Proceedings of the International Conference on Madrasah Reform 2021 (ICMR 2021)
169 authors
- Aba, Maria M.
- Students’ Numerical Literacy in Solving Islamic-based Problems: Studies on Gender Perspectives
- Abadi, Abadi
- The Dynamics of Students’ Mathematical Cognition Process in Solving Multitasking-based Problems: A Typical PISA Problem Used to Examine Students’ Numerical Literacy
- Abdussakir, Abdussakir
- Investigation of Metacognition Level of Secondary School Students in Solving Islamic-based Numerical Literacy
- Ahsin, Noor
- The Integration of Religious Moderation Values in English Language Teaching in Madrasah
- Aini, Nining K.
- CLIL in Islamic Boarding School for Enhancing Students’ Literacy through GTM
- Aini, Nurul
- The Comparisons of Curriculum 2013, KMA 165 2014 and KMA 183 2019: Do They Support Students’ Literacy?
- Alany, Zulfa
- The Integration of Religious Moderation Values in English Language Teaching in Madrasah
- Alfansyur, Andarusni
- The Implementation of Limited Direct Learning Method in Madrasah to Support Students’ Literacy
- Ali, Jauhar
- Android-Based Test (ABT) to Evaluate Students’ Literacy in Madrasah
- Alimin, Miftahul
- Psycho-Sufistic Counseling to Develop Students’ Sociocultural Literacy
- Alwi, Zulfahmi
- Madrasah Teachers’ TPACK: To What Extent It Facilitates Students’ Learning for Literacy?
- Alwi, Zulfahmi
- Teacher’s Perception: Designing Step-by-Step LOC-R (Literacy, Orientation, Collaboration, Reflection) in Sociocultural Literacy Teaching
- Amaliyah, Ridha
- Virtual Cooperative Jigsaw as an Alternative Learning Model for Literacy-Based Learning in Madrasah
- Anam, Ahmad F.
- Sociocultural Activities: Tahfidz Al-Qur’an During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Andyarini, Esti N.
- Virtual Cooperative Jigsaw as an Alternative Learning Model for Literacy-Based Learning in Madrasah
- Anshar, Siti P.
- Students’ Numerical Literacy in Solving Islamic-based Problems: Studies on Gender Perspectives
- Arifin, Samsul
- Psycho-Sufistic Counseling to Develop Students’ Sociocultural Literacy
- Asrori, Muhammad R.
- Sociocultural Activities: Tahfidz Al-Qur’an During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Astuti, Ria
- Digital Parenting: The Use of Gadgets in Instilling Socio-Cultural Values in Children
- Aziz, Thorik
- Digital Parenting: The Use of Gadgets in Instilling Socio-Cultural Values in Children
- Azizah, Siti
- Moderate Islamic Value as a Source of Students’ National Identity to Support Students’ Sociocultural Literacy
- Baharun, Mokhammad
- Psycho-Sufistic Counseling to Develop Students’ Sociocultural Literacy
- Bahtiar, Bahtiar
- The Science Literacy Profile Based on Students’ Creative Thinking Skill in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic Using Blended Learning
- Bakri, Maskuri
- Implementation of Multicultural Islamic Education Values
- Banawi, Anasufi
- Five-Tier Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test Development: Empirical Evidences to Improve Students’ Science Literacy
- Bariyyah, Khoirul
- Digital Parenting: The Use of Gadgets in Instilling Socio-Cultural Values in Children
- Bisri, Shofar S.
- Madrasah Teachers’ TPACK: To What Extent It Facilitates Students’ Learning for Literacy?
- Bisri, Shofar S.
- Teacher’s Perception: Designing Step-by-Step LOC-R (Literacy, Orientation, Collaboration, Reflection) in Sociocultural Literacy Teaching
- Budayasa, I K.
- The Dynamics of Students’ Mathematical Cognition Process in Solving Multitasking-based Problems: A Typical PISA Problem Used to Examine Students’ Numerical Literacy
- Burhan, Putri F. F.
- Developing Students’ Numerical Literacy Through Social Culture Context Tools
- Cahyono, M. Dwi
- Digital Technology and Literacy: Teachers and Students’ Perception Towards E-Learning Madrasah
- Damanhuri, Adi
- Virtual Cooperative Jigsaw as an Alternative Learning Model for Literacy-Based Learning in Madrasah
- Dinawisda, Ni’matul
- Rasch Model-Based Adversity Quotient: A Potential Instrument for Assessing Madrasah Students’ Literacy
- Efendi, Mahfud
- The Use of Electronic Wall Magazine with Graphic Design Application as Learning Media of Literature
- El Rizaq, Agung D.B.
- Moderate Islamic Value as a Source of Students’ National Identity to Support Students’ Sociocultural Literacy
- Fachmi, Teguh
- STREAM DigLIM: Learning Innovation in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy
- Fachmi, Teguh
- Rasch Model-Based Adversity Quotient: A Potential Instrument for Assessing Madrasah Students’ Literacy
- Fachmi, Teguh
- Adaptation and Validation of Motivation to Learn Online Questionnaire (MLOQ) and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis at Islamic University Student
- Fadhilah, Fathin
- The Effect of Religiosity and Self-Efficacy to Improve Students’ Literacy: A Study on Academic Cheating
- Faizah, Maryam
- Improving Madrasah Students’ Numerical Literacy Using Drawing Strategy on Story Questions
- Fajarini, Anindya
- Social Changes of Osing Community and Its Contextualization as Social Learning Materials in Madrasah
- Farida, Yushinta E.
- The Socio-Cultural Resilience of Islamic Boarding School: Supporting and Inhibiting Factors
- Fatimah, Fatimah
- The Integration of Religious Moderation Values in English Language Teaching in Madrasah
- Fatmawati, Agustin
- Developing Students’ Numerical Literacy Through Social Culture Context Tools
- Fauziah, Shifa
- Innovative Assessment Instrument to Produce Report Text for Madrasah Students
- Fauziah, Shiva
- The Use of Suggestopedia to Solve Students’ Literacy Difficulties
- Fauziah, Shiva
- STREAM DigLIM: Learning Innovation in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy
- Fauziah, Shiva
- CLIL in Islamic Boarding School for Enhancing Students’ Literacy through GTM
- Fikry, Arif R.
- PLAN for Informational Text to Foster Students’ Reading Literacy
- Ghufron, M
- Sociocultural Activities: Tahfidz Al-Qur’an During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Habiba, Sri P.A.
- Promoting Students’ Creativity and Expression in Reading Literacy Using Poems
- Hadiyan, Muhammad R.
- The Implementation of Limited Direct Learning Method in Madrasah to Support Students’ Literacy
- Haili, Hasnawati
- The Portrait of Students’ Mental Modelling Ability on the Concept of Kinetic Theory of Gases in Science Literacy
- Hamid, Abdulloh
- Examining the Effects of Mobile Seamless Learning on Students’ Literacy
- Hanum, Farida
- Board Game QR Code “Silamon” in the Implementation of Pancasila Values in Islamic School
- Haryadi, Haryadi
- Innovative Assessment Instrument to Produce Report Text for Madrasah Students
- Herawati, Netty
- The Effect of Religiosity and Self-Efficacy to Improve Students’ Literacy: A Study on Academic Cheating
- Hermayanti, Eka L.
- Examining Dr Ecrip-ICT Based Technique on Students’ Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hesti, Reza
- Identifying Students’ Conceptual Profile on Science Through Series Electrical Circuits Conceptual Survey with Four-Tier Diagnostic Test
- Hidaayatullaah, Hasan N.
- The Science Literacy Profile Based on Madrasah Students’ Misconceptions on Science Concepts
- Hidayat, Makmun
- Digital Technology and Literacy: Teachers and Students’ Perception Towards E-Learning Madrasah
- Hidayatullah, Ahmad
- Do Instructional Practices by Madrasah Teachers Promote Numeracy?
- Hijriyani, Yuli S.
- Digital Parenting: The Use of Gadgets in Instilling Socio-Cultural Values in Children
- Huda, Achmad M.
- Implementation of Multicultural Islamic Education Values
- Huda, Adib N.
- The Use of Electronic Wall Magazine with Graphic Design Application as Learning Media of Literature
- Huriyah, Lilik
- Madrasah Teachers’ TPACK: To What Extent It Facilitates Students’ Learning for Literacy?
- Huriyah, Lilik
- Teacher’s Perception: Designing Step-by-Step LOC-R (Literacy, Orientation, Collaboration, Reflection) in Sociocultural Literacy Teaching
- Ibrahim, Ibrahim
- The Science Literacy Profile Based on Students’ Creative Thinking Skill in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic Using Blended Learning
- Inayah, Lailatul
- Android-Based Test (ABT) to Evaluate Students’ Literacy in Madrasah
- Inayah, Nailil
- Virtual Cooperative Jigsaw as an Alternative Learning Model for Literacy-Based Learning in Madrasah
- Islamy, Muhammad I.
- Assessing Arabic Teachers’ Assessment Methods in Evaluating Students’ Literacy
- Jaenudin, Rahman
- AKMI: Initial Knowledge, Misconceptions, and Readiness of Madrasa Teachers
- Junining, Esti
- Does Reading Correlate with Students’ Critical Thinking? A Bridge to Literacy Practices
- Kadarisman, Yuna P.
- Do Instructional Practices by Madrasah Teachers Promote Numeracy?
- Kadarohman, Asep
- Five-Tier Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test Development: Empirical Evidences to Improve Students’ Science Literacy
- Karningsih, Karningsih
- Improving Students’ Social Skills Using Literacy-Based Learning on Social Science
- Khotimah, Siti K.
- The Effect of Religiosity and Self-Efficacy to Improve Students’ Literacy: A Study on Academic Cheating
- Kusaeri, Kusaeri
- Do Instructional Practices by Madrasah Teachers Promote Numeracy?
- Lee, Huan Y.
- Investigating the Enactment of Inclusive Education at a University Level: A Call for Literacy Practices in Inclusive Learning
- Len, Mei C.
- Does Reading Correlate with Students’ Critical Thinking? A Bridge to Literacy Practices
- Lolytasari, Lolytasari
- E-learning Madrasah: Exploring Students and Teachers’ Interactions to Support Literacy
- Lukito, A.
- The Dynamics of Students’ Mathematical Cognition Process in Solving Multitasking-based Problems: A Typical PISA Problem Used to Examine Students’ Numerical Literacy
- M, Ivana N. Qoriroh
- Digital Technology and Literacy: Teachers and Students’ Perception Towards E-Learning Madrasah
- Mahalli, Mahalli
- The Socio-Cultural Resilience of Islamic Boarding School: Supporting and Inhibiting Factors
- Mahmudi, Agus I.
- Sociocultural Activities: Tahfidz Al-Qur’an During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Mahpur, Masruchan
- The Use of Suggestopedia to Solve Students’ Literacy Difficulties
- Mahpur, Masruchan
- The Application of the Independent Study Club Learning Model in Learning Al-Quran to Improve the Process and Student Learning Outcomes
- Melinda, Vina
- E-learning Based on Socio-Scientific Issues and Islamic Values: Post-Millennial Students in Madrasah
- Millah, Mila F.
- AKMI: Initial Knowledge, Misconceptions, and Readiness of Madrasa Teachers
- Mubarok, Husni
- STREAM DigLIM: Learning Innovation in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy
- Mukmin, M. I.
- Investigation of Metacognition Level of Secondary School Students in Solving Islamic-based Numerical Literacy
- Mulyani, Sri
- AKMI: Initial Knowledge, Misconceptions, and Readiness of Madrasa Teachers
- Munif, Abdul
- Investigating Strategies and Problems on E-Learning Application in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy
- Muslihah, Eneng
- Adaptation and Validation of Motivation to Learn Online Questionnaire (MLOQ) and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis at Islamic University Student
- Musyaropah, Ai R.
- Teacher’s Perception: Designing Step-by-Step LOC-R (Literacy, Orientation, Collaboration, Reflection) in Sociocultural Literacy Teaching
- Mutmainah, Siti
- STREAM DigLIM: Learning Innovation in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy
- Mu’alimah, Dwi I.
- Examining Dr Ecrip-ICT Based Technique on Students’ Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Nadhirah, Ainun
- The Effect of Religiosity and Self-Efficacy to Improve Students’ Literacy: A Study on Academic Cheating
- Nasrudin, Dindin
- AKMI: Initial Knowledge, Misconceptions, and Readiness of Madrasa Teachers
- Nisa, Khairun
- E-learning Madrasah: Exploring Students and Teachers’ Interactions to Support Literacy