Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)
448 authors
- Maharani, Nina
- Purchase Intention of Private Label Products as the Impact of Visual Merchandising and Customer Value
- Mahmud, Ade
- Model of Applying Criminal Sanctions in Overcoming Corruption Through Criminal Sanction by Substitute Money
- Malik, Zaini Abdul
- Management of Waqf Assets at Waqf Institutions in Indonesia
- Mardini, Riyang
- Android-Based Accounting Application for MSME
- Marleni, Marleni
- Social Network Typology of Doing Transactions in Minangkabau Traditional Market
- Martina, Dewi
- Customers’ First Impression of a Brand and Its Relation to Their Shopping Experiences
- Maryani, Aneu
- The Implementation of Health BPJS Connected to Balance Principle in Economic Law and Sharia Principles
- Maryani, Anne
- The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaign on the Exposure Aspects on Social Media Facebook and Instagram
- Maryani, Anne
- Interpersonal Skill Communication of Social Workers to Improve Human Resources
- Mashudi, Didi
- The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Sharia Stock Prices in the Jakarta Islamic Index
- Masnipal, M.
- Teaching Competency Development for Early Childhood Education
- Maulana, Indra Topik
- Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
- Meisalucky, Agung
- The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
- Meiyanto, Sito
- The Prospect of Co-Operative Structure in Secondary Education Graduates
- Meiyanto, Sito
- A Comparative Study on Structural Empowerment of Co-Operatives Members in Urban and Rural Setting
- Mubarak, Ali
- Mindful Parenting: Study on Parents of Preschool Children
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Influence of Islamic Service Behavior on Patient Loyalty
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Hospital Management System Analysis in Effort to Improve Service Quality by Using Structured Design Life Cycle Method (A Case Study of Al-Mulk Regional Public Hospital in Sukabumi City)
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Patient Safety Management Re-Design by Using Hospital Failure Mode Effect Analysis (A Case Study of Assyifa Islamic Hospital Ward in Sukabumi)
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Knowledge Sharing Through Majlis in Fostering the Economy of Jamaah
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Knowledge Chain as a System in Developing Pesantren Entrepreneurship
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Analysis of Rumah Sehat Terpadu - Dompet Dhuafa Hospital Bogor to Develop a Design Strategy of Speech Therapy Service
- Mukhsin, Dadan
- Determining Strategy to Improve Tourism Transportation Services
- Muliya, Liya Sukma
- The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
- Mulyana, Asep
- Purchase Intention of Private Label Products as the Impact of Visual Merchandising and Customer Value
- Mulyana, R.
- Challenges of Local Radios in Advertising Their Business
- Mulyani, Dewi
- The Literation of Disaster Mitigation for Early Childhood
- Mulyati, Dewi Shofi
- Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
- Murniati, Andi
- Competence of Islamic Higher Education Graduates from the Perspectives of Stakeholders in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Mustikawati, Febby
- Boosting the Performance of Convection Creative Industry Through Supply Chain Management and Brand Image Enhancement
- Muthiah, Tia
- The Views of Online Media Journalists About Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
- Nandang, HMZ
- Analysis of Early Children Upbringing’s Community-Based Program
- Nandang, HMZ
- Climate Analysis of Islamic Services at Universitas Islam Bandung
- Nawangsih, Endah
- Personality and Social Media Addiction Among College Students
- Nidar, Sulaeman Rahman
- Dividend Payout Model on SOE (Go Public) in Indonesia
- Nikmah, Farika
- The Effect of Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning and Creativity on Employee’s Performance
- Novianti, Evi
- Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
- Novianto, Novianto
- The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
- Nugraha, Aat Ruchiat
- Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
- Nugraha, Irfan Ahmad
- Interpersonal Skill Communication of Social Workers to Improve Human Resources
- Nugraha, Irwan
- The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
- Nugraha, Nugraha
- Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
- Nugraha, Rian
- Study of Muhammad Natsir Thoughts About Dakwah Harakah
- Nugrahawati, Eni N.
- Effect of Gratitude and Self Control to Impulsive Buying in Unisba Students
- Nugrahawati, Eni N.
- Psychological First Aid Training for KSR-Unisba
- Nur, Aini K.
- Challenges of Local Radios in Advertising Their Business
- Nurahman, Ahmad Arief
- Empowerment of Housewives and Teenagers in Albinaa Madrasa Sukarasa Village, Arjasari Sub-District Bandung Regency
- Nuralfiani, Alfi
- Effectiveness of Training and Development Toward Cultural Competence of Indonesian Fisheries Migrant in South Korea
- Nurcahyono, Arinto
- Corporate Social Responsibility in ASEAN: Case Study ASEAN CSR Network
- Nurcholisah, Kania
- Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderating Factor
- Nurdin, Nurdin
- Knowledge Sharing Through Majlis in Fostering the Economy of Jamaah
- Nurdin, Nurdin
- Knowledge Chain as a System in Developing Pesantren Entrepreneurship
- Nurfahmiyati, Nurfahmiyati
- Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderating Factor
- Nurhasanah, Neneng
- The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
- Nurhasanah, Neneng
- The Implementation of Health BPJS Connected to Balance Principle in Economic Law and Sharia Principles
- Nurhayati, Nunung
- The Quality of Financial Reporting of Zakat Funds in West Java
- Nurhayati, Nurhayati
- Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
- Nurkamto, Joko
- Character-Building Values in Indonesian Fairy-Tale Textbooks of Junior High Students
- Nurleli, Nurleli
- Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderating Factor
- Nurleli, Nurleli
- Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
- Nurlimah, Nila
- Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDENT by Mardani Ali Sera (Case Study Regarding the Process Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDEN Becoming a Political Movement in the 2019 Elections)
- Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
- The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaign on the Exposure Aspects on Social Media Facebook and Instagram
- Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
- Interpersonal Skill Communication of Social Workers to Improve Human Resources
- Nursagita, Chicha
- Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
- Nuryatin, Agus
- Folklore Bibliotherapy Method for Early Childhood
- Oemar, Hirawati
- Improving the Awareness of Providing Halal Food Among Street Vendors
- Oktarina, Tina
- Patient Safety Management Re-Design by Using Hospital Failure Mode Effect Analysis (A Case Study of Assyifa Islamic Hospital Ward in Sukabumi)
- Oktaroza, Magnas Lestira
- Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
- Oktaroza, Magnaz Lestira
- Accounting Information System Design for Zakat on Bandung Islamic University Baitul Maal
- Parihat, Parihat
- Fast Method Training Read the Qur’an Bilhikmah for the Tutor Candidate of the Mosque al-Furqan of UPI and the Mosque Around It
- Parihat, Parihat
- Improving Strategy of the Zakat Infaq Management of Baitul Maal Unisba
- Pedro, Hendrikus
- The Prospect of Co-Operative Structure in Secondary Education Graduates
- Pedro, Hendrikus
- A Comparative Study on Structural Empowerment of Co-Operatives Members in Urban and Rural Setting
- Permana, Rizka Hadian
- Application of the Rasch Model in Analysis of Exam Questions at the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Islam Bandung
- Permana, Rizka Hadian
- Increasing Knowledge and Skill in Preventing Children Sexual Abuse
- Permatasari, Andalusia Neneng
- The Views of Online Media Journalists About Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
- Pramono, Irena Paramita
- Android-Based Accounting Application for MSME
- Pramono, Irena Paramita
- The Implementation of SAK EMKM on UMKM Financial Reports (Case Study of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM, Bandung)
- Pranadita, Nugraha
- Existence of Potential Areas of Space According to Ibn Sina’s Ontology Perspective
- Pranadita, Nugraha
- The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Reveal Negative Impact of a Products Legally as an Understanded Side
- Prasetyaningsih, Endang
- Empowerment of Housewives and Teenagers in Albinaa Madrasa Sukarasa Village, Arjasari Sub-District Bandung Regency
- Prastyaningsih, Ika
- The Implementation of Sharia Compliance in the Murabaha Contract
- Purnamasari, Pupung
- How Does the Good Corporate Governance Prevent the Internal Fraud in Banks?
- Purwowibowo, Purwowibowo
- The Total Communication Learning Model to Support the Effectiveness of Social Interaction for Deaf Children
- Puspawati, Anita
- The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
- Putra, Ikhsan Muharma
- Social Network Typology of Doing Transactions in Minangkabau Traditional Market
- Putra, Panji Adam Agus
- Sharia-Based Rehabilitation Model of Social Economic
- Putra, Purnama
- Challenges in Management of Baitul Maal wa Tamwil Based on Waqf
- Putra, Raditya Pratama
- The Development of Village Entrepreneurship Through Digital Marketing Communication
- Putra, Raditya Pratama
- Value Proposition of Instagrammable Digital Tourism in Forming Brand Identity
- Putra, Raditya Pratama
- The Hooked Model as Communication Strategy of “Kembaliin” App as an Information Media for Handling Lost and Found
- Putri, Balqis Andini
- Psychological First Aid Training for KSR-Unisba
- Putri, Dian Widya
- The Comparison of Credibility and Authenticity of Scoutmasters of Indonesian Scouting
- Putri, Dian Widya
- Development of Media Literation on Group of Vocational School Students
- Putri, Leonita
- Dividend Payout Model on SOE (Go Public) in Indonesia
- Putri, Rahmadani
- The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
- Qodariah, Siti
- Factors Influencing Risky Driving Behavior in Young Motorcyclists at Bandung City, Indonesia
- Qodariah, Siti
- Evaluation of Psychoeducation Programs to Increase Knowledge’s Family Caregivers of People with Psychotic Disorders
- Rachmawati, Indri
- Teacher and Student Communication in Science Education at Schools
- Rachmiatie, Atie
- Implementation of Origami Construction to Improve Logical Thinking Ability on Early Age Children