Advances in Intelligent Systems Research

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19153 articles
Proceedings Article

Heat pipe technology in engine cooling device

Jianying Dai, Dongling Xiao
Along with the economic development and the improvement of traffic conditions, high speed and load of more people to pursue the car, exhaust gas turbocharger is a technique to improve the means of engine power, the booster role is by increasing the inlet pressure to make the air in cylinder density increase,...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Effective Strategies for the Intensification of AIDS Education among Chinese College Students

Tao Wu
With social development, young students in China have become more and more open-minded nowadays. A growing number of them approve of premarital sex, which significantly increases their AIDS infection rate, severely impacting their health and growth. Against this backdrop, this paper discusses the current...
Proceedings Article

Research of Manufacturing Industry with Anhui Characteristic Based on Location Quotient Theory

Bing-hong Da, Tong-hui Lian
By calculating and analyzing Anhui manufacturing industry based on location quotient theory and the ratio of trade theory, we can divide Manufacturing Industry with Anhui characteristic into five industries: resources recycling industry mainly includes discarded resources and waste materials salvaging;...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implement of Adaptive Variable Rate Communication System Based on Soc And Rfic

Limin Dong, Yuan Liu, Qinglei Kong
An adaptive variable-rate inter-satellite communication method based on SOC and RFIC was proposed, where different communication rates were selected for variable inter-satellite distance. Our method alerted the length of the signal through coding way to adjust the sending rate and regulated the receiving...
Proceedings Article

Sensor Fusion in Analogue Circuit Fault Diagnosis Using Transferable Belief Model

Youhui Chen, Dong Cheng, Yimin Yang, Zan Xiao
In fault diagnosis of circuit fault diagnosis system using multi-sensor data fusion may not give reliable fault diagnosis result in cases when processing on inconsistent data carry inconsistent. In order to deal with such problems, This paper has developed an analog-circuit fault diagnostic system based...
Proceedings Article

Study of a certain type of missile maintenance training system

Xin He, YaLang Xing
In this paper, the maintenance training characteristics and rules of a certain type of missile equipment is researched, and a framework for integrated maintenance training system for enhancing maintenance training effectiveness is constructed. The system can be equipped for teaching, information querying,...
Proceedings Article

A Novel 20G Wide-Band Synthesis Methodology for CMOS Spiral Inductors using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm

Haiyang Shen, Wenjun Zhang
We develop a novel synthesis way to effectively generate CMOS spiral inductor’s layout parameters using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm. An accurate neural network model for CMOS spiral inductors is firstly developed based on measured results from TSMC 0.13um MM/RF process with the frequency...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Electronic Map in Wireless Positioning System

Qinghui Wang, Wenzhou Wang, Dan Li, Lei Chang
By using powerful secondary development tool MapXtreme and combining .NET development platform, Web Geographic Information System (WebGIS) used for the monitoring of the indoor personnel is designed. The system could display real-time location of the indoor personnel on the electronic map through getting...
Proceedings Article

A Method of Organization Planning in Scientific Research Task Based-on Role

Shaohua Wang, Lili Rong
A method of organization planning in scientific research task based-on role is presented to content the needs of increasing abilities of task assigning and efficiency of functioning and lessening proportions of recourse deploying. A mode of scientific research organization based-on role is established,...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Implementation of Disaster Recovery in Dual-active Cloud Center

Xiao Chen, Longjun Zhang, Jiayong Chen
As Cloud computing has many advantages, it has been widely applied in various fields. As the increase of the number of users, the data volume will be more and more huge, The exponential growth of huge amounts of data causes that cloud disaster backup are increasingly important. This article is to focus...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Criminal Regulation System of Freedom of Speech under the New Media Environment

Nini Huang
In recent years, with the development of new media, the micro-blog, WeChat, QQ, Q&A community and other pan-network products have become the main way for network users to exchange information. These new media platforms are convenient for users, but followed with obvious information ecological problems,...
Proceedings Article

Facile fabrication of monodisperse fluorescent polystyrene composite microspheres

Zhenxiong Ma, Ye Chen, Qitao Zhang, Teruhisa Ohno, Ming Zhang
Fluorescent poly(St-co-Eu(MAA)3Phen) microspheres have been facilely fabricated via copolymerization of styrene and Eu(MAA)3Phen with using the mixture of water and methanol as the dispersing medium in presence of sodium p-styrenesulfonate (NaSS). Strong photoluminescent europium coordination compound...
Proceedings Article

Desynchronization Waves in Power Grids Described by a Kuramoto-like Model

Xuewei Zhang, Markus Zahn
A network of coupled Kuramoto-like os-cillators is studied to model the dynamics in modern power systems. While previous works focus on the criteria of syn-chronization, we in this paper study the development of desynchronization, which may lead to power outrage and system breakdown in real power systems....
Proceedings Article

Turboprop Engine Fault Diagnosis Based on Hilbert Spectrum and Singular Value Decomposition

Feng Ding, Zhi Qi
In order to solve the time-frequency feature extraction problem of the vibration signal, a fault diagnosis method based on Hilbert spectrum and singular value decomposition is proposed and applied to engine fault diagnosis. Firstly, the vibration signals are decomposed into a series of intrinsic mode...
Proceedings Article

Design on Robot Electrometrical Control System

Xiuyun Liu, Zhitian Guo, Chunhua He
This paper uses robot as study object, implements development of overall design plan of this robot, designs software and hardware system of ARM controller, designs idea of software under LabVIEW environment, gives flow process chart of procedure operation, establishes electromechanical control system...
Proceedings Article

An Backbone Guided Extremal Optimization Method for Solving the Hard Maximum Satisfiability Problem

Guoqiang Zeng, Chongwei Zheng, Zhengjiang Zhang, Yongzai Lu
The original Extremal Optimization (EO) algorithm and its modified versions have been successfully applied to a variety of NP-hard optimization problems. However, almost all existing EO-based algorithms have overlooked the inherent structural properties behind the optimization problems, e.g., the backbone...
Proceedings Article

Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation of Agricultural Innovation Ability in Science and Technology in Lianyungang, China

Chunjiang Zhu, Surendra P. Singh, Sammy L. Comer
An evaluation model was developed to evaluate the ability of agricultural innovation in science and technology using fuzzy mathematics method. The core component of the model included a fuzzy relation matrix of the evaluation indexes based on membership function. The model was applied to Lianyungang,...
Proceedings Article

Arnold Transform Based Image Scrambling Method

Li Min, Liang Ting, He Yu-jie
With the development of information security, the traditional image encryption algorithm has been far from to ensuring the security of images in the transmission process. This paper presents a new image encryption algorithm, which can improve the security of image during transmission more effectively....
Proceedings Article

Adding feasibility constraints to a ranking rule under a monotonicity constraint

Raúl Pérez-Fernández, Michael Rademaker, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz, Bernard De Baets
We propose a new point of view in the long-standing problem where several voters have expressed a linear order relation (or ranking) over a set of candidates. For a ranking a > b > c to represent a group’s opinion, it would be logical that the strength with which a > c is supported should not be less...
Proceedings Article

Study on the General Music Education of Normal University

Chuanzhi Zhong
Music education, as an important sector of education for all-round development plays a vital role in the formation and development of students’ comprehensive quality. In recent ten years, various colleges and universities have highlighted quality education and art education which provide guidance for...
Proceedings Article

The Design of Strapdown Inertial AHRS Based on MEMS

Qinghui Wang, Dan Li, Lei Chang, Wenzhou Wang
A method of low cost strapdown inertial Attitude and Heading Reference System based on MEMS is implemented in this paper. Based on the analysis of the modules, the proper selection of the core processor and the inertial devices, the hardware components of the system is presented; Using the gradient-descent...
Proceedings Article

The Research and Implementation of a Personalized Intelligent Tutoring System

Saidong Lv, Guohua Tang, Yaowen Xia, Yu Sun
Personalized intelligent tutoring system is an effective approach to achieve the personalized teaching. In this paper, it discusses the connotation and learning styles of personalized intelligent tutoring system. After research the knowledge model and the student model. Finally, it achieves a personalized...
Proceedings Article

Model the P2P Attack in Computer Networks

Wei Wang, Wenhong Zhao
To analyze the distributed attack actions in computer networks, different models are discussed. Firstly, the Hybrid P2P, Pure P2P and Super P2P structures of attack are presented. The, the broadcast mechanisms of every structure are introduced. The attack methods mainly focus on the index poisoning and...
Proceedings Article

A One-Stop BSS Analysis Method of Integrated System Signals Based on Wavelet Transform, FastICA and SOM

Hongyi Li, Liantao Ma, Bin Chen, Di Zhao
This paper proposes a new one-stop blind source separation analysis method by combining wavelet transform, FastICA and self-organization mapping network. Firstly, we suppress the Gauss noises by using wavelet transform. Secondly, we separate the mixed signals utilizing FastICA to get the independent...
Proceedings Article

Mao Zedong's Class Analysis Method and Its Contemporary Value

Shuang Li
In the article analysis of social classes in China written by Mao Zedong in 1925, the author combined the marxist theory of class analysis with the concrete reality of Chinese society, and accurately divided the classes existing in Chinese society at that time, providing useful guidance for the formulation...
Proceedings Article

On Continuity and Boundedness of Fuzzy Syntopogenous Spaces

Zhiwen Mo, Chang Shu
In this paper,we combine fuzzy topological structures with algebraic structures on X,and investigate their corresponding structures and properties.In the section 3,the relationship between fuzzy topological structure and increasing(decreasing)fuzzy syntopogenous structure is studied.In the section 4...
Proceedings Article

Symbolic transfer entropy analyzed sleep electroencephalogram

Ruijun Chang, Liu Yang, Qiuping Chen, Jun Wang
The quality of sleep has a great relation-ship with health. The result of sleep stage classification is an important indicator to measure the quality of sleep. It was found that the symbolic transfer entropy about the wave of the wake and the first stage of non-rapid eye movement sleep reflect on the...
Proceedings Article

Effect of laser scribing on grain-oriented silicon steel

Wenzhou Tian, Yechao Zhu, Zexi Yuan, Zonghan Luo
Laser scribing is widely used to reduce core loss of grain-oriented silicon steel recently. The effects of laser scribing on surface coating and magnetic properties of silicon steel were investigated in this paper. The effect of stress annealing treatment on laser scribing product has been analyzed....
Proceedings Article

Epicyclic Gear Train Parametric Design Based on the Multi-objective Fuzzy Optimization Method

Nana Zhang, Yan Cao, Jiang Du, Qiang Li
The research can achieve multi-objective fuzzy and multi constraint optimum design of epicyclic gear train which has large transmission ratio, high power, high efficiency and simple structure, compact epicyclic gear train with multi-objective fuzzy optimum method. Based on analyzing of structure types...
Proceedings Article

Design of Plant Growth Cabinet Control System Based on LabVIEW

Jiangtao Zou, Liguo Tian, Jianglin Wei, Meng Li, Zhiqi Liu
For urban land resources are increasingly strained reality, the use of artificial controllable LED lights and virtual instrument technology, simulation of plant growth in natural environment as possible.This system of artificial plant growth platform controlled environment, focusing on the virtual instrument...
Proceedings Article

A Global Optimization Algorithm for Sum of Quadratic Ratios Problem with Coefficients

Ying Ji, Yijun Li
In this paper a global optimization algorithm for solving sum of quadratic ratios problem with coefficients and nonconvex quadratic function constraints ( NSP ) is proposed. First, the problem NSP is converted into an equivalent sum of linear ratios problem with nonconvex quadratic constraints ( LSP...
Proceedings Article

The parameter’s MCMC estimation of HMMs with transition density function

Chengwen Zhu, Yu Ge, Lina Lu, Zhang Tian, Chuizhen Zeng
The parameter estimation of HMM is critical to all its applications. The classic B-W algorithm is not flexible with the initial parameters and is easy to fall into the local optimal solution. Bayes estimation of it makes posterior risk minimization, and make full use of the experience, history information...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Running Management Mechanism of Simulation Model Platform

Dong Ye, Yonggang Wang, Junqiang Xu
The running management component is an important part of the simulation model platform and plays an important role in the whole lifecycle of the simulation system. Based on the real application background, the paper concludes several typical mechanisms of simulation running management and describes the...
Proceedings Article

The R&D Research of Digital Content Platform

Fujin Zhang, Jie Shang, Bin Wang
This paper studies the related problems which belong to research of digital content platform by using numerical simulation. Results from the research show that: under effect of network externality, the digital content platform with high-tech stock could only expand successfully when the network size...
Proceedings Article

Tracking Management System Designed for the Second-hand Car Based on the RFID Technology

Ling-ling Wei
Tracking all services of the second-hand car in order to regulate the management of the second-hand car, then analyzed and designed the second-hand car tracking management system to read and write by the RFID technology, label attached to the car in the system, and real-time record the services, repairs,...
Proceedings Article

Model the Flow Control Attack in Wireless Networks

Wei Wang, Wenhong Zhao
To analyze the attack on mechanisms of confliction in wireless networks, a new method based on the system stability is introduced. Firstly, the theoretic basis for flow control attacks is discussed, which shows that the flow control attack may destroy data stream and network system at a low speed. Then,...
Proceedings Article

The Properties of Convex Function and its Application

Lele Fan, Yixian Lao, Wusheng Wang
Convex function is a kind of very important function. In the proving inequality, optimization theory, operations research, control theory and other fields of applied mathematics, convex function has many applications. This paper introduces the definition and properties of convex function, and Hadamard...
Proceedings Article

Application Research of VR Technology in College Sports Popularization and Teaching

Yaoliang Zhang
This paper aimed to explore the application method of VR technology in college sports popularization and teaching. In the research, this paper used the method of documentary analysis and comprehensive induction to explore the feasibility and specific method of VR technology in college sports popularization...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Implementation of Car Alarm Bus Testing System

Wei Cheng, Zhixue Wang, Xiaobo Zhang, Yun Zhang
The mainly problem this thesis will solve is how to meet the time limits in functional testing of car alarm based on CAN bus. To effectively solve this problem, the bus testing system do a scheduling every 2ms with timer. Thus control of resources can be transferred to important tasks. By this method,...
Proceedings Article

Process Data Management Based on Teamcenter Manufacturing

Bin Wang, Xinyan Lin
An application of Teamcenter Manufacturing (TCM) in Process Data Management is presented in this paper. Being based on the advantage of traditional process design method, TCM gives full play to the efficacy of combination among generation, receiving, maintaining, sending and application of process information,...
Proceedings Article

Design of Three-phase Multifunctional Power Quality Online Monitor Based on SOPC

Yuan Xiang GE, Xiang Sheng HUANG, Zhi Rong FAN
A multifunctional Power Quality Online Monitoring System was designed. The System takes FPGA as core, assisted by signal Acquisition and Processing, data storage, display and communication interface circuit. It also utilizes the FAFT algorithm to calculate harmonic waves of three-phase network. The design...
Proceedings Article

System Design based on Moodle

Xiaojun Shen, Jiugen Yuan, Ruonan Xing
Moodle is open source software and it can build course management and teaching platform for teachers. This paper, according to the latest network teaching theory and teaching practice, discusses the development and implementation of teaching system based on Moodle platform. Based on combination with...
Proceedings Article

Workload Balance based Dynamic Resource Allocation Model in the Cloud Data Center

Hairui Zhang, Minjuan Li, Jianbo Cui
In the cloud computing environment, the data center is very important, which provides on-demand information technology resources to end-user. The major function of cloud data center is a balanced allocation of resources for application requests. Clearly, the end-user will pay more attention to response...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of the CNC Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things

Yilin Zheng, Hu Lin, Qingxu Deng, Xianli Su
Aiming at the shortcomings of the traditional CNC sensor network such as the difficult cable laying and long-distance communication signal attenuation, this paper designs the CNC monitoring system based on Internet of Things technology. The design reduces the power consumption of wireless sensor nodes...
Proceedings Article

Study on the large-scale development of accounting firms—Based on merger case analysis of Xiamen Tianjian accounting firm

Jinping Shi
At present, the scale of the accounting firms in our country is relatively small in general, which is difficult to contend with the international competitions. Thus, in view of the development need of China's economy and industry, to realize a bigger scale and upper level of accounting firms has been...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Separation Technology of Temperature and Emissivity Data Based on the Airborne Thermal Infrared Image

Wang Junhu
Since the high-resolution airborne thermal infrared imaging spectrometer is used to civilian field, it shows attractive application prospect in the field of objects recognition. Taking an area for example, the paper carries out the technology research for temperature and emissivity separation, based...
Proceedings Article

Research on Construction of NC Technology Practice Teaching Base

Xiaoling Wei, Mingsheng Song, Yu Jiang
Regarding to the currently developing tendency of the numerical control technology and the urgent demand of the manufacturing industry to the people who possess professional knowledge, hence this paper indicates the importance of strengthening the construction of NC technology practice teaching base....
Proceedings Article

Aggregation of fuzzy α-C-equivalences

Urszula Bentkowska, Anna Król
The article deals with notions of fuzzy equivalences, where transitivity is defined by the use of a fuzzy conjunction. In particular fuzzy C-equivalences and fuzzy α-C-equivalences are considered. Moreover, the problem of the preservation of their axioms by some aggregation functions is examined....
Proceedings Article

The fuzzy system with a family of implication operators L-¸-G based on Triple I algorithm

Jiayin Peng
Firstly, we establish a formula of FMP problems by Triple I algorithm based on a family of implication operators L-¸-G. Secondly, we discuss fuzzy systems based on Triple I algorithm and their response ability. The results show that the fuzzy system with a family of implication operators L ¡ ¸ ¡ G has...
Proceedings Article

Design and Research on Collaborative Learning Program Based on Cloud-services

Linna Huang, Fenghua Liu, Chunli Liu
Cloud computing has changed people's work, life and learning while more and more collaborative learning based on cloud services are applied to the field of education and teaching. This paper analyzes the collaborative learning characteristics supported by cloud computing and designs collaborative learning...
Proceedings Article

The Processing Method and Application of Medical Image with Feature Points Matching

Zhongyong Tian
In this thesis, the registration method of medical image is based on feature points, and mainly starting from the feature extraction operator. It makes comparative studies on the aspects of accuracy, stability and so on. Through theoretical and experimental studies, we make improvements on algorithm....
Proceedings Article

Judging the Intersection of Convex Polygons by Bracket Method

Ying Chen, Yaogang Du
In this paper, we study a basic problem based on bracket manipulations in computational geometry: how to judge if two solid convex polygons intersect or not. A key idea in our criteria is that the signs of some brackets of the homogeneous coordinates of the vertices of the two convex bodies are all we...
Proceedings Article

Research and Application of the NX-Based Computer Aided Tolerance Design (CATD)

Jun Liu, Yuemiao Wang
As the core part of dimension management, tolerance optimal design plays an increasingly important role in the whole process of product development. As the appearance of CATD, the designer can solve the problem of the dimension of the development and design process. This paper introduced the fundamentals...
Proceedings Article

Advances in unit commitment research under the considerations of new energy and grid security

Bo Hu, Shuang Wang
To adapt the low-carbon and green de-velopment of electric power industry, and improve the utilization efficiency of wind power and solar power, etc., it’s urgent to build a system of optimizing planning and production simulation technology that incorporated with the variation of wind power and solar...
Proceedings Article

Low Electromagnetic Noise Squirrel Cage Motor Analysis and Optimization of Slot Coordination

Changqi Liu, Yufa Xu, Gong Pu, Jinquan Feng
The electromagnetic noise of motor is mainly caused by the main magnetic fluxing into the air gap along the radial direction, generating radial force in the tooth of stator and rotor, which causes electromagnetic vibration and noise. The paper analyzes the theory of the production principle of electromagnetic...
Proceedings Article

Course Property of Solfeggio in Normal College--Connotation Interpretation of three-Dimensional Steering

Xu Lu
The “Context”, composed by the book Course Mentoring Program for students of College Music Education and Postmodernism Curriculum View, theoretically probes the course properties of College Solfeggio. The “Context” points out the course properties of this “basic music” has its historical limitations....
Proceedings Article

Chinese Early Childhood English Education from the Perspective of Ecological Language

Zhenxing Yang
Recent years, many areas in China have successively issued a large number of guidelines for children's learning and development in order to curb advanced education, and demanded to overcome the primary schoolization of preschool education. Combining with the perspective of ecological language, this paper...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Multicast Trickle Algorithm Based on Redundant Touting Technique

Rong Nie, Yi-Fa Meng
In the power information collection networking, the design of the routing protocol has a great impact on network performance. This paper proposes increase routing redundancy tree in the basis of low-power lossy network RPL routing protocols, and study the multicast trickle algorithm and complete the...
Proceedings Article

Robust Output-feedback Control for Piloted Electro-hydraulic Proportional Pressure-reducing Valve

Pan Deng, Liangcai Zeng
The paper aims at piloted electro-hydraulic proportional pressure-reducing valve characteristics of uncertain parameters, immeasurable states and effect of load flow, designed an observer including load flow and it’s feedback controller ,achieve robust output-feedback control to the output pressure .Based...
Proceedings Article

Visual Simulation of Node Localization for WSN Based on Vega Prime

Qinghui Wang, Lei Chang, Wenzhou Wang, Jiao Li
Visual simulation can simulate a variety of situations of actual scene in real-time through the establishment of the virtual scene similar to a real scene. This paper studies on the node localization system for WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). In order to be able to observe the specific information of...
Proceedings Article

Mobile Robots Path Planning Based on Evolutionary Artificial Potential Fields Approach

Feilong Li, Yujun Wang, Yan Tan, Gengyu Ge
This paper presents a new way for mobile robots’ path planning which is based on the Evolutionary Artificial Potential Fields(EAPF) approach. The APF theory is a traditional method to plan path for a robot. The Evolutionary APF aims at helping a robot jump out of the local minimum point. Using a virtual...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Noise Frequency Modulation Jamming Signal Based on Stochastic Differential

Jingbo He, Fuyuan Peng, Zhong Liu
It is the most important problem in the radar countermeasures that the radar jamming effectiveness evaluation. The basis of the radar jamming effectiveness evaluation is the radar jamming signal processing. According to the intrinsic relations between the stochastic differential and the radar jamming...
Proceedings Article

Effect Analysis of the Contributions of Financial Investment in Education and Human Capital to Local Economic Growth --Empirical tests based on data from Sichuan Province

Yin-ying Duan, Ya-xiang Li
This thesis conducts empirical tests for the contributions made by financial investment in education as well as human capital to the local economic growth in Sichuan Province according to the relevant statistics of Sichuan Province from 1997 to 2011. The results show that compared to the relatively less...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of the Knowledge Parts Library of Aeronautical Standard Parts Based on CATIA

Qiang Li, Yan Cao, Jiang Du, Nana Zhang
With the object to reuse the design data and method of the aviation standard parts, the method to develop the knowledge parts library of aeronautical standard parts which can be expanded dynamically and seamless integrated with CATIA is researched with the MBD and parametric technology. Based on the...
Proceedings Article

A Knowledge Modeling Method of Blast Furnace Fault Diagnosis Based On Ontology

Yajun Zhang, Jinliang Shi, Guorong Chen
There is lots of knowledge in the blast furnace fault diagnosis records and it’s useful to guide the fault diagnosis occurred later. But, in fact, such knowledge sharing and knowledge reusing is very low because of a lack of unified, efficient knowledge model. In order to make the furnace operation unification...
Proceedings Article

An Optimal Penetration of Distributed Generation Decision Method for Distribution System

Xiangyu Kong, Shuai Zhao, Jidong Wang, Kai Wang, Li Gang
The impact of distributed generation on a local sub-transmission system or a local distribution system was studied in the paper. DGs operating models for dynamic stability analysis were obtain, and an optimal penetration of DGs decision method was proposed to maximize the penetration level of DG on the...
Proceedings Article

How to Effectively Improve NCO Students' Wartime Equipment Repair Capability

Dapeng Tong, Yuanzhe Xu
With the rapid development of armored equipment, the battlefield environment is becoming more and more complex, and the rate of battle injuries is increasing. How to make the battle injured equipment continue to enter the battle quickly and efficiently, that is, the ability to rush to repair the equipment...
Proceedings Article

The Shapley value for fuzzy bi-cooperative games

Xiaohui Yu, Qiang Zhang
In this article,we investigated a Shapley function on the class of crisp bi-cooperative games Firstly, we redefine bi-cooperative games axiom which was introduced by Grabisch and proposed the Shapley function that satisfies the four axioms. Then, the concepts related to a Shapley function have been extended...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Compressed 3D Video Perception based on Subjective Quality Assessment

Du Xiangkun, Jiang Xiuhua, Wang Caihong
This paper presents a specific subjective quality assessment to study the perceptual issues about 3D videos processed by the compression system based on H.264/MVC (Multi-view Video Coding). The subjective evaluation is conducted according to the ITU recommendations. The preparation, concrete process...
Proceedings Article

The Study Status and Development of Metamaterial Absorber

Wenwen Liu
Metamaterial with superior physical properties is a new type of artificial electromagnetic material. Absorbing material is used widely on stealth weapons of aircraft, missiles, ships, tanks and other more extensive application. the improvement in performance of the metamaterial absorbing body can design...
Proceedings Article

A Family of Joint Possibility Distributions for Adding Interactive Fuzzy Numbers Inspired by Biomathematical Models

Estevão Esmi, Gustavo Barroso, Laécio C. Barros, Peter Sussner
In many models for real-world problems such as the law of conservation of energy, the sum of parameters must be zero. In this paper, we investigate the problem of adding fuzzy numbers using the extension principle based on the concept of the joint possibility distribution. In particular, we present a...
Proceedings Article

The Application of WorkFlow Management System Based on Rules and Roles

Qiang Wang
Workflow technology continues to be subjected to on-going development in its traditional application areas of business process modeling and business process coordination[1] .It can improve the efficiency and manageability of an enterprise’s daily teamwork .Traditionally, it is not easy for the workflow...
Proceedings Article

Optimum Structure of multi-layer silver superlenses for optical lithography

Junxian Ma, Kuangying Yuan
Multilayer silver superlenses had been shown to having sub-wavelength performance. In this paper, we investigate the effects on imaging performance of different multilayer imaging structures comprising alternately layered metal and dielectric films. We first compare and analyze transmission coefficients...
Proceedings Article

Research on Micro-power Wireless Meter Reading Based on IPv6

Zheng Tan, Yi-Fa Meng
Because the number of electric industry end-users is tremendous and spot environment is complex, traditional meter reading pattern can’t satisfy. In this paper, multicast routing algorithm based on IPv6 wireless communication module and RPL routing protocol is proposed. It is used to construct network...
Proceedings Article

Optimal Control of Gearshift in Automatic Mechanical Transmission

Liying Miao, Xiusheng Cheng, Zhonghua Liu, Xuesong Li, Xi Liu
In order to solve the problems existed in gearshift process of automatic mechanical transmission(AMT), the control strategy base on fuzzy control was presented with regarding of engine running state and clutch engaging state. The wet clutch target pressure of shifting process was determined by the fuzzy...
Proceedings Article

Optimal Design of the Coupled Structure of Undersea Contactless Power Transmission System

Qifeng Gao, Zesong Li
In order to achieve more efficient and effective transferred power, the coupled structure of an undersea power transmission (CPT) system was carefully designed. The coupling magnetic field was analyzed by FEM simulation to reveal the transferring nature of two coupled windings. Simulation and prototype...
Proceedings Article

A Dual-band Underwater Image Denoising and Enhancement Algorithm

Guoliang Yang, Fuyuan Peng, Kun Zhao
In this paper, we proposed a dual-band underwater image denoising and enhancement algorithm, first the original image was decomposed into high-frequency part H and lowfrequency part L, and then H was filtered into F by mean shift algorithm which was improved by using the intermediate iteration results....
Proceedings Article

China's port price regulation effect on the efficiency of the port

ShiZhuo Guo
Port as an important part of national infrastructure, the country's economy is of great strategic significance. For a long time, given the size of the port economy and regional monopoly characteristics, Chinese ports has been under strict government regulation. However, as the worldwide since 1970 s...
Proceedings Article

Application of Convex Functions and Jensen Inequality

Hua Zhong, Xuemei Yang, Wusheng Wang
Functions are the important fundamental concepts in mathematics and the key research object in mathematical analysis. Convex function is a class of very important functions which is widely used in pure mathematics, functional analysis, optimization theory, mathematical economics. This paper firstly introduces...
Proceedings Article

Application Research on Power Demand Side Management in Energy Saving Service for Consumers

Xiangxiang Liu
With the economic and social development, power marketing model is also constantly changing, the social responsibility of power enterprises is being continuously enhanced, and power customers have higher and higher standards for the energy saving service. Under the shortage of energy resources, it is...
Proceedings Article

The Establishment of Three Dimensional Parametric Model of End Mill Based on MBD Technology

Mingyu Lei, Yan Cao, Yu Bai, Qiangfeng Wang
The dilemma of tool design and manufacturing in China is analyzed, and a new way of coping strategy is put forward. By introducing MBD technology into tool modeling, the expression frame of MBD data set in tool modeling is expounded, and the concept of parameterization is introduced in the new MBD model...
Proceedings Article

Study on RFID-based Automobile Parts Enterprises Warehouse Management System

Feng Huang, Daxi Wang, Jun Wu, Xiaorong Lei, Hanqiang Cao
Radio frequency technology is a new identification technology, which developed relatively fast in recent years, and its superior performance with high value, this article combination of warehouse management of automobile parts industry, analysis of radio frequency technology in the warehouse management...
Proceedings Article

Empirical analysis on the relationship between IDI and economic growth

Lu Chen
with the popularization of Internet and the advent of information economy, information development level is becoming one of the main factors to influence the regional economic growth. This paper, by using modified Cobb - Douglas production function, based on the estimation results of 2000-2010 provincial...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Collaborative Learning Environment Supported by Cloud-computing

Linna Huang, Chunli Liu
In the field of education, cloud computing, as a basic environment and platform for the future network learning, will bring positive effect on construction of the learners' personal learning environment, on construction of school resources, on development of the educational information system. Based...
Proceedings Article

Influencing Factors and Improving Measures in Relation to Track and Field Teaching Quality

Wan-lei DAI
This paper tries to explore an approach to solve current track and field teaching in-effective problems, and propose relative countermeasures, in order to improve the quality of teaching in track and field and the whole PE subjects teaching in PE col-leges and universities.
Proceedings Article

BPM-driven Educational Informationization Technology

Xiaohui Gao, Zhiqiang Liu, Yao Zhao, Zhi Chen, Ang Li, Bo Xu, Bo Shen
Education informationization is an important part of the reform and development of education. Based on the re-usable and executable “task” and “sub-process” in BPMN elements, a supporting platform for education information system driven by Business Processes is proposed in this paper to meet the characteristics...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Price regulation on European Ports about efficiency of the port

ShiZhuo Guo
European port as an important part of the European countries economy's economic development has the very profound influence in Europe. European ports is the important foreign economic and trade hub of Europe, port price regulation of foreign trade impact on the economic efficiency and even Europe. This...
Proceedings Article

Exact Travelling Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Wave equations Using Tanh-function Method

Weishi Yin, Yixian Gao
This paper is concerned with the exact traveling wave solutions of nonlinear wave equations. Using the tanh function method, we can obtain the accurate expression of the solutions. Further, according to the images of the solutions, we can get the variation depends on the velocity .
Proceedings Article

On the relationship among F-transform, fuzzy rough set and fuzzy topology

Irina Perfilieva, Anand Pratap Singh, S.P. Tiwari
The objective of this work is to associate the concepts of fuzzy rough sets and fuzzy topologies with fuzzy transform. It is shown here that the fuzzy transform can be viewed as fuzzy approximation operators studied in the operator-oriented view of fuzzy rough set theory and the use of fuzzy rough set...
Proceedings Article

Design of Intelligent Temperature Control System for Iron Ore Reduction

Dong Xie, Jinliang Shi, Guorong Cheng, Yunjun Wu
The precision of temperature control is very important for the iron ore reduction performance test. Due to the conventional PID controller can not be parameter self-tuning on line, this paper proposed that control scheme based on the fuzzy adaptive PID intelligent temperature by combining with fuzzy...
Proceedings Article

Research and Design of Infrared Remote Control and Self-balancing Car Based on STM32

Shiyao Cui, Peng Su, Zhenhua Wang
This paper introduced a design of infrared remote and self-balancing car.STM32 is master control chip on this system. Infrared remote control devices serve as the control devices. Firstly, the MPU6050 sensor acquire data of the car’s attitude. Then, using Kalman filter algorithm and Data fusion technology...
Proceedings Article

Computer Simulation Based on 3D Printer

Liang Dong
This paper is based on 3D printing technology, as for study and design on those printing tests; it develops a set of 3D printing equipment to make design on head, modelling chamber and temperature system. It simulates temperature field in 3D printing process and provides instruction for 3D printing test...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Musical and Dance Improvisation Teaching in Higher Normal University

Chen Li
The study of musical dance improvisation teaching in higher normal university originated from the basic requirements of “carrying out game-oriented art activities” proposed by the Courses Standard of the Arts, and the basic fundamental philosophy of “subject integration” advocated by Music Curriculum...
Proceedings Article

Upgrading of competitive sports in Shaanxi

Ping Liu
Taking the competitive sports events in Shaanxi Province as the research object, this paper investigates the scientific and technological investment, management system and training team construction of the competitive sports events in Shaanxi Province, analyzes the existing problems before the competitive...
Proceedings Article

A Partition Rule for SAT Solvers: The Multiple Partition Rule (MPR)

Juan Segura-Salazar, Juan Frausto-Solís
We propose a new partition rule for DPLL-based SAT Solvers. Most of the complete SAT solver usually are based on Davis, Logemann and Loveland (DPLL) rules. One most DPLL rule actually used in the modern algorithms is the Classical Partition Rule (CPR), that divides the problem into sub-problems (resolvents)...
Proceedings Article

Design on Heterogeneous Seamless Integration of Wireless Data Acquisition System

Shenghui Wang, Changhong Jiang, Xing Jin
Based on wireless sensor network technology, this paper focuses on the study of the problem of heterogeneous seamless integration of multi-sensor nodes and puts forward a correlation protocol concerning SMAC multi-point, multi-type sensor network nodes self-organizing wireless networking application....
Proceedings Article

Computer Simulation of Denial of Service attack in Military Information Network using OPNET

Pei Lichun, Li Chenhui, Hou Runfeng, Zhang Yanjun, Ou Hongyan
According to designing DoS attack model, the methods based on OPNET of simulating DoS attack which can be achieved are summarized. The attack model is given from simulating SYN flood attack. Simulation results show that the network simulation is a productive approach to analyze and estimate the impact...
Proceedings Article

A New Integrated Front Platform of Financial Self-service Equipment Based on ESB

Juan Xiao, Juan Wu, Jiagong Yang
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is a kind of SOA-based software infrastructure for the enterprise application integration. ESB becomes a hot technology of channels and resources integration.In this paper, in view of the characteristics of self-service channels and its IT architecture, we propose the scheme...
Proceedings Article

A Two Factor User Authentication Scheme for Medical Registration Platform

Di Liu, Zhi-Jiang Zhang, Ni Zhang
This paper proposes a two factors user authentication scheme for Beijing medical registration platform, in order to protect user personal information on the platform. This scheme overcomes the shortcoming that there is no authentication process during user log on the platform. The reason that builds...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Critical Thinking in College English Translation Teaching

Jiaqiu Li
The development of college students’ critical thinking skills, related to the im-provement of our national quality and the growth of the national economy, is an urgent and important task in personnel training of colleges and universities. In major courses teaching, the schools should consciously train...