Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

Chemical Quality of Osmotically Pretreated Freeze-Dried Strawberries

R. M. Putri, A. M. Fallah, W. Yuliani, Wagiman, M. A. F. Falah
The drying of fruits such as freeze-dried strawberries is an alternative to increase the added value of fresh strawberries, extend shelf life, have properties like fresh fruit, and have made it possible for consumers to be able to consume during all seasons. This study was aimed at examining the chemical...
Proceedings Article

Absorption of Copper Metal Ions Using the Immobilized Langsat (Lansium domesticum)

Desy Kurniawati, Feby Yulianti, Budhi Oktavia, Trisna Kumala Sari
High community activity can cause water pollution by heavy metals that are very dangerous for living things. Copper (Cu) is one of the heavy metals that has a very detrimental effect on biotic components, copper is toxic to all plants at a solution concentration above 0.1 ppm. Biosorption is the absorption...
Proceedings Article

Character Selection of Shade-Loving Tomatoes and Genetic Interaction X Shade Level on Tomato Plants Productivity

Dwiwanti Sulistyowati, Arya Widura Ritonga
Low light stress causes a variety of changes in morphology, anatomy, and phenology, these changes are intended to capture more photons in low light. This study consists of two experiments, the aim (1) this study was to investigate morphology, anatomy, and phenology characters of shade-loving tomato genotypes...
Proceedings Article

Surface Modification of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for the Preparation of Magnetic Responsive Hydrogels

Peng-Hui Wang, Hai-Liang Dong, Shu-Yu Zhu, Zhong-Li Niu, Xiao-Ting Zhang, Bin Sun, Mei-Fang Zhu, Xiao-Ze Jiang
A novel approach was developed to synthesize polymerizable vinyl group functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles with high aqueous dispersion stability. Firstly, the Fe3O4 nanoparticles were synthesized via chemical co-precipitation method. Then, azide-functional Fe3O4 nanoparticles were obtained by a two-step...
Proceedings Article

Study of Antimicrobial Activity of the Callus Tissue Salvia Pratensis L. (Lamiaceae) In Vitro

Elena Maslova, Tatyana Glodik, Valeria Semykina, Natalya Gulya, Tatyana Perelygina
In this paper, we studied the antimicrobial activity of callus tissue Salvia pratensis L. obtained in vitro against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The most effective sterilizing agents for disinfection of plant explants with their introduction into in vitro culture were selected. The composition...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Piper betel L. Leaf Extract as a Natural Electric Mosquito

Safrida Safrida, Fitrah Asma Ulhusna
Mosquitoes are known as insects that interfere with comfort. Mosquitoes are also known as vectors or transmitters of several types of dangerous and deadly diseases for humans, one of which is dengue fever. Therefore, an alternative is needed to reduce this species. The alternative that can be done is...
Proceedings Article

Substitution of Native Grass with Jengkol (Archidendron jiringa) Peel on Rumen Fermentation Characteristic in Sheep

Nur Hidayah, Komang Gede Wiryawan, Sri Suharti, Wismalinda Rita, Nurhaita
Jengkol (Archidendron jiringa) peel is potential crude fiber source for ruminant feed. Jengkol peel had higher fiber content (33.07-35.28%) than Native grass (29.65%), Pennisetum purpureum (31.29%), Brachiaria decumbens (30.55%), Pennisetum purpupoides (32.23%), and almost similar with Brachiaria humidicola...
Proceedings Article

Design and Application of Milk Fish Preserving Machine Using Liquid Smoke Method to Prevent Rotting Fish and Enhance Storability of the Fish

Agung Sudrajad, Iman Saefuloh, Dhimas Satria, Haryadi Surname, Risky Abi Pangestu, Andi Abdillah
Fish is well-known to be nutritious as it contains high quality protein, all types of essential amino acids, including lysine amino acids. Milkfish (Chanos-chanos forsk), known as ikan bandeng in Indonesian language, contains high rate of lysine amino acids, approximately 20% of its whole content of...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Distillation Models on Bioactivity from Essential Oil Fraction of Cinnamommum camphora (L.) J. Presl.

Sisilia Silau, Harlinda Kuspradini, Irawan Wijaya Kusuma
The change of paradigm in forest product management brought out the Forestry Minister’s Regulation Number P.35/Menhut-II/2007, concerned Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). Some genus Cinnamomum included in the list of NTFPs, and Cinnamomum camphora (camphor) is one species. The recorded data mentioned...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Post-harvest Losses among Nsukka-Yellow Pepper Farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria

A. Henri-Ukoha, V. C. Ugwuja, L. C. Familusi, J. Ebuka
Post-harvest loss posed a challenge for Nigeria’s agricultural sector. Post-harvest losses in the production of Nsukka-yellow pepper may result from inadequate handling, poor harvesting methods, pests, and microbial infestation, among other things. As a result, the study determined the post-harvest losses...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Gold Food Indonesia Meat Shop’s Service Quality on Customer Satisfactions and Customer Loyalty during the Pandemic of Covid-19

Bagus Prayogo, Budi Guntoro, MAU Muzayyanah
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of service quality on satisfaction and loyalty of costomuer at Gold Food’s Meat Shop during the pandemic of corona virus-19 (COVID 19) located in West Imogiri Street, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Total of 70 respondents, who bought meat at Gold Food’s Meat...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Ciplukan, Betel, Moringa and Patchouli Waste Extract as Phytogenic Feed Additive and Their Effect on Broiler Performance

Muhammad Daud, M. Aman Yaman, Yunasri Usman, C. R. Maulida
The aim of this study was to examine the potential of ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.), betel (Piper betle L.), moringa (Moringa oliefera L.) and patchouli (Pegostemon patchouli Pellet) oil waste as a phytogenic feed additive to replace Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) and their effect on broiler performance....
Proceedings Article

Study of Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Cereal Drink for Pregnant Women Based on Protani Rice Flour

Rifda Naufalin, Erna Kusuma Wati, Totok Agung Dwi Haryanto, Agus Riyanto, Citra Amelia Putri
Nutrition is an important factor in the health of pregnant women, because inadequate nutritional intake will affect fetal development. Efforts to overcome the nutritional deficiency of pregnant women are by providing additional food, namely cereal drinks. Cereal drink is a ready-to-eat product consisting...
Proceedings Article

Survey of Farming System Farmers Perception for Phenacoccus Manihoti in Sukaraja-Bogor District, Indonesia

Nila Wardani, Aunu Rauf, I Wayan Winasa, Sugeng Santoso, Junita Barus
One of the canters for cassava cultivation in Bogor Regency is Sukaraja District. Farmers in this area have been growing cassava several decades ago. This survey aims to determine the characteristics of cassava farmers, cultivation methods, knowledge and attitudes and perceptions of farmers with the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Refining Gold from Electronic Waste

Xia HUO, Ronghua LU, Mingzhe HU, Yue YIN
Due to the fast development of electronic waste and the gradually deficient of the modern resources, the environment is deteriorated seriously. Thus, the recycling and utilizing of electronic waste becomes an important research area in modern scientists. In the present paper, the authors employ H2SO4...
Proceedings Article

Microwave Vacuum Drying on Fruit: A Review

Nadilla Shintya Kusuma Wardhani, Nihayatuzain Amanda, Anjar Ruspita Sari
Fruit is very perishable in the storage process and has short of shelf-life. To extend the shelf life, fruits need preservation process. Drying is generally acknowledged as a cost-effective and commonly used technique for preserving food by reducing post-harvest losses. The major challenge of drying...
Proceedings Article

Microscopic Characteristics of Leaf Epidermal Cells and Flowers in Two Types of Ficus Tikoua Bur.

Di-Ya Lei, Hao-Ru Tang, Yan Wang, Qing Chen
Ficus tikoua is one of a special species in genus Ficus, Moraceae, which characterized by its creeping vine structures. Generally, there are two different types of plants in the species: the commonly mistakenly known 'Male Ficus' which is edible, and the other hypothetical 'Female Ficus', which are not...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis Development of Biological Practicum Instructions Based in Guided Inquiry for Students in Class XI

Rilla Elvandar, Ramadhan Sumarmin
In the learning practice process is guided to think scientifically while the guide is used has not directed students to think scientifically, the demands of scientific thinking are expected to improve student achievement. Therefore it is necessary to develop a practicum guide to overcome these problems,...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Natural Antimicrobial Kayu Purut (Dysoxylum parasiticum) to Delay Arenga Sap (Arenga pinnata sap) Decay

R. Widyasari, B. D. Argo, A. Lastriyanto, S. Wijana, K. Yuniarto
Brown sugar is commonly made with palm sap (Arenga pinnata sap) as its primary raw source. The punic (first time the branch was tapped) of a palm tree was tapped in this study to test the effectiveness of kayu purut (Dysoxylum parasiticum) stems as a natural preservative (antimicrobial). The study involved...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Food Handler’s Knowledge of Hygiene and Sanitation Impact on Food Quality

A Study of Lubana Sengkol Restaurant

Fidjria L. Salsabela, Rano Abryanto
As the food and beverage industry in Indonesia has a large demand and supply, the quality and safety of food as well as effectiveness in the production process are important to consider for quality assurance. Food safety is very important to avoid side effects arising from contamination, abuse, and food...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Antibacterial Activity of Artemísia Absínthium L. (Asteraceae) Extracts

Elena Maslova, Valeria Semykina, Tatyana Glodik, Tatyana Perelygina, Margarita Petrosyan
In this study, plant extracts of Artemisia absinthium L. were produced. Herbal extracts from leaves and flowers were evaluated for antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. As a result, it was found that plant extracts from Artemisia asbinthium flowers have the greatest...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Carbonate Hydroxyapatite (CHA) Dental Implant Material on the Early Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Danio rerio)

Sandi Fransisco Pratama, Ika Dewi Ana, Bambang Retnoaji
Carbonate Hydroxyapatite (CHA) is one of the bioceramic materials that can be used as dental implants. As dental implant material, the biocompatibility of CHA is an important prerequisite factor. This study aims to determine the biocompatibility of CHA on zebrafish embryos. The zebrafish embryos treatment...
Proceedings Article

Histomorphometrics and Small Intestinal Organ Weights in Native Chickens Fed with Maggots (Hermetia illucens L) at Various Levels in the Ration

Fuji Astuty Auza, Ali Bain, Yamin Yaddi, Hamdan Has, Purnaning Dhian Isnaeni, Syamsuddin
The development of the digestive tract organs, especially the intestines in utilizing nutrients correlates with body growth. This research aims to decide the effect of maggot flour on the histomorphometric and organ weight of the small intestine in eight-week-old native chickens. This study used a completely...
Proceedings Article

Antiviral Potential of Ethanol Extracts of Andalas Endophytic Bacterial Isolate B. J.T.A 2.1 Fermentation Products

Dwi Hilda Putri, Azwir Anhar, Irdawati, Mades Fidendy, Nurhasnah
The most prevalent infectious disease in tropical and subtropical regions is dengue, which is brought on by the dengue virus (DENV) and endemic illnesses. There is currently no antiviral medication specifically for dengue illness. It is understood that viral load and illness severity are correlated....
Proceedings Article

Bio-Mechanically Active Ceramic-Polymeric Hybrid Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering

Aversa Raffaella, Sorrentino Roberto, Apicella Antonio
The research develops and tests new hybrid biomimetic materials that work as mechanically stimulating "scaffolds" to promote early regeneration in implanted bone healing phases. A biomimetic nanostructured osteo-conductive material coated apparatus is presented. A bio-inspired approach to materials and...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Organic Mulch on Runoff and Erosion Rates in Abandoned Land

Sri Sarminah, Dhony Saputra Perdana Sinaga, Rini Crisdayanti, Muhammad Syafrudin
Degraded land can be rehabilitated by applying vegetative conservation or mechanical conservation or combining the two approaches. One technique of vegetative conservation is by arranging mulch on the soil surface. Several factors that cause erosion are climate, soil, topographic, land cover (vegetation),...
Proceedings Article

Computational Model of Trisindoline 1 Conjugate to Protein P53 and P53R2: Targets For Breast Cancer Therapy

Shabrina Syifa Ghaissani, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati, Vencka Azzahra Putri
In 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer with average, 7 percent to 11 percent of women with early breast cancer experience a local recurrence during this time. Resistance mechanisms in breast cancer include DNA repair mechanisms that protect cancer cells from endogenous or...
Proceedings Article

Study of Nitrogen-Containing Substances of Powdered Semi-Finished Product from Cultivated Mushrooms Pleurotus Ostreatus

Nina Myachikova, Olga Binkovskaya, Yuri Boltenko, Irina Korotkyh
The technology of obtaining a powdered semi-finished product from Pleurotus ostreatus is proposed. Assessment of the quality of the semi-finished product was made according to the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators. Found that the share of nitrogen of soluble substances, including non-protein...
Proceedings Article

Urban Ecological Environmental Standards based on Subjective Evaluations of Various Environments

Lei YU, Dongchao XU, Hong LIANG, Jia'nan HOU
With fast urbanization, urban nature environment has been largely damaged. A primary ecological system is being destroyed. In order to a sustainable development, environmental standards for maintain an ecological system for a city have to be established. This study demonstrates a new approach for establishing...
Proceedings Article

Rasch Model on Serang City’s Food Security Instrument Based on Milkfish’s Stability and Availibility

Benny Irawan, Nurul Anriani, Ahsanul Khair Asdar
This study was a development research which aimed to develop the food security instrument then described the Serang City’s food security based on milkfish’s stability and availability. The respondents in this study were 215 persons which selected by using cluster random sampling. The data were analyzed...
Proceedings Article

Risk Analysis for Beef Cattle Farmers in Banyuasin Regency

FAA Hafiz, B Guntoro, S Andarwati, NH Qui
This study aims to classify and map the risks faced by beef cattle farmers in Banyuasin Regency. This study employed a descriptive method using a survey as the main strategy of data collection. The study was carried out in two disaster-prone subdistricts in Banyuasin Regency, namely Tanjung Lago and...
Proceedings Article

The Proportion of Cassava and Palm Kernel Cake Affects in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics in Ongole Crossbreed

Gita Nofriantika, Andriyani Astuti, Ali Agus, Cuk Tri Noviandi, Dimas Hand Vidya Paradhipta, Ahmad Sofyan, Simon Quigley, Dennis Poppi
The present study investigated the effect of varying the proportion of dried cassava and palm kernel cake on in situ rumen degradation kinetics in Ongole Crossbreed. Ongoles were fed two different concentrate rations of cassava and palm kernel cake (PKC) varying in percentage with one concentrate mixture...
Proceedings Article

Clamshell and Fishbone Can Improve Growth Performance and Metabolism in Bangkok Rooster

Akhmad Abror As Sidiqi, Claude Mona Airin, Sarmin Sarmin, Pudji Astuti
A lot of zinc in clamshell produces an aromatase blocker attribute that enhances testosterone production. Protein-rich traits enable fishbone as a protein source for animals. Testosterone amplifies muscle protein synthesis and proliferation. Furthermore, T3 and T4 regulate fat and protein conversion...
Proceedings Article

Modifying High Sucrose Tomatoes by Genome Editing A-Review

Muhammad Mufarrij Fuad Ulfi, Ridlo Firmansyah, Wahyu Indra Duwi Fanata, Dibyajyoti Pramanik, Jae-Yean Kim, Sholeh Avivi
Sucrose which is the main product of photosynthesis in plants is resulted from carbon assimilation. The way to produce more sucroses as the sink product has been done a lot recently. However, the way such as overexpression of SPS or harvest environmental engineering needed a lot of samples and a certain...
Proceedings Article

Profiling of Secondary Metabolites of Endemic Aromatic Rice in Enrekang Variety of Pulut Mandoti Emas (PME)

Hafsan Hafsan, Masriany Masriany, Afridha Sari, Selis Meriem, Eka Sukmawaty, Bram Kusbiantoro
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Pulu Mandoti Emas (PME) variety is an endemic rice typical of Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi which has a distinctive taste and fragrant aroma. The fragrant aroma of rice is generally caused by the content of secondary metabolites. The purpose of this study was to determine the...
Proceedings Article

Endoparasitic Worms in Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis) Which Are Kept in the Pangandaran Nature Reserve Pangandaran Regency West Java Province

E. Harlia, R. Saputra, S. Sinaga
One of the diseases quite detrimental to animals in captivity is infection with gastrointestinal diseases. Gastrointestinal diseases cause losses by absorbing some of the nutrients in their landlady, leading to anemia, thinness, decreased endurance, and decreased production. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Clinical Observation of 29 Cases of Tonifying Kidney and Spleen, Detoxification of Throat Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of IgA Nephropathy

Di Zou, Hongan Wang, Yinping Wang, Shoulin Zhang
Purpose:To observe the clinical effect of tonifying kidney and spleen, detoxification of throat traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of IgA nephropathy. Methods:60 patients with IgA nephropathy were randomly divided into treatment group and control group with 30 cases in each.The treatment group...
Proceedings Article

Qualities of Watermelon Juice during Shelf-life

Yu-Bin Wang, Yue Ma, Xiao-Yan Zhao, Chao Zhang
The watermelon juice was treated by the ultra-high temperature and pasteurization, respectively. The quality and aroma of the pasteurized juice were evaluated during the storage at 37 øC for 6 d. The pasteurization was effective to maintain the total microbial counts of the watermelon juice within the...
Proceedings Article

Improving Yield and Performance of Shallot on Ultisol Through Application of Dolomite and Chicken Manure

Merakati Handajaningsih, Hesti Pujiwati, Doni Putra Pertama Nasution, Marwanto
Production area of some vegetables has been shifting from highland to lowland due to the decline of acreage. The main problems of growing shallot on ultisol Bengkulu are low soil pH and reduction of organic matter. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shallot performance and yield after the...
Proceedings Article

Physiological and Biochemical Effect of Endurance Training of Altitude Training on Fixed Maximal Oxygen Expenditure in Middle and Long Distance Runners

Lang QIN, Jin YIN
The purpose of this study was to investigate the exercise intensity of endurance training of altitude training under the plain and plateau by means of the fixed maximal oxygen expenditure. Eight middle and long distance runners voluntarily participated in this study, the ergmeter bike and telemetry cardiopulmonary...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis Development of High Plant Taxonomic Practicum Guided in Guided Inquiry Approach for Students of STKIP PGRI West Sumatera

Rizaldi Putra Jamal, Ramadhan Sumarmin
Education intends to develop the potential of students into quality human resources, to achieve this goal the government has endeavored through the establishment of various regulations to ensure that every citizen gets a quality education. The application or implementation of the curriculum can be seen...
Proceedings Article

Profitability and Feasibility of Vegetable Farming in Urban Agriculture

A Case in Surakarta City

Nungki Maghdalia, Irham Irham, Anung Pranyoto
This study aims to: (1) estimate the income and profits, and (2) assess the feasibility of vegetable farming in urban agriculture in Surakarta. The data were generated from 30 respondents. The method that being used in this study are descriptive analytic, R/C Ratio, B/C Ratio, and breakeven point (BEP)....
Proceedings Article

Application of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture) for Vegetable Cultivation in Balunijuk Village

Tri Lestari, Rutfi Puji Astuti
Balunijuk Village is one of the centers of vegetable production on Bangka Island. Almost all of the farmers in Balunijuk Village depend on chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides which are not environmentally friendly. The implementation of the LEISA (Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture)...
Proceedings Article

ABG Point of View in Lemongrass and Ginger Potency for Commercialization as Herbal with Anti-Diabetic Claim in Indonesia

Hinedreana F.M. Pranoto, Maria D.P.T. Gunawan Puteri, Victor Sahat Ringoringo
Diabetes mellitus is a general disturbance of metabolism and has been a major public health issue in Indonesia. Indonesia has numerous medicinal plants that are used in traditional medicine. Lemongrass and ginger are two of the medicinal plants that show anti-diabetic potency, where they are developed...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Environmental Education and Compulsory Education Equalization Issue-A case study of Shandong Province

Environmental education is a type of education activity which takes the relationship between human beings and the environment as the core. This article takes Shandong province as an example to carry out environmental education and compulsory education equalization issue research, combine environmental...
Proceedings Article

Morphometric Analysis of Bats (Chiroptera) in the Campus Area of the University of Bengkulu, Using Principal Component Analysis

Santi Nurul Kamilah, Mahesha Rama, Jarulis
Bats are the true flying mammals in the world. Morphological identification based upon morphometric characteristics will needed to determine the type of bat species, particularly the closely related species with the high level of morphological similarity. This study was aimed to determine the distinguishing...
Proceedings Article

The Quality of Hydrolized Palm Kernel Meal and Its Efficacy on Laying Hens Aged 21-27 Weeks

Rahma Dhani Dwi Prasetya, Ai Karwati, Agus Wiyono, Anuraga Jayanegara, Nahrowi Nahrowi
Indonesia has a high potential for Palm Kernel Meal (PKM). The use of PKM as animal feed has not been optimal due to several obstacles, one of which is the high non starch polysaccharide (NSP) content. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of PKM that has been given physical, chemical, and biological...
Proceedings Article

Odot Grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv Mott) Productivity at Planting Distances and Different Defoliation Age

La Malesi, Takdir Saili, Ali Bain, Tresjia C Rakian
The research aimed to analyze the production of fresh and dry ingredients of odot (Pennisetum purpureum cv Mott) grass at different planting distances and defoliation ages. The research was conducted in two places, namely the Field Laboratory and the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Analysis of the Faculty...
Proceedings Article

Organoleptic Quality Analysis of Retort Pouch Vacuum Packaged Chicken with Different Sterilization Time

M. Amaro, M. D. Ariyana, B. R. Handayani, N. Nazaruddin, S. Widyastuti, T. I. Rahayu, W. H. Putri
This research aims to determine the effect of sterilization time on the organoleptic quality of vacuum packaged rarang chicken in retort pouch. The method used in this research is an experimental method carried out in the laboratory. The experimental design used in this research was a Randomized Block...
Proceedings Article

Quality Characteristics of Merapi Robusta Coffee Products from the Traditional, Semi Modern, and Modern Process

Rousmala Noor, Wagiman, Jumeri
Coffee is widely cultivated because it has a distinctive taste, one of the areas that cultivates Robusta coffee is Sleman Regency. The problem that exists in the home industry of coffee processing in the region is that the roasting process is still carried out in a traditional and semi-modern method...
Proceedings Article

Nutrition and Its Impact to Oral Health in Dogs and Cats (Study in Prof. Soeparwi Animal Hospital)

Dyah Kunthi Wirapratiwi, Yuli Santoro, Agung Budi Pramono, Kurnia Kurnia, Anggarda Prasetyo, Guntari Titik Mulyani, Setyo Budhi, Slamet Raharjo, Aryan Morita
Dental plaque has been considered as one of etiology in dental problem. It consists of collection of microorganisms that are formed and firmly attached to the tooth surface and also food deposit. With the mineralization process, dental plaque will transform into dental calculus and lead to periodontal...
Proceedings Article

Development of Treatment and Prophylactic Means with Selenium Nanoparticles on the Basis of Mineral Water of the Krasnoarmeysk Source for Application in Balneology

Madina Nastueva, Dmitry Kompantsev, Gayane Sagradyan, Igor Privalov, Asya Airapetova, Alexander Serov
The purpose of the study is development technology of receiving mineral waters with nanoparticles of selenium and studying of their stability. The studied samples — the concentrated solution of nanoparticles of selenium contens selenium about 1,4 mg/ml, mineral water of the Krasnoarmeysky source. The...
Proceedings Article

Organic Fertilizers Increase Yield of Dragon Fruit in Western Lombok, Indonesia

Nani Herawati, Ai Rosah Aisah, Sudarto, Baiq Nurul Hidayah
One of the efforts to support a healthy and sustainable agriculture program in Indonesia is to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by using organic fertilizers. Cow manure, goat manure, chicken manure, rice husk and other waste have not been utilized optimally in agricultural cultivation even though...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Community to Encourage Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Marketing Digital Adoption Behavior

Adellina Sendy Widyaswara, Suci Paramitasari Syahlani, Fransiskus Trisakti Haryadi
Covid-19 had a major impact on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). SONJO community is a humanitarian organization that focuses on efforts to help MSMEs affected by Covid-19, by encouraging MSMEs to carry out marketing activities through social media. This study aims to analyze the acceptance...
Proceedings Article

Clinical Investigation on Gouqi Fushen Pills for Chronic Nephritis

Di Zou, Chengji Cui, Yinping Wang, Shoulin Zhang
Purpose:Observe the effectiveness and security of Gouqi fushen pills treating chronic nephritis. Method:Randomly divide 230 patients with chronic glomerular nephritis into two groups, treatment group and comparison group, each of 115 cases. Both groups orally take benazepril hydrochloride 10mg once a...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Validation of High-Thinking Valuation Intruments on Reproductive System Materials for Class XI High School

Lina Yuliyanti, Yuni Ahda
Based on the analysis that has been done on daily test questions, it is found that the level of questions given to students is at the level of C1 to C3. Levels C1 to C3 are still at the LOST level, so it is not in accordance with the demands of the curriculum to analyze. Interviews were also conducted...
Proceedings Article

Species Composition and Vegetation Structure in Natural Park PT Badak LNG, Bontang, East Kalimantan

Sudrajat, Medi Hendra, Sus Trimurti, Lariman, Sudiastuti
Forest ecological studies in Natural Park PT Badak Bontang, East Kalimantan has been carried out with the transect method. Vegetation observation was done on the transect line made by plot size 20 x 20 meter, and the distance between the plots is 100 meters. This study would be covered on species composition...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemical Characterization of Bioactive Compounds on Ethanol Extracts Fermentation Products of Isolate BJDTA21 Endophytic Bacterial Andalas

Azzahrah Khairunnisa Mardhiyah, Dwi Hilda Putri, Violita Violita, Azwir Anhar, Abdul Hafids, Armita Sofani, Try Susanti
The West Sumatra, Indonesia, mascot plant is called Andalas (Morus macroura Miq.). This plant belongs to the Moraceae family, which has a long history of being used medicinally. The goal of this study was to evaluate the Andalas ethanol extract’s potential to prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms....
Proceedings Article

Study on Eutrophic Levels and Microcystins Characteristics in Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake, China

Qiong LIANG, Yuan ZHANG, Jingying MAO, Rutai GAO, Yun LIU
The water quality parameters and microcystins of the two largest highland lakes in China, Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake, were determined during high eutrophication season in 2011. The results showed that the eutrophic levels and MCs concentrations were obviously higher in Dianchi Lake than those in Erhai...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Morphological Characterization in Different Bolting Period of Lettuce

Xue-Ying Liu, Ran Liu, Qian Huang, Chao-Jie Liu, Shuang-Xi Fan, Ying-Yan HAN
Bolting is the beginning of flowering and plays an important role in plant growth and development. Detecting changes between and after bolting will provide the foundations for molecular studies of lettuce. Here, we observed morphological characterization and paraffin section in different parts of the...
Proceedings Article

Oxidative stress biomarkers in Trichiurus lepturus and Sardinella maderensis and the effects of heavy metal pollution in Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria

G. E. Ajani, S. Akindele, S. O. Popoola, O. O. Oyatola
Contaminants like heavy metals are discharged into aquatic ecosystems from anthropogenic activities. The responses of Trichiurus lepturus and Sardinella maderensis to heavy metals in three sampling stations from Lagos Lagoon, in the vicinity of wood, textile and power plant industry, as well as control...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using Milk Sludge in Liquid Waste from Dairy Farming on Organic Soil Ingredients/Soil Conditioner

Ellin Harlia, Amelia Dwi Lestari, Yuli Astuti, Eulis Tanti Marlina, Gina Chynthia Kamarudin Puteri, Oki Imanudin, Mieke Rochimi Setiawati
Milk sludge is a source of carbon that can be used together with the liquid waste of dairy farms into products, namely organic soil reformers. Organic soil-forming products can be used in the treatment of liquid waste from dairy farms and milk sludge from the dairy processing industry. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Study on a RT-PCR Method for the Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Detection

Qin TANG, Han ZHANG, Jia-qi HAN, Li -rui LI, Ting-chuan LIU, Jing XU, Gang YU, Yin WANG, Xue-ping YAO, Ze-xiao YANG
To develop a Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) method for quick detecting equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), according the conserved sequences of EIAV gag gene which published in GenBank, 2 specific RT-PCR primers and 8 extension primers were designed and synthesized. A DNA...
Proceedings Article

Taxonomical Structure of Black Soil Bacterial Community on the Level of Phyla

Anastasiya Nechayeva, Viktoriia Iatsenko, Konstantin Boyarshin, Violetta Klyueva, Olga Bespalova, Yuliya Kurkina, Irina Batlutskaya
Soil microbial communities perform a number of important functions ensuring fertility. They depend on physical and chemical composition of soil and applied agricultural technology. To control the state of the soil, it is necessary to use methods that allow to quickly assess the dynamics of the structure...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Micronutrient Supplementation to Reduce Heavy Metal Toxicity in Rations from Local Feed Ingredients in vitro using Rumen Fluid of Ettawa Crossbreeds

Ali Bain, Adawiah, Syam Rahadi
Poor environmental management including overexploitation of natural resources, use of pesticides, industrial waste and exhaust from motor vehicle combustion have caused high atomic weight and polyvalent (heavy metal) minerals to dissolve easily and their availability in and above the soil surface and...
Proceedings Article

Application of Geographic Information Systems for Analysis of Rice Agricultural Land Resources Potential in Paser Regency as a Supporting Area for the Capital City Nusantara

Degita Fahmi Brillyansyah, Sahid Susanto, Lely Fitriana, Muhamad Khoiru Zaki, Chandra Setyawan, Ngadisih Ngadisih
The relocation of the State Capital from DKI Jakarta to the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan brought new problems, one of them was agricultural problems. The increase in population in IKN also increases the need for food which threatens food security. East Kalimantan region, which is mostly...
Proceedings Article

Animal and Plant-Based Milk Identification System Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Convolutional Neural Network

Nugi Asmara, Adhi Harmoko Saputro
Milk is a beverage that completes human nutrition. It is produced by cows and goats and can be obtained by plants such as soy and coconut. The nutrition composition contained in kinds of milk is different from one another. The differences in nutrition composition have their identification potential,...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Organic Growth Regulator and Shade Percentage in The Cavendish Banana (Musa acuminata) Plantlet Acclimatization

Nora Augustien, Nova Triani
Banana Cavendish is one of the varieties that is widely liked by market through the appeal of fruit and nutrient content. The preparation of a banana seedling can be through tissue culture techniques. Seedlings can be said successfully if it has passed the stage of acclimatization. Nutrition and environmental...
Proceedings Article

The Existence of Farming Types in Dryland Agriculture in Timor, Indonesia

Tony Basuki, Debora Kana Hau, Jacob Nulik, Evert Y Hosang, Bernard deRosari, Yohanis Ngongo
Timor Island is part of the East Nusa Tenggara province in Southeast Indonesia. This island is one of several large islands in East Nusa Tenggara which is climatologically included in the semi-arid area. The agroecological conditions have formed a specific dry climate dry land farming system. This study...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Rejected Salted Fish as Fish Meal

Hermon Hermon, Riska Riska, Sahrul Sahrul
This research aims to improve making a fish meal from the RSF to obtain high protein content without crude fiber (CF) and having nutritive value. The result is that fish meal has a low protein content and contains crude fiber. By using a completely randomized design with four replications, the RSF were...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Rat Cecum Appearances Fed with Different Fat Sources Using Smartphone-Based Image Analysis

Zaki Utama, Sri Raharjo, Agnes Murdiati, Andriati Ningrum
The aim of the study was to compare the rat cecum color and/appearances which fed for 13 weeks with high-fat diet (HFD) which three different fat sources (beef tallow, corn oil, and palm oil) were used. Fresh cecum was photograph during the necropsy using smartphone. The images were analyzed using photoshop...
Proceedings Article

Patau Syndrome: Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects

Yesi Octavia, Muhammad Garry Syahrizal Hanafi, Fadli Jazaldi, Elza Ibrahim Auerkari
Patau syndrome, also known as trisomy 13 syndrome, is a syndrome caused by a chromosomal abnormality. This rare syndrome is a lethal disease, where the life expectancy more than 1 year after birth is only less than 15%. The cause of Patau Syndrome is an abnormality on chromosome 13, where the possibilities...
Proceedings Article

Sexual Dimorphism of Leptocorisa oratorius Fabricius (Hemiptera: Alydidae) from Special Region of Yogyakarta

Fanuel Triaswanto, Erik Lawijaya, Ananto Puradi Nainggolan, IGM Raka Alpin Aditya, RCH Soesilohadi
Sexual dimorphism (SD) is a common phenomenon in animals, especially in invertebrates and poikilothermic vertebrates, which can cause body size differences of males and females in a species. Rice ear bugs [Leptocorisa oratorius Fabricius (Hemiptera: Alydidae)] are a significant rice pest in Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article

Digestion Mechanism Analysis of Total Arsenic Determination in Animal Origin Seafood by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

Yong-Fu Shi, Qian-Yun Zhan, Hui-Juan Yu, Run-Run Gu, Dong-Mei Huang, Yuan Wang, You-Qiong Cai
In the present study, canned crab and canned tuna were taken as the quality control samples, and microwave digestion combined with wet-digestion was estimated as the optimum digestion method for animal origin seafood after comparing with the microwave digestion. The quality control samples were digested...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Honey Supplementation on Sperm Abnormality in Sperm Preservation of Brek Fish Systomous orphoides

Sri Widiyanti Rahayu Hilia, Abinawanto, Anang Hari Kristanto
Honey is consisting of simple sugar, such as glucose, sucrose, and fructose, that could serve as a source of nutrition for sperm cells during preservation. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of honey supplementation in the extender on the spermatozoa abnormality of brek fish Systomus orphoides...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Vegetable Urban Farming on Household Food Expenditure in Yogyakarta City

Riskie Amanda Wahyu Primaningrum, Irham Irham, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto
Urban farming activities are expected to be a solution to improve food security condition of urban people household. Vegetable urban farming has contributed to the household food expenditure. This study aims to: analyze the level of household food expenditure of people who carrying out vegetable urban...
Proceedings Article

Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Absorber for Formaldehyde

Tianhui HUANG, Hong LIU, Yuan XI, Yan LIU, Gang ZHOU
Formaldehyde is one of the substances causing sick for human being.Small doses of formaldehyde can cause a variety of symptoms of physical discomfort. High dose and long time exposure to formaldehyde will increase the probability of cancer. However, the content of formaldehyde in the newly renovated...
Proceedings Article

Medicinal Value Analysis of Peony Flower

Bao-Song Liu, Ming-San Miao, Meng-Fan Peng
Purposes: Explore the medicinal value of peony flower. Methods: Through sorting out the literature about peony flower in CNKI, mahing a reviewed on the chemical composition, pharmacological action, therapeutic application and research direction of peony flower. Results: The Peony flower contains protein,...
Proceedings Article

DPPH-Scavenging Activity of Propolis of Tetragonula iridipennis from East Kalimantan

Sukemi, Yadi Yasir, Swandari Paramita, Enos Tangke Arung
Tetragonula iridipennis is a species of bee from the Apidae family. Its honey is known as an anticancer by the local community in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. However, research on propolis of T. iridipennis from East Kalimantan is rarely conducted. This research was carried out to investigate...
Proceedings Article

A Muscle-Specific Rehabilitation Training Method of the Human Shoulder Based on the Optimal Load Orientation Concept

Chao Nie, Zhibin Song, Rongjie Kang, Jian S. Dai
In order to implement the high-efficiency resistance training for a specific muscle of human shoulders using the rehabilitation robots, a muscle-specific rehabilitation training method based on the optimal load orientation concept (OLOC) was proposed. A 3D mathematical musculoskeletal model of the shoulder...
Proceedings Article

Supramolecular Complexes of β-Cyclodextrin with Conjugated Fatty Acids: Synthesis and Stability

Van Anh Nguyen, Anna Dudina, Victor Deineka, Thi Ngoc Anh Vu, Ludmila Deineka, Maxim Yapryntev
The supramolecular complex formation in aqueous solution between fatty acids (with the content of α-eleostearic acid more than 70%) and β-cyclodextrin, βCD, was supported by FT-IR and UV spectroscopies as well as by XRD-analysis. RP HPLC was utilized for investigation of the content of fatty acid in...
Proceedings Article

Xylanase Enzyme on Broiler Performance Fed Cassava Based Diet in Forms of Pellet and Mash

Ni Gusti Ayu Mulyantini S. Sekarsari
Cassava contain a large quantity of starch, therefore it is good to be used as an energy source for poultry diet. However, cassava contain high level of insoluble fiber which are not well digested by poultry. Enzymes and diet forms are two things that must be considered for the provision of cassava-based...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Yellow Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) and Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria ternatea) Juice to Increase Antioxidants of Cookies

S. Cicilia, A. Alamsyah, I. W. Sweca Yasa
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding yellow sweet potato and telang flower juice on antioxidants and other nutrients in cookies. The method used was an experimental method with experiments in the laboratory. The design used was a single factor with completely randomized design...
Proceedings Article

Spatial Distribution of Coffee-Based Agroforestry Lands in the Buffer Area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BTSNP)

Hasan Zayadi, Luchman Hakim, Sudarto, Jati Batoro
Indonesia is a country that has high biodiversity. Deforestation in some areas causes habitat loss, damage/degradation, and fragmentation, which leads to a decline in biodiversity. A landscape-based approach is needed to address these problems. This approach seeks to facilitate multiple interests in...
Proceedings Article

Lemongrass and Ginger Potency for Blood Glucose Control

Claudia Christy, Maria D.P.T. Gunawan Puteri, Abdullah Muzi Marpaung
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) are herbs that have been used to flavour food and beverages, in addition, they are also believed to possess health benefits. One of them is their ability to control blood glucose levels. Blood glucose control not only is beneficial for...
Proceedings Article

The Decoupling Analysis of Carbon Emission Factors by Residents' Living Consumption during the Period of Economic Growth in Jilin Province

Fengrong LI
Global climate change has already seriously endangered the health and development of human, energy consumption and carbon emission control have become the social issues of common concern to all countries. This paper takes Jilin province as an example, using Tapio decoupling theory to research the decoupling...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Entry Behavior to the Students Competency in Class X Senior High School (SMA) Laboratory of UNP

Fauzia Mawaddah, Ramadhan Sumarmin
There are still many problems that arise in the learning process, starting from the lack of teacher attention to the entry behavior of students and the lack of selection of the learning model applied by the teacher, so that it tends to be monotonous. Based on these problems, it is necessary to have an...
Proceedings Article

Screening of Three Species of Pasak Bumi (Bitter Charm) for Potential Toxicities as Active Drugs

Supartini, Rizki Maharani, Totok Kartono Waluyo
The utilization of traditional medicine or herbal medicine in a community is something inheritance, and it is inseparable from human lives. Support of scientific statements is necessary for comprehensive utilization. Pasak Bumi (Bitter Charm) is one of the raw material sources for traditional medicines...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Different Probiotics on the Broiler’s Offals Percentage

Astriana Napirah, Puspa Sari Ayu, Purnaning Dhian Isnaeni, Restu Libriani
Probiotic is known for its effect that could improve the health and production of poultry. This study aimed to evaluate the offals percentage of broiler chicken given different probiotics. One hundred day-old chickens of broiler were divided into 4 treatments and 5 replications based on a completely...
Proceedings Article

Physiochemical Characteristic of Fermented Coffee with yeast addition (Hanseniaspora uvarum and Candida parapsilosis)

Siti Mariyam, Rani Juni Widiyastuti, Joko Nugroho Wahyu Karyadi, Hanim Zuhrotul Amanah, Anisa Kistanti
Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) is one type of coffee that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Robusta coffee is usually processed using the wet method, which causes the physical and chemical qualities of the coffee beans to change during the process. This research examined the effect of yeast addition...
Proceedings Article

Climate Variability Detection at Kuningan Experimental Garden

Muchamad Wahyu Trinugroho, Hanggar Ganara Mawandha, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho
Climate variability is global phenomenon that may affect water availability in water user. Long-term climate variability detection is then crucial to water resources planning and management. This study was conducted to analyze climate variability and trend evaluation over Kuningan Experimental Garden,...
Proceedings Article

Response of Soybean Lines to Drought Stress During Reproductive Phase

Suhartina, Purwantoro, Novita Nugrahaeni, Made Jana Mejaya
At production centers, soybeans are in a rice-paddy-soybean or paddy-soybean cropping pattern, which is often at risk of crop failure due to drought. Therefore, it is necessary to develop varieties that are more tolerant to drought than existing varieties. The aim of this study was to evaluate soybean...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Guanidinoacetic Acid in Feed with Different Protein Levels on the Performance and Internal Organ Characteristics of Broiler Chickens

Diana Rahmawati, Chusnul Hanim, Zuprizal, Muhsin Annas, Heru Sasongko, Bambang Ariyadi
Guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) is the only direct precursor in creating creatine in vertebrate animals. In addition, creatine plays an active role in energy metabolism by supporting the restoration of high-energy cellular ATP concentrations, such as phosphocreatine. This study evaluated the effect of GAA...
Proceedings Article

Removal of Heavy Metals (Fe and Pb) in The Mahakam River Water Using Eggshells and Rubbing Ash as Adsorbent

Alris Sanca Pratama Putra, Akbar Perdana, Ahmad Zarkasi, Dadan Hamdani, Rahmawati Munir
Pollution of heavy metals (Fe and Pb) in the Mahakam River water has become an important problem. The solution for this case is water purification using natural product. There are several purification methods, one of them is the adsorption method to reduce the levels of heavy metals (Fe and Pb). The...
Proceedings Article

The Potency of Inulin to Increase Curcumin Aqueous Solubility as a Co-Processing Material with Curcuma longa in Solid Dispersion Approach

Dewi Setyaningsih, Elizabeth Vianita Kurniawan, Yustina Sri Hartini
Curcumin, an identical compound of Curcuma longa extract, shows limited bioavailability due to its lipophilicity. Inulin of degree of polymerization (DP) of 11 is a carbohydrate member that can potentially increase aqueous solubility and dissolve lipophilic compounds. This study aimed to investigate...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics and Factors that Influence the Purchase of Beef During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti, Rini Widiati
This study aims to identify consumer characteristics of beef purchases and analyze the factors that influence the purchase of beef products during the pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research was conducted in Depok District, Sleman Yogyakarta Regency, with the consideration that the distribution...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis of Classification Algorithms for Crop Yield Prediction

U. A. Okengwu, L. N. Onyejegbu, L. U. Oghenekaro, M. O. Musa, A. O. Ugbari
A machine learning model is an essential tool for deciding which crops to produce and what to do during those crops’ growing seasons. The employment of various machine learning algorithms in research to forecast higher crop output has considerably benefited the agriculture sector. In this study, an appropriate...
Proceedings Article

One Orthogonal Phase Microscopy Technique for Orthogonal Phase Imaging of a Cell

Jing-ye LIU, Yuan-yuan XU, Qiong ZHU, Meng-yuan SHANG, Jing-rong LIAO, Ya-wei WANG
For human beings, the morphological features of cells are closely related to human health thus research into the technique of cell imaging is very important. The optical phase imaging technique is one of the most useful methods because the cell is a phase object. More than one phase images should be...
Proceedings Article

Wave Analysis of a Diffusive Modified Leslie-Gower Predator-prey System with Holling Type IV Schemes

Jiang-Lin Zhao, Ding-Sheng Deng
A diffusive predator-prey model with modified Leslie-Gower and Holling type IV schemes is investigated analytically and numerically. Mathematical theoretical works mainly focus on the existence of traveling wave solutions. Numerical simulations are performed to confirm the feasibility of traveling wave...
Proceedings Article

New Ingredient in Bakery, Technological and Nutritional Effects of Buttermilk

Mihai Ognean, Claudia Felicia Ognean, Simona Hogea
Buttermilk is a by-product obtained during butter preparation, has a nutritional composition similar to skimmed milk but with an increased proportion of phospholipids. Phospholipids was proved to have functional properties. Buttermilk is produced in large amounts due the preparation of butter and could...