Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET 2018)
215 authors
- Mukhadis, Amat
- The Innovation of Hybrid Learning through Live 24-Hour Streaming Personal in the Learning Process in Higher Education of Vocational in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Muladi, Muladi
- A Study on The Learning Facilities Readiness and The Independence Learning Relates to The Skill Competence of Student at The Industrial Automation Department in Vocational High School
- Muladi, Muladi
- Colour-based PBEJCT Sorting in a Wide Range and Dense Target Points using Arm Robot
- Mulya Dewi, Diana
- The Effectiveness of Industrial Work Practice in Preparing the Capabilities of Students to Enter the Business, Industrial World (DUDI) and Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Muzakki, Ahsan
- Robot Arm Kinematics Learning Using Point Plotter
- Muzakki, Ahsan
- A 2-DoF Robot Arm Simulation for Kinematics Learning
- Nidhom, Ahmad Mursyidum
- The Innovation of Hybrid Learning through Live 24-Hour Streaming Personal in the Learning Process in Higher Education of Vocational in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Nidhom, Ahmad Mursyidun
- The Relationship of Cognitive Social Ability to Readiness Prospective Teacher Directs Vocational Students to The World of Work
- Nidhom, Ahmad Mursyidun
- Development of Learning Games "Finding Animal" to Support Learning Activities of Animal Recognition in Early Childhood Education
- Nidhom, Ahmad Mursyidun
- Developing Gamified Learning Models for Vocational Schools to Enhance Programming Skills and Motivation
- Nur Afandi, Arif
- Natural Behavior Learning for Developing an Innovation of Computational Intelligence Applied to a Technical Quadratic Problem
- Nur Rahma Putra, Andika Bagus
- A Numerical Analysis of The Modulus of Elasticity of The Graded Concrete
- Nur Rahma Putra, Andika Bagus
- The Relationship of Cognitive Social Ability to Readiness Prospective Teacher Directs Vocational Students to The World of Work
- Nur Rahma Putra, Andika Bagus
- Development of Learning Games "Finding Animal" to Support Learning Activities of Animal Recognition in Early Childhood Education
- Nur Rahma Putra, Andika Bagus
- The Innovation of Hybrid Learning through Live 24-Hour Streaming Personal in the Learning Process in Higher Education of Vocational in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Nur Rahma Putra, Andika Bagus
- Developing Gamified Learning Models for Vocational Schools to Enhance Programming Skills and Motivation
- Nurfajar, Ahmad Andi
- Creating Entrepreneurship Mindset Based on Culture and Creative Industry in Challenges of The 21st Century Vocational Education
- Nurfajar, Andi Ahmad
- Impact of Vocational Curriculum 2013 on the Role of Vocational School Graduates in Industrial Construction Services
- Nurhadi, Didik
- Becoming Vocational Teachers for 21st Century in Indonesia
- Nurhadi, Didik
- Labor Market Outcomes for Senior Secondary School Graduates in Indonesia
- Nurhadi, Didik
- Promoting Integrated Authentic Learning: An Anticipation of ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement on Vocational-Education Graduates’ Skills
- Nursisda Mawangi, Puteri Ardista
- 21st Century Based E-Learning in Mechatronics Course
- Nyoto, Amat
- Project Planning Characteristics In Project-Based Learning On Mechanical Engineering Study Program
- Prabowo, Tito Tri
- Implementation of Breadth First Search Algorithm for Verification in the Informatics Engineering Education (PTI) UM
- Prahastuti, Endang
- Analysis of Dress Pattern of Body Fitting Without Waist Dart on Chiffon Fabrics
- Pratama, M. Mirza Abdillah
- A Numerical Analysis of The Modulus of Elasticity of The Graded Concrete
- Pribadi, Pribadi
- The effectiveness of Activity-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Self-Directedness in Learning
- Priyono, Priyono
- The Effect of Teaching Factory Learning Implementation on Student Entrepreneurial Readiness Wood Construction Engineering Expertise Competencies State Vocational High School 1 Sidoarjo
- Pujirahayu, Sri Eko
- The Identification of Female Workers in Handcraft Embroidery Industry Based on The Factors Shaping Their Work Behavior
- Purniawati, Rita
- Implementation of Breadth First Search Algorithm for Verification in the Informatics Engineering Education (PTI) UM
- Purnomo, Purnomo
- Evaluation Framework for the Implementation of the Dual Expertise Program and its Results
- Purwaningsih, Nur Endah
- Fashion Recycle as Learning Method to Enhance Students’ Creativity in Indonesia
- Purwaningsih, Nur Endah
- Implementation of STAD on Practical Course Activity in Fashion Department Universitas Negeri Malang
- Puspitaningrum, Asti Amalina
- Intelligent Tutoring System Design for Computer Network Learning
- Putranto, Hari
- A Study on The Learning Facilities Readiness and The Independence Learning Relates to The Skill Competence of Student at The Industrial Automation Department in Vocational High School
- Putranto, Hari
- Study on The Implementation of Industrial Class Based on School with Electric’s Industry Cooperation of PJB Class Students (Jawa-Bali Power Generation) in SMK PGRI 3 Malang
- Putriana Dewi, Desy
- Creating Entrepreneurship Mindset Based on Culture and Creative Industry in Challenges of The 21st Century Vocational Education
- Putro, Setiadi Cahyono
- The Relationship of Cognitive Social Ability to Readiness Prospective Teacher Directs Vocational Students to The World of Work
- Rafida, Annisa
- Role of the Boutique Industry in Apprenticeship Implementation and Assessment for Supporting the Diploma Supplement Issuance
- Rahmawati, Yuni
- Study on The Implementation of Industrial Class Based on School with Electric’s Industry Cooperation of PJB Class Students (Jawa-Bali Power Generation) in SMK PGRI 3 Malang
- Ratnasari, Dwi
- Implementation of STAD on Practical Course Activity in Fashion Department Universitas Negeri Malang
- Rizza, Mohammad
- The Determinant Factors in the Selection of Specialization on Building Engineering Program Expertise for New Students at Vocational High School in Malang on Readiness Work in Construction Services Industry
- Rizza, Mohammad
- Transforming Digital Learning in Vocational High School 21st Century
- Romlie, Maftuchin
- Project Planning Characteristics In Project-Based Learning On Mechanical Engineering Study Program
- Rully, Tri Dianita
- Study on The Implementation of Industrial Class Based on School with Electric’s Industry Cooperation of PJB Class Students (Jawa-Bali Power Generation) in SMK PGRI 3 Malang
- S. Amara, S. Amara
- Biomass Dry Storage for Capture and Storage of CO2 and Energy
- Sari, Triwulan
- Application Of DIJKSTRA Algorithm For Network Troubleshooting In SMK Telkom Malang
- Sasmito, Agung Panji
- Evaluation Framework for the Implementation of the Dual Expertise Program and its Results
- Sebihi, Abbes
- Digital Knowledge Sharing in TVET
- Sendari, Siti
- Colour-based PBEJCT Sorting in a Wide Range and Dense Target Points using Arm Robot
- Sintawati, Esin
- Fashion Recycle as Learning Method to Enhance Students’ Creativity in Indonesia
- Sintawati, Esin
- Implementation of STAD on Practical Course Activity in Fashion Department Universitas Negeri Malang
- Smaragdina, Azhar Ahmad
- The Relationship of Cognitive Social Ability to Readiness Prospective Teacher Directs Vocational Students to The World of Work
- Soekopitojo, Soenar
- Study of Antioxidant Activity in Sinom Drinks From Breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis) Leaves
- Soekopitojo, Soenar
- Effect of Jackfruit Seed Flour Substitution on Tambang Cookies’ Calsium, Phosphor and Hedonic Rating
- Solichin, Solichin
- Development of Life-Based Teaching Material on Welding Fields to form Entrepreneurial Characters
- Solichin, Solichin
- Development of Open Education Resources (OER) Learning in Vocational Education
- Soraya, Dila Umnia
- Non-Verbal Communication Behavior of Learners on Online-based Learning
- Soraya, Dila Umnia
- The Relationship of Cognitive Social Ability to Readiness Prospective Teacher Directs Vocational Students to The World of Work
- Soraya, Dila Umnia
- The Innovation of Hybrid Learning through Live 24-Hour Streaming Personal in the Learning Process in Higher Education of Vocational in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Soraya, Dila Umnia
- Developing Gamified Learning Models for Vocational Schools to Enhance Programming Skills and Motivation
- Sthenly Gan, Buntara
- A Numerical Analysis of The Modulus of Elasticity of The Graded Concrete
- Sudjimat, Dwi Agus
- Project Planning Characteristics In Project-Based Learning On Mechanical Engineering Study Program
- Sudjimat, Dwi Agus
- Enhancing Students’ Creativity and Innovation in Designing Car through the Implementation of Problem-Based Blended Learning Model
- Sugandi, Mahmud
- Contributions of Understanding of Entrepreneurship, Interest in Entrepreneurship, and Self Efficacy to Entrepreneurial Readiness in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Sugandi, Mahmud
- The effectiveness of Activity-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Self-Directedness in Learning
- Sugandi, Mahmud
- The Determinant Factors in the Selection of Specialization on Building Engineering Program Expertise for New Students at Vocational High School in Malang on Readiness Work in Construction Services Industry
- Sugiyanto, Sugiyanto
- Proportion of Examinations and Assignments for Assessment in the Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Malang, Indonesia
- Sugiyanto, Sugiyanto
- The Effectiveness of Implementation of Character-Based Problem Solving Open-Ended Learning Method Towards Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Sumarli, Sumarli
- Enhancing Students’ Creativity and Innovation in Designing Car through the Implementation of Problem-Based Blended Learning Model
- Sunomo, Sunomo
- Metacognitive Improvement of Project-Based Learning Students with E-Portfolio Assessment
- Supadmi Irianti, Agus Hery
- Multimedia Development using Adobe Flash on Grading Course in Fashion Design Education Program
- Supadmi Irianti, Agus Hery
- Role of the Boutique Industry in Apprenticeship Implementation and Assessment for Supporting the Diploma Supplement Issuance
- Suparno, Suparno
- The effectiveness of Activity-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Self-Directedness in Learning
- Supatmi Irianti, Agus Hery
- Implementation of STAD on Practical Course Activity in Fashion Department Universitas Negeri Malang
- Suraningtyas, Kartika Devi
- Identify Flood Disaster and Mitigation Using Neural Network Learning Vector Quantization in Malang City
- Suswanto, Hary
- VHS Competency Test, Implementation of Industry Demands, and Graduates’ Competence in Indonesia
- Suswanto, Hary
- Development of Learning Games "Finding Animal" to Support Learning Activities of Animal Recognition in Early Childhood Education
- Sutrisno, Sutrisno
- Proportion of Examinations and Assignments for Assessment in the Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Malang, Indonesia
- Sutrisno, Sutrisno
- Organising The Distribution of Thinking Levels at Different Education Levels in Indonesia
- Suwarno, Eko
- Proportion of Examinations and Assignments for Assessment in the Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Malang, Indonesia
- Suwarno, Suwarno
- Metacognitive Improvement of Project-Based Learning Students with E-Portfolio Assessment
- Syafi Zain, Achmad
- Application Of DIJKSTRA Algorithm For Network Troubleshooting In SMK Telkom Malang
- Syafrudie, Haris Anwar
- Community Awareness at Vocational High School Facilities in Central Java, East Java and South Sulawesi
- Tay Soon Joo, Gary
- The Influence of Principal’s Transformational Leadership towards Teachers’ Collective Efficacy in Rural Secondary Schools of Kanowit, Malaysia
- Triningtyas, Diana Arisnawati
- Self Acceptance : a Study in the Elderly Age in Family Cempaka, Kabupaten Ngawi
- Tuwoso, Tuwoso
- Development of Life-Based Teaching Material on Welding Fields to form Entrepreneurial Characters
- Tuwoso, Tuwoso
- Development of Open Education Resources (OER) Learning in Vocational Education
- Wahyuningaji, Rina Puspita
- Impact of Vocational Curriculum 2013 on the Role of Vocational School Graduates in Industrial Construction Services
- Wati, Chess Widho
- The Determinant Factors in the Selection of Specialization on Building Engineering Program Expertise for New Students at Vocational High School in Malang on Readiness Work in Construction Services Industry
- Wena, Made
- The effectiveness of Activity-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Self-Directedness in Learning
- Wena, Made
- The Effectiveness of Implementation of Character-Based Problem Solving Open-Ended Learning Method Towards Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Wibawa, Aji Prasetya
- VHS Competency Test, Implementation of Industry Demands, and Graduates’ Competence in Indonesia
- Wibawa, Aji Prasetya
- IOT Cloud Data Logger for Heart Rate Monitoring Device
- Wibawanto, Slamet
- Non-Verbal Communication Behavior of Learners on Online-based Learning
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Study of Antioxidant Activity in Sinom Drinks From Breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis) Leaves
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Extraction Efficiency for the Analysis of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners, Stevioside and Sucralose in Different Types of Food Models
- Widayana, Gede
- Perception and Practice of Vocational Education Revitalization by Vocational High School Teacher
- Widho Wati, Catur
- Transforming Digital Learning in Vocational High School 21st Century
- Widiyanti, Widiyanti
- Development of Life-Based Teaching Material on Welding Fields to form Entrepreneurial Characters