Proceedings of the 2nd Internasional Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia (ICCLAS 2018)

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60 articles
Proceedings Article

Word Formation of Clothing Vocabularies in Modern Standard Arabic And Egyptian

Darsita Suparno, Baikuni, Akbar Amanah Illahi Chairul
The present work is devoted to the study of Arabic clothes vocabularies, that reflect the symbolic tradition of Arab people, their culture, and also their way of life. The aims of this study were to describe: (1) new words introduced into Arabic fashion lexicons; (2) a number of word-formation processes;...
Proceedings Article

Equivalence and Untranslatability in English Translations of UUD Negara Republik Indonesia 1945

Frans Sayogie, Moh Supardi
This paper studies equivalence and untranslatability in English Translation of UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUDNRI 1945) translated by Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) and UNESCO. The aims of the study are to examine the both translations in levels of translation equivalence...
Proceedings Article

The Ketupat Eating Tradition on Lebaran Ketupat Day in Java

M. Ma'ruf Misbah
This article discusses an anthropological study of the cultural power contained in the ketupat eating tradition (ketupat is a food name) among many Javanese Muslim families on the Lebaran Ketupat day, held annually at 8 Shawwal, the tenth month in the Hijri calendar. This study aims to identify the cultural...
Proceedings Article

Ziarah Kubur Activity Phenomenon on the Last Days of Sha’ban Month in Jakarta

Abd Chair, M.Ma'ruf Misbah, Adang Asdari
This article discusses the phenomenon of the tendency among Muslims to carry out the activity of ziarah kubur (visit to the grave) in Jakarta on the last days of Sha'ban month, the 8th month in the Hijri calendar. The purpose of this research is to know the factors that motivate them in implementing...
Proceedings Article

The Comparison of Segmental Phonological Structure of Words in Arabic of Egypt and Syria

The main focus of this study is to describe the order of sound in two variation of Arabic language namely Egypt and Syria. The segmental phonological structure of words in these two languages is represented as language specific phonotactic templates especially the syllable structure in words. The aims...
Proceedings Article

Pondok Pesantren Al-Musyarrofah Cianjur: Forgotten History Reconstruction

Abd. Wahid Hasyim
Al-Musyarrofah is one of the oldest Islamic Boarding School in Cianjur, West Java. It was founded in 1833 AD by Sheikh Tb. Abdullah Umar Syarifuddin, an ulama whose lineage was from his mother's path to Abdul Muhyi Pamijahan to Sunan Giri Gresik. While from his father’s line, it came to Sheikh Manshuruddin...
Proceedings Article

Redefining The Five Laws of Library Science in the Digital Age

Moh Safii
SR Ranganathan in 1931 proposed a theory called The Five laws of library science. This theory became a foundation for the world of librarianship and influenced the library science. The emerges of technology in life made it necessary to redefine the five laws of librarianship. This research aims to describe...
Proceedings Article

Countering Women’s Stereotypes in Taufiq Al-Hakim’s Izis Playscript

Deny Gunawan Susandi
This research focuses on the main female character, Izis, in the play script of Izis (1955) by Taufiq Al-Hakim. This study used a feminist literary critique approach that focused on feminist values applied in the literary analysis process. In addition, gender theories and gender stereotypes were used...
Proceedings Article

Rusabesi Community’s English Language and Communication Patterns

Muhammad Farkhan, Kesha Lariesa, Alya Nadyasmara Kamal, Shafira Kautsar Mahdi
The research focused on how English language and communication patterns used by a community affected the way its members socialize with their peers and other people. As the research data were utterances and sentences used by Rusabesi Community members in their everyday communication, we conducted an...
Proceedings Article

Language Acculturation: A Study of Al-Ta’rib and Al-Mu’arrab in Advertisement Language in Nasr City Cairo

Zamzam Nurhuda
This study aims to show that there is language acculturation process in Nasr City Cairo advertisement. This acculturation occurs in the form of foreign language entering and adapting to Arabic language (borrowing words). In this case, English words are adapted to Arabic language (al-ta’rib) and these...
Proceedings Article

Job Rotation Program Evaluation for Librarians at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Dian Hasfera, Lailatur Rahmi
One of Imam Bonjol State Islamic University library efforts in improving the skills of librarians is by rotating job. Job rotation program is an important program that allows librarians to acquire new skills, increase staff productivity, develop new working relationships in all parts of the library and...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Organizations in North Sumatra: A Historical Analysis on Newspaper Publication in 1915-1942

Solihah Tintin Sumantri, Ahmad Qorib, Achiriah, Sorimonang, Rento Sayekti, Nursapiah Harahap, Surya Adi Sahfutra, Ahmad Muhajir
Newspapers are an important historical source in a historical writing that contains information about past events. Information about Islamic organizations in its activities in North Sumatra is found in newspapers from 1915 to 1942, considering that Islamic organizations have a long struggle in Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Spice Route and Islamization on the West Coast of Sumatra in 17th-18th Century

Sudarman, Taufiqurrahman, Ahmad Taufik Hidayat, Mohammad Hidayturrahman
In the XVII century AD, the West Coast of Sumatra was a very busy trade route visited by foreign merchants. In this region, spices were the main attraction of traders to come to trade transactions, so that the West Coast of Sumatra became a conquest of every country to hegemonize this region. In addition...
Proceedings Article

Burhȃn Al-Ma`Rifah: Theological Spiritual Effort of Shaikh Ismail Abdul Wahab against Colonialism

Arifinsyah, Husnel Anwar
Shaikh Ismail Abdul Wahab (1897-1947 AD) was a warrior executed by the Dutch in 1948 in Tanjungabalai Asahan. One of the medias of his struggle was the book of Burhȃn al-Ma`rifah. This book was written to reorganize the fatalistic theological ideology to be more dynamic. It was published as a theological...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom in Muslim Social Community in Bali Province: A Study of Tolerance

Budi Sulistiono, Akhmad Yusuf, Irvan Hidayat
Bali has a great tradition or culture in various aspects of life that make up the local wisdom of the local community. Local wisdom is the main factor of life tolerance of Balinese people. Although Bali is known as an island populated by Hindu majority, there are also Muslim communities who have inhabited...
Proceedings Article

Islam Berkemajuan and Islam Nusantara: The Face of Moderate Islam In Indonesia

Zakiya Darojat, Abd Chair
This article focusses on the jargon of two mass organizations, Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) as mainstream Muslim representatives in Indonesia, it is "Islam Berkemajuan” (Progressive Islam) and "Islam Nusantara" how the da'wah strategy and efforts of Muhammadiyah and NU as the largest Islamic...
Proceedings Article

Homonym and Change of Meaning “Al-waliy” in The Holy Quran

Tb. Ade Asnawi, Adang Asdari, Didin Syayidin
This study aims to find out the meaning of the word "al-waliy" and its derivation in the Qur'an. The method used is a qualitative-descriptive with the Literature approach and uses semantic theory. The word al-waliy and its derivation are repeated in the Koran 213 times with details: the form of the verb...
Proceedings Article

Gender, Religion, Cultural Background and Directive Speech Acts Politeness on Medical School Students

Tri Pujiati, Syihabuddin, Dadang Sudana
This study investigates the relation of gender, religion, and cultural background to the politeness of directive speech acts on the medical students in South Tangerang. This study uses mix method to get data from the field. Data are acquired by recording some dialogs from the students in discussion during...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Symbols at Indonesia’s Islamic University Libraries: A Semiotic Study

Nurul Hayati, Lolytasari
This paper discussed the meaning of Islamic symbols at the library of Islamic universities in Indonesia. The purposes of this study were to identify the Islamic symbols in the libraries, to find the meaning of the Islamic symbols, and to reveal the representation of Islamic values through those symbols....
Proceedings Article

The Language of Hoax: Explosive Growth of Fake News in the Biggest Muslim Society

M. Agus Suriadi
Social media has grown rapidly and automatically allows new types of interactions. As a result, people are polarized into those who use social media positively or negatively. Such an interesting topic attracted the author to conduct a research aiming to find out how people convey hoaxes through sentences...
Proceedings Article

Wahhabi’s Influence on ISIS Ideology in Indonesia: A Study on Aman Abdurrahman’s Theological Thoughts

This article discusses the influence of Wahhabi’s ideology on Aman Abdurrahman's theological thoughts and da’wa as an ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) leader in Indonesia. The primary data were obtained from the book 'Aqidah of the Prophets and Apostles' and 'Al-Urwah al Wutsqa' compiled by Aman...
Proceedings Article

Shekh Abdul Laṭīf Shakūr’s Manuscript Dunia Perempuan and Woman Representation on Man’s View

Yulfira Riza, Lisna Sandora
This paper aims to reveal the background of text and implied messages that Shekh Abdul Laṭīf Shakūr wanted to convey as an ulama and a man towards women who lived in a society with matrilineal kinship system in Minangkabau. This study used the theory of Genetic Structuralism Lucien Goldmann with dialectic...
Proceedings Article

The Social History of Intellectual Struggle among Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Community Post-Reformation

Parlindungan Siregar, Amrizal Siagian, Muhammad Dwi Fajri
This research was aimed at exploring the influence of intellectual communities in the development of intellectuals in a Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta. To get the historical data of the student’s involvement on intellectual activities inside and outside the campus, we collected...
Proceedings Article

Dress Practice in Islamic University: From Regulation to Consumption

Ida Rosida
This article discussed the dress practice of female university students of English Letters Department Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia. The primary objectives of this research were to explore how these female students defined the dress they wore and how they responded...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Information Sources in Thesis Writing: A Citation Analysis

Mukmin Suprayogi
This study aims to determine how the utilization of printed and electronic information sources in the preparation of student’s thesis in Library and Information Science Department (LISD) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta. This descriptive research used a citation analysis method...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Utilization of Museums for Academic Purposes among UIN Lecturers

Pungki Purnomo, Ida Farida, Fadhilatul Hamdani, Ade Abdul Hak, Lili Sudria Wenny, Fahma Rianti
The purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon of the lecturers in utilizing information resource centers, especially museum for academic needs. As the cultural heritage center, museums have a very significant role in providing comprehensive information to meet the lecturer academic needs. This...
Proceedings Article

The Mu’tazila’s Semantic Apologetic Arguments

Zamzam Affandi
One of the most important issues in Islamic studies is the interpretation of the sacred texts of Al-Quran and al-Hadiths. Many interpretation theories have been created, such as ration-based interpretation (tafsīr bi al-Ra’yi), text-based interpretation (tafsīr bi al-Ma’tsūr), and linguistic-based interpretation....
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneur ‘Mbok Mase’ in The History of Batik Industry in Laweyan Surakarta

Muhammad Fajar Shodiq, Moh Mahbub
Javanese women have a quite interesting to be studied, both in the past and the present. One of them was Mbok Mase who worked as a batik trader put women in ordinate position and controlled almost all the joints of life in the village. This phenomenon is very interesting because it was outside the tradition...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge Sharing Over Coffee: A History-Based Community in Urban Jakarta

Awalia Rahma, Ida Farida, Alfida Marifatullah
This study discusses coffee culture as a media for knowledge sharing for urban community. While “Ngopi” is identical to hanging out or just to have an easy talk with friends, it also relates to certain rituals and knowledge dissemination as well. Coffeehouses and other informal venues thus emerge as...
Proceedings Article

Information Literacy Skill of Student Achievement Award Winners in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Parhan Hidayat, Irfan Herwandi
The purpose of this research is to measure the information literacy skill of Student Achievement Award (SAA) Winners in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in 2016, and to know how they coped with obstacle they get in finding information. This is a descriptive research, using a quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Information Professionals in The Disruptive Era: Academics and Practitioners Perspectives

Fahma Rianti, Lili Sudria Wenny
The aims of this paper are to identify the academics and practitioners’ perspectives about librarian competencies and roles in the disruptive era and what the librarianship community should do. The academics and the practitioners are lecturers and librarians in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University...
Proceedings Article

Reassessing the Idea of Non-Egalitarian Islam in Indonesia: A Debate on Constitutional History

Muhammad Bahrul Ulum
This paper was aimed to reassess the idea of non-egalitarian Islam in Indonesia in the lens of a constitutional history and the extent to which it has been contested and negotiated to the face of Indonesia’s current political landscape. This study was a doctrinal research by collecting relevant articles...
Proceedings Article

Islam and Local Culture at the Crossroad in Faisal Oddang’s Tiba Sebelum Berangkat

Akhmad Zakky, Padel Muhamad Rallie Rivaldy
The aim of this research is to see the religious and cultural context, or more precisely Islam and local faith within Buginese society, of Faisal Oddang’s Tiba Sebelum Berangkat through literary frames. Regarding the period of DI/TII (Islamic State/Indonesian Islamic Army) rebellion and the present,...
Proceedings Article

Social Inclusion for Older People Through Library Services

Social inclusion becomes a global issue as people’s awareness of equality increases. The growth of international interest to inclusion is a result of globalization, liberalization, and democratization. United Nation promotes the issue on inclusion through the agenda of 2030 Sustainable Development Goal...
Proceedings Article

The Quranic Logic Method in Deradicalization Education

Mauidlotun Nisa'
This paper discussed about the terrorists’ ideology that affected their family. Therefore, it is important to do a logical education based on the Qur’an that has taught people to think logically and critically in responding to the problems among the humanities. The study used a qualitative method with...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Jewish Cultural Identity in The Ten Commandments Movie

The research aimed to find out how Jews reconstructed their identity as a nation, religion, or as a part of American society through media and biblical movies. ‘The Ten Commandments’ is one of the significant films to present Jews and Christianity in the framework of religious popular movies. From time...
Proceedings Article

Al-Ta’rib: Pro and Con of Foreign Words Arabization

Muhammad Rusydi Khalid
The Arabic language, like other living languages, is not able to maintain all its vocabularies, meanings, and semantics the same way as the origin language in its ancient land, the land of Hijaz. The Arabic language might accept foreign terms, or create new terms or neologisms in accordance with the...
Proceedings Article

Egypt in The Perspective of Najib Mahfoudz

M. Anwar Mas'adi, M Faisol, Umi Zakiyah
The article aimed to find out Najib Mahfouz perspective on Egypt in his novel Bidayah wa Nihayah. This study uses sociological approach to literature with Lucian Goldman's genetic structuralism theory as theoretical framework and dialectic method as its analysis. After dissecting the structure of relationships...
Proceedings Article

Al-Robithoh Al-Islamiyah Al-Muthi‘ah: Its Endeavors for Salafi in 2005-2010

The prominent objective of this study is to answer the question of how Pesantren Al-Robithoh al-Islamiyah al-Muthi‘ah transformed its religious orientation, from traditionalist to Salafi, led by its young generation, the alumnae of Lembaga Ilmu Pengethuan dan Arab (LPIA) or Islamic and Arabic College...
Proceedings Article

Islam and Global Culture Hegemony

Globalization imposes a universal culture which it implies a general view that the presence of a culture is inseparable from the human aspect and the general acceptance of values, beliefs, orientation and institutions by people throughout the world. What is called universal culture, is none other than...
Proceedings Article

The Inheritance of Pesantren Tradition in Information Literacy: a Case Study in Darul Muttaqin

Lilik Istiqoriyah
Information literacy is one of life skills that individuals should possess besides other literacies, such as media literacy and digital literacy. Information literacy is the adoption of appropriate information behavior to identify, through whatever channel, information well fitted to information needs,...
Proceedings Article

Gender Representation of Ulema in Jakarta Province Post New Order

Tati Hartimah
The research aimed at not only acquiring comprehensive data on the profiles of female ulema in Jakarta province but also obtaining data on response of female ulema towards the issue of gender representation as one of the contemporary issues in Indonesia. This was done because there were few studies that...
Proceedings Article

Academic Librarian as A Scientists’ Partner: an Author’s Best Practice

Nazaruddin Musa
It is acknowledged that every phase of the industrialization has influenced human life. In the field of information, for example, the presence of the internet and mobile technology has enabled people to access information from around the globe independently. I feel compelled to conduct a study on my...
Proceedings Article

The Strategies of Islamic Popular Novels in the Arena of Cultural Struggle in Contemporary Indonesia

Rosmah Tami
This study investigated the strategy of Islamic popular novels written by Forum Lingkar Pena (FLP) community within the arena of cultural struggle. Using the sociology of literature perspective, it found that the format of Islamic popular novels put Muslim in a portended condition due to the decline...
Proceedings Article

The Dialogue between Qadian Ahmadiyya and Persatuan Islam in 1933

Irsyad Mohammad, Didik Pradjoko
This article discusses the debate between the Qadian Ahmadiyya and Persatuan Islam (Persis), one of the modernist Islamic organizations that started since 1923, based in Bandung. The teaching of Qadian Ahmadiyya was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) in Qadian, India. The teaching entered the...
Proceedings Article

Socio-Cultural Documentation to Preserving Indigenous Knowledge Through Community Service Program

Titi Susanti, Arif Rahman Bramantya, Tsabit Alayk Ridhollah
This paper discusses socio-cultural documentation based on local community as an effort to preserving indigenous knowledge through community service program. Documentation process is one of scientific method in the dissemination of information. Documentation work is not only limited in traditional form...
Proceedings Article

Internet Memes and Indonesian Online Anti-Terrorism Movement

Maria Ulfa
Online media have also contributed to the movement of anti-terrorism in Indonesia like the one done by internet memes. After the terrorist attack in M.H. Thamrin street, Central Jakarta, Indonesia, on 14 January 2016, a number of internet memes went viral in social media and the internet in responding...
Proceedings Article

The Approaches of English-Indonesian Translation in Huesca and Song IV Poems

Danti Pudjiati, Nu'umah A. Ashri
Chairil Anwar is the greatest poet in Indonesia who translated two English poems into its language. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the approaches of translation taken by him and to find out how these approaches deal with the translation result. The data were two poems, Huesca...
Proceedings Article

Religious Values in Sabyan’s Two Islamic Song Lyric

Molalita, Lestari Rejeki, Ida Rosida
Gambus music is a compliment song addressed to the prophet Muhammad PBUH (Peace be upon him). Currently this kind of song was viral that everyone could enjoy as it contained a peaceful message and love to the Prophet. This research examined the religious values of Sabyan Gambus’ song lyrics Ya Maulana...
Proceedings Article

Nationalism in Anis Couchane’s Poem “Fii Baladi”

Nurchalis Sofyan
This paper aims to raise the right to describe the substantive meaning of nationalism. Nnationalism grows on a person when there is a willingness to build and advance his country, and this can be done in various ways. Tunisian poet Anis Chouchane told his thoughts about nationalism through his poetry....
Proceedings Article

Dialogue Journal Writing in Building Students’ Awareness on Local Wisdom and English Writing Skill

Developing English communicative competence while integrating ideal characters as good Indonesians can be applied to English language teaching. The students can use English in foreign ways to communicate leading them without disregarding their local norms, values, and cultures. One of way is applying...
Proceedings Article

The Value Shift of Pesantren’s Islamic Studies Tradition

This study was aimed at investigating the value shift of Islamic studies tradition which is established in Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School, Central Java Indonesia. The interaction of pesantren with modern and globalized environment has a huge impact on the traditional value shift which is being...
Proceedings Article

Negotiating Cultural Translation in The Gift of Magi

Moh Supardi, Frans Sayogie
Translating a text, literary or non-literary text, is always concerned with culture, writer’s and readers’ culture. Consequently, the translation process is inevitably involved in adjustments, changes, agreements, and cultural activities that can influence a translator’s decision. On the one hand, a...
Proceedings Article

Islam and Capitalism: American Comparative Literature Study Toward Achdiat Karta Mihardja’s Atheis Novel

Sukron Kamil
This article aimed to find out the relation between Islam and capitalism, and Islam with science and technology based on American comparative literature studies on Achdiat Karta Mihardja's Atheist novel. The study was a qualitative that relied on verbal data in the form of ideas, opinions, and perceptions...
Proceedings Article

Islamic References on Anti-Radicalism in Indonesia: Information Repackaging for Education System

Nur Yudi
This research is explorative conducted with a combination approach, quantitative- qualitative, attempting to uncover the extent of the availability of Islamic anti-radicalism references in Indonesia, how those references are actively cited and utilized, and how such literatures are then projected in...
Proceedings Article

The Portrait of Reading Habit and Interest of Tangerang City’s Community

Ulpah Andayani, Siti Maryam
Reading is an important activity in improving people's life quality, and therefore it needs to grow and breed into a habit. This descriptive study investigated reading habit and interest of Tangerang City community which spread throughout 13 subdistricts. To collect the data, the study utilized a questionnaire...
Proceedings Article

Portrait of Pegaten Society in the Novel “Kubah” Based on Marxist Literary Criticism Theory

Abdul Basid, M. Faisol, Zahrah Nida' Rosyida Assulthoni, Muassomah
This study aims to analyze the causality of class’ classification that occurred on the society of Pegaten in the Ahmad Tohari’s novel Kubah based on Marxist literary criticism theory. This study is a kind of a discourse analysis that made use of the novel as the main corpus. The exposure analysis includes...
Proceedings Article

Religion and Social Conflicts in Indonesia: An Effort to Build Theological Awareness

Indonesia with all its diversity is actually a rich country, both natural and human resources. The diversity of religion, ethnicity, culture and language is the most important asset of Indonesian to be a country that has political, social and economic strength. Nevertheless, this kind of diversity is...
Proceedings Article

Speech Variatons in Arabic Language Communication in Modern Pesantren

Ummi Kulsum
Modern pesantren (Islamic boarding school) that obliges the santri (students) to communicate in Arabic language causes bilingual society, even multilingual if the boarding school also requires English as a means of communication. In bilingual or multilingual communities there will be many variations...
Proceedings Article

Islam and Gender In The Perspective of Nurcholish Madjid

In religious teachings, a subordination to women always existed due to the misinterpretation of religious texts that resulted in the deviation of religious practices among religion adherents. The religious texts that are gender biased can lead to discrimination against women and the position of women...