Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018)
1097 authors
- Umaternate, Abdul Rasyid
- Knitting forms of cooperation, competition, contradiction, and accommodation in the social interaction at the District South Wenang Manado
- Umaternate, Abdul Rasyid
- The Values of The Death Ceremony Tradition by The Local Community
- Umaternate, Abdul Rasyid
- The Perception and Attitude of the Society towards Funeral Ritual
- Umbase, Ruth Siana
- Teacher’s Perception about the Urgency and Benefits of Multicultural Education for Establishment of Student Tolerance Attitude
- Umbase, Ruth Sriana
- Teacher Creativity and School Climate
- Umbase, Ruth Sriana
- Study of The Development of Affective Domain Evaluation Instrument
- Umbase, Ruth Sriana
- The Changes Of Minahasa’s Traditional Marriage Sub Ethnic Tountemboan Society In Raanan Lama Village Of South Minahasa
- Umbase, Ruth Sriana
- Mangurre Tarimbawo: An Exploration of Local Wisdom of Talaud Islands’ Society in the Development of Character Education
- Usman, Arifuddin
- The Contribution Of Supporter Community In Maximizing Their Role For The Advancement Of Makassar Football Club (PSM)
- Usoh, Elni J.
- The Implementation of Character Education in Madogiwa No Totto-chan Novel
- Utami, DIyah
- Beauty Myth of Muslim Women When Hijab and Beauty are Featured in Instagram
- Utami, Dian Arlupi
- Service Quality of Urban Transportation in Indonesia
- Utami, Diyah
- Rationality of Higher Education Graduates Working to Become Entrepreneurs
- Utami, Merry Muspita Dyah
- Community Economic Empowerment and Improvement of Meru Betiri National Park Area through Strengthening Community Institutional Capacity
- Utami, Merry Muspita Dyah
- Price Analysis of Broiler Carcass in Traditional Market of Jember Regency
- Utami, Merry Muspita Dyah
- The Analysis of Capital Factor, Time Experienced, and Level of Education on Income of Broiler Farmers in Jember Regency
- Utami, Merry Muspita Dyah
- Optimizing Integrated Agribusiness of Beef Cattle Farm through Various Plantation Pattern Models on the Irrigated Land
- Utami, Wiwik Sri
- The Analysis of Critical Thinking Ability Differences Between Cognitive Field Independent and Cognitive Field Dependent Students on the Topic of Atmosphere Dynamics for Grade X Students
- Utami, Wiwik Sri
- The Study of Male Reproductive Health in Surabaya City
- Utthavi, Wayan Hesadijaya
- The Model of Service Quality and Visitor Loyalty of Politeknik Negeri Bali’s Library
- Virdi, Mr
- Effectiveness of Situational Leadership Director of Fajar TV Makassar, Indonesia
- Wahyono, Nanang Dwi
- The Development of Small and Medium Industries in Jember Regency
- Wahyono, Nanang Dwi
- The Study of Agribusiness Market Development in Jember Regency
- Wahyono, Nanang Dwi
- Price Analysis of Broiler Carcass in Traditional Market of Jember Regency
- Wahyudi, Ari
- Rationality of Higher Education Graduates Working to Become Entrepreneurs
- Wahyudi, Ari
- Controlling the Rate of Planning Generation Population through Counseling by Using Simulation Game Model
- Wahyudi, Eko
- Effectiveness of No Smoking Area Implementation In UPN "Veteran" of East Java
- Wahyuni, Ni Luh Mei
- Development of Spreadsheet-Based Applications for Learning of Financial Management
- Wajdi, Majid
- Observing Social Deference in Two Societies
- Wantalangi, Max
- Address Terms among The Young Male Speakers of Manado Malay in Manado City
- Wardani, Selli Fidi Yani
- Contribution of Forestry Buffer Areas for Sustainability of Forest Society Community: Case Study in Enclave Lindu National Park Lore Lindu
- Wardhana, Mahendra
- Registration of Transfers of Land of Rights for Nominee in the Post of Tax Amnesty
- Wardhana, Mahendra
- Overlapping Synchronization of Mining Business Arrangements in Forest Areas in Indonesia
- Wardhana, Mahendra
- Disharmony Arrangement of Regional Owned Enterprises After Regulation Government Number 54 Year 2017
- Wardhana, Mahendra
- Supervision Aspect as the Instrument of Law Enforcement in the Activity of Foreign Investment
- Waremra, Richard Samuel
- Students’ Mental-Modeling Ability (MMA) in Concept Understanding of Vector
- Warsono, Mr
- Fight Terrorism with Philosophical Reason
- Warsono, Mr
- Civilizing Model Tests of Four Pillars of Nationality To Build Nationalism for Students Towards Indonesian Generation 2025
- Warsono, Mr
- I Love Indonesia: A Portrait of Community Streetism Punk Street Rebel Probolinggo
- Warsono, Mr
- Revitalizing the Value of Pancasila in the Development of the Character of Indonesian Citizens
- Warsono, Mr
- Construction Integrity and Professionalism of Education Personnel
- Wartiningsih, Ms.
- The Handling of Cases of Forest Fire Using the Model of Progressive Interpretation of Law
- Wartiningsih, Ms.
- The Role of Communities In Preventing The Criminal Acts of Corruption In The Village Government Administration
- Wasa, Carolus
- The Four-Net Game to Improve Students’ Psychomotor Skill
- Wati, Ratna
- Communicative Approach Over Text-Based Indonesian Language Textbooks
- Wawointana, Thelma
- Review Acts Of Corruption Through The Perspectives Of The Ethics Of Public Administration Theory
- Wawointana, Thelma
- The Influence of Community Kinship Towards Effectiveness of Student’s Activity
- Wawointana, Thelma
- Value system in the Context of woman leader’s decision making
- Wawointana, Thelma
- Policy implementation of Mapalus kamtibmas in Minahasa Regency
- Welsa, Henny
- Society Empowerment Through Ecotourism
- Wibisono, Aryo Bayu
- Halal Lifestyle: Current Trends In Indonesian Market
- Wibowo, Arif Sobirin
- From Modification to Magic: The Significance of Winning and How to Get It in The Street Racing Arena
- Widanta, I Made Rai Jaya
- Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching: To What Extent is Communicative Competence Achieved?
- Widhari, Cokorda Istri Sri
- The Practice of Social Entrepreneurship in Mount Batur Trekking Tours, Bali
- Widiantara, I Made
- An Analysis of Comparing Effectiveness of Word of Mouth and Electronic Word of Mouth on The Registration of New Students at Bali State Polytechnic
- Widiastuti, Maria Maghdalena Diana
- Comparative Study of Social Economic Local and Migrant Fisherman in Arafura Beach-Merauke, Papua
- Widjiastuti, Asri
- Stakeholder Collaboration: Strategies to Strengthen Disability Capacity Achieve Economic Independence in Madura
- Widodo, Bambang Sigit
- The Analysis of Critical Thinking Ability Differences Between Cognitive Field Independent and Cognitive Field Dependent Students on the Topic of Atmosphere Dynamics for Grade X Students
- Widodo, Hananto
- Indonesia’s Governance System after Amandment of the 1945 Constitution: The Dialectic between Text and Context
- Widodo, Hananto
- Analysis of Bureaucratic Reform in KPPN Surabaya I And II to Improve Public Services Through Standard Operating Procedure Enforcement With One Stop Service Innovation
- Wigati, Wulan Retno
- Optimizing Five Academic Skills in English Teaching Learning Process Improving The Academic Performance
- Wijaya, Dodik Pranata
- Does Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Spying People Violate International Human Rights Laws to Protect the Right to Privacy?
- Wijaya, Rahmanu
- Legal Protection for Baha’i Adherent in Indonesia
- Wijaya, Rahmanu
- Criminal Liability of Political Parties in the General Election of Regional Head in Indonesia
- Wijaya, Rizza
- The Development of Small and Medium Industries in Jember Regency
- Wijaya, Rizza
- The Study of Agribusiness Market Development in Jember Regency
- Wijayanti, Asri
- Al Ujroh as an Alternative of a Fair Wage Setting Solution
- Wijayati, Ni Luh Made
- The Study of Marine Eco-Tourism Development as an Alternative Livelihood for Tulamben and Amed Community of Karangasem Regency of Bali Province
- Winarsih, Nining
- I Love Indonesia: A Portrait of Community Streetism Punk Street Rebel Probolinggo
- Winarsih, Sri
- Portrait of Environmental Conditions in Urban and Rural Areas in Abdur Arsyad’s Stand-up Comedy
- Winarsih, Sri
- Great Archetypal Contents in A Short Literary Work: The Old Man and The Sea
- Winarwati, Indien
- Indonesian Jurisdiction In The Policy Of Sinking Foreign-Flagged Ships In Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone
- Winia, I Nyoman
- The Motivation of Serangan Community to Support the Development of Tourism at Serangan Village
- Wirga, I Wayan
- Investigating Knowledge Transfer Mechanism in 5-Star Hotels in Indonesia
- Wisnu, Mr
- Cultivation in Dutch East Indies
- Wisnu, Mr
- The Forecast Djaka Lodang And Prabowo Subianto In The Concept Of Historicism
- Witjaksono, Andre Dwijanto
- Analysis of Green Supply Chain Management Implementation on Competitiveness, Environmental Performance, and SMEs Performance
- Witjaksono, Andre Dwijanto
- An Analysis of Feasibility of The Appropriate Technology Investment and Green Supply Chain Management Planning on Moringa Products
- Wowor, Deane J.
- A Study on Verbal Phrases in Tagulandang Dialect of Sangirese
- Wua, Telly D.
- The Role of Teacher and Technological Advancement in The Process of Forming Moral Value and Character
- Wua, Telly D.
- The Utilization Of Women Resource In The Development At Political District Of West Kombos Singkil Subdistrict Manado City
- Wua, Telly D.
- Role of elite religions toward the development of society in Kawangkoan subdistrict Minahasa regency
- Wua, Telly Delly
- The Role of Religious Elite to The Young Generation Education to Increase The Harmony of Interreligious People
- Wua, Telly. D
- Production Unit Management in The PSG Program at SMK Negeri 1 Tondano Minahasa Regency
- Wulandari, Diah
- An Analysis of Feasibility of The Appropriate Technology Investment and Green Supply Chain Management Planning on Moringa Products
- Xaverius Erick, Andaria
- Evaluation of Londslide Hazard Levels Post 2014 Flood Disaster In Manado City
- Yamin, Muhammad Nur
- The Implementation of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Policy in Makassar Based On Bromley Model
- Yamin, Muhammad Nur
- Mixing Politics And Competence In Promotion Office On Local Government (A Study At Regency Gowa And Makassar City Of South Sulawesi Province)
- Yasa, I Ketut
- Investigating Knowledge Transfer Mechanism in 5-Star Hotels in Indonesia
- Yufiarti, Ms
- Developing Integrated-Acoustic Learning Model Based on Banyuwangi Local Culture For Character Growth of First Class Students Primary School
- Yuliantini, Ni Nyoman
- Students’ Voices and Choices in Project-Based Learning: Driving Engagement through Essay Writing and Infographic Design
- Yulianto, Iwan
- Survival Strategies of Young Widows to Strive in Their Social Environment
- Yuliathi, Ayu Dwi
- Green Tourism Innovation Through the Application of Environment Management Accounting
- Zain, Ita Mardiani
- The Study of Male Reproductive Health in Surabaya City
- Zain, Ita Mardiani
- Factors Influencing Nutritional Status of children under five years in coastal area at Panarukan sub-district Situbondo Regency
- Zuhriyah, Aminatuz
- The Pattern of Early Marriage for Girls
- Zulkifli, Makhmud
- Local Goverment and Traditional cultural Expression Protection