Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)
137 articles
Proceedings Article
Micro Waqf Bank: New Sharia Financial Instruments in Indonesia
Siska Lis Sulistiani, Muhammad Yunus, Eva Misfah Bayuni
This research aims to study and improve the benefits of micro waqf banks as Islamic microfinance institutions that have only been pioneered since 2017 in Indonesia. The research method used was qualitative research using normative juridical through interview and literature study methods, and analyzed...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influence on the Quality of Management Accounting Information System and Its Impacts on Good Corporate Governance Implementation
Rini Lestari, Diamonalisa Sofianty, Ririn Sri Kuntorini
Poor implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in sharia banking institutions resulted in many obstacles, such as the low Quality of the Management Accounting Information System (QMAIS) at the institution. Weak human resources, poor organizational culture and the absence of external environment...
Proceedings Article
Website Quality 4.0 on Admission of New Students (PMB) at Higher Education
Mochamad Malik Akbar Rohandi, Eka Tresna Gumelar, Lufthia Sevriana
This study aims to measure the quality of higher education websites in Bandung using the Webqual 4.0 method based on user ratings of actual perceived quality of expected quality so as to make it easier for prospective students to obtain the information needed and make it a one stop information. The research...
Proceedings Article
The Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat Funds: A Case Study in BAZNAS West Java
Sri Fadilah, Mey Maemunah, Nopi Hernawati
The background of the research is that West Java Province that has a large population and has 27 cities / regencies with all its diversity and culture as well as the regional advantages of being the wealthy area of West Java. However, West Java also has economic and social problems, namely unemployment...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Awareness of Providing Halal Food Among Street Vendors
Hirawati Oemar, Eri Achiraeniwati, Yanti Sri Rejeki, Anis Septiani, Ezar Amrullah
Based on a preliminary survey, almost all street vendors around UNISBA believe that the processed products they sell are halal, even though the raw materials they use do not have halal certificates. This shows the lack of understanding and awareness of street vendors regarding the halal product. As one...
Proceedings Article
Model of Applying Criminal Sanctions in Overcoming Corruption Through Criminal Sanction by Substitute Money
Ade Mahmud, Dian Alan Setiawan, Eka Juarsa, Dey Ravena, Taufiq Rahman, Iman Sudirman
The implementation of criminal sanctions against corruption has been a problem related to the deterrent effect for convicted people and their contribution to recover state losses. This study (1) determining the influence of criminal sanctions of substitute money in returning state financial losses due...
Proceedings Article
Road Map E-Commerce as an Alternative Law Protection for Consumers in Era Trade Online
Rizka Rizka
The purpose of this research is to discuss the development of digitalization of the economy in the face of the industrial revolution era 4.0. It which needs to be addressed intelligently so that it does not require consumers or do business through the transformation of consumer protection instruments...
Proceedings Article
Communication Strategy of Disdukcapil of Bengkalis Regency in Disseminating Information to Community in Rupat Sub-District
Genny Gustina Sari, Welly Wirman
Observations in 2018 showed that the people of Rupat Subdistrict had difficulties in arranging correspondence, especially regarding e-KTP cards, family cards, birth certificates and other documents in Disdukcapil Bengkalis Regency (Office of Population and Civil Registry) and the slow information they...
Proceedings Article
Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
Evi Novianti, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha, Lukiati Komala, Kokom Komariah
The current digital era or known as the 4.0 era, makes it easy for humans to communicate and interact indirectly in meeting their needs, one of them through browsing in the digital world. The digital world presents a variety of human needs about information, including tourism information. Tourism information...
Proceedings Article
Halal Awareness of Muslim Millennials Toward Cosmetics and Skincare Decision
Marizsa Herlina, Nur Azizah Komara Rifai, N. Sausan Muhammad Sholeh, Nety Kurniaty
Indonesia government has planned that all of the cosmetics distributed in Indonesia must have the halal certification in 2019. Therefore, it is important for Muslims in Indonesia to have a halal awareness in consuming cosmetics and skincare products. This study explores what variables influence the halal...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderating Factor
Kania Nurcholisah, Nurleli Nurleli, Nurfahmiyati Nurfahmiyati
This study aims to find out for 1) How the Effect of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance. 2) How Intellectual Capital that implements Islamic work ethics can improve performance. This research method uses descriptive verification method. Data collection techniques used are financial documentation...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Spiritual Poverty in Bandung
Ade Yunita Mafruhat, Westi Riani, Meidy Haviz
This article aimed to identify the determinants of spiritual poverty in Bandung. The number of Indonesia’s urban poor man continues to increase every year, and one of its contributions is from the urban poor population of West Java, namely from the City of Bandung. Although the contribution of poverty...
Proceedings Article
Sunset Policy in Local Tax (Vehicle Tax) Reviewed from Equity Principles and Its Impact on Tax Payers Compliance
Lisa Andayani Hasibuan, Milla Sepliana Setyowati
Jakarta Provincial Government has implemented Sunset Policy Program for local tax in 2015 until 2019. This policy goals is to optimize local tax revenue in Jakarta Province. On the other hand, the implementation of this policy made contradictive effects or impact for the taxpayer’s compliance. The method...
Proceedings Article
Android-Based Accounting Application for MSME
Irena Paramita Pramono, Riyang Mardini, Asri Suangga, M. Jefriendy Ilhamsyah
The ease of recording financial transactions and providing financial reports digitally is also provided by various accounting applications or software. The accounting application facilitates the input process, offers faster and more accurate data processing, and complete output. Accounting applications...
Proceedings Article
Empowerment of Housewives and Teenagers in Albinaa Madrasa Sukarasa Village, Arjasari Sub-District Bandung Regency
Puti Renosori, Endang Prasetyaningsih, Selamat Selamat, Ahmad Arief Nurahman
This paper aims to analyze the empowerment of housewives and teenagers conducted at Albinaa Madrasa. The empowerment adopts Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) – a participatory-based approach – by involving the community to be trained by direct practice. The empowerment activities include improving...
Proceedings Article
Village Consultative Institution Status as a Form of Democracy Life in the Village
Rini Irianti Sundary, Deddy Effendy, Irawati Irawati
The village has a strategic position as a spearhead as well as a benchmark in implementing and evaluating the national development integrally. In organizing the village government there is a village device that is one of which is the village consultative Institution (BPD) as an institution that carries...
Proceedings Article
Sharia-Based Rehabilitation Model of Social Economic
Popon Srisusilawati, Panji Adam Agus Putra, Ayu Tuty Utami
The aim of the Sharia-based socio-economic rehabilitation research for drug victims at the Grapiks foundation in the village of Cimekar, Cileunyi, Bandung Regency is to provide solutions to the problems that have been faced, namely the tendency of drug victims to re-use very large. Rejection from families...
Proceedings Article
An Accuracy Test of Qibla Direction Measurement of Mosques and Prayer Rooms
Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani, Encep Abdul Rojak, Rizka Amalia, Amalia Hutami, Ummu Rosyidah
Qibla direction plays a pivotal role and is one of the requirements for the validity of prayer (salah). If someone performs the prayer without facing the qibla, the prayer is considered to be invalid accordingly. The mosque and prayer room buildings around the campus of Universitas Islam Bandung precisely...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaign on the Exposure Aspects on Social Media Facebook and Instagram
Neni Yulianita, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati, Anne Maryani
Corruption has existed throughout human history and continues to transform over time. Corruption is increasingly rooted in various joints of human life. The problem of corruption experienced by the Indonesian people is at an alarming point. Corruption still occurs frequently, for example in fairly complicated...
Proceedings Article
Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
Nugraha Nugraha, Aviasti Aviasti, Dewi Shofi Mulyati, Reni Amaranti, Chicha Nursagita, Indra Topik Maulana
One of the regions that produce lemongrass oil in West Java is Gununghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency. The problem faced in citronella cultivation is uncertainty on the quality of lemongrass and simple refining technology. This research was conducted to determine lemongrass cultivation...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Origami Construction to Improve Logical Thinking Ability on Early Age Children
Nurul Afrianti, Respitawulan Respitawulan, Atie Rachmiatie
This study aims to gain a conception of the application of origami construction for escalating the logical thinking ability on early age children. The method used in this study is descriptive research with qualitative research approach. The subjects are students of Class A in Kelompok Bermain (playgroup)...
Proceedings Article
Green Behaviors Factors on Green Human Resources Management Practice on the Employees of “The First Movers on Sustainable Banking” in Indonesia
Allya Roosallyn Assyofa, Asni Mustika Rani, Tia Yuliawati
Based on the 2018 Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Indonesia’s environmental quality is ranked 133 out of 180 countries. The low quality of the environment is caused by human resources who do not comprehend the concept of environmentally friendly industries. The low comprehension of environmentally...
Proceedings Article
The Views of Online Media Journalists About Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
Arba’iyah Satriani, Andalusia Neneng Permatasari, Tia Muthiah, Fadhila Nur Rizky Islami, Kireina Dwi Faraumina
In journalistic practice, the meaning of the truth is debatable. It is something absurd because it can be interpreted differently depending on the needs. According to Harsono in the book of “Elements of Journalism” that is written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, the meaning of the truth is in the...
Proceedings Article
Bullying Victimisation in Elementary School Students in Bandung City
Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Hedi Wahyudi, Sulisworo Kusdiyati
Bullying is a severe problem in Indonesia. West Java has a higher rate of bullying cases, where Bandung City is the highest rating among other districts in West Java. This study aims to explore school bullying in Bandung City from the perspective of the bullied students. This study will help to get a...
Proceedings Article
Competence of Islamic Higher Education Graduates from the Perspectives of Stakeholders in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Alhamuddin Alhamuddin, Adang M. Tsaury, Eko Surbiyantoro, Andi Murniati
This study aimed to determine the competence of graduates of Islamic Education Study Program in the perspective of user society. The study used a quantitative approach with survey method. Data collection techniques were conducted by questionnaire, interview, and documentation. Data analysis was utilized...
Proceedings Article
Empowerment of Cassava Farmers Through Processing of Local Potential Based on Home Industry
Alhamuddin Alhamuddin, Rabiatul Adwiyah, Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani, Shindu Irwansyah
Women’s involvement in the productive business sector will cause social change. The inclusion of women in the labor market or productive work affects household economic activity, resulting in changes in family economic structure. Empowering mothers can be done through processing food that can be used...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of “Halal” Word in Social Media Using Text Mining and Word Networking
Eneng Nur Hasanah, Dheka Dwi Agustiningsih
The increasing of Islam news in internet makes some perceptions for many people in the world. One of them is about “Halal” concepts as the Islam standard for muslim belief of God. Halal product is the product that created based on Islamic standard law. In every product, it is necessary to ensure its...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Islamic Service Behavior on Patient Loyalty
Mohammad Wahyu Ferdian, Muhardi Muhardi, Dadang Kusnadi
Introduction: Patient loyalty is a patient attitude that reflects a loyalty to the service to take advantage of repeated health services in meeting the needs of medical services. This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic service behavior on the loyalty of uninsured patients in obstetrics and...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Village Entrepreneurship Through Digital Marketing Communication
Wulan Tri Gartanti, Ike Junita Triwardhani, Raditya Pratama Putra
Entrepreneurship has become the most promising field nowadays and it will run well if accompanied by an understanding of the importance of communication. The current rapid development of communication has had a positive impact on society in conducting the communication process, one of which is the use...
Proceedings Article
Teacher and Student Communication in Science Education at Schools
Ike Junita Triwardhani, Wulan Trigartanti, Indri Rachmawati
One of the crucial factors in carrying out education is building an educational environment. Many school environments are not yet integrated with students’ learning needs and goals to be achieved. Building a school environment is not only done by teachers but also students and school support systems....
Proceedings Article
The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
Dini Dewi Heniarti, Oentoeng Wahjoe, Anita Puspawati, Liya Sukma Muliya, Husni Syawali, Rahmadani Putri, Iip Saripudin, Novianto Novianto
The handling of criminal acts of terrorism has been carried out by the Police as the leading sector. The broad scope of the handling of terrorism resulted in the emergence of the idea of involving the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in efforts to eradicate terrorism. The purpose of this article is to...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Social Responsibility in ASEAN: Case Study ASEAN CSR Network
Mohammad Husni Syam, Eka An Aqimuddin, Arinto Nurcahyono, Erik Setiawan
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate obligation to restore the social welfare of the community. Some studies on CSR usually only focus on corporate commitment to CSR, only a few focuses on CSR institutions. This research wants to examine CSR advocacy at the regional level which...
Proceedings Article
Value Proposition of Instagrammable Digital Tourism in Forming Brand Identity
Raditya Pratama Putra, Aria Ar Razi
Brand identity will determine the purpose and meaning of a business that encourages people to identify and take that brand as their choices. The brand identity formed needs to pay attention to the value propositions presented such as Functional Benefits, Emotional Benefits, and Self-Expressive Benefits....
Proceedings Article
The Quality of Financial Reporting of Zakat Funds in West Java
Nunung Nurhayati, Helliana Helliana, Yuni Rosdiana
This study aims to determine the implementation of zakat accounting information systems on the quality of financial reporting for district / city BAZNAS in West Java Province. This research is motivated by the phenomenon that the quality of financial reporting in BAZNAS has not been integrated as a whole,...
Proceedings Article
Social Network Typology of Doing Transactions in Minangkabau Traditional Market
Marleni Marleni, Rinel Fitlayeni, Ikhsan Muharma Putra
Traditional markets is not only a place for doing transactions among traders and buyers but also as a social institution that maintains the social structure of the society. Transactions conducted in traditional markets are influenced by emotional connections and social networks. The purpose of this research...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of SAK EMKM on UMKM Financial Reports (Case Study of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM, Bandung)
Nopi Hernawati, Ririn Sri Kuntorini, Irena Paramita Pramono
Industry in Indonesia is developing quite rapidly, especially home industries that support people’s lives; one of which is tofu industry. In reality, this tofu industry is not yet developing due to the absence of good management and financial administration system caused by the lack of knowledge of SMEs...
Proceedings Article
Existence of Potential Areas of Space According to Ibn Sina’s Ontology Perspective
Nugraha Pranadita, Imas Rosidawati Wiradirja, Tansah Rahmatullah
A potential area of space is an area that is above a country that is still free of power. Areas of potential space can be used limitedly by other countries that are not geographically based on the principle of spatial justice. Claims of power over a potential space area can be made by the state underneath...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Reveal Negative Impact of a Products Legally as an Understanded Side
Nugraha Pranadita
The convenience that can be provided by technological developments in various fields through the use of devices with artificial intelligence has authorized the technology to act outside human orders. The impact of the use of authorization by devices using artificial intelligence generally has a positive...
Proceedings Article
Supervision Polemics of Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) on Internet Content
Aep Wahyudin
Internet users in Indonesia reached 171.17 million in 2019. Data on Spring 2014 Global Attitudes mentioned that in developing countries the impact of the internet has given bad influence. It rompted the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to supervise the internet. However, it received disagreement...
Proceedings Article
Accounting Information System Design for Zakat on Bandung Islamic University Baitul Maal
Magnaz Lestira Oktaroza, Elly Halimatusadiah
The purpose of this research is to analyse the information system that is being implemented to identify the problems faced by Baitul Maal Unisba. The problem faced is the lack of use of documents in documenting the activities carried out, the lack of supervision and control of every process and procedure,...
Proceedings Article
Risk Management Safety and Health Industries in the Village Blacksmith Craftsman Mekarmaju, Sub Pasirjambu, Bandung Regency
Yeti Sumiyati, Tatty Aryani Ramli, Fajar Awalia Yulianto, Jejen Hendar, Fariz Farrih Izadi
Industrial safety and health are important in business activities. Almost all entrepreneurs and workers, currently still ignoring the safety and health problems of the industry. This is due to technical and economic factors. By neglecting it can lead to large risks such as disability, financially causing...
Proceedings Article
Hospital Management System Analysis in Effort to Improve Service Quality by Using Structured Design Life Cycle Method (A Case Study of Al-Mulk Regional Public Hospital in Sukabumi City)
Ari Yulianti, Muhardi Muhardi
The aim of this research is to analyse Hospital Management Information System (HMIS), and to analyse Structure Design Life Cycle (SDLC) method utilization in Al-Mulk Regional Public Hospital in Sukabumi City. The method utilized in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The type of this research...
Proceedings Article
Patient Safety Management Re-Design by Using Hospital Failure Mode Effect Analysis (A Case Study of Assyifa Islamic Hospital Ward in Sukabumi)
Tina Oktarina, Muhardi Muhardi
The aim of this research is to analyse patient safety management with Hospital Failure Model Effect Analysis (HFMEA) in Assyifa Islamic Hospital ward. The method utilized in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. As much as 100 non-surgical inpatients units was taken as sample in this research....
Proceedings Article
The Hooked Model as Communication Strategy of “Kembaliin” App as an Information Media for Handling Lost and Found
Aria Ar Razi, Raditya Pratama Putra
“Kembaliin” is a mobile application specifically designed to assist urban communities in solving problems of lost and found items in public places online. The design model of application functions as an intermediary media and liaison in facilitating the need for information exchange between the lost...
Proceedings Article
Legal Basis of Land Reform
Lina Jamilah, Arif Firmansyah
Land reform is an overhaul of ownership and control of agricultural land and legal relations related to land acquisition. The purpose of holding land reform is to enhance income and standard of living of smallholder farmers as a foundation or prerequisite for carrying out economic development towards...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Sharing Through Majlis in Fostering the Economy of Jamaah
Muhardi Muhardi, Nurdin Nurdin, Aminuddin Irfani
This study aims to analyse the role of knowledge sharing through majlis in improving the economy of jamaah. It starts by identifying the field situation related to the existence of a knowledge majlis as a place of knowledge sharing and livestock business groups formed to strengthen the bargaining power...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Chain as a System in Developing Pesantren Entrepreneurship
Muhardi Muhardi, Nurdin Nurdin, Aminuddin Irfani
This research aims to analyse the role of knowledge chain as a system in developing pesantren entrepreneurship. In line with the objectives of this study, the analysis approach used is knowledge chain model. The study is conducted at the pesantren Dzikir Al-Fath in Sukabumi City, Indonesia. Data is collected...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Rumah Sehat Terpadu - Dompet Dhuafa Hospital Bogor to Develop a Design Strategy of Speech Therapy Service
Shafa Husnul Khatimah, Muhardi Muhardi
This research is conducted to analyse a hospital to develop a design strategy of speech therapy service by using value chain and TOWS. The approach utilized in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach. The speech therapy facility addition possibility is analysed by collecting primary data...
Proceedings Article
The Comparison of Credibility and Authenticity of Scoutmasters of Indonesian Scouting
Yulianti Yulianti, Dian Widya Putri, Stephani Raihana Hamdan
Referring to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2010, the 2013 National Education Curriculum, and Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 which all lead to strengthening character education through Praja Muda Karana (Pramuka) that was scout activities as mandatory extracurricular...
Proceedings Article
Media Literacy Abilities of Broadcast Monitoring Volunteers to Encourage Healthy Broadcast
Dedeh Fardiah, Ferry Darmawan, Rini Rinawati
Making public to aware of media is not only parent responsibility but also responsibility of all parties both of media or public component generally. In Indonesian, public representation legitimized in a state institution called Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). This form of public participation...
Proceedings Article
Education on Corruption Investigative Reporting for Radar Journalists at Priangan Timur
Septiawan Santana, Edi Setiadi, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges, Doddy Iskandar Cakranegara
Community Service hopes to provide a concrete picture of the importance of media relations with anti-corruption education. This activity is interesting: 1. To provide an overview of the importance of reducing the problem of corruption for readers’ anti-corruption education. 2. Practicing the skills of...
Proceedings Article
Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
Nurhayati Nurhayati, Magnas Lestira Oktaroza, Nurleli Nurleli, Nining Koesdiningsih
Nowadays, the challenges and difficulties of adopting information technology are mainly. Accounting Information System (SIA) in making financial reports on Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia is an obstacle to Small and Medium Enterprises development as well as for entrepreneurs. In the city of...
Proceedings Article
Fast Method Training Read the Qur’an Bilhikmah for the Tutor Candidate of the Mosque al-Furqan of UPI and the Mosque Around It
Muhammad Wildan Yahya, Asep Ahmad Siddiq, Parihat Parihat, Munawar Rahmat
It requires every Muslim to read the Quran. This is one aim of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in higher education so that students can read the Quran. Only about 70% of students cannot achieve this educational goal. One reason, mistakenly applying the learning method. Bilhikmah is a fast method of...
Proceedings Article
When It Start? Tracking Back History of International Law in Indonesia
Eka An Aqimuddin
History of international law always depends on international law definition that used by subject either set of rules of inter-state or inter-nation relation. Once said that history of international law in Indonesia occurred since sixteenth century considering facts that several kingdoms in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Personal Selling Skill in Building Interaction with Consumers
Yusuf Hamdan, Anne Ratnasari, Aning Sofyan, Yenni Yuniati
Efforts to develop businesses organized by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have the full support of the government, private institutions, universities, and other institutions. The program implemented by the government is to improve the competitiveness of business actors. One of the business actors...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Business-Partner Relationship in Empowering Small Business
Anne Ratnasari, Yusuf Hamdan, Aning Sofyan
A strong relationship between entrepreneurs and various parties, includes small business is one of the requirements to achieve success in product sales. The relationship is called a partner relationship or relationship-based marketing. This study aims to analyse the partner relationship skills carried...
Proceedings Article
Development of Religious Consciousness in the Value of Respect to Parents
Agus Halimi, Arif Hakim, Ayi Sobarna
Social economics observer Alvin Toffler said when the economy was supported by the industrial and factory sectors, the order of family life began to feel the pressures of change. The impact felt by the people of Indonesia, most parents become workers, so the practice of the value of character education,...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Social Media in Developing Community-Based Internet on Village
Ferry Darmawan, Dedeh Fardiah, Rini Rinawati
Todays technological sophistication is able to change the structure of interpersonal communication that was originally from face to face to mediated communication interpersonal. Community-based internet development shows that in the process of information dissemination internet development is carried...
Proceedings Article
Application of the Rasch Model in Analysis of Exam Questions at the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Islam Bandung
Dwi Agustin Nuriani Sirodj, Rizka Hadian Permana, Suhana Suhana
In knowing student achievement in a particular course, students often use examinations conducted at least twice a semester. It is expected to be able to measure accurately the extent of student competence in the course concerned. But in reality, not all students get good quality grades. However, the...
Proceedings Article
The Literation of Disaster Mitigation for Early Childhood
Arif Hakim, Dinar Nur Inten, Dewi Mulyani
The development of the literation program of the disaster mitigation at the early childhood education is necessary remembering it is getting a lot of disaster around us. Therefore, it is necessary to develop soon and include into the learning, even become one of the themes in education curriculum of...
Proceedings Article
Implications of Women Education and Infrastructure of Health on Quality of Baby Births in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Regions
Nenny Hendajany, Rizal R. Deden
Demographic bonus will be a demographic disaster if the quality of human resources is not well prepared. One of the problems that can hamper the preparation of quality human resources is the problem of stunting. West Java was taken as the object of research because it is a large province but has a stunting...
Proceedings Article
Management of Waqf Assets at Waqf Institutions in Indonesia
Ifa Hanifia Senjiati, Zaini Abdul Malik, Itsnaina Lathifah Ridwan, Shindu Irwansyah
Waqf is one of the financial instruments in Islamic economics used in the time of the Prophet. The waqf assets currently managed still revolve around land assets, mosques, madrasah or Islamic boarding schools and funerals. The implementation of most waqf institutions does not have good waqf asset management,...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Competency Development for Early Childhood Education
Nan Rahminawati, Arif Hakim, Ayi Sobarna, M. Masnipal
Early Childhood Education Teachers in Indonesia still have below average standards, one of which is the standard of educators, most of the PAUD teachers in Indonesia are still high school graduates. The conditions above, of course, affect the quality of learning, so that not a few applications in the...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing Risky Driving Behavior in Young Motorcyclists at Bandung City, Indonesia
Milda Yanuvianti, Farida Coralia, Siti Qodariah
Risky driving behaviour is one of the causes of road accidents, especially in adolescents. This study is aimed to get factors causing risky driving in teenage drivers in the city of Bandung, based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The method of this study is descriptive. The population of this...
Proceedings Article
The Concept of Biodiversity Park Plan and Design for Abandoned Land Based on Community Participation
Weishaguna Weishaguna, Astri Mutia Ekasari, Verry Damayanti, Gina Puspitasari Rochman
The existence of abandoned land in urban areas tends to occur on lands that function as conservation or environmental protection and preservation. The availability of abandoned land belonging to the Bandung City Government covering an area of 20 ha in Cisurupan Village has not been managed optimally....
Proceedings Article
Designing Teacher Training to Improve Early Detection of Children with Special Needs
Andhita Nurul Khasanah, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer, Sulisworo Kusdiyati, Stephani Raihana Hamdan
The aim of this study is to provide early detection of children with special needs in early education and to offer proper handling for children with special needs. In fact, many preschool teachers experience difficulty in recognizing children with special needs with various characteristics. Difficulties...
Proceedings Article
Training Building Positive Characters to Children Through Foster Parents in SOS Village Indonesia Lembang
Eneng Nurlaili Wangi, Yuli Aslamawati, Dewi Sartika, Ria Dewi Eryani, Siti Mutya Lutfiani
SOS Children’s Village is a non-profit non-governmental social organization actively supporting children’s rights, namely a loving family and home. Foster parents in SOS Children’s Village felt “overwhelmed” overcoming bad behaviour of foster children. This parenting problem continues from year to year....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Sharia Stock Prices in the Jakarta Islamic Index
Didi Mashudi, Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, Fadilah Ilahi
The capital market has a very important role in the current global economy as a place to raise funds and as an attractive investment media for investors. At present, the capital market will be an indicator of a country’s economic stability. However, volatile and unpredictable stock prices are one of...
Proceedings Article
The Prospect of Co-Operative Structure in Secondary Education Graduates
Hendrikus Pedro, Koentjoro Koentjoro, Sito Meiyanto
Structural empowerment has been studied in various organizations, but has not been studied in co-operative organizations, whereas empowerment is an important issue in co-operatives. Co-operative Structural empowerment is the ability of individuals to use co-operative structures to achieve their goals....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Final Income Tax Treatment for the Procurement of Imported Materials (In the Construction of Power Plant Project at PT XYZ Based on the Certainty Principles of Tax Collection)
Ariyanto Ariyanto, Inayati Inayati
In an effort to achieve the tax revenue target provided by the Government, the Directorate General of Tax (DGT) is working hard to explore all potential taxes from every business process in Indonesia, including imposing a Final Income Tax for procurement of imported materials in the EPC contract for...
Proceedings Article
The Welfare of Slum Areas in Bandung City Based on Consumption Expenditures Patterns (Case Study: Slum Areas Babakan Surabaya, Kiaracondong, Bandung City)
Ria Haryatiningsih, Fatimah Zahrah
The purpose of this study was to get a picture of the level of welfare of the slum areas of Bandung through its consumption spending patterns. The study was conducted in Babakan Surabaya in the District of Kiara Condong. Babakan Surabaya is one of the villages in the District of Kiara Condong and is...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Value Added Tax Facility Policy for Procurement of Railway Based on Ease of Administration Concept
Aji Fajar Suryo Antoro, Ning Rahayu
Cause of congestion is the number of vehicles passing on limited roads. There are various kinds of negative impacts of congestion, including the loss of time, energy, health, economy, and so on. Free traffic jams such as trains are a solution to traffic congestion, especially in the Greater Jakarta area....
Proceedings Article
Customers’ First Impression of a Brand and Its Relation to Their Shopping Experiences
Johan Faladhin, Dewi Martina
This research discusses about how an impression of a mall can be formed from an individual shopping experience. As does the visitor of SKA Mall in Pekanbaru who do shopping can feel the experience with some impression as a result. First impression of a consumer will affect their perception of the next...
Proceedings Article
Interpersonal Skill Communication of Social Workers to Improve Human Resources
Anne Maryani, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati, Asep Muhammad Ramdan, Irfan Ahmad Nugraha
The role of government agencies, namely junior high schools under the auspices of Department of Education and Social Rehabilitation for street children carried out by UPT Puskesos under the auspices of Social Service in building community welfare, is inseparable from the problems that are tried to be...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Women in Community Movement to Build Awareness on HIV-AIDS
Nova Yuliati, Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Mochamad Rochim
It is not easy to discuss about AIDS because it is related to sensitive issues such as sex, homosexuality or deviant sexual behaviour. Then, there is miss-conception, excessive fear and judgment. AIDS sufferers also get discrimination and shunned by society. Local residents Care for AIDS (WPA) is a form...
Proceedings Article
Selection of Priority Needs for Employee Recruitment in Islamic Banking
Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, Nanik Eprianti, Akhmad Yusup
The challenges faced by sharia banking in Indonesia are getting bigger every year, it can be seen from the market share of sharia banking that is still below 5%, meaning that the sharia banking industry in Indonesia has not been able to compete with conventional banking, the Financial Services Authority...
Proceedings Article
The Outer Space Exploration Under International Space Law: An Islamic Point of View
Neni Ruhaeni, Fariz Farikh Izadi
The success of the Soviet Union in launching the Sputnik I Satellite in 1957 marked the start of space exploration. The advancement of the outer space science and technology has made it possible and opened up considerable opportunities for states and certain parties to carry out activities in outer space....
Proceedings Article
Increasing Knowledge and Skill in Preventing Children Sexual Abuse
Indri Utami Sumaryanti, Fanni Putri Diantina, Rizka Hadian Permana, Miki Amrilya Wardati
The absence of Children Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention in school and community in Indonesia, were encourage researcher to acknowledge the effectiveness of CSA prevention called Body safety training (BST). BST provided children the information and skill in preventing CSA by introduced them the safety of...
Proceedings Article
Personality and Social Media Addiction Among College Students
Indri Utami Sumaryanti, Salma Azizah, Fanni Putri Diantina, Endah Nawangsih
Previous survey indicated the tendency of social media addiction among university students in Bandung. Other research reported that personality dimension had significant effect on social media addiction. This research aimed to provide information about personality and social media addiction among university...
Proceedings Article
Mindful Parenting: Study on Parents of Preschool Children
Ayu Tuty Utami, Andhita Nurul Khasanah, Ali Mubarak, Sarah Sartika
Parenting needs a calm and aware state regarding what parents might be facing at that moment. Also, it requires parents to be mindful; thus, they are more aware of their emotions, accept situation, and improve quality of their interaction. This is called mindful parenting. This type of parenting becomes...
Proceedings Article
Building Women’s Resources in Local Politics: A Case of Indonesia Political Women’s Caucus Karawang
Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Nova Yuliati, Mochamad Rochim
Women have historically been underrepresented in political spheres. They remain underrepresented in the region’s political institution, especially at local levels of governance. Political women’s organizations as institution that build women’s capacity in politics are still not fully able to increase...
Proceedings Article
Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDENT by Mardani Ali Sera (Case Study Regarding the Process Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDEN Becoming a Political Movement in the 2019 Elections)
Nila Nurlimah, Aziz Taufik, Leti Karmila, Nur Fitriastutit
From the perspective of political communication, the phenomenon of the Hashtag Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDEN is a political movement against the mainstream that has brought back the president for the second time. There is a phenomenon where parties who do not want it try to campaign to replace the president....
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Local Radios in Advertising Their Business
Atie Rachmiatie, Arief B. Kristanto, R. Mulyana, Mohamad Arief, Aini K. Nur
The rapid development of new media has led conventional media to the edge of existence radio is still significant. The main problem faced by radios is the continuous decline in advertising revenue. The factor of free trade escalation which made a number of radio stations shut down. In the midst of these...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Feasibility Design of West Java Halal Tourism Applications
Susilo Setiyawan, Rabiatul Adwiyah
Tourism is a necessity for almost every human being as a form of self-actualization to add experience, new knowledge and eliminate the fatigue of daily routines. Muslims who are scattered in Arab countries and the Middle East also feel the same way, the number of publications and promotion of tourism...
Proceedings Article
Development of Media Literation on Group of Vocational School Students
Kiki Zakiah, Askurifai Baksin, Dian Widya Putri
The Principal of Vocational School realizes that students experience communication barriers, even though their ability to make communication media products is reliable. Problem solving offered by the Public Service (PS) team the development of media literacy. Media literacy education is carried out through...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Psychoeducation Programs to Increase Knowledge’s Family Caregivers of People with Psychotic Disorders
Farida Coralia, Siti Qodariah, Milda Yanuvianti, Lilim Halimah
Knowledge about psychotic disorders, having a positive attitude towards psychotic disorders and having knowledge about the care required is an important aspect for families caring for and handling psychotic disorders (family caregiver) to provide ongoing care. Psychoeducation can facilitate effective...
Proceedings Article
Development of Halal Tourism Destinations to Improve Economic Growth
Zusmelia Zusmelia, Ansofino Ansofino, Yossi Ekaputeri, Nilma Desrirosya
The focus of the research is to explain the types and diversity of creative industry businesses, the creative economy, interacting with each other in forming their business networks, creating business agglomeration. The research method is the panel data method with five destination regions during the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Early Children Upbringing’s Community-Based Program
Nia Kurniati Syam, HMZ Nandang, Vania Maovangi Day, Yani Ramdani
A particular communication style to care early children needs to apply optimally because it provides positive impacts to the life future of the children. Therefore, the growing period of early children is a very important thing within a family. This research is carried out to analyze how parenting communication...
Proceedings Article
Social Economic Empowerment of Homeless Families
Siti Anah Kunyati, Sriwardani Sriwardani, Nunung Hastika
Society and government often blame the poor like homeless and scavengers. They live together without marriage, sleep in the storefronts and wild huts. They are not registered by the state and are in social exclusion, even have not assurance and civil rights. This study aims to description the steps to...
Proceedings Article
2019 Presidential Election Campaign in Islamic Newspaper
Dudi Iskandar
The involvement of the media in the 2019 presidential and vice-presidential campaign was very clear. The journalism orientation of a media is inseparable from its background, ideology, and owner. In the political interests of the contestants, journalism as the main product of the media is challenged...
Proceedings Article
Climate Analysis of Islamic Services at Universitas Islam Bandung
Dewi Sartika, Lisa Widawati, HMZ Nandang
Unisba as one of the Islamic Higher Education Institutions in Bandung, has a vision of ‘Becoming an independent, advanced and prominent Islamic College in Asia’. One of the problems that often occurs is performance and administrative services that are less than optimal, so that services to students are...
Proceedings Article
A Comparative Study on Structural Empowerment of Co-Operatives Members in Urban and Rural Setting
Hendrikus Pedro, Koentjoro Koentjoro, Sito Meiyanto
The co-operative movement was underpinned by the industrial revolution 1.0, when human power was replaced by machines which then led to urbanization from rural to urban. In the industrial revolution 4.0, human resources will compete with robots, thus the cooperative movement as an effort to adapt to...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Training and Development Toward Cultural Competence of Indonesian Fisheries Migrant in South Korea
Sri Suwarsi, Rusman Frendika, Dudung Abdurrahman, Sandra Dewi Herdiyati, Alfi Nuralfiani
The aim of this research in the long term is to develop training patterns that are suitable for migrant workers’ needs in order to have cultural competencies that are suitable for the country where they are the base country. The unit of analysis of this study was conducted on the number of fisheries...
Proceedings Article
Public Service Performance in Lahat Regency, South Sumatra
Hardiyansyah Hardiyansyah, Koesharijadi Koesharijadi, Muhamad Akbar
The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the influence between the implementation of e-government policies, the commitment of leaders and the development of apparatus resources on the performance of public services in Lahat Regency. The method used is a quantitative method by distributing...
Proceedings Article
The Significance of Educator Certification in Developing Pedagogy, Personality, Social and Professional Competencies
Umi Rusilowati, Wahyudi Wahyudi
According to UNDP, UNESCO, and GTCI reports, the quality of Indonesian education was still low, so that a joint effort (government, educational institutions and community) is required to improve the quality of education, such as participating in a program educational certificate. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Communication Model for Management Synergy of Nature Reserves
Indriyati Kamil, Oekan S. Abdoellah, Herlina Agustin, Iriana Bakti
Management of the Kamojang nature reserve is currently experiencing many obstacles and causing problems. Problems and pressures that occur in the nature reserve area include three elements, namely; small economic elements, exploitation elements, and recreation elements. This research aims to find a communication...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning and Creativity on Employee’s Performance
Halid Hasan, Farika Nikmah
This research is conducted to see the direct and indirect relationship among organizational culture, organizational learning and creativity as well as employee’s performance. With the assumption is that employee’s performance can be affected by a conducive organizational culture, a sustainable learning...
Proceedings Article
Purchase Intention of Private Label Products as the Impact of Visual Merchandising and Customer Value
Nina Maharani, Arief Helmi, Asep Mulyana, Meydia Hasan
The Purchase intention of private label products in Indonesia is below 10%, so it takes effort to build the purchase intention of private label products. Factors that can affect the purchase intention of private label products are visual merchandising and customer value. This study aims to develop propositions...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Gratitude and Self Control to Impulsive Buying in Unisba Students
Anna Rozana, Eni N. Nugrahawati, Dinda Dwarawati
The problem in this research arose from our discovery about Unisba student’s behavior in excessive buying of cosmetic products. They buy these products without planning and consideration about the need of those cosmetic products. They did this behavior even after they have learnt Education of Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Thematic Learning Model at Elementary Schools of Lima Puluh Kota Regency
Villia Anggraini, Sofia Edriati, Ade Dewi Maharani, Liza Husnita
Purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of thematic learning model at elementary schools. This research used a qualitative approach. It was conducted at three elementary schools located in Lima Puluh Kota Regency, West Sumatra. Technique of data collection used method of observation,...