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189328 articles

STREAM DigLIM: Learning Innovation in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy

Desi Wulandari, Siti Mutmainah, Hari Prastyo, Shiva Fauziah, Teguh Fachmi, Erna Sundari, Husni Mubarok
New era COVID-19 pandemic requires teachers and students to understand technology. Along with the times, various kinds of latest innovations will appear, such as the novelty of digital learning. This study aims to analyze profile of STREAM DigLIM during the COVID-19 pandemic era and the recommendations...

The Empowerment of MSMEs in the Context of Economic Recovery after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Border Zone Indonesia-Malaysia of North Kalimantan

Arkas Viddy, Herlina Herlina
The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector in Nunukan Regency and and to identify the effect of Pandemic Covid-19 on Nunukan Gross Domestic Product. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Level of Maximality of the Implementation of Health Service Management at the Gunungkidul Regional General Hospital

Vera Meliana, Farhan Fatkhurrahman
Health services are one of the important components that support human life. Health services aim to meet the needs of individuals or communities to address issues related to public health. Each region has a public hospital that is the center of public health services, such as the Wonosari Regional General...

Learning Media Validity Based On Interactive Module Digital On Batik Materials In Fine Arts Education Program

Siti Aisyah, Defrizal Saputra, Asra Ilal Khairi, Ferdian Ondira Asa
The study aimed to obtain the validity of interactive digital module-based learning media on batik material for the basic textile craft course of the Fine Arts Education Program. This research was a development research that obtains validity data through media experts, material experts and linguists....

Community Policing Law Enforcement in Handling Narcotics Crimes by Children

This study aims to examine law enforcement carried out by community policing in tackling narcotics crimes by children. As the era progressed, more and more crimes occurred, starting from minor crimes to serious crimes. One form of crime or crime is the abuse of narcotics by children. Narcotics crimes...
Proceedings Article

Human Activities Impact Assessment and its Mapping in Sharyn Gol River Basin

Unurnyam Jugnee, Bolormaa Tsooj
The environment condition in the central economic region of Mongolia has been degrading due to overgrazing, legal and illegal mining, arable land, expansion of settlement areas, migration to cities from rural areas, population growth. Determining the intensity and spatial distribution of the human impact...

The Effect of the Demonstration Method on the Ability to Dribble in Soccer Games at SMA Negeri 1 PASSI Students

Doortje F. Tamunu
The purpose of the study is to find out how much influence the demonstration teaching method has on the dribbling ability of the students of SMA N 1 Passi. The research method used by the researcher in this research is the experimental research method. The population in this study were all male students...

Strategy to Improve the Quality of E-KTP Manufacturing Services Through the Use of Integrated Service Information System at Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil of Nganjuk Regency

Muhammad Bawono, Suwandi Suwandi, Prasetya Tri Mahendra, Frischa Abrifiana
In this research, the main purpose is to find out the Strategy of Improving the Quality of E-KTP Manufacturing Services Through the Use of Integrated Service Information System at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Nganjuk Regency. Respondents in this study were people who conducted the...

Theology of Al-Maun in Muhammadiyah Philanthropy (Study of Living Qur’an at Kartasura LAZISMU)

Mutmainni Rodhiyah, Yeti Dahlia, Alfiyatul Azizah, Ahmad Nurrohim
In Greek, philanthropy is derived from philos and anthropos, which translates as “love for humans” and “willingness to make sacrifices the time, energy, and money for other people.” The first seven verses of Surah Al-Maun are the primary source of Islamic philanthropy. Islam reveals its face as a faith...

Multimodal Literacy and Multimodal Assignments in Indonesian EFL Classrooms

An Analytical Review of Potential Opportunities and Challenges

Dwi Budidarma Sutrisno
This paper analyzes the previous related and relevant studies on multimodal literacy and multimodal assignments in the Indonesian EFL context. Multimodal pedagogy is a topic that is frequently discussed by many scholars, considering its importance in helping learners of English, including within the...

An Investigation of Chinese High School Students’ EI, English Writing Anxiety and Performance

Wenjia He, Shiming Li, Yaodan Zhang
The present study investigated 197 Chinese Year-2 senior high school students through a survey and analyzed the correlations between students’ EI, anxiety, and performance. Major findings were: (1) Chinese high school students’ EI and English writing performance are in the middle level, and they experience...
Proceedings Article

Reducing emissions into the environment during the operation of small-capacity boilers

Anastasiya Ivanova, Tsolmon Khalzan, Viktor Ivanov
This article considers measures to reduce air pollution from autonomous heating facilities. At the present time autonomous heat supply is actively developing. Affordability, controllability, autonomy, economy allow to determine the choice of consumers. But unlike power plants, the design of small boiler...

Framework Analysis in the News Reports of Cross-Era Sports Female Stars

Take Lang Ping and Gu Ailing as Examples

Wenjia Xiong
Taking Lang Ping and Gu Ailing as cases, this study uses the content analysis method to analyze the reports of the two cross-era sports stars in the Paper, aiming to explore whether sports are still the product of great power game and pan-politicization. This study believes that different reporting frameworks...

From Cultural Community Reunion to Multicultural Integration: A Quanzhou Economy and Industry Development Modality

Wenyu Wang, Yongjia Zhang, Qianyi Wang
Among the many grand narratives of pursuing prosperity, Quanzhou’s success has been always a unique legend. The currently article manages to reinstate the peculiar adventure Quanzhou underwent during the past 10-15 years from economical perspectives. By chronologically presenting the events that contribute...

An Ethereal Paradise: On the “Artistic Conception” of Scene Art in Kaige Chen’s Film “Legend of the Demon Cat”

Huanyu Kang
Chinese film art places particular emphasis on the use of “artistic conception” to craft scenes, aiming to achieve a “poetic and picturesque” image and a “fusion of emotion and scenery” state. Kaige Chen’s film “Legend of the Demon Cat” in 2017 perfectly displayed the charm of Chinese painting and oriental...

How is the School Literature Movement (GLS) Implemented During Pandemic in Elementary School?

Inas Rasyidah, Titis Angga Rini, Muh. Arafik
The pandemic condition causes challenges in implementing the school Literacy Movement (GLS). This fact is the background of this research to describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the GLS program during the pandemic in grade IV Islamic Elementary School (SDI) Mohammad Hatta Malang....

The Rise of New Candidates in Indonesia’s 2019 Legislative Election: Comparative Cases in Aceh and Yogyakarta

Ridho Al-Hamdi, Yessy Windasari, Dicky Salpiandi, David Efendi
In Indonesia’s latest national legislative election of 2019, several new legislative candidates could defeat the incumbent candidates in the intraparty competition to achieve seats in the House of Representatives. The application of the Open-List Proportional Representation (OLPR) system since Indonesia’s...
Proceedings Article

Design of Teaching Assistance System for Ideological and Political Classrooms in Colleges and Universities Based on Multimedia Technology

Guolan Liu, Siyu Cai, Xiaojing Miao
In modern society, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, what we can understand is that a series of complex disciplines that exist in this way will be slowly introduced into university classrooms. Ant colony algorithm is a kind of algorithm that simulates the behavior of wild...

Measurement of the Trade Facilitation in Taiwan Semiconductor Export Regions

Cheyuan Liu, Tao He, Feng Xie
In the context of the normalization of the Covid-19 and the marginalization of Taiwan in the Regional Economic Cooperation Organization, the improvement of trade facilitation level is a powerful way to reduce trade costs and increase trade flows in Taiwan. By selecting trade facilitation indicators from...

A Study of the Contemporary Dissemination of Classical Literature in Chinese Costume Dramas

Jun Wang, Ke Qian
Traditional literature is widely used in many fields and is universally accepted in various forms of language, and it has become an indispensable part of people’s life and artistic creation. In the TV drama Zhou Sheng Ru Ru, the short line “What the soul desires, the heart’s pleasure is on the side”...

The influence and enlightenment of live streaming on sales channel management of beauty brands——Take L’Oreal Group as an example

Shuxin Li
With the rapid development of the Internet, shopping methods have also become diversified. In recent years, new forms of online shopping have emerged, and various video flat shooting have gradually emerged, which has also brought a new term "webcasting". At the same time, there are also some...

Research on the current situation of cultivating master’s students majoring in sports in the Southwest region: An Example of university in Chongqing

Dedong Zhang, Sixuan Zhou, Boyu Wang
Using the research methods of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, and interview, we investigate the current situation of cultivating master’s degree students in education at a certain university in Chongqing and analyze the results of the survey, which show that: (1) the review and examination...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Quality of Green Open Space as a Tourism Destination. Case Study: Mahakam Riverside Tenggarong

Nur Asriatul Kholifah
Green open space is one part of urban space that functions to improve environmental quality, city aesthetics, and social interaction. Tenggarong city in East Kalimantan Province, which is located on the riverside of the Mahakam River, has green open spaces along its riverbanks. The beginning of the concept...

The Environmental Impact on the L2 Motivational System in the Chinese Context

Lingjiao Zhu
The Learning motivation is an important factor that affects second language acquisition and directly influences learners’ ultimate learning achievements. Learning motivation is also influenced by many factors. This paper combines the theory of the L2 Motivational Self-System and analyzes the impact of...

Market Integration in Southwest of Qing China: A Quantitative Historical Investigation

Tianyu Huang, Xingyue Chen
The relationship between the development of market system and economic growth has always been a concern of economists. While market integration among different regions is an important feature of market development, there is not only controversy about whether market integration existed in China in the...

Research on the Path of Digital Transformation of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises Under the Backdrop of High-Quality Development

Xiaohui Wang, Fumin Wang
The development of the digital economy has given Chinese companies great opportunities to achieve high-quality development. At the same time, due to the weak foundation of digital transformation in Chinese enterprises, the degree of industrialization and information integration needs to be deepened,...

Research on the Application of Big Data Technology in Student Education Management

Jinjin He, Limin Qiao
With the development of information technology, colleges and universities have widely applied computer technology in educational management. Many modern campuses have begun to build smart campuses, trying to use computer technology to manage students. There are many middle school students in colleges...

Seven Monthly Process as a Cultural Symbol of the Community of Dompu NTB (Nusa Tenggara Barat)

Nurrahmania, Kun Setyaning Astuti
The cultural wealth owned by a community is apparent in its traditions. A seven-month tradition, as the result of this nation’s diverse cultures, is also one of the traditions owned by the Dompu community. This has been passed down from generation to generation by their ancestors until now, it continues...

Relationship of Coordination for Handling and Force of Shoulder Muscles in Power of Volleyball Teams in MAN 1 Indragiri Hilir Students

Dedy Sepriwandi, Alimuddin Alimuddin
Aim of this reseasih was to determine the effect of eye coordination and shoulder arm strength on the passing capacity of the Man 1 Indragiri Hilir volleyball team. This is correlational research by comparing the results of measurements of two different variables to determine the level of correlation...

Innovative Collaborative Learning Leadership to Build School Academic Culture During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Harsono, A. Chirmala Vishnu Permata, Sabar Narimo, Sutama, Ahmad Nurkhin
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the world of education. The direct impact is in the form of school closures and online learning services. In a situation of uncertainty, offline learning is stopped, while schools must organize alternative learning, the ability of principals, teachers,...
Proceedings Article

Numerical analysis of the velocity of abrasive particles in an abrasive blasting device

Josef Vosahlo, Pavel Srb
The article deals with by using numerical analysis of abrasive particle velocity in blast technology. Blasting technology is an important industrial process that allows the application of materials to surfaces using high pressure or air velocity. The velocity of abrasive particles is a key parameter...

The Influence of Financial Technology on Net Interest Margin With Moderating Ownership Structure

Pristin Prima Sari, Ardian Prima Putra, Sri Hermuningsih, Johannes Maysan Damanik, Anisya Dewi Rahmawati
The purpose of this study is to study the impact of financial technology or fintech on net interest margin (NIM) using ownership structure as a moderating variable. The method uses a quantitative method. The results include that fintech adoption has a significant negative effect on NIM, ownership structure...
Proceedings Article

Design and Analysis of Railway Power Pack

Praveen Malik, Petr Lepsik
This paper includes the designing of the Railway Power Pack used by the Container Corporation of India. The power packs when in motion are subjected to several forces and their failures have resulted in many casualties. The work starts with the designing of the Power Pack container, with all its major...

Analysis of the Role of the Agricultural Sector in Indonesia in 2015–2020

Marcelina Anggraeni, Arivina Ratih, Ghania Atiqasani
The agricultural sector in Indonesia is an important sector in the national economy, but its role in the formation of GRDP in most regions has begun to decline. This was followed by a decrease in the area of harvested land. The purpose of this study is to look at the agricultural sector and sub-sector...
Proceedings Article

The Attributes of Insurance Product as Determinant Factors of Coffee Farmers’ Participation in Agricultural Insurance’

Mirza Andrian Syah, Wahyu Dyah Prastiwi, Wahyu Santoso, Mukson
This research aimed to analyze the product attributes of agricultural insurance as determinant factors of coffee farmers’ intention to participate in agricultural insurance. The product attributes are namely premium cost, insurance coverage, insurance requirements term, compensation value, and claim...

Transforming Stone and Marble Waste into High-Value Handicrafts: Boosting Economic Growth in Lemahdadi, Indonesia

Sujatmika Harsa Pawignya, Emmy Nurhariat, Anis Siti Hartati
This study aims to boost the economy and promote development in the Lemahdadi region of Bantul, Indonesia by utilizing local wisdom to enhance the competitiveness of the creative industry, particularly in producing high-value handicrafts using stone and marble waste. The high demand for these products...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Waste Ratio on Waste Consumption Level, Waste Reduction Index, and Growth of Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari, Darmono Taniwiryono, Novita Indri Pratiwi, Prismita Nursetyowati, Aqil Azizi, Diki Surya Irawan, Insan Harapan Harahap, Maskur
About 80% of the total amount of waste produced is generally organic waste, which is only seen as residual and has no economic value. Currently, the problem of organic waste is a problem that must be addressed immediately, and Black Soldier Fly is one of the solutions. This study aims to determine the...
Proceedings Article

Vehicle Types Recognition in Night-Time Scene

Willy Liew, Mohd Haris Lye Abdullah, Rehan Shahid, Amr Ahmed
Vehicle type recognition in night-time scene is a challenging issue to be resolved due to insufficient luminance, complex lighting environment in night-time and scarcity of public night-time vehicle dataset. Hence, in this paper, we analyse and evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art model...
Proceedings Article

Automated Extraction of Landslides Using Deep Learning and Multiple Environmental Factors

Yanhao Huang
As a common geological hazard, landslides pose a threat to human life and property safety. This study employs the ResNet34 method, a deep learning approach, while also considering environmental factors that influence landslides in landslide susceptibility assessment methods. The study focuses on Taiwan...

Students’ Mathematical Literacy Ability on Social Arithmetic Integrated with Islamic Contexts

Ellianti, Dewi Annisa, Bintang Zaura, Erni Maidiyah, Suryawati, Putri Cunda Resti, Nisa Sidratun
Integrating Islamic context into mathematics problems provides a training stimulus for mathematical literacy through religion-based knowledge. This study aims to determine mathematical literacy ability and student responses to social arithmetic integrated with Islamic context. The study has a descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Reliability Analysis of Vertical Joints of Steel Plate-Concrete Composite Silo Wall in Assembled Underground Granary

Hao Zhang, Xu Gao, Lei Chen
The structural configuration and mechanical characteristics of steel plate-concrete composite wall joints pose significant challenges that hinder their widespread utilization. To investigate the reliability of vertical joints in prefabricated underground grain silos featuring trapezoidal force-transmitting...

Reinforcement on Students’ Scientific Literacy: Development of Worksheet Based Lynk

Sunyono, Viyanti, Ujang Efendi
This study aims to develop a valid, practical, and effective worksheet based Lynk to habituate students’ scientific literacy. Thiagarajan 4-D model (Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate) in Research and Development (R & D), were used as research method. This article reported the results of...

Preserving Biodiversity Assisted by Predictive Maintenance: Managing Ecological Displacement

Diya Sarkar, Prafulla C. Mishra
The most remarkable trait of the breathing world is its diversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, encompassing all forms of ecosystems and the ecological complexes that comprise them, as well as the diversity within and between species as well as across different ecosystems. Traditional...

Assessing Product Preferences: A Study of ‘Kettawa Fresh’ Protein-Based Products among Stunted Communities

Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, Khoirul Hikmah, M. M. Azimatun Nur
Families with stunted members in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) face the need for protein-based products to address this nutritional challenge. This study focuses on the development of a protein-based product, specifically “Kettawa Fresh,” comprising Ettawa goat milk and various herbal additives,...

Examining Sleeper Effect Resulted from Text and Photograph: A New Perspective on Exemplification Theory

Adiella Yankie Lubis, Prasetya Yoga Santoso, Ressa Uli Patrissia, Henry Sianipar
The presentation of specific cases serving as an illustration for more significant phenomena has a long history in journalism. Although most publications report some form of exemplification effect, it is unknown whether the sleeper effect caused by exemplification will prevail and drive risk perception...
Proceedings Article

Land Registration Management and Litigation Resolution System using Blockchain

Bheemisetty Yeswanth, Bollimuntha Ashok, D. Geethanjali, N. Umasankari
Currently, one of the most difficult issues facing the government is resolving illicit activity and fraudulent land registrations. The old and traditional methods of land registrations are the main reason for the arise of these illegal and fraudulent activities. The proposed system aims to harness the...

Management of Educators in Improving the Quality of Education at the Junior High School Level in Magetan Regency

Dea Avriliya Maharani, Bambang Supriyono, Moh. Said
One of the educational factors that needs to be considered in Indonesia is the quality of education. This is due to the fact that educational quality influences many factors, including student competitiveness, graduate quality, and competition in educational quality for both places. Good educator management...

Analysis of Tourism Marketing Mix for Morotai KSPN Development

Iwan Muraji, Firda Hidayati, Niken Lastiti Veri Anggaini
This study aims to determine the development of tourism marketing in Morotai Island Regency which has been designated as one of the 10 National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a literature review. The focus in this study is to analyze the marketing mix approach...
Proceedings Article

Economic Assessment of Damage Caused By Fluctuations in the Level of Lake Baikal

Olga V. Gagarinova, Gerelma B. Dugarova, Tatyana I. Zabortseva, Viktor N. Bogdanov
The problem of regulating Lake Baikal and the negative impact of water has been discussed since the time when the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station was built (1950). This becomes especially important during periods of prolonged low or high water, because it affects all human activities and changes...

Boys’ Love Fiction and Boys’ Love Fan-Fiction: Origin and Division

Jingchi Zhang
As one of the inspired foundations of Chinese Boys’ Love fictions, Chinese fanfictions have commons and similar origin as those danmei (Boys’ Love) fictions, but the progress of the popularization and influence of the two fictions on Chinese literature, subculture, and targeted groups are slightly different...