Proceedings of the 2nd Southeast Asian Academic Forum on Sustainable Development (SEA-AFSID 2018)
228 authors
- Kuncoro, Anies T
- The Epistemology of Fiqh-Science and Its Implementation in Contemporary Fiqh in Indonesia
- Kusdarini, Eni
- Strengthening Political Participation Through Education in Schools
- Kustinah, Meina Woro
- Effect of Leadership Style and Organization on Employee Through Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study on Five Construction Companies in Indonesia)
- Kusumaningrum, Fitri Ayu
- Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Internet Addiction Among College Students in Yogyakarta
- Kusumaningrum, Fitri Ayu
- Tadribat haramiyah Learning Material Design
- Lestari, Puji
- Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
- Lidiawati
- Financial Performance Competency Analysis of Sharia Micro Financial Institution and Its Relationship with Small and Medium Enterprise Development in Sumenep Madura
- Limjirakan, Sangchan
- Synergistic Indicators for Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Tourism
- Lukman
- Effectiveness of Dessimination of Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin Values Using Problem-Based Learning Methods on Ya Badi’ Dhikr and Ta’lim Assembly, Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta
- Lukman
- Understanding and Application of Sufism to Overcome Inner Conflict Among University Students
- Lusiana, Elnovani
- Understanding the Development of Children’s Education Caused by Parents Perception
- Mani, La
- Social Media in the Constituent Interaction and Mobility: Case Study in the 2017 Jakarta-Indonesia Governor General Election Campaign
- Mani, La
- The Existence of Relationship Management to the Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Rejeki Smartfren Care Program Through Social Media Twitter
- Mani, La
- Women Construction Towards Cervical Cancer in Social Media: Case Study of Prevents Cervical Cancer Indonesian Coalition Instagram
- Mani, La
- Public Relations Activity to Shape Brand Awareness of Lounge and Bar in Jakarta
- Mani, La
- The Socialization Mechanism of Teach for Indonesia (TFI) as an Effort to Establish the Brand Awareness Organization
- Mani, La
- E-Commerce Communication: A Descriptive Study on Integrated Marketing Communication in Tokopedia, Indonesia
- Mani, La
- LEPMIDA Verbal Communication Strategy in Establishing Cooperation with the Local Government
- Manuhutu, Khrisna Ariyanto
- Proposing the Improvement of the Landscape Theory of Group Formation: New Replacement Factors
- Maryani
- Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions: Horison Hotels West Java Area
- Matondang, Riana Jogi Ahdareni
- Citizen Journalism in the Age of Media Convergence
- Maulida, Ira Siti Rohmah
- The Concept of Discretionary Penalty and Compensation and Its Implementation in the Fatwas of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Ulema Council
- Mayangsari, L.
- Proposing the Improvement of the Landscape Theory of Group Formation: New Replacement Factors
- Meriyati
- Tadribat haramiyah Learning Material Design
- Mone, Johana Brigitha
- Challenges of Sustainability in Radio Broadcasting Towards a Media Convergence Era by Marketing Public Relations Activities to Create Awareness of Prambors Radio in Indonesia
- Mudjiono, Imam
- The Urgency of Edutainment in Islamic Education Learning
- Muhammad, Fauzi
- E-Commerce Transactions: A Sharia Economic Perspective
- Mukharram, Tamyiz
- Deradicalization of Religion Understanding Among Senior High School Students in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia
- Mukharrom, Tamyiz
- Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
- Munir, Moch Agus
- Educational Design for Alpha Generation in the Industrial Age 4.0
- Mursitama, Tirta Nugraha
- Integrating Business Strategy and Sustainability Development of the Society: A Case of Aqua Company in Indonesia
- Mustofa, Imam
- Deradicalization of Religion Understanding Among Senior High School Students in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia
- Mutaalimah, Siti
- The Effect of Price, Product Quality and Religiosity on Purchasing Behavior of Halal-Labeled Sariayu Beauty Products
- Muthmainah, Fatihatul
- Understanding and Application of Sufism to Overcome Inner Conflict Among University Students
- Muthoharoh, Intan
- The Role of Waste Recycle by Banking System to Economic Empowerment in Indonesia: A Case of Study of Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun
- Muttaqien, Dadan
- Measuring the Mosque-Based Disaster Philanthropy
- Nataliia, Zhukova
- Compositional Means for Shaping Modern Crimean Tatar Hotel and Restaurant Business Facilities
- Natasha
- The Effects of Social Media, Email Marketing, Website, Mobile Applications Towards Purchase Intention - Consumer Decisions
- Ningrum, Laras Laksita
- Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Internet Addiction Among College Students in Yogyakarta
- Nizar, Muchamad Coirun
- The Epistemology of Fiqh-Science and Its Implementation in Contemporary Fiqh in Indonesia
- Nudin, Burhan
- Educational Design for Alpha Generation in the Industrial Age 4.0
- Nugroho, Anton Priyo
- The Impact of Halal Label and Social Support on Purchasing Behavior of Imported Instant Noodles
- Nugroho, Anton Priyo
- The Effect of Price, Product Quality and Religiosity on Purchasing Behavior of Halal-Labeled Sariayu Beauty Products
- Nurozi, Ahmad
- Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
- Nuryanta, Nanang
- Urgency of Decision-Making Theory in Practical Leadership Process: Case Study at Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta
- Pasir, Supriyanto
- The Influence of Rois as an Agent of Religious Rituals
- Patra, Aditya Kumar
- Assessment of Dispersion, Retention Time and Fraction of PM10-20, and PM0.23-1 in Iron Ore Mines
- Permana, Aditya
- Integrating Business Strategy and Sustainability Development of the Society: A Case of Aqua Company in Indonesia
- Praptiningsih, Novi Andayani
- Implementation of Communication Among the Divorced Women on Remarriage in Indonesia
- Pratama, M. Ridho
- Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Pratiwi, Yuanita Wahyu
- Salatiga 1870s – 1930s: Institutionalization of Structural Inequality in the Age of Free Competition
- Pringgenies, Dileanis
- The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java
- Purwanto, Muhammad Roy
- Morality and Justice in the Islamic Economics
- Purwanto, Muhammad Roy
- Deradicalization of Religion Understanding Among Senior High School Students in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia
- Purwanto, Muhammad Roy
- Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
- Purwanto, Muhammad Roy R
- Islamic Philanthropy and Civil Society Development Solutions in Indonesia
- Pusparini, Martini Dwi
- Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
- Pusparini, Martini Dwi
- Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Puspita, Viriena
- Marketing Communications Strategy and Brand Sustainability of Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia
- Puspita, Virienia
- The Socialization Mechanism of Teach for Indonesia (TFI) as an Effort to Establish the Brand Awareness Organization
- Putranto, Trias Septyoari
- Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions: Horison Hotels West Java Area
- Putri, Dinda Agustina
- The Existence of Relationship Management to the Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Rejeki Smartfren Care Program Through Social Media Twitter
- Putri, Dinda Agustina
- The Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication Tools to Create Brand Awareness of the Use of Telkomsel TCash Sticker in Jabotabek Jabar Area
- Putri, Handayani Dwi
- The Existence of Relationship Management to the Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Rejeki Smartfren Care Program Through Social Media Twitter
- Putro, U.S.
- Proposing the Improvement of the Landscape Theory of Group Formation: New Replacement Factors
- Rafidah
- Effects of Islamic Brand Personality, Service Quality, Customer Motives and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in Sharia Banks of Jambi City Under the Perspective of Tawhidi String Relation
- Rahayu, T
- Managing Health-Promoting School for Sustainability Development
- Rahman, Muhammad Taufiq
- Understanding the Development of Children’s Education Caused by Parents Perception
- Rahman, Subhan M A
- E-Commerce Transactions: A Sharia Economic Perspective
- Rahmi, Awliya
- High School Debate: Elevating Students Critical Thinking into Hoax Prevention
- Rakhmawati
- Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
- Rakhmawati
- Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Riza, Julianne Kamelia
- Khulu’ as Evidence of Women Equality Right in Islam
- Rukayah, R Siti
- The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java
- Sadmoko, Nadira Kinanti
- Women Construction Towards Cervical Cancer in Social Media: Case Study of Prevents Cervical Cancer Indonesian Coalition Instagram
- Sadmoko, Nadira Kinanti
- LEPMIDA Verbal Communication Strategy in Establishing Cooperation with the Local Government
- Santi, May Rizdiana
- Media Group Strategy to Change the Mindset of Multitasking Ability in the Era of Media Convergence: Case Studies in, Metro TV, and Media Indonesia
- Saputra, Kurniawan Dwi
- Ihsan-Based Character Education
- Sari, Eka Wulan
- Challenges of Sustainability in Radio Broadcasting Towards a Media Convergence Era by Marketing Public Relations Activities to Create Awareness of Prambors Radio in Indonesia
- Sari, Tri Puspito
- Marketing Public Relations Program (MPR) for Creating the Brand Image of PELNI Jakarta Hospital
- Sarjuni
- The Political Ethics of Khalil Bishri in Al-Durr Al-Rambani
- Sastrodinomo, Kasijanto
- The Resistance Towards the Kedung Ombo Dam Construction of 1985-1991
- Shofia, Gusti Khairina
- Impact of Macroeconomy and Jakarta Islamic Index on Net Assets Value of Islamic Mixed Mutual Funds
- Sholeh, Muhammad Muhtar Arifin
- The Model of Developing School Culture Based on Strengthening Religious Characters
- Sholihah
- Ibn Thufail’s Thought in Hayy ibn Yaqzhan: Psychological Reflection of Soul Development
- Sholihah, Hidayatus
- Islamic Philanthropy Development Model Based on Management of Waqf Treasure Improvement on the Mosques of the Northern Seaboard of Java
- Shomad, Bukhori Abdul
- Implementing Islamic Leadership Values in Pancasila
- Siahaan, Yonathan Anggian
- Measuring Level of Information and Communication Technology Literacy of University Students in Indonesia
- Siswantini
- Public Relations of Tangerang City Government to Realize the City Branding Through Tangerang Live Program
- Sjoraida, Diah Fatma
- Village Community Opinion to Selection of Single Regional Candidates
- Sobaya, Soya
- Role of Government in Keeping Price Stability Through Pure Market Operation From an Islamic Economic Perspective
- Soemarta
- Urgency of Decision-Making Theory in Practical Leadership Process: Case Study at Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta
- Srisusilawati, Popon
- Impact of Macroeconomy and Jakarta Islamic Index on Net Assets Value of Islamic Mixed Mutual Funds
- Subhiat, Aghitsna Putri
- Public Relations of Tangerang City Government to Realize the City Branding Through Tangerang Live Program
- Sudirman
- Analysis of the Human Development Index in Jambi City
- Surahman, Maman
- The Concept of Discretionary Penalty and Compensation and Its Implementation in the Fatwas of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Ulema Council
- Susilo, Endang Sri
- The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java
- Svitlana, Privolneva
- Compositional Means for Shaping Modern Crimean Tatar Hotel and Restaurant Business Facilities
- Syamsuri
- The Role of Waste Recycle by Banking System to Economic Empowerment in Indonesia: A Case of Study of Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun
- Syibly, M Roem
- Morality and Justice in the Islamic Economics