Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science (TEAMS 19)
202 authors
- Musmini, Lucy Sri
- Epistemology of Accounting Practices: Another Frame of Objectivity Claims
- Mutia, Karmila D. L.
- Analysis of Green Accounting Implementation Based on University Social Responsibility (Study at Nusa Cendana University Kupang)
- Naim, Noor Jannatun
- Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
- Nathanael, Audley
- Typology Taxpayers in Indonesia
- Ndoen, Wehelmina M.
- Analysis of Small and Medium Industry of The Tenun Ikat Craft in Kupang City
- Nugroho, Alfi
- Development of Financial Statement Applications for SMEs based on Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Nursiani, Ni Putu
- Competitiveness Strategy Formulation for Peoples Bank of Crediting In Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
- Nyoko, Antonio E. L.
- The Effect of Visiting Decisions on Destination Images Post Disaster
- Panie, Alessandra Natasya
- The Influence of Millenial Generation Lifestyle on Purchase Decisions Online in Shopee by Seeing Risk Perception as Moderating Variables
- Parma, I Putu Gede
- Principles of Tourism Code of Ethics and Community Priority Rights in Tourism Management Based on Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014 Concerning the Implementation of Tourism in Buleleng Regency
- Pasek, I Nyoman Suadnyana
- Impact of Conflict of Interest on Accounting Policies Overview of Gender
- Pello, Titania Ariance
- The Effect of Visiting Decisions on Destination Images Post Disaster
- Permata, Agnes Ayu
- Earning Management or Tax Avoidance? Company Decision on Accounting and Tax Reporting Cost
- Pradipta, I Gede Mulya
- Application Of The Principles Of Financial Management In The Management Of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) Bhakti Karya Kalibubuk Villages A Study Of The BUMDES Bhakti By The Village Of Kalibubuk
- Prasetyo, Widyananda
- The Perceived Risk Influence on the E-Loyalty of Online Shoppers in Using Internet of Things
- Pratama, Putu Dio Artha
- How Culture Resources Developed As A New Tourism Destination In Buleleng Regency
- Prayudi, Made Aristia
- Women and Its Job Opportunity in Hotel Industry in Bali
- Prayudi, Made Aristia
- The Effect of Socialization, Training and Assistance Activities on Pokdarwis Satisfaction and Participation Levels in Managing Tourism Villages
- Prayudi, Made Aristia
- The Research and Development Study of Tourism Accounting Dictionary
- Prayugo, Livia Erlyn
- The Acceptance of Accounting Students on the Use of Internet of Things
- Purnamawati, I Gusti Ayu
- Family Entrepreneurship Development Model Based on Social Capital through Women Empowerment
- Putra, Komang Endrawan Sumadi
- The Improvement of Students' Interest in Business in Economics Faculty, Ganesha Education University, Through Motivation and Knowledge of Entrepreneurship
- Rafael, Sarinah Joyce Margaret
- Competitiveness Strategy Formulation for Peoples Bank of Crediting In Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
- Rahmawati, Fentya Dyah
- Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
- Rahmawati, Putu Indah
- Measuring Hotel Customer Satisfaction: Who Cares?
- Rahmawati, Putu Indah
- Feasibility Study of Magister Management Program in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
- Regina, Maria
- The Perceived Risk Influence on the E-Loyalty of Online Shoppers in Using Internet of Things
- Rozari, Petrus E. de
- The Influence of Rupiah Exchange Rate, Interest Rate Levels, and The Composite Stock Price Index to Financial Deepening in Indonesia
- Rozi, Fahrur
- Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
- Sangging, I Wayan Budi Sujana
- The Influence of Customer Satisfaction in Terms of Service Quality and Perceived Value
- Saputra, I Wayan Krisna Aris
- Welfare Level of Arta Murti BUMDes Members Anturan Village, Buleleng District in Term of Social Entrepreneurship Approach reneurship Approach
- Savitri, Luh Asri
- Effect of Auditor Independence, Fee Audit, Audit Tenure Toward Audit Quality (Case Study at a Public Accounting Firm in Bali)
- Soegihono, Alvin
- Intergenerational Perception of Tax Audit and Voluntary Tax Compliance
- Suarmaja, Ida
- Role of Informal Employment to the Economy
- Suarmanayasa, I Nengah
- Investment Profile of Bangli Regency
- Suarmanayasa, I Nengah
- Role of Informal Employment to the Economy
- Suci, Made
- Feasibility Study of Magister Management Program in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
- Suci, Ni Made
- The Effect of Big Five Personality of Entrepreneurs on Business Growth in SMEs
- Suharsono, Naswan
- The Influence Of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self Efficacy On The Intention Of Students Entrepreneurs
- Suharsono, Naswan
- The Way to Develop an Entrepreneurial Culture in Higher Education
- Sujana, Edy
- The Research and Development Study of Tourism Accounting Dictionary
- Sujana, I Nyoman
- The Influence Of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self Efficacy On The Intention Of Students Entrepreneurs
- Sujana, Nyoman
- Development of the Designing Capability of Scientific Approach-Based Learning Tools
- Sulindawati, Ni Luh Gede Erni
- Analyzing the Need to Develop Materials in the Teaching of Hotel Accounting that Meet the Requirements of the Graduate Users
- Sulindawati, Ni Luh Gede Erni
- Epistemology of Accounting Practices: Another Frame of Objectivity Claims
- Susila, Gede Putu Agus Jana
- Investment Profile of Bangli Regency
- Susila, Gede Putu Agus Jana
- Role of Informal Employment to the Economy
- Suwena, Kadek Rai
- The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on the Welfare of the Village Community
- Suwena, Kadek Rai
- Identification of the Failure of Waste Bank Enterprises as Undiksha Students’ Entrepreneurial Activity Unit
- Suwendra, I Wayan
- The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on the Welfare of the Village Community
- Tanaya, Graciella
- E-Tax Satisfaction and Taxpayer Expectation Toward Tax Consultant
- Tandean, Ervina Clowdya
- The Perceived Risk Influence on the E-Loyalty of Online Shoppers in Using Internet of Things
- Tarigan, Josua
- Corporate Social Responsibility Policies in Indonesia Manufacturing Companies
- Telagawathi, Ni Luh Wayan Sayang
- Analysis of Brand Image and Promotions and their Effect on Purchase Decisions
- Telagawathi, Ni Luh Wayan Sayang
- Factors Affecting the Amount of External Information Business Search for Use of Aviation Services in Bali
- Thei, Yolanda Patricia
- Analysis of the Effect of The Commodification Sotis Woven Fabric on Hotel Occupancy Rates (Case Study on Local Hotel Brand - Hotels Sotis Kupang)
- Theresia, Jessica
- E-Tax Satisfaction and Taxpayer Expectation Toward Tax Consultant
- Timuneno, Tarsisius
- The Influence Of Organizational Cultural On Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through Spirituality Workplace As Moderating Variable
- Tjioewinata, Gladys Paramita
- The Relationships between Technology and User Satisfaction in Online Tax Filing: The Mediating Role of Confirmation of Expectation
- Tjondro, Elisa
- Earning Management or Tax Avoidance? Company Decision on Accounting and Tax Reporting Cost
- Tjondro, Elisa
- Intergenerational Perception of Tax Audit and Voluntary Tax Compliance
- Tjondro, Elisa
- E-Tax Satisfaction and Taxpayer Expectation Toward Tax Consultant
- Trianasari
- Feasibility Study of Magister Management Program in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
- Trianasari, N.
- Measuring Hotel Customer Satisfaction: Who Cares?
- Tripalupi, Lulup Endah
- Public Interest in Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) in Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD)
- Tripalupi, Lulup Endah
- The Influence Of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self Efficacy On The Intention Of Students Entrepreneurs
- Tunti, Maria E. D.
- Perception of Stakeholders on Internal Supervisory Unit and Competence of Internal Supervisory Unit (Study At Nusa Cendana University)
- Tunti, Maria E. D.
- Analysis of Green Accounting Implementation Based on University Social Responsibility (Study at Nusa Cendana University Kupang)
- Tusyanah
- Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
- Utari, Woro
- Detection of Healthcare Fraud in The National Health Insurance Program Based on Cost Control
- Valencia, Jesseline
- The Acceptance of Accounting Students on the Use of Internet of Things
- Vijaya, Diota Prameswari
- Perceptions of Accessibility and Knowledge in Small and Medium Enterprises based on Interest Using e-Banking
- Vijaya, Diota Prameswari
- Carbon Information Disclosure Practice in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Study from Manufacturing and Mining Industry
- Wahyuni, Made Arie
- Effect of Auditor Independence, Fee Audit, Audit Tenure Toward Audit Quality (Case Study at a Public Accounting Firm in Bali)
- Wahyuni, Ni Komang Sri
- The Role of Entrepreneurship Education and Subjective Norms on the Intention of Entrepreneurship
- Wanandi, Felix
- Intergenerational Perception of Tax Audit and Voluntary Tax Compliance
- Whitney, Gabriella
- The Relationships between Technology and User Satisfaction in Online Tax Filing: The Mediating Role of Confirmation of Expectation
- Wibowo, Nugroho Mardi
- Detection of Healthcare Fraud in The National Health Insurance Program Based on Cost Control
- Widiastini, Ni Made Ary
- Women and Its Job Opportunity in Hotel Industry in Bali
- Widiastini, Ni Made Ary
- The Effect of Socialization, Training and Assistance Activities on Pokdarwis Satisfaction and Participation Levels in Managing Tourism Villages
- Widiastuti, Yuyun
- Detection of Healthcare Fraud in The National Health Insurance Program Based on Cost Control
- Widuri, Retnaningtyas
- Individual Tax Compliance: Trust versus Power
- Widuri, Retnaningtyas
- Tax Fraud Reporting: The Effect of Envious Motive and Financial Reward
- Widuri, Retnaningtyas
- Tax justice perception and trust in government on tax compliance
- Widyatama, Arif
- Does Corporate Governance increase the Financial Reporting Quality?
- Wiguna, I Gede Nandra Hary
- The Research and Development Study of Tourism Accounting Dictionary
- Wismanjaya, Komang Agem
- How Culture Resources Developed As A New Tourism Destination In Buleleng Regency
- Yanida, Maria
- Does Corporate Governance increase the Financial Reporting Quality?
- Yasa, I Nyoman Putra
- Impact of Conflict of Interest on Accounting Policies Overview of Gender
- Yasa, I Nyoman Putra
- Revealing The Perception of The Justice of UMKM Taxation on Government Regulation Number 23 of 2018
- Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
- Analysis of Competitiveness Determinants of The Woodcraft Industry in Bali
- Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
- Analysis of Acceptance and Success Implementation of Academic Information System (SIAk) Based on Technology
- Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
- Epistemology of Accounting Practices: Another Frame of Objectivity Claims
- Yudistira, Kadek
- Welfare Level of Arta Murti BUMDes Members Anturan Village, Buleleng District in Term of Social Entrepreneurship Approach reneurship Approach
- Yulianthini, Ni Nyoman
- The Effect of Big Five Personality of Entrepreneurs on Business Growth in SMEs
- Yulianthini, Ni Nyoman
- Factors Affecting the Amount of External Information Business Search for Use of Aviation Services in Bali
- Yuniarta, Gede Adi
- Analysis of Competitiveness Determinants of The Woodcraft Industry in Bali
- Yuniarta, Gede Adi
- Supervision of the Government in Strengthening the Influence of Community Participation of the Effectiveness of Village Funds in the District Buleleng
- Yuniarta, Gede Adi
- Analysis of Acceptance and Success Implementation of Academic Information System (SIAk) Based on Technology
- Yuniarta, Gede Adi
- The Meaning of Economic Literacy for Women Entrepreneurs