Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences Education (ICSSE 2020)
80 articles
Proceedings Article
The Influence of the Watering System on Pasang Surut Rice in Sungai Sahurai Village, Kecamatan Rantau Badauh, Barito Kuala District, 1980-2000
Badrudin, Dina Purnamasari, Rahmad, Riky Murtono
Rice is an agricultural crop and until now it is the main crop in the world. Since ancient times, among food crops, rice has been the main crop of Indonesian farmers. Rice can be planted in dry land or wet land or commonly called rice fields. The majority of farmers in Indonesia are small farmers or...
Proceedings Article
Migration and Adaptation of the Loksado Dayak Tribe (Historical Study of Dayak Loksado Community in Pelantingan Village)
Heri Susanto, Helmi Akmal, Fathurrahman
Migration that occurs in the Loksado Dayak community is a process of gradual migration that has occurred for more than a decade. The Loksado Dayak tribe lives by relying on forest products, the main forest products of which the Dayak people sell are rice, cinnamon, rubber, and candlenut. Historically,...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom in Banjar Cultural Perspective
Local wisdom belongs to the local community. This local wisdom is lived, practiced, taught, and passed down from one generation to another which at the same time forms patterns of daily human behavior, both towards fellow human beings and towards nature. Local wisdom is noble values that are believed...
Proceedings Article
Changes of Community Orientation of Banjarmasin City from River to Land in the XX Century
Wisnu Subroto, Melisa Prawitasari
The life of urban communities with the dynamics that surrounds has undergone a cultural transformation over time. The cultural transformation that is sometimes so fast makes the orientation of the people change too. These changes are related to technology that continues to penetrate society through everyday...
Proceedings Article
ANTASARI’s Developing Blended Learning Model Based on Ecopedagogy Study to Improve Ecological Awareness, Soft and Social Skills on Elementary Education
Ahmad Suriansyah, Akhmad Riandy Agusta, Ananda Setiawan
This research will show about (1) the characteristics and implementation of the ANTASARI blended learning model; (2) The appropriateness of implementation blended learning model ANTASARI; (3) the effectiveness of the ANTASARI implementation blended learning model to improve soft and social skills pass...
Proceedings Article
Ecopedagogic Based Education in Social Science Learning at Junior High School
Delpi Manik, Dwi Arifah Wiji Astuti, Lina Tarwati, E.K Liza Dwi
This education aims to make people have the ability to acquire, process, and use information about the environment intelligently. One of the subjects in Junior High School is the subject of Social Sciences. Learning Social Sciences at the Junior High School level includes at least four disciplines that...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Electronic Mind Map as Part of Learning
Dwi Atmono, Muhammad Rahmatullah, Fitria Febry Sarinang
As technology become commonplace in the world of education, it is important to always increase the knowledge of how these technologies can have an impact on students’ learning ability. This study aimed to determine the impact of the use of mind mapping application on learning achievement. The method...
Proceedings Article
Survey of the Influence of Students With Special Needs for the Achievement of Learning Volunteer Student Volunteers Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin
Imam Yuwono
This study aims to determine whether the mentoring process for students with special needs at Lambung Mangkurat University has an effect on student achievement or volunteer learning outcomes in the learning process in class. This study involved 50 volunteers, who accompanied students with special needs,...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Environmental Care Attitudes Through Social Wisdom-Based Social Studies Learning
Jumriani, Muhammad Ilmiyannor, Dwi Mi’rajiatinnor
Environmental damage is a problem. One of them is caused by humans who exploit the environment for various activities without regard to environmental quality and sustainability. Strengthening environmental attitudes is an aspect that must be developed to the community and future generations so that environmental...
Proceedings Article
Developing Economics Learning Materials for Independent Learning During Covid-19
Junaidi H. Matsum
In the era of Covid-19 pandemic, the teachers are demanded to implement an action plan to maintain learning. To minimize the inequalities and negative effects of prolonged inactivity, the teachers must set clear and realistic learning materials by taking into account the sudents’ characteristics, social...
Proceedings Article
The Role of School Chief in the Implementation of Management Based on Environmental Education Programs (Adiwiyata Program)
Metroyadi, Zain Ahmad Fauzi
the role of the principal of SDN Karang Mekar 1 Banjarmasin in implementing school-based management of the Adiwitaya program. This school is intended by the City of Banjarmasin Environmental Services Office starting in 2015 managing the Adiwiyata program. This research is descriptive qualitative with...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effectiveness of MPBH: The Mains of Mandai as a Saving Food in Banjarmasin Community
Mohamad Zaenal Arifin Anis, Heri Susanto, Sriwati, Fitri Mardiani
The widespread use of models in learning history in modern countries has affected education in Indonesia. One of them is by imitating and even being obliged to follow this trend in the learning process in the classroom without paying attention to the social and cultural backgrounds of students. However,...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Problems in Reading Narrative Text
Muhammad Firdi Yuvirawan, Rina Listia, Rizky Amelia
Reading is important on every level of education; however, it is not all students success at reading. The troubles that they face are critical to discover. Hence, this investigation under this research aims to find the understudies’ issues in story text reading. The researchers employed a qualitative...
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Learning: Building Ecological Awareness Through Social Studies
Mutiani, Hendry Alfiani Arisandi, M. Faisal
Environmental problems are issues that have not been exhaustively discussed in the global eyewear. Every environmental problems occurring human position as the main axis of the environmental damage that occurred. In the lowest level to educate absolute understanding of environmental awareness is given...
Proceedings Article
Developing Blended Learning Model GAWI SABUMI Based on Ecopedagogy Study to Improve Ecological Awareness and Industrial Revolution 4.0 Skills on Elementary Education
Noorhapizah, Akhmad Riandy, Diani Ayu Pratiwi
This research will show about (1) the characteristics and implementation of blended learning model GAWI SABUMI; (2) The appropriateness of implementation blended learning model GAWI SABUMI; (3) the effectiveness of implementation blended learning model GAWI SABUMI to improve soft and social skills pass...
Proceedings Article
Ecoliteracy of Elementary School Students in Social Studies: In Online Learning During the Pandemic of COVID 19
Nuni Ruqiyyatus Sholihah, Sapriya Sapriya, Nana Supriatna, Kokom Komalasari
Learning during the Covid 19 pandemic is closely related to online learning and School from Home. Achievement of learning outcomes during this pandemic is no longer focused on material attainment but rather on cultivating the character of students. This study aims to describe the application of ecoliteracy...
Proceedings Article
Education of Inorganic Waste Management Through Training of Creations
Nurlita Juliana, Jumriani, Syaharuddin, Karenina Panca Kiranti
Training in managing inorganic waste into various recycled creations is a means to increase public knowledge and empower inorganic waste management. This article aims to describe inorganic waste’s power into different recycled designs in Kampung Hijau, Kelurahan Sungai Bilu. The report was compiled from...
Proceedings Article
Environment-Based School Curriculum as a Character Forming Care Environment
Rabiatul Adawiah
In the education system, the curriculum has a very strategic role in realizing quality schools. A good curriculum will create a quality school, and a quality school will provide education according to the needs of the community. One need that is felt to be very urgent is the formation of attitudes and...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Social Studies Literacy in the Social Distancing Policy Paradigm in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era (Study of Basic Understanding of Junior High School Students in the South Region of Garut Regency)
Tetep, Nita Laela, Triani Widyanti, AM Hilmi Nurfaizan
Covid 19 Pandemic phenomenon has given birth to a new social and cultural order in the lives of people in the world including Indonesia. The existence of the Social Distancing paradigm gave birth to a new understanding for the community including junior high school students who are closely related to...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Teacher Pedagogical Competence and Teacher Professional Competence on Students’ Environmental Care Attitudes in Craft and Entrepreneurship Subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Barabai
Titi Febrianti, Dwi Atmono, Supriyanto
The purpose of this research is to be able to know the impact and influence of Pedagogical Competence, expertise and professional competence of educators towards students’ Environmental Concern Attitudes in Workshop and Entrepreneurship lessons at SMK 1 Barabai. The one used for this research is correlational...
Proceedings Article
Ecological Literation of Rawapening Communities in Asinan Village, Semarang District
Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto, Chlorella Werdhiningsih
Rawapening is a natural lake located in Semarang Regency, Central Java. Currently, Rawapening is encountering some environmental problems such as sedimentation, and massive growth of Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes), conflict of interest in utilizing Rawapening and illegal buildings around Rawapening....
Proceedings Article
Local Business Exploration in Barabai City as a Resource of Economic Learning in SMA
Zainur Nor, Rizal Hadi, Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang
This research was carried out in the Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency precisely in the City of Barabai. The purpose of this study is to identify a picture of the contribution of local businesses to the activities of the sale of apam barabai storms and the use of these local businesses to serve as a source...
Proceedings Article
Dentification of Economic Behavior of Aspects of Consumption in the “Banjarnese” River Culture as a Supplient of Teaching Materials in the Middle School
Maulida, Dwi Atmono, M. Rahmattullah
The river is a natural resource that has a versatile function for human life, one of its functions is for consumption activities. This study aims to identify consumption behavior that shows the culture of the banjar river. This study uses qualitative phenomenology, and data analysis uses the Spreadley...
Proceedings Article
Human, Space, and Environment: Literature Review Through Exploring the Theme in Social Studies
Zefaya Adelina H. Nababan, Deasy Arisanty, Mutiani, Syahlan Mattiro, Nasrullah
Exploration of material content is expected as an effort to improve the quality of students’ understanding. This article aims to describe the material of humans, places, and the environment in social studies. The literature review method is used to identify, measure, and interpret all the results that...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Leadership and Incentives on Employee Performance of Market Retribution
Dona Doni, Morris Adidi Yogia, Zainal, Made Devi Wedayanti, Astri Ayu Purwati
In optimizing regional revenue sourced from the local retribution, the biggest problem that can hamper the optimization of regional acceptance is the factor of the quality of human resources (HR) as well as regional managerial ability in managing the Regional Tax and Retribution which is still not optimal....
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurship Training in Entrepreneurship Skills Based on “Ecopreneurship”
Faizah, Muhlisah, Norbaiti, Siti Darlina
The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution from entrepreneurship education and training in building and developing-based entrepreneurial skills ecopreneurship. The research method used is descriptive analytical associative and correlational. Respondents consisted of 72 people with different...
Proceedings Article
An Environmental Sustainability-Based Ecopreneurship Learning Process
Herlina, Disman, Sapriya, Nana Supriatna
Considering a significant increase in number of young entrepreneurs, this study was attempted to identify students’ role in an ecopreneurship-based social science learning in order maintain environmental sustainability. This is a qualitative study using a case study approach. This study revealed that...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Social Entrepreneurship Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDEs)
Iyan Setiawan, Disman, Sapriya, Elly Malihah
Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) as social institutions that play a role in building village economic activities to improve community welfare. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of entrepreneurial attitudes, subjective norms, and training to improve social entrepreneurship in BUMDes....
Proceedings Article
Project Based Learning Models in Advancing Learning Results of Handicraft Entrepreneurs With Object Inspiration of Local Culture
Siti Jamiah Dewi, Sri Setiti, Mahampang Hasanah
The purpose of this study: (1) To find out how teachers apply project-based learning models. (2) To find out how students’ learning outcomes before and after using a project based learning model. (3) To find out whether the project-based learning model (project based learning) can improve student learning...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Construction of AMD Permai Housing on the Socio-Economic Conditions of the Surrounding Community
Akhmad Munaya Rahman, Ahmad Ramadhan, Karunia Puji Hastuti
Development in the housing sector in the North Banjarmasin District, especially the AMD picturesque housing complex, is very rapid. Housing development certainly has various impacts on people’s lives, such as socio-economic conditions. The research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the impact of...
Proceedings Article
Green Constitution: Developing Environmental Law Awareness
Dasim Budimansyah, Susan Fitriasari, Dede Iswandi, Dwi Iman Muthaqin, Nisrina Nurul Insani
Natural disasters often occur and take many lives. One of the reasons natural disasters occur and make it difficult for humans is because humans themselves have not been able to protect their environment. The World Risk Report released by the German Alliance for Development Work (Alliance), the United...
Proceedings Article
Teenagers’ Promiscuity of Alpha Generation
Eklys Cheseda Makaria, Ririanti Rachmayanie, Rabiatul Adawiyah
Adolescence is one of the periods that is passed in each individual development, which is closely related to the search of self-identity. The most influential factor in seeking for self-identity is the social environment. The vulnerable period of adolescence begins from ages 12 to 21 years. We can say...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Environmental Citizenship Levels and Their Implications Against Ecological Values and Practices; How about Prospective Teacher Students
Fatimah, Sarbaini
This study aims to evaluate the level of environmental citizenship of prospective teachers of Pancasila Education and Citizenship (PPKn) which is expected to instill ecological values and practices to students in schools. This research was conducted in a quantitative descriptive manner. The population...
Proceedings Article
Consumption Behavior of Santri in Islamic Boarding School (Study at Darussalam Martapura Islamic Boarding School)
Muhammad Rahmattullah, Hildayati
This research is intended to analyze the consumption behavior of santri in Darussalam Martapura Islamic boarding school. This research uses a qualitative research approach and the type of research is field research. Primary data collection techniques were obtained through in-depth interviews, observation,...
Proceedings Article
Revitalization of Green Open Space to Fulfill the Needs of Urban Communities
Muhammad Rezky Noor Handy, Indra Maulana
Green open space is very vital in today’s city development. The need for a public area by the community for their various daily activities. This article aims to see the importance of green open space in meeting the needs of urban communities in carrying out their various activities. Seeing the construction...
Proceedings Article
Ban on Plastic Bags Usage: Consumer Perception of Single-Use Plastic Bags in Traditional Market
Parida Angriani, Muhammad Muhaimin, Karunia Puji Hastuti, Sidharta Adyatma, Aswin Nur Saputra
The policy of prohibiting the use of disposable plastic bags in force in Indonesia is an attempt by the government to reduce the amount of plastic waste. However, the effectiveness of the policy is still questionable, because it is only applied in modern retail stores, while the biggest contributor to...
Proceedings Article
Social Capital Strength Through Cirebon Power and Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management (EAFM) in the New Normal Era of the Citemu Village Fishermen Community Mundu Sub-District Cirebon District
Ratna Puspitasari, Septiani Resmalasari
Various movements to welcome the new normal era carried out all lines of life from the economic, social, cultural and educational fields on the grounds of the dynamics of the pandemic covid 19 this has not yet ended. One solution is to make peace with Covid19 by tackling it through a clean, healthy lifestyle...
Proceedings Article
Internalization of River Culture Literacy Based on Ecological Citizenship at Adiwiyata School
Reja Fahlevi, Fathul Jannah, Raihanah Sari
This paper aims to strengthen the ecological of citizenship-river based culture literacy at Adiwiyata School in the Banjarmasin City. In its real implementation the four components that become Adiwiyata school standards do not touch the river problem too much, so this has an impact on the low character...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Coal Mining Company Expansion for Transmigrants in Wonorejo Village, Juai District, Balangan Regency
Rochgiyanti, Heri Susanto, Siti Nurdianti
The transmigrant community came to Wonorejo Village in 1988-1989 to develop a rubber plantation under the auspices of PTP 8. Then in 2006 the coal mining company PT Adaro expanded the land to this village. Areas that used to be residents’ settlements and garden land have turned into mining concessions....
Proceedings Article
Public Communication for Covid-19 Disaster Mitigation
Rosalina Kumalawati, Karnanto Hendra Murliawan, Astinana Yuliarti, Nasruddin, Arif Rahman Nugroho
Covid-19 (Corona Viruse Desease) is a non-natural disaster that has swept the world. Countries affected by the virus include China, Japan, the United States, Singapore, Korea and dozens of other countries including Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of public communication...
Proceedings Article
Ecological Citizenship Camat and Village Head in Maintaining Peace and Order at Pangkalan Kerinci Sub District Pelalawan Regency
Takihimi Subhayano, Moris Adidi Yogia, Astri Ayu Purwati, Made Devi Wedayanti, Rendi Prayuda, Zainal
Empirically, it still seen that public order in Pangkalan Kerinci sub district has been increasing in terms of problems so that addressing this matter still requires maximum handling. This research method uses qualitative research methods. The results showed that the implementation of sub district head...
Proceedings Article
Social Vulnerability of Land Fires in Banjarbaru
Deasy Arisanty, Mohamad Zaenal Arifin Anis, Herry Porda Nugroho Putro, Karunia Puji Hastuti, Parida Angriani
Land fires always occur every year in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Land fires have been resolved but they continue to occur every dry season. The purpose of this study was to analyze the social vulnerability of land fires in Banjarbaru. This research method is to use the average population density weight...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Ecological Citizenship Through Social Studies Based on the Values of Multicultural Society
Triani Widyanti, Tetep
This study aims to examine efforts to strengthen ecological citizenship through social studies learning based on a multicultural society’s values. This study used a descriptive qualitative method, which was carried out on the IPS IPI Garut Study Program students as the research subject and the Garut...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Organizational Culture on Employee Satisfaction and Performance
Ahmad Ispik, Morris Adidi Yogia, Zainal, Made Devi Wedayanti, Astri Ayu Purwati
Performance is the result of work both in quality and quantity achieved by someone in carrying out the task according to the responsibilities given. This study aims to determine how the role of organizational culture in improving employee satisfaction and performance within the Ministry of Religion in...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Towards Sustainability of the Social Environment in Banjarmasin
Ahmad Nadi, Akhmad Firdaus, Anita Noviana, Yustinus Kus Sukma Aji
Status of a pandemic and a national disaster is a sign that Covid-19 has a significant impact on various aspects of people’s lives. Currently, it has been changed social environment in Banjarmasin. This study highlights the social impacts that occurred in Banjarmasin during pandemic and predicts the...
Proceedings Article
Banjar Women’s Cultural Patterns in Building Local Awareness About Welfare (A Study on the Tradition of Reading the Manakib Siti Khodijah at the Ar-Rahmah Sekumpul Recitation)
Alfisyah, Yuli Apriati, Laila Azkia
This paper aims to examine local cultural patterns in building community awareness and knowledge of values. In particular, this paper tries to explore the methods of the Banjar community, especially Banjar women in building, growing and transforming knowledge about welfare through reading Siti Khadijah’s...
Proceedings Article
Leadership of Tourism and Culture Department in Development of Cultural Reserves at District
Kuantan Singingi, Andri Satria, Moris Adidi Yogia, Zainal, Made Devi Wedayanti, Khairul Rahman, Astri Ayu Purwati
The Tourism and Culture Office of Kuantan Singingi Regency has a very important role in developing and caring for these historical objects and cultural heritage, there is a program of the Tourism and Culture Office to achieve the stated goals and objectives, namely, human resource development in the...
Proceedings Article
Siring Piere Tendean; Examine Patternans of Community Activity in the Public Room
Bambang Subiyakto, Mutiani, Aida Afrina
The need for people especially those who live in urban areas is public open space. Public open space can be used by the community for some positive activities such as livelihood centers, recreation, and social. In Banjarmasin, one public space that is utilized by the community is Siring Piere Tendean....
Proceedings Article
Ecofeminism and Aisyiyah’s Role for the Environment in Banjarmasin City
Fitri Mardiani, Mohamad Zaenal Arifin Anis
Once constrained by traditions and customs, the role of women is actually much bigger than just household affairs, in the kitchen, serving and being silent. There is a connection between feminist and ecological issues, when women are always connected with nature both conceptually, symbolically and linguistically....
Proceedings Article
Local Perspective of Housewife Women on Subjective Family Welfare
Laila Azkia, Nasrullah, Alfisyah
Family social welfare studies have focused on objective welfare. Whereas there are two approaches in observing family welfare, namely objective family welfare and subjective family welfare. Objective family welfare is the family welfare approach that has been used by the government to determine a policy....
Proceedings Article
Ecological Awareness Based on Religious Activities
Muhammad Adhitya Hidayat Putra, Mahfuzah, Bambang Subiyakto
Religion and environment are considered separate and unrelated things. This understanding has developed so far, has made religion less likely to make a significant contribution to the awareness of the ummah in protecting the environment. Whereas in the Islamic concept, the environment has been introduced...
Proceedings Article
Environment and Differences of Self Adjustment Ability Between Students of Natural Sciences Programs and Students of Social Sciences Programs
Nina Permata Sari, Muhammad Arsyad
Adjustment is the individual’s ability to plan, respond appropriately, and balanced between the needs of the environment in harmony with the demands and real. The positive environmental quality has a critical impact on the stage of individual development to adjust to the transition to tertiary education....
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom of Bugis Makassar Siri ‘na Pacce From Millennials Glasses
P Reski, Rahmat Nur, Cucu Widayati
Good cultural values of a nation’s civilization must preserve by passing down these cultural values to subsequent generations. Local wisdom of Bugis Makassar, Siri Na Pacce, is one of the many artistic benefits in Indonesia that is very important to build the character of the nation, especially the millennials,...
Proceedings Article
Harmonious Family in the Perspective of the New Belimbing Village Community
Sigit Ruswinarsih, Yuli Apriati
This article describes how the mindset of rural communities tends to be normative about the concept of a harmonious family. The new Belimbing Village community is a humble society and always carries out their life in accordance with religious teachings, in this case the religion of Islam. Family harmony...
Proceedings Article
Beauty Construction: The Concept and Meaning of Beautiful Women in the Banjar Culture Frame in the City of Banjarmasin Indonesia
Tutung Nurdiyana, Muhammad Najamudin
The study of the concept and meaning of beauty by Banjar women is interesting to study because beauty care behavior is carried out by all Banjar women’s economic classes. This paper is the result of research carried out in Banjarmasin City to describe the concept and meaning of Banjar women’s beauty...
Proceedings Article
Seekers of Blessings (An Ethnographic Study of the Life of Beggars and Pilgrims in the Burial Area of Syekh Muhammad Arsyad Albanjari in Kalampaian Tengah Village, Astambul District, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan)
Yuli Apriati, Alfisyah, Sigit Ruswinarsih
Among social problems that still exist in Indonesia, beggars became prominent social problems that difficult to be solved. The panhandling activities have been seen not only in the streets but also in several cemeteries. The beggars asked money from people who pilgrim in the cemetery of prominent moslem...
Proceedings Article
Trust and Ethics in the Social Network of Oil Palm Traders: Lessons From Indonesia
Yusuf Hidayat, Rahmat Nur
Oil palm trade from independent oil palm farmers in Barito Kuala Regency, Kalimantan is carried out in a palm oil trading chain and involves a social network of oil palm traders. However, unlike most networks social are relatively established, social networks in the palm oil trade are loose and negotiated....
Proceedings Article
Sustainable Community Empowerment Efforts Through the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of Eceng Gondok
Andi Tenri Sompa, Riduansyah Syafari, M. Najeri Al Syahrin
The issue of community empowerment is the concern of the local government. Community empowerment is carried out to create a democratic, prosperous, and advanced society. One of the patterns of empowerment efforts is by carrying out sustainable community empowerment by developing small and medium-sized...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Social Capital in Empowering Village Farming Communities in Padaherang District, Pangandaran Regency
Cucu Widayati, P Reski, Rahmat Nur
This study describes the strengthening of social capital in the empowerment of rural farming communities in Padaherang District, Pangandaran Regency. This is because the life of the farmers community is increasingly questioning, such as the lack of interest in becoming a farmer, the high number of poor...
Proceedings Article
Lok Baintan Floating Market: The Ecotourism Potential of Rural Communities
Ersis Warmansyah Abbas, Mutiani, Muhammad Rezky Noor Handy, Rizky M. Shaleh, Noorya Tasya Febrylia Witari Hadi
The tourism sector demands innovation to continue to be able to attract the attention of tourists. Innovation is not only in the context of improving infrastructure but also changing the mindset of tourist destinations based on environmental beauty. This mindset change is known as the concept of ecotourism....
Proceedings Article
Impact of Tourism for Economic Activities of Riverbank Communities in the Jingah River District, Banjarmasin City
Herry Porda Nugroho Putro, Jumriani, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas, Wanda Aprilla
Tourism is a sector that continues to be developed because it has a strategic function as a support for community economic growth. Various types of tourism activities continue to be developed by the government to create tourism that has a positive impact on the economy of the community. In South Kalimantan,...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Survival Values on Tanggui Craftsmen Within the Creative Economy Context
Ika Sakti Wulandari, Rizali Hadi, Muhammad Rahmattullah, Ananda Setiawan
This research is intended to describe the values of entrepreneurship survival on the tanggui craftsmen in Alalak Selatan district located on Banjarmasin city. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach and primary data source obtained through observations and in-depth interviews using analysis...
Proceedings Article
The Practice of Sharing Economy in the Night Market Merchant Community
Mahmudah Hasanah, Muhammad Rahmattullah, Ananda Setiawan, Lukmini
Sharing economy has actually been around since ancient times, where people do by way of barter in conducting its activities. Over time, in practice the sharing economy which was originally in the conventional way already exists by using technology, but even though there are those who use conventional...
Proceedings Article
Development in Bulukumba District
Case Study of Economic Growth Through the Leading Village Sector in Bulukumpa District
Rahmat Nur, Cucu Widayaty, P Reski
The development and economic equality carried out by the local government of the bulukumba regency have been a long time. However, there has been a change from 2010 to 2018; this development aims to make the city of bulukumba as an economic center in the southern tip of the capital city of south sulawesi...
Proceedings Article
Peatland Economic Revitalization Program Based on Community Participation in Jarenang Village, Kuripan District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan
Sri Wahyuni Pratiwi, Karunia Puji Hastuti, Eva Alviawasti, Akhmad Munaya Rahman
This study aims to analyze community participation in the peatland economic revitalization program in Jarenang Village, Kuripan District, Barito Kuala Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data analysis techniques used were data collection, data reduction, data presentation,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Leading Sectors and Competitiveness of Animal Husbandry Commodities in Banjarbaru City 2010-2016
Muhammad Muhaimin, Akhmad Ramali
This study aims to identify superior commodities, competitiveness and growth structure patterns of the livestock sector in the City of Banjarbaru in 2010-2016. The approach used in this research is a descriptive quantitative approach. The data used in this study are secondary data, namely the production...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Improve Community Economy Through Making Hand Crafts Based on Purun Plants
Julia Armiyanti Lestari, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas, Mutiani, Jumriani, Syaharuddin
Poverty is a problem that must be the government’s attention. The problem of poverty is closely related to the people’s economy. Sustainable community economic development by prioritizing the principle of welfare should be done to overcome social problems. One of the patterns of developing community...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Land Suitability for Cocoa Plants: A Case Study in Aranio District, Banjar District, South Kalimantan
Aminatullaila, Sidharta Adyatma, Deasy Arisanty, Parida Angriani
Land can be said to be suitable for the development of a certain agricultural commodity, if it is included in the appropriate category both biophysically and socio-economically. This study aims to determine the land suitability class for cocoa plant commodities in Aranio District. The research methods...
Proceedings Article
Content of Fecal Coliform Bacteria as an Indicator of Water Quality in the Sungai Jingah, Banjarmasin City
Aulia Safitri, Deasy Arisanty, Aswin Nur Saputra, Nasruddin
Sungai Jingah water quality based on the number of Fecal Coliform Bacteria, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and pH compared to South Kalimantan Governor Regulation No.005 of 2007, and the relationship between Fecal Coliform and Water Quality includes TDS, BOD, and pH. This...
Proceedings Article
Floating Market Tourism Area: Sustainable Tourism Management Strategy
Deasy Arisanty, Eva Alviawati, Faisal Arif Setiawan, Sidharta Adyatma, Akhmad Munaya Rahman
Floating market tourism area Lok Baintan is a unique tourist area in Indonesia. However, the existence of this floating market is still not well managed, so it is less developed. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the management of the Lok...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Community in Land Fire Prevention Efforts in Liang Anggang District, Banjarbaru City
Eva Alviawati, Faisal Arif Setiawan, Sidharta Adyatma, Agustarina
This study aims to determine the role of the community in preventing land fires in Liang Anggang District. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study were all people in Liang Anggang District, Banjarbaru City, based on the total number of heads of families, namely...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Peat Lands as a Resource of Learning Natural Science to Strengthening Environment Care
Fahmi, Abdullah, Yudha Irhasyuarna
Peatland management by the people of South Kalimantan has not been optimal and tends to be wrong in its implementation. Negative phenomena are still found, such as waste disposal, which causes water pollution and forest fires to smog, causing damage to swamp ecosystems. Among the reasons is that love...
Proceedings Article
Livelihood Strategies of Fish Farmers in Tiwingan Lama Village
Faisal Arif Setiawan, KaruniaPuji Hastuti, Eva Alviawati, Akhmad Munaya Rahman
Livelihood strategy is a combination of activities and choices made by households to achieve prosperity. Welfare is a manifestation of a better standard of living. The decline in the water level in the right cascade reservoir caused fish cultivator households to change their livelihood strategies. The...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Local Ecological Knowledge of Loksado Dayak Society in the Turn-Back Cultivation System
Karunia Puji Hastuti, Deasy Arisanty, Parida Angriani, Eva Alviawati, Faisal Arif Setiawan, Akhmad Munaya Rahman
The negative impact of the green revolution provides valuable lessons for Indonesia to manage agriculture to be more environmentally friendly. The majority of the Laksado Dayak people work as farmers to implement environmentally friendly agriculture with a rotating system. This study aims to examine...
Proceedings Article
Basic Science Process Skills in Senior High School for Solve Wetlands Problems
Nurul Hidayati Utami, Maulana Khalid Riefani, Siti Sarah, Musliha
Science process skills are scientific processes that lead to finding knowledge. SPS describe as problems in scientific investigations, and find new knowledge in learning activities. Basic skills consist of observing. Classifying, measuring, inferring, predicting, and communicating. This research aims...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Coal Mining on the Abiotic Environment in Pantai Cabe Village, Tapin Selatan District Tapin Regency
Sidharta Adyatma, Muhammad Muhaimin, Aswin Nur Saputra, Faisal Arif Setiawan, Akhmad Munaya Rahman
Study That Examines the effect of coal mining on the environment in the village abiotic Chilli Beach District of South Tapin, Tapin. This study aims to determine the effect of coal mining on the abiotic environment based on community perceptions in Pantai Cabe Village, Tapin Selatan District, Tapin District....
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Environmental Awareness Through Waste Bank Activities
Syaharuddin, Mutiani, Hidayanti
The problem of waste becomes a complex problem faced by every region in the world. Ideally, waste management must be carried out comprehensively and consistently. Thus, it is expected that a reduction in landfill waste at the Temporary / Final Disposal Site (TPS / TPA). One solution that can be done...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Culture and Nature in South Kalimantan Painting: An Overview of Fine Arts
Wisnu Subroto, Hajriansyah
South Kalimantan painting has a long history, spanning from the early days of independence, with its character Gusti Sholihin Hasan, to the present day. The cultural atmosphere and natural environment of South Kalimantan have undoubtedly become objects in the works of South Kalimantan painters, from...
Proceedings Article
Application of Classification Tree Analysis (CTA) to Model the Potential Distribution of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s)
Aswin Nur Saputra
Remote sensing has a potential inconventional approach to observe the quality of lake as well as other waters land. Riam Kanan is a reservoir which has a water resource from Riam Kanan River with the wide of watershed is 1043 km2. The accumulation of nutrient simultaneously causes the condition of waters...
Proceedings Article
Mapping of Shifting Cultivation (Gilir Balik) Patterns in Dayak Meratus Tribe
Muhammad Muhaimin, Aswin Nur Saputra, Parida Angriani, Sidharta Adyatma, Deasy Arisanty
Shifting cultivation is the dominant land-use system in the Loksado Subdistrict. The shifting cultivation products provide various valuable subsistence products for Meratus Dayak farmers. The shift farming system is controversial because it is closely related to environmental problems. Shifting cultivation...