Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)
448 authors
- Hakim, Arif
- The Literation of Disaster Mitigation for Early Childhood
- Hakim, Arif
- Teaching Competency Development for Early Childhood Education
- Halimah, Lilim
- Evaluation of Psychoeducation Programs to Increase Knowledge’s Family Caregivers of People with Psychotic Disorders
- Halimatusadiah, Elly
- Accounting Information System Design for Zakat on Bandung Islamic University Baitul Maal
- Halimi, Agus
- Development of Religious Consciousness in the Value of Respect to Parents
- Hamdan, Stephani Raihana
- The Comparison of Credibility and Authenticity of Scoutmasters of Indonesian Scouting
- Hamdan, Stephani Raihana
- Designing Teacher Training to Improve Early Detection of Children with Special Needs
- Hamdan, Yusuf
- Personal Selling Skill in Building Interaction with Consumers
- Hamdan, Yusuf
- Implementation of Business-Partner Relationship in Empowering Small Business
- Hamdani, Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria
- An Accuracy Test of Qibla Direction Measurement of Mosques and Prayer Rooms
- Hamdani, Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria
- Empowerment of Cassava Farmers Through Processing of Local Potential Based on Home Industry
- Handayani, R.
- Can Purple Sweet Potato Yoghurt Control Weight Gain?
- Harahap, Erwin Hamdani
- Implementation Information Technology Through Channel Youtube “Lampu Islam”
- Hardiyansyah, Hardiyansyah
- Public Service Performance in Lahat Regency, South Sumatra
- Hartanto, Rudy
- How Does the Good Corporate Governance Prevent the Internal Fraud in Banks?
- Hartono, Hartono
- English Writing Anxiety and the Writing Problems of Indonesia EFL Learners
- Haryatiningsih, Ria
- The Welfare of Slum Areas in Bandung City Based on Consumption Expenditures Patterns (Case Study: Slum Areas Babakan Surabaya, Kiaracondong, Bandung City)
- Hasan, Halid
- The Effect of Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning and Creativity on Employee’s Performance
- Hasan, Meydia
- Purchase Intention of Private Label Products as the Impact of Visual Merchandising and Customer Value
- Hasanah, Eneng Nur
- Analysis of “Halal” Word in Social Media Using Text Mining and Word Networking
- Hasibuan, Lisa Andayani
- Sunset Policy in Local Tax (Vehicle Tax) Reviewed from Equity Principles and Its Impact on Tax Payers Compliance
- Hastika, Nunung
- Social Economic Empowerment of Homeless Families
- Haviz, Meidy
- The Determinants of Spiritual Poverty in Bandung
- Helliana, Helliana
- The Quality of Financial Reporting of Zakat Funds in West Java
- Helmi, Arief
- Purchase Intention of Private Label Products as the Impact of Visual Merchandising and Customer Value
- Hendajany, Nenny
- Implications of Women Education and Infrastructure of Health on Quality of Baby Births in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Regions
- Hendar, Jejen
- Risk Management Safety and Health Industries in the Village Blacksmith Craftsman Mekarmaju, Sub Pasirjambu, Bandung Regency
- Heniarti, Dini Dewi
- The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
- Herdiyati, Sandra Dewi
- Effectiveness of Training and Development Toward Cultural Competence of Indonesian Fisheries Migrant in South Korea
- Herlina, Marizsa
- Halal Awareness of Muslim Millennials Toward Cosmetics and Skincare Decision
- Hernawati, Nopi
- The Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat Funds: A Case Study in BAZNAS West Java
- Hernawati, Nopi
- The Implementation of SAK EMKM on UMKM Financial Reports (Case Study of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM, Bandung)
- Hidayat, Yayat Rahmat
- The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
- Hindersah, Hilwati
- Cirebon Palaces in Cosmology Perspective
- Husnita, Liza
- Implementation of Thematic Learning Model at Elementary Schools of Lima Puluh Kota Regency
- Hutami, Amalia
- An Accuracy Test of Qibla Direction Measurement of Mosques and Prayer Rooms
- Ibra, Muhammad Arief
- The Total Communication Learning Model to Support the Effectiveness of Social Interaction for Deaf Children
- Ibrahim, Mohamad Andri
- The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Sharia Stock Prices in the Jakarta Islamic Index
- Ibrahim, Mohamad Andri
- Selection of Priority Needs for Employee Recruitment in Islamic Banking
- Ilahi, Fadilah
- The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Sharia Stock Prices in the Jakarta Islamic Index
- Ilhamsyah, M. Jefriendy
- Android-Based Accounting Application for MSME
- Imaniyati, Neni Sri
- Wadi’ah Contract in DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 02/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 Concerning Saving Connected with the Theory of Intention (Nadhariyat An-Niyat) and Sharia Principle
- Imaniyati, Neni Sri
- The Implementation of Health BPJS Connected to Balance Principle in Economic Law and Sharia Principles
- Inayati, Inayati
- Analysis of the Final Income Tax Treatment for the Procurement of Imported Materials (In the Construction of Power Plant Project at PT XYZ Based on the Certainty Principles of Tax Collection)
- Indradinata, Deden
- Strategic Entrepreneurship in Enhancing the Role and Competitiveness Advantage of Pharmacy Colleges
- Indriyanti, R. Anita
- Can Purple Sweet Potato Yoghurt Control Weight Gain?
- Inten, Dinar Nur
- The Literation of Disaster Mitigation for Early Childhood
- Irawati, Irawati
- Village Consultative Institution Status as a Form of Democracy Life in the Village
- Irfani, Aminuddin
- Knowledge Sharing Through Majlis in Fostering the Economy of Jamaah
- Irfani, Aminuddin
- Knowledge Chain as a System in Developing Pesantren Entrepreneurship
- Irwansyah, Shindu
- Empowerment of Cassava Farmers Through Processing of Local Potential Based on Home Industry
- Irwansyah, Shindu
- Management of Waqf Assets at Waqf Institutions in Indonesia
- Isfandayani, Isfandayani
- Challenges in Management of Baitul Maal wa Tamwil Based on Waqf
- Iskandar, Dudi
- 2019 Presidential Election Campaign in Islamic Newspaper
- Islami, Fadhila Nur Rizky
- The Views of Online Media Journalists About Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
- Islami, Vina
- Boosting the Performance of Convection Creative Industry Through Supply Chain Management and Brand Image Enhancement
- Izadi, Fariz Farikh
- The Outer Space Exploration Under International Space Law: An Islamic Point of View
- Izadi, Fariz Farrih
- Risk Management Safety and Health Industries in the Village Blacksmith Craftsman Mekarmaju, Sub Pasirjambu, Bandung Regency
- Jamilah, Lina
- Legal Basis of Land Reform
- Juarsa, Eka
- Model of Applying Criminal Sanctions in Overcoming Corruption Through Criminal Sanction by Substitute Money
- Judiantono, Tonny
- Determining Strategy to Improve Tourism Transportation Services
- Kamil, Indriyati
- Communication Model for Management Synergy of Nature Reserves
- Karim, Nur Kareelawati Abd
- Managing Pressuring Eco-System Influencing Media Workers’ Well-Being in Malaysian Creative Industries
- Karmila, Leti
- Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDENT by Mardani Ali Sera (Case Study Regarding the Process Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDEN Becoming a Political Movement in the 2019 Elections)
- Karmilah, Mila
- The Impact of Home-Based Enterprise to Tourism Development (Case Study: Kartini Beach Jepara Central Java)
- Khakim, Lukmanul
- Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Total Physical Response Learning Method
- Kharisma, Yuktiana
- Can Purple Sweet Potato Yoghurt Control Weight Gain?
- Khasanah, Andhita Nurul
- Designing Teacher Training to Improve Early Detection of Children with Special Needs
- Khasanah, Andhita Nurul
- Mindful Parenting: Study on Parents of Preschool Children
- Khatimah, Shafa Husnul
- Analysis of Rumah Sehat Terpadu - Dompet Dhuafa Hospital Bogor to Develop a Design Strategy of Speech Therapy Service
- Kholis, Nur
- The Total Communication Learning Model to Support the Effectiveness of Social Interaction for Deaf Children
- Khuza’i, Rodliyah
- Improving Strategy of the Zakat Infaq Management of Baitul Maal Unisba
- Khuza’i, Rodliyah
- Study of Muhammad Natsir Thoughts About Dakwah Harakah
- Khuza’i, Rodliyah
- The Thought of Isma’il Raji Al-Faruqi and Its Influence in Western and Islamic Civilization
- Koentjoro, Koentjoro
- The Prospect of Co-Operative Structure in Secondary Education Graduates
- Koentjoro, Koentjoro
- A Comparative Study on Structural Empowerment of Co-Operatives Members in Urban and Rural Setting
- Koesdiningsih, Nining
- Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
- Koesharijadi, Koesharijadi
- Public Service Performance in Lahat Regency, South Sumatra
- Komala, Lukiati
- Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
- Komariah, Kokom
- Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
- Kosasih, Kosasih
- Strategic Entrepreneurship in Enhancing the Role and Competitiveness Advantage of Pharmacy Colleges
- Kristanto, Arief B.
- Challenges of Local Radios in Advertising Their Business
- Kuntorini, Ririn Sri
- Factors Influence on the Quality of Management Accounting Information System and Its Impacts on Good Corporate Governance Implementation
- Kuntorini, Ririn Sri
- The Implementation of SAK EMKM on UMKM Financial Reports (Case Study of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM, Bandung)
- Kunyati, Siti Anah
- Social Economic Empowerment of Homeless Families
- Kurniaty, Nety
- Halal Awareness of Muslim Millennials Toward Cosmetics and Skincare Decision
- Kusdiyati, Sulisworo
- Bullying Victimisation in Elementary School Students in Bandung City
- Kusdiyati, Sulisworo
- Designing Teacher Training to Improve Early Detection of Children with Special Needs
- Kusnadi, Dadang
- Influence of Islamic Service Behavior on Patient Loyalty
- Lantika, Uci Ary
- Can Purple Sweet Potato Yoghurt Control Weight Gain?
- Lasmanah, Lasmanah
- How Does the Good Corporate Governance Prevent the Internal Fraud in Banks?
- Lestari, Rini
- Factors Influence on the Quality of Management Accounting Information System and Its Impacts on Good Corporate Governance Implementation
- Lestari, Rini
- Online Entrepreneurship Training for Retired Employees
- Lintang, Bunga
- Psychological First Aid Training for KSR-Unisba
- Lutfiani, Siti Mutya
- Training Building Positive Characters to Children Through Foster Parents in SOS Village Indonesia Lembang
- Maemunah, Mey
- The Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat Funds: A Case Study in BAZNAS West Java
- Mafruhat, Ade Yunita
- The Determinants of Spiritual Poverty in Bandung
- Maharani, Ade Dewi
- Implementation of Thematic Learning Model at Elementary Schools of Lima Puluh Kota Regency
- Maharani, Hevy Risqi
- Persistent Errors in Solving Linear Programming
- Maharani, Mega Mulianing
- English Writing Anxiety and the Writing Problems of Indonesia EFL Learners