Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018)
1097 authors
- Palobo, Markus
- Analysis of Teachers’ Difficulties on Developing Curriculum 2013 Lesson Plans
- Palobo, Markus
- The Implementation Of Example Non Example Model With Relay Game On Student Social Skills
- Palobo, Markus
- The Implementation Of Think Pair Share Model With Interactive Cd Assistance To Improve The Learning Outcomes Of Natural Science Subject Of Elementary School Students
- Pamungkas, Y. Hanan
- Nagarakertagama Manuscript As Historical Route in East Java Tourism Development
- Pandi, Helena
- Tonsawang Language Speech Acts in Traditional Medicine
- Pandi, Helena M. L.
- The Implementation of Character Education in Madogiwa No Totto-chan Novel
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- The Role of Religious Elite to The Young Generation Education to Increase The Harmony of Interreligious People
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Cultural tourism policy in Manado
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Production Unit Management in The PSG Program at SMK Negeri 1 Tondano Minahasa Regency
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Mane’e culture in Kakarotan village Talaud island
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- The Influence of Principal’s Leadership, Group Solidarity and Work Compensation on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in The City of Tomohon
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Teacher Competence in the Application of Social Science Learning Models
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Role of elite religions toward the development of society in Kawangkoan subdistrict Minahasa regency
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Local Wisdom Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou In Forming Tolerance of Tomohon City People of North Sulawesi
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Analysis of Financial Planning Policy on Credit Union Based on CIPP Evaluation Model (Context, Input, Process, Product)
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Revitalizing the Value of Pancasila in the Development of the Character of Indonesian Citizens
- Pangemanan, Nontje J.
- Address Terms among The Young Male Speakers of Manado Malay in Manado City
- Pangkey, Itje
- Implementation of KPU Regulation No. 2 of 2017 by Minahasa KPUD on The Implementation of Pemilukada 2018
- Pangkey, Itje
- The Influence of Community Kinship Towards Effectiveness of Student’s Activity
- Pangkey, Itje
- The Impact of Implementation Based on the Policy Development Neighborhood for the Social Welfare in the City of Manado
- Pangkey, Itje
- Value system in the Context of woman leader’s decision making
- Pantiyasa, I Wayan
- The Development Strategy of Paksebali Village Into Smart Eco-Village Destination as a Tourism Icon in Klungkung District-Bali
- Papilaya, Frans
- The Influence of Leadership, Communication and Competence on Performance of Employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch of Jayapura
- Parwati, Komang Shanty Muni
- The Royal Dinner Party Puri Anyar Kerambitan Tabanan: A Sustainable Cultural Tourism Attraction Based on Local Community
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- The Application Of Integrated Quality Management In Education To Create Good Governance
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- The Utilization Of Women Resource In The Development At Political District Of West Kombos Singkil Subdistrict Manado City
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- Teacher Competence in the Application of Social Science Learning Models
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- Local Wisdom Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou In Forming Tolerance of Tomohon City People of North Sulawesi
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- The effect of leadership effectiveness, organizational culture and work motivation toward job satisfaction
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- The Analysis of Teacher’s Concern towards Study innovation
- Pasaribu, Yenni Pintauli
- Political Dichotomy of Indonesian Legislation Regulations with Local Law Customary Politics in the Border Area
- Pasaribu, Yenni Pintauli
- Role of Indigenous People Institutions in Efforts to Reduce Mining Actions of C-Class Quarry Sand
- Paulus Peka, Hayon
- Gender Gap in Financial Knowledge,Financial Attitude and Financial Behavior
- Pelealu, Aldegonda Evangeline
- The Using of Agriculture Technology and Cultural Change in Rural Community
- Pelealu, Aldegonda Evangeline
- Pamaru Muka Pamaru Belakang: Tanimbar in the Shipping Network in Eastern Indonesia in the XIX Century
- Pelealu, Aldegonda Evangeline
- Teacher Creativity and School Climate
- Pelealu, Aldegonda Evangeline
- Study of The Development of Affective Domain Evaluation Instrument
- Pelealu, Aldegonda Evangeline
- Mangurre Tarimbawo: An Exploration of Local Wisdom of Talaud Islands’ Society in the Development of Character Education
- Pelealu, Aldegonda Evangeline
- Church Autonomous Conflict Between GMIM and KGPM in Minahasa (1933–1982)
- Pemayun, I Dewa Gede Ari
- Formulation of Creative Tourism Products at The Area of Pendawa Beach Natural Tourism Village Kutuh Badung Bali
- Permatasari, Novia Ayu
- Formulation of Law Education by Higher Education for Local Bestuurs Orgaan for The Embodiment of Nationalism Based Human and Law Development
- Perwitasari, Dita
- Registration of Transfers of Land of Rights for Nominee in the Post of Tax Amnesty
- Perwitasari, Dita
- Due to the Law of Marriage Agreement Against Third Party with the Ruling of Constitutional Court Number 69 / PUU-XIII / 2015
- Phoek, Inez Cara Alexander
- CSR Implementation in Empowering Local Palm Community Economy in District Merauke (Case Study of Merauke Integrated Food-Energy Estate Project / MIFEE)
- Pickel-Chevalier, Sylvine
- The Desa Wisata Terpadu as a vector of sustainable development in Bali?
- Pijoh, Feibe engeline
- The meaning of policy guarantee to protect the insured in insurance
- Pomalingo, Nelson
- The implementation of a culture of discipline for the state civil apparatus (ASN) in Gorontalo Regency (A Study of the Application of Discipline Ambassador Vest)
- Prabawati, Indah
- Strategy Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Processing by PT Artama Sentosa Indonesia (Study of Transporting and Collecting Hazardous and Toxic Waste)
- Prabawati, Indah
- Revitalization of Pedestrian: Fulfillment Accessibility Rights for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in Surabaya
- Prabawati, Indah
- Evaluation of Partnership Programs and Community Development in the BPJS Healthcare Security of Surabaya Main Branch Office
- Pradana, Galih Wahyu
- Fiscal Decentralization and Local Potentials Improvement in Madura Region
- Pradana, Galih Wahyu
- Stakeholder Collaboration: Strategies to Strengthen Disability Capacity Achieve Economic Independence in Madura
- Pradana, Gede Yoga Kharisma
- The Royal Dinner Party Puri Anyar Kerambitan Tabanan: A Sustainable Cultural Tourism Attraction Based on Local Community
- Pramesti, Wara
- East Java Human Development Index Modeling with Spatial Regression Approach
- Pramitari, I Gusti Ayu Astri
- Development of Essence Test Instruments on The Learning of Hindu Religion to Form a Student’s Spiritual Intelligence
- Pramono, M. Setyo
- Social Capital or Social Debt in Healthcare?
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- Model of Determining The Location of a Junior High School Building
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- School Environment Supporting Teacher Performance Improvements
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- The Effect of Teachingbooks and Prior Knowledge on Learning Outcome of Geography
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Model of Determining The Location of a Junior High School Building
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Impact of Digital Era on Human Relationship by Prospective Geography (Case Study at Technology Innovation in Education for Creating New Learning Spaces)
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- The Effect of Green Open Space Proportion on Air Ambient PM10 Reduction of Surabaya City
- Prastyawan, Agus
- Leadership Style of Organizational Developers and Builders in Creating Democratic Leadership
- Prastyawan, Agus
- The Efforts of Joyoboyo Citizens in Preserving Traditional Children's Games Through Dolanan Village
- Prawesti, Aprilina
- Transgender Between Culture And Positive Law
- Prayustika, Putu Adriani
- An Analysis of Comparing Effectiveness of Word of Mouth and Electronic Word of Mouth on The Registration of New Students at Bali State Polytechnic
- Pribadi, Farid
- Fuzzy Identity in the Whatsapp Group: The Relevance of Dramaturgy Theory in Social Media
- Purba, Iman Pasu
- Overcoming Human Trafficking in Humanitarianism Perspective by Non-Government Organization
- Purba, Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto
- Legal Protection for Baha’i Adherent in Indonesia
- Pure, Ermelinda Agnes Gunu
- Character Education Praxis in Namaku Teweraut by Ani Sekarningsih
- Purnaya, I Gusti Ketut
- The Royal Dinner Party Puri Anyar Kerambitan Tabanan: A Sustainable Cultural Tourism Attraction Based on Local Community
- Purnomo, Bambang Herry
- The Development of Small and Medium Industries in Jember Regency
- Purnomo, Nugroho Hari
- The Effect of Farmer's Behavior on Land Degradation Level in Upper Sumber Brantas River Basin
- Purwaningsih, Sri Mastuti
- Kartini and The Feminism Thinking in Javanese Nobles Women (Women Priyayi)
- Purwaningsih, Sri Mastuti
- Nagarakertagama Manuscript As Historical Route in East Java Tourism Development
- Purwaningsih, Sri Mastuti
- The Dutch East Indies Policy For the Plantation in Java
- Purwanty, Ratna
- Analysis of Teachers’ Difficulties on Developing Curriculum 2013 Lesson Plans
- Purwanty, Ratna
- The Implementation Of Example Non Example Model With Relay Game On Student Social Skills
- Purwanty, Ratna
- The Implementation Of Think Pair Share Model With Interactive Cd Assistance To Improve The Learning Outcomes Of Natural Science Subject Of Elementary School Students
- Purwanty, Ratna
- Increasing Indonesian Language Learning Results Through Reviewing Technique of Observation Result Through The Rotating Trio Exchange Method on Grade VI Students of Elementary School
- Puspoayu, Elisabeth Septin
- The Urgency of the Opening of East-West Archipelagic Sea-Lanes in Indonesia
- Puspoayu, Elisabeth Septin
- Comparative Weaknesses Of BANI To Accommodate The Needs Of Business Actors In The Middle Of Expansion And Globalization Of International Arbitration
- Putong, Diana Darmayanti
- Criticism Of The Strategy Of Criminal Law Formulation In The Law Number 22 Year 2009 Concerning Traffic And Road Transport
- Putong, Diana Darmayanti
- Money laundering in the IT era
- Putra, I Made Ardana
- Can the Modified-Conventional Teaching Method be Effective for Motivating Students’ Foreign Language Context?
- Raditya, Ardhie
- Fiscal Decentralization and Local Potentials Improvement in Madura Region
- Rahail, Emiliana Bernadina
- Political Dichotomy of Indonesian Legislation Regulations with Local Law Customary Politics in the Border Area
- Rahaju, Tjitjik
- Key Policies: Complete The Promise To Terminate Citarum Crisis
- Rahaju, Tjitjik
- Fiscal Decentralization and Local Potentials Improvement in Madura Region
- Rahaju, Tjitjik
- Stakeholder Collaboration: Strategies to Strengthen Disability Capacity Achieve Economic Independence in Madura
- Rahaju, Tjitjik
- Evaluation of Partnership Programs and Community Development in the BPJS Healthcare Security of Surabaya Main Branch Office
- Rahayu, Devi
- Does the Placement Termination Policy of Migrant Workers Provide Protection?
- Rahayu, Devi
- Handling Net For Commercial Sexual Exploitation Victim Children In Surabaya
- Rahim, A. Rahman
- Communicative Approach Over Text-Based Indonesian Language Textbooks
- Rahmadyanti, Erina
- An Analysis of Feasibility of The Appropriate Technology Investment and Green Supply Chain Management Planning on Moringa Products
- Rahman, Abdul
- Mappettong Bola: A Form of Mutual Help in Bugis Community
- Rahman, Abdul
- Farmers Requirements To Qur’an In Bulutellue Village, Sinjai Regency
- Rahman, Muh Asfah
- Competencies of a Lecturer without English Education Background (WEEB) in English Teaching at UIN Alauddin of Makassar
- Rahmayanti, Reni
- Rural Women Cheating Strategy
- Rakhmat, Mr
- Moral Conduct Dimension In The Making Of The Manado DPRD Regional Regulations