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186730 articles

Influence of Islamic Service Behavior on Patient Loyalty

Mohammad Wahyu Ferdian, Muhardi Muhardi, Dadang Kusnadi
Introduction: Patient loyalty is a patient attitude that reflects a loyalty to the service to take advantage of repeated health services in meeting the needs of medical services. This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic service behavior on the loyalty of uninsured patients in obstetrics and...

The Authority of Constitutional Court in General Election Results: Is It Powerful or Meaningless?

Kamal Fahmi Kurnia, Tian Terina, Dinar Mahardika
The third amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has raised the Constitutional Court as a constitutional justice institution in Indonesia. One of the authorities possessed by the Constitutional Court is to decide on disputes about the results of general elections. This article...

The Influence of Integrity on Employee Performance in Koto Tangah Subdistrict, Padang

Nur Putri Jayanti, Syamsir
The problem that occurs in Koto Tangah Sub-District is that many employees are above 50 years old, lack of human resources in each village, lack of office infrastructure, employees communicate poorly or unfriendly, employees are less creative and innovative, serving the public seems to be in a hurry,...

Study on the Application of Project Learning in College English Teaching in Independent Colleges

Wang Shan
In order to improve the level of college English teaching in independent colleges, a project-based learning method is introduced to study the reform of college English teaching in independent colleges. Based on the requirements of the outline, in the process of teaching, we should give full play to the...

Money Laundering: Customer Due Diligence in the Era of Cryptocurrencies

Razana Juhaida Johari, Norareena Binti Zul, Norli Talib, Sayed Alwee Hussnie Sayed Hussin
Money laundering is a global phenomenon and has been considered as major threat towards economic stability as it is associated with criminal’s activity such as drug trafficking, terrorism funding and financial crimes including corruption and tax evasion. Advancement of technologies and emergence of cryptocurrencies...

The Seashell Processing as a Media to Improve Fashion Accessories Making Skills, Astapada Village, Cirebon

Faradina Nurfitri Hikmatunnisa, Mulyanto, Adam Wahida
Processing of seashell in this case especially which applied in fashion accessories will increase economic, utilization, aesthetic value. The creative industry itself is a creativity-based activity that influences the economy and people’s welfare. The existence of innovation and creativity that arises...
Proceedings Article

Tomato and Curly Chili Post-Planting Weed Community Composition

Hayun Abdullah, Zauzah Abdullatif, Suratman Sudjud
The type of weed grows will be in accordance to the agricultural condition. Weed composition in high land is dominated by species diversity yet low number of individuals. In low land, however, the individuals are dominant but low species diversity. The research aims to find out weed community composition...

Quantitative Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Lignosulfonate as a Comprehensive Experimental for Environmental Education

Xiongxiong Liu, Yan Sun, Huan Sun, Shanjian Li, Jie Zhang, Gang Chen
The effective content of lignin in industrial lignin determines the properties of lignin products, which is of great significance to understand the performance of lignin products. In this experiment, industrial lignin was used as raw material to prepare green drilling fluid treatment agent lignin by...

A Summary of Research on the Training Path of Applied Big Data Talents Under the Background of New Engineering

Weiwei Gong, Jianjun Huang, Yingjian Xiao
With the continuous development of big data technology and its wide application in all walks of life, big data has officially become a national strategy. However, because of the urgent need for the research ability and quality innovation talents of big data science, the cultivation of top-notch innovation...

The Power Versus Political Ethics in Selecting the Regional Head and Its Relationship with Corruption in Indonesia

Ayih Sutarih, Heryani Agustina
Election of Regional Heads (Pilkada) in Indonesia is an arena for political power struggles that are direct, general, free, secret, honest, and fair based on legal norms, social norms, and ethics. This political activity is often characterized by violations through all means that cause material, immaterial...

The Function of Social Media as a Promotion Tool for Tourism Destinations

Ira Nuriya Santi, Adfiyani Fadjar
Globalization and technological development make information spread easier and faster, particularly through social media. Tourists can get new information just in seconds. Social media can be used as an innovative tool to promote tourism destinations, especially in Indonesia. The use of social media...

Improving Speaking Skill Through Speaking Club Viewed from Students’ Perception

Wahyuniati, Nadhifatul Maulidiyah, Marina Qolbia
Speaking is a complex skill that its components must be mastered by students, including grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, pronunciation. So, it is hard to achieve by most EFL learners. This study aims to identify if the speaking club improves the student speaking skill or not. The subject...

Giving Mandatory Wills for Adopted Children as a Legal Protection Based on Justice Value

Indira Hastuti
The position of adopted children who do not inherit in practice raises legal issues regarding the inheritance of adoptive parents. Islamic law provides a solution by giving the mandatory wills to the adopted child. Mandatory wills between adopted children and adoptive parents can prevent or avoid disputes...

The Study of Protection of Adat Law Community Rights (A Case Study in Kampar Regency)

Rika Lestari, Sulastriyono Sulastriyono
The existence of Adat Law Community in Kampar Regency has existed since a long time ago. State protection of the rights fulfilment in Kampar Regency needs to be improved. This paper examines the protection of Adat Law community rights in Kampar Regency through local regulations and seeks solutions for...
Review Article

Accurate Measurement of Blood Pressure

Dean S. Picone
Pages: 130 - 136
Accurate Blood Pressure (BP) measurement is vital for appropriate diagnosis and management of cardiovascular risk. However, questions remain on the accuracy of cuff BP compared with invasive (intra-arterial) BP. Moreover, the critical physiological factors that are associated with inaccuracy of cuff...

SELPI (Self-Exploring Learning Project Improvement) Practice in Terms of Student Learning Assessment

Ni’matul Istiqomah, Prih Hardinto, Nur Anita Yunikawati, Purboyo P. Magistyo
This study aims to determine the activeness and learning interest of students by using the SELPI teaching model, namely lecturers giving students the freedom to design their ways of learning through the preparation of Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) independently in study groups. This research is descriptive...

Correlation Between Socio-Economic Consequences and the External Effects Management of Regional Medical Systems

Shvets Yuri Yurievich
The article deals with the questions of social correlation in relation to the content of health protection issues. The generally accepted social contract in the sphere of health protection turned out to be broken by the events that took place in the world at the beginning of 2020. Principles of mutual...

Value Orientation of School Physical Education Reform From the Perspective of Life Outlook

Chenliang Deng, Qiaoyan Yu
This paper uses the methods of literature and logic analysis to exemplify on the necessity to speed up construction of China into a country strong in physical education and reestablish a development orientation for school physical education in the new era. It puts forward the inevitability to develop...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability of Thematic Kampongs

Surjono, Feronikana D.P. Rahma, Deni A. Setyono
Indonesian urban areas are formed by the formal and informal pattern of settlement. Kampongs are a typical feature in the urban settlement, which are often misled as slum areas; therefore, it is important to see whether kampongs are sustainable or not. The research selects four thematic kampongs based...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Science Literacy Skill of Manjushri Junior High School Students in Padang

D M Sari, Violita
This research purpose is to describe the science literacy skill of Manjushri Junior High School students in Padang. This research used descriptive method. This research is conducted at Manjushri Junior High School in Padang with class VIII students as sample that was determined by purposive sampling....

Disaster Communication Study on Instagram Account @infobmkgmaluku of Ambon Earthquake 2019 Case

Beatriz Bridget Tanasale, Sari Monik Agustin
Social media is a popular tool of communication to use as a sharing content platform. Many people use it as their media, but little do we know that the government nowadays use it as a tool to engage their public, especially at crisis and disaster. This article describes the analysis of how local government...

The Implementation of Module Based on Jigsaw Learning Model to Improve Students’ Grammar Understanding for Non Formal School (Package B) Students in Pariaman City

Wienda Gusta, Dian Christina, Zakirman
This research is motivated by the limitation of English language teaching materials in a non-formal institution of Pariaman city that can improve students’ grammar understanding. The purpose of this study is to see a comparison of students’ grammar understanding before and after the implementation of...

The Role of Ethnomathematics in Welcoming the Society 5.0

Dafid Slamet Setiana
Efforting reduced the negative effect of the revolution industry, needed to inculcate noble cultural characters in adolescents trough implementation ethnomathematics in learning. Through ethnomathematics students not only understand mathematical concepts but also appreciate their cultures more and can...

Honeybees Corporation Concept: A Corporate Concept to Support the Achievement of SDGs in Indonesia?

Qatrunnada Sausan, Nurleli, Rini Lestari
Corporate greed in exploiting limited natural resources to meet the needs of raw materials for production causes a variety of serious environmental damage and global warming that threatens human survival. Based on this phenomenon, the researchers got an idea inspired by Q.S A Nahl about the good behavior...

Simulation of New Predicting Yarn Characteristics on Open-End (OE) Yarn Based on Torus Coordinate

Valentinus Galih Vidia Putra, Irwan, Juliany Ningsih Mohamad, M. Farchani Rosyid, Guntur Maruto
In this paper, we have made a new dimensional Euclidean space on torus coordinate to explain yarn characteristics based on fibre movement in the process of rotor spinning machine. In this study, a simulation model of fibre movement for predicting yarn characteristics on OE spun yarn based on torus coordinate...

Blended Learning Model Implementation in the Normal, Pandemic, and New Normal Era

Rahmat Mahmud
The Covid-19 pandemic has made all of us stay at home while learning needs to continue. The only option is to take advantage of an online platform for learning, but the sudden implementation leaves everyone unprepared. This unpreparedness can be seen before us, not only in one or two schools but throughout...

The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Performance of Civil Servants (Study at Palu City Environment Office)

Bakri Hasanuddin, Syamsuddin
This study aims to analyze the effect of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on the performance of civil servants (study at the Palu City Environment Office). This research was designed quantitatively using the census sampling method with 98 respondents. Data analysis was performed descriptively...

Readiness for Measuring the Transformation of Higher Education Status

Ade Rahmat Iskandar, Hary Nugroho, Soleh H Muhammad, Sharifah Saon, Kadir Mahamad, Apri Junaidi
Readiness needs tobe measured at Akademi Telkom Jakarta, due to institutional changing to be Institute level. This papers aims to support successful transformation for academic communities of Akademi Telkom Jakarta and Telkom Foundation to implement Jakarta Telkom Instute of Techonolgy in 2020. Method...

A Study of Clustering Analysis Based on the Classification of Higher Vocational Colleges in Hb Province

Huilong Jin, Duo Lang, Jiangfan Xie
By using the SPSS cluster analysis method, it’s analyzed the index system of education condition, educational management, teaching staff, specialty and curriculum construction of 58 Higher Vocational Colleges in Hb Province, and divided the Higher Vocational Colleges into five categories: high-level,...

Influencing Factors of Equity Financing Efficiency of the Listed Companies in Strategic Emerging Industry Based on Baidu Index

Zhi-yuan Lü, Mu Zhang
Pages: 130 - 137
In order to further improve the equity financing efficiency of listed companies in strategic emerging industries, this paper selects relevant data of 208 listed companies in strategic emerging industries from 2014 to 2018, and calculates the changes in scale efficiency, pure technical efficiency and...
Proceedings Article

Automatic Invigilation Using Computer Vision

Manit Malhotra, Indu Chhabra
Educational institutions determine students’ strengths and weaknesses through exams. Students find numerous ways to cheat in physical exams like exchanging their sheets, using hidden notes, getting good grades, fulfilling their parents’ expectations, and whatnot. Due to the physical limitations of human...

Medical Student’s Perception Toward Online Learning Behavior During Covid-19 Pandemic

Dina Qurratu Ainin, Artha Budi Susila Duarsa, Dian Rahadianti
Nowadays, online learning has become a widespread practice as an integrated education technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning is best viewed from the perception of students because they have direct experience of it. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between medical student’s perception...

Crime Prevention Policy Through Depriving Illicit Enrichment and Unexplained Wealth

Ermaida Ermaida, Sonata Lukman
Crimes with economic motives are very detrimental to the state and have implications for national development. The assets of crime are the “blood of evil” for the continuation of the crime itself. The existing law enforcement facilities in Indonesia are still actor-oriented conventional. Conventional...
Review Article

How I Use Measurable Residual Disease in the Clinical Management of Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Fiona Fernando, Harry Frederick Robertson, Sarah El-Zahab, Jiří Pavlů
Pages: 130 - 141
Over the last decade the use of measurable residual disease (MRD) diagnostics in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has expanded from a limited number of study groups in Europe and the United States to a world-wide application. In this review, we summarize the advantages and drawbacks of the current...

Equity Incentive and Enterprise Performance in High-Tech Enterprises

Yuguo Yang, Yaer Ba, Yushan Chen
How high-tech companies obtain sustainable corporate performance through equity incentives is an important topic facing corporate management today. This article analyzes the evolution of Alibaba’s three-stage equity incentives to explore new ways of high-tech companies’ equity incentives.

Pathways for the Small and Medium-Sized Businesses to Develop the E-commerce Under the Internet Plus

Zhihong Li
The development of the Internet Plus has been pushing the popularization of e-commerce in all walks of life. The e-commerce can do many benefits for the businesses either in the market expansion or in the cost reduction, etc. It’s quite necessary for the small and medium-sized businesses to develop the...

Institutional Support of Public Procurement Logistics: International and Domestic Experience

V.V. Borisova, N.S. Pechenko, J. Xuedong
Institutional support of public procurement logistics is presented in the context of innovative transformations based on the results of monitoring procurement processes in international and Russian practice. Based on the comparison of existing models of public procurement in the world practice, the stability...

Analysis of Early Childhood Tutorial Content to Improve Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic Skills

Luhung Kawuryaning Pertiwi, Heny Djoehaeni
Every parent expects their child to give good academic skills. The characteristics of a child with the academic skills trusted by most parents are to have the ability to read, write and arithmetic to be able to continue the desired elementary school. The phenomenon of elementary school admission requirements...
Proceedings Article

The Attitude of the Community in the Preservation of the Samarinda City Forest

Fajar Apriani, Santi Rande
The rapid development of the city has made the green open space more limited, including for urban forest development in Samarinda. This study aims to analyze the attitudes of the community towards the preservation of the city forest of Samarinda. This research is a quantitative descriptive research using...

Organizational Culture as an Intervening Variable of Spiritual Leadership With Organizational Commitment and Ethical Behavior

Riane Johnly Pio, Sontje Manuel Sumayku, Danny David Samuel Mukuan
This study aims to determine the effect of spiritual leadership on organizational culture, organizational commitment and ethical behavior of teachers of Christian and Catholic Education Foundations in Manado, Tomohan, Minahasa Regency and South Minahasa Regency. It was done in a quantitative manner with...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Self-Efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya

Ariyono Setiawan, Munoto, Eko Hariadi, Luthfiyah Nurlalela, Yuyun Suprapto, I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa, Dama Yanti Hilda
This research purposes to analyze the effects of self-efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. This study uses the quantitative approach. The researcher decided to use a polytechnic institution located in Surabaya namely Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic which has competence...

Training for Improving the Leadership of Schools in the Era of Disruption

Djum Djum Noor Benty, Mustiningsih, Maisyaroh
Principal leadership skills training in this era of disruption was held in Tumpang District, Malang Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. This activity aims to: (1) assist principals as well as teachers in understanding leadership and learning models in an era of disruption; (2) the factors that shape...

Industry Distress Level and Competitor’s Annual Stock Return

Adella Kurnia Sari, Dwi Nastiti Danarsari
Previous studies show that bankruptcy announcements have a significant effect towards competitor’s stock return around the bankruptcy announcement date. This study tries to fill the gap to investigate whether prior to bankruptcy, distressed firms already have significant effect on other players in the...

Contextual Learning in Civic Education

Alternative Approach to Enhancing Civic Competence

Sulkipani, Umi Chotimah, Emil El Faisal
Civic Education courses are courses that present material in the form of descriptions of facts or certain social problems. The dynamic nature of social science provides the opportunity to generate diverse views. Therefore, the ability to understand concepts is a must for students in understanding Civic...

Inverse Scattering Transform and Solitons for Square Matrix Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Mixed Sign Reductions and Nonzero Boundary Conditions

Alyssa K. Ortiz, Barbara Prinari
Pages: 130 - 161
The inverse scattering transform (IST) with nonzero boundary conditions at infinity is developed for a class of 2 × 2 matrix nonlinear Schrödinger-type systems whose reductions include two equations that model certain hyperfine spin F = 1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, and two novel equations that...

Restorative Justice in the Settlement of Cases Through Formal Traditional Institutions in the Gayo Community of Aceh Province

Mohd. Din, Darmawan
One form of Aceh’s privileges is that it reinforces customary law and is formalized through regulation so that to occupy a position in a certain customary institution, they must have formal requirements and with these formal conditions, they do not necessarily understand customary law. This paper is...

The Politeness Value of the Characters Srikandi and Dewi Kunti in the Mahabarata Epic by Rajagopalachari

Ulfa Tursina, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Sidhiq Hidayatulloh
This research describes the form of politeness and character of the characters Srikandi and Dewi Kunti in the epic Mahabarata Rajagopalachari. Srikandi is a brave puppet character, while Dewi Kunti is a wise mother puppet character. Srikandi and Dewi Kunti are female characters in wayang who have the...

How Can Sharing Leadership Stimulate Employee Innovative Behavior: On the Role of Innovation Self-Efficacy and Emotional Commitment

Li Hui
Exploring the influence mechanism of sharing leadership on employees’ innovative behavior is a new perspective to understand the problem of “how to stimulate employees’ innovative behavior”. Based on social exchange theory and self-recognition theory, this paper introduces innovative self-efficacy as...

Measuring the Risk-Taking Willingness of Leaders and Non-Leaders Based on Prospect Theory: Differences in Decision-Making Between Two Groups

Jingchun Liang
Based on the Prospect Theory proposed by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (1979) on people’s willingness in risk-taking, this article tries to find out the differences in the risk-taking willingness between two comparative groups, leaders and non-leaders, which are general in numerous fields. Therefore,...

Learning Motivation, Media, and Reading Ability on Student Achievement in Social Science

Nurfiyati, Ninik Indawati
This study aimed to investigate the contribution of learning motivation, learning media, students reading ability to students’ learning outcomes in social science. This study used a quantitative approach with research variables including learning motivation, learning media, and reading ability. The research...