Proceedings of the 2nd Southeast Asian Academic Forum on Sustainable Development (SEA-AFSID 2018)
228 authors
- Syibly, M. Roem
- Measuring the Mosque-Based Disaster Philanthropy
- Syibly, M. Roem
- Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
- Tajib, Erny
- Effect of Leadership Style and Organization on Employee Through Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study on Five Construction Companies in Indonesia)
- Thanosawan, Nuttapa
- Synergistic Indicators for Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Tourism
- Thanosawan, Prapassara
- Authoritarianism in Thai Higher Education: The Threats Against Academic Freedom and Productivity
- Tomahuw, Roberto
- Basic of Creative Tourism: Batik as a Creative Industry
- Toyoda, Yusuke
- Analysis of the Impact of Technology on Culture in Indigenous Communities: Mentawai Islands, Indonesia
- Tukina
- Democracy and Local Election in Indonesian: Case Study of Local Leaders Election at Depok
- Tulasmi
- Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
- Tulasmi
- Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Wasita, Agus
- Democracy and Local Election in Indonesian: Case Study of Local Leaders Election at Depok
- William
- Public Relations Activity to Shape Brand Awareness of Lounge and Bar in Jakarta
- Wiyana, Tri
- Basic of Creative Tourism: Batik as a Creative Industry
- Wiyana, Tri
- Linking Organizational Justice to Turnover Intention: Organization-Employee Relationship Quality Mediator
- Yanti, Illy
- Sustainability of the Development of Sharia Economic Law in Indonesia: A Social History Approach
- Yoesoef, M.
- Ceremony, Tongkonan and the Memories of Toraja People (Consecration Ceremony for Traditional House in Toraja, South Sulawesi)
- Yolanda, Silvira
- Implementation of Communication Among the Divorced Women on Remarriage in Indonesia
- Yunus, Ulani
- The Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication Tools to Create Brand Awareness of the Use of Telkomsel TCash Sticker in Jabotabek Jabar Area
- Yusdani
- Local Wisdom and Regional Sustainable Economic Development
- Yusuf, Syaifulloh
- Ihsan-Based Character Education
- Yusup, Akhmad
- The Concept of Discretionary Penalty and Compensation and Its Implementation in the Fatwas of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Ulema Council
- Zaenurrosyid, A.
- Islamic Philanthropy Development Model Based on Management of Waqf Treasure Improvement on the Mosques of the Northern Seaboard of Java
- Zubaidah, Syarif
- Implementation of Unity of Science on Ilm Falak’s (Islamic Astronomy) Curricula
- Zulfadrim
- Analysis of the Impact of Technology on Culture in Indigenous Communities: Mentawai Islands, Indonesia
- Zulhannan
- Tadribat haramiyah Learning Material Design
- Zulkarnain, Arif
- Basic of Creative Tourism: Batik as a Creative Industry
- Zulkarnain, Arif
- Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions: Horison Hotels West Java Area
- Zunvindri
- The Effects of Social Media, Email Marketing, Website, Mobile Applications Towards Purchase Intention - Consumer Decisions