg Dimension and Egg Quality of Alabio Duck

Lilis Hartati, Nurul Muawanah, Muhammad Riyadhi, Danang Biyatmoko, Abrani Sulaiman, Gamaliel Simanungkalit
This research aimed to establish the relationship models between the length and width of Alabio duck (Anas platyrhynchos Borneo) eggs and the weight of eggshells, albumen, and yolk. Data were collected from 500 eggs and were further examined using Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis. The results...

Operational Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Pandemic Era

Suci Putri Lestari, Arga Sutrisna
This study aims to examine the effect of implementing Supply Chain Management (SCM) on the operational performance of Embroidery SMEs in Tasikmalaya. A total of 45 participants were sampled for this study using a purposive sampling approach. This study employed a survey research design, with data collected...
Proceedings Article

The Mediating Role of Depression between Childhood Trauma and Intimate Partner Violence

Frisca Priscilia Boentario, Naomi Soetikno, Fransisca I.R. Dewi
Previous studies indicate that childhood trauma results in depression and intimate partner violence. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between childhood trauma and intimate partner violence with depression as the mediator. The method used in this research would be a quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Retinal scan authentication methodology for card payment in retail outlets

R. R. Varshni, T. Archanna, K. Thrisha, P. Kavitha, S. Malathi
Counterfeit cards and the theft of credit and debit card information pose the greatest danger to today’s modern society. This leads to numerous security concerns. Biometric retina scan authentication mechanism can solve the above mentioned problem considering that a person’s retina scan cannot be readily...

Potential Benefits of Combination of English Language Teaching and STEM

Sumani, Agung Budi Kurniawan
Application of a foreign language for subjects in STEM could benefit both the foreign language and the other discipline competence. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the potential benefits of the combination of English language teaching and STEM. The qualitative research approach was used in this...
Proceedings Article

Banggai Yam (Dioscorea spp) Farming System and Its Technical Efficiency in Banggai Kepulauan of Central Sulawesi Indonesia

Indrianto Kadekoh, Zainuddin Basri, Tanra Tellu, Burhanuddin Sundu, Arifuddin Lamusa, Rois Rois, Uswah Hasanah, Imam Wahyudi, Alimuddin Laapo
The research objective was to determine Banggai yam farming system, its fertility and its technical efficiency in Central Sulawesi of Indonesia. A random sampling method was used to select 130 household farmer respondents living accros 11 villages in South Buko. Data collected included cultivated land...

The Interference of Makassarese Language into Indonesian Language by Mobile Vegetable Traders Towards Buyers in Makassar City: A Socio-Morphological Study

Nurhayati Nurhayati
This study is entitled the Interference of Makassarese language into the Indonesian language by Mobile Vegetable Traders towards Buyers in Makassar City: A Socio-Morphological Study. This study aims to describe: (1) the forms of morphological interference of Makassarese language into the Indonesian language...
Proceedings Article

Self-organizing type, Innovation Path and Enterprise Performance: Mechanism and Empirical Analysis

Jinchao Guo, Gelegjamts
To measure the relationship between Self-organizing type, innovation path and firm performance, the study uses a structural equation model and a confirmatory factor analysis method to conduct empirical tests on the basis of indepth interviews with electronic information enterprises in the Pearl River...

Building a Green School Curriculum from Elementary in Indonesia as an effort to Maintain Environmental Sustainability

Ayurisya Dominata
The challenge in protecting the earth from environmental damage is increasing along with the increasing population, advances in industrial technology, and minimal environmental awareness from the community. Technological advances need to be balanced with awareness of protecting the environment systematically....

Five-Tier Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test Development: Empirical Evidences to Improve Students’ Science Literacy

Anasufi Banawi, Wahyu Sopandi, Asep Kadarohman, Muhammad Solehuddin
This study aims to develop the five-tier multiple-choice diagnostic test to identify prospective elementary school teachers’ misconceptions about phase transition using descriptive and verification methods. The subjects include 149 (116 female and 33 male students) prospective elementary school teachers...

Analysis of Melody Forms in Popular Minang Songs Today

Robby Ferdian, Venny Rosalina, Irdhan Epria Darma Putra
The purpose of this study is to analyze the melodies in today’s popular minang songs. In this article, researchers used two pieces derived from minang songs that have been circulating, namely, Minyak habih samba tak lamak from David Istambul and Tadayo Gurauan Sayang from Rayola. Both melodies in the...
Proceedings Article

Infrastructure Improvement Program to Create A Healthy Environment Based on The Sustainable Development Goals in Badran Yogyakarta

Ye Suharno
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets include sustainable settlements that are inclusive, safe, and resilient. The rapid population growth rate of the city of Yogyakarta (0.58% per year) will gradually raise problems in the settlement sector. This research focuses on the physical problems...

Education Quality Issues In Era 4.0

Ika Puji Astuti, Setyo Eko Atmaja
The era of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, has brought significant changes and challenges to the education sector, especially in terms of the quality of education. This article aims to identify and discuss some of the education quality issues that arise in the era of Industry 4.0,...

The Role of Lazismu on Entrepreneurship Empowerment Program for the Poor

Sutrisno, Razali Haron, Rozikan
Zakat institutions play a strategic role in the management of zakat funds and other social funds in order to carry out the law’s mandate and alleviate poverty through various programs. Meanwhile, zakat institutions are responsible for the majority of poverty alleviation through consumptive programs....

Development of IPS Content E-wallchart on the Subtema of Ethical Diversity in my Country at the 4th Grade Elementary School

Krisna Setiyo Rahayu, M. Zainuddin, Arda Purnama Putra
The purpose of this research and development is to produce an e-wallchart product for social studies on the sub-themes of ethnic diversity in my country that is valid according to material experts and teaching materials experts, practical according to users, and interesting according to students. The...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of Climatological Impact on Renewable Energy Sources in the Gulf of Finland

Nikita Kostik, Alexander Bobyl
Study of the joint daily variability of wind speed and solar activity in the Gulf of Finland and its impact on renewable energy sources. The combined distribution of the daily mean insolation and wind speeds shows that insolation has a much stronger seasonal cycle than wind, due to the tilt of the Earth’s...

Development and Application of Teaching Evaluation System in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on BP Neural Network

Yue Liu
This paper takes the teaching evaluation of higher vocational colleges as the research object, comprehensively utilizes the functional advantages of network information technology, computer application technology and artificial intelligence technology, completes the construction and training of the teaching...

Increase Layer Technique Hair Cutting with Augmented Reality Media

Nia Kusstianti, Linda Amelia, Arita Puspitorini, Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari
Augmented reality learning media is a learning media that adds real reality in the world with virtual objects in the form of 3 dimensions. Trimming the increase layer technique is a haircut that uses an angle lift > 90°. Augmented reality learning media in the sub-competence of technical hair cutting...

A Study on the Mechanism of the Influence of Fear of Entrepreneurship Failure on Entrepreneurship Exit Intention

Wenxue Xu
Based on the Feeling-as-information theory, this article studies and summarizes the impact mechanism between entrepreneurial failure fear and entrepreneurial exit intention, exploring the positive impact of negative emotions on entrepreneurial exit intention. The study conducted data collection and analysis...

Exploration and Practice of Integrating Curriculum Ideology and Politics into Educational Management Teaching under the Background of "New Business"

Shuying He, Yanmei Cheng
The background of "new business" has brought new challenges to the cultivation of MBA talents. Ideological and political work is the lifeline of all work of the Party and the country, so colleges and universities should infiltrate ideological and political work into the whole process of educating...

Localization of Gender Equality as a Goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Philippines

Arief Wicaksono, Andi Burchanuddin
This study intends to localize international norms that are then accepted into local norms in order to assess the Philippines’ progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on gender equality. The research approach is qualitative, and the data gathering strategy makes use of literature review,...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Digital Copyrights Management System Based on Blockchain Technology

Yanhua Gao, Sai Zhang, Lu Li
With the advent of the digital age, the dissemination and sharing of digital content is becoming more and more normal, and the copyright disputes brought about by it are becoming more and more serious. The traditional copyright protection mechanism has some shortcomings in dealing with the copyright...

Digital Society Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Issues of Legal Ethical and Economical Sustainability

Kyvalya Garikapati, Khushi Shaw, Ankita Shaw, Anuradha Yarlagadda
Artificial Intelligence (AI) being the most transformative technology of 21st Century has paved new frontiers in every field. One of the early candidates to be revolutionized was Health Care. The implementation of AI has an immense promise to improve the health outcomes in a resource-constrained setting...

Design and Remodeling of Apparel Fabrics in the Context of “Weaving and Mending”

Yuan Tao, Yin Wei, Zeng Chen
Fabric is the carrier of costume art. With the requirement of sustainable development of industry, environmental protection design is on the stage. The article takes the design of apparel fabric reconstruction as the research object, summarizes and analyzes the design methods of existing works with the...
Proceedings Article

Application of Modern Information Technology in the Design of Music Course Auxiliary Teaching System

Xiaoxu Jie
By applying Web Service, JSP, SQL Service and other technologies in the music-assisted teaching system, and constructing the B/S three-layer architecture, the music course-assisted teaching system can be further developed. In the music course assisted teaching system based on modern information technology,...

The Difference Between Musical Image and Linguistic Image as the Manifestation of the World Will

Qiumin Chen
Schopenhauer attribute the origin of all things in the world to the “Will”, while the phenomenal world is the representation of it, so art is the advanced form in all representations. Music and language art are both effective intermediaries for the World Will to show itself. This paper will use the methods...

Digital-Based Leadership Potential Searching to Improve the Quality of Learning

Erika Mei Budiarti, Ahmad Nurabadi, Teguh Triwiyanto, Sucipto Sucipto
The research objective is to explore the potential for digital-based leadership and mentoring the potential for sustainable leadership. The researcher used a development research design with a total survey sample of 738 students as respondents in the first phase of the research. In the survey data collection,...

Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Light Pollution in China: A Regression Model of Light Pollution Based on City-level Panel Data

Qinxin Sheng, Tianshu Zhang
Light pollution has become one of the main pollution that perplexes human being. However, there is no unified evaluation criteria. Panel regression model can be used to evaluate the degree of light pollution. In this paper, China’s 161 cities as the study object, from the humanities, economy, society,...
Proceedings Article

Forecasting Short-Term Electrical Loads Using Support Vector Regression with Gaussian Kernel Functions

La Ode Muhammad Yusuf, Susatyo Handoko, Iwan Setiawan
Power outages that sometimes still occur cause disruption of economic activity around the area, especially the city of Bau-bau, it is necessary to forecast the electrical load in order to determine the characteristics of the electrical load in the area. Short-term electrical load forecasting is used...

The Environmental Impact Research Based on L2MSS

Sihan Yang
Zoltán Dörnyei’s L2 Motional Self System is a crucial theoretical foundation for researching motivation in second language learning and has been successfully used in the field of second language acquisition. The author began with a number of influencing elements and wanted to investigate and comprehend...

Current Research and Trend Development of “Post- Curriculum-Competition-Certificate” Model in Vocational Education

Bing Xie, JinYang, YaoDong
The study on “Post-Curriculum-Competition-Certificate” model in vocational education is surging nowadays. From the analysis of 1367 documents, the current research tends to surge in numbers, but deficit in contents like student-oriented learning, distribution of authors and institutions, and empirical...

An Automotive Vocational Instructional Model

Supporting the 21st Century Competencies and Industrial Revolution 4.0

Nirmala Adhi Yoga Pambayun, Kir Haryana
This study aims to determine the instructional model in automotive vocational in higher education that is suitable to support the development of the 21st century competencies and the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This study is quantitative research with the survey method. The research respondents are alumni...

Developing Innovative Learning Methods in Improving Student’s Learning Interest: Instrument Validity

Agus Abhi Purwoko, Burhanuddin, Yayuk Andayani, Saprizal Hadisaputra, Lian Yulianti, Zelisa Nudia Fitri, Dea Pazira Rahayu
Limited laboratory facilities are an important factor causing the low quality of chemistry learning. Therefore, the necessity to develop innovative media is evitable, in particular in the form of simple practical tools made from materials that are easily found in everyday life. If the quality of learning...

Innovation Strategy of Animation Curriculum Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence

Qing-qing Wang
With the development of the Internet and the coming of the artificial intelligence era, new requirements are put forward for the cultivation of animation professionals and the innovation of curriculum systems. Although in recent years, the animation industry, especially the domestic animation industry,...

The Effectiveness of Electronic Record Information System for Education (ERISE) on Improving Electronic Filing Skills in the New Normal Era

Sutirman, Yuliansah, Riana Isti Muslikhah
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Electronic Record Information System for Education (ERISE) program in improving the learning outcomes of the skills aspects among students of the Vocational School of Automation and Office Management Program (AOMP) in managing electronic filing. The...

The Development of Electronic Problem Based Learning (E-PBL) Method in Entrepreneurship Course

Munawaroh, Nanik Sri Setyani, Lina Susilowati
The purpose of this research was to develop a CTL learning approach based on the electronic problem-based learning (E-PBL) method for students of the Economic Education Department of STKIP PGRI Jombang, which can improve students’ motivation, life skills, and problem-solving abilities. This study was...

Prevention of Progression and Remission in Public Health Sectors: Bangladesh Perspectives

Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Talha Bin Emran
In South Asia, the prevalence of health problems is increasing day by day. Over 11.9% of the 167.85 million people in Bangladesh live in poverty with no safety net. Moreover, communicable diseases (vaccine-preventable diseases, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and neglected tropical disease) and non-communicable...
Proceedings Article

Advanced Design Optimization Procedures for Worm Gear Drives

Antoaneta Dobreva, Vasko Dobrev, Gergana Mollova
Concerning the optimization design of worm drives, it is especially important to achieve maximum output power of the gear set, which depends particularly intensively on the efficiency coefficient of the worm gear meshing. The purpose of the study presented is to create advanced design optimization procedures...